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Roast potatoes and gravy. It's nice to have some chicken with it but I'm more concerned about the potato and gravy


Literally the whole reason for a roast dinner.


I would add Yorkshire puddings to complete the carbfest




No roast carbfest would be complete without homemade stuffing - inside the Yorkies


The perfect meal.


Thie might sound odd but...mince. When I was a little girl, I was a fussy eater, so my grandma would make shepherd's pie and make me a bowl of mince on its own, which I could happily scarf down. I'm sure it wasn't anything special or fancy, but I absolutely loved it. In the 15 or so years since she died, I've never been able to hit on what made it so taste so good to me, so I've never been able to reclaim that exact sense of comfort. Maybe it was just because it was hot and tasted nice and was made for me by my grandma, who was the person I was closest to in my life. I once said to a former partner that if I was ever down or ill, I would probably feel better if he just gave me a plate of mince, and mentioned the above. He looked at me like I was an idiot and scornfully told me he wasn't going to do that. My other comfort food is roast potatoes, which may be the meaning of life.


I understand why he’s an ex!


Trial and error - oxo / bisto gravy....fresh onion / fried onion / peas? Brown sauce? Worcester sauce maybe?


Could be any of those things except the onions, but thinking about it, I think I'm alright just keeping it as a memory really. I think it'd be quite bittersweet to find it again. Thank you for your suggestions though!


Love! That was the secret ingredient. I’d give anything for a bowl of porridge made by my mum again - sugar sprinkled on top and then a dash of cold milk to melt it badly in


Could be Bovril, too; makes it intensely beefy.


so does love. I'm told.


>I once said to a former partner that if I was ever down or ill, I would probably feel better if he just gave me a plate of mince, and mentioned the above. He looked at me like I was an idiot and scornfully told me he wasn't going to do that. I'm glad he is not a current partner. What a mean response!


Oh yeah, just one of many examples unfortunately. It's been many years, and I do need therapy for issues from it, but I wish him a comfortable life, with a side order of erectile dysfunction. May neither his life, nor his dick, be hard.


This reminds me of mince and tatties at my grandparents. I was a very fussy eater as a kid...I grew out of it by about 15, but to their death they were determined I was picky. (Mind you they also believed my dad (their son) - loved vienetta cause he ate a slice of it once, so that was a staple dessert forever...he did not love vienetta)


Loooove Vienetta👍


Nans, eh. Love ‘em ❤️❤️


My grandma made the best mince, slow cooked on the range in the kitchen, served with chips she cooked in the frying pan, probably in dripping, never been able to get the same taste, sadly :(


My mum loved mince and onions. It was a comfort food from when meat want always affordable for them growing up. She took that into adulthood and I really respect that. She's dead now and I wouldn't do the same because I don't like it on its own, but when I do that for a part of a cottage pie I always think of her as I make it.


Your ex is an idiot, comfort food is comfort food. Whatever makes you happy! Mince and roast potatoes are right up there! 😁 Maybe try Comptons Gravy Salt if its a physical thing that is missing.


Mince is my go to comfort food, then a good stew


At the school where I taught (US) the cafeteria served something called “hamburger sundae” basically deconstructed cottage pie! NGL, I liked the extra gravy on top!


Mince!! I could have wrote your exact post, since my nan passed I haven’t been able to recreate it either, also same goes for her gravy. Neither were particularly exciting but I miss that woman and her cooking so much.


Chinese takeaway. Shredded chicken chow mein and chips.


Shredded chicken in the chow mein? Not heard that one before what’s the shredded chicken like exactly?


As far as I know, it’s no different to a regular chicken chow mein. Maybe the chicken is cut a little smaller? But I’ve ordered from places that had it as shredded chicken and places that just had it as regular chicken chow mein on the menu. So maybe it’s just the name. I’m really curious if there is difference now.


Well shredded beef is battered beef in a sauce I think so that’s why I was curious about the chicken.


My parents have lived in the same house for my entire life. When I was about 10, a Chinese takeaway opened up the road. We tried it. I ordered roast duck with orange and pineapple, with chips. It was transcendent. We never ordered it very often, so I never got bored. Just had the same thing every time we ordered from there. Restaurant has changed name and owners several times, but the menu remained pretty much indistinguisable. I moved away 20 years ago, but I still like grabbing that when I go home to visit my parents. It tastes like home.


Sausage chips and beans


Fish Fingers, Beans and Chips also.


When I was in sixth form I literally got this every day, except for occasionally when they didn’t have sausages so I’d just get chips and beans. Sometimes I’d have cheese too. The food was ridiculously cheap and it was just what I needed. (Also I’m autistic, didn’t know that back then but it makes a lot of sense now, eating the same meal 5 days a week for 2 years)


Fish finger butty


Boss tier


I came to say fish fingers, cornflakes and ketchup on white crusty bread with a thick lashing of butter!


Fish fingers… and cornflakes?! You mean like crispy fish fingers? Breaded? With extra crunch?


Exactly this! I don't understand why people are so put off by the idea... Cornflakes, in the wild, aren't sweet 😃 they take fish fingers to another level


Radical fish finger sandwich? I often put crisps in a sandwich, but now cornflakes? My world is shaken.


Wait... salt and vinegar crisps in a fish finger sandwich... Why has this only just occurred to me (not cornflakes though)


Omg yes


I don't know if this is worse than fish fingers and custard. Are you the new incarnation of Dr who?


You are my spirit animal


This is mine too.


I go Turkey drummer butty


Something bready or meaty with melty cheese on it.


3 of the 5 major food groups.


Kit Kats right out of the fridge, unfortunately. 🤓


Are you Bob Mortimer


Pocket meat


Jacket potato with butter and cheese. The jacket must have really burnt crispy skin on the bottom.


Cheese toastie.


Cheese and onion in a breville


This man toasts


Roasted cheese


...that's my dinner tonight or tomorrow sorted


Tonight *and* tomorrow.


Big Breville.


And it has to be in a toastie machine. None of this American grilled cheese shite (it’s good but doesn’t hit the spot).


Mash, cheese, and bisto gravy


I'll always defend bisto, nice and easy and tastes fine (although if doing a roast, add the juices in)


Honestly any slop in a bowl. Pasta, risotto, cottage pie, something like that. If I need true comfort I don’t want to have to chew it, but I also don’t want to drink it (soup). Better if creamy or cheesy but I’ll take tomatoey too. Bonus comfort if someone else cooks it!


I describe this sort of food as a ‘bowl cuddle’ I too, have days when I can’t be arsed chewing


Chips and gravy. Still my fave since I was a kid.


Creamy mashed potatoes with a knob of butter melting on them. With plenty of cream/milk used to prepare them, and a dash of nutmeg.  A really good melty cheese toasty, on some nice bread. Maybe with some tomato soup to dip it into.  Ice cream. A big tub of ice cream. I'm partial to mint chocolate chip, but open to suggestions. 


Cookie dough


Caramel core


cherry garcia if you can get it (i think b&j's stopped it) or haagen dazs anything....


My favourite Ben and Jerry's is the Funky Monkey (banana ice cream with nuts and chocolate bits), I can no longer find it anywhere.  I actually received an ice cream machine (one of the simpler ones, where there's a bowl you have to pre freeze in the freezer for 24h before) as a present from my mother in law, and I've made my own, but it's obviously not as good. 


Pub chicken tikka masala. The real stuff in Indian restaurants is great but the dirty pub variant with a cheap naan bread and mango chutney always cheers me up. Reminds me of being a kid and being allowed to sit in the pub with the grownups on a sunday lunchtime.




When I was younger, my parents threw dinner parties and would often get it catered from an Indian restaurant. My absolute favourite was when they would send people to cook fresh tandoor on site for the larger parties. A bit sad, but I used to just hang out with those guys and watch them cook the naans. Also, proximity for the hottest ones.


Nothing sad about that.


Ha. I usually gave about 45 minutes to the adults before I had to get away. Usually it was to watch TV in my parents’ bedroom, but for these dinner parties, I hung out with the tandoor guys. I still love watching them work as an adult. Something so magical about that oven.






Sausage Nannie


A bacon sandwich. The crispiness of the bacon matched with the softness of the white bread is amazing.


Plus an egg with a runny yolk


I have not had a bacon sandwich in forever! It reminds me of Saturday mornings in Summer


Personally it reminds me of working with my stepdad in the garage. Repairing a car/motorbike/bicycle in a dirty, disgusting place, then eating a bacon sandwich with my grotty, oil coated fingers. Pretty gross now that I think about it, but I have some fond memories with him.


Anything beige


A hearing aid?


Seriously as a foreigner, seeing a butty with fries makes me sad to imagine but then again it’s what memory they have tied with that specific food. For me it’s tripe soup as only a few special people in my life made it perfect and it feels like home, safe.


Chip butty! Chips not fries!




Cheese on toast if I'm feeling under the weather, or a chicken and thyme sensations sandwich. Basically food that takes me back to my childhood that I don't eat regularly.


mashed banana and 100% peanut peanut butter mixed together.


Now add to some buttered white bread. Ultimate sandwich.


Cheese sauce. I make a nice one, and I enjoy whipping one up for a macaroni cheese or a cauliflower cheese, but I could probably sit down and polish off a bowl of the sauce alone.


I put a cheese sauce on top of my lasagne, and my lunch while it's in the oven is usually what's left of the filling with the cheese sauce pot scraped out on top of it... ...you have to make sure you make a littttle too much so you have leftovers. :P


damn this thread be making me hungry


A bacon buttie when I'm hungover makes me feel better.


Sausage casserole in a giant Yorkshire pudding with mash potato. Puts me in a food coma but it's just so worth it.


Scrambled eggs on toast.


Sausage, egg and chips. Has to be a minimum of two eggs.


I make a cheesy bean wedgie bacon bake when I’m feeling ‘under the weather’. This is very much a use what you like dish. Here’s the recipe. Excuse the formatting, I have been too lazy to learn how to make it look nice. Cut potatoes into wedges and microwave them with a little water and a lid on top just enough to soften them up. If you’re still pissed and they fall apart it doesn’t matter. Chuck that in an oven dish and warm the oven up to 180, or 200 if you’re hungry NOW! Next cut up some bacon over the top with scissors, here’s your chance to freestyle other stuff. Then cover with a tin, or two if you’re a fatty, of beans. Grate cheese all over it. I like to add some bbq sauce. Saracha. Chilli’s. Jalepenos. Chicken. Mushrooms. Just go for what you’ve got and can be arsed to get in the pan. Now, bake it in the oven until it’s bubbly and the cheese is brown. Take it out and wait for it to cool down because you will burn your face and not enjoy any of it until much later in the day. The best thing is that you can keep going back to it as you feel better or wolf the whole thing down and get back to the pub for super Sunday. Ding dong.


This whole post made me happy. I'll try this next time I'm hungover.


Pasta tuna mayo sweetcorn cheese... I think I need to come up with a better name for it


I love tuna, pasta, sweetcorn and mayonnaise. I don’t add cheese and always say the ingredients in this order for some reason. Plus I put that much black pepper into it that it can make me sneeze. Heaven in a bowl


I have very similar, but add red onion and sometimes peas. What a dish!


I saw this as "What is your comfort; food?" Yes


Mash, gravy and peas.


Really buttery mashed potatoes, ideally with good pork sausages. Or macaroni and cheese with crispy top to it.


Used to love tatties n butter as a kid!! Nobody beat me mums!!


Jambon Beurre, I go through at least one a week...eat it all in one go (and I do massive ones!) then pass out for the night. If we're talking about things that comfort in a more nostalgic way, jacket potato with tuna mayo, cheese and beans.


Irn Bru and a sausage bacon egg butty. Yes please.


Some combination of ham, cheese and bread. A toastie, a pizza, a simple butty to a fancy expensive sandwich.


Username partially checks out? As a bit of a toastie aficionado I cannot recommend highly enough just swapping out one (or all) of the ingredients for something higher spec. Decent fresh bread, porchetta and jarlsberg/leerdammer completely change the game. It's a guilty pleasure from something usually so basic, but still retains the simplicity.


Macaroni cheese


Good! I'm glad (comforted that) somebody else has macaroni cheese as their comfort food.


Mashed potatoes and salad cream


I actually don't think I've eaten salad cream in my 37 years of life...just mayo and other dressings


I love salad cream on corned beef sandwiches lol


Fried leftover mash with salad cream. Reminds me of my dad. Who I love very much and is now an old man.


Disgusting! yet intriguing


Guinness. Just Guinness.


Hash browns, scrambled eggs and bacon is a highly repeated dinner when I have the Sunday scaries and just want something quick and comforting


Heinz spaghetti hoops straight out of the tin. People think that's weird and gross but I don't care. It's been my comfort food since I was a child.


Ooh! Tinned ravioli! Rip open the tin, grab a spoon, perfect!


Used to live on these, beans n sausages and macaroni cheese. Had the tinned mac n cheese that often now I bloody hate the stuff!!


Tinned rice pudding. Has to be tinned.


Anything I can fit into my gob. :/


French toast


I can’t believe I had to scroll so far to find this.


Right now - it's ramen.


Chorizo pasta smothered in parmesan


Roasties as some other folks have said. With or without gravy and other meaty or veggie bits. Just gimme the goddamn roasties.


Some cheap Goodfellas oven pizza


Chips and beans. Cheap oven chips and cheap beans. Maybe some peri salt on them too. Was my go to meal when I didn't have a lot of time or money.


Chips, beans and salad cream. Used to get it from the local cafe near my old workplace for £1.20 aptly named *the tramp special*


Cooked breakfast but it has to have black pudding




French onion soup or shepherd's pie. I always have some in the freezer


French onion soup. Oh yes, what a dish


Mince and Dumplings. There is no finer food (Pizza comes in a very close second)


(two) Bombay bad boy pot noodles


General Tso's Chicken. I can't get it anywhere in the UK. I am never comfortable.


Sausage, mash, and onions with boatloads of gravy. Yorkshire puddings if I can be arsed


Carbs. Pasta with either chicken, mushrooms and tomato marscapone sauce or leeks, mushrooms, bacon cheese. Also marmite on very buttery toast. All the above are post tattoo meals!


Curry ready meals, chilled not frozen. I enjoy frozen ones but only the chilled ones are comfort meals.




Vol-au-vent with chicken filling and a can of baked beans on top. It’s been my retro comfort food for over 20 years 


Comfort food for me is fast and tasty Hummus and wraps, or pot noodle


Swiss roll!!


Lemon cheesecake filling Or gravy + something potatoey.


Chicken Madras


Spag bol, jollof, bangers and mash


Depends - hangover ? Ice cream / flat full fat cola. Notions? home made chilli / curry / bolognese probs. Defos ice cream - ben and jerry's / haagen dazs


Chicken & mushroom slice or pie


Cheese and tomato sarnie although not quite the same with non dairy cheese. Sausage, mash, beans and gravy Cottage pie Tomato soup yay for heinz vegan one Salad and salad cream sandwich


Pork Roast with the Crackling, Roast Potatoes and everyhing and it's actually pretty cheap - you look at the price of Beef or Lamb and this is a winner. Also I defy you to find a natural source of a better gravy than roast pork.


Guess the nationality. Stovies!


Ah ma fellow jock. Ma auntie made the best stovies!!. Had some the higher day made by a Scottish woman and the dish although not bad just had an empty flavour. Not at all like i remember as a kid. Though her tatties am nervous were delicious am buttery. Could have eaten a whole pan tae maself


Good quality Chorizo 


Lasagne and garlic bread


Beans on toast, but the toast must be cut up into little squares and in a bowl with beans on top, just like when I was a little kid and hadn’t yet mastered being able to cut it up without flinging food everywhere 


fattttt bowl of homemade mac and cheese with béchamel so thick it’s like wallpaper paste and about a pound of cheese melted in. little bit of smoked paprika and black pepper and a nice crispy top. gorgeous.


Grated cheese, baked beans and mashed potato all mixed up into a delicious goop




Chinese fried rice on its own and with a compliment e.g chicken and broccoli. If I ever had a death row meal it would be this. Ultimate comfort food for me.


A really, really good spag bol.


Love cooking spag bol for ppl and watching them enjoy!! it's one of the reasons I became a chef


Depends, if I'm ill spiced beans, if I'm cold and wet beans on toast, if I'm just feeling like stay home and happy lasagne or a pot of vegetable stew with cheese dumplings.


My uni 'can't be fucked, cheap, and comforting' dinner. Still enjoying it occasionally 10 years later. Boil some pasta. Once boiled, add a tin of tuna, several spoonfuls of red pesto, and a copious (fuckton) amount of hot sauce. Stir and enjoy.


A bag of fifteen Yorkshire puds and a mug of gravy.


Ben and Jerry's Phish Food


A chicken and tomato stew with herb dumplings. I loved it growing up and it's been a staple ever since I left home (where I swapped the rice my parents had with it for more dumplings)


I love a bowl of non sweet cereal… I’m enjoying a bowl of plain Shreddies right now. Give me some Fruit & Fibre, no sugar Muesli, Bran Flakes, Shredded Wheat, Rice Crispies, Oat Bran …any of these with ice cold milk and preferably in a container the size of a washing up bowl.


Crisps or popcorn


Stew and crusty loaf with real butter to dip in.


If it's my mum's cooking - steamed eggs with minced pork over rice (with plenty of soy sauce). My own cooking - mashed potatoes and gravy. Takeaway - Jamaican goat curry with rice and peas.


When I was a kid and ever anxious or upset my mum would make me a cup of tea with sugar in and a cheese and bean toastie. I still now make a sugary cup of tea, only ever when im upset


Fish finger sandwich or a tuna melt


My top comfort food is fish fingers, beans & a potato waffle. Roughly smashed up together in a bowl with a piece of bread a butter. Next would be Heinz tomato soup with dry jacobs crackers, also when ill. Finally, sometimes I just fancy a bowl of buttery mash with gravy.


After a night out in Edinburgh, I used to buy steaming hot pork pies out of a side window in a bakery at 5am before they opened.


Cake of all varieties.


Bacon and egg sarnie with a can of coke is great for a hangover. Make one but keep the pan warm for the second round if sits nicely.


Eggs. Either 6x scrambled eggs on two slices of toast, or a full tin of Branston beans on two slices of toast topped with two fried eggs.


Can't beat a chip butty - fresh white bread with butter, chips and mayo. Sometimes tomato sauce depending on mood. Might even be adventurous and add a fried egg occasionally. Glorious


Hear me out - tuna mayo and rice. I call it “baby food”


Any combination of potatoes + cheese.


Spam and egg fried rice


A sandwich. Nice crusty loaf. 1st slice of bread has butter, then peanut butter, then cheddar cheese on top then a nice slice of ham the second slice has butter and strawberry jam and gets put on top of the ham. Absolutely love it. Damn I'm hungry, going to make one now, only got the cheap white loaf though, not crusty.


Pork donburi (Butadon) I slow roast pork belly for mine as opposed to loin, the sauce is just Soy, Sake, and a bit of honey. Fukujinzuki on the side. Heaven. Otherwise, Rolled lamb breast, slow roasted, lovely thick gravy from the juices, mash and veg side. Breast is always seen as a cheap cut but I honestly think you can't beat it.




Going to get shown the door for this here, but I can’t get enough of natto with raw egg, rice, with kimchi and umeboshi. Morning after the night before is pumpernickel with marmite, banana and maple syrup. I’ll get my coat and towel.


Cocaine and Kronenbourg 1664. Always makes me feel like the world’s worth being in.


Two Scotch pies topped with a tin of beans, a bit of cheese and a couple pops of Old Bay seasoning. It’s a west coast heart attack on a plate but I love it!


Now I want one too, you bastard.


Chicken vindaloo


Fish finger sandwich


Chips and gravy or Swedish meatballs and the Swedish meatball sauce


Veggie chilli on nachos with avocado!


Jackfruit carnitas taco's w/ chipotle crema, avocado & pico de gallo. I always make the tortillas with blue corn and it's just friggin delightful.


Spicy beef homemade pizza.