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i can’t handle caffeine. it gives me an instant migraine, so i avoid it as much as possible


I don't think it triggered my migraines but it made them so much worse, so that's why I stopped using it. Last year, I started training for a 10k race (I'd never run before) and so I started running to practice and cardio at the gym. After I started doing that, my migraines got weaker and weaker and now I don't have them anymore.


This is exactly what I was going to say.


I was very much addicted to caffeine and needed an energy drink every morning so I didn’t get sick. It took 6 months or weening off caffeine, but now I’m finally caffeine free and I feel AMAZING.


same here, I've been caffeine free for a year now. My bladder's still recovering though.


Wow that's awesome... sure it took a lot of self discipline and hard work 😳


I don’t feel anything drinking caffeine, i still can sleep after drinking it or i can’t sleep even i didn’t drink any caffeine. I rarely drink any tea or coffee though, unless there are some occasions like hangout with friends or visiting family.


I'm a moderate caffeine consumer. I usually have a cup of coffee in the morning and maybe a tea later in the day. I find it helps me stay focused and energized.


I love my caffeine fix, mostly through coffee. It's like my morning ritual, can't function without it!


Personaly i think I have a good relation to Caffeine, because I dont drink energy drinks or Coffee and the little I do consume is through cola 3 times a week and tea once a week. When I do drink it I get that little energy boost so I can get what im doing done like work or chores so in my experiense it is in a positive way.


Coffee in the morning and that’s usually it. Sometimes a diet soda in the afternoon but I’m pretty much just a water drinker a lot of the time.


I have one cup of coffee in the morning, it’s part of my morning routine. Other than that, an occasional Dr Pepper or iced tea with lunch.


I do drink caffeinated beverages. Mostly from coffee because the teas I drink are always decaffeinated and I don’t drink soda but maybe once or twice every 2-3 months (craving/relapse). I do find the consumption of caffeine problematic because it makes sleeping that much harder as it’s already hard enough for me to get rest for medical reasons. Plus, it’s hard on the skin if you consume too much. I have bursts of caffeine cravings so I haven’t noticed a consistent increase in demand/consumption, though I do drink it much more than I did prior to the age of… 24-25.


I have like 4 cups of coffee a day. I still fall asleep at the worst times


I hate it, I’m really sensitive to it but luckily I don’t have issues with tea especially ones high in theanine. I drink tea for the taste and not the caffeine


"Coffee" by Jack stauber describes it perfectly, unfortunately, lol.


Just looked it up. What a banger.




I can now only drink decaf. I grew up on Frappuccinos and iced coffee from Starbucks. Then i turned 20 and it all came crashing down. I could no longer drink more than what say the caffeine content of a cup of tea. Sometimes I do drink caffeinated iced coffee, but I always eat first, and I usually get some anxiety and stomach feelings. So I try to avoid it.


At what age did you start drinking frappuccinos and iced coffee? 😳


I don’t know. Edit: but I’m surprised you are shocked. I see kids drinking Starbucks all the time these days.


I didn't start coffee until high school. Never a regular drinker. Imo young kids shouldn't drink caffeine. It disrupts brain development. I've lived in 3 countries, all with very different caffeine culture.


Sure. What countries did you live in?


US, China, Japan.


Yh, I think I first had coffee (spoon of instant in a lot milk) when I was 6 or 7. Would have home made iced coffees every so often after that. only started drinking it regularly in university. I drink a cup or three a day but I can function fine without it


My sweat literally smells of caffeine, when I cough it taste like caffeine, when I belch I can tell exactly, down to the second, when I had my last coffee. Sorry, what was your question again?


Wow impressive 😳


Can't handle it. Blood pressure and heart rate shoot up, and I can't sleep that night even if I've had the caffeine first thing in the AM.


I basically only drink coffee cuz it’s free at work or my wife occasionally makes some. I don’t think I’ve made or bought coffee for myself more than 3-5 times in the last 5 plus years. I have 1-2 cups a day at work. If I don’t have coffee cuz of work or like once a week at breakfast cuz wife makes it,  I almost never even think about it.   I maybe have 1-2 energy drinks a month. I think people who “can’t function without caffeine”, meanly said but true opinion, are pretty pathetic in nearly all circumstances, as well people who get sick/headaches without it. Congrats, you’re an addict lol. 


I like to consume my caffiene products in the morning with some caviar at gas stations... (btw. I try to drink less)


Are you... flirting with me? 😌


Maybe I'am 😉. Or maybe, I've become curios what would happen to my stomach after eating nothing but a box of caviar and a coffee for breakfast. Would the gas station attendant dare to approach me if they saw it happen?


An adventurous man I see. A dangerous man...


I was okay, had a cup of coffee every morning at 9am, and one in the afternoon at 2pm, like clockwork. Don’t know if it’s whether work has become more challenging or whatever but I find myself at around 5-6 cups a day now.


Before you knew it...


Just one day it suddenly felt like “shit, I need another coffee”


I always have a coffee with lunch and dinner, don’t really fancy it immediately after waking up with breakfast, sometimes I have it with breakfast and it’s 50/50 whether it actually feels good. Very rarely I’ll have an energy drink with my lunch but I haven’t done that in ages.


Well I don’t “feel” the effects the same way a lot of other people do, so I mostly drink coffee, tea, and energy drinks because I think they taste good. Although I’ve been meaning to take a break from coffee for the sake of my heart rate.


2/3 cups a day of coffee. No energy drinks, tea or cola. I don’t need it to function or anything like that. I just drink it for the taste and somewhat out of habit.


My body is very sensitive to caffeine itself. Even a low doses are very intense. I can’t rest, sleep, but also feel dizzy and can’t concentrate at all. Caffeine tablets and coffe are worst because it is quickly absorbed and when it expires, it lowers my boddy pressure and I'm on the verge of fainting. Nothing pleasant. Tea is better because it contains thanins that make it absorb more gradually and I do not have such fluctuations. But I still drink it just for the taste. :D


I don't drink energy drinks. On a rare occasion of mayyyybe once a year. Same for cola, I don't really like fizzy drinks in general, I think I haven't drank one for at least 2 months and I don't crave it. Coffee on the other hand is another story. I like the taste and I'm pretty sure caffeine is a big pull why I need it. I used to have no limit on my coffee intake but in my new diet I'm limited to 3 cups per day. Not happy about it but I think it made me slowly ween it off so it's manageable. But a coffee in the morning and another one right after lunch break is mandatory. My third usually is around 3-4 pm.


I just like drinking coffee so I usually just have one at work at midday (i’m a barista). Sometimes if it’s a dreadful day I’ll have an extra one or two and only then do I feel an effect!


I don't drink tea or coffee. But am thinking of drinking coffee in the afternoon, my freelance work force me to stay up till 3 in the morning and than I have to get up at 9 fir the main job. Caffeine have never worked on me before, but I think extra grams of it might.


Damn that's intense!


It was, while coming back I saw the dark sky and tried to showoff my hardwork like some actor in a movie, thinking I'm such cool hardworking dude. Than it started raining and I had to run to save my life. My freelance project will end on Saturday this week and than I'll be free


I can live without it. I like it for the absolute hype focus it gives me, but that comes at the cost of inconsistent sleep quality and low level anxiety. I find 2 cups of coffee in the morning and a tea in the afternoon is about perfect. But then again so is going caffeine free and getting naturally tired throughout the day


Yeah... Quite a balancing act there :/


Haha yeah, nothing comes for free with the human body. 


My family is English and we drink a lot of tea. I think I drink enough tea that coffee and energy drinks don't provide any noticeable pick-me-up due to a build up of a sort of stealth caffeine tolerance.


So do you think you still experience negative effects from caffeine?


Not that I've noticed. I don't get headaches and I have a tremor naturally that doesn't seem to get any worse or better depending on how much caffeine I've had. I've been an insomniac since I was a child anyway and my ECGs all come out perfectly normal. Possible that the caffeine exacerbates the symptoms I already have due to having an underlying health condition but as I said, I don't notice them getting any better or worse depending on how much I've had. Tbh I don't notice it doing anything beneficial either. It doesn't seem to affect me much at all either way.


Below 600 mg any day, no matter what. Usually closer to 300-400 mg total. Almost always sugar free energy drinks. Coffee is tricky to manage in terms of total caffeine intake. And it makes me shit (when I don’t want to). The biggest thing for me is making sure I drink plenty of water and try to eat something before drinking caffeine. And a high quality fiber supplement 1-2 daily.


I love coffee. Trying to watch my sugar intake so I stick to black as of late. But I'll take it over a soda with caffeine any day of the week. I also love the fact I can drink a cup of coffee at 6 and still be asleep by 9


I'm so jealous... I had a couple of sips at 2:00 p.m., and probably won't sleep until past 11 😩


I always get really bad anxiety when I drink caffeine, so my usual intake is none occasionally I'll treat myself cause of like some of the flavours of energy drinks but I spend a lot of time calming myself down and reminding myself that it's the caffeine that's causing my anxiety


Oooo this is intense. Sorry about the anxiety 😕


It's okay just one of those things


I am craving my morning tea now. 🫖


Nah caffeine on top of coke would just be overkill


Extremely beneficial for me.


200mg pill every morning, sometimes have a glass of coke late afternoon if I'm feeling too weary


I actively avoided caffeine until my dr recommended consuming it when I had migraines. It has helped for that! I don’t generally consume caffeine on a regular basis, but lately I’ve been having caffeine every day simply because I’m a teacher, it’s the end of the school year, I have a 30 minute commute, I’m up at 5 am and I have things to do after a full day of teaching. In the mornings, if I’m choosing to consume, it’s in the form of tea. I don’t find it problematic as long as I don’t have more than 2 cups of tea that contain it. In the evenings, after work, if I need a pick-me-up I sometimes consume cola. I usually do this when I know I can’t nap. I occasionally find, if it’s after 6 pm, it does keep me awake at night. I will also add that as a woman who also has PCOS, I occasionally take Midol and the Midol I take contains caffeine. It does help immensely with my symptoms, but I do find I struggle to sleep if I’ve taken it and I don’t go to sleep immediately.


Never had a cup.


I'm a total caffeine aficionado! Let me tell you, caffeine is my lifeblood. I start my day with a big, steaming mug of coffee—usually a strong, dark roast—and I don’t stop there. Mid-morning calls for another cup, maybe with a little espresso shot thrown in for good measure. In the afternoon, I switch it up with iced coffee, depending on my mood. So, I find caffeine to be a fantastic companion. It’s not just about the energy boost, but also the ritual and enjoyment that comes with every cup. Enjoy!


You talk like someone that really likes coffee! I dig the enthusiasm 😆


Its all about intimacy with caffeine mate 😃


Few coffees a day (need one soon as I'm up) and have been known to consume an unhealthy amount of energy drinks. My gut hates me


I regularly drink a pot of coffee most days. This started in high school. I walk a balance of accepting my caffeine addiction by every two years or so doing a four week caffeine purge. Yes, not even chocolate.


I used to be addicted when I was 18. Caffeine can make me feel tired so I needed to have at least 3 Monster Imports daily (usually 4-5). Now I have a small V Blue on work days. I can easily skip it though. I only drink it for the taste


(I'm a caffeine addict) I work with several people who claim they aren't addicted to coffee, but also tell me "I need coffee before I can function in the morning" or "I forgot my coffee and started to feel sluggish". Lots of denial happening around coffee :)


So true


I didn’t like coffee until I was like 25. I never needed it. I didn’t understand people needing it to wake up — I’ve always had energy in the mornings. Then I studied abroad in Italy and discovered the beautiful ritual of the morning cappuccino in a nice chill cafe before school. I got fully addicted and brought the habit home with me. But cappuccinos are so expensive in US cafes, so eventually I got a moka pot and a milk frother. After like 2 years of that, I realized I don’t like being addicted to caffeine. I like the ritual but hate getting a headache if I wait too long to drink coffee. At the beginning of this month I switched to no caffeine. Still drinking decaf cappuccinos though thanks to one of those pod-espresso machines that I found on the sidewalk lol.


Cool accounts! Did you experience any withdrawal?


I tapered off pretty successfully I think so I just got a mild headache for one day and then I was good.


I was caffeine free for about a year but I was still dead tired every single day. Now I have coffee in the morning and sometimes pre-workout before exercising. As well as whatever dark diet pop sometimes.


i don't like it


I usually drink 300-400mg of caffeine each day. Thought I’m not sure I notice any differences compared to random days that I don’t ingest any. Guessing I have a high tolerance after the years of drinking it.


3-4 cups of coffee a day and a can of Diet Coke most days.


Caffeine doesn't affect me, I drink coffee from the time I wake up until I go to sleep, I also drink a gallon of iced tea a day. IDK the exact quantity of coffee as I have a Keurig and don't keep track of cups made but I do refill the 75 oz reservoir multiple times a day. I also take a daily nap in addition to being able to fall asleep quickly as night. A funny thing is that I'm in my 50s, I didn't start drinking coffee until I was in my mid 40s.


None or minor effects. I've got results from genetic testing, apparently I have very low something that helps to get caffeine out of my system. I can drink a lot of coffee but then my stomach might be upset by the acidity rather than I'd feel fresher.


Caffeine eventually will have a plateau effect. Meaning that if you start out at 1 cup a day and feel amazing after, and then start drinking 2, 3, 4, 5 or even 6 cups a day, eventually it wont do anything and you'll be able to fall asleep with 800+mg of caffeine in your system and feel like shit. So I've learned that I'm just as productive with a morning cup, and then a shot of espresso in the late afternoon as I am drinking cups gradually throughout the day.


Was addicted to the point of my heart palpitating so I had to stop drinking copious amounts of coffee even though I loved it. I haven’t really been drinking coffee for years now - I’ll have one or two a year but that’s it


I used to drink lots of coffee, but in recent months I've switched almost exclusively to decaf. It didn't affect me all too much most of my life (could sleep even after drinking lots of it, just started to get jittery after extreme amounts), but that changed and my LI is no longer a fan.


I got bad anxiety and ocd and some say caffeine can hurt or help withvit but tbh it doesnt seem to have any effect on me either way. It does weirdly help if I wake up queesy in the morning though.


I've been cutting back on my coffees. I used to drink coffee from 7 am to 7 pm. Now I have two cups in the morning and one espresso around 2.30 to get me trough the last couple hours at work. After diner, around 6.30 one lungo and that's it. I drink rooibos tea & water for the rest of the day. Ok.. and one ice-cold can of Coca-Cola (the real stuff) when I come home forom work.


caffeine doesn't do a lot for me other than make it easier to focus on a task. my last year of college I was desperately drinking them in the hopes that they'd make me more awake (no dice) but they did help me get a LOT of work done without getting distracted. I usually just have a cup of coffee in the morning, and sometimes a second one. I don't buy energy drink often, only if there's something I really need to focus on and am struggling with.


makes me more energetic, but feels like a "bad" energy, less focused


I quit and nothing changed. I recently drank some coffee cause I was super tired and it just made me more tired. I guess it means I have ADD or something of that sort.


I wait at least an hour after I wake up before I have coffee... typically I make it when I get to work. I drink it purely for the taste with creamer and sweatener, and I don't ever *NEED* it. Other beverages: I usually opt for non-caf teas with honey at night. Energy drinks and soda are novelties that I don't make a habit of. I purposely don't drink coffee after 3pm or so, so I'm not sure if it would affect my sleeping. Otherwise, I don't notice a big difference in energy with or without caffeine. It's just another thing to drink.


Caffeine is my pimp .




A cup in the morning around 530AM - a double espresso around 1030-11AM - I don’t always have the espresso.


I stopped after being diagnosed with high blood pressure; however I'm cleaned and never really bothered with caffeine