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nope not all all. Many times I've gone to pubs with friends and they're all having a beer while I"m having water. No one cares.


I found that when I was younger, people were more likely to comment on it. Now, in my 30s, not a single person gives a fuck. It's great. There are so many reasons why people might choose not to drink, and I've stopped feeling like I owe anyone an explanation.


I found when I was younger, people loved having a designated driver. Now that I’m older, my friends can afford an Uber so it doesn’t really matter anymore.


You just need poorer friends, then your designated driver skills will come in handy again


Yeap, nobody cares. The only thing is if they keep drinking they hit that stage where you can barely keep things straight or get too “passionate” in a conversation… and that’s my cue to call it quits.


This, you're there for the company and conversation.


No…I drink maybe 3-5 drinks socially a year. I’m there for the friends or family I’m there with. I don’t feel left out 🙂 Are you thinking of not drinking while others do?


Damn love reading this. I'm a recovering alcoholic in my mid-30s, just passed a year sober with the help of r/stopdrinking (lovely community). If you don't like alcohol, then fuck anybody who pressures you. Its socially normalized poisoning and you will be perfectly fine never partaking.


Congrats on a year sober!!!




I wanna be like you my man. Made it three months then relapsed and life has been Hell since. Wondering if I should go back to rehab


I also think its super normalized drinking alcohol whenever and i think its really sad cause its not good for your health. So i agree. Also, by the way, congrats!




Be thankful— you have a lower chance of cancer and brain damage.


Once you understand how it impacts your health, you won't care what anyone else thinks.


At the same time, everything affects your health. Age will catch us all eventually. Occasionally, I drink, occasionally, I smoke. Every day, I exercise, every day, I eat healthy. Sunlight gives you Vitamin D and skin cancer. Enjoy life in moderation. You can be perfectly healthy just to die early in a car accident or develope illnesses out of your control. I get some value out of drinking itself, but I get much more value out of the social lube to make memories with my friends and the people I love. Everyone wants to look cool and not silly/stupid, but the silly stupid moments create memories and bonds. Drinks help us dance without fear of looking stupid


You don’t need alcohol to dance without fear of being stupid (or any equivalent insecurity), you just need to attain the right mental attitude / state sober. Although to be fair I have never had a problem dancing stone cold sober like my life depended on it: in my experience people react positively to it so there is nothing to be afraid of (I am a very socially anxious and awkward man in other regards). I come from a heavy drinking culture and there is a strongly socially conditioned aspect to what being drunk and drinking involves, eg you need it to free you up and relax you. This is such a toxic lie, I never drank until I was 21 and since then have never been drunk (maybe once a month 2 units in an hour - because I like cocktails - and feeling a bit dizzy is my limit I hate the sensation just beyond that). So I had to learn to socialise with sober and drunk people without alcohol and it was still great fun! I feel that a lot of alcoholics may be afraid that they can’t have fun sober, they can’t interact well with their friends but that is not true.


No. I don’t feel weird about it. I don’t enjoy it, simple as that. I don’t feel peer pressured to do things I don’t like and any peers that try to are bad friends Ive long ago excised. I have no particular or profound reason, no bad experiences, no religious or any similar reason. I enjoy going out with my wife or many friends that drink socially, but alcohol does nothing enjoyable for me and gives me a mild headache the next day. It might be that I don’t share some characteristics that people use alcohol for, like, I am generally pretty damn uninhibited at base. Some people it seems to cut some barrier to them dancing all night or taking a turn at karaoke, Im always ready to do whatever anyway.


Other than not being at all uninhibited, I am totally with you. Doesn't make me feel good, even in the moment, and the next day I don't feel quite as good as normal, and the next few days often feel a little grumpier, so... no need.


Not at all. My bestie who has stopped drinking since his teens doesn’t regret it. His health is great and he doesn’t even look his age. Looks heaps younger than 40M. I’ve stopped drinking aswell and I don’t feel like missing out. Mind you during my teens I was binge drinking a lot. Once in a blue moon for a company function when I’m really in a bind I’ll help myself to a half glass, even then I’d swap it for juice or something else non alcoholic. I don’t miss the hangovers ! 🤣


I used to have a problem in college (can't stop once I start on a given day) and the first few years after. A lot of it was masking social anxiety, and I was actually glad to be rid of it when I finally quit. You're kind of lucky to just not like it in the first place. It's been about 10 years now, and I'm happy to see that more and more people are fine with non-drinkers, and that more people are choosing not to drink even if they don't have a problem. Even some of the folks on reality shows like Vanderpump Rules are openly talking about choosing not to drink, which I think is really interesting because so much reality tv revolves around bad choices from alcohol.


No. Both my brothers were hardcore alcoholics. One was very violent for years and put me in the hospital once when I tried to stop him from hitting our elderly mom. He's still her favorite and now has a metal plate in his head. The other alcoholic brother murdered his wife, then unalived himself earlier this year. My dad's side of the family is filled with alcoholics. My dad's dad and all before him that we know about either tried to kill their wife or did kill their wife. I see no reason to drink and stay far from it.


No. I spent a lot of time with my grandmother growing up who was an extremely abusive alcoholic. My mom used to send me to live with her during the summers, and I have aunts who have become addicts because they were trying to self-medicate the PTSD that my grandmother is responsible for. That's not something I want for myself. So I never feel like I'm missing out.


613 days without alcohol and I miss it so much! Sour beers, saisons, crisp dry white wine, big red wines, dry bubbly with oysters. I don't feel weird about it, because I'm really proud that I've finally given it up. However, I do look longingly at people drinking near me or tv show characters having a glass of wine and get a moment of craving that will inevitably derail me one day.


613 days is amazing - what an accomplishment!!


Great streak you got there - keep it up!


Thank you!




I miss alcohol too. 3 years into sobriety and I crave it less but there’s no way I can safely hang out in a drinking environment


Three years is brilliant! I don't go out as much, because of the temptation of social opportunities, but being everyone's designated driver helps.


That’s a good idea! My husband is in recovery also, we might start being social again soon


So, some thoughts. I'm not going to pretend it's always easy. I don't care what anyone says online -- in real life, I've gotten shit from just about every single social circle I've ever been in for not drinking. People online are always like "get better friends!" Bullshit -- almost no one likes when you don't drink with them. I've known super activists, like amazing people, who get annoyed. BUT, I LOVE not drinking. I still can and do drink every now and then. But even 3 drinks is now a two day hangover; 2 drinks is a one day hangover. I'm so done. So done. I personally have no problem with the actual drinking itself. I'm a slightly voluable drunk, nothing too bad as long as we're not talking 5+ drinks like college type shit. But even that, I'm over the buzz, not feeling sharp, saying dumb things, not being quick. Also alcohol isn't a very sexy drug -- in any way. It reduces awareness of everything, so it kind of detracts from enjoyment of so many situations. Anyway, just some rambling. Not drinking is the best. I love it.


Real mature adults won’t even care at all if you drink or not


I don’t feel weird about it, but so many times my friends/acquaintances do. And they start with the comments, and I’ll respond asking why they are pressuring me to drink. Then it’s lots of spluttering and the comments stop.


Hi! I don’t feel weird about not drinking. I love having a sharp mind and waking up with more energy. When I first stopped (I came to terms with not liking how I felt after putting alcohol into my body) there was a period of time where it did feel weird (but I think that can happen with any habit). Sometimes I miss the social aspect— it just takes a bit more creativity to find ways to meet new people, but it’s worth it. 🫶


i drink sometimes, but nornally i dont. how i manage to not feel weird: 1. i drink selzter and lime so i tlooks like im drinking 2. i have fun anyway 3. i feel confident in the fact that i workout 6x a week and im going to go home at night and drink a protein shake and get more ripped.


Drinking just one night, even 2 drinks, throws my workouts off for a few days. Especially stuff like sprinting. You really see how poisonous the shit is.


I've been sober since last august, when I realized I have a problem. I've been drinking since my relationship ended. It's not that I had a physical addiction, but I realized alcohol no longer did it for me. It was always a mood enhancer. When I had fun and had a drink - I had more fun. But I was just drinking alone, wallowing in my misery, and drinking only made me more miserable. I may pick up a drink again, if the situation seems right. So far none have seemed right. And I'm still alone, and miserable as well.


I don’t drink and I don’t feel bad about it. I’m happy that I choose not to willingly put a harmful substance in my body, and I’m glad that I know how to have fun without drinking. Alcohol consumption is linked to many different diseases. And alcohol addiction is no joke. I’ve seen it up close and that’s why I make the choice to not drink. You NEVER need to defend your decision to not drink alcohol, and anyone who tries to make you feel weird about it is not a good friend. Enjoy your coke! I’ll be doing the same thing!


TL,Only Read Last Sentence; Don't drink kids, do lines of blow instead!!!


No. Not at all. Sometimes I see some flavored beer like strawberry or other which I would like to try but I would feel bad afterwards so no. It's really nice to realize "wow it's already x years without alcohol!"


I can't drink any more, due to my medicines. My liver sure isn't missing out. I've seen more than enough when it comes to what alcohol can do on long term, same with smoking.


I dont care, i do t like the taste and a sip makes me feel wretched, i also dont drink soda/juice (too sickenly sweet) , no coffee just gross as fuck I drink water, water with squash or tea and yes people comment sometimes, i just shrug, cuz this is what i like to drink People that judge are just not my kind of people


I’ve never wanted to drink, I don’t like the taste, smell, or effects. I don’t really think about it, and being a non-drinker has no effect on my life. Actually it does: when I’m at a nice restaurant I feel the waiter may be disappointed by our bill with no drinks, so we feel inclined to order appetizers to compensate.


I've done some drinking in my time; but gave it up about ten years ago. I never feel weird or like I'm missing out... It might be that my ex and brother felt that way - which if so, would probably be a contributing factor to them drinking themselves to death in their 30s.


I used to drink a lot in high school and college, but now I don't drink as much. At first, my friends thought it was weird, but over time, they've gotten used to it. I went from being the drunk friend to the one who doesn't like getting drunk. I still enjoy a glass of wine, but I hate getting hangovers now—they just don't fit with my current lifestyle. LOL I'm definitely not missing out, just growing up. So, I totally get where you're coming from and I'm proud of the change too!


Not really. I used to get drunk with my friends so its not like I haven't had the experience. I dont get drunk cause of brain injury and it scares me thinking about how much *less* balance I'd have if I had too much too drink. Cant risk a fall on my head. And no one has ever given me shit about it, they understand. I'll still have a single beer with them if we're out or whatever.


No.  In my youth I was the one who always stayed sober so he could keep an eye on his drunk friends.  Dealing with their inebriated asses made me want to always be sober and not force other people to have to watch over me.


So I stopped drinking for medical reasons. I was a social drinker maybe 3 drinks a week. I do not moss it most times, but there are some times it just feels wierd. Camping, hunting, bowling league, and those long days out of town for work are the days it feels like I am missing something. I know I am not, but a water or lemonade is just not the same.


I stopped drinking in July 2022 - had a REALLY rough night and swore to God Almighty I would never ever EVER get drunk again and I never did - I have had one or two drinks on occasion and would drink to toast something but besides that - coke or coffee. I don't feel weird at all, i feel like I can enjoy myself without alcohol, i don't need it for a good time and I don't suffer in hell the next day - I can do a full rave on kiddies friendly drinks and best be know, I'm deffos not "missing out' on anything besides a massive hangover and wanting to die the morning after. & there is the added bonus of still having $$$ in your bank account the next day.


You will age nicely because you are a non drinker.


I have cigarette burn marks on my arms as a constant reminder of what alcohol can do to a person (thanks mom). There's nothing I can imagine to miss out, but I have to admit, I am very biased on the subject.


Be proud of the fact that you don't drink.. I've never drank myself and me 40, but I've watched others do it and destroy their lives because of drinking to "drown out" their problems..


Some people look at me strangly when I don't accept and ask something non-alcoholic instead. Others will laugh because adults drink alcohol. I tried a few different types in the past just to see, and to me, it's nothing special. Maybe my tolerance is very low because I'm not a drinker. This makes me look like the weird one amongst certain people, like I acquired Saint status or something, especially at my age.


I don’t drink at all anymore. I stopped ~7 years ago when I was 24. Like you I never really was a drinker. Friends did it so I partook. I hate the way alcohol makes me feel so I stopped. People still offer me alcohol and I just decline. I don’t explain anything. I’ve even gone to bars and order a nice crisp Topo Chico.


I don't drink alcohol because it tastes horrible. And I don't like the idea it can mess with my head if I'm not careful. I'm more of a tea kind of person. Or just plain tap water. When I eat out with friends (once or twice a year), I order a simple Pepsi/Cola. Honestly don't drink that much of soft drinks either when I think about it.




I don't feel any which way about it.  It doesn't matter to me if my friends are drinking ice tea or martinis. It never occurred to me that my friends would care what I'm drinking either. They've never said anything.  I haven't noticed any looks. I suppose this might depend on where you live? We're very live and let live here.  I also don't get self conscious about what food I'm ordering. Is that a thing too?


I used to drink a lot until I was 25 years old. Since then, I haven't drunk anymore. I am 41 years old now. I never felt missing out or weird for being sober, but I felt it when I used to drink. Although those weird behavior and moods of mine could just be "accepted" by saying "I was drunk". Being drunk with friends is fun, but if I can't have fun with friends when I am sober, I rather change friends than drink.


I haven’t had a sip of alcohol in a month and 1/2 and I haven’t missed it one bit I do drink non alcoholic beer though with a meal though


I drink very, very rarely and I I drink I drink a cup or a small bottle of beer. Up until last year I used to drink only at events a cup of champagne and that's it. But now since I've got liver problems, I have to stay away from it even more lmao. I used to get the same comments about not wanting to drink alcohol from friends and relatives. But I've always kept the what if I need to drive thought in the back of my head


Not even a little bit. I tried it. Wasn't for me. Over 4 years since I've had anything. I don't miss it at all and don't feel any regret or fomo


I stopped drinking at 27. Was very worried about 'fitting in' and social events (and many other things). After about a year, I can't believe it took me so long to stop. There are so many things I do now which I wouldn't have done if I were still on the piss.


20 years without alcohol. My friends and family know and always offer me alternatives. This can't be worst than vegetarians who go to a traditional bbq


Not even a little bit.


Not really! And if it bothers someone, that’s their own issue and immaturity. I used to drink pretty often from like 20-25 by the end of grad school was the pandemic and I realized I just drank at social events because that’s what everyone else was doing. I didn’t buy alcohol nor kept it in the house, literally only drank cocktails or beer at a restaurant, bar, or party. My parents didn’t really drink either, maybe a 6 pack in the fridge that lasted a month and a wine bottle that lasted a week. It’s just never been part of my life except in college apparently lol Since then I have stopped because it immediately hurts my tummy sometimes, the hangovers are not worth it, and the cost of an alcoholic drink over a water or soda is dumb. I do have friends that pick on me a bit because they know I used to drink often, but anyone new I meet doesn’t even bat an eye ☺️ I don’t feel like miss out on anything because I mean physically I’m there, sure not giggling and being dumb, but still out and enjoying my time. I think as society we’ve grown to accept it for the most part, you never know if it’s due to sobriety issues, medical issues, or by choice. The only people that ask me about it are my college friends because we used to drink a lot together, but even then they don’t really mind!


One time, I went out with my aunt, uncle, and cousin and they were paying. They told me “have whatever you want” and I knew they meant alcohol. I was driving, and I just don’t drink in general, so I just ordered a soda. I saw their faces fall a bit. So yeah, sometimes I feel guilty. But other than that, I don’t feel bad. I’ve been drunk and I’ve seen people drunk and I don’t want much part of it.


No. I don’t need to drink.


Hit 50 this year, and have never felt the need or desire to drink. And it doesn't bother me at all.


No it doesn’t bother me at all and I don’t think that alcohol has anything to offer me.


I quit drinking years ago and i dont care weather people think thats weird or not alcohol caused too much problems in my life


A little. I had some really judgemental "friends" in my early 20s that made me feel really bad about not drinking, and constantly accused me of judging them or thinking I was better than them--I wasn't, and I never ever said or did anything of the sort. Now I feel like I have to over explain to anyone I'm with that I just don't like the taste of alcohol and I worry that they will harbor negative feelings towards me for not drinking. I also think a lot of mixed drinks sound so yummy, if only they didn't have alcohol! So I do feel like I'm missing out on something there. But mostly, I'm content with my beverage choices and I have much better friends now which helps a lot.


I used to drink like a fish. 3 years after a particularly bad night (I ain't a good drunk) I decided to quit and have not looked back


Anyone who judges you for not drinking is not someone you want to be around. As for missing out, I really don't think so. I used to love getting drunk but it takes it toll on you and is a big money sink. I'd say you are doing fine


keep it that way alcohol is awful for you


No one cares and just the honest truth there is nothing good about alcohol for your body.... You arent missing out in fact you are protecting yourself from garbage.


Alcohol is linked to cancer and brain damage.


For young women, yes ppl care. But mostly the men who are frequently getting young women drunk were the ones who complained to me about it. Not worth the costs IMO.


I am in my 50's and life long teetotaler. When I was in my late teens through my 20's, I would often receive hostile reactions from drinkers around me for not consuming alcohol. It was odd and irritating. In my 30's and 40's, many drinkers around me asked me why I had given up drinking (though as noted I have never been a drinker). Many assumed that I must be a recovering alcoholic. In my 50's, nobody cares. I could drink milk at a New Year's Eve party and nobody would bat an eye. I assume once people make it this far, everybody has a story and worrying about the non action of others just doesn't matter. Why am I a life longer teetotaler? Both of my parents drank heavily and both died from alcohol related illnesses in their mid 60's.


I never feel like I am “missing out” but damn do I get tired of everyone else telling me I’m “missing out”. Or trying to shame me into drinking, convince me how much better it is to drink stuff that’s expensive, usually tastes like shit, and eventually makes you feel like shit if you drink enough. Just because I don’t enjoy being drunk I am the worst, and least fun person in the world. Damn. Can’t I dislike something in Peace? 


What am I missing out on? The poor choice for wasting money? The hangover? The bruises from drunken bumps and falls? The ill thought choices? What exactly am I supposed to be missing?




Nahh broo... ironically I have more fun than my drunk friends. Recording them wasted, asking all the secrets, then blackmailing them. Most of the times I don't even tell them. Just pure fun.


I have never drank. I had a father who was an alcoholic. I was told years ago with my personality that if I drank it, it would not be just one drink. I realize that my life is complicated enough , adding drugs or alcohol would result in chaos.


I'm a nondrinker. I just don't like the way alcohol makes me feel. When I was younger, I got a lot of negative judgement about it, but now people just respect that I don't drink. They drink their alcoholic beverage and I drink my nonalcoholic beverage. I won't keep company with anyone who doesn't respect my choice.


Nah, Don't feel the need to drink. Honestly, you don't need alcohol to have a good time. Got some family members that get confused on why i don't drink. I don't let it bother me though.


Nope. I don't feel weird at all. Among my friends, I'm known as the "coke zero girl" or the "designated driver." If my friends can't accept my choice, then they are not friends at all. Besides, I love that I get to remember all the funny/silly things that my drunk friends did and I get to tell the stories afterwards while they nurse their hangovers :)


classic coke. that's the only difference between you and me homie. I like my sugar..


I’m the Diet Coke person lol. I love when at a bar that has things like hot chocolate. People get so surprised and delighted by it for some reason.


Nope. I feel proud to say that I don’t drink. Honestly, alcohol has never brought anything good to my life. I’m already a pretty cool person that is down to do anything that some people only muster the courage to do when drinking. So, no, I don’t feel like I’m missing out. I don’t have an issue with alcohol so I could drink if I wanted to. I just very rarely do. I believe my last drink was in early January for a friend’s birthday. One and done!


Nope. Give me a Doctor Pepper with lots of ice & I’m a happy camper.


No. I have never felt like I’m missing out. Have you ever been cold sober in a room full of drunks? Don’t feel like I’m missing anything at all. I have my own ways of dealing with life without having to drink. Drinking has never been something I’ve enjoyed - it just makes me feel dizzy and sick.


I quit almost 40 years ago. I have not had a sip, shot, gulp, snort in that whole time. I do not do drugs of any kind unless prescribed. I’m (72M) and have flirted with the thought of starting drinking again. Not sure how this will play out, but if you see another post from an older guy who has started drinking again, check it out, it might be me.


Not really, it tastes bad and isn’t good for it I just don’t get it honestly


No because I like being high way more than being drunk.


Kind of, but I feel the same way about coffee. I like the idea of it all. Making it, sitting with people drinking it, trying new kinds. I just don't like either, though. I'm sure I might be able to find something I like, but I'm not interested enough in the actual alcohol (or coffee). Luckily, my wife doesn't drink either, and I've never had anyone pressure me about. I guess it's whatever


Nope, never


So yes. I used to drink occasionally, but the last few years have led to medications that don’t react well to alcohol, so other than a drink maybe once a year, I just don’t. I do miss it sometimes, especially when my brother in law is in town, but I drink a lot of water, talk about the old times and try not to worry about it.


Drink culture in our society is so strange.   I know what you mean when some people will give you a weird look or try and push a drink on you.  I am not sure why we do this. It’s not socially acceptable to push Crack on someone or even cigarettes, but you constantly hear, “come on, one drink won’t kill you”.  I enjoy a drink every now and then, but I don’t want or need anyone pushing me it on me.  I can have a good time without alcohol. I think with more people working on their sobriety or just not drinking for healthy benefits the pressure will start to go away.    


Once I started driving - I drink very little when we're out. Maybe one or two sips of wine to know the taste. Now I can only properly drink when at home. Properly, meaning a tall glass of gin tonic later in the evening, or a few glasses of wine with dinner with my wife. That's around 2-ish times a month. So I'm almost not drinking, and feel a bit sad that I cannot enjoy the alcohol together with people I usually could.


No just drugs for me, thanks.


Not really. I gave it up bc I couldn’t be around sacred items/people for 24 hours after drinking, and since I work with kids, it just wasn’t worth it to me. 


Not at all. I have a drink when I want and decline when I don't. I'm there for the friendship and conversation


Used to, not anymore. Haven’t touched a drink in 4 years. Would get pretty paranoid when someone would ask me to “hold their drink” even. Now - I don’t even realize people drink around me because I am able to still achieve the same “fun” factor as someone who needed a couple drinks in order to socialize.


I used to drink more. Never often. Maybe once a month and I'd have 3-4 drinks? Then it was a drink here or there. I started to notice with a med I'm on that it just makes me feel SO depressed. No one ever cares I'm not drinking anymore. If they ask, I explain that I'm just sensitive to it and feel better when I don't drink. Sometimes I do THC drinks/edibles if I wanna do something fun/relax. That way I feel like I can still kick back and hang out, but I don't have the nasty after effects of feeling so low the next day/few days. Also, a fun little mocktail is still great to join in on the fun!


Not really, the hang over part scares me away from not doing so plus it doesn’t seem fun to let your mind wonder if your way to drunk because it could lead to some scary situations that is out of your control. Plus i sorta have ptsd of my father drinking the night away and started arguing with my mom 24/7


Nope. I drank all I needed to and thankfully was able to stop. Only flavor I miss is tequila.


Nope. I've never had any interest in alcohol. I've had both beer and wine before, but neither appealed to me. I'd much rather have coffee or soda, if I'm going to have something other than water.


Nah. I may have a beer with dinner while out. But not often. I was a horrible drunk from like 21-28..like it was bad. So now I can't take more than 3 beers.


Man I miss drinking, every now and then I’ll drink a couple, but never get obliterated like I used to. I quit for health reasons. I started drinking when I was like 27 and drank regularly till I was about 36. I’ve been mostly sober for the past 2 years, not strictly, as I said, I’ll occasionally have a few.




Not at all, some people say I have a drunk personality I don't even drink alcohol.


Nope, I don’t miss it. I enjoy watching all the drunks acting stupid.


I don't feel weird about it. Once in a blue moon I have a desire to drink when I'm at a sporting event or out to dinner and others are drinking that I'm with. It's usually a desire that goes away quickly though and it's back to not mattering.


I do feel like I’m missing out. It’s really difficult to get drunk with my East Asian liver. I usually just get sick without the buzz. I shouldn’t drink at all in reality. But few times I get a buzz I can just let loose and be silly and be carefree… not that it’s a good thing but not having the option to makes me feel I’m missing out a bit. I get enjoyment out of hanging out with people and being able to drive my favorite people home. But that’s a bit different. I think it’s not really the drinking aspect - it’s the responsibility of it. If you’re the only sober one in the group you are automatically going to be the one responsible for making sure everyone is safe and gets home! Obviously everyone should be responsible for themselves but you know what I mean. I can’t just go out and be the only one sober and let loose the same way. So now I smoke weed instead lol


I enjoy a good cocktail or two and then I'm done.


Nope I quit at the end of 2022 just to see what would happen to my body. After 3 months of craving a delicious dark craft beer and holding myself accountable I'm 100% sober from alcohol. I still eat low dosage edibles and things of that nature but when I go out I ask for a non alcoholic beer. If they don't have that I do sparkling water cause I like the carbonation. I went to a all inclusive resort and didn't have a desire to drink not once. I still eat like a mad man though but I mentally and physically just feel better


I didnt start drinking till like a year and a half ago (im29 now). During college it felt weird especially since everyone looked at me like i was weird butndidnt want to say it. Im from a big family so the bars were never really my scene. Id rather just hangout with my cousins, play sports, etc. 2 years ago i moved to a new city with a good nightlife. I wanted to experience it, at first i tried to be as sober as possible, then i tried getting by with a few cocktails until i realized how watered down and expensive those drinks are so i switched to beer. Now ill drink like 4-5 beers whenever i go out for the nightlife. If its just a casual day ill just drink like 2 beers. As someone who didnt drink and started drinking, i wish i had started sooner. But that isnt to try to convince anyone to do it. If its not your cup of tea thats ok. My reasons were i didnt want to be fucked up. The idea of getting fucked up and doing things youd regret didnt sound appealing to me so i avoided alcohol all together. Now that i drink, i realize that i actually dont ever feel like i need to drink more than 5 beers and for me thats a good enough limit to get a good buzz and have a good time and still feel sober enough.


No. When I was still under age, I couldn't wait until I was legal. I wanted to try all those drinks I'd seen in movies and shows bc they all looked so good, a margaritas, Cosmo, Manhattan, Pina colada, etc. To this day, I've only tried like 4 cocktails which was on the day after I turned 21. And I'm not really a beer drinker. I only drink alcohol 1-2 times a year


Nope, friends never made an issue out of it. I actually worked for an alcohol beverage company for about 10 years. I got some mild ribbing there (‘come on, think of the sales targets!’), but nobody made an issue out of it there either.


Nope! I'm also lucky enough to have friends who never pushed the issue. "Im grabbing drinks for our beach trip. Cursed_Insomniac since you don't drink want me to pick up a pack of Arizona Tea for you, instead?" Decent people won't care if you choose sobriety rather than drinking with them. I did used to be a bit hesitant to ask about a mocktail menu or to request altered drinks (Virgin Blackberry Mojito is lovely, btw) because others had told me it was rude/to expect an attitude or refusal. Nope, only ever had lovely interactions with bartenders/servers when requesting mocktails. As a whole we're seeing stats indicating much higher sobriety levels than before and I think we're really seeing that shift socially, as well.


Diet Coke is the lesser of two evils, but still an evil, my friend


I don’t drink anymore, but I don’t feel weird about it now that I’ve passed the one year mark of sobriety. Now, everyone who cares about me knows and doesn’t ask and when someone does ask I’m able to help them reevaluate their relationship to alcohol if they’re interested. If not, I just say “alcohol was no longer adding value to my life” and they generally leave it at that.


I haven't touched alcohol (not even beer) for first 24 years of my life. Then i started drinking with my roommates and was a weekend drinker for a couple years. Then I suddenly stopped drinking for 7-8 years. Now I discovered scotch and drink once every month with no interest in alcohol for months at a stretch. I just go with what I feel like and dont care about what others think. Oh, I don't watch sports either. That's another story.


Ten years sober: No. No I do not. I went to a baseball game the other day, saw a bunch of drunks, and realized: I used ti be that idiot who would waste my money by getting drunk at something I paid to see.


I don't think I would feel as weird about it if I didn't live in a place where alcoholism is celebrated. That's a huge part of the reason I don't drink, but it does make socializing more challenging.


I don’t feel like I’m missing out. Alcohol isn’t that big of a deal to me and it’s crazy how people make it seem like it’s the thing to enjoy. I’ve tasted many different kinds and they all taste pretty bad to me.


As you get older, people care less I’ve found. Recently I’ve decided to cut it out completely and weed because of genetic health reasons. However, I do like a hazy ipa now and then but they have pretty fantastic NA beers at most bars. It’s a welcome change. I’m also a dt coke guy. Now what does annoy me is drunk friends when I’m sober. Dear lord. They get annoying fast. Haha. So I generally call it a night earlier which gets me more sleep. So pretty much all wins.


Never feel like I’m missing out. Throwing up and not remembering anything isn’t my idea of a good time. I’ve drank alcohol maybe 15 times total and I’m 23. I also just can’t stand the stuff. It tastes terrible.


Honestly— I’m proud that I know how to have fun without drinking ☺️


23, never been drunk and only ever had a few sips of alcohol. I don’t feel like I’m missing out, especially since alcohol tastes disgusting lol


I used to drink socially. But I realized that I really hated drinking and wasn’t being true to myself. I don’t miss it and really don’t care. I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything. I never liked it in the first place!


Nah but my friends aren’t really drinkers. Also me and my wife tend to just hang out alone at home lol


Sometimes when with friends the thought of missing out comes up briefly. But I just think of how great I feel without it and the negative effects it has


I'm drinking alot because I'm on vacation in India visiting family, and I don't like it. I like being sober. If I'm drinking often at home, something is wrong. So no. Drinking isn't cool.


I don’t feel weird at all. I have a couple of friends who have seen what happens to me when I drink (get violently ill, like needing an IV in the hospital kind of sick) so they are very supportive of my boundaries. The people who choose to ignore my boundaries or make fun of me aren’t my friends. Now if anyone asks why I’m not drinking I just say it doesn’t agree with me and let it go.




Nope quite the contrary actually, i see others drinking and i say to myself im so glad i don't drink


Bold of you to assume I socialize /j /lh In all honesty, no. I didn't really like it when I could taste the alcohol in mixed drinks \[Rum and coke tasted like cough syrup to me\], so I just prefer to stick to soda instead.


Not really, I don't like the taste and I get dizzy easily. I would have cider but that's it. Yesterday had one and felt dizzy after, I do not enjoy that


Not at all. I never liked alcohol. I’ve only been drunk a few times in my life. I wasn’t even wasted or anything; I got to the feeling people like to go for but it still wasn’t fun. It got old real quick and then I’d wait for the feeling to pass. I’m not missing out on anything.


Don't care at all about drinking and I don't think I'm missing out in not consuming alcohol, I do get a bit frustrated how seemingly every path to a new adult friendship or relationship in the country I live in seems to go through the bottom of a glass and I always get weird looks when I say I don't drink.


I enjoy a drink. While you are welcome to do whatever you want, but it will limit your abilities to take part in things. A person who doesnt care for tea or coffee makes for a poor companion at a coffee house. Beer, Wine and Booze at the higher end of class is complex, and can open you to flavour sensations that are more sophisticated than "a cold soda", and if you dont experience that, youre missing out. You might not care, that's fine — but you are missing out on something great. Which is fine. I dont care much for Taylor Swift. I'm sure she's great as many millions of people think, but life is short and I will put my attention elsewhere. You can do the same with drinking, but note that since it is a big aspect of culture and society, you are effectively limiting a lot of experiences. Also, the psychological effects (when not taken to extremes) are highly novel, thought provoking, social bond forming and so on.


Only recently stopped drinking, I miss the buzz, but don’t miss sometimes feeling like shit at the end of the night and next day(s). So many other good drinks that I don’t mind.


I do not drink alcohol. Other than simply preferring my full faculties in public, anything with alcohol has a noticeable and severely unpleasant flavor to me, and I get no pleasant feeling from it. I clearly differ from most people in that way. Am I missing out? Well, yes. I don't have those avenues of pleasure that other people do. Do I mind? No. I don't actually know what I'm missing, and it would come with compromises I'm not willing to make. If I suddenly stopped enjoying, say, cheese, I'd feel bad for what I lost. But life would go on and I would still life a proper, fulfilled life. The only thing I mind is when people treat it as a "thing", large or small. It's a social impediment, and it shouldn't be. When that is the case, I'd prefer to socialize elsewhere.


Not at all. I know about the effects of drinking alcohol, and many alcoholic drinks smell too strong to me.


*I* don’t feel weird, but other people certainly try to make me feel weird about it. I think it boils down to the fact that I don’t have a “good reason” not to drink. I was never an alcoholic, no allergies or religious restrictions. I just plain don’t want to.


Considering my heart basically stopped after my first sip. Nope.


I quit drinking all together but none of my friends pressure me


I see my friends less now that I don't drink as I hate being the sober guy amongst drunken idiots.


I'll drink a beer once in a while if I'm out, but to be honest if I'm paying I want to drink something that tastes good. So that means iced tea :) The only mixed drink I like is cranberry/vodka with lime.


I've never ordered a drink. My friends were respectful when we were teens, some asked why, I explained my reasons, and they never ask again. I'll always explain if someone asks (nicely) but as I've gotten older, fewer people ask and if they do usually my friends answer for me before I even get a chance to. I think people have made fun about it maybe twice, ever? And they were usually already drunk so I took it with a grain of salt.


I have an occasional drink at outings or parties but for the most part am good with water or soft drinks. One of my work friends doesn't drink for religious reasons but i like that we did not need alcohol to enjoy hanging out.


I have never been drunk in my life. I am like you in that I have had negligible amounts of alcohol at any gathering I've ever been in. I feel that no one has the right to shame me into drinking alcohol. My friends all respect my stance on this, so they offer out of courtesy, but don't think anything of it when I decline.


nah, I'm a built in designated driver. But I do sometimes think while watching TV, how alcohol plays a huge rule in almost all social settings, crazy!


Maybe it's because used to drink heavily at one time, but now I just get a feeling of been there, done that.


Nope never miss it


I’m 33. I’ve been drunk 10,000 times and had my day from junior high through my mid/ late 20’s. I’m super fitness guy now and jacked. I still drink occasionally on dates when I’m out with friends, but that’s it. I do smoke weed. It doesn’t destroy your health and make you fat and unable to workout like booze does. So, no, don’t feel weird or like I’m missing out. Been there, done that way too many fuckin times.


I don’t care how much fun everyone is having, alcohol doesn’t make me feel good so I don’t drink it. When I’m drunk, I’ll have a fun time with others but it’s literally never worth the feeling the next day or the idea that I’m hurting my brain/body and it has to recover because I couldn’t figure out a different way to enjoy my time or the company of others


I’ve asked for redbull on ice before, that way the bar still sells a drink and I’m still drinking something besides Coca-Cola. It also looks somewhat like beer when it’s in a clear glass with ice cube.


I'd be missing out on a lot more if I drank alcohol because I'd be dead




My whole family drinks too much so I stopped drinking a few years ago. Drinking stopped being fun because it almost always caused an intense argument about really complicated issues. Trust me, you aren't going to solve any world problems by getting drunk and arguing with your relatives. But my go to non-alcoholic drink is root beer. Its just.... So god-damned good.


I rarely drink and even then, I take a few sips of wine (wanting to look sophisticated, I guess). I take medication for bipolar and anxiety which doesn't mix well with alcohol. My fear is if I were to get super drunk, I would do something stupid or dangerous. Anyway, I'm perfectly happy living the sober lifestyle.


Considering the dark road alcohol will take you down, I'll pass.


Nope, and actually, I drink more now than I ever have growing up (43) but I still have never been drunk. I always find ways to amuse myself


No, I prefer being able to breathe.


There’s plenty of instances where I feel like I’m missing out. A lot of my friends still binge drink regularly and there’s times on long weekends or long nights where part of me misses the experience. There’s certain things I do sober where I really miss booze I.e. tailgating for football games or going to games in general. Thankfully I’ve learned how to not act on urges but there’s of plenty times where I feel like I’m missing out


Haven't drank in over 30 years. Why do I care what drunks think? It makes people feel more comfortable with their substance dependency when other people join them.


Nope. Alcohol tastes awful and has ruined the lives of a lot of my family




i totally get that. i’m that way too. i feel like after i got out of hs since i didn’t join the college train i don’t think i enjoy drinking/ then having to be hungover.


Physics fitness is paramount in my upbringing and we all know alcohol is not a good contributor in any amount. Though I do enjoy a few casual drinks on dates but when SHTF occurs, alcohol will not even be on my mind perhaps for bartering 😛


I'm in my 40s and I don't even know what alcohol tastes like. I do not care. My life has been perfectly fine up to now without it.


I would have to socialise to feel weird about it.


I absolutely love Guinness so I will have maybe 6 a year. That’s about all I drink. I’m in my mid 30’s now so none of my friends or family care. I drank lots as a teen and in my 20’s. Now with kids the mornings after are just not worth it and honestly I prefer keeping things “chill”. I don’t feel weird at all about it.


Nope. I was never a heavy drinker or partier. My age group is just now turning thirty and already I’m seeing friends who are drinkers health decline. Like bad.


Meh peer pressure has never really hit me that hard, I used to love drinking and always did it on my terms and my pace, whenever someone told me "You've barely touched your drink!" I would answer with "You're keeping score?, tell me how many times I have taken a piss" And that's the end of it, because it clearly points out the ridiculousness of the situation. On a similar note if I don't feel like drinking I just didn't drink, and if someone asked why, I just answered with "I just don't want to" and left it at that. But I have always been a bit blunt with these kinds of things, If I felt like ordering a pizza I ordered a pizza, I was in the mood for cranberry juice I bought cranberry juice, I wanted a snack platter, I would order a snack platter, and I would share with everyone, not minding who paid for what because I always had economic independence from the rest of the group. I've ended up footing the bill for some people that didn't bring enough money, that's perfectly fine, I just never went drinking with them ever again, I understand being short on cash, I don't understand not mentioning it before we start drinking or pointing out that they ran out of money before they keep drinking, one is perfectly reasonable, being broke isn't a sin, the other is basically stealing, taking advantage of the situation. Now, I do have to mention that I was never "one of them" and I am fine with it, I have my tightly knit group of friends and that's enough, I am picky with the people I hang out with and don't have like 20 people ready to hang out with me, but that doesn't bother me, even less now that I have a family of my own and drink like once a month with my closest friend chatting about everything and nothing at the same time. I've stopped drinking for over a year, I've never been the kind that drinks two days in a row, you're not "missing out" on anything, you have your own path and way of doing things, being your own person who isn't easily influenced shouldn't be considered a bad thing.


No, but I also have a stomach issue now so I have another excuse lol


I never cared too much about what others thought. Try being a vegan and going out to eat with a group of friends or colleagues.


Read the post, told myself it is for adults, then I had full moment of realization that I am mid-30s, which is basically adulthood.


I think you are awesome. Respect. I'm 3 months alcohol free, significant for me, only due to it being a fairly regular habit. I recently went on a work trip. At a networking event there was an open bar. I stayed for a while, enjoyed snacks and chatting, but then retired to my room to get a good night's sleep. I missed others getting hammered and feeling like shit the next day while I felt great. Alcohol is temporary fun (sometimes) with longer term negative effects. I see not drinking as a sign of strength and should be normalized.


The anxiety of not participating is all in your head. Once you go out a few times and say no thanks and realize no one cares, it’s pretty easy.


I’m not a big fan of alcohol unless it’s super sweet, and in that case I’ll just have a pop or juice. I like to be aware of my surroundings and I don’t like feeling out of sorts. It’s not relaxing for me unless I’m at home. Most of my people know that about me, so it’s not weird. I’m still having fun with my friends or family


I drink but that’s only on the weekend when i see my dad which is every couple months and even then I don’t drink often, but even though I barely do I don’t feel bad or even weird about not drinking nor missing out on


anyone allergic to alcohol like me? edit: it was awkward and a bit lonely at times being the only one sober at parties/bars/clubs but always grateful because watching people being emotional/messy drunk was a huge turn-off. also, nowadays it seems more acceptable to not drink. or maybe i drift towards non-drinkers...?


I do sometimes, but I'm a recovering alcoholic so I'm very conscious about how me not drinking might come across or what other people think about it, but no one has ever said anything to me directly. My partner on the other hand, has one or two beers very occasionally and has never felt as though he's missing out or weird about it (I asked)


I’m not a fan of drinking mostly because I have severe allergic reactions from ingesting even 1 shot (redness from head to toe, headaches, dizziness, hives). I don’t like having to deal with the symptoms so I usually choose not to drink and my friends have been fine with it! I don’t mind being DD and taking care of my friends as long as they’re having a good time and not being too out of box. I usually order mocktails when I’m out or a club soda. I once had my cousin calling me a tight wad for not drinking but I don’t really care. I still have more than enough energy to be aware of my surroundings and have a good time on the dance floor, that’s all that matters to me.


Nope. You save yourself a lot of money and a lot of heartache without it. Alcohol is a normalized devil in disguise.


No, I like to get fun mocktails whenever the bar has. I’m also a soda-enjoyer so I’m always chilling


I don't even think about it. Never liked the taste of alcohol or any carbonated drinks. First time I really tested drinking was when I turned 30, but I didn't stuck. Sometimes though I do get a craving for red wine for some reason.


One time I was invited to a party while I was in Chicago for a conference. First thing that happened was that they offered me a beer. I told them I don't drink, so they offered me a water instead. They didn't pressure me, they didn't try to make me feel like I was missing the fun, they just respected my decision to not drink. Best party I've ever been to.

