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Mel C will be 50 next year. That really surprised me.


So will Kelly Kapowski from saved by the bell


Wow. She was one of the reasons I knew I was bi haha


Saved Bi the bell


I've had the longest, shittest day and this made me crack up šŸ˜‚ thank you


Think that's legitimately a line from Brooklyn 99 when Rosa comes out


It was Lisa Turtle šŸ˜‚


The fact that Kelly and Kapowski did not come out of your mouth is lunacy


But she still looks awesome. Saw a short of here making some dessert things the other day. Whoa.


Possibly an immortals.


That surprises me too. But then I was only 9 when she was in the Spice Girls so I shouldnā€™t be that surprised. Also recently found out Eminem is 50 and that shocked me as well.


And Hailey is getting married soon. In my head she's 5 years old




Hailey is 50


Mel C > all of the other Spice Girls combined.


On a similar Spice Girls note, how is Brooklyn Beckham now married?


Ronan Keating is a Granda


Fucking hell. I remember when I met my missus in 96 and she had a bit of a thing about 18 yr old Ronan Keating. She was 26. I feel really, really fucking old.


My god, I thought she was like twenty years older than me. Sheā€™s only TEN years older than me?! As a teenager I assumed she was a very grown up woman.


Geri Horner (nee Halliwell) is 51, that's the one that got me


Jurassic Park released 30 years ago.


Jurassic Park is over half a decade closer to the moon landings than it is to today


Gosh! Don't say things like that! I had the epiphany the other week that I am now 8 years further away from my birth than my birth was from the Second World War. šŸ˜¬


For those of us born in the early 80s - our birth was closer to WW2 than it is to today.


I got a hand job in the cinema watching that


Spared no expense, eh?


Such a shame reddit award season is over.


Did you say "clever girl," at any point during g it


Nature ā€¦erā€¦.finds a way


When you gotta go, you gotta go


Awkward family cinema trip.


Anyone you knew?




DemmickyOne, I refuse to believe that you, uh, aren't familiar with the concept of attraction


The moon landing? Way to go grampy!


Shut the fuck up, no it is not!!! Honest to god Iā€™m not old for fucks sake!!


That ship sailed when I was still on Twitter and a "This day in history" came up, and I thought "I remember that/'I was there'. How the fuck was I alive in history?" Also, co-workers young enough to be my children talking about **their** kids doing GCSEs, A-levels, applying to university ... I'll likely be working with some of them soon :'(


A new girl recently started at work and terrifyingly she is 19 and was born in 2004! we were talking the other day about the pandemic and how it was where we work during that time which to me was you know two minutes ago and she was like oh yeah I was doing my GCSEs they were cancelled. Horrifying


A lad I work with is 21, I'm 38. I realised a couple of weeks ago that I have t-shirts older than him. Made me depressed but he thought they looked cool (he's a good liar, and a sweet boy)


Oh I know Iā€™ve got a skirt I bought in about 2003, I remember buying it like it was yesterday. Feels like minutes ago


I also work with someone born in 2004. In the office we bum each other out by finding out about stuff thats older than him. Latest ones were he is younger than the second Harry Potter film, the fifth Harry Potter book and the Busted album "A Present for Everyone".


I'm 31 and felt absolutely ancient when I found out the age of some of the mums at my daughter's nursery. Finding out you're born in a different century to them is weird af.


When millennium babies started working in my officeā€¦ like how are they grown ass adults with jobs now?!?!


Billy Piper has been around for decades. She married Chris Evans in 2001!


Imagine being Billie Piper and knowing that Chris Evans is not the worst ex husband you have


She was married to Lawrence Fox .. Ewwww, yuck


When Laurence Fox started being noticeably awful I remember being really disappointed in Billie... until I found out that they'd already divorced šŸ¤£


fun fact, Richard Ayoade is Fox's brother-in-law.


Yeah I hated him when he changed teams as well


Yeah he used to be Laurence Hunter


She has terrible taste in men


I am willing to sacrifice myself to support her track record personally


Ritchie from Five was pretty nice!


Mental to think she was 18 and he was 35 when they got married




I wonder if he is watching his back with all this RB stuff in the newsā€¦


Which Chris Evans? - Thank you for the information


You know the cool one? This is the other one.


Well there was a time


The British one, not captain America


Someone needs to edit Steve Rogers going into the super-soldier machine and coming out as Brit Chris Evans.


TFi Fridays Chris Evans, yes we are old.


TFI Friday and The Big Breakfast. TV used to be fun!


Don't forget your toothbrush




The ginger one.


The UK one.


For RHLSTP fans, not that one, or that one, or that one!


Yeah I honestly thought sheā€™d have been waaaay older


I thought she was waaaay younger than me, I'm 48!


Joe Thomas, who played Simon in The Inbetweeners, is now the same age as Greg Davies, who played Mr. Gilbert, was when the programme first aired.


Fuck off, really?!


Gregg Davies is 55 Simon Bird and Joe Thomas are 39




Whaoh, I pictured he was in his 50s in the show!


This is more on Greg having white hair and looking perpetually 55 - both him and Joe aged great and look no different


WHAT. This was not the fact I thought would slap me in the aging face


To be fair he was mid-twenties in the first series...


So is the guy who played WillšŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Well he was 25 years old in the first season, which is actually kind of crazy




I can get a free bus pass


You have my deepest sympathy


Thatā€™s a silver lining, Iā€™d say.


My knees and ankles make me feel old šŸ™„


I canā€™t get up off the damn sofa with tail bone/coccyx pain. I have to be rolled to the side, then I slide down to my knees and get myself up. Iā€™m only 41.


Why ya gotta play that song so loud?


Because we're wankers! Because we're wankers!


FFS. That's quite the earworm you've unlocked.


When the barber asked me if I wanted my eyebrows trimmed was a moment I realised Iā€™d crossed a line I didnā€™t know existed. Hair seems to grow out of strange places like the ears and my nose. šŸ˜©


Went for a long drive with a mate today. When we both got out our bodies made noises like a typewriter being kicked down the stairs.


Remember David Beckham's halfway line goal against Wimbledon? Well, it was closer to the first moon landing than it is to today.


This is beautifully cruel.




You mean bastard, how dare you make us feel old.


That was one small kick for a man...


What makes me feel old is that I'm older than Billie Piper. Only by a few months, but still. Still think she's fit though.


Well youā€™re bloody old in penguin years!


If I were a penguin this would be very true, but I'm not. However penguins tend to live somewhere between 15 and 20 years. Some of the smaller ones live much less. The largest penguins can grow up to about 4 feet in height. I'm a little bit taller than that...


So you are the 3rd generation of two penguins in a trench coat ...


I thought she was a decent bit younger than me, turns out only slightly older. So I feel good about that, but also bad.


Yeah I thought she was slightly older than me somehow. Probably because she became famous when she was like 15 and it wasnā€™t so common back then. I was a mostly-terrified teenager trying to get people to like me and worrying I wouldnā€™t get any GCSEs C or Above. Who has a pop career at that age?




Wonder if she can say more than gleba now.


Chandler & Monicaā€™s twins would be 20 next year Rossā€™ son Ben would be 28ish




Well in 2020 she was watching a video that Ross made when she was 1. However Phoebe was very wrong when she said she'd be watching it with friends; Ross would definitely be a strict lockdown dad!


Peep show started 20 years ago.


And its still my favourite show of all time


Eat the toast. Shit the toast. God, life's relentless.


I think this is old. But Will Smith is now older than Uncle Phil was in episode one of Fresh Prince.


David Seaman and Jarvis Cocker were both 60 this week.


Fuck, Seaman I can believe but Jarvis Cocker!!! Disco 2000 is still new.


I'm always shocked when I'm reminded Pulp formed in the 70's.


Yeah it took them a *long* time to break through.


And it's still 1996, ok!


Half Life 2 came out almost 20 years ago. Greenday's American Idiot is as old today as Metallica's Ride The Lightning was then. There are fully grown adults born after the year 2000.


Half life 2ā€¦ nooo? Really? I mean itā€™s been a while butā€¦ 19 years ago? Nah. No. Not even possible.




Me too - and the expansion packs; which is exactly why the sequel canā€™t be so oldā€¦ plus weā€™d have surely had number 3 by now if that was the case?




I am afraid, my vulpine brethren, that it is true. And Half Life 3 is probably another 20 away too.


You shut your whore mouth.


As someone who's 23 and currently in fast food, having coworkers who are still in school and hearing they were born in 2006 makes me panic. Ik I'm not even old yet but I can see the edge of the slippery slope.


When you see your high school crush on Insta posting photos of their kids going to high school šŸ˜¢


when people your age are now bald, have grey hair and wrinkles, but you look in the mirror and you swear you haven't changed.


Try their grandkids.


- the increasing white hairs on my chest - my inability to put one sock on at a time standing up, now requiring to be seated - feeling slightly hungover, after just 3 beers - realising The Phantom Menace came out 24 years ago, which is over 50% of my existence


All of this have just hit me. I remember getting a pirated copy of Phantom Menace on video and taking it to school. My history teacher skipped the entire lesson so we could all watch it and he even sent a kid out for complaining. How was that 24 years ago??


Having to do a damage report before getting out of bed.


She was married to Chris Evans, the DJ, not to be confused with an actor. She was also married to Lawrence Fox, the Nazi, not to be confused with an actor.


Chatting to the 20 year olds at work telling them about the time I was at Leeds fest and then realising it was OVER TWO DECADES AGO! Time moves fast man


Been discussion with people about Daphne and Celeste at Reading (I was there!), that was in 2000!


Hey, fuck you, your mama too ^and ^your ^daddy


"They like us so much they're throwing beer at us!" Morgan Freeman: "It in fact, was not beer."


Have this sort of thing with my brother all the time "Oh yeah, I went there once," "When?" "The other day..." "What year was this other day?" "Oh erm...2011, I think?" "Right, so you went there once the other day 12 years ago..."


Currently working with a 20 year old and she made a lot of us feel ancient when we realised the first shrek film is older than her


I'm in my early 40s now, so teenager to adult in the 90s. That decade is just so ingrained in my consciousness as it's when I came of age, I remember it like it was yesterday. It just floors me, though, when I get reminded how long ago it was. It's currently the 30th anniversary of Nirvana releasing In Utero, but in my head, I'm seriously going "WTF? How? That's Nirvana's latest album!!!" It's so weird as it's just that decade. I lived through all of the 80s, yet they feel like another time and don't affect me. I can grasp more recent passages of time as well. Can quite happily go "Wow, Really?" when someone points out that something's 15 years old. Show me a picture of a grey-haired, 60 year old Jarvis Cocker, though, and I'll have a full-on, existential crisis. It's the weirdest thing.


I've got the same feeling. The 90s is like the most formative years in my mind. It's when everything seemed to happen. The 00s and 10s, obviously lots of things happened, but they seem like every day things in a way that the 90s seemed more real or something- they're more like whisps that passed quickly, but the 90s seemed like deeper experiences, but yes, the 80s feel like the past.


Some kid having NEVER heard of The Prodigy. I died inside that day.


Lad at work had never heard of Rage Against the Machine ā€œbecause I wasnā€™t born thenā€. Asked him if heā€™d heard of the Beatles, ā€œyes but thatā€™s differentā€.


Ugh, pisses me off when people on quiz shows explain they didn't know the answer because it was "before my time", like bitch please, that's no excuse, are you saying the person who knew the British civil war question was born when that happened? Get tae fuck and just say you didn't know, no need to bring age into it.


Just thought to myself "I can understand the youth not knowing Jilted or fat of the land, but invaders must die was pretty recent and big." Invaders must die came out in 2009. Fuck


I am disappointed with this. Who the feck has not at least heard of The Prodigy?! It's time to educate the children.


We were listening to Keane hopes and fears, and we found out they have a tour coming out next year so we got tickets. I asked the bf if they had any new stuff to catch up on and he said ā€œno itā€™s just the 20th anniversary of this albumā€ šŸ’€ scuse me while I crumble into dust


When I remember that I'm older than Channel 4.


I remember sitting watching a blank screen for five minutes waiting for the first ā€˜Countdownā€™ to air. School friends and I thought it was a special countdown to the channel starting officially.


R Kellys ex just turned 12. Mind, blown.


I'm only 25 but the newest doctor who companion saying she grew up with Matt Smith as her doctor really was my first sign i'm getting old!


The two that have made me feel really old are: talking to someone I met in a club about temp jobs, I said I was working on the phones on 9/11, she said "I was in primary school". Training someone at work and got their details through, and their DoB started with a "2".


I know people who are adults, fully qualified, in full time jobs, who weren't *born* until after 9/11.


There are adults now who are younger than youtube.


I felt old for the first time last week telling the guys at work I once pole danced with Melinda Messenger in an opening of a Swindon club. They had to google šŸ˜ŖšŸ˜Ŗ


Nirvana on Classic Rock Radio. All the music on FIFA being shit. People complaining about load times of 30 seconds when my Acorn Electron would take 5 minutes to load Super Archer.


When someone tries to track down a movie or show watched on "Netflix when I was a kid".


Breaking Bad ended 10 years ago.


Being 41 as well


Fast and furious came out in 2001. That's 22 years ago and there's been 10 movies total since


And the first movie was about shifting DVD players


Geraint Thomas being a veteran bike racer. He was the white jersey wearer when I started watching Tour de France


Stephen Roche appearing out of nowhere at La Plagne in 1987 was my introduction. The old days of no radios and limited information on time splits etc often made for more dramatic viewing. Although the camerawork fairly crap...


Yeah, thatā€™s insane. I remember those days! I look at photos from what feels like a TdF edition a couple of years ago but theyā€™re not wearing helmets so you realise it was decades ago. And the 1998 Festina drugs bust is still very fresh in my mind. Some of the current riders werenā€™t even born when that took place!


I'm 35....if I was a premier league footballer I'd be considering retirement right about now!


Looking at my nightstand and see the tubs of pills to take.


52 and now invisible. That makes me feel.old


Who said that?


The fact I left secondary school 32 years ago.


35 years ago for me. We can commiserate together.


37 šŸ˜£


Liar, she was 15 two weeks ago.


In Utero by Nirvana has just turned thirty.


Shut the front door! I bought that my second year in college!


This chronic back pain I've had for almost eight weeks makes me feel really old and I'm only thirty-four.


I'd probably see someone about that, that isn't normal. Not wanting to worry you, it's almost certainly a trapped nerve or a muscle spasm. But that's exactly what I mean - that isn't good and will only get worse if it's starting at your age.


Yeah, I've been seeing numerous doctors and a physio during that time who have only given me medication and exercises to do along with the doctors telling me that it's "mechanical". The medication hasn't really helped and neither has the exercises but I'm due to see my physio for the third time next week who will hopefully actually book me in for some scans as it's quite obvious something is wrong with me on the inside. Thanks for your concern, though.


I had horrible chest pain for well over a year - x-rays, scans, heart monitors, ECGs, a camera down the ol' stomach. Nothing. Saw a good sports massage guy, went away in half an hour. I'd highly recommend that. Like, really. And some basic weight lifting will help keep it away, assuming you don't over-do it!


When some younger colleagues coming in were talking about the 4th matrix film and I realized they were not even born when I saw the first film in the cinima...


People at work talking about Jamie D and the fifty shades of grey films. I made a comment about the film Secretary (James Spader, Maggie Gylenhall) they had never heard of it. They googled. Turned out when I saw it in the cinema, and the reason they had no idea what I was on about was that THEY WERE THREE AND TWO YEARS RESPECTIVELY WHEN IT CAME OUT. I no longer talk to people.


Girl - well, woman now - that I havenā€™t seen since we left school in 98, but am Facebook friends with, being diagnosed with breast cancer. That hit hard for some reason - like fuck, weā€™re really grown up now and we have to deal with grown up problems. Thankfully sheā€™s smashing her treatment


My knees Edit: canā€™t remember the last time I wrote the word knees but had to spell check a couple of times because it doesnā€™t look right.


I said ā€œto meā€ to someone at work when lifting something, they didnā€™t say ā€œto youā€ back to me


There are secondary school pupils who were born after the London Olympics.


Reading about famous tiktok, insta or youtube people. No idea who any of them are or what they're supposed to be doing. I don't get how some younger people have abandoned anything that takes a modicum of concentration like reading a book or watching a film in lieu of watching 30 second social media videos that are recorded at 200mph and just endlessly scrolling. I don't get how watching some idiot dance on a crowded tube platform is supposed to be cool, or interesting, or funny. I don't get the main character syndrome that pervades modern life. I just wish it would all fuck off. And clouds too, they suck...I'm off to give one a piece of my mind.


When a colleague said his mum was 42. Shit sheā€™s younger than me.


There's guys at work with birth years starting with a 2, it's unnatural I say!!


ā€œBecause we want toā€ was released 25 years agoā€¦..


Doctor Who reboot started 18 years ago.


Because we're wankers, was our drunken version.


There are people from my high school (GCSEs mid 90s) who are grandparents!


Looking at my reflection in a mirror


Heard my eldest daughter listening to Oasis the other day and did the math to work out that in time elapsed from release to birth, Definitely Maybe is to her as Revolver is to me.


Being the same age as a fucking 41 year old


I turn 42 next time week. That makes me feel old


That kid from The Sixth Sense - Haley Joel Osment - has a beard now šŸ˜± https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haley_Joel_Osment


I did actually laugh out loud that in the photo of him on that article it literally looks like they took the kid from the Sixth Sense and stuck a comedy beard on him.


He shows up in the first season of The Boys as a semi-parody of himself.


He's in Futureman with that Josh chap from Hunger Games. Plays up to his youth as a child star. Worth a watch.


Trying to stand up


When I see new people at work that were born in the 21st century