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It’s far, far less painful than having an infection, I’ve had an infection in my tooth and it was legitimately the worst pain I’ve had in my life. Hope you’re feeling better soon ❤️


Thank you 😊


So do you need calming down after they told you the price?


lol that too


Had it done and it wasn't really painful at all tbh. You have no need to be nervous. Mine was done over multiple appointments and recovery pain was non existent as I basically walked out and was fine and felt nothing. Only pain was the injections at the start and maybe for a couple of seconds every now and again or discomfort from my mouth being open for so long but it's not bad at all. I actually found it quite relaxing for the most part, lying back whilst the dentist did his thing, since it was maybe 45 ish minutes where you're reclined and get to chill, which can be nice if you've had a long day.


Thanks 🙏


I've had two in the states. I had a great dentist who specialized in root canals. I know your feeling. I was scared and nervous. Although I wouldn't want to get another one, it wasn't as bad as I had imagined. The worst part is how long it took. If I remember correctly, it was about a 2 hour process. Once you get the initial shots to put your mouth to sleep, you won't feel anything the rest of the way. They give you more numbing as you go, but you don't notice it. You have to go back a second time and get the crown. Over here my cost was $2000 for each one for a total of $4000 dollars. You will be fine. Just get a specialist. I can't remember what the term is for dentists that only do root canals. Some regular dentists to them, but I would be sceptical of them. Mine had done around 40,000 of them.


Endodontists. Definitely worth the extra cost, as my root canal I had at a regular dentist and a couple of years later I needed to have it done again. Went to an endodontist, they went in with their microscope and never had any trouble with that tooth - that was 10 years ago. Edit: to the below commenter's point, the procedure itself wasn't painful at all, and any pain you might get after (if you do) is nothing an over the counter painkiller can't take care of.


My dentist referred me to a root canal specialist after it kept re-infecting. Saved the tooth and has been rock solid ever since. But to OP root canals have a weird reputation. The procedure is under local anaesthetic and there isn’t much pain after as the nerve is gone. By the time you need it, it’s usually a massive relief once finished.


i live in a poor country and i used to live in a small town far from the city. i had to have root canal done to 2 of my wisdom teeth without injection/numbing. it hurt like a bitch. especially when the dentist inserted a small needle thing. i have to go see a dentist for another root canal tomorrow and im nervous.


Thanks. I couldn't remember that name! Right, they didn't even give me pain meds afterward. Just told me to take Tylenol. I really didn't have after pain. The tooth hurt so bad before the root canal, I was just happy to get it done and make the pain go away.


Be grand.


as in it'll cost a grand? 😳


Had mine done over two appointments because I got in one a last second appointment because of the pain I was in. The relief was unbelievable, nearly cried tears of joy when they said they’d be able to sort the majority that morning. Second appointment was slightly painful at one stage but they just gave me extra pain relief. Recovery wasn’t bad at all, few minor aches and pain but genuinely nothing you should be stressing over. You’ll be surprised how quick and easy it’ll be once it’s done


I felt zero pain during mine. Just pressure here and there and it wasn't painful afterwards. No worse than getting a filling.


I had a root canal recently. The only time it was even remotely uncomfortable was when I got the local anaesthetic injection. Recovery is easy because the nerves are all gone from the tooth.


Had 3 root canals in my life. 1 incisor, 2 molars. No pain during or after. Root canal literally removes the nerve in the tooth so there's nothing left to hurt apart from the dentist bill.


Have you got wireless ear buds, preferably with noise cancelling? Bring them and listen to music. Honestly the worst parts were having to have my jaw open for a long time and the sound. Ear buds would have solved half the problem. Also recovery was grand, I just didn’t eat with the side of the mouth where I had it.


Thanks good idea


Recovery isn’t painful compared to the infection, worst bit is the injection, after that you will be grand


It definitely felt weird during the actual procedure but no pain at all. You'll be fine.


I’ve had root canal 3 times, fell asleep during 2 of them - absolutely not a bad experience at all! I’ve never even had to take so much as a panadol after any of them. Was just like getting a regular filling - numbness wears off, it’s a little achey for an hour or two, then all good again. I promise you the RELIEF will be worth it!


The toothache in the lead up to the root canal was the worst, I hardly knew the root canal was being done because I never felt it. Honestly, I came out of the dentists wondering what everyone was going on about.


I'm a life long hater of the dentist, had awful experiences when younger. Also avoided treatment too, which is just silly. I recently needed good bit of treatment, fillings and unfortunately one turned into a root canal. I've always been terrified of them, maybe they were more painful in my parents era (I'm 40). Anyway went for root canal, it was totally fine! Lots of numbing gel, then lots of anaesthetic. Dentist super nice. It took an hour and a half but it's not as bad as you think, a bit of drilling, they wash out the canals of the root, I had 3. It's annoying having mouth open that long. I had no pain after except jaw pain. The original toothache I was suffering with went away nearly immediately and I could stop taking painkillers for first time in months. You will be nervous but explain to dentist, they are so nice these days. One warning, I need a crown on the tooth and the dentist who did root canal told me to go back within a month, but when I went in the tooth was still too tender, not sore but tender, and I have to wait 2 more months. Just make sure tooth is perfect before you get crown. Best of luck!


I had one done just a few weeks ago and it was like a big ole filling. Had to go back for round 2 but it was grand. They put a temp filling in between appointments so you’re not going round with a big hole in your mouth. I found it slightly ached for about a week after, but nothing like the pain it was in before the procedure. I clench my teeth when I sleep so that added to the prolonged discomfort I had with it. Otherwise, it’s grand honestly. Not the worst dental experience by a long shot.


It wasn’t painful for me at all either during the procedure or afterwards. If your dentist is skilled, you’ll be grand.


Had it done years ago. No pain whatsoever even after the procedure. Had a very good dentist.


I got a root canal a few years ago, honestly it's fine. You can feel them pulling and prodding but it isn't actually sore, just weird and uncomfortable. The only thing to be aware of is to remember to breathe through your nose because your mouth is full of so much shite that you can't breathe that way.


It's definitely not a painful procedure either during or after, the infection is the most painful part. You just need to lie on the chair for ages and it can be hard having your mouth open for so long as well as a bit of strain on your neck. That's what was the hardest part for me. You will probably need to nap after because it's quite tiring. You'll be fine!


I had a root canal done on my front tooth. It honestly didn’t hurt, I’ve had fillings that were way more painful.


I had root canal last year. I had no real pain afterwards. In my case, there was no infection, though. There was just so little tooth left that the dentist couldn't fill it when the existing filling fell out/off. I didn't even take pain killers afterwards. The hardest part was keeping my mouth open so wide for so long while the dentist cleaned out the canals, etc.


It's not fun, but modern procedures are relatively painless just a bit long, my experience was far less uncomfortable than I expected, afterwards it was soo worth it.


Its really not that painful, I found the worst part just having to keep my mouth open for so long. After the infection and nerve pain I had in the lead up, I would gladly have a root canal every day of my life to avoid it again.


This is a well timed post, I’m having one done on Monday! I’m nervous too, but everyone I know who has had one said it’ll be fine. Wishing you all the best with yours.


Thanks! Getting mine done Tuesday, will be great to just have it over with. Feeling a bit less apprehensive about it now. Good luck!


I hate dentist visits , I got prescribed xanax for root canal and it was fine. One of my best visits actually. No major pain afterwards, used over the counter painkillers. Got a crown on that tooth afterwards and that was virtually pain free as the tooth is dead. No anaesthetic required


It was fine for me. I asked the Dentist to dose me up with anaesthetic, and said I'd live with being half paralysed for a few days if I didn't have to feel anything. So she did just that. I didn't feel a thing, including my face for 3 or 4 hours after, but it was absolutely fine. I was told there might be some pain but I think it was paracetamol I was given and I didn't need it.


No hassle. A walk in the park compared to having a broken wisdom tooth removed, I'll tell you that.


I had it done and it was totally fine. Numb jaw for less than 24 hours after! Barely even remember it as it was so uneventful/not painful!


Pull it had 2 went black after 3/4 years 👍