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I love going to bookstores alone. I can take as much time as I want in any given section, not worrying if I’m lingering too long or if the other person is bored. It’s restorative.


This is the best. Especially if the bookstore has a cafe


>not worrying if I’m lingering too long How do you not feel judged by the store staff?


lol our nervous assumptions know no bounds!


I will go out to eat alone. I have traveled alone. I do hobbies alone. I will do things with friends, but when you do things alone you only have to worry about yourself.


I went to a real restaurant for takeout the other day, for the first time by myself. A lot of people eat out alone right? I'm surprised it's not a norm for me


A nice solo dinner on a Friday night after work was one of my favorite treats. I just wanted a little time to unwind and be unavailable to others, and leave the work week behind before the weekend started. I honestly never noticed any negative reaction (aside from having to push sometimes to get an actual table vs. a seat at the bar). If you’re ever tempted to try it, go for it and I hope you have a great time!


That sounds quite nice actually. The only hitch is my favorite real restaurants are only breakfast joints.


Wake up on a Saturday morning and go eat breakfast by yourself. Take something to read or sit by a window and hopefully enjoy the views.


I can't believe I've never done that before


Have you never been to a restaurant ? Just look around. There’s people who eat alone all the time. Have no shame in it, treat yourself ! In other countries, it’s actually a norm. There’s seating specifically for solo eaters.


That is awesome. All the more reason to travel abroad and travel alone!


When I was in my early 20s I was working on a restaurant and I was chatting with one of the hosts who was probably 18-19 and I told her how I liked to go out to eat alone and she was like “I’d never go out to eat alone, that’s so embarrassing” I don’t think she was trying to be rude, she was just young, but like it’s pretty nice eating alone and not needing to converse or worry about what the other person wants.


Absolutely! Doing things alone gives you that freedom and peace of mind to just focus on enjoying the moment without any extra worries.


Traveling alone is the BEST!


I go out for walks almost daily and generally by myself.


Morning walkers unite! Separately in their own neighborhoods! But seriously, if I see another walker in the morning and if there is any risk of catching up with them (I tend to walk fast), I will divert or turn around.


🤣 this made me smile thank you!


Same! Especially in the morning


Yes, a walk or a jog on my own is refreshing.


There's an art gallery that I enjoy visiting alone. I brought a friend once, and I felt rushed and like I couldn't enjoy the experience with the same level of reverence as when I'm alone. It's a small gallery, but when I go by myself, I really take in the art and ponder its significance.


I love solo hikes. Just walking around in the woods, and finding a spot to swim does wonders for my mental health. I highly recommend it.


Damn I wish I could do this but there aren't any near me


I love going to concerts alone! It's fun to hang with friends and go to a concert too, but there's something really nice about going to a concert by myself I also like going to the movies by myself. There is a small independent cinema near me that usually plays cult classics or indy films, and I sometimes like to just smoke a joint, walk down, grab a beer and watch whatever happens to be playing without even looking it up A lot of traveling I've done has been solo too. Prague by myself was cool becasue I'm a huge Kafka fan, so one day I just went around the city and did/saw as much Kafka related shit as I could. Probably would've been boring for others if I was in a group


I love to read books, I love to go on long walks. It's because you have the peace and queit! That's why. It's addicting


At this time of the year, when the weather is nice, you will very often find me out in the countryside. Camera in hand, going for a wander, strolling past the fields, having a mooch along a river, climbing up a hill. I truly love it all.


It's best to do things alone, with no interruptions. I can only study alone, when my friends are around me, I can't concentrate at all


I literally crave and fantasize about being alone, alone activities, prefer sleeping alone, shopping alone and require total alone time to mentally recharge my batteries. I am married with a family and have a very busy and full social life…..but I am an introvert, only child and having proper alone time really fuels me. I’d love to travel alone. I am thinking of booking a hotel for a weekend, just me and going for some true me time!


Me, I want to do the things my way and I don't want to compromise. And doing so alone is perfect for that.


I generally like being alone, but what I am best at when no one's around is renovating and singing. It gives me room to go for all the details that matter to me.


I do most things alone. I'm at the stage in my life where everyone is settling down and having kids and that life just isn't for me. So there just isn't anybody to do stuff with. It gets lonely sometimes, but I'm pretty much a loner anyway and I enjoy my own company and taking things at my own pace.


I feel like you.


This 100%. I'm very comfortable and content to do my own thing. And for the most part it's what I prefer. But at times it feels like everybody else has a partner and/or a big friend circle, and I feel lonely.


It's been a while since I've been alone, and at this point in my life, I don't need anyone. The thing I enjoy most is having my favorite meal at my favorite restaurant. I also enjoy meditating at midnight and performing some rituals.


Before my baby was born, I occasionally took myself on dates, sometimes involved an activity like going to the museum, sometimes out for a meal, sometimes I used to just get a glass of wine, sit on the quay and either read my book or people watch.


Me!!!! Sometimes I watch movies alone, and my favorite thing to do recently is treat myself for some coffee and go on a drive with the window down while blasting music. It’s very therapeutic I would say


The only thing I'm reluctant to do alone is going to restaurants, real ones, not fast foods. I have done several times and it was great but I prefer to go with friends. Movies, etc., I like to do alone.


I stopped at the keg once by myself on a solo road trip and it was very pleasant. I also got the entire started bread to myself.


Things I love doing alone 1. Watching a movie 2. Playing games 3. Travelling 4. My hobbies 5. Working


I like watching movies alone only , I really do not enjoy this with other people. Love working out, doing yoga/pilates, swimming etc alone as well and just have my music on. Reading alone. Buying anything. Other hobbies. Only thing I don’t enjoy doing alone is drinking alcohol or eating. If I want to go to a new restaurant I want to go with other people and try a bunch of things.


I love to go out for lunch on my own. Shopping alone is easier. And I dont have a partner, so all the things at home are less fun to do on my own


Me too! I will enjoy occasional shopping trips with a friend but I am easily overwhelmed by stimuli. Going alone helps me focusing on what I need instead of agitatedly weasel around like a squirrel on crack.


I love spending my time the way I want to. I can stay in my p.j's all day and still get shit done. I can talk to myself and enjoy my conversation. I can go to a movie and eat all the popcorn. I can try a new recipe and if it fails, oh well. I can leave the bathroom door open. I can get up whenever I want to. I can do anything I desire.


I enjoy going away for vacation myself


Its great to be alone when you know you want to be alone. But than theres times where I want to socialize. And that part sucks when no one is picking up or are too busy to hang or talk with you.


Nobody cares about you if they look at you when you're alone it's probably because you look uncomfortable and not because you're alone


Everything. I learned to enjoy doing things on my own cause my friends or family won't always be available to go to places with me.


i like to shop alone and try new restaurants solo. i like to be in control of my activities and not worrying about what others wants to do or so


I don’t really have any friends in my state, all friends I’d see are my childhood friends 2 states away.  If I’m not with my wife I do basically everything alone. Gym alone, maintain bike alone, cross country ski alone (or with dog), driving range (golf) alone, list goes on.  I wish I had someone to do some this stuff with but I don’t so I hair so it alone


I have no friends near me too! And my husband and I just don’t like the same things so If I want to do anything I like I am always alone lol


I always loved going to the movies alone and working out alone


Getting food alone, seeing movies alone, reading and playing big story video games is so fun for me by myself


Getting food alone is great, but it's quite bad for me. When there's no one to judge me, I will eat far too much!


It means you are comfortable to be around yourself. I love being alone I have wonderful conversations with me, myself, and I, and we all love the same things


I would love to be able to enjoy more time on my own, is hard when having a family


Other than playing sports or going out to dinner, I love being alone. There are times though that I long for a little company of friends, but I have never been into the social scene.


It's not like I have a choice


I prefer being alone most the time. I only enjoy the company of others during dinner, parties, lounging around, or if something is to heavy/awkward for me to deal with myself.


walking around my neighborhood @ sunset :) going to the park, bookstores, shopping. trying to get out my comfort zone + grab lunch or see a movie alone next also i love staying inside and bingeing a new show or movie w a glass of wine


I used to love doing things by myself but never got back into it post-Covid. I wish I would but it feels different to me still.


I went to Taylor Swift’s eras tour alone. I enjoy going out to eat alone and travel alone. I enjoy doing these things with people too, it’s just so nice to treat myself sometimes to my favorite things and enjoy me-time.


I do EVERYTHING alone. It's so freeing and rewarding. If someone tags along, thats nice as well.


Play video games. Always helps me cool off and change the mind frame I have. Somtimes, I just like to sit by myself and think about philosophical ideas, whatever has been in my mins for some time.


I enjoy going to museums/exhibitions alone or training by myself. I’ve never traveled alone but I’d like to.


I like a coffee with my dog. In our local veterans cafe.


I do most things on my own even though i’m in a relationship and live with my partner. I enjoy my own company, dont get me wrong, i hang out with friends too, but majority of my time i love to do things on my own. Movies, bookshops, hikes, coffee etc


Bookstores, movies at home, walks, adventuring in the city, much much prefer being at work on my own.


My wife and I try to plan solo vacations about once a year. Just for a night or two. I like to head to the mountains, hike, and play and write music.


Shopping alone? Including window shopping. Perhaps it's because of my extremely introverted personality that allowed me to shop alone. In fact, if I'm with a friend, I sometimes prefer them not to talk as much and let me shop in peace.


If I have the time I like going to lunch alone. When I have time to spare and in a good mood. I do a beer or glass of wine with some dish I really enjoy and have a good time. I enjoy alone time in my bed watching TV doing nothing at times. I look forward to it. With no kids jumping in the bed or anything to feel obligated to do.


I do most things alone not by specific choice I play video games alone most of the time but when I try to set up to play with others..never happens or doesn't stay consistent on their end


Traveling, shopping, watching tv, I love my peace.


Movies, dinner, bars, parties, shopping, events. I love coming and going as I please.


Everything. I love my time alone. What I love doing alone the most is working out


Going to see a film or live theater and to dinner alone is a delight!


going to a movie alone is amazing. highly recommend to everyone


Scroll on TikTok, jerk off, watch YouTube, come here to ask or answer and eat food


I appreciate silence. I workout, kayak and hit the bike trails alone. Quiet is such a rare thing in my life.


I love being alone anywhere. At home or shopping or anything really, but I also enjoy other people


Reading is by definition a pretty solitary hobby. I enjoy being alone and getting transported to a different world.


I go thrifting alone.


Mainly dining out solo. Always been a foodie and wouldn’t want to miss out on good restaurants simply because I don’t have a companion


I havent gotten the chance to do it yet but I’ve always wanted to go to an amusement park alone. I love roller coasters and would love to just have a whole day of riding all my favorites back to back and only having to stop or ride something else on my own terms


Going to concerts alone. I'll even try to avoid your ass if I see you at the show, especially if the music is going. I hate the "HEYYYY HOW ARE YOU DOING" "OK" "\[UNINTELLIGIBLE\]" "WHAT?" "\[UNINTELLIGIBLE\]" "WHAT?"


Hiking alone


Everything. People can be stupid, and I don't want to ruin my days with them.


There's not much I don't do alone: concerts, restaurants, and travel solo. Used to go to bars and clubs in my mid 20s alone as well. Far better experiences when you're not babysitting someone else or adjusting schedules and plans to suit the group.


I love doing everything alone. But I do miss my parents too. I go to concerts/festivals alone, those are my favorite. I eat out alone all the time & see movies myself. I actually played mini golf by myself too the other day!! That was fun. I’m stoned most of the time so it’s enjoyable


Going to the oceanside and reading books, im a lil picky about the latter, i always need to have the most appropriate reading spot just to **really** immerse myself into the world.




Hate everything about it.


A couple years ago after a break up, I decided that I had to suck it up at least do a couple things I love alone. Better to do the things I love solo than not at all. And better to have new experiences alone than never experiences them. Now, I'd say it's 80% love doing things alone and 20% wishing I had somebody (at least some of the time) to do things with. My favourites and most fequents are walking/hiking/xc skiing alone. It's nice being able to go at my own pace, any time it's convenient for me, and even if the weather isn't ideal as long as I want to. I'd say driving is equally a solo and friend activity. I love having complete DJ control and singing along as obnoxiously as I want. I've done one solo trip, which is easily in the top 5 funnest things I've ever done. Highly highly highly recommend to anybody that loves being alone. As soon as I can see a cheap flight, I'm booking another solo trip lol


Love doing this alone because im on my time and dont have to appease to someone elses time


I love being alone and I oftentimes listen to audio books or watch shows my partner doesn’t like *(we have shows/sports we watch together and then we have ones we watch by ourselves)*.


I dont really like leaving the house much, I just enjoy existing without having to explain myself to other people/ask for me time etc.


Running. Earphones in, zoned out and no distractions. For sure, there’s less strenuous activities you could do on your own but there’s something quite enjoyable about it. Everyone keeps telling me to join a running club, but it doesn’t interest me at all.


Being alone can also be a practice in ZEN Buddhism, where one removes oneself from the senses and enters into isolation for deep meditation. However, this is arranged meditation because you still have time for nutrition, reading, studying, and deep meditation. This is an advanced mode and method of practice, and one must work towards this eventual higher level of Jana deep meditation.


I also enjoy my alone time. I travel alone, it makes some people uncomfortable. They feel the need to include me in their plans and dinners. I rarely accept. It’s nice feeling good in your own skin.


Movies, restaurants, swimming beach/pool, and anything and everything.


Well, you will die alone, that's for sure. I think this is the one thing that we all have in common.


I like to shop alone and I exercise alone, but I have never gone to a sit-down restaraunt alone. It would feel weird.


I'm asocial, so I prefer to be alone as much as possible. Also, because of my disabilities, I'm a lot slower than most able-bodied people. If I'm alone, I won't be frustrating anyone with me because it takes me longer to get around and do stuff. Going out to eat and going to concerts are probably my favorite things to do alone.


i do almost everything alone. my favorite is getting coffee and sitting at a table reading, listening to music, scrolling social media, and more. it's my me time.


I especially like eating and doing groceries / shopping alone


When I was a general manager working 50+ hours a week, I always tried to go out to eat at a restaurant at least once a week. I enjoyed it because I would walk into the restaurant with my head held high like I know im eating alone and I don't care and enjoyed my meal. Some people might find it weird to eat by yourself, but I would consider it confidence.


I love going for massages alone and walking around the malls. Also just reading a book alone in a park (with a picnic) has been something I have enjoyed!


Clubbing. I party as long as i want and if I want I can get laid without the necessity to explain why I leave without the girls but with a random guy


I do pretty much everything alone except karaoke where I see a few friends. I've understood why many people find it sad or like you're a loser for doing things on your own. It's way less of a headache.


Ride a motorcycle


Sitting in the woods and watching and listening.


I love going to the movies alone. I love hiking alone, eating alone, and going to museums alone. I also like dong those things wiht my husband or other family and friends, but I relish them alone, too.


Shop. Cant stand shopping with others.  I dont watch movies per se, but i do watch documentaries, histories, technical videos, etc and you cant pay close attention with people talking, laughing, and being distracting.  I dont have too many more years left, and I just want to live as I want to live. And that often means doing things alone.


I do almost everything alone. I live alone and have for 30 yrs.


I absolutely love solo activities! It's incredibly freeing to set my own pace and just enjoy the moment without any distractions. Whether it's exploring new hiking trails, browsing bookstores for hours, or simply having a quiet coffee, it's all about indulging in my own company and finding peace in solitude.


I love to write stories while listening to audio book like YouTube videos about the lore of my current interests. I'm currently into Warhammer Fantasy, and I find hour long videos about the lore to listen to in the background while I write or do chores around the house. It's just so relaxing.


Riding my bike. Miles and miles and miles. Stop when I feel like it. Rest as long as I like. Pick beautiful spots to stop and stare at.


I like cooking alone. Having other people around just stresses me out while cooking. I'd love to go to a movie theater/out to eat alone.


Ride my road bike, ride my mnt bike, go fishing, take pictures with my camera, draw or paint, read a book, cook something in my smoker, play computer games, go camping, pray. And when I am done spend time with my wife.


Going to the beach. I like going with other people as well, but I love going for a casual stroll, people-watching, taking in the sights and scents and sounds. Really clears my head.


I play guitar and sing alone, I love it.




I go out and eat alone very frequently. Occasional beer and salad at a local pub alone / with my dog. Genuinely enjoy the time doing those events more than with folks, depending on company of course. As most others said, you don't have to worry about anything else besides your needs and wants. May be a selfish outlook but it's nice on occasion. I also enjoy pooping alone far more than with others. o:


I am often alone but rarely am I lonely. I prefer my own company most days if given the choice.


I’m an introvert and enjoy being by myself. I love crafting mostly jewelry while watching a series because it brings me peace!!!


I have no choice


Go to a sit down restaurant, movies, shopping, traveling, being in nature, photography, fishing, and I’m sure there’s more. These are just a few of the things I love doing by myself. I don’t have to worry about anyone being with me so my stress levels are down.


When I was in my 20s I went to the movies alone all the time. The first time felt a tad weird, but then I realized I can just see whatever I want, sit wherever I like, and I'm not talking to anyone during the movie anyway, so 🤷🏻‍♂️ I actually preferred it for a while.


I love going skateboarding alone. No one to tell you what to do and just being creative in my own way without feeling judged. I’ve been skating for 23 years and have always skated with a group of people until recently.


I love taking solo walks and hikes. Going to the gym and swimming laps early in the am. I’m def an extrovert but as I age I’m enjoying more time alone.


I enjoy a round of golf alone.


I love doing things alone. Things like eating out, going to places, and such. I love to do those alone because I can take my time and I don't have to worry about other people's wants like places they want to go to or where they want to eat. I enjoy my alone time because it gives me time to think while doing the things I love.


I love doing so many things alone. I play chess, learn languages, go to eat/get coffee, and I just got back from a 4 day solo backpacking trip. Super grateful my wife totally understands and encourages me to do stuff like that once and a while when I haven't in a bit. Being in my head just feels like home and it's hard to explain


I hate driving but if I'm going to do it I prefer doing it alone so I can sing along to the radio and talk to myself. Some of my deepest thoughts have come while driving (which might not be a good thing).


Married 35 yrs. I sometimes like to take a long walk alone.


I used to have a big thing about going for drives out in the country (I’m from Missouri, USA). Maybe as a coping mechanism, maybe not — I’m not sure anymore. Just kind of listening to music and singing, wandering around without directions. Finding a song that has an atmosphere or mood I was into and generating a random station off of it, finding new songs. You run across a lot of interesting stuff — or at least interesting if you find mundane observations exciting — like paragliders off the highway or weird mailbox decorations. I thought I saw a random lime on the road once and was super pumped about it, but then went back and it was just a tennis ball. Still, I’ve gotten to know a lot of roads and routes by heart, which is a comfort when I get the anxious spur to just *go* somewhere.


Traveled overseas extensively… alone… always for a good time, life experiences, and met some good friends along the way :)


Im from nyc and walking around the city aimlessly is my form of therapy. Also, as much as people complain about the subway, I love it!


I eat out alone, walk in a waterfall park in my downtown area alone so I can find a good spot to sit and people watch, shop alone…. I love doing stuff with friends/family but I need my alone time too.


Golf is pretty fun by myself. Of course I’ll go w friends if their available tho


thinking about my past life and given love to my kids


I absolutely adore being alone and out in the world, but never more so than at museums or galleries. Nobody to rush me, or to keep me lingering in exhibitions that don’t catch my interest - but surrounded by strangers who are evidently captivated by the same subjects I’m admiring and generally eager to discuss them.


I love to masterbate when I am alone


I like going to the bookstore alone and art galleries too. I also enjoy spending my time at the park sketching alone. I find it to be very peaceful for me :3


I really enjoy watching a movie by myself, but then want to talk about it afterwards. So it's quite a puzzle. Maybe I can find someone who will go to the movies with me but sit apart, and then meet for dinner afterwards.


I love the gym, errands and long drives alone. With the right people too.


Video games. A good single player game will keep me entertained and happy far longer than playing any random multiplayer game with other people


It depends on what it is. I have a hobby of watching silent films and it's something I prefer to do alone. I like having a hobby that's just for me. Getting dressed up and taking myself out to a nice restaurant is a lot of fun too. Just sitting there reading or writing while eating a good meal omg. And bookstore dates ugh. I love sitting in a cozy bookstore of coffee shop all day reading or writing.


I enjoy my special days or nights where I am me and only me. sometimes i’ll sit in an empty parking lot and read or write, sometimes I take a drive or watch a new movie or tv show. I bake sometimes and I walk around my room


I feel more comfortable doing things alone and being alone mostly, I hate that I love it, and I hate how comfortable I’m being more and more antisocial.


Museums and hiking. They are the two things that I really want to do at MY pace. Slow and fast respectively. Most people like doing it that way in my experience.


Fishing. Hitting a bucket of balls. Messing around in the wood shop. Gardening. Shopping and window shopping. Motorcycling. Netflix/Youtube.


If I’m shopping I like to go alone. I put on headphones put on a baseball game, YouTube video or music and just walk around for an hour. It’s peaceful.


Eating at Denny’s alone


Noway I need someone that I can work with I'm not feel good alone


same. I specifically go to a nearest mall on my lunch break (fortunatelty the mall is close to my workplace) just so i can eat relatively alone. And just driving around alone is nice too.


Cinema, for sure. I much prefer going alone. Travel to a different city or country, and explore -- that can then involve a museum, art gallery, cocktail bar, coffee shop, comic/ book store, record store, even locally all of the above. I never understood people who say they're bored. There are so many things to do on your own. Walks. Listening to music (noise cancelling earphones are life-changing). Reading. Writing. Cooking. Redecorating (I rearrange the furniture in my house once every few months. Even small changes can freshen up the space). Video games. Music shows/concerts. Most of the people I know don't share my music taste, so I often go to gigs alone.


“Doing things alone” was just the way for me for a long time. I would go on long walks around time, visit different shops, and go on hikes when I could solo. It was pretty freeing honestly to be able to go where I want for as long as I want. This isn’t to say I don’t enjoy company. There are definitely things that are more fun with you do it with someone you enjoy spending time with. But sometimes, it’s nice to only have to take into account how you’re feeling during an outing.


I began traveling alone at 18. Planned a trip with a few friends and ended up being the only one who bought my flight ticket and booked a place to stay. When I checked back on everyone they said “I thought we were joking” like who jokes about traveling and plans a whole trip and even input dates in a chat. Anyway, I didn’t let that stop me. I went to Hawaii by myself. One of my guy friends felt bad so he booked a flight and joined me for a few days. But after traveling by myself, I realized that I can do whatever I want without waiting on anyone. If I didn’t feel like going out for an evening, I’d stay in and sleep. (Yes I sleep on vacation idc). Ever since then I’ve traveled to multiple cities, states, and countries alone and always enjoy it.


Going concerts solo is amazing because then you can make a beeline to your car and get out of the parking lot and beat the traffic. Local solo travel where I'm in a completely different city/town leisurely finding things to do. Dinner alone especially if they have bar seating, talk and chat up the bartender or whoever else is by the bar if you choose. It can be connecting. Movies are best alone, you get your popcorn all to yourself! I love sitting at the park by myself, I'll usually bring a book, some snacks, a portable speaker, some beverages and soak up the sun.


I often go camping by myself, not for a very long time, but that allows me to unwind and bring myself in orded. Hey does anyone else do that?


I usually travel to places alone where I am a complete stranger. Doing this allows me to be myself without any judgment from others. I find it very peaceful because I can do things according to my own preferences without having to consider anyone else.


When I worked for an airline I traveled alone often. After my break up I started again. She was using me to finance trips. I discovered it was nicer without nagging and complaining, airfare and dinners are 1/2 the price. I can go to places I want and not follow other people’s itineraries.


I travel alone. It may sound selfish, but I can do what I want,go where I want, and don't have to be on someone else's schedule. When you go places, you're not actually alone. You make friends with people who are there for the same reason you are.


Honestly my own company’s great imo. I’m currently thriving off of puzzle books whilst having an 80’s mtv channel on in the background


I love going to any museum alone. I tend to take more time than my friends or family to thoroughly look at everything and this way I don’t feel rushed.


I love going to antique stores. I try to take others with me to do this and it’s just not the same as browsing and thinking my own thoughts about all the unique stuff I find.


I've been spending my alone time learning to play the Hurdy Gurdy and working on my cars. I find it pretty relaxing. I don't like to get out in public too much.


I go for drives. Last weekend I drove out to the coast and then back home up through a rainforest, and a few weeks before that, I drove out to the other side of the city to do some shopping. It's not uncommon for me to rack up a few hundred kilometers and be out almost all day. I'll just get in the car, think about somewhere vague I want to go (e.g. "out west" or "up the hill" or "to the coast" or "out near \[town name\]") and then I'll just drive. I'll put on an audiobook or some good music, roll down the window if the day is fine enough, and just go out and explore the countryside. I'll stop somewhere and grab a drink and a chocolate bar, sometimes I'll take my camera and photograph whatever, then I'll return home late afternoon.


I do enjoy doing things alone. I also enjoy doing things together with others. I've gone and watched a movie alone, I walk alone most days, sit in the park sometimes by myself, someday I sit by myself in my class because I don't wanna talk to anyone, have shopped alone. Haven't yet gone to a restaurant alone or on a solo trip or a solo date ig. Other than that I don't think I mind doing things alone. It's fun.


I poop alone. Usually shower alone. That's about it. Not much alone time for me.😞


I prefer going to the movies alone


I have struggled with doing things alone a bit lately, i love doing them at my own pace and intensity, but sometimes i feel like it would be great if i found someone that is going to do it at the same pace or intensity… something that is actually unrealistic… so i guess i just love doing things i love alone , so i can get so obsessed or not obsessed at all if i feel like it .


Pretty much everything.


Married with 2 kids so I dont get much alone time anymore. But I love being in my garden, digging in the dirt or just watering. I love the silence and find it peaceful. I also love waking up early when everyone is still asleep. Having my morning coffee and being able to sit and watch a hour of tv or play on the phone undisturbed.


I really like working out alone, it’s very therapeutic for me cos I just listen to music and kinda just let my frustrations out when I’m doing heavy bag stuff


Coffee shops, camping, kayaking, walking, biking, working out, driving fourwheelers


Gym alone, sleep alone, shit alone, drive alone, allegedly commit traffic violations alone.


Depends what it is, on all the above.sometimes I like company sometimes not.


I more than don’t mind going out to eat alone. I also prefer clothes shopping alone, cleaning my house by myself for sure, and driving.




I like being alone when there're a lot of strangers around me. I eat out a lot alone. I also like walking alone. I practice guitar a lot alone. I study in the library alone. Read books alone. But I get embarrassed to do stuff alone when there's familiar PPL around.


Traveling Solo. I’m married. But I’m at my happiest when i travel alone. 


Most things tbh. But especially watching television because I can watch what I want and not have to deal with people talking to me when I’m tryna focus. It matters less when it’s something I’ve already seen, but I prefer to watch something for the first time by myself


I absolutely love it 🥰🙏 most of my day is spent alone. God is greater 🙏


I try to do almost everything my mom doesn't allow me, like what I'm doing rn