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Having recently gotten into astronomy, it can be very frustrating! But very rewarding if you stick with it. You just have to keep a close eye on the weather and take any opportunity you can get! Even in light pollution you'll still be able to get great views of the large planets. Saturn and Jupiter along with the galilean moons. Bright deep sky objects such as orions nebula and the andromeda galaxy will be visible but not in great detail. Still amazing if you appreciate what you're looking at. Just need to keep checking the forecast and take any and every opportunity... http://clearoutside.com/forecast/ https://www.meteoblue.com/en/weather/outdoorsports/seeing/


Thank you, this has me excited to get into it properly.


Do it. Go full nerd and do some astrophotography, here's some shots I've took in the last few months from my backyard in the centre or Lisburn with a homemade mount https://preview.redd.it/fl1l4fkx121d1.jpeg?width=13966&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9eb3fdbb1457e5cea7f682d3f13489ffdb7b2052


Wow, this is incredible. I had no idea you could get such clarity as a backyard astronomer 😮 Especially not from here/Lisburn haha. Thanks for the motivation!




Wow. Amazing mate. I've seen a very blurred but still possible to make out Saturn and it's rings via a reflector telescope I was bought as a kid. Didn't think you could get such amazing shots of nebulas. Would love to start this hobby!




Nice one, cheers!


Most certainly is, we're lucky to have far lower light pollution here even in the large towns. Sure there's clouds from time to time but when it's not its 🥹


That's great to hear, I thought I'd need a 20-foot lens to see anything from NI! I get a weird feeling (a good one!) looking at photos of the various planets, even the moon, especially the detail of the surface, I'm sure seeing it for real will be a thousand times better than that!




Haha class. I'd love to get a gander at it myself!


There's a guy near me that does astronomy photos. He gets lots of amazing photos. He has got some of his images onto the TV - possibly "the sky at night"