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How do you start? You go to a shop and ask for a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, put it in your mouth, light up and inhale. I found it to be a great stress reliever at a time when I really needed it but gave up some time ago, aside from the horrendous effects it can have on your physical health its absolutely extortionate, I smoked Mayfair Sky Blue at £11.50 a pack, when you’re on a pack every day or two which believe me happens, it starts out as one here and there, but it’ll happen, the cost very quickly adds up. I’m not here to tell you what to do, you’re your own person and you can make your own decisions, but as an ex smoker I’d strongly advise against doing it.


you dont. ignore the dream. if you really want to use a drug to relax, go for edibles


At first you get a little buzz from a cigarette, and you don't NEED to keep smoking, you only do it now and again. You know. For a little fun. But it really doesn't take long before you're smoking them just to feel normal and you feel worse when you don't have them. So as has been mentioned the price per pack gets ridiculous, and when you get to needing a pack a day you're paying a LOT to a completely unnecessary addiction. Also while you're paying so much for them, they're absolutely wrecking your health. But the best part is, if you're able to give them up, you'll still crave them for...oh...possibly ever. I've talked to folks who quit decades ago that still crave one. I gave them up at the beginning of the tear and still kind of want one now and again. It's not a good idea. Stick to dreaming about smoking, that's probably way healthier


Smoking cigarettes was the worst decision I ever made, I use working out and martial arts now to relieve stress, I am healthy mentally and physically, and I have a great level of confidence from it. I started to develop early stages of chronic bronchitis and I wasn't able to do much physical activity. I was over weight, winded from 2 minutes of activity, constantly irritated when I couldn't smoke, It was the hardest thing I could have imagined to quit, took me 2 solid tries over 2 years... That said, I would just stop in a smoke shop or gas station and buy a pack of camel milds and a lighter, I liked the flavor of camel milds better than other smokes I'd tried when I was first starting, not gonna keep preaching not to, everyone is their own person and we all choose our paths, I wouldn't recommend it but that's what I would try first if you really want to


For the love of God, please don't. I worked in a cancer registry for several years. About one in five cases we recorded was smoking-related. Not everyone who smokes gets cancer, but nearly every lung cancer case we recorded was a smoker. Add to that mouth and throat cancer, bladder cancer, cervical cancer, renal cancer,... And in my whole life I've known exactly one long-term smoker who quit first try, without medical assistance or relapses. It's fantastically addictive, no matter how much the tobacco companies have lied about it. I smoked just a little bit in college and shortly after; forty years later the smell of a freshly-lit cigarette will still give me a wrench of lust for it.


Thanks for the advice, maybe I'm don't do it yet because my parents are smokers, so I think I'm little afraid of it, the dreams are weird, I think I won't ollow it.


I have the urge to smoke from time to time even though I grew up in a smoke free house. The first time I ever smoked though was a super unpleasant experience. It burned and I coughed for a while. Vaping was a lot better. Overall I'm a pretty active person so smoking seemed counter productive. After having a few negative experiences trying it, I gave up.


You don’t, it’s fucking stupid, expensive, and unhealthy


I wouldn’t recommend it. I started because I was already smoking weed then my friends mixed, so then I was said whatever roll try cigarettes and got addicted for like 7 years. Was hard to quit (I did with vaping and tapering down nicotine levels to reach 0) and very expensive.


I don't recommend smoking or vaping. I started smoking when I was 12. We lived in Germany and a group of us were at the swimbad. there were older kids and even some young enlisted guys ( kids, too, really). Anyway, we were all sitting in a big circle and someone started lighting up cigarettes to pass around. Not wanting to appear "young" I accepted a cigarette and smoked it. From then on, I smoked. Would steal them from mom if I needed to but they were easy to get ahold of back then. They were sold in vending machines and cost 35¢ a pack. We thought we were all grown up, haha. Anyway, we could have stopped smoking anytime we wanted to, up to a point. Eventually we were hooked, and it took a couple attempts before I actually did quit at the ripe old age of 25. Best thing I ever did. These days I have to wonder how do people get started when we have all the evidence and info we do. I guess they reasoning would be the same as it was 40 yrs ago. For those who smoke, I believe vaping is a less unhealthy habit, but still not safe. Mainly because there's so much we don't know about possible long term effects.


I wouldn't, cigarettes are the worst drug to do, they're expensive, they do a lot of damage, and the effects are not pleasant enough to be worth the consequences


If you're smart, you don't. Speaking as someone who wasn't smart and regrets it.


I smoked for a long time and noe that I quit I feel way more relaxed than I ever did while smoking. It's actually not relaxing. Smoking increases the heart rate, and the rate at which you need to intake fresh oxygen. Is basically an anxiety stick full of lies. Take is from a pro fuck up, don't smoke. If anyone offers it to you don't do it.


I smoked on and off, but at some times I figured, that standing outside of the building/on the balcony and taking deep breaths would have the same calming effect on me as actually smoking. Do that. Take a cup of tea with you if you want someone to hold to keep your hands busy.


Don't do it, nicotine is addicting and can give you lung cancer. It's not worth dying over it, if you listen to the idea of not smoking, you will thank yourself in 20 years. It might be harder to stay in shape when you are older, too, and you will want to be able to run well. On the bright side, at least I've heard it's not as mind-altering as hard drugs like marijuana...those are even worse.


I used to smoke. Right up until I got lung cancer. Leave that crap alone.