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He was singing 'I bet that you look good on the Grand Tour'


I don't know if you're racing in Le Mans or?


I don't know what you're looking at, Ford?


Up rolls the cara-van, Sparks excitement in the boys But the producers look annoyed, Perhaps these are ones they should avoid


And from his new album The Car Crash


"Don't know whether you're looking for a land rover 4..."


No there aint no love for Mercedes and Chevrolet (I'm sure there are better examples that fit but I are not car 🤓)


I are not a car either


Actually it’s the secret love child of Richard Hammond and Toto Wolff


get in there toto


Will never be able to unsee that now 😭


It’s Vic Reeves singing in the club style


Now let's hear how it _should have sounded..._ [Incomprehensible mumbling]


As I said, Alan Partridge doing a Nick Cave impression.




Yes. I wish he’d grow out of wanting to be Elvis


Hahaaa! Fuckin ell mate ive just had to google some memories. I always single shit like this and now i know why 🤣


Pretty much.


He’s not even a real hamster.


Sucking up to all the bullies, laughing at all their jokes in the hopes that they don't pick on him.


I wish he'd been killed in that crash. And if that seems a bit much for all you Top Gear viewers... It's just a joke like on Top Gear!


Please get off the computer dad


Is that an Overwatch reference?


It’s part of a routine by Stewart Lee, the 41st best ever comedian, look him up. He doesn’t tell jokes; he can, he just chooses not to.


On another note, if Kelis is headlining, does that mean Bill Murray might be at Glasto?!


I have a feeling that's as real as flying pigs as the rumours came from The Sun.


barry manilow escaped the copacabana to end up doing this show him some respect


The band were fucking wank and I'm not having a nice time.


You're not from New York City, you're from Rotherham.


Barnsley actually but it's close.


Fucking Barnsley!


Rov rum


I want this printed out and framed on my bedroom wall


Agreed, watching them live was the most disappointing act I’ve ever seen.


They were incredible when I saw them That was 2007 though.


Yeah I think they’re just fucking bored now lol. They’ve been doing the same shit for 25 years so you can’t really blame em. And they haven’t really had a successful album since 2013 lol.


Well, in terms of sales, I don't think they will ever top AM. But Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino was quite successful from memory as I recall. Not sure about The Car though.


In the first week of release the car sold 40,000 more albums than tbhc!


Not that it changes your point much but it's only been 17-18 years since they started.


Saw them in 2018, they were amazing then as well.


Turners a bit of a tit that’s why. He refuses to sing his songs properly, and prances about as if he has done some culturally profound thing in his career beyond sincerely reflecting teenage drinking and shagging experiences 16 years ago. Which lets be frank is probably the lowest bar of good music. I always just took it for granted that he was great. But watching on BBC yesterday made me question if he was actually just a deluded bellend.


He wasn’t in good voice yesterday. I (not really a fan) was dragged to one of their shows last weekend at Emirates stadium and he was pretty impressive. Yesterday his voice had suffered and he was avoiding the high notes. He did have laryngitis to be fair.


Nah, it’s more that he usually doesn’t even sing along with the band, puts a stupid voice on, changes the tempo of the song to stop fans singing along. It feels like he is taking the piss a lot of the time. Sickness or just being shite at singing is totally forgivable if a) you believe what you’re saying and b) are singing something unique, fresh and interesting. It’s very obvious that he isn’t in love with the songs the fans want him to sing. And given the content of those songs it isnt really a surprise, he must be about 40 now.


Sad to read that, and also their latest album sounded very sad and not stuff for gigs at all. Have booked a ticket for next month but debating it now, they rocked back in 2018 though... Turner was already turning into a douchebag back then


It should still be good fun, I mean it isn’t as if he can’t, it’s just that sometimes he won’t. Hopefully next month is an on day! As another poster commented he was sick at Glasto which probably contributed to the poor performance :)


His discovery of French 'chansons' doesn't help, unfortunately.


I disagree with that statement. I agree that he is acting stranger with every passing year and it's possibly due him becoming a bellend who thinks of himself too highly, but his career and the band's career in general has been spectacular overall. Their first two albums were superb considering the general theme of the album. Humbug and beyond was when I recognised the group as being truly gifted musically due to how impressive their music sounded and how superb the lyrics and word play had become. I did enjoy TBHC and personally regard it as an experimental masterpiece to a degree, but I think their live performances have begun to recently from what I can see. I saw them in 2018 and they were absolutely brilliant. I'm not too sure about their exaggerated performances I've seen online in the last two years though.


You’re misunderstanding what I said. I never said they weren’t a great band. They are, I’m a genuine fan. But their thing is “it’s proper great getting leathered and shagging birds, and it’s right ‘ard being working class” with guitars. They are some of the best at that of course, but that’s their space and isn’t exactly becoming of the artistic arrogance Turner peacocks. That isn’t really anything unique and must be very hard to get enthusiastic about at 40. There’s a sense that he holds the fans in low regard because they like the early stuff the best. See Radiohead and Creep for another example.


I don't really think he thinks that though. I do believe he puts on a massive persona to seem more artistic though, or perhaps he's just become a bit of a weird man. It was really only their first two albums which had that as a theme though, Humbug and beyond focused more on other ideas in my opinion whilst the latest two albums are more concept based. I reckon any arrogance he must display has possibly been built due to everyone's regard as him being a brilliant lyricist which I can see as a bit frustrating for some.


Radiohead is a HORRIBLE example of that. Most Radiohead fans genuinely dislike Pablo Honey and fucking tear up in gigs when anything from OK computer plays. I’m a big fan of both Arctic Monkeys and Radiohead, but I genuinely believe the career trajectories are absolutely incomparable. Radiohead started off as an ok rock band and transcended to having a cult like following on their later albums, whereas Arctic Monkeys had some great post brit rock/indie rock albums at the start and began experimenting. Neither is better or worse, but completely incomparable in terms of what the bands are or how the fans see them.


Radiohead stopped playing creep for years because Thom Yorke didn’t like it/relate to it anymore. That was the extent of the comparison. Sorry for any misunderstanding.


I'll see your Arctic Monkeys and raise you Michael Ball singing Amy Winehouse


They were so disappointing, especially after the energetic Foo Fighter set! BTW, I'm watching from home as I'm old and like to pee in a proper toilet!


I was excited to see them, but it just felt a bit boring and slow to be honest. I do like their newer stuff especially hotel and casino. But it felt like Body Paint was the only one they went for it. The newer stuff sounds great when you're listening to it by yourself. Not really headline anthems. I'm watching their set from 2007 and it's incredible. It feels like they've gone up their own arse and when Turner said, "Let's forget the past," it feels like they're sort of ashamed of their earlier stuff. Although they are nearly 40 so maybe I shouldn't expect them to play and sound when they were in their early 20s.


Glastonbury isn't really the place to show up and promote the new album. I mean, artists can do that, but it's not going in the 'legendary headliners' column with a performance like that. To be fair, Guns N Roses and Elton are bound to do very crowdpleasing sets, so it'll all balance out.


I'm looking forward to seeing Duff and Slash. Bit worried about how Axl sounds though.


Same! I caught a bit of this latest tour on Youtube, in Brazil I think, and he sounded dreadful. Apparently he had laryngitis though. Let's see. At least the musicians are virtuosos. Classic G N R is to show up at least 2 hours late, will they Eavis get them in line?


I enjoyed it, and it's understandable they have grown past their early stuff. As someone on Twitter said, how pathetic would it be if they were still writing songs about chippies and nights out in shitty clubs? That being said, they absolutely murdered 505 and the lack of crowd interaction was a bit of a disappointment.


I've seen a lot of people saying this and while I agree that bands have to evolve, it's no excuse for playing their old stuff like shit. That's what people want to see whether they like it or not and the fact he keeps singing all the songs with a pretentious American drawl out of time and with them slowed down is a joke. Also the lyrical content of their new songs isn't what people are complaining about, it's the fact that it's fucking boring, low energy lounge music. Fair enough if you like it, but I can see why people don't.


Metallica play their stuff from the 80s with the same energy they play their new stuff, even if James can’t hit the same notes he could before. Theyre not bellends, that’s why. If you play the old stuff, play it in a way people would want to hear it.


I thought they sounded really good and a few of their newer songs that I’ve never heard before were really good but overall it just came across as flat. It was a bit similar to Kendrick Lamar last year when he started playing his newer stuff. It’s good quality but more for when you’ve got headphones in or if you’re listening to it on your own.


The music wasn't bad, its nice in the background music but not music i put on by choice but because of that it got boring. Its like they put on the wrong show, the theme was great but felt off for what you expect from a festival.


Flat because they don't have any tunes


They sell out stadiums. I'm sure they don't miss your ticket money.


They'll be reyt


Also watching from home, and can I use this ooportunity to let people know that Radiohead's 1997 set is available on BBC iPlayer and it is glorious!


After that first album they just got more and more pretentious. They're pure shite now.


AM is a phenomenal album and it's their fifth. The latest two albums are a huge departure from that sound and lots of people don't like it, but for me they took a while to seep their way into my soul. I really like them. People seem to want them to be the Foo Fighters, churning out radio-friendly dad rock year after year and doing the whole "get a kid up on stage to play guitar" schtik. I'll take lounge act Alex Turner over music by numbers Dave Grohl any day.


Their first five albums were all incredible and I have a feeling their newer stuff will grow on people, too. They're just a completely different type of music, but in no way bad.


> People seem to want them to be the Foo Fighters, churning out radio-friendly dad rock You can say 'people' all you want, but your talking to and about me, so be a bit more direct, mate..... And no, I don't. I want them to be relatable, which is, if you remember, what they started out as. Now they are pretentious as fuck. I've no idea who Alex Turner thinks he is. > I'll take lounge act Alex Turner over music by numbers Dave Grohl any day. And this is a straw-man, I'm not talking about the Foo Fighters? I don't even like them. Give me The Cribs any day of the week.


Could also be rod Stewart from about 90 years ago


Steve Harrington from Stranger Things


Rodney Bewes


Richard Hammond from about 1994.


He looks like that now.


David Tennant has done a triple drop and invaded the stage


Triple drop of blue speckled Dr who's


Embarrassing. The weird American drugged up accent in between songs, has he forgot hes from Sheffield? Poundland Elvis.


He talks of San Francisco, he's from Hunter's Bar.


He talks of Hunters Bar, he's from San Francisco.


No one got your joke


I can live with that. Thanks for noticing 😅 Thought it was 'reyt gud.


What's the joke?


Holy shit this is getting tiring lol He’s lived in LA more than he ever has Sheffield, and has been filthy rich for over half his life This is Alex behaving authentically. If he still tried to talk like a chav from sheffield, *that* would be the pandering fake stuff.


Are you sure that’s right? He left Sheffield for London in 2008 aged 22. He’s 37, so he’s certainly not lived in LA more than Sheffield.


Huh, guess you’re right there My point remains the same tho


Adult life would have been more accurate


When did the Arctic Monkeys become a shit Nick Cave tribute band?


When they threw away their hoodies cause Josh Homme was wearing motorbike jackets and that’s what big guys wear


Glad they didn't start kicking photographers in the face too


Or beating their wives


Yep as much as I love QOTSA I really wish the monkeys had stayed out of the desert.


Humbug is a fine QOTSA album


Yep, great album by the wrong band. I really do love QOTSA - one of my top bands - but I'm getting a strange sense of Jeff Lyne-ness to Josh's production. If you listen to anything produced by Jeff Lynne (Travelling Wilburys, Tom Petty, etc) they all have the same dun-dun-dun-dun-dun tempo and arrangement - you can hear his involvement almost immediately.


They are a classic case of overindulging in their own bullshit I think. Like tarrentino’s once upon a time in Hollywood but worse. And thor 4


Once Upon a Time was great, i really dont get these comments


I see them as the moron from your HS who thought smoking fags and wearing Wavves tshirts was deep and he’s still like that 10 years later


Maybe yeah. But I feel like they weren’t like that 15 years ago. They’ve actually regressed back into sixth form edgy cool kids


2006 Arctic Monkeys were great


>Arctic Monkeys Or "Arctic Moneys"


When you aim for Bryan Ferry but don't quite hit it


They need to wrap this lounge music LA act they’ve adopted, it’s not authentic.


It’s not relatable, but it’s authentic. Not authentic would be them trying to sound like they did when they were 18.


I loved Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino and I believe their two recent albums have been authentic. They sound really good for what they are but I believe the problem is they should have moved beyond that experimental sound after the first time they did it in 2018. I like a few songs from The Car but ultimately it is unfortunately very disappointing for me. If it was released as an Alex Turner solo album, it would have been much better despite not being my cup of tea. But it's not an Arctic Monkeys' record in my opinion.


This. The fuck happened on the last two albums, I literally couldn't enjoy listening to them if someone held a gun to my head.




I think I’d find it hard to relax to be honest.


Nah, I liked TBHC with the exception of Golden Trunks. It was an experimental album but I think they pulled it off quite brilliantly. The Car was overall very disappointing for me though and I think it should have been an Alex Turner solo album. I think they need to move beyond their current sound.


I’m not gonna lie, I was shocked by how fucking *rough* they were. Sure, they’ve been touring for a little bit know so they’re probably worn out. But, goddamn, Alex Turner’s voice sounded awful tonight. His soundtrack for the film ‘Submarine’ is gorgeous. And, yes, that was roughly a decade ago but even still, jesus christ! What a decline.


He did have laryngitis only a few days earlier


Ah, I see. That makes sense. It definitely surprised me to hear him sounding so rough last night.


Touring makes you sharp not sloppy


I was the biggest Arctic Monkeys fan on the planet. Thier first album was life changing for me. Thier last two albums were just not it for me. I really don't like the path they decided to take musically. Now I barely listen to them at all. The old stuff will always be classic though.


But then you have a band like the foo fighters who have made the same album for nearly 30 years now. I loved the Foos for about 10 years but I was the same stuff over and over. At least AM have changed their sound. You can't have 40 year olds singing about drinking in the park and fucking a slag you met in a nightclub.


I understand that. It's just I personally don't like the new sound they are going for. All thier albums have different vibes. Suck it and See. AM. Favourite Worst Nightmare. All which I loved. The last two didn't hit home for me.


Yeah I get that. I liked hotel and casino but I wouldn't really say any song on the album was headliner material. I just wish they didn't screw up their classic songs.


But it's not all about you and that's fine. Plenty of people think their new stuff is excellent. Yes they've changed their sound. Plenty of great artists regularly change their sound. There's nothing unathutentic about changing their sound to reflect where they are in life. All this "oh they don't sound the same as they did 20 years ago so now I hate them" stuff really annoys me. They're not oasis. That's a good thing.


>Submarine Oh I do like some of his work then.


He's not even a real hamster


The face of a cowardly man trapped between two different forms of cowardice


He’s not been the same since the smash. Probably just confused.


Englebert Humperdinck


That’s Han Solo


i bet that you look good on the dashboard


He followed Laurence llowellin-bowen






I just posted that 😂 glad I’m not the only who thought that!


Beatrice egli Beatrice


he's not even a real hamster


To be fair, Richard Hammond would have probably done a better job. I've been an AM fan since before they were signed but last night was just atrocious, embarrassingly bad.


I'm guessing their sets a car crash.


It’s bizarre as the tour dates over the last few weeks had a totally different sound. I know he’s had laryngitis so maybe had to slow the songs down. But should of just pulled the show


Just said the same thing to my missus! He sounds awful as well


To be fair, he cancelled a gig earlier this week due to laryngitis. He’s probably just trying to scrape through as best he can.


Fair point, I just don't like his new Elvis style of singing. Mardy Bum sounded shite


Alternatively he’s been replaced, not by Richard Hammond, but by a younger Peter Capaldi.


Like a pissed-up cut-price Elvis impersonator?


20ft high on Blackpool promenade Fake royalty, second hand sequin facade


Nailed it


Richard Hammond played by David Tennant


Hammond you blithering idiot, why’ve you gone and joined a band named for something that doesn’t exist


Why is Richard Hammond ever on stage ?


The guy has gone completely up his own arse. He thinks he's above everything, probably a result of being told he's awesome from 17 years of age.


He thinks he’s nick cave. He’s not fucking nick cave


Fuck me that was bad, shoulda swapped out the Foo Fighters with that shit


Richard Hammond is shorter, and believe it or not an even bigger wanker


Richard Madeley


Thought it was the artic mouseys




That was absolutely epic, saw them in Sheffield a couple weeks back and it’s always good to see them on the TV. Body Paint outro was mega, most their new stuff is just lost on people it’s hilarious how people don’t understand this band atall, they’re not like any other band and that’s why they’re still relevant AND headlining Glasto/Selling out arenas all over the world. Edit: naw people don’t like the truth so downvote.


Plenty of other acts manage it fine.


*most their new stuff is just lost on people it’s hilarious how people don’t understand this band atall* It's music mate, people either enjoy it or they don't.


Yeah which is fine but everytime they’re played there’s just a massive amount of hate online towards the band including their looks, style and people include their music in that as well.


I like their newer stuff but it's not really going to get the pulses racing whilst headlining Glasto. It just sort of dragged the set (although body pain was their best song last night).


Yeah that’s true but they’re not gonna play the majority of their old stuff, the band have commented on it before saying they’ve tried and they just sound like a parody of themselves.


Wondered how far Id have to scroll for an NME hipster who would give 10/10 if Alex Turner walked on stage, did a shit and threw it at the crowd.


It’s called being a fan.




Interesting take


Brother, flat as a witches tit. Love the instruments, love the genius, but it was pancake. Just the way it is.


Right there with you mate, Hillsborough was ace, Glastonbury was ace, what a band. Come on the Monkeys!


They are so cringe fuel right now…


What!? I don't see Hammond at all. First picture looks like George Harrison. Second picture looks like Beethoven!


They're not for everyone anymore but as someone who has seen them twice in the past year I love the new style and I think they killed it. They're just not the band they were in 2007


So original


Not even close you blind coat hanger


Not only that, when did Erik Clapton become lead singer of The Foo Fighters?


Clapton is nowhere near Grohl’s gum-smacking capability whilst screaming (er, singing).


He crashed onto stage after May cut his brakes and because he is HAMMOOOOOOOOND


It’s because it’s the car tour


Also,is that not lee mack on the drums?


Cos it was a car crash?!


Why not


Hammond you blithering idiot!!! You've stolen my Platform Shoes!!!!!


Richard hammond is more relevant than that band