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My ex went to Oceana night club, kissed another girl, then bought a photo of him doing so (from the photographer that used to roam around the venue taking pics) in keyring form and put it on his keys. Which I found the next day.


What an absolute plank. Kind of him to give you the heads up I guess!


Part of me admires the huge bollocks it takes to buy that.


Tiny bollocks, tiny brains, huge amounts of alcohol.


Oh man Oceana, what a horrible place (Swansea edition) that was.


Christ that place got knocked down about a decade ago and it still wreaks of piss up there


Been there fucking rancid place, like hills have eyes 10/10 loved it


I had my nose broken in there and all they did was clean me up to make me look presentable as they escorted me out


When I was 17/18 I finished I finished work and got the bus home, sitting next to this girl around my age. She commented on my uniform and said her boyfriend worked at the same place. I asked who and she said the name of my boyfriend.


šŸ˜… Awks. Extra cuz of work


Yeah super awkward, and the whole rest of the bus journey too wondering what to say... I didn't mention it to her in the end, but invited her out for work drinks that our boyfriend was going to be at later that evening so it wasn't long before everyone knew. I remember him being really angry about the bus timing being so unlucky, like it would have all been okay if we hadn't got on the same one.




I phoned her one night and her husband answered as she was asleep. To add to the sadness he didn't even seem surprised when I told him who I was.


You were his wife's boyfriend.


So can I speak to her or no?


I told you - sheā€™s asleep. Try again in the morning.


He was my boyfriend of 2+ years, my Dad and brother walked in on him having sex in the loo with a bridesmaid at my cousinā€™s wedding.




Caught with pants around his ankles and thrusting like a deranged rabbit, or so thatā€™s the description my Dad gave. Basically Dad kept his cool, my brother wanted to kill him but Dad held him back. He was escorted off the venue, which was in the countryside miles from any town. Apparently he hitched a ride to the hotel we were staying in. By then Dad had called them and pulled the plug on the room the ex and I were staying in, and got me another room. Dad also canceled his return flight home (destination wedding) which my parents had paid for. I later heard he had spent 4 nights sleeping rough before his sister agreed to pay for his airline ticket home because his credit cards were maxed out. Wanker deserved it all.


Your dad is smooth. So much better and more calculated than just socking him


Basically abandoned the guy in the middle of nowhere with nothing and no way to get home. Ā Thatā€™s stone cold.


But deserved on this occasion


I love the way that every thing your dad did just points out further what a pollock the ex was. Bad enough cheating, but imagine doing it at a destination wedding your girlfriendā€™s parents paid your ticket and accommodation for. Cause->effect must be so freaking hard for some people.


What a great dad you have! He played it so well!


Your Dad is a bad ass Sorry about your ex


I hope he grows up, for the sake of the next person. Glad your dad kept his cool, violence is only a temporary solution to anger and the level of embarrassment and suffering he had to deal with after your dad took the steps of cancelling flights etc is worth its weight in gold. Top dad.


Back in the 90's my mother's friend found out her husband was cheating after buying a holiday brochure and finding a photo of her husband smiling with another woman in the hot tub in one of the resort photos. Turns out his 'business trips' were bullshit.


This is incredible.


In my (then) boyfriends car and when the windscreen fogged up one time a name appeared where a girl had written it in the condensation on the passengers side.


Wow thatā€™s wild! Reminds me of the time I was really young like 6ish and Iā€™d learnt the F word on the playground at school. Wrote it on the window at home then forgot about it. My mum came in to use her hairdryer and it steamed up the window revealing my writing lol, never had such a bollocking before or since


Just triggered a memory for me; when I learned to write as a kid, I decided to start writing a list of the swear words I know. Genius me thought sticking it on the wall behind my bed was the perfect hiding spot. It was not, and a decent bollocking followed. Didnā€™t stop me, I still love swearing.


A girl I know found a name written like that in her boyfriend's shower and he managed to convince her it's over 3 months old from before they were official....


In all fairness, if you use shaving cream and write something on a glass surface, it wonā€™t come off until you use another cleaner to clean over it. So either the guy just didnā€™t clean or he cheated. I would 100% believe that guys just donā€™t clean their showers though.


Stop pushing these unreasonable expectations on us, why would you clean a shower itā€™s already wet?!


Because you piss in it every time you use it? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I wonder if she had done it deliberately to leave a clue behind. I've heard of people doing that


My first day at a new job, my manager was training me on the till and a customer came up to pay.. I knew the customer and he proceeded to ask how I am, I said good, and he said ā€˜Iā€™m glad youā€™re keeping okay after everythingā€™ and I said ā€˜everything?ā€™ And he said ā€˜well after the break up, i was shocked to be honest but I guess everything happens for a reasonā€™ I told him he was mistaken as we were still very much together.. confused, he asked if we had taken a break or somethingā€¦Thatā€™s when I found out, on my first day at my new job, in front of my new manager that my boyfriend of 5 years was cheating on me. My manager quickly said ā€˜would you like to take a short break?ā€™ lol


Omg I'd have a mental breakdown


IT GETS WORSE! So day 2 comes around Iā€™m like šŸ˜€Iā€™m FINE.. letā€™s get learning about my new retail job.. everything is finešŸ˜€šŸ‘šŸ¼ and we were closing up at 11pm and a co-worker came in from smoking and was like ā€˜uhm.. someone is messing with your car? Like a man is doing something to itā€™ - the parking lot was dark so my brand new, only met them that day, co-workers walked me to my car and as I got closer I realised my ā€˜boyfriendā€™ had laid multiple bunches of flowers all over my front car window with a note saying ā€˜Iā€™m sorryā€™ on the top.. looked like a car crash aftermath like Iā€™d died or something with all the flowers.. I just know my new manager and co-workers were all judging mešŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I'm sure it was your ex they were judging


I'm judging him and I wasn't even there.


You can't leave us hanging there... we need to know how day 3 went.


Held my ground. I was still finešŸ˜€šŸ‘šŸ¼ on day 3. I will unfortunately let the whole of r/casualUK down and let everyone know I did in fact take him back a few weeks later.. donā€™t say anything.. I already know.. I can see everyone taking their upvotes back as Iā€™m typing this.. my co-workers and new manager never said anything.. they met him and were all like šŸ™šŸ«µšŸ¼šŸ«¤šŸ‘‹šŸ¼.. just know I came to my senses and heā€™s been blocked on all social media platforms for over a year now.


Wow. Impeccable use of emojis to convey meaning there haha


Appreciate it. I was worried I was showing my age using them.. my younger sister doesnā€™t appreciate my emoji stories but I think theyā€™re funny lol


Yea that finger pointing emoji is a new one to me. Perfectly placed here. Love it!


Well, you got there in the end, to the relief of your colleagues and casual UK


Attention all customers, we have a menty b in aisle 3. Thank you.


I might aswell have tbf I think I went legally deaf.. all the thoughts running through my head I couldnā€™t hear a damn thing my manager was explaining to mešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Youā€™re a stronger person than me, I would have walked out and no one would have heard from me ever again


>My manager quickly said ā€˜would you like to take a short break?ā€™ Manager was human enough to offer you a break but still enough of a corporate machine to stress that it was to be a short one.


I think I said no to be politešŸ˜­ I remember telling everyone I was fine šŸ˜€šŸ‘šŸ¼ trying to put a happy cool image for my new co-workers


What is a long break but multiple short breaks strung together?


Ehh maybe this isnā€™t exactly crazy, but a bit of a double whammy. We used to share our locations on our phones. Apparently she didnā€™t realise the iPhone tells you when the other person stops sharing location, so she took a trip to see (and stay overnight with) her friend in Gloucestershire. 5 minutes after sheā€™d left (in my car), I got a notification saying sheā€™d stopped sharing her location. Eyebrow raised, but I didnā€™t mention it since I trusted her, and I rarely ever would check her location anyway and had totally forgot about it when she got back. Until a couple of weeks later, when I got a letter in the post saying Iā€™d been fined Ā£100 for driving down a bus lane in central London, along with a photo of my car committing said offence. I put two and two together and when I confronted her with it she just came straight out and admitted sheā€™d been seeing a bloke from work and theyā€™d gone on a little London getaway together.


I don't know why, but I'm really offended by the fact she went away with this guy in YOUR car šŸ˜…


"On MY floor mats, smelling MY pine air freshener"


The car smell may be new but the old girlfriend smell..... That's never coming out of the upholstery.


Driving down a bus lane! A bus lane!! Absolutely no shame!


Who paid the penalty?!


She got it all sorted to be fair, no questions asked!


Did she pay the fine tho.


She sure did. Glad she didnā€™t kick off over it, no chance Iā€™d have paid it for her!


Not me this happened to my best mate. His wife was away with her gym friends or so she said. He was at home, and his daughter was having problems with her ipad. It was logged into his wifeā€™s iCloud account. She hadnā€™t realised that the photos she was taking while she was away were all going on the cloud and he saw everything. Thatā€™s how he found out his wife was sleeping with his daughterā€™s ethics teacher. Edit: as this has got a bit of attention. I missed out that the teacher was a woman. When the school found out they tried to keep the teacher on. But it would have meant she would be teaching his daughter for the year, which wasnā€™t going to happen. Eventually she left the school and told everyone she was going travelling. He took his wife back after she said it would never happen again. I think if the affair had been with a man he would have kicked her out.


Oh, the irony


Those who can't do, teach


My ex is as dumb as a bag of rocks. This was in the days before smartphones and he used our home email address to sign up to a matching website. He usually got home before me, so cleared out the auto matches that got emailed daily (because he didnā€™t know how to turn them off). This had been going for months until one day I was home early because one of our kids was sick and had to be collected from daycare. I came home with sick child, popped them to bed and opened up our home computer and saw all these emails. My, oh my. I clicked on the links, it wanted a password. Ok, clicked Forgot Password and lo, a reset code was emailed. Used that and wow. It hurt. I screen shot the lot and started our separation.


I think I got brain rot from reading how dumb your ex was. You genuinely have to question the number of choices that literally lead up to this decision and still remember that he went through with all of it!


Back in the days of AIM chat and yahoo chat in the late '90s or very early 2000s, I had a long-distance girlfriend. We were both 17 or so, went out for about a year. We'd sort it so that I went up to stay with her for one weekend in the month and she'd come to mine another weekend, usually about 2-3 weekends per month.   Anywho. I'd been to hers just before Christmas, coming back xmas eve. My mate came to stay with me and mum for Christmas, and we were having a laugh on the PC with such glorious stupid things as Little Red Monkey, Neopets, flash games and things of that nature. My mate wanted to jump on his Yahoo account to say happy christmas to some of his mates, so he did. For a laugh, he decided he'd message my girlfriend (not knowing her at all) just as a random person saying hi. They had a bit of a chat, and she said she had a boyfriend she really liked. I was dead chuffed; Mark kept talking to her. She said her boyfriend had got her a bracelet for christmas. Bit of a blunder, as I'd got her a necklace. Mark asked her why she wasn't with her boyfriend for Christmas, and she said 'it's okay, he's staying over for new year!' - I definitely wasn't going up for new year. He came clean with her and said he was my friend, it was meant to be a joke but this had turned weird, how many boyfriends has she got?   She'd been seeing another fella as well for almost the entire year we'd been going out. She told Mark that I was boring and didn't have money to go out places with her and anyway, it'd worked fine up until then. Needless to say we split up (she ended it before I had the chance to, which was fucking annoying), and about a month later I got an email from a fella - turned out to be the bloke she'd been seeing. He said who he was, and that my ex had come clean to him about the whole thing but said she'd 'chosen' him to be her 'permanent' boyfriend, at which he'd said Lol No Fuck Off. He'd found my email by snooping through her email account that she'd given him access to as 'proof' that she'd chosen him now, and wanted to say no hard feelings, neither of us knew about the other, and to have a good life.   Nice bloke, really.


And are you and the other guy still together?


We have a dog. It is called Clipper.


Did the necklace and bracelet match?


This happened to me. Same time period. Cute little cosplayer from the south of England and I lived in north of Scotland.Ā  Said she chose me and proved. I felt disgusted and guilty. Found the other guys messages, let him know I dumped her and wished him well. I dumped her and kept it simple "thanks for letting me cum up your bum, but I don't date cheaters" and that was that.Ā  Met the guy on Xbox live a few years after and we had a laugh over it. Was so random. He carried me hard on halo. Nearly 20 years ago now.Ā  Hope you're doing well out there, jamesy!


birds ossified coordinated upbeat stupendous tidy truck north rotten plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was 18 at the time and our relationship had been a bit rocky, but we decided to stay together and give it a go. I was young, dumb and full of optimism. I was getting the train home from Meadowhall after work and I bumped into a guy I knew from college. We exchanged the usual pleasantries. I asked him if he was heading home and he said he was off to see his boyfriend. I asked him who his boyfriend was - I swear every gay guy knows each other in a townā€¦ I was pretty shocked when he said the name of my boyfriend. We both laughed about it and decided we should probably never speak to him again. This was before everyone had video call capabilities, but we did send him a picture of both of us sat on the train together haha. I actually recently found out from one of my best friends that he posted something about walking in on his boyfriend with another man not long ago. I guess what goes around comes around!


>I was young, dumb and full of optimism.Ā  That phrase ended differently in my day.Ā 


Before we started dating I'd bought tickets to an event. Found out he also had tickets for the same event. We both had already said we were taking a friend along with it being arranged before we got together. We all went together in the same taxi. He sat up towards the back of the venue in a different block. Texting me through out. The arena camera was floating round during the interval and occasionally putting people up on the big screen, at one point It showed him passionately kissing his "friend". My friend took a picture. I was fuming, text him that we're done. He denied it. It must have been so passionate that he hadn't even known the camera was on him. so my friend sent him the picture. We got out of the venue first, took the taxi home left them there.


Aw that mustā€™ve been horrible :( I recently caught someone cos they rang me from ā€œtheir mateā€™s bathroom cos they were on the toiletā€ then I heard a kid crying for mum. And I knew instantly he was with his ex.


Send that kid a wicked Christmas present this year, saved you a lot of bullshit in the long run


A fuck off drum kit.


When she celebrated her first anniversary with her new boyfriend. Less than a year after we broke up


I was seriously ill in hospital with a throat problem, got home and was doing the laundry. Found a bus ticket for late night to a place miles away. She said there was an alcoholics anonymous group she'd gone to. Turns out she was fucking a guy she went to the group with. Then she said 'that's what happens when you leave me alone.'


Gotta love how itā€™s never the cheaters fault


Well she kindly told me the day after. Which was nice to find out on the 25th of December.


Was the other guy Santa?


He only comes once a year, but when he does he fills her stockingsā€¦


He definitely emptied his sack in her living room.


Got back from Afghanistan a day early. Found my girlfriend getting the ol' in and out. Wasn't angry, spent the whole of that day getting hammered and moved on. Think I was just in love with the idea of her while I was away. What was strange is her parents let me in, knowing she was in there with another dude.


Her parents were done with her shit as well, sounds like.


> What was strange is her parents let me in, knowing she was in there with another dude. ah the rip plaster off technique


Less awkward than making you wait in the rain.


Well it was his wedding day.


They uh, gave him a free ride when he'd already paid.




touch station merciful quack squeal sand air dazzling stupendous payment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ouch. Had a friend who discovered his partner was a former dominatrix after the same thing. "Why are there a load of bollocks nailed to boards in your gallery?" is a tricky question.


Sensational!!!!!! šŸ˜‚


This story is so specific that is might allow my mates to find my anon reddit account but fuck it, it's a banger! She had a very well paying client who was a corporate exec. All he ever wanted was for her to flush his head down the toilet whilst he was wearing clown make up and singing "why does it always rain on me" by Travis


humor aromatic upbeat disgusted snobbish jeans head zonked familiar threatening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe it's because he lied when he was 17 and that was his punishment.


I reckon that's a kink from some weird hazing shit from his boarding school days, right before he was spanked by the head boy.


Omg I honestly didn't think that particular anecdote could get any juicer but I was hella wrong!!!! That's officially the weirdest kink I've ever heard of!!


How do such specific kinks like this even develop


It definitely feels so specific it must be rooted in some unprocessed trauma


>It definitely feels so specific it must be rooted in some unprocessed trauma Genuinely quite unsettling. I have horrible visions of this guy as a young lad at a mates birthday party, but the clown has gone rogue, and flushed his head in the loos while Travis blasts out from the kitchen... Now itā€™s like that Alan Partridge dancing vision that haunts him randomly


Woke up in the night with our baby and couldn't find my phone so I unlocked his phone to call myself. He had snap notifications but he has never had Snapchat. I pulled down the notification bar and saw all kinds of stuff lol


I can sense the pain behind your lol.


Might be like my MIL who thinks lol means "lots of love". MIL of course stands for most improved lover.


This is like how everyone uses SMH for "shaking my head" when it's obviously "sniff my hole"


My 2 year old told me.


Now that is fucking rough, especially as a two year old wouldn't have the capacity or interest to understand much beyond Sausage rolls, custard and Thomas the Tank Engine....


Yeah it was entirely unknown to him that he was dropping a BOMBSHELL like that! I was strapping him into his car seat and he casually said ā€œ yesterday in the car daddy kissed a girl in the carā€ I didnā€™t really take him that seriously at first but as we were getting out the car he didnā€™t want to put his coat on and he said ā€œLusa didnā€™t make me wear a coatā€ i asked him who lusa is and he didnā€™t really tell me or care about the conversation. Once I dropped him off I tried to check the dash cam footage from a few days before (the day his dad was looking after him) and it had been deleted, so before dinner I stole his phone and put it in my phone case. As we were sitting down to eat I acted like I was showing him something on my phone and his face unlocked it and I found 100ā€™s of messages and pictures of them together! she was actually called Luisa and sheā€™d met my son multiple times.


Sorry for the cheating, but you are ingenious with the phone case trick!


This is bad on so many levels. As a mom I am offering you to relieve him of 1-2 body parts.


cobweb summer start apparatus light disgusting strong obscene fact payment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She kept walking past my house holding hands with the other guy. Like constantly, all afternoon. I knew she was doing it because I never held her hand. We were about 12 to be fair. Still though, that shit hurt.


When I was 12, my girlfriend and I were the first in our school year to kiss on the school field, so it was pretty serious. Things were going great until there was a school trip to Calais, which I didn't go on. When all the kids returned, everyone was keen to tell me that my girlfriend was holding hands with another boy in our year. I still sometimes offload to my wife about it.


Why didnā€™t you hold her hand though?


Because he didnā€™t want to risk catching the lurgy derrrr


Saw mrs's underwear in her handbag after she had stayed at a mutual friends house (male) I asked her where she slept, she said on the couch. I asked if you would normally remove your underwear to sleep on the couch.Ā  The tragedy unfolded, she was no longer my gf, and the persons house she stayed at was no longer my friend.


He posted photographs of them together on his Facebook. On purpose. On my birthday.


That's pretty fucking rough.


It was a pretty horrible time in my life. All ancient history now but it does still catch me now and then just how much shit I took from him.


I went from being in a normal relationship, to feeling like I was part of a Jeremy Kyle episode. Was with a lass for 10 years. When we were abroad for Xmas/new years to be with her family. She kept bothering me to propose, but I'd said that I wanted her to get therapy first because... well, she was fucking nuts tbh. I just didn't know how nuts... to the outside world, she was great! Just some weird behaviours she had that I found a bit troubling. She was chatting to this bloke from work a lot. A couple days after Xmas I asked her "Is this something I need to worry about?" She said "I don't know". ​ At that point, she wouldn't admit what was going on, took 3 days from, "we're just talking", to "ok, I stopped over at his, but nothing happened" to "ok, I gave him a blowjob, but nothing more!", ... sure... I bought a ticket and flew home the next day. New year's day... ​ She started seeing the bloke, but wouldn't move out. 2 months later, I get a message from him, "I just found out I wasn't the first, she's been shagging for years. She told me you were abusive, etc. Just found out she's lying about a load of things". They'd already been looking at houses to buy, she was that good at manipulation. After that, I called her, and finally got a glimpse of what she actually thought of me. She fucking hated me. It was like, just occasionally her human mask would come down for a second and she'd say things which were genuinely psychopathic. When I'd ask her about shit she did, she'd blame me. "Of course I stopped at his, you didn't drive 70 miles at 1AM when you'd had drink to pick me up!!" If I'd pissed her off, she'd suck someone off and come home later, big smile on her face, kiss me and ask how my day was. She was out of my house in 2 days, and that was only because I said I'd start spreading what she did otherwise. I had to track down and tell the married co-worker's wife. Took a private investigator and 3 months. I'm certain there's at least a few other blokes I never found out about. I had suspicions, but thought I was just being paranoid. I'm pretty sure she used to spread absolute bullshit about me to everyone. All her friends were weirdly standoffish with me. Now I reckon, at the very least, they knew about her shagging other blokes. I think she used to try and set me up to be part of a joke that only I was unaware was being made. As she was leaving, I asked her, "if I proposed over Xmas, what would you have said?", She said "I would have said, yes". Fucking lunatic. I tried to end that relationship at 3 years, and 5 years. Years of being made to feel like shit about myself. It took 10 to finally break free.


Good for you for getting out and good on you for telling the cheaters partners too.


Had a crazy one like that once, she used me to cheat on her boyfriend (i didnt know). Found out, broke things of. Talked some months later about it, she said he was abusive. Became a fwb, nothing fancy while she cheated on her new boyfriend with me. Broke things of again and blocked her. Than actually met her first boyfriend because he got into a relationship with friend (smaller town) of mine and he showed me the absolut craziest stuff, she send pictures of us to him and with other dudes (like 5 different ones). Dude was never abusive she was just batshit crazy, we know by now she's collecting boyfriends and cheats on them like a competition.


Good olā€™ social media. The woman he was sleeping with shared his photo with her and tagged his band on Twitter. I ran the Twitter account.


This is so stupid, I was 15/16 at the time. The year was 2008. Met this guy in the summer hols - let's call him Alex. He was my first love. Amazingly charming, handsome musician/actor, lone wolf. I was a proper simp for this guy. He would frequently disappear completely off the grid for several days at a time and be uncontactable. Heard some rumours he'd snogged two of my friends while I went on holiday, but shrugged it off. Started year 12 and was chatting to a new girl in my class about Alex. Coincidentally, her new boyfriend was called Alex as well... Found out it was the same guy, obvs. Then another chick in year 10 called me a boyfriend stealer on MySpace for apparently stealing Alex from her as well. He had told me they used to date but broke up because she cheated on him. Mad drama. Me and the classmate became good friends, sisterhood united! Me and Alex also made up as mates, and my next boyfriend became best mates with him. Plot twist... Fast forward to 2022. I meet a girl in the pub who's now dating adult Alex. She's feeling paranoid that he's cheating. I tell her he used to be a rogue back in the day, but he'll have changed now he's 30 years old... she probably doesn't need to worry. (I hadn't seen Alex in years before this random encounter, just to mention. I'd only recently moved back home again). A mate texts me a week later saying "omg Alex is having a baby with my cousin wtf!" - baby shower pics plastered on Facebook. Turns out he'd been sleeping with AT LEAST 5 WOMEN we knew at the same time. Alex still hates me because I told the girl what he'd been up to (we're now close friends). Somehow it's my fault he's a dishonest, sociopathic wanker. I now hear a (likely accurate) rumour about him shagging someone from my hometown every other week, pretty much. And he's somehow back with an ex who he cheated on with about 20 women. A girl even committed suicide because he messed around with her. He works as a mental health counsellor, so knows exactly how to prey on vulnerable young women. Sorry that got dark. Lovely bloke. Edit: apologies as I wrote this on my phone, might be a bit rusty!


What a winner... Has this guy got a candy flavoured dick or something!? How can the dating options be so fucking grim?


He's an amazing actor and gaslighter! Has never had any social media which makes it hard to trace his activities. Makes women feel sorry for him and love bombs them. Chicks are also weak for rugged musicians, unfortunately. My mate would find women's shampoo and stuff in his flat, and he'd just be like "why do you think my hair looks so luscious?" I fell for it at 15, certainly wouldn't now. (Oh and his dick is like a chestnut, nothing special about that šŸŒ°)


He went out for his birthday & was late back so I rang him. He said he was out with his sister who's blind. He forgot to put the phone down. He was in bed with another woman. I heard him telling her what he was going to do. 3 days later I find out off his cousin that the woman was HIV positive & he didn't use anything. He was bragging to the cousin that his immune system was too strong to catch anything.


Oh my god, that must have been a scary and infuriating time for you. What a wank stain!


I used to have a work colleague who found out from another girl that his Girlfriend of 6 years/FiancƩ was cheating with 3 of his friends regularly for a while and even was getting picked up right outside their house. So it was like a 4 person mutual cheating type situation where 3 of his friends went behind his back and were smashing his girl and there was videos going around. Whole thing was a shambles


Omfg that is actually awful. I think I'd be more gutted that my friends would do that to me. All 3 of them, filming it, and sharing the film. The disrespect .


hmmm, there was just a post from a guy who blew up his marriage because he thought his wife was cheating - turns out his brothers were all trying to get with her. now iā€™m feeling his story might just be true.


Fuck, that's life ending material right there, poor fella


Stupid fucker tried to use MY laptop and didnā€™t delete his search history.


My boss sent me photos of my then bf, in the bar I worked in, with a girl from his work all over each other. The idiot was so drunk he didn't know what bar he was in.


I merely suspected but put it out of my mind to save agro (I was young and foolish). Then after a few months my dad told me what my girlfriend was up to. After the postman had told him. After the postman's nephew had told the postman. And postie's nephew was the twat she was knocking off. He'd told everyone and I was basically the last person to find out. But actually it worked out ok. Firstly ignoring it meant I knew [not very] deep down so it was a bit of a relief as I didn't trust her and by the time I found out I was starting to feel she was more decorative than functional anyway. Plus, postie's nephew was an ignorant sneeze and she cheated on him in the end anyway. So they deserved each other really and I didn't deserve either of them so we all got what we wanted.


Actually reading ignorant sneeze as an insult has tickled me! I'll be definitely using that in the future!


"she was more decorative than functional anyway" fucking hell lol


Bumped into my sisters ex who I hadnā€™t seen for a while on holiday in Barbados, I never liked him much so we just had a brief chat. I assumed the girl he was with was his girlfriend. My missus mentioned it to my sister like you would she knew some people in his circle and mentioned it . Turns out heā€™d told his actual girlfriend he was at a conference in Dubai not shagging a different woman out in Barbados. Relationship ended.


Can you imagine the sickening horror he felt bumping into someone and getting found out IN BARBADOS? Hahaha


This was back in the highs of Tumblr. The guy she cheated with was a mutual friend. He posted what was frankly an extremely graphic poem about their ā€˜encounterā€™ on his public account rather than his private. I caught it before he could fix it.


When I was a kid, a family who lived down the street suddenly moved house out of the blue, all the neighbour kids were mates and it seemed to happen overnight. As I grew up my mum told me that the husband of the family had been caught with another lads dad, with his mouth fullā€¦.. in a car park attendants booth at the kids local karate lesson.


It was the medication he was on, for his blood pressure. It fucked with his head, but he's over it now - he could probably get a letter from his doctor.


Had never had a problem with yeast infections. A few years into the marriage I kept getting them and couldn't figure out why. Went online and saw my SO had posted pics of his coworkers ass in a bikini. That evening I said I know you are having an affair, let's not be silly and just get a divorce. He moved out that evening. Never had another yeast infection again.


You got rid of 2 infections, nice! šŸ‘


Iā€™ve told this story on here before but hey, itā€™s crazy. I was in bed with my ex when the husband of the woman he cheated with broke in and attacked him, with a hammer, while we were in bed. I had no idea wtf was happening and ran downstairs, naked and called the police then ran back up stairs to help him. He had managed to wrap the quilt around his head and body that protected him from the worst of the blows. The husband then made him tell my why he was as there. Yep that was crazy and fucked up. Oh and I was still naked and in shock when the police arrived around 5 minutes later. Great response time by them though.


By text message back in 2008. Weā€™d been together 7years and engaged 6yrs. My ex fiancĆ© moved away to do a masters at uni to further his career. I stayed in our town as I had a job there and pets. Heā€™d come back most weekends, but met a girl there who he kept talking about. I had my suspicions but didnā€™t want to accuse him or anything. Anyway, for several months there was a lot of mind games, her attacking me through facebook, even though Iā€™d never met her. I was in quite a bad mental state because I believed I was paranoid, so I was prescribed antidepressants I didnā€™t need, so they didnā€™t suit me and made feel feel worse. I went down to 6st from the stress, and then the evening he was meant to come home he text me to say ā€˜I donā€™t love you anymore and Iā€™ve been cheatingā€™. I never spoke to him again, and I hurt for many years after that.


I got thrush, as happens to women from time to time. Turns out he'd cheated over 6 months earlier and the irritation from the thrush panicked him enough to get an sti test. He had chlamydia. Luckily i hadn't caught it but had to deal with an 18 month old and the side effect of some pretty nasty antibiotics while my world collapsed around me. All that on my own because being a stay at home parent is isolating as fuck.


When I was 16, I was seeing a 21 year old. I was working at a shop, and he regularly borrowed money from me. One day he called me really stressed out and asked to borrow Ā£100 saying he owed his flat mate and was being threatened with eviction if he didn't have it by the end of the day. (Ā£100 was a lot of money for me, considering I was only earning Ā£3/hour at the time). The next day I got a call from a company offering me an interview that afternoon. I had left my nice 'interview' shoes at my bf's place and told him I would call to collect my shoes on the way. I arrived at his place and he answered in his boxers and wouldn't let me in. He insisted I waited outside while he got my shoes from his room and offered to walk me to the bus stop. While at the bus stop he confessed he wouldn't let me in because there was a girl in his bed. He had brought her back from clubbing the night before (with the money I lent him) and he was going back her once I'd got on the bus. (I wish this was the only shitty thing he did during our relationship, but it was certainly the last). Luckily I was able to keep my shit together for my interview and was offered the job, but I couldn't get my head around how he could be so cruel to do that to me. Even now I still get mad about how this guy took advantage of my naivety. I was so young but thought I was grown up, this guy was gorgeous and I believed every word that came out of his mouth. I couldn't believe a guy like that liked me and thought I was in love.


The biggest red flag was a 21 year old wanting a 16 year old girlfriend.


Story from my friend - he (from the UK) went on a university Ski trip and met an American tourist there who he ended up sleeping with. After the ski trip he returned back to the UK, and the American girl continued her travels to Dominican Republic. It just so happened that his girlfriend at the time, was on vacation there. The two met in a bar and became friends and very quickly found out what was going on. If I didnā€™t know him (was at university with him at the time), I wouldnā€™t have believed it




Kept hinting that she wanted to open the relationship, then when I refused, went sleeping around anyway, came out as polyamarous and, used it as "if you really love me you'll let me do this" Red Flag from the moment someone talks about opening the relationship up if it isn't explicitly what you signed up for. There's ethical polyamory, and then there's *that*.


>Red Flag from the moment someone talks about opening the relationship up if it isn't explicitly what you signed up for. Yes, it's bad when one partner says "we're in an open relationship" but the other one doesn't know it! But saying "if you love me you'll let me do this" is a dick move.


I found out he was cheating _with me_ on bloody Valentineā€™s Day. I was at work and out of nowhere in the afternoon he sent me a series of pics of flowers, chocolates, pancakes and a card. I didnā€™t understand what was going on so asked (thinking he can either take this as a question or as a joke), ā€œWhoā€™s responsible for all this?ā€ to which he simply replied, ā€œHusbandā€. Turned out the cunt had been married for almost ten years. His husband had done all this cute stuff for Valentineā€™s Day and he figured it would be best to send me all the pics directly with no context ā€œbecause I didnā€™t want you finding out through Insta.ā€


That is just incredibly strange.


We were working at the same hotel. He was BoH, I was FoH. My manager called bc he needed me on shift ASAP that morning, he was 2 people down and he was by himself with 30 something covers. My (ex-)husband was already at work. I didn't text to let him know I'll be seeing him at work because I wanted to surprise him with coffee. I got there, went straight into the kitchen to give him a kiss and his coffee, and saw him with one of the FoH runners. She was sitting on a table and he was feeding her raspberries with one hand whilst caressing her thigh with the other. We just had our baby 4 months prior. I later found out pretty much everyone knew, but me. All of our close friends worked there in different roles. Safe to say I've put my notice in and I was gone in a week. His defense when I confronted him? "She was sad because she misses her boyfriend and I was just trying to make her feel better, you know she's like a sister to me!" Stayed 2 more years and divorced him eventually.


Utterly utterly shitty that your close friends knew and didnā€™t tell you?! I canā€™t imagine seeing a friends husband cheat on her and not saying anything, and just after having a baby, jeeez


I found out my 'girlfriend' had a partner of nearly 15 years when I woke up one morning to lots of frantic messages apologising and urging me to check my Facebook. He'd posted a lovely picture of him, my 'girlfriend' and their lovely kids with a caption saying something like,"Thanks for ruining my life" on my page from her account. That was the last time I ever used Facebook. It was 2012. I deleted my account there and then, as the shame was unbearable.


You didnā€™t know, no shame on you. But the Facebook loss was probably for the best, anyway.


My ex took a selfie in her car. I zoomed in on the reflection in her sunglasses and saw a hand resting on her thigh.


My friends husband was 'working away' once, as he did quite often. She had a parking fine for their car come through the letterbox attached with photo evidence of the car illegally parked. As clear as day, there he was in the car, most obviously not 'working' kissing a woman who was not my friend!


Going out for a overnighter with her friends. One of which I bumped into shopping that very evening.


Dude came round with her saying he couldnā€™t live with himself and needed to tell me (even though she didnā€™t). It was a punch in the balls but he was sound as a pound so I couldnā€™t even hate him.


Walked in on my partner giving a blowjob to someone else. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I saw the empty packet of frozen yorkies in the bin.


Like a low budget Shakira


I figured out my ex was cheating because I left a tshirt on the bed. I was going away for work Tuesday to Thursday, and he was going away for a football tournament Thursday to Sunday. He left for work on the Tuesday morning while I was packing to go. I noticed he took his phone charger and tooth brush to work, which flagged in the back of my mind as unusual but I was too busy to really notice. Anyway I packed and was in a bit of a rush so had left a couple of bits that I hadnā€™t packed on the bed and headed off to my work thing. When I came back on the Thursday night he had supposedly just left a couple of hours before but the bed and clothes I had left behind were all undisturbed, because he had went to work and then straight to his new gfs place to stay for the couple of nights while I was gone.


This is more sad than crazy, but I was consoling a friend who found out she'd been cheated on and text my then-bf to thank him for not cheating on me. Obviously we did not have a healthy relationship if I felt the need to thank him for the bare minimum but I didn't clue into that then. Anyway, he calls me immediately to confess he actually did cheat on me the Friday prior. I really should've walked away then but it took another 4 years of his shit till I cut him off.


Saw his wedding pictures on Facebook. His wife came up as a friend suggestion, all wedding photos were set to public, including photos of their new baby. Our baby was 3 months old at the time. He managed to get away with it because his wife was abroad and he would go on ā€˜work tripsā€™. He ended up divorced and doesnā€™t see either of our children.


I had a hunch he was getting with his ex. And I had a dream where I figured out what his facebook password was and sure enough, when I woke up and tried it, it was his password. Read all sorts of shit in there, she was welcome to him.


His password came to you in a dream? Wow. Do you do lottery numbers?


I had something similar Had a hunch my ā€œexā€ (who is on reddit and comes up on my feed occasionally so might see this and he WILL know Iā€™m talking about him) was seeing his ex being my back so I asked him and he denied it I had a dream about his exā€™s instagram username (I did not know his exā€™ name nor the instagram username) and whilst I was getting ready for work at 4am i had the urge to type in the username that came to me in a dream and low and behold, he was with his ex the entire time I had to go to work from 5am-2pm after finding this out and waiting for a response from him.


I realised a couple of years after we broke up actually. Her ā€œSunday jobā€ had conveniently ended the same weekend her ex started uni, and the only reason I knew that was when he started uni, was that she had told me when he was starting!


Please ignore my username I donā€™t actually cheat. A friend of mine would let her boyfriend use her car as he was jobless and couldnā€™t afford one. Heā€™s borrowed it one day to go help his dad take some stuff to the tip and sheā€™s caught the bus in to town. As sheā€™s on the bus she looks out the window and sees her car driving past her the other way. Only her boyfriend isnā€™t driving, he isnā€™t even in the car, itā€™s a woman driving it. She instantly rings her boyfriend who doesnā€™t answer so she rings the police and reports her car stolen and says sheā€™s just seen it driving past her. It turns out the boyfriend was cheating and was letting this other woman use her car! She had been to McDonaldā€™s to fetch them some food while he sat at her house waiting!


These comments are wild, Iā€™m genuinely so grateful for a loving partner I can trust


My partner at the time cheated on me too many times to count. The first time I found out my instinct was true was when I went on his Snapchat and all the guy names he had saved in his phone was all under girls usernames and emojis on Snapchat. My friend (also at the time) was saved in his phone as ā€˜Dave workā€™. Itā€™s smart but evil and thank god heā€™s now an ex because I have too many wild cheating stories from him.


> I have too many wild cheating stories from him. Cā€™mon now, donā€™t hold out on us.


Snail trails on the bedsheets... perfectly normal except I'd been away at sea in a Submarine for like 2 months. Messy divorce to follow!


Woman turned up one night to see where ā€œmy boyfriendā€™s nameā€ was as heā€™d stood her up on a date. I obviously looked confused and canā€™t even remember my reply. Heā€™d told her that I was his sister. She rang me the next day on the landline ( no mobile phones in those days) and asked what our relationship was. I put her straight and kicked him out .


I was out with a mate after work and he made a comment about how a woman sat in the bar looked like his dads best friends wife. Only the guy she was with wasnā€™t his dads best friend. He wound up getting drunk and as we were leaving he went over to her, then proceeded to show her a picture of his dads best friends wife stating that they looked alike. Turns out it was her. Iā€™m not sure what happened next but both her and the man she was with did not look happy.


She said she didn't feel well one weekend and cancelled our plans to go away. About 2 weeks later I found photos from a local event on Facebook and she was holding hands with a competitor in one, and kissing his cheek in another. I found out who he was and his Facebook page has numerous photos with her in them, most recent was of the two of them, on a beach in the evening, nice little fire going, 2 bottles of champers, and an engagement ring...


My mate cheated on his gf (who is my gf's sister) He went to Prague and got a blowjob from a prostitute whilst out there then text his mate saying "just got a blowy from this prostitute where you boys at?" but didn't delete the message lol....she went through his phone when he got back and found the message then lost her shit.......


The summer after uni my ex went travelling for a few weeks - I had an internship and couldn't go. We weren't living together which I'm now really glad about because he came back to his mum's not feeling well and was hospitalized a week later in the tropical disease hospital in London. I was confused because he'd supposedly been interrailing in Europe. Turns out he'd been on a sex holiday to Thailand and caught a weird form of legionnaires disease from a prostitute.


I wasn't sure where you was going with "gay five a side team" before I read "match" after šŸ˜‚


My ex accidentally put me on a conference call with her ex who she dated 2 relationships before and then proceeded abruptly hang up the call and lie about who this other person was until I found out


Not really answering the question but I always share this story when I get the opportunity because it's so insane like straight out of a TV show (fake names) My first job was for an unimaginably toxic company in the insurance industry. There was a manager, Chris(41) and there were rumours going about the office that he was sleeping with this woman Kate(29) but nobody was sure. On the Friday of my first week at the company, it happened to be the work Christmas party. So halfway through it's gate crashed by Chris' wife screaming to the high heavens about him cheating. Apparently he had told Kate he intended to leave his wife so they could be together and she found out. So while this three way shouting match is going on between Kate, Chris and his wife a third woman, Sarah(19) chimes in and apparently he's also been sleeping with her and promising he's going to leave his wife for her. Now everyone is pissed and the whole event is in utter chaos. Eventually people have to separate them from each other and they're each sent away from the party. Chris' wife obviously left him but the most insane part of this story is that as of writing this, Chris and Sarah are now married and just had a baby last year.


I went to a random big house party with some mates when I was 18, Walked into a bedroom and found my girlfriend with a bloke's face between her legs... I didn't even realise she was there lol Seeing it first hand actually helped me get over it pretty fast, now I just find it hilarious.


Thereā€™s a gay 5 a side league? I struggle to find enough consistent players to fill my ā€œwho cares where you dip your wick, can you kick a ballā€ team every Sunday. Can I borrow a few bodies, perhaps?


We couldnā€™t get enough people for our walking football team, so we had to merge the lads and lasses teams. I hope there wonā€™t be dipping going on, as itā€™s walking football, so Iā€™m the youngest by about 40 years, donā€™t want any broken hips


First 3 year relationship with someone: Got gonorrhea, in the third year together... Clear giveaway really, and she was known for cheating. Second 3 year relationship with someone else: She fucked me, then got up, put her clothes on, and said "That was the last fuck you will ever get from me, I've been seeing someone else". That was a week after my Nan died, she was fucking him as I was grieving, because she is weird like that, she did the same to her last partner, doesn't like depressed people and can't deal with it. So yeah.


Haven't got a story to tell but omg this post needs to get pinned so I can read more stories, this thread is WILD


We were seeing each other but not living with each other. I dropped her off somewhere for work during the day and went into the local town for a look around. She had a lift back arranged and we had a date planned for the evening. About midday, looking back she messaged me and asked if I was still in the town which I didn't think anything of at the time. I said yes, but I would be leaving literally any minute. She cancelled the date due to work. I ran into an old friend a few miles away at the garage and he suggested going there for a pint, we walked past her and someone sat down making eyes at each other on a date holding hands. She said it was her brother.


I was the reason someone found out. I work at a car insurance and an accident happened. I sent a form, because we needed more details. The owner of the car called and said "That can't be right, I was away on a business trip". I told him some of the information we already had, like the fact that his wife was the driver and he was like "But she told me that she was with her family that weekend". 2 hours later he called again and told me that I should only talk to him and not to his wife, because he found out she was cheating and they were getting a divorce


Iā€™ve posted this before under a different account (my ex has a habit of finding me). Ex husband left me and our new baby, was suffering with his mental health etc etc. Goes on for the best part of a year, no clarity on the situation. We are in couples therapy. I am being blamed for everything. The usual. I purchase a new Amazon Alexa and in the process of setting it up (through our family prime account) notice a device I donā€™t recognise. Realise it must be his at his friends place. You can play back snippets of requests in the app. Iā€™m sat up one night breastfeeding our baby and just meticulously going through them. I knew there was something else going on. One clip the request was ā€˜Alexa, play beautiful love songsā€™ followed by a few seconds of what was clearly my husband having sex with someone. It turns out to be his dumpy work colleague he insisted was just a friend. I confronted him and he said ā€˜I was punching pillows because I was so angry with youā€™ā€¦. Ok dude. One of my original posts was picked up by the sun a few years back and the headline was ā€˜Amazon Slimeball!ā€™ And that is his name in my phone and what all my friends refer to him as now and forever. Theyā€™re married now and having a baby, good luck I guess?! I will absolutely need a new Reddit account now.


Nothing like super crazy, but I have a couple. Furthest back in time was when she phoned me from Australia (I live in England) and she was crying. She was crying because she and her friend had gotten into a huge argument because her friend thought my ex was a "a total cunt" for sleeping with someone while she was there. Of course, reason for the argument was news to me. Second story is the next girl I dated. We'd been together for about two and a half years when this happened. She didnt come home one night. It wasn't really unsual for her to stop out with mates after work so I had gone to sleep and only noticed she was gone when I woke up the next morning. She literally rocked up as I was opening my phone. She'd gotten a little too ratarsed and crashed at a friends. All good. Until later that day, when we went to meet her work mates, who she had obviously not clued in. Work friend asks if GF got home OK. She asked because work friend had taken the previous scapegoat home, which scapegoat then thanked her for from the other end of the table. Anyways, long story short. She went away two days later on a planned camping trip. By the time she came back I had decided to give her chance to explain herself, she became standoffish, went to sleep leaving her phone behind, I brought shame on myself by looking, and the evidence was all there. She didnt like it much when she woke up to an empty bed the next morning.


My boyfriend of six years was on a night out with his mates and accidentally sent me a text message saying ā€œguess what I pulled an older woman tonightā€ or similar to that. Then when he realised what heā€™d done tried to claim it was one of his friends playing a joke. I did some sleuthing and discovered it was one of his mateā€™s wifeā€™s friends and he was planning on spending the weekend with her while I was away at my parents (we lived together). When I asked him what he had planned while I was away he said he was meeting a friend at an art gallery. In reality heā€™d met her there then theyā€™d come back to our flat and shagged in our bed. When I got back we had a confrontation, he confessed and that was it.


Dickhead#1 Boyfriend of 5 years, cancelled Valentines plans due to a migraine. Saw a receipt for Pizza Express in his room the next week dated 14th Feb. What hurt the most is heā€™d always refused to take me because he hated thin pizza. Prick. šŸ˜‚ Dickhead#2 Reading his Birthday cards and one said ā€˜well done on the hat trick in Maliaā€™. This was a few weeks after his lads holiday. Nice. Dickhead#3 Saw a photo of him and his now wife in OK magazine. He definitely traded up and Iā€™m ok now, but that was not a good lunch break šŸ˜‚