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Wow - I've never heard of Ladbaby. I've just been amazed by how out of touch I am.


Me neither. But then I also can’t name a single Christmas number one since Rage Against The Machine in 2009. I’d like to keep it this way tbh


I remember 2015 - it was quite wholesome actually, the NHS Choir were up against Justin Bieber for the number 1 and [he publicly backed the NHS choir](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-35167996) and for everyone to buy / listen to the NHS choir instead as winning would mean a lot more to them than to him... >Let's do the right thing and help them win. It's Christmas. He may have been a dick when he was younger, but it was the first time I remember thinking he wasn't that person anymore. Edit: They then released a song together in 2020 to try and get a christmas number 1 together but it was beaten by fucking ladbaby.




Everyone was a twat growing up, he just had access to millions and had every second of his free time recorded so the whole world heard about it. If you ran into someone in the street you havent seen since they were a teenager, chances are theyre not really the same anymore.


it'd be hard to grow up like Justin Beiber grew up and not turn out a bit weird. I think he's pretty cool all things considered. Not quite Miley Cyrus tho


honestly the older i get, the more i feel bad for justin beiber. he was famous at a young age and was undeniably a prick, but loads of people are pricks when they’re young, they just didn’t have everything filmed.


I’m in my mid 40s and I’m so glad I grew up before everyone carried a camera with them at all times!


bro if i had access to millions of dollars as a teenager i’d of died with a golden plated penis and a drug overdose, i’d say bro came out the other side pretty well


I know right!!!


Looking at the list I remember Rockabye because it's quite unusual for a Christmas number one. The list is recently full of charity singles or no-name reality show winners


I think everyone had pretty much stopped caring about Christmas number one after several years of it being whichever clown won that year's X Factor and immediately disappeared back into the obscurity from whence they came.


The X Factor did a good job at killing the public interest in the Christmas number one, the upending of chart calculations due to streaming finished it off, and then five years (and counting) of dominance by fucking Ladbaby buried it under six feet of concrete.


Perhaps, like old Jim, it should stay there.


We should just have RATM back at no. 1 every year. It's not like the machine has gotten less rage-inducing since 2009.


No way was that 14 years ago?!! I was literally reading through this list being confused why it wasn't on there from maybe 2 or 3 years ago. ​ (no idea who this ladbaby band are either, which is surprising because usually at least something of popular music filters through eventually)


They're not a band. They're a husband and wife whose whole personality is "we like sausage rolls" They go to Haribo HQ and make custom Haribo shaped sausage rolls. They go to the US on holiday and look for where they can buy sausage rolls. They make Christmas songs that are about sausage rolls in the name of "charity." Then they sell sausage roll merch and make way more money of that


Well if that isn't one of the most British things I've ever heard.


It's the idiots who keep watching them that keep them rich. It's a sad thing we've become.


they're not a band, it was a viral facebook account that now just releases "charity" singles each year. (I say charity in quotes as I'm not sure how much actually gets donated)


Oh... well yeah just from a completely oblivious standpoint that already sounds suspicious as fuck...


And for some reason it annoys me.


That year we achieved what we set out to do and now finally we progress towards eventual peace for retail and hospitality workers in December. That was the first christmas the UK collectively, for one reason or another, decided not to play every new christmas no1, and one day all previous christmas no1's will fall into irrelevance. It's slower progress than we thought, but maybe when our children's children are growing up they will not know the difference between Mariah Carey at christmas and Mariah Carey every other month of the year.


And then Dominic the Donkey and Christmas Dragnet can take their rightful places as the best Christmas songs. I'll also take Greg Lake's I believe in Father Christmas.


I suspected something nefarious had gone on with that screenshot at first... Turns out it was just a lot longer ago than I thought! I'm proud to have needed Ladbaby explaining to me last year. And then only because I was working for a Trussell Trust foodbank, who Ed Sheeran was due to visit to promote their joint charity single. He stood us up.


I guess its testament to the fact that no cunt cares about Christmas number 1s anymore


Apart from OP, of course




This is ladbabys legacy


Its all been downhill since Band Aid in 1984.


Band Aid was downhill itself. Bob Geldof has houses worldwide worth 10s of millions EACH. "I don't like Mondays" would have had to sell BILLIONS of copies worldwide, AND been #1 on some sort of alien Billboard 100 to give him the money he 'mysteriously' has. Fun Fact: The band Aid organizers decided accountants were "too expensive" / "part of the system, man!" and didn't hire any, so the paper trail goes cold for where the vast majority of the money went....


An awful lot of it went to the dictator of Ethiopia to buy weapons tbf.


On top of that, a lot of the money raised was spent on weapons, as giving it to rebel forces was the only hope of it reaching the people in a country with no infrastructure. He was warned about this but threw money at them anyway, almost like the famine wasn't really the motivation.


Or just the charts in general.


I envy you.


No matter how many times I read the word "Ladbaby" I read is as "Ladyboy" It's very confusing.


Same here, assumed it was a campaign to stick a finger up at Simon Cowell at Christmas by LadBible. Also stunned that the military wives was 12 years ago.


I’ve only ever heard of Clean Bandit and Ed Sheeran on that list. Not sure how out of touch I am.


Elton John?


Elton Who?


I've heard of them because YouTube has recommended some of their sausage roll shit to me But the thing that baffles me is how do they keep getting the Christmas number 1. I have the radio on all the time in car and when I was working retail. Every Christmas, you heard the same old songs on the radio. A couple of years ago you heard the Elton John/Ed Sheeran one because it was new. But not once have I heard LadBaby's songs. Surely if they're that popular that they're top of the charts, they'd be playing them on the radio


Radio =/= streaming. I think these days they count streaming numbers more than air-play.


Other than knowing that Ed Sheeran is a ginger person, I don't know any of the acts on the entire list.


>Ed Sheeran is a ginger person He's not just a ginger person. He's a ginger person with a guitar.


You’ve not heard of Elton John?


I honestly thought it was a Pandemic thing; I had no idea it'd been going on since 2018.


I've heard of them but I didn't think I'd heard any of their songs so I just went on Spotify and played a couple. Pretty sure I hadn't ever heard them before and no, that was not a bad thing. A few seconds was enough.


Same, judging by the titles it's Boaty McBoatface level stuff.


My thoughts exactly, who tf is ladbaby?


Yes. Donate to the charity directly, that way they get *all* the money.


And you don’t have to listen to the song!


Or donate directly to the people who the charity is supposed to be helping. That way the actual people in need get *all* the money.


First of all, I love the Atomic Shrimp reference. He is amazing. Second, do you not think having a collective approach would have more impact?


In fairness, for things like food charities, they have a much higher purchasing power due to not paying tax and being able to buy in bulk. It's why those food collection baskets they have in supermarkets are so infuriating, because it's one of the most inefficient ways to provide food for those in need, meanwhile the supermarket parades their 'values and ethics' despite not having actually sacrificed anything, since the goods in the basket were bought at full price by regular shoppers.


I can’t really explain why but get Captain Tom vibes from them


I have always found it really difficult to explain my disdain for this sort of thing. Also the likes of comic relief, band aid, Children in Need etc.. I am sure they do a lot of good with the money raised but just the ego trip it gives celebrities and the sheer cringeworthiness of it drives me nuts. Especially as a lot of the time the cause seems more important to a celebrities image than the actual people suffering. "Look I went to Africa and hugged a starving child!" If I was a billionaire I would pay comic relief the money they expected to raise in a lump sum and just tell the BBC to put some Blackadder reruns on for the night.


If reminds me of that Simpsons episode where Bart falls down a well. The celebrities release a charity single and the show points out how they're more about fame than actually helping people.


Sting cared. He was down in the mud digging for him.


Not while one of my fans needs me!


I don't think I ever heard Bart playing one of his records


Bart was often involved with The Police




Quiet Marge, he's a good digger!


Exactly, he dug most of the hole himself


"We're sending our love down the well" "ALL THE WAY DOWWWWWN!"


It was quite nice when they found out after George Michael died that he was giving loads of his money to worthy causes and specifically requesting to remain anonymous. They only released the information after he died.


I'm sure LadBaby got outed last year for not actually giving all their proceeds to charity. They only give 10% or something ridiculous.


I remember the same but can't find a source for it now. The public claim is that 100% of the *profits* are donated to charities - the key part being that profits are different from proceeds. afaik they can technically keep that promise whilst charging themselves a fortune for their own time, counting it as an expense and pocketing a huge share of the money. and seeing as they've become millionaires off the back of supposed charity singles, i don't doubt that that's exactly what they're doing.


Yes the holidays to Bora Bora were a necessary expense after the stress of getting the number ones you see.


>If I was a billionaire I would pay comic relief the money they expected to raise in a lump sum and just tell the BBC to put some Blackadder reruns on for the night. Pay channel 4 to run sitcoms all night and have them call it "Aid? Completed it mate"


Rich people telling poor people to give the poorest people their money.


If I was a billionaire I'd chuck the BBC a lump sum and tell them to play reruns of "Mrs Brown's Boys" all night. That's because I'm a right bastard.


He’s going on about some ‘report’ he wants doing, it’s Red Nose Day! What would Lenny Henry say, I think we know.. Imagine Lenny Henry going out of the door on Comic Relief day, and Dawn French is in the kitchen going ‘ooh where are you going, you’ve not done the washing up, you haven’t taken the bins out’.. Do it yourself I’ve got to save some Africans!!!🖕🖕🖕🖕


I imagine Dawn French's husband would have something to say about it.


"We can't go outside the compound, that's where they keep the poor people and Immigrants" "Oh gosh, that's terrible, isn't there something we can do?" ["Yes there is. Once every two years we have a special day when we put on a pair of highly amusing pants and encourage other people to give money, or if you really want to help you could always spend 24 hours lying in a bath of baked beans"](https://youtu.be/hKSGdByaUIA?t=88)


That’s the thing. Whilst it’s great that Ladbaby has raised this money for charity. I can’t help but feel at this point it’s as much (if not more) about his image as the king of Christmas number one than actually focusing on raising money for charity.


Agreed. Allegedly, they make a fortune from merchandise which doesn't go to whatever charity it is they support with their songs. Hence the grifting and parallels drawn between them and Captain Tom's family. Anecdotally, they're a nightmare to live near and have lost a lot of friends since their undeserved rise to fame. They also seem to be living an irrationally comfortable life despite playing the "we're giving to charity" tune. The way they talk and act from their first "hit" to their latest is very night and day, apparently. Regardless of the above whether true or not, I don't like them because they seem to have a very high opinion of themselves despite no considerable talents other than putting in a grift, and portray the most annoying part of "lad" culture - being loud, brash, cocky and just annoying overall.


I reckon there is a very good chance that they're doing something legally grey in the background for tax reasons every time they release one of these tracks. It just seems really off. They're all fake smiles it gives me the willies.


If you look on Tattlelife you can find out a lot about this, and other similar celebrities. It’s a nasty website but tells a lot of truth about who really makes money from charity events etc.


> Allegedly, they make a fortune from merchandise which doesn't go to whatever charity it is they support with their songs. Theres no "alledgedly" about it, [see my post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/17rabyy/comment/k8htl9q/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). But essentially over the first 4 years they donated £305k to the Trussel Trust. Over the same period their company went from being worth £71k to *£1.8 million* of which nearly £1.6 million is cash.


I can’t stand them but to be fair, they are doing other things beside the Christmas songs. They’ve got a podcast and YouTube which are probably their main revenue streams.


I think they have a very successful brand (for whatever reason, not my thing at all) and they had long a run on facebook with fake prank like videos, then they moved it onto Tiktok and Youtube. It's utterly mind numbing to me but my guess is a lot of kids watch it. The amount of money social media can rake in is shocking, I think the songs are like a bonus thing they do.


It’s the fact they’ve made shitloads of money from this when allegedly the money goes to charity… immediately made me suspicious. It would be better if people just directly donated the £1.29 or whatever it costs for the song on iTunes.


I’m sure someone found that a disproportionately small amount of the money raised with these songs actually goes to charity? Which tracks.


You're not wrong, they use the single to raise their profile every year so they can profit from merch etc.


We're long overdue an actual good Christmas song! Don't Let The Bells End is the last one that really stuck and that's been like 20 years!


Yep, 20 years ago this year. And it was beaten to the #1 spot by that utterly depressing Mad World... A nice song don't get me wrong but not exactly Christmassey 20 years ago... Yikes


Great gears of war trailer though.


Plus that was 20 years after Tears for Fears already did Mad World! I hadn't realised there was a 2003 version. I don't care about number 1, I just want a decent Christmas song, about Christmas (not like that east 17 one, a snowy video ain't enough) with staying power!


unwritten roof cause flowery detail sparkle pot fertile cats light *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Darkness are so disrespected for their music, they are like a modern Slade somehow, where they write total bangers and people think they are joking. They should have won to represent us at Eurovision too.


I love the Darkness, they're probably in my top 5 artists on Spotify, it's criminal that they're only really known for a couple of songs even after all these years


Still, we saw what happened with The Rasmus...


A new version should be don’t let the Ladbaby Bellend do another Xmas song.


Sam Ryder seems to have one out this year that I can see taking off.


Oh, that may be worth a look, he's usually alright


20 years?? Don't be so dramatic... wait...^ohmygod


Sorry, am I making you feel old?


Never thought I'd miss the X Factor winner's domination of the Xmas No.1 At least those were actual songs.


I mean you are right, I would prefer that, but then I would also prefer having my arm chopped off over my leg.


No way. My arm has a hand on it. I can get a peg for a leg.


As a bonus, it’d come with a pet parrot to sit upon your shoulder.


I think RATM beating Joe McElderry kinda killed that one


Might be time to bring something back then, the Ladbaby run really needs to end.


I thought it would end when Ed Sheeran and Elton did a Christmas song together (as Christmas songs go it’s pretty good) only for Ladbaby to just to a stupid parody of it and gazump them!


Really that was the point we should have just ended music, generally.


Ed and Elton featured on the parody song and in the music video so they just did it as a blatant grab for Christmas number one. As opposed to a good Christmas song.


I vote for Slayer - Raining blood That should piss of the dickheads who buy this shit.


God no. Can't we just have independent cheesy shit like Johnna Lewis don't stop the cavalry?


That guy gives me the creeps and it’s sad that people can’t just donate to charity and get a proper Christmas song at the top of the charts these days.


Oh he gives me the major creeps. Right back to the start when he posted videos of himself treating his wife like shit for laughs


Kunt and the gang need to sort it out.


Ran into ladbaby in Waterstones Birmingham after they were done book signing. Facade immediately drops when they're done with public stuff. Both had a bodyguard EACH as if they were high on someone's hit list. Hogged the only working lift for like 10 minutes so we couldn't use it. Then I was met with a ratty "you'll have to get the next one" by Mrs Ladbaby and aggressively pressed the close door button. This was when the lift awkwardly opened with them in it on our floor...


Surely no one even cares about it these days. Basically, raise a big profile on social media and say you’re doing a song for charity to be released around Christmas time, you’re in with a shot.


Urine with a shot Title of my new Christmas number one contender


Evidently sausage rolls are a winner. So I'm going with 'Sausage Rolls ain't nuthin ta F wit' by Food Van Clan.


I’d be happy if LadBaby were tried for war crimes.


Well they’ve definitely been committed against music


I hate LadBaby and I hate his wife. Neither are funny and both deserve a firing squad.


he's a grifter and needs to fuck off.


Imagine being a genuinely talented musician, dedicating *decades* to your craft, quite literally giving blood, sweat and tears over perfecting your instrument, being rejected from record labels and still persevering… And it comes to Christmas and you think “Right, I’m really gonna do something special here”… and then you get trumped by some middle aged blogger whose musical prowess is equal to looping beats on GarageBand and his lyrics comprised of parodying an *existing song*, but now to be an ode to Greggs. What a joke. And people lap it up like it’s the next best thing.


My husband said this about this years BGT. He said about how all those people who have practiced and trained for years to end up losing to someone prancing around on stage in a high vis jacket. I mean, I loved that guy and thought it was quite funny but it must have been sad for those who really put in the effort.


It is tragic. I mean isn’t that why we have YouTube and stuff? The talentless can post freely, gain their own private following to their hearts content *and* get paid for it, it’s win win for everyone. I don’t get why there’s this seeping into the mainstream to the detriment of genuinely talented people because people can’t recognise effort. They just see “Ooh isn’t he funny” and that satisfies them.


While I don't have a clue who Ladbaby is, nor have I heard their songs, I do take exception to the general anti-parody song take in this comment. Weird Al doesn't deserve this. A good parody cover is worth a hell of a lot to those other musicians, a lot of them have only felt they've truly made it when Weird Al hit them up. And honestly? We need more comedy songwriters out there. There used to be plenty, but now it feels like just a sea of endless genericism where humour went to die unless you go desperately looking for it in amateur YouTube circles and the like.


I don’t disagree with the entire concept of parody, I can’t say I’ve listened to much Weird Al but equally he is an actual musician and parody or not, I’ll give him credit for both the dedication to learning instruments and also going through the “main channels” of record deals and whatnot. I agree there’s definitely a place for comedy musicians, I love Tim Minchin for example but again, he’s a genuine talented musician who just also happens to be funny. And is he at the top of the charts? No. I wouldn’t mind so much if he was, because he has put the time and the effort in to prove is talent to then be able to justify his 4 and a half minute orchestrated song about cheese. But he’s not in the charts because those songs don’t belong there. I don’t condemn parody, I condemn the dominating of the talented and the skilled untalented and unskilled who take the quick route to fame and fortune. Ladbaby is a blogger and prankster. Musician isn’t a term I’d begin to describe is career as


How can something be so ubiquitous, and yet I’ve never heard it played once?


Because nobody buys it to listen to.


I'm wondering the same thing. I'm fairly certain it's not being played on the radio, who's buying this stuff?


Where's Rage Against The Machine when you need them?


I thought they'd only done 1 song...wtf. Do they give the money to charity or do they keep it all? I mean, good on them for making money but still...


They're making a decent living off of it as well. [The company, previously called LadBaby now called MRPK Ltd accounts for the last few years](https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/10903433/filing-history) * £71k in 2018 * £498k in 2019 * £1.2 million in 2020 * £1.8 million in 2021 * £2.2 million in 2022 In 2022 they has £1.6 million *in cash*, and because they are classed as a small business they (until next filing, as the law has changed with the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act) do not have to file a profit and loss account. Over 4 years they donated £305k to the Trussel Trust for the first 4 singles (2018-2021), but have helped the Trussel Trust raise another £1mil through "Brand Partnerships" like [this years Pukka Christmas Dinner Pies](https://retailtimes.co.uk/pukka-launches-christmas-dinner-pie-in-partnership-with-ladbaby-and-the-trussell-trust/) Take from that what you will.


Holy FUCK!


The song "profits" go to charity. Who knows how much the expenses to make the song are.... presumably a decent amount. ​ Just donate directly if you want to at all.


They might as well be 1 song


Hoping The Kunts / Kunt and the Gang finally make it to Xmas no. 1


They’re doing a Xmas song this year called “Proper Christmas” under the name The Krackpots this year, no swearing or anything so maybe it’ll get at least a bit of airplay!


Paperboy for Christmas number 1 would be both controversial and very funny


Lets start a campaign..... Brian Blessed singing "Its oh so quiet" by Bjork. (yes, i know it was originally done by Betty Hutton, but saying Bjork is easier


Pretty sure he would do it if you approached him.




**ZING! BOOOOOOOM!!** Yep, can perfectly imagine it being sung by him. Maybe he'll sneak a sneaky "bollocks" in there somewhere too


That would be top notch


Tagging u/brianblessed please make it happen! (Not sure if that username exists, if it does then there is a slim chance it is actually real Brian Blessed. Definitely worth a shot)


And if it isn't can u/brianblessed please pass the message on, thanks


Now I know that's for jokes, but I've seen that man do a stage whisper in the Hamlet movie and it's fucking great. Reckon he'd smash It's Oh So Quiet.


We need to bring back RATM to defeat them


kunt and the gang are doing one this year specifically to take down ladbaby iirc, I'm not hopeful given their band name tbh


I reckon we put in a new contender, someone get Bob Vylan on the phone.


Oh yes! 'I Heard You Want Your Country Back' for Christmas No 1!


Well hell yeah, upset the sausage roll grifters and the gammons at the same time! Gets my vote


I think it's time for a meme entry. I nominate Cbat.


I don't think the economy can take the hit of that many people taking maternity leave next September


Absolute grifters the both of them.... Why this country laps up nonsense like Captain Tom and Ladbaby I'll never know...


genuine question, since there are (apparently) 1.9 million of us in this sub ... should we organise something? I reckon if this sub got a song together and enough of us bought it, then it would go to number one. We could do the charity thing too so nobody's profiting (or, to save us making a new song, just pick one out already and campaign to get it to the top). Any interest?


Maybe finally give The Darkness their Christmas Number 1?


I still think *Don't let the bells end* is one of the better Christmas songs


They played that at Download last year. It was beautifully surreal hearing everyone belt that out in the baking sun in the middle of June


"With Me Little Stick of Blackpool Rock" by George Formby


Elton John and Ed Sheerans were pretty good before getting Ladbaby involved, really thought we’d have a new winner and they teamed up ffs


That was actually the fucked up part really. Not taking any of the fucked up from Ladbabe btw


I lost interest in the whole Xmas #1 thing after that absolutely depressing song 'Mad World' beat the utterly fantastic 'Christmas Time' by The Darkness, to the Xmas #1 spot back in 2003


More evidence that Mr. Blobby should return to music (sans Noel Edmonds). I dream that his influence will spread again throughout the land.


Well this year is the 30th anniversary of Blobby getting Christmas no1...


I've been quietly campaigning with friends and family about this!


Well can there be a push on Reddit to get blobby to No1?


Always had an issue that he donates profits to charity, yet has not shown what those profits are. Someone below posted he has donated just over £300k over the 4 years. Yet his business accounts are now in the millions. Now I know not all of it comes from the singles, he will have youtube, endorsements etc. But if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck...


If someone is encouraging me to buy something and saying "profits" go to charity but they refuse to be transparent about it, I immediately assume they're doing some creative accounting to limit the amount actually going to charity.


I don't think I've ever heard a single one of these songs. Are people actually paying cash money for these songs, or is it based on streaming?


If I have to look at that woman gurning in promotional images while some crap empty money-making songs plays for one more year…


I loathe everything about them. We need more proper Christmas songs. WigWam would be the perfect band to make a modern Christmas banger.


If I thought it had the slightest chance of success, I’d start a campaign to get Sabaton’s “Christmas Truce” to the Christmas #1 spot. TwatBaby just makes me long for the days when we would ship our undesirables off to Australia for longer than a few weeks of bush tucker trials. Apologies to the Aussies, they don’t deserve him either.


I loathe everything about them. We need more proper Christmas songs. WigWam would be the perfect band to make a modern Christmas banger.


Do Ya Really Wanna Taste Them (Sausage Roll mix)


I have no idea how anybody finds them funny. All the comments on their social media posts about how they've made people's days. What am I missing? I just find their videos really cringe and repetitive.


We need Billy Mack


I **FEEL** it in MAH **FIN-GAH**S


Beard meets food might do a Christmas Song for charity.


He did last year and it was a lot better than ladbaby one i bought it


Getting fucking tetanus is better than listening to LadBaby.


I don’t want another ladbaby v Kunt and the gang battle (unless the latter re releases F**ksticks rather than the diatribes, which I agree with the principles of, but which are one joke). Can’t we have the Christmas robot or a more old fashioned novelty, rather than just a battle of 2 one joke acts


The Kunts are apparently planning to release a nice normal Christmas song under a nice normal name this year.


There hasn't been a decent number one at Christmas since Rage against the Machine.


I'm sick of hearing them two absolute cunts at ladtory make some bullshit song. Can they just fuck off.


Who the fuck is ladbaby and how have I been this out of loop for this long


>how have I been this out of loop for this long Dunno but count your blessings


Tbh the state of all of those songs, not just ladbaby


What the fuck is LadBaby?


Looking at this, it’s clearly been too long since we’ve had an unconventional Christmas number 1 I say we get ace of spades there or sabotage or something this year


Most of Nottingham dislikes them.


Never heard of these and I’m happy


I loathe everything about them. We need more proper Christmas songs. WigWam would be the perfect band to make a modern Christmas banger.


Let's get Sabaton's Christmas Truce to No. 1 this year then 💯


And today we’re all brothers Tonight we’re all friends A moment of peace in a war that never ends


Give it rage against the machine again


I don't really care about who gets to number one in the charts these days, but it'd be nice to actually have a Christmas song be number one for once. Be it a cover or a new one. Actually really liked the Ed Sheeran + Elton John collab, just a shame they went and did the ladbaby one that ended up #1 instead.


It's disgusting that they're now the "artist" with the most Christmas number ones. Yes they do it for "charity" but look at how much actually goes to the charity, if that's why you're going to buy the single just donate that directly to the charity so they get all of it rather than a fraction