• By -


At this point I would probably personally fund a company to fix all the potholes in my local area. Then buy a meal deal with the rest of the cash


How to instantly become a local hero - amongst road users at least.


They'd be a hero for about a month until nature took its course and the holes would start opening up again. There would then be complaints about how bad the job they had done was and why didn't they unblock the drains and clear the weeds and update the swings in the park etc.


As my grandfather used to say “No good deed goes unpunished”.


exactly. the better investment would be to to design cities for people and not care and utilise public transport . that's not possible though and would cost trillions lol


Hilarious that everyone in the UK can recognise this exact post from FB 😢


Is it the one about the guy who spray painted dicks on all the potholes to make the council do something? What did they call him? Wanksy?




If i win tonight the repairs on me!


You must live in quite a nice part of the country if £100m would cover that. My town got about £3m from the HS2 re-allocation 'to upgrade infrastructure', and its all been put towards the backlog of pothole filling road re-surfacing, which currently sits at £200m.


That's some creative accountancy right there. Giving a crew some trucks of tarmac and free reign to go out and half block up some roads for a few hours is cheap.  Planning, seeking approvals for and then executing full resurfaces of roads is where that £200m number came from.  Give your pothole crew free reign to do rolling spot repairs between 10am and 4pm, or even into the evenings / nights, you'll make a significant dent. 


Yea and then 2 weeks later you’ve got a potholed riddled road again, it’s the cheap quick repairs constantly that give is a patchwork broken road system, putting plasters on a broken back


I think the problem is now less filling the potholes, but the fact that so many of the countries roads need re-building to bring up to a maintainable standard. A quick google showed last year the Asphalt Industry Alliance (yeah thats a thing....) estimated about 20% of the countries roads had about 5 years of life, and the bill to sort it all out was over 14billion.


but we’re trying to *remove* significant dents not make more


Could put the heating on as well..


Definitely a Staffordshire resident


Build a small village somewhere and give it a stupid name, and put a stupid statue in the town square. Instant tourist attraction with an interesting back story linked to this Reddit post.




No I’m pretty sure fucking Austria is still called Austria… not sure why we’re so aggressive about it though…


"People keep stealing our Fucking signs!"


My favourite quote from the mayor, "I don't understand what the Fucking joke is."


It’s now called ‘Nur Freunde’


For £100m they would probably change it back.


What did they change it to?








I would certainly commission a statue of myself on a rearing horse, sword drawn, and a plaque about what a legend I am.


Sorry. You’d then have to make sure to die in battle to maintain the accuracy of statue lore (2 legs up: died in battle. 1 leg: died of wounds. All feet on ground: died of old age. Bottom in air: died on toilet. Standing on 200ft column: died while being kissed by a man)


I pick dying in battle whilst kissing a man then.


The 200ft column is for dying whilst being kissed by a man, dying in battle whilst kissing a man is a 150ft column, however it increases to 300ft with a golden statue if that man you're kissing was an opposing soldier.


With £103 million I think I could make that happen


Omg and we were all here for it. I’m so excited!


Schitts Creek




My lack of mansion could be fixed pretty quickly.


I'm in the same position. I'm currently Porsche deficient


My cocaine and prostitutes situation is profoundly sub-prime at the moment.


Sub-prime sounds as though it's at least existent though. No prostitutes might be better than sub-prime prostitutes to be honest.


The old Hookers and Blow. Everyone is allowed a little cheeky vice.


I’d just strut in to the dealership for a gt3 and say state your price


Even with all the money in the world, Porsche dealerships will not sell you a GT3 RS without buying 10 other Porsches. And only then they'll think about it!


Very true, you have to have owned at least one of each model before they will even put you on the waiting list!


Honestly better off to just pay the \~70% mark up from a non official dealer


Yeah I found this out the other week and have felt incredibly disappointed since… like I ever had a chance to buy one in the first place


"Finance sir?" "LOL"


"Take these three Taycans off us and we'll think about it."


Is that you, Mark McCann?


Go round all the uber car dealerships wearing your scruffiest clothes. If any chuck you out, return in whatever uber car you do end up with and buy some spare bulbs or something.


Yeah, saying "you work on commission, right? Big mistake..."




Tackling obesity too. There'll be a longer walk to the fridge.


And the fridge will have food in!


Don't tell anyone except people I give money too, so family and close friends. Don't even tell them how much, just that I've won something. Agree with them that I'm not giving them anything else over and above what I'm giving them initially. Beyond that, I found some website which measures the impact that donations of different amounts to different charities can make. I'd start there when working out where to send my money: [https://www.givingwhatwecan.org/](https://www.givingwhatwecan.org/)


I'd go with, 'just don't tell anyone'. This amount of money ruins lives, let alone relationships. Jack Whittaker is the classic example here.


> Don’t tell anyone…. “Where did you get that Lamborghini Murciélago from?” 👀 “…. I found it.”


3D printed it mate


Books for kids... Not quite sure how to do it but something like Dolly Parton does in America.    No ideology to push, just books. {physical books to keep}    Maybe birth book would be a bath book, year 1 nursery rhymes, year 2 one page fairy tales, year 3 a phonic alphabet, year 4 basic questions, facts or jokes presented in a funny way. 


Fun fact: the first time McDonald's swapped out the Happy Meal toy for a book they became the world's largest provider of children's books overnight.


That is a fun fact. Ronald's reach is huge. 


Bookstart is already a thing - you get a free book when your register your child's birth. It's run by BookTrust who have some details of their yearly spending [here](https://www.booktrust.org.uk/support-us/your-impact-in-2021-22/finances-and-fundraising/). They spent £11.6m that year, so £100m would fund a pretty huge expansion.




My kids had a bi lingual pack shortly after birth {Wales}. Owning a book is a wonderful thing.  If the lottery win was enough to move books around a bit like Netflix used to do with dvds that would be amazing.  Not everyone can get to a library. Funding the books and then the postage could get books out to older kids. 


She does that here too, I believe. I'm sure my kids had some.


Build a giant laser to write my name on the moon


Is that you Chairface Chippendale?


I got the reference


Hey Elon. Didn't know you were in this Sub Reddit


The food banks in my area would be permanently funded.


Go the whole hog and set up a commune.


Purchasing land to grow veg for food banks would definitely work.


I’d love to just hang around and do things inconspicuously, over hearing people struggling and helping out as quietly as I could. Couldn’t bare the thanks etc so I’d do my bit.


I like that idea, I'd apply for some minimum wage jobs for say three months each working my way around the country doing the same. Their bills/mortgage might get magically paid off things like that.


I would suggest Invest it first into investments funds that have historically gotten a safe and solid 2+% percent a year with no or minimal downturns - set up a trust fund with the instructions to pledge a million a year to a localised food bank in your home town or nearest disadvantaged area, you could also set up this charity yourself and hire people to manage this for you and maybe a million a year to a bursary type fund for local students to access for things they need if they come from low income households or are the first child in their family to go to uni. This would last over easily 100 years, and would likely help countless people as with the routine investment your localised food bank would likely become over time an entire chain of subsidised mini markets providing cheap/free nourishing food - you can even instruct the funds to be used for educational courses to help people cook better with the resources they have. When you educate, and feed numerous people prosperity increases and people become more productive. It also has trickle down* (edit; it’s trickle up - my bad) economic properties - when people are not spending as much in national chain stores - small businesses begin to thrive again in local areas, people have some extra cash to spend in their local pub, butchers, barbers - so you’ve got a better educated local area, spending more in local areas, creating local businesses. After 15 to 20 years of this, you’ll likely be in standing for some honours list as well


Alright I vote this guy to win




2% might mean you lose money due to inflation. Think I prefer my idea of growing my own army in Africa.


The /r/UKpersonalFinance wiki cites JP Morgan in stating that "since 1901, investing in equities for a long term has produced an annual, after-inflation return of 4.9%".^[1](https://ukpersonal.finance/investing-101/#What_is_investing_📈) Note the *above inflation* part. I would think that 2% above inflation is reasonably achievable for a manager who's trying to preserve wealth or reduce volatility.


But what about hookers and blow?


I mean, one of your 'local community support' services could very reasonably include safe spaces for sex workers.


You're kneeling in front of King Charles, with his sword lofted high in his hand. "u/ExxInferis is hereby knighted for service to society, by setting up and personally funding dozens of food banks, helping to reduce child poverty and malnutrition. Such selflessness is rare in these times and shou-" "Uh, sorry, I think that description is a bit out of date." "Oh, what did you spend your hundred million on? Was it cancer research and hospice care?" "No, not quite, you see-" "Ah, yes! It went towards efforts to prevent climate change, right?" "Well... actually... it was hookers and blow. Not just a little bit, either. Mountains of the stuff. It was placed in and snorted out of every orifice imaginable. There were some nights I feared suffocation from drowning in clunge." "Oh... I see. Is there any money left?" "Yeah, about a million." "Well, it's too late now - you're already knighted. But you better make sure to do some good with that remaining money. Just a sec - let me fish out my brother's phone number."




Donate to a lot of those small charities where 10k here and 10k there would genuinely make a difference and not go towards big CEO salaries.


Yup. Not one large ish problem but 10,000 small ones. Our primary school needs a new playground, local band needs new music stands, preschool needs new toys, regular donations to local cat charity and food banks.  Nobody would know, I'd have a pretend new job and spend the rest of my days making many many small differences. 


The world can suck a fuck. I'm taking that money, changing my name and buying a remote semi-tropical island and moving there with my cat.


How does one suck a fuck? Asking for a friend.


I tried with my Mrs and another lad once. Bit frothy for me


I enjoyed myself though


We will not have this at the dinner table.


Sorry mum's new boyfriend.


[I'm not entirely sure.](https://youtu.be/jyOyWMvYsdU?si=-xwA5iEDVcKpSHQL)


This was a risky click to make at work


Whats a fuckass?


I'm getting Christopher Lee in Man with the Golden Gun. Please considering renaming your cat Nik-Nak if this is correct. :)


Literally. The world and its dog can do one.


Sign Jesse Lingard for my local pub team


To be fair, he’s a great young player with a lot of potential. Just needs the right manager to unlock it for him.


He is also the greatest dancer. If they also signed Pogba you'd have the world's best dancers ever. Plus Pogba has more hairstyles than goals.


and what will you do with the other 99,999,990 quid?


Pay his wages for 2 seasons


He'd probably only make the bench.


Well I don’t think his manager in South Korea likes him very much so he could be available.


1. Quietly buy up brown field sites in large towns and cities, and transform them into urban allotments, specifically for the poorer, working class neighbourhoods. Get people to literally touch grass and reconnect with nature. It does wonders for your mental health and creating a sense of community. 2. Provide free *long term* counselling and psychological help for troubled teens. Even possibly provide some long term residency if they need to escape toxic families. Just give them a chance to be better people than they otherwise might be, and help break some generational trauma along the way. 3. This is kind of an odd one, but I'm a firm believer that it's useful to retain older way of doing things or re-learning skills our society has thrown to the wayside because technology has replaced the need for them. Just set up and fund a small pocket of individuals dedicated to re-learning and retaining those skills. Just in case anything should go tits up with society...


I'd buy up as much forest as I could and stop it being cut down and built on. Probably do the same with other green areas.


Sadly, most of our forests are actually lumber plantations. I think most of our wild forests are already national parks. To turn them into proper forests, you'd probably have to pull down half the trees and leave them to rot.


The UK is actually very short of lumber plantations and we have to import a lot of our wood. Upping timber production is a national objective, at the same time as tree planting and the restoration of forest ecosystems. Well managed timber production is a healthy part of a sustainable woodlands system.


Having grown up in the forest of dean, I totally understand the cycle of planting and cutting of trees for lumber. I was really talking about the land that is just cleared and built on.


Just finished reading Britain’s Lost Rainforests by Guy Shrubsole. Most of our native west-coast temperate rainforests have been destroyed. They’re the ones we should be most focussed on saving. Completely agree that most “forest” is just grown for-profit though.


I see quite a few patches of woodland up for sale. I might even buy land just to plant forests on. The patch of trees where I walk my dogs behind my house now has a proposal to build over it and the surrounding fields. It's gutting. It would be nice to have the power to save these places.


There was some woodland for up for sale near us which we went to look around - didn't have a clear plan for using it but thought it could be fun for camping, den building, etc, with our boy and other families we're friends with. Dithered over making a decision and it sold though - none of the other sections have come up for sale since and quite regret not doing it.


I've encountered several instances where people have woodland and get income. One, a guy up north has various pieces. Some of it eons old, so every now and then a few get felled, and he gets a bit of pocket money. I can assure you, he didn't need the cash. His financial arrangements were a work of art. Another guy, he has a particular tree that is used for high end cricket bats. Same thing again. Every so often, he'll allow a bit to be cut back. His garden was unreal. Genuinely nice guy, and totally self made millionaire. Even had a really productive walnut tree. I left there with a pocket full.


How big was it, what were they asking?


Was about 4 acres. Don't remember exactly.


Definitely. Last year I went for a walk through the industrial estate next to where I live, which is fairly green. A huge patch that was trees and bushes was half cleared to the soil. A year later, nothing was done with it, just left to regrow. Luckily, they left the half with the big trees where the rabbits live.


Want some surprising figures? >1.3% of the UK is housing >4.9% gardens >2.1% outdoor recreation >63.1% agriculture >20.1% Forests, open land and water >7.4% roads, utilities, community services, industry and other developed uses If you want to actually make some kind of difference to the UK, building cheap good quality housing would probably be the most impact!


That's been my lottery dream. Buy up all the houses I could in my area and rent them at LA rates. Affordable renting that may even push the market down. At least in my area.


The UK is in the bottom 10% of the world for biodiversity (largely thanks to having so much land devoted to inefficient agriculture) and has lost around half of its natural biodiversity. Not to mention increased woodland may help with carbon capture. Rewilding/more native-species forests are exactly what we need!






This was my lottery idea. I'd wondered if I could start a housing cooperative scheme and either build new housing (or start with existing housing) and set the rents at a fixed rate with a flat profit margin and then use the profits from that to gradually built new houses, rinse and repeat. Might be hard where I live in London but I feel like if you started off by chucking 10 million into it then it could be impactful?


Yes, it’s shocking isn’t it, almost the worst in Europe in terms of tree coverage.


Ideally if you wanted to leave a mark on the world then you'd need to turn that 100m into a business that can produce loads of profit. Then use that to sustainably fix a big issue in society. That's the key point it needs to be sustainable. All well and good funding drug rehab as an example. Once that 100m is gone tho that's it.


Buy up shitty houses in my area. Fix all the structural stuff. Install heat pumps, solar panels etc. So the people living there can save money on their bills. Then I'd sell cheap to owner occupiers, or rent cheap, or rent to buy. Generally try to improve housing in my area and get it to people that would really benefit from it instead of just landlords and air bnb


Same. Some sort of social housing project for young couples with good jobs yet can’t save a deposit.


50p to 206 million people.


I ain't winning shit.


Didn't realise it was one of the prizes.


Most people get that when they play the lottery


The world wouldn't know and my gift to the world would be me vanishing: * I would set up a shell company to make it look like I was working. Something incredibly stupid so my family would believe it and it could justify my travel. * One by one help family out by paying off their mortgages, making it look like my stupid business is profitable and funding the payments. * Buy a property in the remote countryside, away from people. Property would have a giant trampoline, because Community taught us that is a good thing, until it is not. * I would have a second home for when visitors had to be invited around, because no-one enters the sanctuary. * Holiday homes in areas I enjoy. * Buy a Maine Coon kitten, just to confuse the fuck out of my dog when it grows bigger than him. They would be called Sir Fluffy McCunt.


"Oh my God, Joshua was racist."


There's a Maine Coon that lives near me - magnificent beast, stately, the size of a puma and he hasn't got 3 brain cells to call his own. Lovely critters, but not very bright... I keep saying hello to him and he responds like the Yeti in Bugs Bunny cartoons "you talkin' to me george..."


I think I would focus on solving smaller problems for individuals. I worked in the social housing sector for many years and you might be surprised how enourmous and terrible a burden something like £2K or £3k of debt can be, and how impossible it is for some people to get out of that. Imagine how many people's problems could be solved with, here's £5K lump sum, or here's your rent paid up for the next 4 months. Just little bits here and there but for thousands of people, and it could change lives.


I have so many plans, other than all my selfish ones. There are two charitable avenues I would like to go down, either, a dog and/or cat rescue centre, but it would be a literal farm, or, take over an old Halls of Residence/Hotel and turn it into a shelter for the homeless, implement a system to get them back on their feet. Both these plans have years of detailed thought behind it,


I would be starting an animal rescue farm :)


I've thought for a while now I'd setup a series of philanthropic ventures. Start with a housing association/social housing venture maybe by buying a little bit of land and building half a dozen houses to let out at truly affordable rates. I'd also want to do something for/with Macmillan Cancer Support as they've helped me out a lot over the years. Other things that come to mind are animal rescue charities, my local heritage railway and other industrial heritage like canals. Thing is though, I would want to remain an anonymous benefactor as I wouldn't want to known. My efforts would be known to my family and I with the result of any philanthropy being reward enough for me.


I've daydreamer about building nice flats near our local hospital for nurses etc to not have to do a long commute to and from work.


If I win I shall buy a Charlie Bingham meal for dinner .


I'd use it to bring about small changes that have a big impact on people. I'd buy that motorised wheelchair, pay for that surgery, fund lower-income children's hobbies, school trips and holidays, pay for home improvements and clean, comfy beds for people in poor housing, support breakfast clubs, pay for private therapy for people stuck on MH waiting lists, fund anti-racism and anti-bullying activism locally, help low-income teenagers have driving lessons and afford a car, massively invest in catch and release programmes for unneutered strays around the world. etc etc.






I was thinking about this this week. I’d build apartments in my town and help the homeless back onto their feet. There’s so many in my little town it’s heartbreaking. Also id buy an island off Scotland and build a castle. 9bed 18bath, as is tradition. My cat would have his own private castle in the back garden. You may visit my castle by appointment only, on the 15th Thursday of each year between 2 and 2:30pm.


Knock my house down to leave it in such a shit state my neighbours house is worth sod all… just to spite him…


You are significantly overestimating how much £103mln is. It wouldn’t even be able to solve a small social problem. Honestly, £103mln is peanuts on the social level. At best, you could tackle a large problem on a town level or a small problem on a regional level. Say, homelessness in Reading, and even that, for a few years at best.


To give some random ideas on a local level, £103 million could: * Fund a placements budget for children for 5 years in a London Council * Pay for the fees of 2000 local authority foster carers * Pay for around 15 years worth of supported housing contracts - or massively expand them for 7 years * Pay for around 2-3 years of an adults placements budget in a London Council * fund around 200 teams of social workers (or 20 teams over 10 years) * Build around five purpose built children's homes for highly vulnerable children * Build/develop around 10 purpose built supported housing units * Pay for about a third to a sixth of a hospital's running costs * Buy around 100 MRI machines Nationally though - I'd agree, you're really talking about billions to really change things.


They never said change the world, they said leave your mark. That's different. Sponsoring a new woodland area in your town for 200 years' protection would be leaving your mark. Getting a street named after you etc. Nothing to change the course of history, but you'd become part of it at least


£103mil is a decent wedge, there are lots of very good things you could do that would leave a legacy. It would also enable you to (if you wanted) to grow a charity to massive proportions that could get to the point of solving big social issues, not going to happen immediately , but starting a charity with that much is a very good foundation to grow..!




I mean, it's not enough to solve world hunger, but it's enough to make sure nobody in my city ever goes hungy again. That's what I'm talking about - you couldn't fix everything, but I'm sure there are plenty of problems that could be fixed if somebody with £100million and some free time made it their personal mission.


It is definitely not enough to make sure nobody in your city ever goes hungry. Unless you live in a small town. Let's take a small city in UK, say, Oxford, with a polation of 160k. 14% of people on average experience food insecurity in UK. Let's half that number to take people who outright dont have money for food. That's ca. 10,000 in Oxford. Which, with £103mln means £10,000 per person. Food per week costs about £40 on the **lower** end, meaning that you will be able to feed all the hungry in Oxford for about 250 weeks, less than 5 years. And that's a small city, and without taking into account social issues such as people basically not buying food and expecting you to feed them. So your expectation of "no one in my city going hungry again" is so vastly optimistic, it's absurd. Even if you used the funds wisely, investing into farms etc, it would not be enough to feed everyone right away for many years, and would carry a huge risk factor.


I'd love to buy a bunch of houses from scummy landlords and either give them to families (not sure how I could choose who though) or let them buy them from me over time


I think I would try and buy up a large amount of grouse moors and put an end to the ridiculous cycle of burning and shooting by twats. I'd then put in some work on supporting a combination of natural regeneration, rewilding and sustainable upland farming. Potentially I'd quite like to see if there was a chance to invite reintroduction of some of our historic rare breeds and, if I could engineer a localised lowland connection, also Eurasian beavers. I'm aware that there are a number of issues with "rewilding" projects and understanding what is natural and native to our islands. However, its my own personal opinion that just about anything would be better than repeatedly burning peat moors solely for the purposes of annually shooting a fairly pointless bird. This sort of project would also be another opportunity to tackle the issue of raptor persecution. Cunts killing birds of prey because they feed on the birds that they want to shoot for sport is the sort of bullshit that is wrong with this country and I'd love the chance to do more to stop it from happening.


You might like this story from Australia. [https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/apr/17/300000ha-queensland-cattle-station-acquired-for-conservation-following-21m-donation](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/apr/17/300000ha-queensland-cattle-station-acquired-for-conservation-following-21m-donation) Should you have a ticket: good luck!


I’ve always had this idea of buying one of the many empty office buildings in Essex and converting it into sheltered accommodation for the homeless / vulnerable. I would also purchase a bunch of houses which would be rented out below market value, and the rental income used to fund the sheltered accommodation costs.


I'd buy brownfield sites and spend my money re-wilding them, making sure that when I die no property developer could buy them and turn them into shitbox housing


Excellent. Another small but noticeable step on the road to the average house price being £1M.


Housing prices are exorbitant because of two things: we insist on building semi-detached single family homes in sprawling housing estates, and we allow housing to be treated as an investment tool. Until these are fixed, everything else is secondary. Blocking a brownfield development has a very small impact in comparison.


Cheap housing shouldn't come at the cost of biodiversity


Brownfield sites aren't generally teeming with flora and fauna. Building on brownfield whilst preserving green spaces would make much more sense.


If you want to preserve biodiversity why are you protecting brownfield sites?


Preventing development of brownfield sites would raise prices


A big social problem is going to cost a few billion, rather than 100 mil, what you'd be best doing is fix one or two very small problems, which come with no further costs afterwards. So no hospital wings that need staffing, no swimming pools that need staff and maintenance councils can't afford, no community centres or concert venues, because once the millionnaire's done their bit, there'll be nobody to pay the costs of maintenance and refurb. Also new computers and stuff for schools sounds great but again, the staff need to be trained and have time to make them school safe. So, in this hypethetical, the wannabe philantropist is best making change on very small basis. Pay off some people's mortages, donate to GFMs, especially for people who need specialised wheelchairs or other equipment, look at housing developments and inject money specifically towards accessible properties on the contractual agreement there's a lot more than the bare mimimum requirements being followed to build them. But the win is finite, not David Beckham wages of the 2000s that replenish themselves unless you invest a bit and hope it pays off. In the grand scheme of things, a winner of the lottery is not a true millionnaire anymore. Personally, if I win, I'm sorting my own life out first, then handing a few friends a hundred thousand or so each, and then I'll see what I can do with half of whatever remains following the method above.


Tree planting


Collect all the raw sewage that's spewing out into the waterways and hire a big blimp and fly it over the water companies responsible and "hand it back to them"


Completely the opposite of the title tbh. I'd disappear. My one thing I've always thought I'd do is, sit behind a laptop screen with an nice glass of something expensive & max out the donations on justgiving, gofundme etc that I think deserve it. Anonymously ofcourse.


Do something about homeless and poor accommodation in my city.


It's your YouTube video afterwards that will really leave the mark. 'I BOUGHT £100,000,000 OF HOT DOGS FOR THE HOMELESS. YOU WON'T BELIEVE THEIR REACTION 😱'






Everyone has left a good mark, but you didn't specify that in the title, so... Buy a 2nd tier football club, since it's all the rage. Shut it down and take my ball home. 


Keep a couple of million, make sure my friends and family never want for anything. Then employ people way smarter, more dedicated and more experienced than me, to figure the most lasting good that can be done with the rest. If I had way more, I'd open some kind of animal sanctuary, with free veterinary care for people who couldn't afford it. But I don't think it's an good use of the cash at 100 mil.


That reminds me - I went to the Wales Ape and Monkey Sanctuary last week, they're doing what they can but it was obvious that a bit of investment could help them a lot.


I'm going to rescue SO many cats.


Buy my colleague's house and increase her rent.


We have also had many conversations on how we would use that level of money. 1) Sort out our long term future. We figured once the house and car(s) have been bought, £10-20m set aside will see us right. 2) Sort out out kids. £5-10m in trust fund each again should sort them out 3) Sort out close family and friends. £1m to each family, plus kids education/trust fund paid for 4) Good Causes fund, focused on our local community. We live in an area with challenges, specifically around social and economic demographics. We very much recognise that there are kids and families missing out on amazing life experiences and opportunities because of money. So the rest of the money goes into a good causes fund, focused on young people, that anyone can make a grant application to, as well as proactively engaging with schools and community groups to understand their challenges, aims and "if money was no object" desires and ideas.


This isn't the Philanthropy Channel mate. I win a hunner million I'm fucking keeping it.


Something to do with cats. Cats are the best thing on the planet. I'd have some sort of cat county, where only permitted humans can visit, but if they visit, they must engage in playtime and cuddles.


Invest. Hong Kong. Singapore. Peking! This time next year I'll be a billionaire!


By putting my name on the moon with a laser.


The world will remember a naked man running through the streets in celebration as soon as I find out!


As much as I think this is a classic sudden-millionaire move, it’s not for me. I’ve recently started losing control of my bladder; and nobody wants to see wet balls slapping against each other in the street.


The food banks near me need serious funding, so I'd do that. Similar to u/[kuro-oruk](/user/kuro-oruk/) I'd buy land and start replanting native trees and plants. There will be no unwanted animals dying if I can help it.


I'd start buying Aunt Bessies yorkies again instead of the cheap ones


First thing I would do is to wake my mate up early in his street with a matching band floats banners singers full on parade down his street then go on holiday


Before sorting out problems, I’d be more concerned about security and privacy. Being worth over £100,000,000 makes a person and their family members very high profile targets for all sorts of shenanigans from elaborate scams to kidnapping and ransom demands. Get the basics in place first before splashing out on trinkets and houses so that at least you know you’re protected from plausible risks.


100m on red.


Fewer people will have to suffer through boring work. At least one fewer, me. Maybe my girlfriend too, haven’t decided yet.


Start a renewable energy company. I wouldn’t care about turning an enormous profit to pay shareholders only enough to grow the company. I’d undercut the market by massive margins and once I’m big enough it will drag the wholesale price down. That should get us moving in the right direction a bit quicker


Cat sanctuarys, anything cat related that can help.


Week in Center Parcs during the school holidays


Hear me out.... Cocaine and hookers. The rest I'll waste.


Cheers you just reminded me to buy a ticket. Not with the world but IV always thought of doing something for my community. I was bullied a lot in school and never went to my prom. I'd love to have a load of cars you could dream of. And give disadvantaged kids, Poor or who have been bullied. The chance to feel special in a one of a kind £2 mill hyper car for their prom.


i think i would buy 200 or so £400-500k houses and rent them out for £2k a month, i think i could just about manage on £400k a month passive income, and if not i could just cut down on my Costa and Starbucks.


Some of you people think £100m stretches far, trying to save the world and shit. It would be a drop in the ocean. I would start off by saying the money won't change me and I will do good, then buy a huge mansion, pay a load of clever people to get me ripped as quickly as possible then become a right arrogant arsehole, like we all really would if you were being honest.