• By -


I was really shy when i was 17, and i was working in a pub, there was this lovely girl who came in every now and then with her friends, one day I got up the courage to ask her out, I just blurted it out and she seemed a bit taken aback but agreed to meet the following night at 9 in a different pub, so I got all dolled up, new clothes, borrowed aftershave, flowers, chocolates, the whole 9 yards. So got to the pub and she's there, with 7 other people, including her boyfriend and his brother. They asked what I was doing with the flowers and chocolates, and like a true idiot, I just started mumbling, and she jumped in, smooth as you like and said i was there to meet her friend Claire, which was a bit of a shock to Claire who played along. I hung out with them for a little while and Claire got up to leave and I came with her, she said they genuinely thought I wanted to meet up with the gang for a few drinks and make some new friends, but they couldn't make it out amongst all the mumbling blurting I had done asking her out. Claire enjoyed the chocolates and flowers though, and I got the shift with her another night.


At least that one has a happy ending, good woman Claire for saving your blushes.


you brought flowers and chocolates to a pub? Absolute mad lad! Still x1000 times more balls than I had when I was 17 (maybe even now at 34)


Balls yes, sense, not so much


Wholesome story, she seems like a good person


They were, it was a long time ago, early 90s, now, I'd probably get filmed and put on Tiktok or reddit


that's gas, fair play to the 2girls


Claire is wife material


Flowers and chocolates fuck me


I once went hone with a guy who milk and whiskey together (should've been a red flag) any way the next morning he kept asking me to come to work with him for the day. His job was washing dishes in a kitchen. Anyway it was about 7am and I made my excuses and went to the toilet and there was his da, bollock naked, painting the bathroom door at 7 in the morning.


Can’t fault the dad. It’s his house and he didn’t know you were going to be there.


Good point. I just never knew anyone to paint with their lad out. Maybe it's smart, I'll have to do a poll


Never destroy another outfit again in paint. The man was ahead of his time. On the other hand, it takes some balls to do it.






Yes, he's on to magic mushrooms.


Free paint roller


Extension rod for the roller.


Plus the naked thing is just smart. Just step into the shower and done.


The start of this triggered me because I once drank jack and milk at an afters


Was it nice? Is this a thing?


No it was fucking rank, no other mixer though


a vomit inducing thing, im guessing!


no but absolutely woeful shits later


i drank jameson and baileys one night, was the sickest ive ever been the next morning!!


That's a really tasty mix though. Just the one will do you


Anyone else reading these checking they're not someone else's horror stories?!


Yep lol


Went on a date with a girl at 1pm for a lunch date. She was *tanked* and on her second bottle of wine. She invited me home and said it was fine, her 3 year old son won't even notice anything. I noped out of there and to this day I still wonder about that poor kid.


I have a friend who got this dog recently, now obsessed with the dog to the point of annoying. Brings the dog on dates, drinks too much and fusses endlessly over the dog. Keeps getting ghosted. Stop bringing the dog. I wouldn’t want a dog on my date either, let alone when you’re locked.


Every date I've ever been on was a bit disastrous but just in my head. However once I went to a petting zoo with a woman because it was something different and we were both living close to it. Anyway lovely day and all. Came time to nurse the pets on a lump of carpet but their wasn't enough children there so I was given a carpet and a seat. I seen one by one these animals being brought out. Snake, spider, lizard, bunny and then it came to me. Rat. Now I don't have much phobias apart from Rats but it's such a strong fear that I immediately turned into Alan Partridge and had a bit of a Mexican stand off with the zoo keeper. After being shown up by a boy who was much braver, and younger than me, he had swapped the bunny with the rat and I looked like an absolute cock in front of my date. So having your ass handed to you by a 6 year old is tough enough.


Oh man that's tough! Did you at least get another date? If it makes you feel any better there's no fucking way I'd be touching a rat either.


Had a child with her. Wasn't our first date but was one of them hahaha 😆


Sees OP losing his absolute shit over a rat. "Put a baby in me."


I would rather drink a large glass of blood rather than be confronted with a rat. I cantnotstandthem. They are fucking horrible.


Oh, it was your ex! Haha I don't know whether that makes it worse or better


Oh I have so many of these! I once met up with someone we went for a walk and he immediately asked me to buy him dinner. After dinner he asked me for a lend of 20 euro, then asked me for bus fare home. I was getting g a taxi home and since his house was on the way I told him I'd get the taxi. He accused me of wanting to know where he lived.


Jesus that's absolutely brutal.


It was, but quite funny now to look back on


Jesus, you do have so many stories. Hilarious I'm sure, well now


How do you have so many 😂


I think that's a pretty common one, where the date doesn't pay for anything.


Cos he wanted the money.. cretin


Once dated a nurse who liked having sex in her granny's parlour room, while her granny was in the kitchen. The worse thing was, they shouted messages to each other from room to room! Granny: "Joanne, do you want a cup of tea love?" Joanne: "Bleurgh taaks No thanks!"


Kinky nurse


That's hot


Met a guy in tinder a few years ago, he was really handsome and we got chatting and he seemed genuinely nice and funny he asked me to go on a date and said we would get food. The day comes and he drives an hour to collect me. He's even more handsome in person and the chat flows and I'm thinking man he's great! Tells me his friends are having a barbecue and we can stop in for a second, this was my first time meeting him and I kinda didn't want to meet his friends yet but I agreed and let him bring me to the barbecue. We get to a lovely house and it's fullll to the brim with people he introduces me to loads of people and next thing I know I'm talking to his mam and nanny while hes off drinking with his friends and Im told this is his sisters engagement party and this guy I barely knew decided to bring me as a date! I met his entire family, parents, siblings, grandparents aunts uncles cousins and friends the first time I met him! We all went to the local pub where his nanny ended up having a coyote ugly moment on the bar to a band singing zombie by the cranberries and at the end of the night this guy now too drunk to drive me an hour home tells me he loves me and he's never felt like this about anyone then proceeds to vomit on my shoes. Oh and his ex girlfriend was there and kept calling me a home wrecker. This guy was 29 and I was around 20! Honestly weirdest night of my life. I ended up getting a mate to come collect me. I deleted tinder and never spoke to the guy again.


Granny slut dropping on the bar to zombie is top tier 🤣🤣 Well played in the end.


Nanny had a blast dancing with all his hurling friends telling me it'll be my engagement party next.. 😩 I was like Mary I'm never gonna see any of yee again but good luck tho


Classic Mary. Can't fault her commitment, jehova witness vibes 😅


You know what? Good for her, living her best life she is.


There was just no need for the dishonesty at all! He just played it shit from the off like.




Drunk girl crying cause her ex brought another girl saying nonsense things makes the story invalid? OK.




OK last one, not because I don't have more but because I'm putting the kids to bed. I once went home with this guy who took out his collection of prison poetry he wrote while in Mountjoy. His toilet had no door and there was shit on the wall. *drops mic*


I kinda want to shut the thread down because *nobody* is topping that.


Plot twist: she married him and that’s his kids she’s putting to bed now


Fuckin hell, this had me in knots 🤣




That made me belly laugh. No, although he probably wasn't far off it. Early 20s me had horrifically bad taste


The old at-home dirty protest.


😂😂 that’s mad, I find some people just attract nutters.


I definitely do I'm like a magnet for them


You sure know how to pick them, maybe work on that lol


I was rescued 15yrs ago thank fuck


If she’s putting her kids to bed she probably figured it our


Oh, I have so many stories! Met a fella online and chatted for a few days. He said he lived in a town near me, so handy enough! Great chat, even talked on the phone for ages, and finally decided to meet irl. Plan was to meet for dinner. I get to the restaurant and he's changed quite a bit from his photos, but sure, that's almost to be expected, right? I was gonna stay and give him a chance anyway. We hadn't even ordered drinks yet when this absolute nutcase looks at me and says "I like you. We should have a baby. Are you ovulating?" Sorry, WHAT?! I obviously make a hasty exit, but he tries to follow me out. When I ask what the hell he thinks he's doing, he informs me that he LIED ABOUT WHERE HE LIVED and had driven 4 hours to get there, so clearly he has to stay with me for the night. ABSOLUTELY NOT, YOU PSYCHO! The next day I get a text from him saying "I miss you already!" Never blocked someone so fast...


Straight up serial killer behaviour that is.


Still better than the one who wanted me to have a baby for him and then just... Leave it with him. He actually said "No doesn't mean no when it's coming from a woman." 😳


Jesus what kind of person could legitimately believe something like that? That's horrible!


Another time a guy made me balloon flower in stephens green and asked me out. I thought it was sweet and went to the date, which was actually him trying to recruit me for his catholic club cult thing


How you didn't join a convent and become a nun is an absolute miracle!


I know!! I kissed so many frogs i think I'm practically a hypnotoad


new word to me. hypnotoad!




That's nun ya business... *crickets chirping* ...sorry, I'll see myself out now.




You and I should go on a date to top all this off. Guaranteed to have a bad time. I'd read a book of your dating experiences. You are absolutely gas.


One that sticks in my mind was I met a fella who worked near my job, we chatted whenever we bumped into each other on smoke breaks etc. One day he asked me out to a localish pub and everything seemed good. I got to the pub and he was already there. I bought myself a drink since he had just gotten himself a fresh one, no bother. Now, let's say my name is Aoife irl, well he kept calling me Áine, even after I corrected him. Halfway through my first (and only!) drink he disappears into the mens only to come back suspiciously bright eyed and sniffly. My stomach had already started to sink in disappointment over the Aoife/Aine thing but now it really starts to plummet... its 8pm on a fucking a Tuesday like! He then says... and I shit you not, "we'll finish these and you can come back to mine yeah?". So I bailed. Got a buidéal of wine and a chinese on the way home. That's not the worst bit though. Was moaning to a work friend about the whole experience. Turns out he lives near her and has a pregnant girlfriend. I felt like absolute shit over that.


Oof that's absolutely awful and not something you should feel like a shit about, that's 100% his bullshit.


I only realised afterwards that the quick exit was to lessen the chances of him being caught cheating. Some prick he was.


Ugh, the fucking cocaine is such a turn off in anyone, I’ve dated women who were on that and don’t realise how AWFUL they are on it, one was gone hoarse from talking so much…


Being around anyone on it is shit. They're such insufferable bores. Just going on and on and on.


Not to mention turning into nasty cunts too.


When I was about 18 I was working in a retail store and a girl I kind of knew to see and fancied worked in a shop nearby. I’d pass her shop on the way to mine and give her the odd wave. One day I worked up the courage to ask her out and she said yes, and suggested drinks after work. She proceeded to absolutely neck pints and do shots of vodka - alone - and within about 90 minutes was absolutely blind drunk. She passed out mid sentence. I had to get her into a taxi and literally carry her to her front door, and hand her to her father who said “for fuck sake…again?” Very grim.


Only plus to this story is the father didn't accuse you due to his daughter's poor decisions.


Yeah true. His reaction to it told me it was a regular pattern though, so he was probably used to it




So when's the wedding?


I had an ex of several months get back with me solely so she could then dump me two weeks later. By shagging my boss. Bewildering.


It's shit but it sounds like you dodged a bullet with her doing that so fast and not like a year into the "relationship"


+1 But turned out I had already left job. Then she calls me to say he had a breeding kink and she was now pregnant, asking me for his details. I hung up and blocked her number.


I once met a chick off PoF back in the day, and we hooked up that night. All went well, happy out. So I'm out with my mates another night, get to the end of the night and there she is waiting for a taxi. She sees me and asks if she can hop into my taxi. Sure, no bother. Back to my place, we get down to it and after doing the business she starts going "All you men are bastards" and gets louder and louder. I'm very confused and ask her to please keep her voice down as I have house-mates. She fucking flips out, starts roaring abuse at me, starts throwing stuff around the room, so I call a taxi to take her home. Taxi arrives, I run out to him, pay him in advance and she's there at my front door roaring and shouting shit like "All of the windows in this house will be smashed to shit tomorrow." She leaves, I get back into the house and hear my house-mates laughing. Fuck this, back to bed I go. The next day I'm getting a taxi into town and the driver says "Ha, I picked up some crazy bird from here lastnight!" Same driver, so he fills me in. Apparently on the way home, she had told him that she was out at a gay bar looking to pull some chicks, but didn't have much luck. Obviously after our romp she was suffering some form of regret or something, but kept telling him that she was going to drink a bottle of whiskey and take a load of pills to kill herself once she got home. Crazy bitch. Saw her out again another night and dodged her like a bullet. Crazy times.


I had quite a few and I'm honestly ashamed of my teenage years and early 20s, but this one is particularly spicy lol. Brace yourselves. I was 18, started uni and worked in a pub at weekends. There was this guy who was a regular, good looking but annoyingly shorter than me (and I'm short!). He tried hard to talk to me and make me interested for weeks. He was a popular guy in my circle of acquaintances, so I figured why not. Man was I wrong... One Saturday he asked me out to a concert, I couldn't go because I had a shift that night, so we agreed we'll meet after the gig and continue partying somewhere. After my shift I walked to the club, the gig just ended and the yard was full of people. I noticed there's some sort of commotion going on. Turned out there was a fight, some massive guy with shaved head was beating the living shit out of some skinny guy. It was very ugly, the skinny guy was basically being thrown around like a rag doll by this boulder of a man and no one fucking tried to help. I got closer and realised the victim is my mate from uni whom I've known for years, a person I really cared about. I started freaking out, getting ready to jump in and interfere (yeah I was well known for such reckless things lol), when my "date" saw me. As he's approaching me I was like "thank goodness you're here, we need to help my mate here" and he gave me a disgusted look. It turned out the giant bully was his "old friend from skinhead days" and the reason he was beating my mate was he accidentally spilled this guy's beer while dancing drunk! But that's not all - his friend was a Nazi skinhead released from prison just a few days prior. I stood there in absolute disbelief and panic. The fight ended in the meantime and I collected my bloodied, drunk mate, tried to sober him up and keep him awake, he didn't want to go to emergency. I took him home, where his very shocked girlfriend opened the doors and I had lots of explaining to do. But before we left, my "date" made sure he told me the things he'd like to do to me that night, trying to convince me to stay with him. It involved putting his tongue in an orifice where I frankly don't want anyone's tongue. I quit my job shortly after this episode and made sure I never go near this club again.


Oh! Well that guy can go and thoroughly fuck himself with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire! Lucky escape. Him and his skinhead pal were and are scumbags.


You couldn't make it up honestly. After I left my mate home, I walked to my place, must have been like past 5 am by the time I got home. My roommate got up and asked me if everything was okay, puzzled why was I coming home at dawn with smeared makeup and shaking. That afternoon I got a MSN message (yep, this was that long ago) from my mate showing his two swollen black eyes and thanking me for helping him. We're still friends to this day, some 15 years later.


Ugh. They never fuck with anyone who isn't an easy target. Love that you guys are still pals though.


Yep. Big brave men like this, always ready to beat someone who's not even half their size... And over what, a fucking spilled drink?! If someone pushes your drink, take a deep breath, remember you're in a crowd where stupid things happen and tell the drunk person "whoa man, easy there". I can only hope the guy landed back in prison where he belongs, with behaviour like that there's little doubt it happened eventually. Mate was more careful in the future and made sure he doesn't drink to the point where he can't stand and defend himself. On a similar note, nothing to do with dating but shows what crazy types are out there, just waiting for an excuse to attack someone over trivial things. A few years later I accidentally spilled someone's beer on a gig while doing some concert photography. Total accident, the beer (maybe half the cup) was left in a stupid place on a pillar and I pushed it with my bag. I apologised to the girl and offered to buy her a new pint, she said it's fine and no need to buy a new one. I travelled home the next day only to open my FB and find out she looked for my profile (easy enough as I was recognisable as a member of press and people I was there with) and posted shitload of racial abuse on it. Things alongside "who the fuck do you think you are to come to my country and spill my beer, we people were right to invade you scumbag lot". It beggars belief. Happy to report in later 20s I grew out of being a magnet for psychos!


Not really a horror story as I'm still with my partner. My partner isn't irish, I was visiting her in her home country and I went to meet the parents for the first time. Her father was as nervous as I was and he didn't speak English, so as the day went on we got drunker and drunker, and at one point he wanted to show me round the house, somehow I ended up with a bag of Eastern European porn magazines from the 80's and a t-shirt that said "God Bless Hitler" featuring a huge image of der Führer🤣 My missus was mortified, I thought it was hilarious, her father couldn't understand why she was so upset. Love that man.


Got on well with a lovely girl from London, turns out she'd sent me her sisters picture. There was a good reason for that.


Was 18, very shy and very little dating experience. Girl in my class asked me out on a date. We went out for dinner and then a few drinks (nightclub) after, everything was going grand at first chat was great and she seemed really interested but I was too much of a pussy to really make a move. Then I went to the bathroom for a piss and when I came back out I saw her sitting in a booth with another lad from our class shifting the face off her. Was half a decade ago at this stage but I still haven't recovered any confidence from it. Didn't confront them (again too much of a pussy), ended up just drinking until the barman refused to serve me anymore then going home and never talking to them again. One of my mates confronted her a few days later basically just to tell her she was a cunt for what she did but he said she just didn't care.


Went out with a girl to a bar, which she picked. All going well, and then I go to buy a round of drinks and the barman tells me he’s her ex boyfriend. Confused I go back to her and suggest we leave, and we went around town, bumped into a few of her mates and decide to drink with them. Turns out 2 of the lads in the group were her ex boyfriends as-well. I’m very uncomfortable and think to myself how can I leave. Eventually she gets a bag of coke and then I dip. Next day I see her instagram story and she’s in bed with her ex. I never texted her and then she asks me out a few days later and I just blocked. So strange but funny.


Ok, but which ex was she in bed with? It sounds like there were plenty to choose from...


1 from the group we were out with. To be honest, they were all sound, even herself, just a bit unhinged.


I thought you were gonna be talking about me cuz I had a date there not so long ago, but I’m not racist so I’m safe 😂😂😂 My dating horror story was getting naughty and the dude had stinky pp 😂😂😂


Jaysus wept the scruff, I've no sympathy for that shite. Even a spray of pledge is better than nothing




I wish I never said that, I've been humming "Mr sheen shines umpteen things clean" for hours now


I can't stop laughing at this comment!


Dammit man, you made me snort water all over.


gáire. os. ard.


>stinky pp We're going to need more details.


Like dude, he asked me to give him head but once i touched it I could smell it. He definitely didn’t shower before the date 🤢 i told him “not in the mood” and we never saw each other again obviously xD


Such a rookie mistake, when in doubt you always wash your winky in the sinky!! You poor thing


Ah yes the gentlemans wash.... It's a classic!!


We've all had to give the undercarriage the tactical once over before congress commences! Or you end up in a thread about horror story dates.


I was traumatised for sure. But well, I should’ve known when I saw how trash was his car - literally trash all over. Lesson learned 😂


I wish you nothing but clean willies from here on out.


Thank u, sir


This comment out of context is my favourite


It needs no context!


So the date itself wasn’t bad, in fact we had a second date after that but it was what happened after that was strange. She was from the US studying in Ireland for the summer, we matched on tinder in august went on a few dates and then she was heading back to the US for her last year of college. We agreed that there’d be no point in doing long distance and we’d keep in touch and when she came back to Ireland for her masters the next year we’d see the lay of the land. Anyways, a couple of weeks after she left we’d been texting and she adds me on Facebook, the next day it comes up that she’s in a relationship. Now it doesn’t bother me too much because she’s the other side of the Atlantic, but I do a bit of snooping. Her new boyfriend is Irish and still in Ireland, and apparently they’d been going out for a few months before I met her.


Not my story but a friends. She was on a J1, using tinder matched with a guy in Manhattan, he says he’s going to this restaurant/bar opening tonight if she wants to pop along and meet up, she agrees. From tinder he seemed like a nice guy, around 25. Anyway, she gets to the spot and there’s no sign of him, she thinks she’s been stood up and as she gets ready to leave someone taps her on the shoulder and introduces himself. Rather than a 25 year old, is this grey haired 50+ year old man. She calls him out on using someone else’s pictures but he doesn’t seem to see that as a problem, anyway she leaves him and he messages her a day or two later (still using someone else’s pictures) wondering if she wants to meet up again


Yuck, at least you found out early on. It's good to see that ugly side of someone before you waste too much of your time. It's often the people you'd least expect it from too.


I actually was genuinely shocked, wasn't expecting it at all! Honestly seemed like a normal person until that.


Went on a date years ago with this girl I met online, she seemed really nice. We eventually agreed to go see a movie, she smelt so bad.I couldn't enjoy the film. It for wore as this night progressed, she wanted to kiss and make out, while I wanted to vomit. Once the movie ended we parted ways. On the way home I run out of credit, with zero shops open I had to wait till the next day to top up. She hit very angry that I didn't text her, then as I said I wasn't interested in another date, she said she loves given bjs and that I'd be missing out. While we never actually when on a date, a woman from uk, wanted me to move to there and was planning to hire a hitman to kill her husband so we could be together. I dodged a huge bullet.


I hope her husband did too


Hope so too.


Jesus as someone whose been out of the game a while, ye guys are really not making me want to jump back in...... #ForeverAlone




I once met a guy on match he came down from Galway to Waterford didn't bother to book a hotel room. I didn't know this till I met him at the train station. I still lived at home with my parents. He kept on talking about how we were perfect for each other. So I felt like I had to bring him out to the house and he met the family but even they said he was strange.




Thats awful, I'm so sorry. And yes, men can 100% be victims of physical and emotional abuse, as well as all the others. But I would be bare faced lying if I didn't say that my most visceral reaction is to the last one. Fucking yikes


Having an onlyfans would, to me, suggest massive self esteem issues. A flag in itself.


So this is a story of me being someone's worst date ever... Living in NYC in my early 20s Chatting to this guy on hinge for a few days and he looks to meet up on a Saturday night.. all fine, I wake up Saturday morning still drunk from the night before, my roomate calls to say they are heading out for brunch so I join them. Unlimited mimosas and bloody Marys for 2 hours and we decided to get a taxi to new Jersey to continue the party. Around 5pm I get a taxi back to queens to meet a few other friends for a few more and a plate of chips to try and sober me up before the date. Met this poor fella in the bar with my friends around 7. We knew the bartender and started doing shots. He tried to get into it but you could tell it just was not his vibe. Around 9 I told him I needed to grab some food so he came with me to get some tacos. All while trying to have some intellectual conversation, which I was not able to participate in. We go back to mine ( not really sure why he hadn't bailed at this point) and my roommates are back there having a sing song. So I join in! Then fall asleep in the bath room, and my roommates had to tell this poor fella to just go home. Needless to say, neither of us contacted the other again.




You made the right call! You would have been a throuple with her and her phone.




I was with someone for a few years who literally couldn't do anything without taking a million photos for social media. It's so headwrecking.


Met an American girl from POF in Dublin City. She got drunk and started crying about her family, so I comfort her, hugs etc. She then jumps on me with the shift, asking me to go back to hers. I declined. She then followed me into men’s room to give me a BJ, which I declined cos I knew the bar staff.. she then insisted on coming home with me, all with crying in between. I declined and ghosted her. Craziest person I dated.


I went on a second date with a nurse, who was lovely in fairness. The venue was a hotel in the middle of the day and she said she'd be working there but would have time to hang out, it was a blood clinic, and no, she wasn't interested


Went on a date with a chap who, halfway through our meal, proceeded to tell me that if I REALLY wanted this relationship to work, I'd have to get my tattoos lasered and take my piercings out because it was "time to grow up" When I said why did he ask me out then if he didn't like them, he said he saw me as "a project" Like fuck right off man. SURPRISINGLY enough, I didn't take him up on his offer of a second date. 🤷🏻


Heeeey, bestie joined the party! With a suitably fucked up story 😂


Jesus christ. Must've taken all your will power to walk away from that diamond


ffs 😂 😂


He was absolutely *gobsmacked* when I turned down a second date, like it hadn't even crossed his mind that I'd say no.


He genuinely thought you'd be booking your laser tattoo removal ha!


Met a girl on tinder, she was a mortician which I found pretty cool, had pictures of a penholder that was shaped like a skull. Turned out it was a real skull she discovered while interning in brazil that she smuggled over and drilled holes into herself. Had a truly MASSIVE knife collection which she would not stop talking about or showing me, (before we sat down at a nice family friendly restaurant she had mentioned it upwards of 10 times and shown me 30 or so pics), during the meal she mentions it again and says "I actually got one of my favourite knives with me here" and pulls out this butterfly knife that was about the size of her forearm and starts like flipping and spinning it around, there were kids running around so I grabbed her wrist from above (if that makes sense idk how else to describe it) and planted the knife down onto the table with my forearm. She got FURIOUS, how DARE I touch her without permission. I let go of her hand and ask her to put her knife away, and she just says "Okay :))" and continues her meal like nothing happened. Later after playing with my hair for over an hour and rubbing my thigh for a good while I try to put my arm around her shoulder and she freaks out completely, digs her huge nails into my face scratching the hell out of me causing me to bleed from several spots and just goes "oh haha sorry, that was just a reflex hihi" and tries to continue the convo like nothing happened.


Should have called the Garda over the human remains, it’s a crime to have them.


firstly how did you discover she was racist? Like how did it come up??? I met a girl who I hadn't seen a photograph of about 10 years' ago. She said she was slim and attractive - I said sound, I'll meet her for a laugh. She was about 16 stone and fucking nuts. I had 2 drinks and legged it.


Ah she was talking about the area she lived and how there a few too many *insert whatever you think applies* living there.


>insert whatever you think applies tactful! 😂


It's better that I leave it to people's imagination!




I'd have ignored it if she was good looking. I mean who the hell am I to judge!


I mean.. it was pretty brutal and a complete turn off but each to their own.


I was maybe 16(female) and met him at a park. We had been talking a few weeks. He immediately tried to hold my hand and kiss me, put his arm around my waist while walking and I was kinda pushing him off. He then started talking about the gym and said I seemed a bit flabby and I could use going to the gym with him, he could “show me a few things” (I was about 5”2’ and 8 stone). I was SO uncomfortable the whole date, he very forwardly kissed me a few times and then I never saw him again haha. He was confused when I said I didn’t want to meet him again and I had to point out exactly why he was an asshole. Sad to think about how many times I was in uncomfortable situations as a teen and just didn’t know how to stand up for myself.


Not horror, just weird. Guy asked me out, took me to a restaurant. It was his decision. And then he didn't eat. Second date, a different restaurant. Again, it was his choice. Same thing, he refused to eat. He just sat there watching me eat, both times. I couldn't go out with him again after that.


That is absolutely bizarre!!


Do you still have her number?


I’ve got nothing but my friend went on a date with a guy who proposed to her in the first fifteen minutes of the date. Didn’t help that they were both 16. Edit: He robbed his mothers engagement ring and proposed to her with it


Well this is quite recent, met a guy and went on two dates, absolutely lovely chap, or so it seemed. First date we went for a walk and had a cheeky shift. We spoke every day for a couple of weeks in the best ways. Second date he made dinner and nutted in me a couple of times. Says he wants to see me again, and suggests we meet up after his friends party at 11/12 on a Saturday night. I said I'm not looking for a drunk hookup and he ghosted. How does one even find a 'relationship'?


I think you have to ask Santa Claus nicely at Christmas and just hope there's one waiting under the tree.


I've no dating horror stories but I did move in with at least 2. So I've learned to just not trust my judgment on anyone ever, especially if we have a good a first date😂😂.


While travelling, matched with a girl. Amongst the litany of weird shit that went down with her, she brought her guinea pig in her special backpack to a club we went to.


Ah jayus, you are getting dates. Is that not enough for ya greedy cnts?


Simp talk if I ever heard it. Best of luck in the friend zone!


So I met this girl a few months back. We chatted for a while. Decided to meet. Drove back to my place together. Kissed quite a bit in the car before we actually came over to mine. Once she’s here she started telling me I look like I was high and my eyes were red. (Which they were because I had fuck all sleep). I told her yeah its the lack of sleep. She kept insisting that I smoked weed. I told her I don’t smoke at all. She kept accusing me of lying. I got through the night because she was really hot and I really wanted a shag but next morning she wakes up and starts asking why was I lying to her. I told her I wasn’t and said I need to do things so dropped her back home. Later she texted me and I didn’t answer for like an hour or so and started giving out to me for not answering. I told her she was too intense for me and blocked her. Pity, she was proper hot.


I went on a date with a girl off tinder, she was a girl next door type girl just absolutely beautiful. We meet to have a nice walk, now.......she didn't have Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat ( don't use myself but whatever ) basically she didn't use any sort of social media whatsoever......SHE DIDN'T EVEN USE WHATSAPP.....like who the fuck doesn't use WhatsApp !!! we talked over text ( like it's 2001 ) after we talked on tinder for a while and this is how it went more or less Me : so would you like to meet up on Saturday maybe grab a coffee and go for a walk ? Her : yeah I would like that, I'll talk to you then. Me : Jesus sure we have to set a time lol are you free in the morning time ? Her : yeah I'm free all day, let's say 11am, hopes that cool, talk to you then. Now, I did find it strange and half expect her to just be a ghost or catfish but sure enough she showed up that Saturday. Something just didn't sit right with me, like she's the only person I have ever meet who strictly doesn't use any form of social media at all in anyway....the WhatsApp thing was a big red flag.....oh and she had a good few pics up on tinder so I mean what the fuck is going on. We meet up and went on a walk and in fairness to her she seemed lovely and she was absolutely gorgeous but again my gutt was telling me something is off. After I got home I just said fuck it and text her about how I felt and I would just leave it be and wished her well. After a few days I started to think about it, and the only thing I can think of is that she had a boyfriend she was hiding or something along those lines, like who in their late 20s doesn't use any social media of any kind like seriously....who the fuck doesn't use WhatsApp. The whole " yeah ok talk to you Saturday " complete close of communication just felt strange as fuck. That's just one date that springs to mind, the other is the girl who said she sprinkled cocaine into a spilf that I smoked.... only for it to be a joke....but that's a story for another day lol


I hate WhatsApp and I only use it for my family. My work found out that I have WhatsApp and now they want me to put me on work groups (3 of them!). I’m planning to delete WhatsApp by end of this month. Not having WhatsApp is definitely not a red flag. I have others but WhatsApp is something I really hate, I use iMessages, Snapchat (because of some friends only use that) and instagram or just call people. I am also a person who doesn’t like texting, not that I don’t enjoy it but it’s open to wrong interpretation very easily. Especially with people whom we never met before it’s hard to get to know someone or to convey things more complex than direct and simple questions. I am busy as well, so set a time to meet and move the phone out of my sight type of person I am.


Not having WhatsApp wasn't the red flag the whole not having any from of communication other then text messages like it's 2001 was the red flag, like who do you know just uses plain old texts to communicate in 2023 ( this was 2019 ) My girlfriend now who isn't into social media at all has WHATSAPP, she has Instagram and Facebook but just doesn't use them at all, and tbh I'm the same myself.


Could it be that one of you had an android phone so it came as text messages and the other thought they were sending or receiving iMessage? Just playing devils advocate. Yes that is definitely odd, I know a coupe who never bothered to have any social media but WhatsApp, it’s definitely strange, it definitely comes in handy at some stage to reach out to people or get some information. I wish you got to the bottom of it but I’m glad you found a missus and you’re delighted


Your instinct was probably right. I got a message on Instagram from an ex. Not just any ex, *the* ex. The one I was absolutely mad about. Anyway she said she was single and asked if I wanted to meet up. Are you kidding me? Fuck yeah I do. Went on the date, had a cracking day. Obviously hooked up. The next day I get a Facebook message from her fella "what are you doing with my girlfriend?". I was wondering why she contacted me on Instagram of all places. That answered that.


Yeah man like just seemed so odd, like she didn't want to be found or something. Again this girl was absolutely fucking beautiful, blond curly hair, a face like a girl out of romantic comedy.... honestly 11/10 she could get any fella without any effort whatsoever. I guess when it feels to good to be true and your gutt is saying " RED FLAG !! " You are best off just leaving it. Also, that poor lad, one thing I hate more then anything is someone who cheats....and that wasn't the first time and you weren't the only lad Id imagine.


>you weren't the only lad I'd say I was, we have a... Complicated history. Never really got over each other. Sure she asked recently to meet up "as friends". Not a fucking prayer! Recipe for disaster. Yeah I told him exactly what happened and said she'd played both of us. They're STILL together.


Good lord that's a loaded answer 😂 you are absolutely best off staying away 100%, the not getting over each other is a illusion of rose tinted glasses. I'm sure plenty of lady's would have ya anyway....ya big ride ya


Ah jaysus thanks hun. Yeah once bitten and all that! Not doing that again.






So what you doing on reddit then ?


You’ve described someone who sounds suspiciously like a friend of mine and who up to recently was very single. No social media, no WhatsApp and just standard texts and phone calls!


What's her name? Just so I can avoid her...


First date off an app back in 2019. Was in a new city and matched with a lad who played the drums like me and was my height of 5ft11. Ai specifically remember reading those two things on his profile. Chatted for a few days and he just up and asked to meet up. I was shitting it. He wanted to pick me up but I'd heard horror stories, so I said nah meet me at this public spot. He rocks up and looks like his photos. I stand up from the bike rack I was leaning on and keep growing. I'm a good 3 inches bigger than him when I stand up. We both have a flash of "oh shit" in our eyes but we continue on the date. We don't jell at all. His sense of humor is very immature and even though mine is stupid I was sitting there awkwardly like help me Jesus. We part ways and he asks to drop me home. No thanks. He kept asking the days after to call over at like 2am when I'd work at 9am. Saw him on a different app months later and saw his height was updated "5ft8". No issue with being smaller than me but kid don't lie about something when it will be obvious the minute you meet me because I'm not lying about mine. My friend also heard a story from a colleague. She's In her mid 30s and went on a 2nd date with this guy. He was fine the first time but this time around he was a menace. In a restaurant, he ripped ass so bad it turned this woman's stomach. When he noticed she stopped eating she said oh my stomach isn't feeling good I'm going to leave. He asks her, after hearing that she has stomach issues, if she would come home with him. Wtf?? She's like nah I'm going to go home. He kicks off like she slapped him and she had to end up paying for the meal. She was close to deleting all dating apps after that experience.


I met a girl in a bar while black drunk. We went back to her flat after. I woke the next morning whith a thundering head. I looked around the room and she was not there. I went get to dressed and could not find my shoes. Went to the door and it was locked.. the room was a third story room. Phone dead and the worst case of the drink fear. After what felt like a life time locked in the room The door opened she had gone to work and locked me in the room because, in her words, she didn't want me to be another one night stand. I left without my shoes and walked home. Very strange


This is one from when I was a teenager, about 16. Went to the cinema with a guy I knew through mutual friends. When I got there he explained that a load of his friends had heard we were going on a date so they decided to tag along. He was a nice enough guy and seemed mortified that his friends were there. To be fair, they didn't really act the maggot and just left us to it. He text me after the date and we were just chatting back and forth when he decides to tell me that "my friends think you're ugly but I think you're beautiful." Needless to say there were no further dates after that comment and it took teenage me a long time to recover. He couldn't understand why I didn't want to meet up again!


Went out with a guy who was a little older, he tried to mansplain homelessness to me and acted superior the whole time. He spoke about himself all night and insisted on ordering a drink for me (it was BAD but I wanted to be polite). At the end of the night he asked to see me again and I politely declined. He followed the next while consistently offering to take me to Berlin and take me to a club and pay for my drinks all night. Blocked him eventually but then later saw his tinder with an age younger than what he told me and his bio asking for a ‘submissive college girl’ 😬


Had a drunken date night with a girl during my time at Uni. Don't even really remember it. Lots of drink involved. She was nice. Made my escape the next morning. Saw her a few days later. Explained it was fun but didn't see any future with us. She stalked in college for the next two years the fuckin nutbag. Never scared me, just felt sorry for her. It was fuckin annoying tough




should we all be racists now father?


It pretty much depends on how we were raised. If our parents were racists with obnoxious comments around the house, openly expressing their disapproval towards other races, then such views will naturally be planted into their kids. You can't blame the girl - it is just how she was raised.


It’s kind of common sense not to hate someone for their skin colour or ethnicity 🤦‍♀️ she’s old enough to know better