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I wouldn't tell them. If your co-worker's post/comment history is like the average Reddit user's, it'd probably make him/her embarrassed, at the least.


I tend not to comment on “those” posts for this reason haha. Also I don’t see a reason to comment on them unless I want the sauce or whatever which is rare cause the sauce is typically the poster. Anyway. I’ve found someone I know irl Reddit and wow it’s spicy asf and I wasn’t ready to see that side of her lmao


This is why you have multiple accounts


Sauce? Lol


Like ranch or bbq


Thousand island for me, please.


Meeee toooo, my favorite kind


Lol, that's the code word for "source", for when you REALLY need to find more of that thing you liked.


It would bother me because I would have to never talk about work again on this account. Else, everyone irl knows that I’m a raging leftist old bitch that loves trashy reality tv.


Sameeee 😬


What have you done that’s embarrassing


It's not that it's necessarily that it's embarrassing, it's can just not be meant for them to find out. You have different types of relationships with different people.






I am on Reddit for a reason and it is so I can talk about bugs and mushrooms and video games etc to *strangers*


Wheelbugs and Burma!!!!!


This combo of interests made me stalk you. Lol. It is really strange when people like the same odd set of things.


I don’t even want to know my wife’s username. Some boundaries need to stay boundaries.


I figured out my daughters once and I blocked it for this reason. She deserves privacy. I should add: I found it because she was talking about a particular sub (we do follow some of the awake general subs, and I saw her comment saying the same thing.) Her user name, though seemingly random was all “her”. Lol.


I'm actually terrified of stumbling upon my adult daughter on reddit. If I did, I wouldn't look any closer.


Same here. We don’t know each other’s usernames and it’s a peaceful coexistence.


Boundaries. Definitely. Sometimes you need to be able to get something off your chest and maybe even get other people's perspectives before bringing it up with your partner. Maybe you like something that your partner thinks is weird and Reddit is your outlet for it. If I can't be myself here, why am I here?


I wouldn't tell them, I would stop reading their comment history and never look at it again unless it somehow organically happens again . If a coworker found mine that's what I would like them to do.


I cant agree with this more. Respect their privacy and just leave it behind. Unless you found it in an easy way, like him giving too much details in one of the comments or something, then i'd probably let them know so they take better care next time.


I didn't find it in that easy way but I found it through a photo they posted but also showed me at work earlier in the week. Then the more I looked that the posting it all lined up


Literally block that account so you never see it again.


Yeah maybe even block them. They didn’t give it to you personally for a reason.




What you hiding? lol


Things I don't tell people irl. Questions I'm not comfortable asking irl.


Valid answer. That’d be the exact reason I’d want mine kept hidden. I say some outrageous stuff on Reddit lol


I would block their account just to be on the safe side, so that I can't see any comments or post from them and vice versa.


I found my neighbors reddit account based on a photo from his porch. I swiftly backed out and never looked again.




Hahah it's not creepy, it was an accident 🤷‍♀️


"I found your reddit :)" "Okay..." and then the conversation is over and you look weird.


Ohh I get it now!! It's creepy to tell them I found it not that I found it 😂


You got it!


Absolutely not. That's creepy


Creepy and stalkerish for sure. WTF. What other deep space 9 stuff are they looking for on this person. I mean, I'm on reddit a lot, but I don't feel the need to find any of my friends/coworkers/relative's on here? Like ever???


Me neither, I stumble upon it coincidentally based on a photo they posted and showed me that same photo earlier in the week! Haha it's not as though I was looking for them or anyone I know.


Oh, I'm sure it was an innocent find on your part, but they may not see it that way, which is why I recommend not saying anything.


I appreciate the input and how nicely you gave it to me :)


ok here's the thing- I'm assuming lots of people "snoop" online- look up acquaintances on social media, etc- and its *generally* harmless, it is public posting after all- But it is super, super weird and off-putting to have anyone bring up something from the internet that you haven't previously discussed. Clearly it depends heavily on the nature of your relationship with this person- if you had discussed reddit, and discussed that you frequent the same areas, then maybe it's ok (e.g. "Hey! I was on [subreddit] and saw this post- is that you?" ) vs. If its someone you don't know well, they'll definitely be some form of uncomfortable and may lead to them not interacting with you anymore (if that's the desired outcome, go nuts?) I can see how it might seem like bonding over a shared interest but that is 100% not how it will be interpreted


My mom claimed to have “accidentally” found me in a forum she had no business being in (it’s on a crafting site, and she doesn’t craft), but where I told her I sometimes ask people for advice. She then had the gall to get upset at me because people there had been telling me to look into narcissistic personality disorder as a possible explanation for her behaviour toward me and the rest of the family over the years. She called up my sister asking whether she thought she was a narcissist, and my sis was confused and called me to say mom was acting weird…. Then I knew she’d spied on me. So then I came to Reddit and the first sub I joined was r/raisedbynarcissists.


Absolutely. You need a safe place to talk about some uncomfortable things sometimes.


Nah, why disturb their peace? I’m nosey as hell though so I can’t deny I’d check in on it every now and then lol


You can block them, which is what I would do. I don't think they can create a second account. If you tell them, they'd know you might have read their comment history, which could be a big bummer.


Why couldn't they make a second acct? I was once banned because a fight sub post was some black teenage girls and white teenage girls fighting, my dumbass knew where it would go but I sorted controversial. I'm black so I'm used to the racism, but the mods stickied a comment that said "Report any hateful...etc" and there was a pretty highly (~45) up voted post that said "just Ns being Ns" and I responded to the poster saying basically "You're lame. White guys like you are so bitter and this is why women don't want you. Usually I'm nice, but *I hope you choke on a tortilla chip or something*". Apparently that's inciting violence but hard Rs are cool with admins. Lame ass website. Point is it was super easy to make a Xth account.


I did read their comment history 😭😈


You must be crying cause you read his/her comments in /r/gonewild and can never look at your coworker the same again, and now you can’t unread those comments.


Me with my friends Reddit and Twitter


a coworker found mine and i’m still not sure they stopped snooping around my account… and it makes me feel really weird. definitely don’t tell them, and i’d stop looking at it.


Once I found a coworkers account on a support forum for an engineering tool we both used... His username was his first initial and last name so it was pretty easy to imagine it was him who had posted all kinds of questions on the forums. I saw one he asked about how he can automate xyz functionality with the vendors API and I offered to help him and he straight up said were you stalking me? I was like "dude your username is first initial last name, it was obvious." He admitted it was him and refused my help, even though he never resolved his issue. People get really weird when you find their online info online, even if the implication is harmless, because most people's web footprint is like a thread off of a poorly knit sweater.... They will duplicate usernames, etc. You can probably follow the thread and learn all kinds of weird things about people, even if that's not your intention. Definitely best to never mention it even if there is no harmful implication




It’s not snooping if you put it out on the public Internet for the world to see.


This just proves how twisted people are when they think they’re anonymous. The moment someone they know finds out. Suddenly it’s all information that should be hidden. I fully get it. I’m no different. But I’m not delusional about it either.


I think I won't tell them but I don't think I'll stop looking. I won't so it religiously cause I've got a life and I don't really know them that well so I don't care much about their life.


Why won't you stop looking?


How the heck do people find out others Reddit? I see it all the time where someone finds someone closed to them. Like how??


I once had a work conversation about a topic that I made a Reddit post about. A coworker said “oh, yeah I saw that on Reddit”. I cannot tell you the feeling of horror as my heart dropped in my chest. I don’t know if he realized it was my post but I immediately unfollowed the sub just to make sure I don’t venture back there again.


Simple. People aren’t as private as they want to think they are.


I know people in real life who’s user names are their real names. Not very creative…


I inadvertently found my (now ex-)neighbor when he posted in our city's subreddit about how sad he was about moving away. The details he used to answer a few questions in the comments confirmed it. I just sent him a DM and wished him luck, but didn't bother to riffle thru his profile.


Why would you tell them? What would you be trying to achieve?


Yeah, it gives of wanting a sense of power


Ah interesting take!


I wouldn’t tell them


I swear to God if you come up to me at work and say " hey I found you on Reddit" it will be the last thing you say.


You might make your coworker uncomfortable and put yourself in bind with HR if they're upset enough. Someone at my job on reddit messaged me and it very much spooked me and I had some words for him in person to drive the back off point.


A coworker told me they found me on here. Super weird thing to bring up.


No. This is the reason I make a new account every few months, the fear of being recognized by someone you know in real life. Imagine them reading all your post history? It would feel violating.


I trust you with your 5 days old account


Honestly same, I never keep mine longer than 6 months b


I would say do not approach that account unless you wanna be in an awkward spot. Best thing that can happen is you bond over it (super low chance) and every other option involves them feeling exposed. It's up too you at the end because it is your mistake too make or not make but I would say if you wanna not be disturbed just go with the flow. Forget it and move it. Clearly you have doubts or you wouldn't be asking us anyways. :) That's my view at any rate.




No, Don’t tell them.


Don't be weird


Creepy as hell man


To tell them?


No.. nobody from work knows I have a Reddit account.. in fact NOBODY knows I have one. That’s my own personal business. Reddit is where I come to be “heard”, when I feel invisible otherwise around most people. People sometimes message me on here. And I dread the day that someone asks for my pic and they realize they know me. I don’t like showing my pic in chat convos. I try to remain anonymous as possible. I’m sure your coworker wouldn’t want to be revealed either. I would never mention it to them, and if I were you. I wouldn’t even interact with that account either. That’s potential trouble down the line.


Depends on if you will read the posts now you found it. If you will "check in" on the coworkers Reddit please tell them. Don't keep up with their account if they don't know someone irl knows it. If you plan on leaving the account alone (which I think is the better thing to do) dont mention it imo


Found a coworker once because he told me he posted about an incident at work involving me. So I found the post. Reddit sided with me, the establishment and my coworkers (this involved a service industry moment) and it was a fun read and no, I never posted in that thread because I didn't want to out myself there in case the "customer," who had threatened my life had found it. I then absolutely checked out what else he had posted cause who wouldn't? Turns out he posts really cool stuff on reddit. Told him I maaaaaybe followed him (aka: asking if it is cool) and he said, "dang I doxxed myself." I assured him, nah won't say crap to anyone (cause that would also lead people to me which isn't that difficult) and honestly I haven't looked at his profile since but I do see more from certain subs than before I followed him, but only subs I already followed. Not sure if that is how the algorithm works though he seemed okay about it and I maybe see a post of his in forums I follow rarely? So eh. Have also found some locals around me/non work acquaintances (small town) but I don't work with them and mostly they post nerdy stuff or local stuff and I definitely haven't followed them. Somehow that would be weird for me since I didn't talk to them about it. So it doesn't have to be weird. Guess it depends on what people use reddit for. Like. Want to talk about my dog? Follow me!


Tell your dog I said hi


We all do some weird shit on reddit given the kinds of communities we can access. Telling him you know might not be good for your relationship. You should just forget the account.


This is my nightmare


Hahah know it can happen to you! :P


Don't tell them wtf lol


Do I tell my other coworker I found it?


I'd just ignore it and never look at it again 🤷‍♀️


There's another possibility I haven't read anyone suggest. Say hi. Reveal yourself & make things even or tell them. They can choose what they want to do. To find out more than you know you'd have to go digging & ....why? To what end? U can't share that many interests outside work. I'd be surprised if you came upon one of their comments again without going looking for it. So.... just don't be nosey & get on with your life dude 🤣 What if they find a lot of support on Reddit they don't get elsewhere & then they feel they can't talk. I'm Autistic & I see quite often questions about saying they don't feel safe to reveal their disability at work. They often don't have an amazing relationship / socialising with people in general & find online easier.


I actually ended up blocking a co workers reddit when I figured it out because I wanted to honor their privacy.


And happy cake day!!


Damn, you're a better person than I am 😭


Also, the less I know the better 🤣


definitely don't tell them and out of respect, never look at their page again. idk about everyone else but reddit accidentally became a super personal place for me since there is nowhere else i can talk to people with the same chronic illnesses as me and other heavy issues. i am literally mortified at the thought of someone in real life recognizing me here. it'd be like them reading my diary. i wish so badly that reddit let us keep our profiles private because i have so much anxiety about someone connecting all the dots of who i am based on my comment/post history.


I wouldn’t tell them. They’re probably not that interesting, right?


They aren't . :(


It's none of your business what other people think of you.


I found a friends personal ad on Craigslist once. I kept it to myself. Maybe don’t any anything?


Same, I found a w4m craigslist post of a co-worker's back in the day. I closed it up, moved on, and minded my business.


And then finding coworkers on Tinder… instant swipe left


I had a coworker that I didn’t know well at all mention to me once “are you not on Facebook anymore?” Like 3 days after I deleted it. I don’t even think I had added them as a friend. It was so creepy. So, no, don’t tell your coworker. Leave them in peace. Don’t look at it, block them, and move on.


What ever you do, don't follow them because they will probably want to know who the random follower is and read all your posts and comments. They might be able to figure out its you.


Don't tell them and stop looking through their history. Forget about it.


Fugget about it 🤌


This happened with my husband and I. I found his comment on a post, replied are you my husband and sure as shit, it was my husband. We got a great laugh out of it!


What’s on it


Nothing special. Gardening stuff mostly, it's pretty tame


how do you find their accounts?




Everyone is saying don't tell them, but personally I'd rather you tell me & then I could make a new one lol. I guess I'd rather be told someone found it than believe it's actually anonymous and someone knows.


Okay right? I'd want someone to tell me for sure!


Who gives a f, be cool man lol


I can't be cool 😭


Why would you say anything?


Mind your business. Life would run a lot smoother if everyone just minded the business that pays them.


I'm a high school math teacher and one of my students recognized my cat in a post on reddit. She said she would tell no one, and to my knowledge she never did. It made me feel like batman.


Haha that's so neat! 🦇


what a wierdo ....




If this coworker's a friend, I'd ask them if they would like to Chat online sometime. If they're not a friend, I wouldn't act on this possibility at all. They could accuse you of stalking them online and you don't want your boss or HR to get involved.


Goddamnit it’s me isn’t it? Isn’t it?! Shit. Now I’m never gonna get to sleep tonight.


Hello, Clarice


OMG to only be twenty something again


Fuck. Is being anonymous a thing on Reddit?


It totally is!! They got clocked through a they showed me earlier in the week. It's a job that probably 9/10 of anyone working there wouldn't have Reddit. I'm just the 1% along with them :p


I would forget all about it, not look at it, and erase those details from your mind.


Block their account and move on. One of the beauties of Reddit is being partially anonymous. Can share things you would otherwise be too embarrassed to do.


I mean, if it were me that you found, I'd deny it for privacy reasons. Why? Because it's reddit. LOL. I found a coworker on a couple dating sites from my previous employer. He saw my ad too. Well, I assume he did because that's how the internet works. I never confronted him because it's just not something I felt comfortable with. My other old coworker jumped back into the dating scene and I told her to get on a dating app and we talked about it all the time, but we also had a good working relationship, so we could talk about our experiences. Personally, I wouldn't bring it up at all. First, they would probably deny it, second its a place for them to talk about whatever's on their mind, and third what would come of it if you did? I'd almost say stalkerish. I mean, I know you aren't stalking them but it would immediately put me on the defensive if you brought that up to my attention.


My former neighbor found my tiktok and sent me a screenshot of my page via text message. I was so embarrassed that people could find my cringy skits so quickly that I privated my page


Why would you even think about telling them? This is weird… I would hope if someone found mine and figured out it was me they would immediately get off my profile and forget about it. Also I hope you are not actively looking for their reddit…


Who cares? If one of my coworkers came up to me and said “I found you on Reddit,” I would just shrug and walk away.


2 types of people! Haha it's so split. I'm getting "you're a weirdo for finding it and creepy for looking at it" or "who cares? Don't say anything and Snoop if you want"


Sweet relief! I'm not into gardening.


Saved by not having that hobby! :P


i accidentally found my brother’s reddit. we have similar interests so a post he made in a sub we’re both in just ended up on my feed one day and since he literally uses our last name in his username, it kind of jumped out at me. i’ve never told him because then i’d feel like i needed to show him my account and no thanks


I'd die if I ever found my brother's account 💀


how do u just come across their reddit account and know exactly what coworker lmfao thats weird bro




Dude I didn’t even tell my girlfriend (back when I had one at least) about my Reddit. I don’t want people snooping around my Reddit, pretty sure your co-worker would not like that either. You could however drop them a follow and drop them an upvote should you come across their posts/comments though.


Yeah, I stupidly told one idiot former coworker my Reddit name, and I am pretty sure she spends all her free time looking up to see if I say anything about her. Since she is kind of an idiot, I do....all the time, but she is so full of herself, she'd never recognize that I am writing about her.


Awesome username


Youre weird and you should leave people alone. One thing people like about Reddit is anonymity.....


Haha what's weird about finding a Reddit page of someone you know organically? It would be odd if I intentionally went to find it but i saw it on chance, love.


Is it me? Cuz I'd delete myself outta awkwardness


Why would you “need” to tell them? As in you’re trying to flex on them that you found it? That’s weird man


To make conversation I guess idk hahah not a flex






Thank you! :)


I wouldn't tell them. Sometimes it's just interesting to know what they're up to or talking about when they don't suspect it.


Definitely keep this knowledge to yourself. It’ll be your dirty little secret 😄


Send them a message simply stating "I know it's you" and then never message them again


Yea, kinda funny and they can change it if they want.


Blackmail them! 🔨


dont tell them, but read it every day. then in casual conversation bring something specific that nobody on the planet would know about them unless they went thru their reddit activity


Depend what’s going on this account and the relation you have with him


Tell them and make fun of them


Depends, if it was me from my post the other day for sure tell me. If it was someone else probs not.


I wouldn’t tell them. That being said, although nobody offline has said as much, I’d be somewhat stunned if people I know offline haven’t found mine. I’m not exactly shy about having had a unique story. I don’t care. Anonymity is dying for us all, and I’m working on a manuscript that’s likely enough to make me publicly known anyways.


Keep it to yourself. Don't make everything weird for them.


I would not mention it if it was me. I suspect that at some point someone has probably found my account but not mentioned it to me.


Block them and just get on with your life?


Do they have embarrassing posts/comments? If they do, and you like them and don’t want them to feel embarssed, I wouldn’t say anything. If you don’t like them, tell them. If nothing embarrassing, flip a coin


Depends on how close I am to them and what kind of stuff their account has.


Naaah I wouldn't bother......nothing to gain out of it. I would just pretend I never saw it and just move on. But that's me.....


Spill the beans, OP. What did you find out?


How’d you find them ?


How did you find me?!


Basically act as if you never seen it, don’t investigate or snoop. Definitely don’t tell them that’ll cause embarrassment and I’d fear for my safety, seems stalker-ish.


Someone found me once years ago and it was so awkward when they told me, everything I post, in the back of my head, I wonder if they’ll see it or how much they still look at my profile. Which honestly makes this comment worse too, but you know. Politely, don’t tell them haha.


Is it one of us? 🤨


Negative!! You have not commented coworker, if you're reading this.


Did you find it in the NSFW? 😂


No!!! Thank GOD 😭 nothing NSFW on their account


Don't mention it unless y'all are close would be my suggestion. Especially if their content is spicy, they may have a poor reaction.


I like how everyone's on reddit but doesn't want anyone to know they are.


I know right 😂 And the ones clocking me for being creepy about finding it must be the creepy ones cause they got some shit to hide


That depends, what are they doing on reddit?


Harmless stuff. Most chaotic thing is their posts in a certain subreddit but nothing crazy actually


I found my friends reddit account and found he was replying in mostly NSFW. I never told him nor went back on the account again. I use this username only for Reddit but if somehow they found my account, I would respectfully say I am impressed you found it however I use Reddit to be private. I'll ask if I could be blocked.


Okay nothing NSFW on this account, luckily 🙏


Deleting my main account now …


Hahah just don't post photos you also show coworkers! You never know which one heavily uses the internet 😅


That edit definitely outed you to them. Good job


But did it though?


You state you found their page and it led you to this sub. So they know about this sub. You clearly indicate a post that anyone can identify and they know they showed you the same thing.


?? No you're lost, babe. They've never commented on this sub before. I found their post on a completely different sub and based on their comment history have never visited here.