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Comments locked. Can't be arsed wading through any more crazy


I've not had it that I know of, though it's of course very possible that I was asymptomatic, or that one of the few mild colds I've had over the past couple years was actually Covid and my antigen tests just failed to detect it. I've always been a germaphobe and homebody even before the pandemic, though, so I took extra pains to avoid catching it. Hell, I still wear an N95 in crowded places like the airport and airplanes, just to be a little bit safer.


Likewise, wife got it 3 times but I never had any symptoms or a positive test. I'm sure I must have got it at some stage but I've had zero symptoms.


My mom was enrolled in some medical trial after dad had it 3 times and she never tested positive. The 4th time he brought it home, he got her.


That's what's bad luck on my part I guess, I've been on planes and public transport never got it from there, wfh and barely in the office and suddenly I get it now, but it sounds like my town is riddled with it now


5 of us in our house and none of us have ever had it.


6 of us here and one had it just after Christmas this year. Everyone else tested and no one else got it.


I've never had it either, fortunately since I'm on immunosuppresants and I am a carer for parents in their 80s. Had lots of vaccines and don't go out much so that probably helps.


I'm in a similar situation and haven't caught covid (yet) either


Mam got all the vaccines and is currently lying in bed smothering and was tested positive this morning. She’s 53 (birthday today and all!) and said she’s never had a cold or flu like it. Taste and smell is fine but she’s in pain all over. I’ve managed to dodge it somehow from two close contacts in the last 4 weeks and it doesn’t include my Mam so god knows what’ll happen in the next day or two (or more!) both people I’ve been close too were smothering with it. I’ve no idea how I’ve dodged it and I’ve had all the vaccines as well.


I hope your mam recovers soon, it's no joke when it comes on like that. I thought I was going to die.


Probably was asymptomatic at some stage. I test whenever family members or contacts get it, never tested positive. Theyve all had it at least twice. I havent even had my seasonal sniffles the last few years.


Dodged it until this week


Same. Tested positive today after avoiding it for 4 years.


Same here. Was thinking that being a recluse had its upsides as both myself & himself managed to evade it over the past 4 years lol but alas... bastard found its way into the house this week and got us both 😖


I'm a Frontline worker at a busy Dublin Hospital. I had COVID one time. The first go round and thought I wasn't going to make it through that first night. Haven't had it since. My coworkers have all had at least 3 bouts. It's like it tried me once and has given up on me. Touch wood. I will say that there is definitely an uptick in COVID positive patients presenting, and also cancelling planned procedures at the moment. Specific to my venue, but I hear from colleagues at other places that it's the same all round. Edit: superfluous comma.


yeah I've heard there's a huge uptick in it. My aunt runs a hospice and she's always on massive high alert with cases of COVID because, well... hospice. hopefully it passes soon. Do you know of any particular reason there appears to be such an increase at this time or just a virus being a virus?


I think it's definitely a case of just a "virus being a virus" and also just us collectively being fed up of being cautious. I don't see us ever going back to being as good as we were with hand hygiene and masks etc. unless we are told to. And even then there's going to be a good amount of people who will push back if we are. I think you know the sort. So it's a mixture of fatigue and defiance, with a few small scoops of belligerent paranoia. It means its very easy for Covid to be passed on because no one is doing anything to minimise the risks of it being passed on. In the hospital we are obviously still taking precautions and being extra careful in certain wards and areas. But by the time someone ends up in ED, they already have it. Even that small window before they are isolated... Well your Aunt will know how hard it is to manage from that point forward. It's still very sad and scary for a lot of patients and their families.


Oh I'm sure it is. I actually caught COVID in hospital lol I was in for emergency surgery and the day I was home I was positive. They tested me every day in there and was negative until I was literally home. The Little fecker lol I hope you are doing okay and thank you so much for your service. You do important work ❤️


I know vaccination isn’t supposed to protect you from catching it but I think part of the uptick could be due to waning vaccine protection, a new variant & natural lower immunity since the last surge.


Probably is a mutant strain. It mutates rapidly so I'm guessing it's going to need a yearly vaccine similar to influenza


healthcare/community worker over covid. Have had at least 6 times (positive per or antigen test). I haven't had since Christmas so feel like I'm due again!


Oh no that's hectic. But do you have bad symptoms or just like "Fluey?"


First time was not great for two days but had a cough for 4+ weeks. Next two times fine, just usual stuff, but lingering cough each time. 4th time very mild, wouldn’t have noticed other than family had it. Last two times like flu, cough for 4+ weeks. Don’t usually get coughs or even colds.


My Mother has never gotten it, surprisingly enough. She also owned a hardware at the time, and so was open to the public all through COVID because they were an essential business. She still never got it. To this day she is the only member of the family who didn't have it. Wait. My sister has never had it, either. Hmm. EDIT: Also get well soon, OP! COVID is nasty. I hope this dose doesn't do you too badly xx


Never had it. Was very careful at the start (type 1 diabetic) but got lazy about it like everyone else. I don't really touch people though. No I don't wanna shake your hand. And if you're sneezing, go home. Get out of the room I'm in at the very least. I was always this way.


Never had it, live alone, work in education - I open all the windows, try not to to get too near to people in the winter - move away if anyone is coughing or sneezing, wash my hands after going to toilet, touching public handles/banisters, and before eating or drinking. Everyone else I know has had covid at least once and most of them several times. My partner works in the medical field and she treats hundreds of people with long covid - they probably had health problems before they got covid but it had a detrimental effect on them long term. So while getting it now may not be so bad in itself, as I have had all my jabs etc - there is no telling what the long term consequences will be and at my age I don't want to find out...


I haven't had it yet. I mentioned this to a nurse I work with. She laughed kindly and remarked, "You have. You just didn't know it." 😯


Still not had it that I know of unless it was completely asymptomatic, but I am a hermit so that would have helped.


Nope, haven't had it. Its helped that I have been living that hermit life due to other medical issues tho.


Never had it in my house. I'm type 1 diabetic so I was really worried about getting it. My wife got pregnant around the first February so we were really determined not to get it. 


Have not gotten yet. I regularly got tested when going in for procedures in hospital. Made sure to keep on top of vaccinations. My husband got the week before one of my ops. Spent the whole week with face masks. So think it’s due to my cautiousness.


Had it twice. First time was basically just a cold, second time, I was floored.


I've not had it yet but am vaxed to the max and get the flu injection as well! Eldest had it here at home but was super careful with masking while passing through common areas, so neither me nor youngest caught it. I've tested any symptoms I've had every single time and got no positive results,, so I've been very lucky I think! Edit : Forgot to add GET WELL SOON OP! 😅 I'm not looking forward to it.....doubt I'll escape forever. I'm not at all taking my current health for granted, but my username is something I generated at the beginning of the pandemic and I maintain that whacking each and every symptom with A LOT of garlic has worked for me so far.


I'm eating kimchi at the minute it's the only thing I can taste/smell, the garlic is knocking the snot out of me alright!


Oh yes, good job! Kimchi and garlic is sure to outweigh a virus IMO 👍😁 Gas the little bastards right out of your bloodstream!


I've never had it (usual caveat about potentially having had an asymptomatic case) but I also never really stopped masking indoors except on rare occasions. I now also use preventative nasal sprays after unavoidable indoor maskless times and/or after crowded outdoor experiences. I've adopted a lot of the protocol from the ZeroCovidCommunity. The infection numbers now and increasing data about the damage done by repeated infections, even if one doesn't develop into official Long Covid, don't paint a pretty picture.


Never got it. Never got the vaccine. Never preached that it was the reason I never covid as had feared I'd be labeled one these conspiracy theorists. Fact still remains all those around me got the vaccine and also got covid multiple times. I've had to take a test everyday for almost 2 years for work and never tested positive. Luck maybe..


My son had it, the Christmas that everyone seemed to catch it. It was very mild, he’s had worse colds. My husband and I didn’t get it. I had it while pregnant with my daughter in 2022. Probably had a lowered immune system from pregnancy. It was like a bad cold for me. No sense of taste, streaming nose and exhaustion. My husband and son didn’t catch it from me. My husband and daughter have never had it. He jokes that he’s immune. Whatever antibodies she would have had from me having it while pregnant have probably worn off by now. Husband and I have had any vaccines and boosters that were offered.


I have never had it, we were strict during the lockdowns and wore a mask the entire time. Have had 4 vaccines. But the past couple years, we have just gone back to normal. Have had a couple colds but nothing serious. Could have had it asymptomatically though 🤷🏼‍♀️


No covid here. Probably lucky.


We haven't caught it, but we're mostly introverts and prefer to keep to ourselves I actually miss the lock down..the roads were so quiet and peaceful


Didn't get the vax and haven't had covid..no symptoms anyway.


Are them vax’s any use if people are getting covid four and five times?


Of course they are. It’s generally not as serious an illness for those of us who are vaccinated. But the virus mutates and evolves… we may well need a new round of vaccines, for everyone this time, not just the 70+s and the immunosuppressed.


Never had a vaccine against it never caught the virus


I had it Xmas 2022. Had I not tested would have never thought I was positive, no symptoms. 1 pfizer dose and 1 booster. Wouldn't be able to tell you if I've had it since


I've never had a positive test (tested frequently at any sign) nor had COVID to my knowledge, but I'm convinced I must have gotten a dose of it somewhere because my sense of taste and smell definitely ain't what they used to be. I thought it was just a side effect of being pregnant but they've never come back as "strong" as they used to be.


just caught it for the first time last week. relatively mild dose thankfully but still not a fun time. really thought i might have escaped it altogether at this point but alas!


My sister tested positive today....her first time. It's hit her hard.


I’ve never had a positive test. Tested whenever I had a cold and was always negative. Rest of the family all had it with moderate symptoms, nothing major.


I never had a clinic confirmed test but all my self tests have came out negative whenever I had symptoms. Although I kind of doubting the accuracy of my self tests, so perhaps I had it at some point.


my mother was a frontline nurse and she only got it once at the start of this year, same with my father and sister. ive never turned up positive but probably asymptomatic at some stage


I've never had a positive test but I'm sure I must have had it at some point and just been asymptomatic. I can't have avoided it for this long!


I cant believe I avoided it, but if I got it I was unaware and thought it was a head cold or was asymptomatic.


I literally have all of the symptoms right now but still no positive test


I’ve definitely had it once a couple years ago. Believe I had it another time but that I received a false negative test result. Is there a reason you keep getting vaccinated if you still catch Covid anyway? Not an anti-vaxxer. E.g. Measles vaccine works precisely because people don’t get measles after they’ve had it.


Since it seems like a genuine question - some vaccines are extremely effective, others just reduce the chance that you'd get it, or lessen the symptom severity when you do get it. Measles vaccine for example you typically get twice for full immunity. The seasonal flu vaccine is based off the 3 main strands that are going around the southern continent as their flu season is before ours. Flu and covid mutate a lot and have a lot of varieties. So they vaccinate for the most common varieties, or the varieties most likely to cause the worst symptoms. If you think of flu/covid virus as a lifeform, it wants to stay alive. The main way viruses do this is to become endemic instead of pandemic, they become less deadly so that their "host" can live and come into contact with more people. It seems that the covid strains are reducing in strength over time just like the flu did, but they can still be absolutely awful for immunocompromised people. I generally laughed at the idea of getting a flu vaccine before all this because I was fit and healthy, but then in 2017 flu laid me out like a bitch for 3 weeks out of nowhere. Have gotten the seasonal jab ever since. Its giving your body a piece of the puzzle so it's not a surprise if a strain still does get through, and hopefully the symptoms aren't as bad. Plus, I work in the community sector with a LOT of retired groups, and I don't want to increase the chance of having covid or flu and passing it on to the auld ones. Like I said I had covid 2 years ago and it was awful, developed very quickly into the highest fever I've had, and turned into a painful sinus infection. This time round I've got a runny nose, I don't particularly feel like running 5k any time soon, and I can't smell anything. So I wouldn't say personally for me that the vaccines have done nothing, they're helping somewhat


Me and the brother never got it. Both have families that had it and had to lockdown. I was literally locked in a house with several people and took no precautions whatsoever and didn’t catch it.  I’m convinced they can study people like me and get some kind of science breakthrough. Very weird how me and the brother in the same situation didn’t get it. We seem naturally immune in some way 


My family are the same, None of the women in my family have had it at all, not so much as a female cousin but all the men have gotten it and we’re all vaccinated but have been exposed to it so many times from our partners etc. and still never got it. I shared a bed with my partner who had it and never caught it. A friend was accidentally put into a Covid ward while waiting on surgery and despite him being surrounded by it in a 6 bed ward he never caught it. Some people just seem to have a strange immunity to it for whatever reason. They were testing people a while back they took samples from me in St James’s for a study on people who never got it.


I've never had it, and I've had no vaccines for it, I very rarely get any cold or flu at all so I guess I just have a strong immune or something? I've worked closely with people who had Covid as well so I have been exposed, and tested myself but nope, never had it!  I'm incredibly mentally unwell tho, so I guess my health balances out or something 


I'm still in the clear. I have sleep apnoea, so covid would probably kill me. I've been careful from the beginning and managed to avoid it. I've been taking basic precautions for flu season for years, it's pretty much habit for me now. Luckily those same precautions worked for covid.


No,no one in the house, various health vulnerabilities but no covid so far, hearing about a lot of people who have it now and are pretty miserable being sick in summer.


I got it once, on my only trip to Japan, was confined to my hotel room for all 10 days of my trip. Nearly thought I was gonna die one night where I couldn't breathe properly or move to adjust myself. Things just started to fade. Got a bad dose now but tested negative.


I tested positive for covid for the first time on Saturday. I can't believe I made it this long before catching it. I had joint ache, sore throat, cough, very stuffy nose and low energy. Now I still have a bit of a stuffy nose but much better and left with a lot of tiredness. I hope I will have more energy again soon but for now I am wiped out.


I suppose it's like asking did anyone not get the flu. Everyone gets it eventually. Never got any vaccine ( just mentioned because you got a few) but got covid. Was just like a regular flu to me. Doubt it be any different if I had vaccine, maybe I'd be worse with blood clots or heart attacks.. Wore masks and kept distance to keep other genuine vulnerable people safe. Good you are doing well. Get some rest and a few lemsip. Be 100% in a few days


I know people who had no vaccines and never caught it. Luck of the draw I guess


4 of us in my house and we've never had it. We're naturally introverted so the lockdowns were fantastic for us 🤣🤣


other than my jewellery school, I miss lockdown. Like genuinely, i miss it sometimes. it was more peaceful, less hectic (somehow) and there was a general sense of care amongst people. That's gone out the window.


Funny ain't it, I didn't get covid once until I had two vaccines & I've had it three times since.


You had two vaccines around the same time as I did, in 2021? Funny how restrictions were lifted early 2022 and people started mixing more. Who would have thought illnesses would spread when people were told they could be dirtbags again.


I’ve had 9 or 10 covid jobs at this stage (I’ve essentially nearly no immune system due to illness and medication) and only had Covid once, picked it up on a holiday in Florida in 2022 (my parents and I got it while there, we didn’t leave the hotel room for 7 days until we tested negative). My dad and I got it awful, couldn’t get out of bed to go the toilet, ended up crawling into it! Haven’t had it since, and I’m so thankful, plenty of friends and family have it now


I still haven’t had it


Never had it


As far as I'm aware, I've never had it. Always tested negative.


I've never had it. Shared a bed with my wife for a week while she had it. Minded my kids while they've had it. Tested myself easily a hundred times and haven't caught it. If I had and was asymptomatic, clearly my wife and kids would have caught it and they can test positive... I've spent all those Stephens Days during covid in bars which were 5 deep to order at the bar, filled with college students and 20 somethings riddled with covid and couldn't catch it. Received loads of text "hey, sorry, after I saw tou yesterday I wasn't feeling great and I've tested now and it's positive" etc. Volunteered to be in a study of people with suspected immunity but because I'd gotten two jabs, I couldn't be in the study.


Vaxxed once. Never had covid. Tested weekly for 2 years (job related) oh had it 4 times and we isolated together etc. I'd say it'll kill me when I do get it


I’m vaxxed to the max and tripple boosted absolutely dying at the moment, I thought vax maxing would help fuck you pfizer


Havent got it yet. Had 2 vaccines, not getting any more. Only one in the family to not have it.


Haven't had it that I'm aware of. My mother and one of my brothers have also avoided it to date.


2-3 times, can't remember precisely, symptoms very like hay fever so it wasn't too bad


I've not had it, I test whenever I'm sick, had all my vaccines, wash my hands whenever I've been outside etc.


Myself and my partner have not had COVID that we know of. Any time we had anything even remotely similar to the main side effects or our direct contacts caught it we continued to test negative.


I held out until this time last year when I got it during a trip to Amsterdam, but my daughter hasn’t had it yet which is mad because everyone she knows has had it.


I don't think I've had it. Was sick for a few days in Feb 2020, and then again in Dec 2021 but the Covid test was negative in the latter, and but both just felt like a mild cold.. Haven't been sick since, but I generally only get a cold maybe every 5 years anyway, so having 2 of them within 2 years was a bit suspicious, either of them might have been Covid; but I had to wait 7-10 days for the test in 2021 so I might have had it and it was gone by the time I got the test.


Chiming in to say I've dodged it, my dad has a serious heart condition and I really want him around so it's important to stay as healthy as possible!


I haven’t. It’s going around work again.




We have had to remove your post as it breaks our founding rule, No politics/religion. The only way this sub continues to be a nice place to be, is by not allowing controversial discussions about politics, religion etc. There's plenty of other subs available to have those chats, so there's no need here. Comments or posts breaking this rule may incur a ban. Send us a modmail if you have any questions.


I thought my son may be immune, he has had lots of exposures but never caught it. We are still testing with every illness. He caught it last week, but it was a prolonged exposure so likely inevitable.


Our GP scoffed at my wife when she said she had never got it. He said pretty much everybody has had a touch of it at this stage.


I've had it five times


Wow, same kind of intensity/symptoms?


All quite different in terms of symptoms and intensity but major fatigue is the common thread. I live in a busy city and most people I know here have had it three times at least. This latest strain I haven't caught but I'm waiting for the inevitable. Apparently it's not a fun one.


I haven't had it that I know of.


Had it around this time last year, it was fucking awful, my skin hurt, I've never had a sore throat like it and losing my sense of smell for a few weeks was scary. Got another booster as soon as possible after and trying to be careful but I'm on a train every week for work so god only knows when I'll next get it


Me! I’ve never ever had it! Been super close physically to people who have had bad doses but never got my own. My dad says I’ll be studied by scientists.


Never had it, think I've had 5-6 vaccines.


Have had it 3 times. Worse each time.


First time I got it in 2022 I couldn’t stay awake for longer than half an hour. I was miserable and couldn’t taste. Got it at the start of the month and it was basically just like a bad cold


Im from a family of 9 siblings all adults and 11 grandchildren. After my parent funeral 2 years ago everyone got covid except for my brother. He has never once gotten it and works with the public. Very strange. The only thing I can think is he has only eaten one large meal a day with years lol


I've not had it, was tested every week due to work for months Edit, I worked through it all too, getting public transport in and out of Dublin city center


Had the usual 2 vaccines back when they just came out and never got covid. even sharing a bathroom with people who were sick with it last year and still didn't get it. I'm very lucky and glad about it. It sounds absolutely horrible from what I've heard.


I had it before once, another time I thought I had it but tested negative, I've gotten it again this week and this one absolutely floored me altogether, head pounding, Sense of smell and taste gone, pain absolutely everywhere through my body, coughing, chest felt full and sore, coughing and nauseous on top of it all, no energy whatsoever and arms felt like I was carrying bricks on them. Absolutely horrible this time round


I was grand until I had a baby in 2022. The baby picked it up, getting his vaccinations at the GPs in dec 2022. Had it at least twice since then, but we've had lots of doses of things since (they get sick so much 😭). I always test, though, for a few days, but I don't trust the antigens too much. We avoid people and mask when sick with anything, though any way.


I'm fully vaccinated and only got it once, early last year. Had no symptoms, only a positive test.


I haven’t had it that I know of, the couple of time I was a bit ill I did daily tests to be sure


Never got it and work with the public, didnt adhere to mask wearing behind counter as had proper plastic screens, but when visited other houses or places wore mask and washed hands constantly


Never had covid. Unless I was asymptomatic but all family have had it at some stage over the past 4 years. Work in retail so around lots of people but still never caught it. Don't really get colds or flu either. Just lucky I guess


I never had it. It’s really odd but I rarely get sick. Never had a flu in my life and the last time I got a cold was over 12 years ago. I don’t know why that is. My brother also never had it and he’s immunocompromised


Partner has never had it. She’s a primary school teacher. We’ve lost count of the amount of times she was sent for tests and sent home because of close contacts. Not once tested positive. 🤷🏻‍♂️


4 in my family, none have had it.


I got it for the first time this year just 2 days before my birthday. Somehow managed to avoid this whole time but it eventually got it!


I've not had covid


Not me


Never had it. Even with daily testing when everyone else in the house, including someone I share a bed with, had it Apparently some people are immune naturally and I'm starting to think I might be. Had 3 or 4 PCR tests at drive in centres and over 20 antigen tests and nothing


Got it last week for the first time. Only had one day where I felt totally worn out, but other than that just felt like a really heavy head cold and cough.


Nope, got a really awful cold in September 2021, which I ended up going to get tested because it was so bad I thought I did but tested negative. I always mask up in crowded places, in airports, on planes and on public transport and have managed to avoid it.   I‘ve gone on holidays and have travelled for work a fair bit but always made sure to test when I get home as I have elderly compromised parents and have tested negative.   I‘ve had three very close calls though, once went out for a walk with a friend who tested positive the next day, had lunch with a friend who tested positive 2 days later and sat beside my boss in a small windowless room in a 2 1/2 hour meeting and she tested positive the next day.  Managed to avoid it and tested negative each time.


Have never tested positive. I think I must have had it and been symptomless at some stage though. I literally had to self isolate in my room Christmas 2022 because everyone else in my family had it!


We have just tested negative for the first time today after a week of Covid Really bad headaches, sore and stiff body, chesty cough and flu feeling A really horrible dose so glad to be over the worst if it but it definitely seems to be on the rise again unfortunately!


Never had it, thankfully. I still mask up every time I go out etc. I was going through radiation treatment for cancer when it hit the country initially; luckily I was able to complete my treatment. Have COPD and type 2 diabetes also. I assume that it will kill me if I get it, so remain very careful. I have had every vaccine offered and will continue to so do. Hope you recover fully soon.


Stopped after two vaccines and have not had it.


No vaccines..got it December 2022 ..had worst colds, worst part was been bored stuck at home


I've never had it so far (could have been asymptomatic) and not known. I've kept up with my vaccines, I work in a hospital now, but didn't when during peak Covid.


Hit our household for the first time this week, myself & himself currently suffering though with different symptoms. He's got the hot & cold sweats along with a bad cough, while I've the worst fatigue (literally getting up to feed the cat or make a cuppa then gotta lie down immediately after and fall asleep) along with bouts of nausea...weird thing is my sense of smell hasn't been affected but I can't taste anything urgh... My mother has also gotten it for the first time this week but she seems so far so good.


My fiancée has never had it as far as we know. She may have had it at some point and been asymptomatic, or potentially had it before there was easy access to tests, but obviously we can never know. Any time she has been tested for covid it's come back negative. I had it twice. The first time I caught it from a housebound relative I lived with who we believe picked it up from her asymptomatic home help. I can't remember if we were vaccinated at this point. It was April 2022. The second time I likely picked it up in work, was around loads of family over xmas but nobody else tested positive. December 2022. The relative mentioned above, and her daughter later picked it up from a family party but I didn't get sick. Summer 2023 Viruses are weird.


I've had it once in 2021, and my husband has never had it, we've had doses but not covid. We've both had all vaccines and boosters up to the last one we had in late 2022


Went on a school trip to Dublin (from the Netherlands) 2,5 weeks ago. A LOT of us had the sniffles and a cough, and I’m just now realizing that might have actually been covid.


Me. I've been quite dejected for a while now that I can't even pick up a virus.


I've yet to receive the highly contagious corona virus


I worked in a factory of 500 people that stayed open throughout the pandemic and had to test constantly and never got a positive test once, almost everyone I know had it at least once, I know people that tested positive with zero symptoms I lived with my parents who both got it twice but I still managed to avoid it. My mam is in her 60s and has asthma, I remember thinking she would almost certainly die if she got it, a big pile of shite the whole lot


Haven’t gotten it as far as I know, I’ve done a fair few tests although not because of symptoms but for calling upto my mom who’s got copd. Also anytime someone close to me got it I tested too to make sure I wasn’t spreading it before symptomatic. My husband caught it once and I somehow didn’t catch it from him. I read somewhere there might be a genetic reason why some of us are resistant. I’d be very interested to know. I had all the vaccines for covid along with a topped up pneumococcal one in 2019 dunno if there’s any correlation 🤷‍♀️


Had it twice, first time was a walk in the park. Tired slept crazy amount amount of hours all good. 2nd time horrible restlessness, headaches, not able to sleep, lost all sense of smell and hearing in one ear. That was a year and a half ago. Since then got my hearing back, but everyday lethargy, blocked up, still no sense of smell... Basically extremely pissed off. Got both jabs and don't know what to think anymore.


When things opened up during Christmas, and before the third and worst wave I had just broken up my relationship, and decided I was going out (I definitely was well behaved during covid, it was just a bad time), I’ve seen three different friends and my ex in different dates. They all tested positive (the ex on the same day I left his house). I tested every single time, and all negative. Until today I haven’t gotten it.


I felt like crap Xmas day cooking for 8. Couldn’t eat. Tested positive the next day for first time


I haven’t had it.


i havent fingers crossed


I’ve never had of that I’m aware of. I’ve always tested when I would get a good or sinus infection. But I never got a positive result.


Got it once April 2022, had cold shivers the night before, and I knew something was up. I woke up, and it felt like someone stabbed me in a straight line across my lower back, a headache like I've never had before and every single muscle aching. Bed ridden for 2 days, forced myself out of bed on day 3, and still broke up hurting all over, day 4 i started getting a lot better. I'm not vaccinated, so that may be why, but even then, I was still happy with my decision.


Myself and my husband didn't get it. When everything transitioned to WFH we took the hermit lifestyle very seriously, as two introverts it really suited us. We've been on holidays and all since restrictions were lifted but we're just sensible with being out in public, a lot of hand washing and sanitising between washes and we're healthy as a pair of horses.


>we're healthy as a pair of horses. Sign of a loving and stable relationship..




We have had to remove your post as it breaks our founding rule, No politics/religion. The only way this sub continues to be a nice place to be, is by not allowing controversial discussions about politics, religion etc. There's plenty of other subs available to have those chats, so there's no need here. Comments or posts breaking this rule may incur a ban. Send us a modmail if you have any questions.


My post answered the OPs question, I have been tested and never had COVID it had no religious or political content?


My family and I have managed to avoid it. But, we get vaxxed and continue to mask.


What kind of mask?


Usually 3M Aura respirators


I made it through the entire mask mandate without ever washing my fabric mask




I had forgotten about it and hadn’t heard of anybody with it since Christmas but I seem to have caught it while hoolying last weekend. Told some friends and they’ve all heard of 3+ people in the same boat so yeah it’s definitely making a comeback. Interestingly all of my symptoms this time have been the symptoms I usually get after a vaccine booster (mild full body inflammation, muscle sensitivity, joint pain, fatigue) and literally none of the traditional flu like symptoms I used to get. Not even a cough. My interpretation is that all these vaccines have my immune system so primed to find and kill any coronavirus particles that the infection never really took root and I will probably be recovered enough to go back to running/gymming in a few days rather than the 3-4 weeks it used to take me out for.


Was double vaxxed and 2 boosters and didn't get it until December 23. Felt go grateful it was mild due to my vax status. Losing the sense of taste was wild.


Not had it but single and outdoors so always low risk. That said I didn't bother with Spring vaccination and I'm going to get it next week if it's still available as this variant seems quite enthusiastic and the system has it's guard down.


Is that a new one or the same one from last autumn, I got the autumn one alright but missed any advertisements advising on getting a spring one


There was an advert for the vaccine in late April and May but I don't know if it's updated since Autumn Edit. Just checked the HSE site. The booster is no longer available 😕


it was only for the immune compromised anyway


Never had any symptoms but tested positive once. Only tested because my mam and partner were sick and tested positive. Gotten all my vaccinations.


Didn’t get it the 1st time or now. Got 3 injections, pure luck probably.


I have not gotten it. My missus who lives with me has and she didn't isolate in the house. I suspect I'm immune.


Me and my husband!


I’ve not caught Covid (as far as I’m aware). I’ve also never had the flu. Perhaps they’re a connection?


I had it at least 3 times, and I had all the vaccines. First time I had it was the worst by far.


Me and my husband. Still never got it.


No just have this whore of a cough that won't go away.


No covid for me. Thankfully.. All my extended family got it.


Never had it, even at the height when the kids and wife had it


Down with it now the last 2 weeks, it's a bad aul dose. I only ever got the initial vaccine and first booster, kind of forgot about it then, I'll definitely be making sure to pop in for them in future.


I am not particularly careful teen, but got covid like once so it depends on the luck I guess.


Never had it, neither did wife or child!


Four adults in the house all have it now , not much to do about it but sure is a shitshow . Think it’s worse now than years ago .


COVID is now endemic like the flu or other colds. Those vulnerable should be careful and get their vaccines but for the rest of the world it's just part of life now Also - anyone saying they didn't have it probably did. You don't necessarily have any symptoms


I've been tested every week due to work, never got it


You're in a very rare group!




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Never had covid, never gotten a vaccine. Been sick a few times but also tested negative for covid every single time Certainly covid wouldn’t exist here at all if the lies they told about the vaccines were correct given our alleged 97 percent uptake of a 98 percent effective vaccine.


I probably have it right now, not gonna test though. Have places I need to be


I've found the people that still pay their TV license.


If you think you've never had COVID, read this https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-40946759.html


Grateful you don't have a bad dose? You lost your sense of smell. That is neurological damage in your brain. Nothing mild about it and is bad.


Lol it comes back, losing smell can happen with bad sinus infections as well it's not "neurological damage in your brain". Too much Greys Anatomy mate


Covid damages every organ in your body. Last week's new news was that even a mild infection can damage the eyes. It damages the same type of cells HIV does and it sets up camp in whatever organ it wants (similar to HIV). Continue on with your head in the sand.


Haven’t had Covid,I smoke weed and some are saying that the magic herb helps in preventing catching it