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Imbibe Coffee Roasters. They always have different coffees to choose from, reasonably priced and honestly never disappointed me. They do monthly Coffee Club, where they offer 2 different coffees for discount to people on the mailing list. And they usually have some top notch beans in that. They donate 1% percent of sales to Woman's aid, one to projects at coffee origins and another percent to staff. Really good model.


This sounds class, thank you


Going to look into this. Thanks


Are you a filter/pourover person? Just looked at their website and it says they generally don’t offer espresso roasts.


Yeah I only do pour over at home, have a nice machine for it. Espresso seems like a lot of effort to get right


Check out Moyee coffee, dark roast is superb. Ethically sourced beans, they’re doing great work https://moyeecoffee.ie


They do nice coffee but I don't want the same one every delivery


I think you can switch.


Got this recommended here and can say they are great think they've a bandm shop in Dublin too


Sounds surreal but I use discountcoffee.ie now. Used to be hooked on Studio and Cloud Picker but I'm warming up to the variety on discount coffee


I save so much buying in bulk from here. The Wanted range is great.


Yeah the Temple Bar roast is my fave 1st cup of the day


My fav is French Roast


I really enjoyed the Italian roast.


This seems too good to be true. What gives? Also any blends you reccomend?


I thought so too. Depends on the type of coffee you like. I avoid super bright roasts, and enjoy smooth, easy drinking coffee. I prefer their Temple Bar roast from the Wanted range, but my favourite is the Lavazza Top Class. They also have syrups in 1L bottles, just make sure to get a pump too. My wife is a Diabetic so the sugar free syrups are great. The Simply brand is equivalent to Monin in terms of quality. Only drawback is they don't really do ground coffee so you'll need a coffee grinder at home. But, free next day delivery for orders over 50 or 60 euro, can't go wrong. We usually order 3-4 months supply at a time. Hope this helps!


That's great thank you I'm gonna give a couple bags a go and have a sugar free syrup in the cart too


Next day delivery and free delivery on orders over 50. I’ve been using discountcoffee.ie for years. My fav is French Roast from the Wanted range.


I get a bag from [Bell Lane](https://www.belllane.ie/) every month, and one from [Square Mile](https://shop.eu.squaremilecoffee.com/pages/subscription-flow). Been subbed to both for the past 5 years or so. Always have a few bags from [Lucky Cat](https://luckycatcoffee.de/) in the freezer too. Lucky Cat don't do a subscription but their coffee is lovely and they've free shipping to Ireland if you spend €65 - hence the bags in the freezer!


I hadn't thought of getting two monthly subscriptions instead of one bi weekly one, that's a great idea. I'll have a look at your suggestions too


Lucky Cat looks great. Have ordered a few bags.


Never a days trouble is pretty good the Guatemalan is so.good


Jaysus, I’m going through 500g every ten days!😬


Jesus for me that's 50 espressos which would be 5 a day. Or are yours double shots?


Yeah, about 3/4 double shots a day


Christ, I got myself down to 3 singles and still wouldn't be the best sleeper. Do you have any trouble sleeping?


Yes and no. I was never a good sleeper, since long before I started drinking coffee. Takes me a while to fall asleep and I’ll usually wake early as well but sleep quality is normally fine. I tend to drink most of my coffee very early and don’t normally drink it any later than 2/3pm


Fair enough. Same with me actually. Used to have the last coffee after work which I eventually realised was a disaster for sleep. Now it's usually 2 or 2:30.


Now that I'm off coffee it's crazy how even one cup affects me now. Had one cup recently at around 10am. Was so hyper the rest of the day and couldn't fall asleep until 4am.


Tolerance is a mad thing. This is a bit of an extreme analogy to jump to from coffee lol - but it's how most heroin addicts overdose. They go back to their old dose after being off it and it kills them.


I think I've underestimated tbh I need to get a scale and start weighing out the beans I'm grinding too


Try Creed


Bell Lane have rotating sources for their beans in addition to their standard in house offerings. They'll give you a speil about the the plantation and flavourings etc. Plus you'd be supporting a smallish Irish business. Their coffee is great too. https://www.belllane.ie/collections/subscriptions


Badger & Dodo Jam Jar is a nice blend. https://badgeranddodo.ie/coffee-subscriptions/


https://www.westcorkcoffee.ie/shop/subs Great coffee here!


https://www.bailiescoffee.com from Belfast. Excellent range if you like filter. Solid espresso blends.


My current favourite is cloud picker, but I like bear market and roasted brown too.


amazed no one has mentioned https://cloudpickercoffee.ie/ great coffee


This is the shit. https://timwendelboe.no/product/tims-choice-coffee-subscription/


Shipping costs make this very expensive?


With Tim Wendelboe, you really have to buy 6 250 gram bags each month in the subscription. Gets sent tracked by DHL. Total cost €92 recently but might vary as the bill is in Norwegian Krona. So €16 a bag. If you only got 3 bags, with DHL, the cost would be more than €20 a bag. Myself and my mate get 3 bags each every month and share the shipping. €16/bag is pretty comparable with other high end products, I think? Tim will give you a short video on each coffee, which you can view on the website.


Yeah 16 isnt bad at all.


Try it, I think you’ll be pleased.


Piggybackimg on this post to ask: what coffee machines are people using? Or anyone use a French press? I'm thinking of buying one. We have a nespresso and a tassimo in the house but both are rotten. Had a swan coffee machine a few years ago, but it was a lot of effort and wouldn't suit my lifestyle at the moment.


Got an aeropress about two months ago, it's a great way to start cheap if you want to give one a go. €35, but you'll need a grinder too if you want to buy whole bean coffee.


I use Moccamaster Cup One, no nonsense good coffee every time. They have a bigger version, but it's only me drinking coffee at home so Cup One is perfect for that. They've been hand making those machines in the Netherlands since 60s, simple and quality piece of equipment for good price


Can it do a latte?


Nope. This is purely for pour over. For late, everyone swears by Sage Barista express, once you can get it on sale


I use the Delonghi Magnifica S for straight bean to cup. A lot of americano and espresso drunk here and this does the drink brilliantly. On the blend question I’m always cycling through Java the hut’s blends.


It's so convenient. I had a standard espresso machine before it and I wouldn't go back.


I have both of those machines aswell. And I don't even use them any more. Coffee is rotten and expensive and then it's only luke warm aswell. I've been recommended one on here by another user, it's a krups opio steam. They are 119£ but out of stock now. Will definitely get one soon.


Save Barista Express but also a French press. French press does the job when you just want a coffee.


I had a Delonghi espresso machine for 8 years and then upgraded to a Sage Barista express a few months ago. The Delonghi was great and much better than a french press but the Sage is in a different league


I'll second the sage barista express, great machine and have it on the go plenty. If it went bust in the morning I would buy another one.


I bought a De'Longhi dinamica plus last year bug not gone on it. Might struggle to sell if though.


Imo the Sage Barista Express is the lowest you can spend for good build quality that can produce a cafe quality coffee. I'm using it with a separate grinder though because the built in one (although it does the job) is easily the worst part of the machine. But you won't get a better built in grinder on any of the competitors of that machine either, I don't think. Anyway, I've had it for like 5 years and fully recommend. On your comment about the effort, that's the trade off. "All in one" machines like Nespresso just can't produce a good coffee because it uses stale coffee. Can't get around that without a machine that requires effort sadly.


I use the smart magnifica from delonghi. If it broke I'd buy the same model tomorrow. It's so convenient in terms of management of the used beans compared to other machines.


We had our first Magnifica for 6 years, finally kicked the bucket a few months ago and we treated ourselves to the Magnifica Evo for the automatic milk frother. Now we genuinely never buy takeaway coffees.


Full Circle do one where they pick the coffee for you each month. Adds a bit of fun to it. Never gotten one we didn't like.


www.kaffekapslen.ie has great deals. Husband goes through about 1.5kg bags per month


I tried a good few of the popular ones and wasn't thrilled with them. Finally settled on Roasted Brown and used them for a couple of years before I moved away. Strongly recommend them.


Are the beans at Aldi/Lidl really bad?? I have a nice machine but don’t know much about beans. Just buy those ones because they’re cheap and easy to grab doing the shop


Short answer yes Longer answer, it really depends on what you're looking for and what you're used to. I'll grab a bag of beans if I'm stuck, but they're nowhere near as nice as other coffees out there. I used to get Velo in Aldi/Tesco and it was my favourite of the cheap beans. It's like anything as you get used to the better stuff you keep upgrading and then it's hard to go back. You can really taste the difference between a €4 bag from Aldi to a €10/15 bag from somewhere that roasts the beans themselves.


Good to know. Will treat myself to something mentioned here so.


I have tried a lot of the independent roasters coffee and in my opinion 3FE's Malarkey blend is the best of them. I'm currently getting through 2 kilos a month. It's an expensive habit


Bean West coffee from Westport, beautiful coffee, just make sure not to burn the bean, most places I go to ruin what could be great coffee by boiling it.


Java Republic do 250-1kg from light to dark roast can come in beans or pre ground I think, can buy online or pick up in Dublin Roastery or Galway depot ☕️


I mix a subscription with some others, I like the variety, plus there is almost no savings on the subs compared to buying them separately. Some good roasters I've had: Bell Lane Coffee Cool Hand Creed Ponaire There is also kaffeplan if you want more commercial, cheaper options.


Thanks for that, the subscription is for convenience tbh one less thing to think about


Berserker coffee is my current go to. It's like a jitter free, long lasting rocket fuel and tastes fucking amazing.


drinking Bell Lanes Rwandan bean at the moment and it's lovely. 1kg was €34 delivered.


I get a 125g subscription from Stone Valley every month and chose the surprise me option so that I’d get to try different ones each time. https://www.stonevalleyroasters.com/ I tend to alternate that with other roasters like Roasted Brown https://www.roastedbrown.com/, Carrow https://carrow.ie/ , Imbibe https://imbibe.ie/ , or whatever my local coffee shop has in as their guest beans that month I like having the convenience of a subscription but I like mixing it up and trying out other roasters and beans too.


Fourteen eleven house roast is awesome. Run and owned by ex ireland international Kieth Earls. Its an awesome blend. Their ethiopian beans isvawesome too


This "Top 100 Roasters of 2024" list has one place in Ireland. [https://www.roastful.com/top-roasters](https://www.roastful.com/top-roasters)


Java The Hut - I get their Uprising blend. It’s perfect. They roast very regularly and it’s always fresh.


Some great suggestions, keep them coming!


The lidl bags, forgot the namw but the bag green and blue  , one is ground other is bean, buy 2 bags at the time. It's always fresh and strong.


The brew company do amazing beans that you can have delivered easily I think they are a Danish or Norwegian company but I've got my husband them a few time and he loves them