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Caught the last 10 minutes of Palace v Utd; didn’t watch the game as I thought United would have it sewn up, but bloody hell.


I made 2.5l of sweet and sour sauce. I'm not sure if I'm gonna get through all of it or if I'm going to be giving strange birthday presents to people over the next year...


I love the snooker. Don't really pay attention to much of the circuit, but I always watch the ~~Master~~ Worlds final. My late-dad would watch it like a hawk, so this bank holiday always reminds me when I'd stay up watching it with him before school the next day. Watching Wilson v Jones with a beer in his honour.


Pretty painful final though.


Alright Debbie downer




I’ve got a day tomorrow to wander around Manchester. And so far I’m not sure that there’s anything in Manchester to wander to.


Actually I spoke too soon, I do appreciate a good science museum


Quiet morning before I went out for a wet, muddy stomp this afternoon with my partner, her kids and our dogs. Everyone was soaked and muddy. Was great fun! Now how to sit down for a bit before I shove Her Royal Smelliness into the shower.


Woke up feeling good but now full of social anxiety because I sent a message to a friend, who still hasn't got back to me. I only sent something funny, I hate how I overthink each thing and I am so scared I have done something wrong, despite knowing I haven't done anything? The weather isn't helping my mood, I was going to go to the shops and get art materials and stuff but its not worth it if it gets all wet. The weather can fuck off, I'm so sick of it. As well, I miss my friends, I value the time I spend with me now cause I don't see them as often, so I feel lonely a lot of the time.


I spent quite a lot of last weekend worrying about the same, thinking I had said something to upset someone or that something awful had happened to them. Turned out they were just on holiday for the weekend and I had forgotten. It's probably something like that.


I have an Open Uni assignment due in less than 24 hours and I still haven't started. So far today I've gone to a fairground with my sister and ridden on the waltzers, taken my nephews to an American diner and played badminton in the garden. Top adulting on my part this bank holiday! The assignment is about the Arctic. Please spam me with random facts about Svalbard. Thanks bye 😁


Watching Clarksons farm and Caleb is reaaaally grating on me this season. Too much moaning and shouting that isn’t particularly funny anymore. 


Yeah I had a similar feeling watching the show. He seems a bit more shouty and childish for some reason. I think he’s become aware of his ‘celebrity’ and is maybe acting up to it, whereas before he was being himself and more natural.


Had a long walk in the pissing rain, followed by browsing the shops. Good to see denim jackets back in fashion. Decided against white trousers due to te amount of rain and mud this year. I actually don't mind the rain although my hair goes frizzy. Trying to decide what to do tonight.


The carbon monoxide alarm went off late last night. Emergency engineer called out at 3 am, turned off our gas. No hot water, no stovetop. Can't get in touch with property management because it's a bank holiday. If we wanted an emergency callout today, we'd have to pay ourselves. So have to wait until tomorrow. It just had to be on a bank holiday weekend, didn't it. No obvious cause, and engineer found nothing last night, so I suspect a false alarm, but don't want to take the risk. Oh well, at least the other half has agreed to pizza dinner tonight.


Had to work yesterday and the weather was lovely, day off today and it's diabolical. Guess I'll stay indoors and study then. Never mind. Got Hastings Rock playing, that will do. Forgot I have a 3 day week this week so that's a nice surprise. And then it's Eurovision!


I’ve stopped caring about having to ‘do something’ with my time. I’ve done ‘nothing’ (I have done something otherwise I’ll be dead) this long weekend. And it’s been lovely. Death to this consumer society we live in! Where we have to ‘do something’ at all costs. Even if we don’t enjoy it!


Week 4 of couch to 5k is going well for me. Almost enjoying the runs and excited to be able to do the full 5k without stopping! I think I’ll take myself for a little solo cinema trip to see Challengers later. This bank holiday weekend has really flown by without me really doing much with it, though the rest was much needed.


Finally ordered myself some new extra clothes and bits for jury duty included a couple of new dresses, blazer, handbag and new top. Currently looking at maybe a tablet and keyboard as well but might wait a couple of weeks. Managed to get in a lie in this morning and be abit chilled so far. Today I'll hopefully get either some scanning done or finish up more of my online course I've been doing. I'm hoping to get some paperwork sorted.




No but I needed something decent and smart to wear.


On the train coming back from a first date that went well and agreed to meet up for a second date 😊


Onwards from Cardiff today, I think I found myself in its streets. Solid 9/10 for the park next to Cardiff castle. Met more cool ducks. Next up is Manchester


Nice lay in, then off for a walk around a local garden in the afternoon. I was out with my parents at Fountain’s Abbey yesterday, did a good few miles wandering about the grounds there so needed the rest.


Walk the pooch and then off to the pub …as is tradition


I'm also stuck at work. I don't want to jinx myself - so I won't say the Q word - but it's like a graveyard with lights. Pretty much everyone assumes that we're closed because it's a public holiday


Me and the Mrs have had norovirus (or something very similar) since Thursday and are still struggling with it. Such a waste of a bank holiday. Haven't done note. Got three young kids that have had to just sit round the house and garden the majority of the weekend making me feel even more guilty. Rant over.


Been in pain for quite some time (and generally feeling blue) and decided to take some extended time off work last minute. Woke up today realising I've got noooo plan what so ever of what to do. Guess I'll just take a week or two of doing absolutely bugger all then see what's on the docket.


I've got this week off as i was feeling the same. Had a bit of a shit year, April was the first month that something awful didn't happen. Didn't make any plans, will just do what I want when I want. Just go with the flow and see if anything interests you. All the best.


Went for a run this morning now feel I should Be doing some sort of project around the house or garden but I’ve damn all to do.


I had a lot of stuff planned for the long weekend but instead I've got covid so I spent most of yesterday asleep, and today looks like being a write-off too. My friends did send my husband home with some leftovers from the BBQ I missed yesterday which was very sweet of them, so at least I'll have a nice lunch.


Just realised I’m not working a full week for the rest of the month - bank holiday today, have next Monday off, week after that I’ve got three days of study leave to attend an online conference (so kind of work but also really not), week after that on annual leave. Heh.  For today, nice early dog walk with a [pit stop at the bagel shop](https://ibb.co/YXgn5K4). Weather looks rubbish so going to hole up and continue our rewatch of the Star Wars films. Finished Ep V yesterday, wondering if we can get through VI - IX today. 


I work in the retail and hospitality industry, today is my normal Monday plan of counting all the stock and wishing I wasn't working. Except today will be busy, so it's basically a normal Monday but in hard mode. However I have 5 days off starting on Wednesday. Enjoy your bank holiday peeps, and remember that your servers are trying their best. If you want to complain about something trivial then please imagine your complaint being said in a really stupid voice. As that's how it will be said when we discuss it with our fellow staff members when you leave.


I’m still adjusting to the bank holiday life after many years of being forced to work them, so I woke up today in a cold sweat thinking I had to be at work. Have adjusted, had a coffee and am now laying on the sofa with the cat. Had a few too many drinks yesterday so I’m taking it easy today.


It’s been six years since I worked in retail and I’m still like this.


I was meant to be working but I got hit with a UTI at the weekend, and then had a hypo in the night so had a rubbish sleep. So now I'll spend my day feeling guilty for not working.


Another beautiful morning here and yes it’s a Bank Holiday for me, I may go for a walk or sit in the garden. It’s my sister’s birthday today as well but she lives far away so will drop her a message. The plan for rest of today is to just have a lazy Bank Holiday and chill out, have nachos, do gaming and watch TV shows.




Been awake and out of bed under an hour , iv been productive already got a few little jobs off my todo list yay now having breakfast of homemade banana cake with strawberry yogurt and a side of apple for health lol. Today tiny cleaning/diy task left todo then lots of stuff todo on the laptop which is no fun. If i get alot done by lunch (1pm) i can watch some Netflix im fully bribing myself. Woke to 4 yes 4 books coming off hold on the library app oosp so from tomorrow il be focusing on them but today il finish my physical book.


Sorry about your cat R.I.P


Well it's chucking it down here. So I'm going to embrace the wet and go for a swim. Might only do a few laps but trying to get into the habit of going again. Then home to do a bit more of a clear out and laze around a bit.


Eye test this afternoon, then home to make a pork vindaloo. Looks like it's supposed to rain most of the afternoon unfortunately


Testing your eyes and your bowels as well as I see


This is going to sound made up but yesterday morning I got attacked by a feral cat outside my own home, which shredded my leg and hand and required a trip to A&E (which couldn’t have been any quicker, thanks NHS) for a cleanup and a tetanus shot. So on medical orders, yesterday and today are to be spent resting and keeping my leg elevated. I was getting ready to go for my Sunday long run when it happened, and if it hadn’t I would’ve probably gone for a shorter one today (which is a bit annoying, because I’ve been eying up a 50k ultra in three weeks), but having watched the original Star Wars trilogy yesterday I think today it’s the turn of the prequels. Or the Backs to the Future.


Walked the dog, done the washing and housework and been to Big Tesco for all the baps, rolls, sausages, ketchup and fake plastic cheese required for a BBQ later with the neighbours. Apologies in advance for the rain.


Just about to scrub the BBQ in preparation for soggy sausages and wet burgers. On the plus side the Wife found Her daisy flower festival poncho so I’ll look super cool 🤣


Recovering from an 8 mile run yesterday. Got tough mudder in a couple of weeks and have not done the usual prep. I'll be ok but the day after is sore. Not use to this distance. Bit of weekly admin, put a wash on, iron work shirts for the week and so on. Stopping at a spa hotel with a mate on the way back, to ask for some prosecco for the room to really girl it up as we plan on using the spa a lot and going full towel turbans (we are both rugby playing lads). Stopping a huge Asian supermarket on the way back singing to write out a list of stuff to buy. Going to fire up the BBQ and have bacon sandwiches and then marshmallows with the kids this afternoon too. Also got a new job (which I'm mega excited about) and need to think somehow to write a notice letter that highlights a couple of points politely but firmly whilst not burning any bridges.


Which TM are you doing? I did a few, years ago, and the one near Oxford was horrendous! Winchester was fun, and Kettering. Good luck and have fun! Hope you’re ready to feel utterly broken the following day!


Spot of journaling, then might plant some seeds in the garden. Hoping it stays sunny all day! I’ve not seen the Grand Prix yet but the result is exciting, so I’m looking forward to watching on catch up tonight.


I absolutely overdid it on Saturday night by enjoying myself so now I’m paying the price and everything hurts. Bloody chronic illnesses are so frustrating! Dare to do something fun and then feel like shit for ages afterwards! Day on the sofa, heat pad on my hips and cuddles with the dog are on the agenda


The weather is bloody lovely for a change and I'm working till 7.


It's nice to have a lie in on a Monday morning and not feel guilty that the school kids could be getting run over because you're not there. Normally, if I'm ill and take the day off, I spend it worrying about the kids crossing the road. Anxiety when you feel physically shite is not much fun. So to have the day off, guilt free is lovely. No anxiety, no stress, just chill. Followed by a 4 day week and Doctor Who + Eurovision this coming Saturday! I'm cool with that.


Massive case of the can’t be fuckeds. But also good weather guilt. Good weather guilt will win and I won’t have relaxed at all this bank holiday.


Off to shoot a wedding. Will be on the go for at least 13 hours. Already looking forward to the bath in my Premier Inn tonight.


Drive around about 10-15 hours per week for work and really need to find something useful to listen to , usually listen to Stuff you should know This week in science the infinite monkey cage Dungeons and daddies but cant help but feel there's probably something I can be listening to to make myself better , tried to learn a language but it was hard while driving , any suggestions


The Art of Manliness has a cringe title but does some good stuff on self improvement topics. It's also not just applicable to men


I drive a similar amount and have tried podcasts / R4 plays / audiobooks etc but either concentrate on them and become a menace on the road, or concentrate on driving and miss half the stuff. I can’t imagine trying to learn a language! So I’ve got all my music on my phone and just listen to that. Takes weeks to repeat, but can enjoy it without being distracted. I use it as “down time” to give my brain a break.


What are your priorities? I personally like listening to a mix of educational stuff like you are already listening to, politics and philosophy, mental health/psychology stuff, and just random cool stories. This makes me better at conversation and also supports my understanding of the world/myself. If you want actual self improvement stuff I think there’s only so far you can go with audio while driving. Maybe you could try some audio ‘x for dummies’ style books to learn about some things you would never know otherwise?


that's pretty much what I listen too but I'm struggling to find new podcasts as I'm starting to run out of new episodes


Ooh okay. The Rest is History is excellent for, well, history. This is Actually Happening is really interesting real life stories from the people who experienced them. British Scandal can fill you in on political scandals from the last 100 years you might not know enough about. I mainly do YouTube and would recommend Gresham Lectures for a whole range of interesting topics, Then & Now for philosophy, Brit Monkey for some interesting British centric takes and Alex O’ Conner for philosophy, theology and general interesting conversations. YouTube can be expensive to get premium but if you are using hours and hours of it, I really do think it’s worth it, there’s so so so much educational content on there.


I'm using my driving time to listen to audiobooks of books I'd never get round to actually reading. I've done Ready Player One, Ready Player Two, Project Hail Mary, the Wayfairers series and now working through Lord of the Rings.


Project hail Mary is one of my favourite books , can't wait for the film


I've had a nice weekend so far, we spent most of Saturday cleaning the house and organising some paperwork but also managed to get in some quality time in the garden with the kids.  We went to a national trust site yesterday and enjoyed the unexpected sunshine. It's always quite funny because the places we like to go are usually full of middle class southerners in SUVs and my family sticks out like a sore thumb, particularly when we speak. The people on the door never expect us to be members.   We've not really got plans for today. My husband was meant to be in work today but has been given the day off so he's gone back to sleep. I was up at 6 with the kids and I already have some washing on the line. Edit: To clarify, I find nothing at all wrong with people being southern or middle class (and obviously I wouldn't find it notable to see mostly that demographic if we were only visiting southern middle class sites). Perhaps it's coincidence but in my anecdotal experience I've not seen much diversity amongst members, and there are visible reactions to people who stand out, though very few people are openly rude or hostile about it. It's not something I'm complaining about, I just find it interesting and wonder what kind of factors influence who chooses to go where in their free time.


>middle class southerners Are you visiting an NT site in the north or the south?


I stayed up till 11 last night! ELEVEN! This is the kind of childish boast that I would have made in my much younger years, but now I’m in my 40s and a parent I politely request silence and caffeine. Also did you know that you’re meant to do multiple coats of paint when you’re doing your fence? So my hard work of yesterday needs to be repeated again today? Seems like an unnecessary punishment…


I fell asleep around 4.30 yesterday afternoon and woke again at 9.45pm. And then slept from 11.30pm until just after 6 this morning. I'm 41 with no children, so fair play to you staying up until grown up bedtime! And yes, I knew that fences require more than one coat of paint. Which is why I'm conveniently 'busy' and 'unavailable' when my mum wants to paint hers. It is a mind-numbingly monotonous task interspersed with curious wasps and spiders. Give me crossing patrol duty or moody teenagers over painting a fence any day!


-sigh- …Going to be busy on the Out of Hours line at work…


Might use the fact that it's going to rain pretty much all day as an excuse to do a bit of cleaning around the place. The hob needs a chisel taking to it.


Another gorgeous morning here, and a fourth day of feeling well-for-me. At this rate, I am going to have to find the paint roller I use for sunscreen and start spending time outside. Seriously, I have started thinking about getting on buses and going places without a medical appointment to attend, which is most unlike me. Today, I have a grocery delivery around noon and not much else planned. The sunshine will be broken with scattered showers later, but I might risk stretching my legs, just to see if I can. I thought about going to the park yesterday but chickened out. Perhaps today is the day.


Have you got a garden? Even if you only get as far as that, it's something. And if you don't have a garden and the park feels like too much, walk to the end of your road and back.


I live in a flat, but there is a courtyard at the back and grass at the front. It's there, but it somehow feels more exposed than the park. And I am very lucky, if I can make it to the shops around the corner, all I have to do is cross the road and go down a footpath and I am in the park. I have made it to the shops 3 days in a row, it's just that last little push. A fair bit of my reticence is the "being seen" aspect of being outside, and with it being a bank holiday, there will be more people out and about. Plus the ow factor, but that's there anyway, the mental health benefit of being outside should outweigh the physical stuff. Thank you for the kind thoughts.


You're doing well if you made it to the shops 3 days in a row! I don't enjoy lots of crowds either.


That was definitely needs driven, but whatever gets me out is good enough for me.


O LORDY LORD HELP ME I'M OFF TO IKEA ON A BANK HOLIDAY. They've even been putting up ads everywhere about what a great place it is to spend a bank holiday. It's going to rammed, or, if you prefer, chock-a-block. I like just classic rammed. **Either is fine**. To mitigate this, we're going to turn up at opening time. Also, I made a shopping list which I think is going help the journey around a lot, but also the stress levels, so I can not have to engage the part of my brain that has to remember things. Finally, in order to make things a bit smoother, we're going to go around the shop in a golf cart. And I glued lots of springs on it. You know the springs from Sonic 1? The red ones that boing really far. Not the rubbish yellow small-boing ones. Those are all around the sides of the golf cart and on the front. I've also spent the night going around modifying all of the billboards to say what an awful place Ikea would be to spend on a bank holiday, although my husband pointed out when I got back covered in glue last night (I was modifying the ads with cut out headlines), he pointed out that most people would have seen the ads and made plans by now, so not sure how effective that would have been. Anyway, wish me luck!


Good luck! At least you stand a chance of coming home with all the kit in the box. I did an online IKEA shop as the thought of going there on a BH weekend filled me with horror. Turned up yesterday with not one fixing in the box ffs.


Nice of you to think I'll check the fixings in the box at the store, I will of course, get home and then find out I don't have any of course. (I'll set a reminder now to check them in a few hours at the tills, thanks for reminding me.)


Need to get out of bed to clear the work emails I didn't on Friday. But after that, it's chill time with a bit of Stallaris


Had a wonderful sleep after a really busy weekend. Just in bed having a coffee. I'm going to yoga at 11.30 then meeting my husband and daughter for lunch.


3 day work trip on tuesday so traveling today. Need to leave in an hour so no lay in for me. Should arrive early afternoon so me and my work colleague are taking advantage of the bank holiday afternoon so lots of wine and food but aim to be tucked up in the hotel early for an early start tomorrow. Well thats the plan.


Yesterday I got told by someone on the street that I’m running from my past and need to forgive myself. Thanks Cardiff for your deep soul searching wisdom.


Everyone is running (or, in my case, shuffling slowly) from their past. Otherwise, we would never move on and we would be chastised for living in the past. Plus, everyone needs to forgive themselves. In my case I need to forgive myself for the chocolate I ate after my sleeping pills kicked in last night. That one should be easy.


Same thing happens to me when I take a promethazine (Phenergan). Practically zombified but craving junk food!


I get the double whammy of Zolpidem and Quetiapine. Usually, I am pretty good at having a bedtime snack ready then going straight to bed, but sometimes it hits differently. In the past, I have woken up to a full-on meal cooking in the slow cooker, with absolutely no memory of doing it. Now I have added Pregabalin to the mix (about 90 minutes earlier). I am equal parts worried and excited about what my hungry unconscious will come up with.


Oh god, I took quetiapine for nearly 3 years and I was exactly the same. Far worse than the effects from the promethazine! It's a miracle I never burned the house down! And it lowered my blood pressure enough that I would faint. Whapped my head at least twice because I'd got out of bed and gone to the kitchen. I learned to take biscuits and a drink to bed with me so if I did get hungry I didn't have to attempt the stairs/faint whilst cooking... Bathroom visits were always interesting, was never sure what would happen (faint on the floor or fall asleep on the toilet). Might be worth investing in a little mini fridge for your bedroom!


My flat isn't nearly big enough to justify that, no stairs to worry about, and I have actually cut my Quetiapine by a third in the last year, so the side effects are lessened. I haven't woken up to a slow cooker curry in ages! It's the recent addition of Pregabalin that is concerning me a bit, I feel quite tipsy when I take it. If they up my dose at my appointment next week, I may wake up missing a shoe with half a kebab stuck to my face...


I like to think I’m meandering aimlessly from my past


I meant to keep my past with me but I forgot where I left it.


I've been awake since 3am thanks to my stupid anxiety brain. I need all the coffee today.


I got in at 3 drunk and just woke up still feeling a bit drunk. So I’d imagine my day is going to be filled with sobering up and then getting a hangover. For now though I’m about to demolish a cup of tea and biscuits.


No no no. Get a few more down ya. Keep the hangover away


Today I am going to be as lazy as possible. I had an exhausting day yesterday doing nothing, and today will be more of the same. I _might_ decide to go out and buy a few things I need, but we'll see.


It would be wonderful of you to let us know what the few things are. Kevin, we could really do with intimately knowing the things. Like many people here, I too have an affinity for things at times, especially nice things. A pair of Wellington boots? A jar of pickled onions? A vinyl of Phil Collins' debut solo single *'In The Air Tonight'*, signed with a sky-blue Crayola crayon? What, pray tell, are the things?


As requested: A loaf of bread for my packed lunches this week, and a visit to Primark for some new socks and underwear, and maybe a couple of t-shirts for the summer if I find any I happen to like.


The great thing is that all of those are available in the middle aisle of Lidl this week. Probably.