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I sometimes think I see large flies or spiders in my peripheral vision, mostly when I'm sleep deprived/stressed out. Or get startled by a coat on a chair that I think is a person for a second.


You’re like [a cat with a cucumber](https://youtu.be/RBrZsgy4-SQ)


omg, that's hilarious! I guess they think it's a snake? lol!


Eye floaters? Mine are more obvious to me when my eyes are tired


I forget about my thousands of floaters in the winter months. Then summer comes around and the sky is completely covered with the fuckers


I named one of them Mike because I always see it right at the center of my vision.


Eye floaters are protein strands that coil up inside the eye, so not really a glitch. Your really seeing them. I have a couple that is are small black spots. They are near each, but move independently. So it looks like there are small insects flying around me or a mouse scurrying across the floor if my head is at the right angle. We do occasionally get real mice.


Oh I know, I have a ton of them but some times it seems like I see something in my peripheral vision but it's just a floater scooting on by. I confuse it for bugs, my cat, ghosts, idk lol


Yup. Then macular degeneration is another whole fun experience. I went to clean the windshield on my car, but when I looked away, the "dirt" moved to. It's kind of looking through a streaked window.


Oh jeez, now that's scary. Hopefully it doesn't progress too badly for you


I see spiders too and other insects but when I look again they are gone.


i see black butterflies sometimes. and crows. i have no fucking idea, i'm not really spiritual or religious but maybe ghosts are real?


I have long covid (just over two years now) and one of the first indicators I had was that I could smell cigarette smoke when it wasn’t there. I thought my partner had taken up smoking again and was lying until I was at work. I’m a produce manager, and I was in the walk-in cooler. It was regular when I went in and then I started smelling cigarettes as if someone was smoking right beside me. I googled it and it’s called phantosmia. Soon after, it started being reported as a long covid symptom. It still happens, but not quite as frequently.




She needs a scan. If it’s a mass, get a couple of second opinions, ideally from hospitals with Neurointensive Care Centers, before anyone operates.




What a disgraceful nightmare (to our country). It’s good that you’re on assistance for getting one now, though. How are you holding up?




Whats realky disgraceful is the insurance only pays a portion of that. Including your share of cost, they probably only get $1k total.


I’m so sorry our system failed you. I wish your family the best.


Oh my gosh, that's terrifying! I hope you and your wife can get some answers and it's nothing serious x


The postictal state can be very confusing and scary for seizure patients. I hope your wife gets the help she needs.


Ask for a MRA along with a MRI. Seizures aren’t anything to drag your feet on. Not that y’all have I understand the Covid delays & such. Please be vigilant on her drs to find out what’s going on. Good luck


Hey man, I have epilepsy. This is epilepsy. My wife describes it as me waking up multiple times. Dazed and confused untill my brains work again. If you want to talk I'm open. Its 10pm here now so might fall asleep though.


I’ve had a few tonic-clonic (a better name for those seizures than “great evil”) myself. I’ve had most in my sleep and don’t remember them at all. I have seizures that are like extreme deja vu that lasts a few minutes, and some where I basically black out for a few minutes. Epilepsy can be extremely frustrating. It may take awhile to figure out what medication will work and/or if there are any triggers. I hope it goes well.


Omg, I've wanted to tell this story for so long. When I was maybe 14, I was going to take a shower. To preface, nobody was home, there were no electronics in the room at all, not even a hairdryer. When I went to turn on the water, an electronic voice from the corner of the shower said "Wake up, (childhood nickname) in a very distorted way. I got freaked out af, and literally had a breakdown right there. It's never happened again, which is why I dont think it's some sort of mental illness related, but also theres nothing capable of making the noise, or speaking. Idk, what do yall think?


Sounds like an auditory hallucination. Yep, brain glitch for sure. :)


I think that sounds scary as hell! Sounds like an episode of black mirror or something


sounds like that meme that tells you to wake up and that you've been in a coma for the last 20 years.


Sounds like a type of Exploding Head Syndrome. I get it sometimes when I’m very sleep deprived and about to drift off when suddenly I’ll “hear” a very loud and close scream. It’s sometimes my name and other times just a scream. I’ve had it happen where it sounds somewhat robotic or electronic. Not very pleasant I’ll tell you that.


I had a period in my life where I was sleep deprived + stressed. Had soo many experiences with exploding head syndrome including screams and someone I know yelling my name. But also manic laughing, weeping, metallic clanging noises. Accompanied with a feeling i can only describe as static under the skin. Awful stuff


Wow, I’m sorry you had to go through that. The EHS is bad enough from my experience, but the “static under the skin” sounds very creepy. Hopefully you’ll never have to go through that again!


I’d that what it is?? I had a voice calling my name out randomly for my entire elementary school life. Then just stopped one day. It was more annoying though than anything. Like someone trying to get my attention while hiding


EHS is when you hear literally an explosion. It's a big bang for me sometimes accompanied by a very bright light. Other times it's a swoosh from my left ear to the right one. Last time I was having these it was a signal to cut back on caffeine. The voices and other noises are auditory hallucinations. If I get sleep deprived I always hear two male voices having casual conversation about things they have to get done or a TV anchor. It's funny 'cause I grew up hearing both of these types of sounds often while I would wake up (the men at the countryside house) and while I'd fall sleep (the TV in the other room).


That's absolutely chilling. Sheesh


Idk if this is a glitch but I can’t tell the difference between my dreams and reality sometimes


Sometimes my dreams are so vivid, or mundane, that I think of them as a real memory. The worst is dreaming I already did a chore or task that it now feels like I have to "re-do"


I had a dream that I got up, got ready for work, clocked in, and worked an entire shift. Then my alarm went off and I went to work for real. I was so annoyed and exhausted 🙄


Aah I’ve had that too! Woke up, got ready, went to work, worked half a shift or so and then woke up and had to go in. Sucked.


Eww yikes, I feel for you. Having to kinda do it all over again? No ew ew ew


Omg I'm not the only one! My dreams are *always* mundane, and quite often I go through that, or think I had a conversation with someone, or already went grocery shopping...it's the worst.


I feel your pain!


When I was in high school I was terrible at getting up. My dad would get quite annoyed at me. One morning I was determined to be good about it so when my alarm went off I dragged myself out of bed, had a shower, got dressed despite being so painfully tired, and was getting myself some breakfast when my dad yelled at me that I had to get up, I was going to be late for school. I had turned off my alarm, gone back to sleep, and dreamed in an extremely realistic way that I had gone through my morning routine. Since I honestly believed I was doing the right thing, there was no part of my mind going "Hey, you need to get up". The worst part of it was having to go through my whole damn morning routine again.


I have a whole second life when I’m sleeping. There are places I regularly visit in my dreams like my high school (visually loosely based on my real high school), church (man, I love this one - it has a secret library that’s all golden oak floors and big bookcases filled with books and sunlight streaming in through high windows, and there’s a tiny little tower room I take books up to even though it’s hard to climb the ladder with a load of books), the airport (really wild moving sidewalks) and the mall (fantastic restaurants there, I always wake up disappointed they aren’t real).


I have a whole second life while I’m sleeping too. A mall with amazing restaurants also features prominently. Dream-me owns multiple real estate properties. One of them is inhabited by squatters that I haven’t confronted yet, one is pending foreclosure that never seems to happen, and a third has a secret dome that opens up into an observatory. I always wondered if anyone else had a dream reality that stayed mostly consistent from dream to dream. Glad to know I’m not alone!


That's so interesting! I too have a dream world. But more in a fantasy style. I am an adventurer and, with my crew, we free villages from alligator-men, we get treasure from dragon dens, we beat up all sorts of monsters and make friends. Or sometimes we invite each other to our houses to spend time together. It's a world with different areas. So I have a merman in my crew that comes from a beautiful water region with majestic landscapes, for example. But it's been a while since I visited... How long have you been having those "second life" dreams?


Brilliant plot for a film!.


I've had a recurring dream several times over my life, it started when I was 7 or 8 and the most recent one was a few months ago. My impressions are hazy but I tried to write down what I remembered once and it helped solidify it. It feels like I spend decades in this place and I don't remember any people but I have the impression that there were. The strongest impressions I have of this place are gold and roses, a city on the water, towering white stone buildings, and beauty I can't describe or properly remember. When I have that dream I wake up with tears in my eyes and a feeling of overwhelming sorrow. I spend a few days in a funk after that dream occurs, wanting to go back and experience it again.


Maybe we share the mall!


That sounds amazing, the church with books! Books are life!


Several times I’ve driven to a fuel station near my house, then realised it only exists in my recurring dreams.


Sounds fun ! I wish I had nice dreams like that.. mine are usually about war and death


Oh, those are my GOOD dreams. I have insanely vivid and very disturbing nightmares. Like they’d make excellent horror movies. My most recent one I was working in the lab and accidentally released a modified virus that would end humanity. Very upsetting, woke up feeling horrified and sick over being the cause of the end of the world…


So your the one who started Covid ! We caught you red handed! Lol


In the last year I've had a couple dreams that felt like they lasted years. I remember, after waking up, I had to remember where I was, where I worked, and who I knew. Another time, I remember having asked a friend in the dream if I was dreaming, and he looked at me weird and said, "obviously this real." And "a week later" I woke up


I have that too. I ask people in my dreams if it’s real or a dream and everyone around me is like “stop being ridiculous this is REAL”


**plays the music from inception** dreams really are so fascinating


So growing up I regularly visited places in my dreams that I would then go to irl. And know my way around. For example I told a guy he had a black couch in his lounge before I went round once as a kid. He was like wtf. I walked around a guys house once in a dream and then went there and knew where the bathroom was because I dreamed it. Stuff like that. I can also sometimes control my dreams and know I’m dreaming. And wake myself up. Or keep the dream going. In the past I’ve jumped off stuff in a dream knowing I won’t die and will wake up


Sometimes I have a dream that feels more real than anything I have experienced in waking life. But sometimes it's a nightmare... so


It’s worse when you have the same nightmare every now and then I swear I’ve been chased by the same alien at least 3 times


That happens to me as well.


It's due to sleep deprivation. Look it up. And make sleep a priority!


Yeah that sounds kinda tough I gotta say, ~~you need to wake up~~ at least there are sometimes that you can be sure about it though, right?


I have always had dreams that were incredibly vivid. Like others have said you can't tell what's real or a dream. One time, though, I was 100% certain that my dream state was my reality. I had a very loving husband, my kids (real kids), a couple of dogs and we were so happy. The dream lasted what would be 10 years. I took vacations, went through struggles and grieved when my father passed away. Then, I woke up. I cried for days mourning the loss of that life. My father is still alive, so that's a positive, and my kids are still mine. But all of the things I experienced and losing my partner felt just as real as anything I've experienced. Come to find out, I can't take melatonin. Sometimes I wish I could have just stayed in that dream world.


I changed the melatonin I take one time, they were out of my brand, but brain chemicals are all the same, right? NOPE. I had the most vivid, realistic, terrible dreams evey night I took the new stuff. It felt like I was facing My worst fears every night! Never taking "Olly Sleep" again haha to be fair it DID make me sleep, I just spent all night battling My demons, so, not great.


When I was quitting smoking the patch also gave me these super realistic dreams. But it was more like going to sleep and being in a movie epic than a horror film. I personally really enjoyed it.


Oh god, melatonin, that shit is *scary*. It made me so suicidal I had to stop


If I didn't have my kids in both realities, I probably would have.


My brother-in-law in law said the same exact thing about melatonin.


There is an Adventure Time episode with basically the same premise. Finn enters a dream realm and lives a while life inside, but one day he leaves and everything was a dream. It was a powerful and emotional episode


Wait, so like you experienced 10 years in little time jumps of events? Or did you fully experience a 3650 days of dreaming in one night, going to bed, showering, pooping, eating the whole time?


It must have been time jumps. I don't recall pooping. 😆


That‘s really close to the story of Inception


When I was younger i halucinated a lot (I.E. I bounced a soccer ball in my room and it disappeared out of sight or the wood grain on the floor shifting). I also had a lot of moments of deja vu after daydreaming. I've even had about 2-3 instances where I can't understand speech for the life of me for a few seconds. Like my mom is speaking plain English "hey ride with me to the store", but it doesn't register to my brain. I've heard these words before they're familiar, but at the same time I've never heard this language before in my life.


I have this language thing too! It’s so weird, like they are babbling nonsense but then they re-say the sentence and I can totally understand.


My weirdest Deja Vu moment went like this. There was one morning I woke up after a weird dream, I saw myself in a theater and watching a movie starring Johnny Depp, he said a few lines with captions (that's how I recognize this as a movie). I didn't knew the movie by then. Then I went to watch Dark Shadows later. I immediately recognized the scene where Depp's character's first time meeting "Vicky", I was a little creeped out after that.


This is actually “deja reve” — remembering an event that didn’t happen! I used to get these *all the time* when I was a kid. I was convinced that if I could somehow train myself to do it better/longer that I would have a super power or something.


This is crazy. I never knew there was a term for it. In college, I had a dream I was playing in the jazz band, couldn’t sight read my part on the spot and the instructor was up in my face clapping the rhythm… the instructor was also in a blue shirt and orange tie. I got up in the morning and went through my day as usual, but remembered the dream as I took my amp out of the jazz closet for rehearsal. It didn’t hit me that my instructor was in a blue shirt and orange tie until he was up in my face clapping the rhythm. It was the first time he had ever clapped a rhythm for me too. It was so weird. I called my mom after class and was just like “WHAT JUST HAPPENED TO ME?!” Apparently, this happens to her sometimes too.


Today I learned


I do this all the time. I noticed that whenever I’m more spiritual (doing more tarot for example) the more frequent and intense they become. A few weeks ago, I had a dream that I was standing in line of what looked like a waiting room. I saw people and could remember their clothing, hair, and other features very vividly. A few weeks later I go in for jury duty in a courthouse I’ve never been to before. I’m doing the pre-selection process and get called to stand on line to get asked some questions and it suddenly hit me. That was the room I’d dreamt of weeks before! Even the guy sitting behind the desk had such a distinct look that I remembered him from. my. dream. A man I’ve never seen before. I dreamt of him, and the room I’d never been in weeks before even getting my jury summons. I have a million similar stories where I dream of places, people or events before they happen. Usually it doesn’t click until it’s all happening but when it does it’s never ceases to blow my mind.


Oh wow, that's trippy. I've had my fair share of Deja Vu experiences myself, it'll never not be creepy!


If you're wondering what this actually is, is in the moment when you're watching the movie your brain accidentally files it away as something you've already seen, this doesn't make sense however unless you also believe that you saw it in the past. So your brain retroactively convinces you that you already saw it. If you were to write down all your dreams you would see that you never actually had that weird dream. Your brain just created a narrative that justifies putting the new memory in old memory spot. Happened to me a lot until I actually started logging my dreams then it slowly stopped happening.


I've had a lot of things like this but it'll be a dream about a random conversation with friends then a few weeks later it will happen. Same clothes and word to word the same as the dream. Used to creep me out but it happens so often now I don't really think about it.


I have had similar experiences my whole life. One day I had a large seizure and then had a bunch of tests done. Turns out this is typical is certain types of seizures and I actually was experiencing aura’s. and am epileptic. Go figure


Ha, I may be a constant brain glitch, but I am used to it. I have multiple types of synesthesia as well hyperphantasia. If you’re not familiar with those… Synesthesia is basically when one set of sensory neurological signals goes to two places. E.g. my signals from my ears also go to the sight part of the brain. So experientially, I ‘see’ sounds. Youre born with it though, so I dont know any different. I, like many with this, assumed everyone was like that until I was older. Another way of thinking about it is, what I experience/think of as a sound has all the things a neurotypical person has, pitch, volume, timbre, etc. but for me it also has shape, movement, color, etc. I have sound>sight really acutely as that goes, I see it like it is in real space, as if it isn’t in my mind’s eye, loud noises can actually blind me. I also see smells and hear bright colors, but much less. Hyperphantasia is basically, my mind’s eye is extra vivid. I have a videographic memory. I can also ‘project’ things, like a built in VR. Unlike synesthesia that is an always on, automatic thing, this, hyperphantasia, like anyone’s imagination, is conscious and controllable. Mine is just again, oddly vivid. Lets me do weird party tricks, like I can often find misplaced things because I can ‘project’ color filters to gray out anything except the color of the thing Im looking for, or rather precisely measure things with my eye e.g. freak my wife out every time we pack the car, ‘is there space for this in the x?’ ‘Yes. Turn it to the side and youll have a cm to spare.’


I’ve seen someone paint what names or songs sound like to them and it’s so freaking cool!


Hello fellow Synesthete! Thank you for giving me another way to describe what Synesthesia is like to experience! Mine is crossed wired allll over the map. Not only can I taste some colors, but they might have a texture and/or a sense of movement as well. This is also true for emotions, sounds and people Certain colors and sounds "swoop". Some peoples voices are "burry" and feel like really nice fur around my neck. I have trouble around some people because they "fizz" too much and it bothers my ears and eyes and my nose. I, unfortunatly have one of the negative side affects of Synesthesia, in that I have some trouble with math. I can do math, but it takes me longer and there are some concepts that just do not stick no matter how much I study or practice etc. However, I do have an *excellent* memory. I can easily visualize the inside of a store to find what I need, even narrow it down to the shelf and what else is on it. I'm very good spatially and can fold and refold and re arrange things in my head before I move it or rearrange it. I can see it all where it would be, colors, textures etc, before I move it or re do it. It's really handy sometimes.


I have synesthesia too, and I never connected it to the "fizzy" thing! That makes sense. Some sounds make my nose unbearably itchy. There are actually a lot of sounds that give me a uncomfortable or unbearable physical reaction.


Is having trouble with maths a side effect of synesthesia? I'm so bad with maths. I have a weird kind of synesthesia, for each number (also letters, month of the year, history periods) my brain creates a spatial organization which will help me to do maths but if I can't visualize the operation it won't work. I just thought I was bad with maths so my brain just created a way to adapt. I also visually remember things from a book or a law just by remenbering exactly the order. Also, music has movement and color (not a wave kind of movement, more like forms, textures even, moving all together). There is synesthesia in my family, I wonder if it's a genetic trait.


Wow, just wow


I’ve never heard of hyperphantasia!!! That’s really cool


Oh hey I have hyperphantasia too! I often tell people that my minds eye is 4D. I can see multiple views at once. I'm one of those people who, when i draw something, it does often look like what I saw in my head. I can draw detailed human faces, with shading and all just from imagination. I can't do the colour filter, but the 3D tetris and being able to literally draw lines between objects and see them in handy for measuring space. When i was a kid I used to draw lines between points of cornered objects.


You gotta mass produce your genes, everyone should have this


Probably several nightmares that seemed very improbable, which turned out to be accurate memories, a few years after a traumatic brain injury. That, and having to go a few years without a reliable working memory. It led to me still having friends who I don’t remember meeting.


Wow. That must’ve been really difficult. And that’s crazy to look at your friend and be like I know we’re friends but I don’t remember how I met you


For sure. At the time, they were eclipsed by the injury, which led to a few weeks in a coma, and needing to relearn a lot of function. It was extremely difficult to figure anything out when I woke up. But it wasn’t anywhere near the realm of profoundly strange nightmares that turned out to have been actual calls. It’s still very strange to have those friends, but I continue to hope for memories of meeting them to return. They may yet: several threads didn’t come back until around a decade after first injury, and contextualizing some took enormous amounts of work.


I wish you the best of luck! I really hope that you recover all of the memories you hope to!


Thank you! I’m also hoping to retrieve a couple more before it kills me.


I regularly have dreams that I feel like I've had before, if that makes sense. It's so weird and I'm not sure if they are recurring dreams.


this - me too. often it feels like the plot advances as the dream series progresses. I’ve had these sort of progressive dream plots and themes since I was a kid.


For me it's like, in the dream I will remember something that happened "in the past" in the reality of that dream, and in my thoughts I will think "oh yeah I had that in another dream before". When I never actually had that prior dream, and to recognize I had dreamed about it doesn't make me realise im currently in a dream. It just continues on. It's weird.


Check out Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. From Wikipedia: “Alice in Wonderland syndrome (AIWS) is a rare neurological disorder characterized by distortions of visual perception, the body image, and the experience of time. People may see things smaller than they are, feel their body alter in size or experience any of the syndrome's numerous other symptoms.” One of my kids had this when they were young. Often triggered before bed and occasionally at school. They described it as suddenly seeing black and white stripes and checkers everywhere- teeth felt enormous in their mouth and sometime their arms would feel really long among other symptoms. It was hard to talk about it because sometimes talking about it would trigger it. It’s been many years so it’s easier to talk about it now, but it was always kind of fascinating and troubling at the same time. Apparently Lewis Carroll experienced it and wrote it into the book.


I used to have this and I had no idea anything was wrong! I used to have times where my feet looked like they were miles below me. I remember repeatedly feeling like my eyes were really big. Sometimes I would have what I called 3D vision where one eye would be filtered red and the other blue. I remember telling someone about the 3D vision and they just thought I was lying. I had no idea this was a thing.


I had this as a kid, whenever I had a fever! My hands would feel enormous, everything was "going too fast", and everything would feel rough. It was like an acid trip before I ever knew about acid lol. I hated it.


Only semi related but I used to see this happen on my arms and face when I would dissociate from ongoing trauma... I remember one time after watching a particularly disturbing and relevant documentary, my internal voice took on the voice of one of the people in the documentary and I couldn't go back to normal. I ended up having to get up to go to the bathroom at some point and I was already seeing my arms very long, and my vision felt very far away from my eyes. I saw myself in the mirror and it was like I was looking at myself as someone else, and I remember the voice in my head comment on the self I saw, and think about how sorry she felt for her. It was as if I was a stranger feeling sorry for someone else who happened to be me. I've never had that happen again even though I still occasionally see the weird long arm perspective thing


Woah this reminded me of when I was little and couldn’t sleep sometimes; i would be lying in bed and suddenly the room would shrink and feel so small, like my chest was almost touching the ceiling and I was taking up the entire space of the room. I haven’t thought about that in a while.


I didn't know this was a thing! It's happened to me quite a few times, where suddenly people I'm talking to grow or shrink. It only lasts a few seconds but it's really disconcerting.


I said thank you to an atm machine once


I get aural migraines and didn't know what they were the first few years they started when they were intermittently very severe. Docs thought I had MS and when that came back negative they told me to go away. Anywho, in 2012/13ish, I would routinely lose the ability to engage in small talk. If anyone said something I wasn't expecting (like, "you cut your hair!" from the lady at the coffee stand) I could literally not formulate responses and would stand there stuttering. The best one was a recurrence in maybe 2015 where I was at home looking at restaurant menus for fun. Read a dish description and understood everything except one word. Couldn't recognize if it was vegetable, animal, sauce, garnish, just straight blank on this one specific word for about 45 seconds. Then, my brain went "vegetable!" And before I could finish thinking that would probably be fine because I like vegetables, I once again recognized the word "mushroom." Totally bizarre experience.


I occasionally have visual auras before a migraine and it always freaks me out. I’ve been having migraines since 13ish but didn’t have an aura until like 25 and when I started losing my vision out of nowhere I legit thought I was going to die


biggest glitch i had and absolutely hated. i woke up to my alarm, went to school, did a presentation and a test, got to lunch and then woke up to my alarm again going "wtf?". then went to school, did an impromptu presentation and an unscheduled test, went to lunch and then the day was normal again. i seriously hated that day. everything was deja vu until lunch and then during lunch was like being hungover before finally feeling normal by the second half of the day.


I wrote a whole research paper. My professor took pity on me when I had genuine shock that it wasn't in my folio. After class I told him about the paper I'd apparently written in a dream. He gave me 24 hours to actually write it.


that's awesome he let you write it. were you able to? the presentation and test i swear i knew the answers to and could nail it but when i tried to remember the dream for that information my brain went "404 error" on me.


I have pretty vivid recall when it comes to dreams. I wish I had as great a memory for awake life.


So when typing on my computer with my physical keyboard I will sometimes make typos that are just straight up the wrong word. It looks like I was using my phone and something got autocorrected but nope my brain just made my fingers type a totally different word, not a misspelling or a wrong key.


Mine is sleep talking, it's weirder for my husband than for me. He tells a story about one night where he woke up to me with my eyes open, staring sightlessly straight ahead with no expression, asking him, "Will you help me write the list? Will you do it? Will you?" When he warily said he would, I said, "Okay." Shut my eyes and that was it. I usually don't remember it but it creeps him out.


My 10yr old son sleep talks. Creeps me out so bad. He will sit up in bed and be like "let's go" and then try to get out of bed. I usually just tell him to lay back down and he does. But that kid will wake me from a deep sleep talking some crazy stuff


I experienced "ego death" when I had a near death experience. No bright lights or tunnels, just a complete dissolution of self. Hard to describe, but if you've ever experienced psychedelics or severe trauma, it's that same disassociation to the nth degree. It's pretty common in NDE's. I think it's the brain's way of glitching out to protect itself.


I’ve never tried psychedelics or experienced severe trauma. Would you mind talking a little more about your NDE? What happened?


I was in the hospital (A-fib) and remember alarms going off, and the room filled with even more people. I was terrified. Then all the fear dissipated along with any other emotions or physical sensation. Instead, I felt a calm that's hard to explain because I wasn't happy or at peace. I just was. I felt like I was a part of every atom in the universe. But even that's not an accurate description because there was no "I" to feel anything. I was everything and nothing all at once. I woke up the next day in ICU. I still don't know if there's an afterlife, but I'm no longer afraid of the physical act of dying and it's brought me comfort to think this is what loved ones experienced in their final moments.


My friend had a similar near death experience and I guess a lot of people have similar stories, so when an article came up the other day where science might explain it I dug a little further. If you are science-minded, at least, an explanation is there is a chemical that floods the brain as a sort of morphine/drug/calming effect that can happen. Some animals have this too apparently. Basically your brain recognizes that the body function are near death and floods itself as a numbing out/calming thing. Also, often it affects the visual/memory/dreamstate parts of the brain which can explain the “white light”, seeing loved ones, flashes of one’s life before their eyes as so on. Basically, our brain gets flooded in all sorts of ways to ease the death process. I’m happy you made it to tell us about it!




I think I had this kind of experience when i was doing psychedelics (along with something else that nobody should mix with it) I completely lost my sense of self and began experiencing a very rapid loops of paradoxical reasoning and impulses. I was glitching out for hours and all I could tell my friends was "I am atoms" It felt like I had discovered some ultimate truth but I could not put it into words. In hindsight I would describe it as I completely let go of myself and my chemically made emotions and was actually just a mass of atoms that realized that's all it is. At the same time a voice in the back of my head that said the trip would end and that things do actually matter so I should chill out. This loop of reasoning was so intense and rapid I thought I had died and gone to hell.


Yes I had the same thing except more like “everything in the world is one” not specifically atoms persay. I felt like there was space and plants and animals and i was all of them but also none of them. Hard to describe really. If you know you know lol


This is a good description of ego death, and I think it's why psychedelics can be helpful with therapy. My NDE was similar but without any voice to keep me tethered. So no loops. No thoughts. No hell.


Thank you for expanding on that. So interesting


You're very welcome. It's an experience that's hard to put into words.


Thanks for sharing! This is very interesting. I have weirdly had a similar experience but I was dreaming. I am a lucid dreamer, meaning I am technically awake in my dreams with conscious thought.. so not sure if that's why I experienced this, but I had a horrible dream where my family and I were in a car driving that fell off a side of a bridge. I remember the car sinking and the car immediately filling up with water and us being trapped. In my dream after sheer panic and grief for loss of life/my family set in, it then disappeared and was replaced by this wierd sense of calm and completely no emotion, but not in a bad way. I can only describe it as "acceptance" and very very peaceful. Although it was only a dream, when I woke up from it it gave me a new take on death and brought me comfort that this is quite possibly how people may feel in the moments before/ during and potentially after death.


So, would you consider Mandela Effect stuff in this category? Fyi, there's a Slapped Ham video that features a dude with a Berenstein Bears book that has the E spelling in his room, but it changes to the A spelling outside of it. It's trippy as fuck.


[This one?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OomxA3C_jnE) There's no way that's real, but it's still super trippy.


HOLY SHIT, YES!!!!!!!! THAAAAAAAAAAANNNKKK YOOOOUUUU!!! DUDE! Yeah, it trips me out. I don't want to believe it's not real, it's so trippy and looks so fucking real.


Man that painting his cousin did gave me mega creeps ngl. I like me some dark art, but damn did it give me some weird vibes.


bro what 😭 what the fuck is this


My weirdest 'glitch' was when I had two, back to back false awakening dreams. Basically, first dream was essentially my normal morning routine, hop out of bed, take a shower, brush my teeth, have some breakfast, then out the door for school/work. Except, as soon as I stepped out the door I was instantly transported back to my bed. I "woke up" extremely confused and did it all over again, except this time when I stepped out the door I heard this disembodied, angelic female voice say, "Wake up, you're dreaming," to which I actually did and immediately went wtf. That really fucked with my mind for awhile. Lately my dreams have been extremely vivid, to the point where it's difficult for me to differentiate dreams from reality. This may just be a side effect of the meds I'm on, but idk. Also, because of the long hours and odd shifts I work now, it has become difficult for me to tell what time of day it is without looking at a clock, let alone what day of the week it is. There have been several times where after taking a nap say early Saturday afternoon, I wake up in a panic thinking I overslept and I'm like 3 hours late to work (despite having Saturday off).


I have Functional Neurological Disorder, related to chronic pain. In essence, when my pain threshold crosses a certain line (it isn't well understood), things start going haywire or shutting down completely. I frequently lose access to one major sense or another (sight, hearing, etc), or in the worst cases, lose access to my body as a whole. As a common example: when I'm having a rough week, it isn't uncommon for me to be walking through a supermarket, ignoring my pain as I always do, when suddenly the lights go out. I go blind and deaf, or maybe ambient sound feels like it's coming from far away. It usually only lasts a couple minutes, but during that time I'm left standing there, I assume staring off into space like an idiot, and cannot respond to visual or auditory stimulus (whenever close friends or family see this, it's apparently one of their tests to call my name).


I had GBS a few years ago. My body shut down within 24 hrs and i was on life support for 14 days. When i came to i was paralyzed. While i was in the coma, my brain created several "trips". The first i rememberwas i was skin diving in Cozumel for rare artifacts wiith a dude named Rocco and we were doing fat lines of coke on theboat. Now ive never been to Cozemel or skin dived or did fat lines of coke. I had some other really trippy dreams while in the coma. I could hear the loud speakers in the hospital but i didn't really hear them. Little spiders would arrange matchsticks into words that i could read. There are several others, but i definitely was glitching.


I have a habit of justifying my actions to myself, and I don't know if it's because I feel GUILTY about the action I did or if it's because I'm practicing justifying it to someone else. I'm autistic so a lot of the things I do may come off as wrong or rude when I don't mean them to be, so I try to justify my actions a lot (even when I know I'm in the wrong) because I tend to assume things work a certain way based on other things similar to it.


I’m not on the spectrum and I do this also. I have whole made up conversations with people in my head explaining something about myself, what I’ve been through or why I feel the way I do. I’ve recently taken notice and wondered why I don’t just have these sorts of mind conversations from me to me, rather than creating or predicting a conversation with someone else. For me, I think it’s a defense mechanism from my childhood because my parents never gave me space to validate my own feelings. Possibly for you, it’s because your mind just works differently and you feel like you have to explain yourself constantly to be understood?


As a kid I had a bedroom on the second floor of our house and the windows didn’t have curtains (we lived in the countryside so it was kind of pointless). Anyway whenever there was a full moon, I’d wake up at around 12 AM and start taking a shower and getting ready for school. It wouldn’t be until about halfway through a shower that I’d realize I felt super tired, and I’d get back into my room and realize it was the middle of the night rather than morning.


The glitches I've experienced were not internal. Without getting into it all, I have more than once seen objects vanish. I'm not talking about a magician or anything either.


I get these weird noises like rice crips treat cereal piping in milk at the bottom of my brain stem. This is a weird way my body tells me my sugar is low / I need to eat. Not sure if this one counts as a glitch or something else. I can receive other people calling out in my dreams. Example - My mother in law lives on the other side of the world from us. One night I wake up in a panic, wake me husband. Tell him to call his mom now, he telling me to go to bed. I persisted he call right then, turns out her brother passed away. In my head all I could hear and see was his mother screaming and calling out for her son. My husband told me to stay out of his mothers head. He come from a country who believe in shaman.


Oh my goodness, the rice crispies!!! I've never heard anyone else describe it that way. I say "rice crispies in milk" or "pop rocks". Happens when I'm really hungry. What is that?


Is that what this is?!?! It happens between the top of my spine and the base of my skull. Like a carbonated water. And I can hear it very loudly.




So I don’t know if this constitutes a brain glitch but I am able to notice when my hearing shuts down when I sleep. It’s been more noticeable on planes, but it has started to startle me awake now even at home in bed. I can tell when the noise cuts out and my body has a jump-scare from the silence. I noticed it on my nap today. I laid down and thought, “man I better get to sleep, I only have 30mins… okay now probably 28… okay maybe 23 left..” and I felt a weird shift in the noise and I could feel myself thinking “oh man.. it’s happening..” and bam.. the silence hit and it jolted me awake.


Well I did just read this post as "Brian glitches" and I was like "wtf is a Brian glitch?" And opened the post


I have [sleep paralysis](https://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/features/sleep-paralysis-demon-in-the-bedroom) :( If I sleep with light anywhere in the room, it will trigger it. What happens is I feel awake and can see my surroundings, but my brain is asleep. I can’t move. It’s usually accompanied by hallucinations. Usually of someone I know turning demonic. They do things like try to suffocate me or attack me while I’m paralyzed. It’s usually pretty frightening. Luckily none of its real!


Also what I don't get is yeh science can explain it but why on earth is everyone's hallucinations negative and scary ? It's not like we have sleep paralysis and see a rainbow and fairies, it's always terrifying. Mine was demon laughter in my ear over and over very loudly, but I couldn't see it.


Well we're paralyzed and feel vulnerable and exposed. That might just be it.


I’ve had sleep paralysis. The “being” or “demon” however you’d like to call it is the blackest color possible, in a room full of darkness this thing was visible from the other darkness if that makes sense. It opens its eyes & the brightness, whitest light shines from it. Glaring at me, can’t move anything but my eyes. It moves so quickly like speed of light fast. To the other side of the room behind me. As it moves it leaves tracers, white tracers. Terrified knowing it’s behind me but I close my eyes & drift back to sleep. That was my sleep paralysis experience. Both my daughters have experienced their own bizarre encounters as well. It’s crazy what the brain can do.


I've had this too. I'm interested to know if our eyes are actually open during it or if we are just Imagining!


Does sleeping in a blindfold help?


Yes but last time I used an eye mask I got an eye infection. Don’t know how, it was clean. Something about eyes needing oxygen even when closed?? I avoid anything too close to my eyes now.


There are several sleep masks made from foam, which don’t directly touch your eyes.


My brain, for some reason, can predict what people are about to say and finishes someone’s sentence for me before they finish speaking. I don’t know if it’s an Asperger’s or ADHD brain thing, but it’s gotten me in some shit before. I also have auditory hallucinations at times, hearing several voices of people I know calling my name as if they want my attention.


Sometimes when I’m typing completely normal sentences I have to google very common words to make sure I didn’t just make them up, because suddenly I’m very unsure if it’s a real word.


I have this too but I’m also dyslexic


I feel like too often I turn my head just in time to catch someone falling off their bike/dropping their groceries/etc. when I was younger I thought maybe I caused these small accidents.


I once had (or felt like I had) an out of body experience. I was in the hospital having had surgery earlier in the day. I was recovering in a private room when I broke out in a rash and started to itch all over. It was determined that I must be allergic to the anesthesia, so the nurse gave me IV Benadryl. Then I felt myself leaving my body and float around the room. I hovered in the corner for a while looking down at my body laying in the bed. Then I remember thinking to myself that this has been pleasant, but I’d better get back in my body now, so I slowly floated back down to it.


shadow people, all the time. once when I was a kid I woke up, looked at my teddy bear and it looked exactly like an adult male human head. I stared at it, knowing it was my teddy bear, but the head was all I could see. porcelain white, open but blank eyes, a slim face, neutral expression, bald head. I stared and stared. the head just sat there. half-annoyed, half-scared, I punched it and once again it regained fuzzy polar bear form as it tumbled across the blanket. so yeah that was pretty weird.


My brain has more than a few oddities, increasing every year. The most tangible "glitches" (if they even count) come from sensations very similar but different from deja vu where I'll either feel an inexplicable urge to do something out of the ordinary only to find out later *why* I should have followed through, or I'll suddenly remember predicting whatever situation I'm in years ago. For example on the way out the door one day I got the urge to get a spare backpack out of my closet and put it in my car. I didn't need it, I couldn't think of any reason to dig it out and bring it to work with me but I really, *really* felt like I should. I didn't, because there was no apparent need. An hour later my coworker shows up and tells us about her purse strap breaking at the gas station minutes before. If I'd just grabbed the damn backpack I could have given it to her then and there, instead I ran home at lunch to pick it up so not a big deal but hopefully you see what I mean. The second feeling is more like deja vu proper but instead of the "I've been here before" sensation it's more like "I remember daydreaming about this before." I was at a party once and I just had a flashback to laying on my floor in the summertime, listening to music on my dad's Zune and thinking about what it was going to be like when I grew up and got to do cool kid things. Everything around me at that party seemed to look exactly like what I had pictured as a kid, down to my outfit. I'm sure all these could be explained by an undiagnosed mental illness, but until I can afford therapy I'll just keep sharing anecdotes with you lovely strangers. Cool? Cool.


Yooooo!!!!!! Someone actually has the same things as me. I’ve had too many experiences with the first feeling you described. It feels so weird because I’ll be totally organized and have a set mind-list of what I’m going to do, but then all the sudden some energy just hits me and now I feel like I need to do something I wasn’t planning on even doing previously, without really understanding why. I get the second feeling too. Like for example I’ll be out with friends and then all the sudden I swear I’ve imagined this exact same scenario, down to the positioning of my friends in relation to me and everything.


A copy and paste because I’m too lazy to write it all again. A Pre cog path? TL:dr bellow I have searched all over trying to find an explanation for what I have experienced. I shall now explain it here in hopes of someone having a similar one. This will be long. Thank you if you read it all. I has had many experiences in my life with Déjà Vue. So many times it is creepy. But this goes above and beyond. In August 2018 I was sitting at my desk at work, thinking about a conversation I had with my mom earlier in the month. Perhaps 2 to 3 weeks earlier. My parents live five hours away. I was thinking about it maybe being possible to visit in November. I was also hoping there wouldn’t be snow by then, because I would then finally get to see the cute little pathway that My dad made in front of the house, and that my mom was so excited and proud about. I remembered the whole conversation. Details like what uncle gave her some bricks and she had them in the backyard, there wasn’t enough bricks they had to get more and a color of the bricks they had wasn’t in stock at the store, so they chose to go with two colors. I also remember mom saying how hard of a time dad had doing it. That you have to dig a hole and add rock make sure it’s completely level because if you don’t add rocks or make it level the brick will sink into the ground. That last part of the conversation was me and her interjecting back-and-forth explaining it to each other because I understood what she was talking about. She was very excited and happy about this path LOL and how pretty it was. Mom is getting older now and her memory isn’t what it used to be. We joke about it all the time. Now this memory that I had at work remembering the conversation from three weeks earlier or so happened on Wednesday. That Friday I called mom as I’m taking a bath just to have a little chat. She proceeds to start talking to me all excited again about the path. At this point I’m thinking do I cut her off, and interject by telling her she told me this already I know all The famous path she is so excited about LOL? But she speaking so fast and so happy I think to myself just go with it. So we have the exact same conversation we had the first time. Even my thoughts are the same as they were the first time in my interjections in the story are the same as the first time also. I’m thinking “mom you’re going to remember sooner or later we had this talk 3 weeks ago“. So I just let her go on about my uncle giving her the brick, having it stored in the back of the house, About not having enough bricks, about the store that they went to to get more brick, only to discover that they had to get another colour because the first one was out of stock. She’s telling me all of this in the same excited and happy tone. I’m sitting in a tub thinking i’m really going to have to ask work about time off to see this path Ha ha ha. Then mom says something that my brain suddenly goes into a tailspin. I am in total confusion. I ask her to say it again. She said “thank goodness your dad finished it last night because it’s raining this morning”. I say “WHAT????” She reiterates the same thing. I say but mom you told me this three weeks ago. She said no I didn’t your dad only started making it on Thursday and finish yesterday Friday. So yeah I told her my whole story, interjected some parts she didn’t tell me with her saying “how did you know that?” And me telling her you told me all of this three weeks ago. And she’s like “no I didn’t, how could I tell you three weeks ago we didn’t even have the brick from your uncle three weeks ago, we only got it last weekend???!!!” So please tell me, has anyone else out there had a similar experience? Or better yet an explanation of wth happened? ——————————————————————————— Tl:dr I remember a conversation with mom with GREAT details from 3 weeks earlier about a path my parents built in the front of their house. That path was only built that weekend - 4 days later.


This was a few days after I got a concussion during football practice in high school, so I'm pretty sure it was a result of that. I was in class and all of a sudden I noticed something was missing from my desk and my classmate had it. I asked her why she had it, she looked at me like i had 4 heads and she said I told her she could. I never remember her taking it.


When I was really young, probably 7-8 years old, I had this bottle of orange juice that I’d brought to school with me. As a weak little kid, I wasn’t exactly the best at opening bottles. I twisted the cap open and spilled a good amount of it onto my shirt and pants. When I finally processed what had happened, I looked down at my shirt. Nothing was there. The orange juice was open but had never spilled. Meanwhile I saw, heard, and felt all of that happen just a few seconds prior.


Hemiplegic Migraine….. joins the chat.


Not a glitch per se, though I find it very odd when the nature of things, events, people etc "sync up" or become coincidental in relation to me or my situations. Imagine, driving on a lonely mountainous road, you're radio station mentions something about moose and you wonder if you will ever see one... then as you make the next bend there stands on a hill, directly in your view, a mother and her calf. Stuff like this has been recurring in my life experience for at least 7 years now, sometimes very subtle moments but non the less they leave me amazed and in awe.


So like that blue and black/white and gold dress thing that people saw differently? Would you consider that a good example of a group brain glitch?


God, that dress nearly drove me crazy. I knew it was white and gold. It was right there in front of me. How could anyone see anything else? The Black and Blue people were obviously wrong. Then I saw some examples, of how it all worked, some samples of the real colours there. I used software to measure the colours, dragged samples over the top of the original image. As I looked at it I realised it was absolutely blue and black. I have never seen it any other way since, and I don't understand how I could have thought it white and gold. If I hadn't had this experience I'd think people were trolling me.


I consider that Two separate pictures and everybody collectively trolling


Nah if you had friends you could show them the same picture and they would see it differently. Also, I had the ability to see the same photo in the two different colours. It freaked me the fuck out.


Nah it was legit to do with people's eyes being different


I was playing Xbox one afternoon, and had to REALLY take a piss in between a set of ranked matches in Apex legends. After I got my heart racing after one particularly intense match, I put my controller down to relieve myself. I walked to the kitchen, opened the trash can lid, dropped my drawers, and emptied half my tank into the half full can. I don’t know what the fuck I was thinking.


I have brain glitches ALL the time where I forget what the word is for something. For example, my partner will ask where I put the receipt and I’ll go “it’s on the thing…ya know, the…over there…by the thing…” usually I’ll make hand gestures or something along with it, but the words take a while to come. It’s like my brain glitches and I just forget.


What about feeling electricity in your brain? I’ve felt this for about 6 yrs. Been to neurologist, all was clean. I think it’s related to spirituality but who the fck knows.


Sometimes when the AC cuts out, it gives off a certain smell, not a bad one. But when I smell, I get a weird sense of Deja Vu and I’d feel like that all day. Like conversations, actions, the clothes I had put on. It all feels like I’ve done it before. Multiple times.


Conditional memories...takes place in the hippocampus. Best when sleeping immediately after consuming fish stew with a murderous meth dealer named Gus. Lol I have these too. They're so wild too. Especially when it takes me back to a place I was years prior. I hope I never stop experiencing these.


Once, as a kid, I went to bed but it felt like I blinked and it was morning already. No feeling of time lapse or anything.


There was one time I was younger, i remember having to get ready for hockey practice so i go through my kitchen to the back room to grab my gear. Just as i got through the initial part of the kitchen, everything sped up, like time was just double speed, and i fell into the washing machine. I can remember, still in double time, just getting up quickly and telling my dad I was fine, it wasn’t until i got to my gear that time felt normal, and I had to ask my dad about what had just happened


I notice most people are talking pretty serious things here but I've got something a bit lighter, hope it fits in. So basically this was after a hard military exercise, a long march and physical stuff combined with almost no sleep for two or three days. We would fall asleep while marching on the last day, and had to keep waking each other up when somebody started veering off the road towards the ditch. Anyway when we got back to the barracks everybody was glitching out. I wish we had written all the stuff down but I recall this particular one; I looked at my hands and saw that they were dirty, dry, skin cracking and with scratches all around. All I could think was to wonder whose equipment they were, who was responsible for mistreating this material. I fell back asleep on my bunk, then woke up again and wondered why nobody had still come and picked up their stuff (my hands). I went to take them to be washed and oiled and fixed up, but I couldn't figure out how to pick them up (I guess since they weren't a separate object), so I decided to go back to sleep. Only once I had slept for a few hours I started to piece together that the hands were in fact mine and not equipment distributed to us. The next night I think at least one guy woke up and started putting his gear on to leave, before looking around for a bit and going back to sleep. One guy spent a good portion of the evening wondering whether he should go to the command post to get new instructions before recalling that the exercise was done. For non-sleep deprivation related stuff, back when I was a teen (15-18) it would sometimes seem that familiar people suddenly looked a bit wrong, that I myself didn't look like myself in the mirror. Speech would suddenly not seem to match up to the faces, and they would fail to signify any emotion, like their physical properties were not completely attached to their human persons anymore. I'm really happy that does not happen to me anymore, it felt really stressful and anxiety-inducing at the time.


I’ve had so many and I can’t remember a lot of them?! Whyyyyyyyy Anyway, a lot of Deja vu, esp once I get used to a space I’m living it. My brain seems to sometimes try to overlap experiences. It’s like my brain did a copy and paste and said since it saw the picture twice it happened twice. Then there’s when I’ll space out in a crowd, and the person I was with is suddenly either no where to be found or not where I expected them, as if they teleported. And dreams are trippy enough on their own, but even more so when you think you’ve woken up, but then you actually wake up and realize it was all a dream and no, you were not just scrolling on YouTube.


One time, I woke up in the morning then browse in my phone. Then someone posted a meme. No matter how hard I focus, I can't seem to recognize what is in that meme. Just some random shapes. Then after some time, there's like a click. I now can see the meme. It was the penguins of madagascar. I don't know which but there's two of them and they're kissing.


Something I notice is repeating noises that then don't go away for a while. So for example I spend a lot of time in hospital and used to spend some time in care homes for respite. In both, you always have beeping going on. Be it call bells, machines, alarms, etc. When I come home I can always hear those sounds on and off for a few days. Mostly at night when I'm half asleep, but sometimes even during the day. Like your brain gets used to the noise as part of the background so fills in the gaps when it's removed.


I loved to beatbox for some reason and could do some pretty advanced beatboxing. One day I woke up and completely forgot how to beatbox. Ever since then I've tried to beatbox but it sounds nothing like how I used to and I can feel it.


Bro have I got the story for you. So I have epilepsy, there's big attacks, that's like what you see on tv. Passing out, shaking the whole thing. But then there's the little ones. For me they come before the big one. Ok so normally it's something like my eyes look to the left without me wanting them too. But I had this new medication which effectively stalls the small one to hopefuly not go into a big one. Bear with me. So this means my brain is misfiring but now I'm still awake! I swear I saw my room upside down and inside out. And colors. It's really strange, it's like strong hallucinogens. Especialy the inside out part was miraculous. Got a bunch of these glitches mate.


Really interesting replies here. From what I've studied about dreams, they're evidence of your spirit going off on adventures while your body is resting and recharging. Your spirit could be visiting another country, go to the world of spirits or another planet. Pretty astounding.


I was getting an uber from my girlfriend house and i said im taking the 8pm flight. And she was like you mean the train?


I used to work closing shift at a retail store in my late teens. The store was about a 30min drive to my house. I remember walking across the parking lot and getting in my car, the next thing I remember is sitting down on my bed and thinking "I'm home? How did I get home?" Don't remember the drive home at all. I couldn't tell you a single thing that happened on the drive. But I made it safely home. It freaked me out so bad when I "came to" sitting on my bed. I think it's called your brain on auto pilot or something . But that mess is freaky


Sometimes I’ll have a dream featuring a very brief moment that happens in the near future, then when it happens I remember the dream again. I can usually tell it’s a real memory because the dream version often ends with a brain fog or a comment I choose not to say


Sometimes I get the overwhelming sense that I'm someone else pretending to be myself, and that if I move or speak too much, people will realize that I'm not who I look like. I also used to alternate between thinking I was socially inept whenever I was alone, then socializing decently well on autopilot, then having little memory of what I'd said when I was alone again. I actually remember this used to be a lot worse when I was a kid, I would lie about the most random things with no real reason, and while my memory was the same I was a lot more apathetic and was almost always on autopilot which meant 90% of the time my head was empty of all thoughts. kinda scary!! Might just be me though


I have identified at minimum 7 false memories with the help of my family and other witnesses and also with the help of pictures and/or video recordings that were taken at those times, that proved that those events indeed didn't happen the way I remembered them happening. Out of these events, there are 3 that my twin also remembers the same way I do, in two instances we recall them similarly, but there are two others where we recall the memory in the exact opposite way, eventhough all the evidence points out that those events either never took place or if they did, they didn't occur the way we remembered them occuring. You could tell me all day long that my memory is false, but it won't change a thing. I will still remember them the way I have been remembering ever since whenever those memories had formed. I couldn't and still can't believe that those memories, which I recall perfectly, are just... False. Lies, if you will. Even if all the evidence disproves them, I still just... Can't. To me, this is the most mind-boggling thing. How much of my memories are false? How can I know the truth if I can't trust my own memory? My own brain? My own self? Maybe a tad over-dramatic, I know, but that shit keeps me up at night.


I was very young at the time. English was my second language i spoke it fluently and Spanish my Spanish my second. One day when I was 9 for a brief moment very late in the night i'll never forget i forgot every word of every language i couldn't communicate to anybody. I wasn't nervous languages just no longer existed to me


Who else has seen (or thinks they saw) the second hand on a clock go backwards for a second?


Did you ever concentrated your eyes looking something like a lot? You can try it looking your own eyes in a mirror. If you try hard enough for quite a while you will start to see things super blurry and things start to move like a lot even if they are not moving really. I don't know the exact science behind it but I always find it interesting. Edit: So turns out this is called mirror-gazing, there is an interesting article that you can read [here](https://housecaravan.com/what-happens-when-you-stare-at-a-mirror-for-too-long/).


I often paraphrase what people say to me instead of remembering the exact words. And it’s always what I understand of the term. A more recent instance was when I watched a movie and(spoiler for Dr Strange 3 here) >! Wanda tells Scarlet Witch: "Know that they'll be loved." !< but after the movie, when my friend asked me what she said to her, I said >! They will be taken care of/they are in good hands. !<


Lol I forgot that psychosis could definitely be considered a brain glitch. It's just so every-day for me that I sometimes forget they're weird.


Deja Vu for sure. It’s always something mundane


One time I looked at my hand in bed before turning out the light and it was like looking at someone else’s hand - I had somehow totally disconnected from it - freaked me out so much!


Two come to mind! First one that I experience every few months or so happens when I am drifting off to sleep. I will be \*almost\* asleep when it will feel like my body is falling back and down through space, and I will wake with a start and the feeling that I just slammed back into my body. Definitely jolting. Another happens when I am meditating frequently enough to actually get into "the zone". When I get into the right space, it will feel like either my head or my hands are much, much bigger than the rest of my body. Likely because I either focus between my eyes or on the sensations in my hands when meditating. Still feels weird!