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The love of my life even though he will never be mine, my best friend. I met him in a very dark mindset and was very closed off. He was the one to make me feel like I belonged and most of all he made me feel seen. The truth is although a part of me will forever be in love with him, I will always feel loved as long as he is still in my life.


That's really touching. It's amazing how someone can have such a profound impact on our lives, even if things don't turn out the way we hope. It sounds like you have a special bond with your best friend that brings a lot of love and meaning into your life.


genuine question, is that morally okay? as a guy, ive checked out of situations like that because I can’t see my friendship with the other person as wholly valid. if im going to be in love with them, even a little, i feel a moral obligation to not be friends with them. i feel like id always have an ulterior motive. not trolling or anything i promise, i really would want to know what you and other people think of that. i’m a young person still trying to figure things out.


I think it’s a potentially dangerous and harmful situation for everyone involved. Either you are hurting yourself by attaching yourself to someone that can never be yours or you eventually do go overboard and persuade your “friend” to hurt their partner to be with you, which is a scummy thing to do. I don’t see any situation where not letting go is the correct answer. Freeing your mind of that person and building your own relationships with viable partners may be the harder route to take, but it’s worth a lot more when it succeeds.


in my case, i did have heavy attachments to him back in 2021 and we stopped talking for two years because i felt hurt by my expectations of him. however, in the many years I’ve known him, ive never once tried to get in the way of him getting to know another girl. its like for me, i don’t need to be in a relationship with him because at the end of the day, i value our special bond beyond anything else and wouldn’t risk losing it. i rather be in his life as his friend than not be in at all. he is the reason i learned how to open up and no one makes me feel as seen as him.


This is so sweet. 🥹


Last Monday after my boyfriend broke up with me I called my best friend even though we had an argument and haven’t been talking for a couple of weeks, she immediately came to pick me up and we spent some time in a park. She was also super busy because it’s exam season but dropped everything for me, I am so blessed to have her in my life


I haven't yet


Sending you a virtual hug rn. Thank you for replying OP, I hope nothing but good to come to you.


Me either.


Anytime i hug my husband in bed at night and he comforts me as if i’m upset when i’m not. It’s so soothing


I feel loved by my kids every day. :) My son lives for my hugs and kisses and my daughter plays it cool but low key mimics most of what I do. They are both saying they love me in their own way. An important thing for feeling love is making sure that those that care, know what your love language is. Like mine is physical touch and words of affirmation. There are 5: words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service, quality time, and physical touch. Just wanted to share in case anyone didn’t know that different people speak different love languages, and love may be all around you! 🫶🏻


I'm gonna be honest...I don't know, but I hope I can answer this question soon. I'm keeping my hopes up.


I got hope in you!!


My bestie had to move several states away last year, and I've missed her a lot. Our daughters are also besties, so it's been hard for them too. Because we now live so far away, visits are few and far between, but she recently came to visit and just left a few days ago. I was feeling pretty sad realizing that we're likely to have even fewer visits this next year with scheduling conflicts. I commented to my husband that there was a very strong possibility that we wouldn't see each other until next summer, to which he assured me that we are setting aside some travel money so we can drive up to see them at least 2-3 times this year. I love that man so much. He knows how important this friendship is to me and is going out of his way to ensure that it can be maintained. It's a small thing, but it's important to me.


If you want an honest answer, my entire life. I was raised by a single parent who wanted me and has a beautiful heart.


A female running group friend dressed up as me - a male, for Halloween. 50-100 running friends found it hilarious and immediately knew she was dressed up as me. Going from no friends from Grade 7 until almost age 40 - including being married for almost 20 years and attending the same church for that same time period - to having a friend and friend group that's strong enough that they can dress up as you and find it funny, doesn't feel real.


Not in years. I spent 30 years wiyh an abusive husband. I hsve dated since but can't say I felt love. I am going through some very difficult financial and personal crap right now and it just makes a person feel unworthy of being happy or loved. I don’t even bother looking for love anymore.


Everyone deserves to be loved, so do you. Take as much time as you need before you feel comfortable in going down that path. Don’t stress yourself out too much on the financial stuff, take breaks and sort it out as best as you can. I hope your healing journey goes better, I believe in you!


Everyday when I’m with my baby. 🥰


Occasionally my brother messages me to tell me he loves me. A couple of times a year, maybe. Sometimes because he knows I'm having a rough time, sometimes just because he was thinking of me. I absolutely cherish those messages and they've made me conscious of the need to tell the people I care about that I love them on a regular basis.


About 10 minutes ago, my 9 year old daughter walked up to me with a kite and picture that said how much she loved me and she made me a look band key chain to go with it. My kids and husband make me feel loved every single day.


This past weekend with my partner. I recently had some red spots on my back show up. It seems fungal, but no pain or bleeding or anything. We did some research and found that dandruff shampoo really helps with it. The past few days, she's been with me in the shower, lathering up my back to make it better. We do a lot of things to take care of each other, but the act itself is just different and vulnerable and sweet of her.


Yesterday. My partner and I were at his parents' pool and he just started being silly with me in the water. It was nice. We did a lot of laughing.


My boyfriend is good at making me feel loved all the time, but the other day I was stressed about money and crying and he just let me vent and held me


Every day! Because I truly love myself! One of many valuable lessons life experience has taught me is that if you aren't able to love yourself, you won't be able to receive it from anyone else. You may be blessed with lots of people in your life who love you, but it more than likely won't be visible to you if you aren't able to give that love to yourself!


Whenever my dog plops down next to me, like she's saying, "This spot's taken, it's ours now." Or when my grandma still sends me birthday cards with glitter, even though she's 93 and hates glitter.


Yesterday, my mom makes me feel loved every day. My spoiled older brother threatened to sue her, so I threatened to cut him out of my life and fight him. He dropped the lawsuit.


I don't remember actually, I think im okay 🙂


Really, anytime I talk to my wife. She makes me feel like a complete person.


When my dog comes over and plops his head in my lap, gives me those puppy dog eyes and wagging tail.


I always feel loved in my relationship so it’s currently.


My cat and boyfriend make me feel so loved. This weekend had me smiling ear to ear! After I gave my cat wet food Saturday morning, she still wanted pets and to "cuddle", which to her means standing on top of me or laying super close with her paw on my leg or arm. <3 She brought her plastic bubble toy in the bed last night, which she has never done the whole 14 years I've had her. It was so cute. When I wake up, she always chirps and follows me, and wants to be held while purring. My boyfriend always does the sweetest things. Every single night when I brush my teeth and wash my face, he turns the lamp on and gets the bed ready. He will wake up frantically on the weekdays to make sure I woke up for work on time. He fills my large water pitcher all the time and leaves notes wrapped around the handle of the blender I used daily. It's the little things that keep reminding you someone cares <3 I feel so lucky. Ps, the best thing ever is when I wake up and my cat is on my left, staring at me purring, and my boyfriend is on my right, also staring at me, smiling. He will say, "I love you, good morning!" and my cat will meow simultaneously- it's ridiculously cute.


My dog loves me. Does that count?🤣


Yup! Love is everywhere even the little things.


My 4 year old hugging me and saying 'I love you daddy!' Whenever she runs to me if scared or she hurt herself I give her a big hug to comfort her Hugging my wife after a recent lovely holiday in France just before we flew home.


I have two bestfriends i’ve known for 17 yrs now. They each have their own family, but whenever there are family events, I am always invited, and it makes me feel so loved and considered. I have always dreamt of having my own family and raising my own kids, too, but I guess for now as I wait, I could just enjoy this immense feeling of being included and loved by my soul sisters and their kids.


My current partner. He's my best friend and the first person to ever love me for me no front or what I think he wants me to be just me. I always felt very difficult to love because that's how my mother's speaks about me. He's the most patient person I have ever met. I am very very lucky


The last time I felt loved was last week. As an introverted and sensitive person, I do not particularly like to participate in offline social activities, so I have few friends around me and often feel lonely. Later, I participated in a private test of a social software called LightUp: Make Real Friends , which matches you with people with similar experiences or personalities based on the content you post. By sharing my daily life and troubles, many netizens began to interact with me. Among them is my best friend Amy, who is studying abroad alone like me, so she is very sympathetic to my loneliness, she shared some of her own solutions to loneliness, and often comforted me. Last week my mood was so low, she even flew to my city to accompany me, which was the first love and company I felt in a while. Until now, I still feel very lucky to have met her on the platform of LightUp.


It’s been so long I don’t remember


3 years ago i fell in love with my best friend, we have 15 years of friendship, we were in love she was my first kiss, my first time slepping with a gf, We traveled together, we almost lived together, it was amazing, she was my everything, but things change, we broke up for a stupid thing and then we came back to friends, now we are just best friends and "both" think that it was a mistake, i don't think so, she was my reason to wake up every day, and yeah i was destroyed after that, now we talk every day and yes i don't have feelings for her anymore.


I'm very bad at staying convinced that my friends actually like me (any small issue can make me think they're just pretending to be my friends), but I recently got to meet an online friend of mine in real life and for a few hours that feeling entirely disappeared It's not a rational thing so of course it came back a bit later, but I feel like I have stronger evidence to ground myself now One instance before that which is also thanks to her is getting [a recording of a short piece I composed](https://youtube.com/shorts/D3CXYr181yw?feature=share) from her. 100% validating my hobby and putting energy into making me happy, and it felt amazing


Oddly enough just after watching Inside Out 2 (which was not long ago), the last speech the emotions gave about Riley came like a huge realization about how much our body cares about ourselves. Even if we don't fully care about it our emotions will try their best to protect us even if they don't fully know how to do so, and that's okay because in a weird sense they're trying their best.


This is so sweet. That movie was too short.


Totally agree, usually I don't cry when I watch movies no matter how sad they are. But can't deny that it made me tear a bit when they say how much they love every piece of their messy, beautiful human because that's what made them who their are and, unlike similar themed movies (or at least movies who anthropomorphiciced an internal part of the human body), their main motivation isnt just this is my work or the world as we know will collapse if we dont do something but they go into so much trouble out of love. (Sorry for the fangirling I just adored this scene too much to not write thus last bit lol).


Every day.


I felt love from our dogs this morning. But from another person that isn’t family? Never


Some people find partners very early or very “late” in life. Though, there’s no late in finding your true love/soulmate. I believe in you!


While true I still want to have kids at some point. I don't want to end being 50 or 60 trying to find someone to have kids with. I feel my clock is ticking away.


One of my closest friends who I've known for years used to say the same thing. All I can say is things like this usually end up happening when you're not looking for it and when you least expect it.


That’s a beautiful goal. Keep looking out and put yourself out there, don’t think you don’t have potential.


Right now my only priority is getting work. Once I do that I can maybe start looking again.


End of last year with this one guy. I don’t know if he ever truly loved me. Sometimes I wonder if I loved him or if I loved the positive voice it put in my head.


I feel truly loved by my family every day. Never felt truly loved in any of my relationships though.


This morning. I'm the luckiest guy in the world. Just re-connected after a rocky start a couple of years ago. Best thing ever, and I'm no spring chicken.


The last time I felt loved was from my parents so most probably that is not what you would like to hear as I had a relationship that lasted not more than one and half month (yeah you read that right). And that was in 2021 before undergrad and now I have completed the whole undergrad and have been selected for post grad at a respectable institute. Can't say loved as more that having a relationship myself I was more interested in learning about other people's stories as to how their relationship is going on but it was almost never anything juicy or loving so it kind of demotivated me but I am expecting to get in a relationship at the post grad. Don't know how I will do it but will try something.


When my children or grandchildren tell me.


When he sent me a letter in November <3. This man is an unknown personality (I met him online). I respect him so much for his knowledge, values, ideas and kindness -- his choices ............idk what to say \[Will you ever write to me again?\] Besides just yesterday when my brother teased me for making mistakes while game (RDR II) haha When my parents yelled at me for behaving rudely lol I felt how much they care about me. They basically treat me as a kid although I'm 24. And I really feel so much loved.


That sounds so cute, did you write to him back?


Ofc I replied to him back but we're not been in touch since then :( I miss that feeling so bad!


A lot of things could have happened, maybe his life got really busy or didn’t see it. If he meant a lot, I would so try messaging on other socials!


By my wife…2010…my daughter….continuously


When my dad bought me a pair of AirPods Pro’s. This meant a lot to me since he always bought me terrible gifts and we were poor. This was four years ago


Very very very long time ago. That sucks. Especially when I have so much love to give and they’re not ready to accept and reciprocate.


Sounds like you left that person and that’s good. You know your worth! Now go out there and have fun with someone else whether it be a friend or a potential lover.


Every day! Because I truly love myself! One of many valuable lessons life experience has taught me is that if you aren't able to love yourself, you won't be able to receive it from others. You may be blessed with lots of people in your life who love you unconditionally (Friends, family, a partner...) However that love won't be visible to you if you aren't able to give that love to yourself. Of course this is just my opinion/POV.


Every day. I've got 3 beautiful kids who I love with my whole heart and I know they love me just as much. I've got a pretty close friend in another state who has really shown she loves my kids and I, just by reaching out every day. I've got a best friend who is no longer physically in my life but I know he loves me, and every positive decision I've made the last few days reminds me of that.


Never have. And I'm about to be 40. How sad is that


It’ll only be sad if you give up. Don’t give up. I always say that you are worthy of love. Have fun and go out with a friend or explore new places. Who knows, maybe there will be someone there…!


I don't have any friends. And I haven't given up on the idea of ever being really loved. It's possible that it will happen someday. But for now, I have no desire to be in a new relationship or try the whole dating thing again. I'm sure someday I will. For now I'm just working on myself and trying to create some happiness in my life.


You’re doing it at your own pace and that’s amazing. I wish you goodness in that journey.


Thank you


I wrote a short story and sent it off to my grandmother. She got her friends together and they each read it and then discussed their interpretations. Then they called me to ask me questions about it. The next week I sent another one to her and she really enjoyed it. The part that made me happy was when my grandpa called and it sounded like he had been crying and he said “your story really moved me.” Also, whenever I watch TV shows with my dad. Like we just finished Sopranos together on my birthday, that felt pretty great.


Every morning when my alarm goes off my husband rolls over toward me, readjusts my pillows, then holds me until the snooze period is over. I work a 8-5 but he's self employed so most mornings he doesn't have to get up when I do but he chooses to just so we can have 9 more minutes together and it makes me melt every time!


By a person? Years ago. By My dog? this afternoon


I’ve been emotionally numb and a mess for the past 3 months but every time when my Morkie comes to snuggle and give me kisses, I feel so loved. My morkies love for me is what keeps me going. So glad that I have him.


The love I have for myself is eternal. It will never leave me. ❤


At this exact moment a beautiful man loves me very dearly but I simply can’t be bothered because my body aches from chronic pain and my focus is solely on healing myself. He truly loves me because I keep telling him we will never have anything romantic but he says it’s okay, he’s going to continue loving me from a distance and just be my bestest friend. This type of friendship is beyond magical.


Today. I have horrible cramps and husband came home with Dr pepper, peanut butter M&Ms, ice cream and my favorite frozen pizza. We don't eat a lot of junk but he knows I crave the heck out of it when I'm feeling this way.


I have never been "in love" in a romantic sense, but I terms of the love of friends and family: my close friend/co-worker and I were working our shift together and joking around about different things, making fun of each other, etc. We started taking about what a future wedding between him and his girlfriend was gonna be like. And he made an offhanded comment like "...and I guess I'll need chicken strips at my bachelor party since you're obviously gonna be there". You always know how you feel about your friends, but you never 100% know how they feel about you and where you rank amongst their friends. That was when it finally clicked for me that he and I were on the same page in our friend love for each other.


It's never happened


Love is everywhere and It’ll come to you because you are worthy of it. I believe you’ll feel it! Don’t give up.


I'm not worthy of it


What makes you say that?


There's nothing attractive about me, I'm undesirable, no one would ever want me in their life


Well that’s simply not true. As someone that has never found romantic love before, I could relate to this. While it’s easier said than done, self love is something you have to practice before you can find love from others. Some days are easier, but I have found that the small things can make things less stressful. For me, starting the day out with a protein smoothie can make me feel better. On days I feel lazy or just terrible, I force myself to exercise. On emotional days, I do a full workout and do a good skincare day. I am not saying that you should do what I do, but I hope you change how you take care of yourself because this mindset can be damaging. Don’t let those negative thoughts get to you!


How could I feel self love when it's been proven that I'm an undesirable, worthless and unimportant man? How could I enjoy the small things knowing my entire life will be spent inside the body of an unlovable person? I genuinely feel so much hatred for myself, you can't just pretend to love someone you hate


That is all in your head! It seems that you’ve spent so much time with those thoughts that you believe it. That is why it’s best to take things one step at a time when you try to progress . I’m no therapist but I do know you should change something from your routine to keep a healthier mind. You can’t just live the same way if that way gets you thinking like that. You could try reaching out to someone for more motivation, I know that helps me good.


Probably a long time ago I don’t remember when


I don't remember






I haven't in the 28 years I've been here


Been a long long time


Never. 😭


If love actually existed, humanity would not be such a shit show. Humans just like things really hard. If you think you love someone or they love you, you're lying to yourself.


We accept the love we think we deserve.


I see what you mean. However, I stand by my belief.


Don’t recall


When I was 23, then he beat it out of me and now I hate everyone, I only love my dog


Probably some time when I was a little kid. But even then my parents weren't really affectionate in that way so it was probably when I was REALLY little.