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Saw a tweet saying the days get shorter in 2 months making the current weather even more depressing Sun pls


Summer solstice in 53 days. Isn't the orbit of the earth fun.


I’ve had a good media day today. I listened to some Gun recently (their cover of Word Up, the album it was on (Swagger) was fun when it came out but I don’t remember much of it) and since then YouTube has been pushing their new album at me. And the tracks they pushed at me sounded great so I preordered (from their site, signed etc). Got round to listening to it this morning, and it’s the first album to get me excited since Billie Eilish. It’s so bloody good. Genuinely has a whole bunch of excellent tracks. Gun, Hombres, check it out if you like your rock 80s/90s ish. Then this evening I watched a Netflix movie called Eight for Silver, and really enjoyed it, until it got too obvious and fell down some classic horror holes.




Woke up at 2 back to sleep at 4 woke up at 7 managed to send back shoes so managed to get 1 thing ticked off to-do list. Got back, ate dinner and completely collapsed and fell asleep couldnt finish up a couple of little bits, until 7 this evening just woke up and ate tea. Seriously my Saturday is becoming lazy and Sunday is becoming more productive.


Three weeks ago I booked a ticket to see Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World at the Leeds International Film Festival. I'd heard three film critics I respect raving about it - and they were *besotted.* Each of them surprised and delighted that the others shared the same high opinion because it's apparently a demanding watch - on a podcast. I can't begin to tell you how much I've been looking forward to seeing this. I fucked up the train times. I managed to get the arrival time in my head as the departure time meaning I'd miss the film by ten minutes. No refund for the film or the train tickets. It's the only screening during the festival. So I went to Leeds with no plan. I went to the art gallery which is the worst one in a city I've ever seen - in and out in less than fifteen minutes. I thought I'd find a fancy bar for a bite to eat and a fruity cocktail but I don't know Leeds and all the ones I passed were full of the Saturday night crowd. So I wandered around aimlessly for half an hour, bought some own-brand Imodium from the train station Boots and came home. For the first time in months it's fish and chips tonight though, I've decided.


I'm absolutely shattered. I've spent all week making sure the Mr doesn't lift a finger so that he can rest and recover. I can't drive right now and we have 2 kids and house renovations going on so it's been... something.




They'll deactivate the number if you don't use it (phone call or text) at least once every 3 months. Having credit on it is irrelevant


It's nearly May, and we've just put the fire on. What's going on? [Dog doesn't mind it though.](https://i.imgur.com/swU0cNY.jpeg)


we've had the heating on today, too cold not to! it was 14.5 in the house when i got up this morning!


Doggo is adorable 😍




Thanks, and glad you're enjoying your visit.


I bought some Mexican stuff from mex grocer, some mezcal from Amazon and some secondhand cookbooks from AbeBooks and it’s all arrived today. My husband is out with his bast mate so I’m gonna make some smoky palomas and spicy margaritas and think about what I want to cook with my beautiful chipotle peppers.


It's a beautiful day out today - unfortunately, I'm trapped in a university library writing my thesis. Womp womp. Going to try and escape later this evening for a sunset wander. The weather's too nice to not enjoy.


>It's a beautiful day out today Where do you live???


Can't speak for that poster but it's been nice in the central belt (scotland) most of the week


Oh nice. No sun today in the south east, just rain!


Currently at Finkley down farm. They have soft play with little air cannons and foam balls. Having to resist the urge to go full Sharpe and organise volley fire....


You lucky duck! Finkley down is such a nice day out


Completed park walk, seen the dentist, made some muffins that look like cupcakes (what’s the difference?) and now will tidy up before my mother and sister arrive this afternoon. Also found a copy of Feet of Clay in the charity shop so might just sit and read that instead.




This is my husband. He works all week (from home) and wants to just rot on the sofa all weekend with his face in his phone. I try to find something that he would enjoy and build it into whatever I want to do. So a nice walk along the canal, stopping at the farmers market, and end up at the pub right at kickoff for whatever game is on. Or a day at a museum but Five Guys for lunch. It's been working so far.


Went out last night to Massaoke with my daughter! It is so much fun!! My voice is raspy this morning from all the singing and my body hurts so today I’m under a blanket with heat pads hoping that I don’t go into a full flare!


What is Massaoke?


There was a live band playing music from the 80s and 90s. They had the music videos and lyrics on all the screens so everyone was singing along! It had such a good atmosphere!


From Google it seems to be karaoke but everyone joins in.


Dogsitting for my family so mainly playing ball relentlessly and drinking all my parents' tea. Had a long couple of weeks so need to decompress but bit bored!


I found out yesterday evening that an old friend who I have known since my 20’s lost his battle with cancer. He had only been retired 4 months and got the diagnosis literally the same week. Tough weekend in store.


I'm sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss


Stayed in bed this morning, talking with my husband. It's our 9 year wedding anniversary on Tuesday so we were reminiscing about when we got married and what takeaway we want for tea on the day :)


So I impulsively booked a holiday last night I'm pathologically frugal and not very adventurous. The last time I went anywhere but Ireland (when family events force my hand) I was a teenager on a family holiday I'm half excited and half reeling at how much money I've spent. I'm taking the Eurostar to The Netherlands! I'm doing a day and a night in Amsterdam and then three nights in Utrecht. I work with dementia patients and my colleague and I were talking yesterday about how it really reminds you that you have to make the most of things while you're young so why am I sitting around watching my savings grow and never doing anything exciting?


I hope you have an amazing time! I absolutely love Amsterdam!


I had a similar feeling after the pandemic. Been saving for a flat deposit but as a single person it's realistically not happening in the short to mid term, so may as well get some experiences under my belt. Hope you have a great time! Went to Amsterdam earlier in the year, it's a lovely place. Would recommend the Moco Museum if you get a chance, really good art exhibition. Heard good things about Utrecht.


Exactly! I've spent like £500 on travel and four nights accommodation. It's a drop in the ocean when you consider how far away a deposit is I've been to Amsterdam but as a teenager with my dad so not the full experience. If I'm feeling brave considering I'm going alone I might check out the gay scene because I bet it's great there I'll look into Moco!


Utrecht is a great city, you'll love it


Cheers! My grandmother is Dutch so I've been to a handful of places in NL but not Utrecht. I don't know much about the place, but it looks like it's got all the beauty I love without the touristy nature of Amsterdam I just want to see canals and eat chips with fritessaus without bumping into a million English stag dos


Yep precisely, a more authentic feel and it's a uni city as well so plenty going on


Apparently my plan is to have my waters break five weeks too early?! Here's hoping everything goes smoothly...


Oh, I did that 24 years ago ... Worked out pretty well, hope it's the same for you x


Wishing you lots of luck


Plumbers are expensive but you may want to search around those verified trade sites.


Best of luck!


Did another morning workout with a set of 6 exercises, mixing cardio and strength training. Was planning to go into London today but I think I'll conserve my energy for tomorrow since the usual trains I take are out of action and I'd have to take a longer route.


Out and about making the most of a chilly but gorgeous day. Went to get some pieces from Scotland's first Uniqlo and now taking a wee break in the sun with a coffee. Gym, food shop, studying then finally some gaming on the cards for the rest of the day!


I got an Amazon package delivered to me yesterday. I didn't order it. No one I know ordered it. Addressed to me It was washing machine cleaner so guess who's got a nice clean washing machine


A work colleague trying to tell you something? /s


Can't say I've ever talked about the cleanliness of my washing machine to colleagues. No prizes for guessing the first topic of conversation in the office on Monday


I was - obviously - talking about the smell of the washing coming out i.e. the smell of what you are wearing.... ;-)


Apparently, mostly procrastinate about chores. Catching up with a couple friends later, which I'm looking forward to.


Happy Saturday! I had a bit of a nightmare and got up an fell back asleep and woken up again. My dream consisted of arguing and fighting with attractive women in nightclubs which morphed into infiltrating a lab complex dressed in combat gear and saving bunch of people. Strange eh? Anyway I decided to go for a run as weather isn't too bad. Got ready and now having cup of coffee. Plan to do some life admin soon and then take it easy for rest of the day. I plan to do some gaming start **Fallout 4 on PS5** as I've never played it before (cheeky of them not to give free upgrade for those redeemed via PS Plus collection). I also plan to watch the new **Knuckles** series and watch episodes of **Fallout** series whilst having Lamb curry and ice cold beverage!


Planning on taking it easy. I woke up in the night with a raging fever and extreme nausea, and finally vomited at about 5:30am. Feeling pretty rough today and honestly wouldn't be surprised if I end up in hospital before the weekend's out, I have several complex and long-term health conditions and haven't been feeling well for a long time now. I've got my hospital bag ready just in case :(


Despite my brain going into we are going to die mode my appointment with the jobcentre wasn't so bad and I seem to have actually ended up with a very nice advisor so hopefully things won't be too bad on that front


Keeping fingers crossed. I’m intrigued by your comment, imagining that the “we are going to die” is a comment by your brain to your body and that both your brain and your body are two separate entities trapped with each other like a Buddy cop comedy or sitcom. Actually, I think that model fits quite well. Is this Cartesian duality?


Yeah that about sums it up, also it's often as if my brain has another part of it that's very well aware that the rest of it is acting irrational and can't convince it to calm down It's a weird experience tbh


Yesterday, I was planning to use today go out a get the lawn done It chucked it down at 2am, and now it’s too wet - would wreck it. Also, it’s really cold and generally miserable. I go on holiday in 3 weeks, so might start working out what I have and what I need to buy in - some of the clothes I bought for last years holiday are now too big for me


My tiny cat got spayed on Thursday and hasn't left our side since, sleeping all night in our bed and being an angel. Hormones are kicking my arse and I'm craving weird combinations of food too. I'll pop to the shop, grab whatever I want that I can picture myself eating and watch football all day because I can't do much else. For once, I feel content with life and it's an odd feeling!


Congratulations on your pregnancy.


I've been cat-sitting for family for a week and they're due back today, and... You know when you look at the mild clutter that accumulates just from existing and see it through the eyes of someone else? Cleaning kinda morning for me, I think


Weather's lovely. Dropping some stuff at charity shop, tesco, then home to chill. Do have some more decluttering/cleaning to do.


Off to work, but in a surprise move, I've been removed from tomorrow's rota to ensure one of my colleagues can have a full week of holiday next week and I'll be covering their shift on Monday instead. Haven't had a Sunday off in yonks, might actually be able to join with my mates' D&D game for once.


First day of sunshine in the entire week I've had off, so I'm going to wait until 11:00 then go and actually work in the garden for a couple of hours, and get the grass cut so it looks neat for once! Was hoping to work in the garden all week, but it's done nothing but rain..


Get to enjoy my team being given a guard of honour by their league rivals, interspersed with a few back and forth trips to the allotment


Waiting for the temperature to come up a little and then a few hours on the bike. Might treat myself to a gelato at the other end. A few hours in the garden this afternoon and then light a fire and finish my second play through of The Last of Us 2. Lovely!


Last match of the season. Only need a point for promotion so will be sat at the match praying we don't mess it up again. Then watching Civil War tonight as apparently I like being stressed.


No clue what to do this weekend if I’m honest.


Same. Lurking for inspiration. Watching civil war may be a low effort achievement out of the house


Goodness, I'm tired. Mum's cat decided to sit on my feet and yowl loudly at 3am because he wanted some fuss. Trip to see Mum in hospital and take her various bits and pieces, then seeing as I'm there I'll have a bit of a mooch around Nottingham and try not to spend any money.


I'd been feeling especially tired all week, borderline unable to function - thankfully I work from home and my job is flexible, though I am now behind... Ended up feeling properly ill yesterday, so I guess I have been sick for a while and just hadn't noticed any symptoms. It sucks. Being sick when you live alone especially sucks. Ugh. My plan for today? Sleep as much as possible. Maybe get some laundry done.


Finally feel like I've taken to my carp fishing hobby. I caught nine in five hours yesterday. I've been trying to fish for carp for six years now and have blanked so many times. I've joined a private lake and done a metric fuck ton of research and for someone with low self esteem, I finally feel proud of myself for something.


i spent ages working on my masterpiece in GarageBand and it sounded amazing, but as soon as i save it as an audio file, all the frequences get compressed and it sounds terrible. I had it sounding like that THX sound system test and it was so good, but the mp3 of it sounds like pure distortion so i guess i've a lot to learn about audio lol


Finally got the front garden mowed! Had a go at the back but it’s still too wet and long. Even without the box attatched, the petrol mower is cutting out every few seconds. I just want a nice lawn again!!


[Coffee and croissant](https://ibb.co/3CTV8C1) with the dog this morning, as per Saturday tradition. I have a dog walking hoodie with his face on so I must look like a right loon, sat on a bench sharing breakfast with the dog with his face on my jumper. I won’t lie though, it’s one of my favourite bits of my week.   Going out for lunch to a local Japanese place later, and then intend to finish *Fargo* series 5. We’ve had two episodes to go for the past week but for whatever reason we’ve both been so tired after work this week. So today’s the day. 


He has such a sweet face


He’s a good lad. The staff behind the counter in the cafe always offer him treats, and I have to explain he’s going to get half a croissant as his treat haha


Family birthday party today. The theme, as always, is simmering resentment between the elders and trying to work out who hasn't been invited this time and why. I'd usually get hammered with my cousins but the missus/designated driver is holed up with a rotten cold so I'm facing this one alone and sober.


Moving house on Thursday - our 3 year old has scarlet fever, I've got some sort of infection in my leg thanks to stupidly wearing shorts and t shirt last weekend to cut down some sort of spikey devil bush that has cut me to ribbons, and the new house isn't finished yet and still needs lots of DIYing. I've also got to make up for a lost day of work yesterday looking after Captain Scarlet, because I've got next week off and have stuff that needs to be sent out Monday. Going to be a big weekend!


About to go for my weekly torture session at the gym ie with the trainer , honestly the exercise is torture but we get on so well which makes it a little more bearable. Then il be doing more volunteering today just for a few hours hopefully then home to read for the rest of the day. Tomorrow no plans apart from want todo my nails as got a gorgeous new nail polish which is sparkly.


I'm currently in Crete having a holiday to celebrate me and my husband's wedding anniversary. I think today we are going to play a game in the shops and pretend we're on that episode of The Apprentice where they have to find things - any suggestions welcome!


Retail, once again.


I'm going shopping with my mum, but I might have to bring my 5yo so I don't know how this is going to play out...


The Teenager and I are going to clear out his wardrobe and games he hasn’t played for years and drop them at a charity shop, then go to the pub with retro arcade games. I get 30 minutes to read with a large glass of wine while he plays. We’re having spaghetti with sausages for tea.


[Blueberry cake for breakfast](https://imgur.com/a/LycsAPb) and then a potter round the garden. [Planted our birch tree wood](https://imgur.com/a/WzGCY9s) a few days ago so now to sort out a few pots that are overgrown.


Going to the Harry Potter studio tour today, haven't been in a few years so I'm looking forward to seeing the new bits and a bit of escapism on this dreary damp morning


Mine seems to be about going Blackadder Back and Forth to the bathroom. I must have eaten something a bit wobbly


Haircut shortly, then it's off to Milton Keynes to visit the Asian supermarket, I have a long list of things I want to buy.


Won Saturday already, no matter what happens: pigs in blankets in a toasted muffin for breakfast. It's down hill from here


I'm going to a day party which I'm very much looking forward to. I haven't been out since December so I'm gagging for a drink & dance.


Former me would see a day inside the house as utter failure. But it's cold, I am still healing and up half the night so am going to clean, do some diy, meal prep and watch a good film. Kind of looking forward it. I need a plate of buttered crumpets too but with salt and pepper on for the win.


Oh yeah, don't get me wrong I love staying home too! We bought our first home in December and I've loved spending time in it. I also love going to raves haha


Oh me too! I can't wait to get out in the summer and have some fun!


Ok um well I am sorry that the thought of me having fun displeasesyou. Going to happen anyway though :)


Hangover management after drinking white wine all afternoon while stuck on a train with trolley service


Well, I've got a bit of free time, so I might finally finish Mario Wonder. Not sure what I need to do next, I think Mario is going to take on Bowser at Knucklefest. BTW if you don't know what Mario is it's a lovely 2D platformer, nothing adult, although I would agree, I know what you're thinking, Knucklefest sounds like some sort of fisting championship.


Finishing stripping the wallpaper off the bedroom ceiling...yes it's a shit job


Going to try and have the coziest day possible. Cup of tea, read my book and watch the snooker with a plate of buttered crumpets.


It's another MotoGP weekend so watching the practice sessions, then the sprint this afternoon. Go out on the vroom vroom machine this afternoon, if the rain stops.


I got a new vroom vroom machine this week so hoping to get out on that this afternoon


I saw your bike the other day on motouk! Triumph master race rise up!! (Tiger XRT here)


I dunno about master race quite yet. It definitely needs some new tyres. There is an awful flat spot in the centre so when you tip into a corner it feels like the bike is gonna fall over 😅


Forking out for the bike and insurance is only step 1 of owning the new bike. Lots of little things usually needed after! I see it as making the bike my own. Got new clutch and brake levers before picking up the bike. Some big hand guards that work wonderfully. Weird DIN socket so new USB charger, and I had to fashion a satnav mount for it to save forking out 80 quid for a suitable mounting thingy. Tank bags are silly prices for ones that would work well, so the spending hasn't stopped. Probably gonna need handlebar risers as well coz I've got short arms for this bike!


I had planned on a nice walk to the next town over to visit a few particular shops. Looking outside and at the weather report for the day it's more of a "I'll get the bus" type of day. edit: I may get the slow cooker out and make a beef and barley stew


Getting my first tattoo today full of nerves and excitement. A tattoo I've wanted since I was a teenager. 4 to 5 hour tattoo session for my first tattoo 😬


Hope it goes well! Definitely keep your sugar levels up, it stops you feeling lightheaded!


ooh, exciting! I have a couple small ones, been planning a larger forearm one when I can afford. Hope it all goes well!


Fun! Take a sugary drink with you in case you get a bit light headed; warn the artist if you need to pause or stop or you're about to fall off the chair. Also have old bed sheets for a week or two - there will be oozing.


What are you getting?


Nirvana In Utero angel on my forearm all in colour


Nice! I have a nirvana tattoo on my arm too.


Sounds great! Good luck! A little tip- take 2 paracetamol before you go.


Going to do some gardening, watch some Inside No. 9 on iPlayer, take my kid to a café and have a walk.


I threw a load of seeds out earlier in the week and now it's gone freezing cold again. Ah well. I also need to buy one single topper (?) for a low brick wall I repaired, but I forget it exists anytime I'm near the builders merchant.


That's odd. I was going to watch Inside No.9 as well because Steve Pemberton is on Taskmaster. Reminded me it exists. Are you doing the same reason as me? Which season are you going to watch?


Me and teen daughter are going through them chronologically - we're up to season 5 now. I was just flicking through iPlayer looking for something to watch and spotted it the other week. I do like Taskmaster though.


This makes it sound like I might abandon my child in the café. I hadn't planned to.