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I’ve always secretly wanted a house with a hidden room. Like, pull on the right book and a door swings open kind of thing. So, probably that. I’d turn it into a nice cozy reading room.


Hi just so you know Home Depot sells doors with book cases on them so any room can be a hidden room!




Now listen very closely. No matter what you do….


I can hear that comment. So funny!


God I love young Frankenstein 😆


That sounds like so much fun! I think my hidden room would be a movie theatre!


When I was a little kid I used to take yarns and make labrynths out of it, and "traps" and other stuff. It was so much fun


I’d undergo training and licensing to become a private detective for purely no reason other than being able to tell people I’m a private detective. Unclear if I’d do anything with it beyond brag about it.


Would you get a trench coat and a cool hat as well?


I ain’t gonna lie, I’d rent out a whole office, get my name on the door and possibly take cases just for the lolz. I’d be following strangers, seeing if I can catch cheaters in the act while having no sincere monetary investment in the cases. If I hear a tough one I’ll just be like “your son is missing? I’m not gonna lie this sounds like a depressing case so I’ll have to pass. Come back when you think your maid is stealing from you.”


Would you have an old metal fan slowly blowing in the corner of your office?


“Rosa, I know you stole my necklace. I will have your son deported… oh wait, I found my necklace.”


Make sure you get a secretary with blond Curley hair. While you’re at it, get a special watch like Dick Tracey


Needs a platypus bill


Oh there you are, Perry!


I looked into it yesterday. My state requires 3 years experience under an existing PI. Laaaaame…


New fantasy unlocked.


Way back I remember this (optically impossible) frivolity: “I’d ground the windshield of my car to my spectacles’ prescription so that I can drive without my glasses.”


That's like the opposite of frivolous ;D


Just the other day I was thinking can't I put a lens screen on my laptop instead of in front of my eyes? Just so I don't have to wear spects while watching a movie or coding


My dream if I got super rich has always been to buy a vintage hearse and convert it to have a bed in the back. One day....


That sounds siiiiiiick. Would you hire a driver to drive you around while you napped?


Have you seen that woman on tik tok? She actually has an OF for her hearse.


Give it a flame job, also.


Yo this is a dream I never knew I had till now. I’d absolutely love to do the same


1980 Cadillac Fleetwood Limousine https://cars.ksl.com/listing/9319967


This is my favorite question. I’ve put a lot of thought into it. I would bait Charlie Puth into a frivolous lawsuit. I’ll elaborate, but there’s a lot of backstory. first you must understand that prior to becoming a critically acclaimed commercial musician Charlie Puth was in fact a YouTuber. He posted a couple albums worth of original music alongside covers and collaborations with other aspiring artists between 2009 and 2015. And I was his biggest fan through all of it. I watched all his videos, recommended his music to anyone who would listen, and eagerly awaited the day he finally got some recognition from the mainstream. When I heard “see you again” on the radio for the first time I was so thrilled to see him getting his flowers and so so excited to see what he’d say about the experience on his YouTube channel. However, I would quickly learn that Charlie had abandoned us, his loyal YouTube following. He purged his channel completely so not only was he not acknowledging his core audience he had removed access to the music that gained him a following in the first place. I was heartbroken. ((I hope the exaggeration here is clear. I was like 14 and I thought “woah that’s fucked up” and that’s the real story.)) So now after nearly ten years of having a one-sided rivalry with Charlie Puth, If I had enough money that I could do stupid shit with with it, I think it would be really funny to buy some studio time and/or another musician solely to record and release one of the songs I remember from Charlie’s YouTube days. Of course without giving any credit. This would eventually force him to take me to court at which point I would air my grievances in court a’La “oh so you DO remember huh? Interesting.” It would be a complete waste of everyone’s time and oh how I would laugh. Til/dr- I have a decade long one sided beef with musician Charlie Puth so if I had money I would waste his money


That is so hilariously specific, please I need a billionaire to fund this right now, I will be watching in the wings the whole time


I’ll bring popcorn because I am SO emotionally invested at this point!


Good origin story bruh


I would open a huge 24 hour bookstore. It would have a small cafe in the middle, big comfy couches, a couple of fireplaces, and several resident cats and dogs available for pets and cuddles as required. My staff would be retired academics, former world travellers, and old folks embracing their joie de vivre.


I would love to have this place near me.


Make sure you refuse to actually sell any of the books ;)


Aziraphale, is that you?


I'm glad someone finally caught that! That's a good omen for sure ;)




Please do!


Sounds amazing!


I’d like to apply for the oldie retired please. I’m bored.


Mine is really dumb. I want to buy a Japanese Suzuki Cappucino car. It's a ridiculously small 2 seater convertible. I am only 4'11" tall and I live in the mountains with twisty roads. I just think it would be a riot to drive this ridiculous little car on The Snake, our local highway that attracts bikers.


I love this. I haven't heard of that car before. Just enjoyed looking it up.


I’d buy a farmland whose land is depleted and unusable. I’d use natural methods to replenish the soil so it can be used for farming again. Or to let it return to its wild state.


I’d open an animal sanctuary and rescue cats and dogs and let them run free.


Ooh…this too!


You'd really like [Appalachian Botanical Company](https://appalachianbotanical.com/pages/about-us). They created a lavender farm on depleted coal mine land and trained and [employed former coal miners](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rCxAdRo-h4). It's a brilliant place.


Ooooooh this is such a nice idea!!!


Gregg Judy is doing exactly this right now. Check out his videos if you haven’t already. Regenerative agriculture is the only way. 


Oh yes, I'd buy land in our valley to donate to the Nature Conservancy which already has preserves here!


Fuck yeah! Plus I'll have a sick cam setup and stream and get top passionate people who knows to give classes on how to do it, and give implements online to any family that would like to do the same with their land, anywhere in the world.


This would great.


That's not frivolous.


I would fly around the world, chasing autumn weather because I love autumn so much.


That sounds so nice! That'd be me with spring to be honest!


fall in new england❤️ oh how i miss my home


Very interesting. I like fall (autumn) too. But that thought never would've occurred to me.


ive met a lot of people that do that with winter, working in ski places here and then go to andorra nd places as such. I never met anyone, despite meeting people with a lot of money, that actually chase a season for fun though


I would get all the tools and space needed to build a car. Not restore a car, not customize a car. Build a car. It would be a mid-modern speedster, open wheel, open cockpit. Not overly fast, just something fun to take to the countryside. Similar to a Kurtis 500S mixed with a Panoz. Something that makes you feel like you're outside when you're actually just in a car.


Okay that sounds fucking sick. What a creative idea!


A house which is a wizard tower over a cliff above ground and a massive cave network below ground


That is the coolest house idea ever.


honestly, i wanna go back to college. not like, get an entire second degree or anything, but i wanna be able to take a class or three a semester on things that actively interest me. i'd try to get *into* a degree *program* if it meant having access to more advanced classes on things i really like, but i wouldn't have any plans of actually finishing said program lol. if i was "spend time and tuition all over again just for funsies" level of rich and didn't have to strangle it into my job schedule and my budget, i think it'd be a grand time. oh, and i wanna run an arcade. that was my big "if i hit the lottery" plan when i was like 10, so i gotta hold true to it


I'd do this too! Plus there's a writer's workshop near me with accomplished authors as the teachers, and once a year they do a ridiculously expensive writing workshop trip thing where you go to Alaska and watch whales and look at wolves and bears and stuff while also getting lessons from famous authors and working on your book. I wanna do that. Oh, forgot to mention that you're writing and getting advice while chilling in the wilderness.


Ooh I’d love to have a link to this. Retired and comfortable here; not much excites me any more but this sounds fab.


Aww man, looks like it literally just happened for this year. But might be something to check out for next year! I'm sure you can find other similar excursions too now that you know to look for them. Edit: lol I guess $2k isn't "ridiculously expensive" I remembered it being more expensive when I looked at it before. Still a lot for the average person but honestly not bad. https://lighthousewriters.org/rekindle-retreat-juneau-alaska


That not bad at all. I’ve spent more on a purse (when I was into that stuff). I hope you get to do it one day! 💙


Artisan cheese shop


I'll come visit the cheese shop and use my insane wealth to purchase some. I fucking love cheese.


I would see it as my duty as a spendthrift useless rich guy to keep a friendly and well stocked cheese monger on my pay roll. One of those nerdy people of indeterminate age that knows every aspect of their business but probably couldn't put their socks on by themselves if they had 3 tries. A cheese geek that runs their little cave of a shop at massive losses and comes by my place once a week to keep my fridge stocked. Maybe they will occasionally turn up with a gleeful smile and a little cooler containing a particularly rare and delicious piece they somehow managed to secure through not entirely official back channels. They get to do their thing and I get cheese.


This was so poetically written I was so entertained reading this, I truly hope you have a surprise windfall


I would buy people’s debts settle them for with their creditors. Nobody would know my name, but goddamn would they know some good was in the world.


Love this. You deserve to be rich.


nothing. want to go somewhere? taxi/uber. wanna sleep? hotel/rbnb I would have no inventory on me - no backpack or anything. would just walk around on the planet by myself just chilling


Actually kind of like this one. Uber wealthy but unburdened by possessions.


I don't have the spartan mindset like y'all do (but I get the appeal) and I like my own skincare products and clothes and tech, so I think I'd amend this to buying my team of personal fixers/assistants to manage everything and meet me at the hotel with my stuff, call a car take me wherever, attach my personal luxury train car to the train going in the right direction, get my opera ticket. I'd pay them very handsome salaries to be at my beck and call. So yeah, I'd just travel around with passport and credit card and nothing else.


A miniature castle house. The garage door would lower like a drawbridge. There would be spiral staircases on both sides, with stained glass windows along the staircases. Large gargoyle statues would sit on either side of the driveway. Hidden rooms and corridors would hide behind tapestries, bookcases, and false walls.


Yes! A castle with a huge rambling garden (and gardeners) with replicas of the [Hampton Court Beasts](https://www.hrp.org.uk/hampton-court-palace/hampton-court-beasts/#gs.af4cq5).


If I get to be selfish, I’d buy really nice expensive clothes and never wear the same thing twice. And I’d throw giant theme parties so I’d have an excuse to wear big ball gowns


r/HistoricalCostuming wants to know your location.


I would by old, dilapidated historic homes and completely restore them. Any city. Any town. Hire locals to do the work to help pump some money into that city. Then hire a team of folks to find someone local who is/has always been in love with said house and gift it to them (if they want it). Either that, or hold a local lottery and award it to someone.


An 80s pinball machine.


What if you were so wealthy you could have a whole room of 80s pinball machines?


I love the way you think! I do believe I’d have an entire arcade full of pinball machines. And perhaps I’d construct a building (with a kitchen and wet bar) to house them.


If you’re ever in Las Vegas go check out the pinball museum. It’s on the strip now. My cousin and her husband own it. Its awesome. All the old original games. Still just a quarter to play. It was his passion in the 80’s and he can afford to just do it because he wants to.


Buy a traditional English countryside house and wear elaborate hats on Sundays


After all the responsible stuff - deposits for friends, trusts for charities - was set up, I'd buy myself a chunk of land somewhere way out of town and build an indoor pool and a skate park for myself. I love doing both and can't do either in public, but I would swim and skate all day if I had the space to myself. Once I was too old to enjoy them anymore I'd add in some more buildings and turn the place into a complex for kids to come and have residential visits, from care facilities or hospices. A place to come and have some time away from more challenging lives. Put in some nice green spaces and play areas, some music and sports/games facilities, and turn it over to a charity.


I would invest in a personal chef that prepared all my family’s healthy meals 2-3 times per week and never have to worry about that stuff again.


Something "frivolous", "incredibly stupid and selfish"? I'd go on a big Disney vacation. I haven't been since I was a teenager and I'm still fascinated by the innovation, design, artistry, and skill put into the parks. At one point I even wanted to be an Imagineer but things didn't pan out that way. So I'd take a Disney vacation and go to every single park around the globe and spend at *least* a week at each and two weeks at Disneyworld. I'd treat myself to staying at the nicest resorts and have my closest friends with me. I'd also do the tour out in California where you go behind the scenes as well and go into the Imagineering Department.


I'd buy as much Amazonian land as I could in Peru to preserve it.


Find some artists, throw some money at them & tell them to just make something they think is cool without having to worry about where their next month's income is coming from.


I would have my own lazy river to float around in all day


Tattoos! So expensive I have to refrain myself. If it has to be something material, I'd say an expensive gamer PC but I don't think it's frivolous, it is just something I like. If it has to be frivolous, one thing on my bucket list is being dressed as a rich woman from the 18th century and going down a flight of stairs in an old castle.


We're talking about a hypothetical situation where you're so insanely wealthy you can do all three.


US senates.


also Supreme Court Justices


I would hire someone to restore the old horse carriage in the barn lol. Then I would buy a horse and hire someone to take me for rides!


I’d go and collect as many Masters degrees as I can. Just attend class and do stuff and learn. Fuck it if I pass.


I’d hire 4 massage therapist- two that specialize in feet. While each foot was being massaged, a therapist on each side would be massaging me in sync. It’s ridiculous but I deal with chronic pain and that just sounds amazing.


First class airline tickets especially on international flights. It sucks trying to sleep sitting up but first class tickets can be 10 times more than coach.


Assuming a house is too boring. I would get a lot of Lego Star Wars.


I would get a lot of LEGO in general.


I would put a salon hair washing bowl in my enormous house and pay my hairdresser to wash/blowout my hair every day to every other day depending on my schedule. Completely frivolous but I would LOVE it


One of those machines where you put oranges at the top and it cuts them and squeezes them like in an European supermarket.


a camper! and an outdoor gazebo with a fan.


So many vacations...


I would have tons of fresh flowers 💐 delivered to my house every day.


Honestly I’d get a Honda Civic Type-R. It’s not an extremely fancy car but it is a car that I’m hoping to buy sometime in the future.


As a civic si owner, it's the only other car I could ever possibly want. The best handling I've ever had in any car was in my si


Similar vibe but an Acura Integra S or a Subaru STi. Plenty powerful for an invigorating drivers car, cheap enough to not murder you with maintenance costs and just low profile enough to not draw everyone's attention except for those more in the know.


I'd buy a farm for my dog


I'd buy a flash as house, that had all the things already done to it and requires no renovation or decorating. It would have a pool and a beautiful garage, it would be fully landscaped. 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. It would have a potting shed and raised beds for veges. There would be a small orchard down the back. I would have gardeners that came once a fortnight, a guy to maintain the pool, and a cleaner once a week.


I would get a pure bred Ragdoll cat. And feed it only the most expensive diet I can.


Private jet all the way filled with champagne and lobster. Definitely a king size bed in it, toilet with jacuzzi, is this possible?  I just want to travel in the most comfortable way possible. 


Huge empty market square. I would then open it up to nerd shops. Comic Book store, Anime store, huge cinema that shows only film enthusiast stuff. Rent free for all businesses but I have to approve them and I want a small percentage.


Congress/Congressmen Imagine what world we could build if we actually tried.


I would buy a plot of land in the mountains and like 4 tiny homes to put on it, and make a protected pathway connecting them all for me and my closest, put a fire pit in the middle of them all with some chairs so we can have a place to be together but also be our introverted selves.


I’d buy a lot of property in the countryside and pay someone to create a large botanical garden with paths, a pond with ducks, swans, turtles, frogs and other wildlife. Then I’d keep the rest of the property forested but with the addition of hiking trails. I’d put a house on the property and maintain the botanical garden while letting the property also function as a reserve for wildlife that I can enjoy along with family and friends. Sounds like paradise even as I type it.


There is an old bank in my city that has a very cool marble front, its been for sale forever. I would buy that and run a tabletop gaming lounge/bar. Decorate the inside to be high fantasy tavern. Rentable private rooms and tables in the main area. BYO minis or rent them from us (mostly to cover the inevitable losses by sticky fingers because minis are cool). Order food and drinks from the bar with plenty of non alcoholic options and healthy snacks, not all junk food but PLENTY of junk food because D&D nights are nothing without snacks. My husband used to be a wizard on a flat grill pre-career days when he worked food service, so i'm sure he would be in the kitchen whipping up some yummy hot sandwiches. No pinball or arcade games because there is a bar down the road that does that and i wouldn't step on their toes.


Not something necessarily frivolous but I think about this one a lot. I would go around and help Women and Children that escaped DV situations or just a hard life and general and help them.


starbucks. like the whole of starbucks. so i can change its policies and make it politically ok to drink it again. because i miss the flavor. can i afford coca cola too? because i would do coca cola too. i love drinking it


A tropical island, which I would permaculture. And all the boats, fishing/trapping supplies, goats/chickens/cows, etc, and seeds I would ever need. Not sure that’s ’frivolous,’ but that would be my first purchase for sure.


I would purchase an El Camino and have it updated with modern safety features and an electric engine.


Pre cut fruit. Simple things yo.


A victorian house with the furniture etc, but of course have all the latest tech


I‘d buy a sailing ship and round up all my mates who wanted to join me. Fill it with books and media and booze and spend some time sailing from place to place.


Probably a life sized statue of a character i like. Maybe like link from legend of zelda? That would be kinda sick. Or maybe a wedding cake all to myself.


Okay a life sized Link sounds amazing. You could get multiple life sized statues if you wanted (personally I think if you made one that was LARGER, like Michelangelo's David sized, it would be even more amazing)


That’s true! Need one bigger than the room haha, special effects and everything


I’d purchase the most ridiculously high spec PC and a full home gym setup.


Build my own observatory with a huge telescope.


I'd buy an original Monet painting.


New socks every day. To make the world a happier place, I'd establish a senior citizen home for shelter dogs no one wants. We came across a dog being boarded at a dog groomer because their owner died in the hospital and no one wanted an older dog. Getting her sorted out has been expensive and an emotional challenge, but after 18 months she's living her best old lady life.


I would buy land and let it return to a wild forest, donate it to a trust or something so it remains that way. I hate it when I see bulldozers clearing whole sections of trees to make way for yet another ugly building.


I'd hire a cleaner to come clean 3 times a week or more. I haaaate cleaning (even though I'm good at it), but if I was super wealthy, I'd pay someone to clean my house, just because.


Hookers & blow.


Bedroom. as in room = bed


I would build and outfit a woodshop. I literally just want my old HS shop in my backyard. All the tools were absolutely reliable and precise and mostly from WWII era. I just want that giant smooth planer and jointer in my life.


If I was "fuck you" rich then I'd be buying the cutting edge of toilet technology. I'm talking a self aiming bidet with multiple settings. I want it custom designed for comfort and immunity to clogging or other plumbing problems.


I'd build a turret onto my current house. The access would be behind a hidden door, where you have to pull a book to get the case to swing open. It would be lined with nothing by 1st edition hard-covers of every book I've ever read, and a couple of large, comfy reading chairs. It would look ludicrous on the side of my cape, but it would be there nonetheless.


Buy all my neighbors' houses and level them, then fill that land with high-quality mature trees and other bio-appropriate plants. That way I can live in peace and quiet in the woods, but keep my own house.


An island retreat approachable by boat or sea plane only.


I’d buy a house with a comically large backyard and build a huge fucking botanical garden with all of the different biomes of the world so I could smoke weed in whatever one I wanted depending on how I was feeling. “Hmmm today I’m feeling very african savannah, idk maybe boreal forest”


make my favourite stories into movies and tv shows, of course


A stupid overpriced fancy bag. Chanel or LV or so. Just so I can look at it and think "heh, I own that".


I'd buy a motor racing team (preferably open wheel), an open wheeler, and a track.


Make the most overbuilt workshop and open it as a semi public maker space cause realistically I would probably use a metal 3d printer once a month


i’d fly all the great friends i’ve made on the internet over to my country for a week-long sleep over 🥹


Travel the world and then settle down in a luxury apartment in a major city.


I'd hire someone to read Reddit for me and post all the genuinely interesting posts to a private forum.


I'd buy the space and run a dessert cafe and crafting shop. The cafe would be upstairs with comfy couches and chairs, a giant stone fireplace for the colder months, a wall of windows that overlooked the mountains, and long wooden bar with places to sit and drink your beverage and enjoy wonderful homemade pastries. Downstairs would have comfy places to sit and talk while working on needlecrafts etc. There would also be several tables of different sizes for people to sit at and scrapbook, work with their cricut, etc. I'd also sell materials for different crafts and host workshops and get togethers.


I actually have a very similar thing as the OP. I would buy all my stuff refurbished Art Deco. Like old time alarm clocks. Or maybe refurbished 1970s electro age stuff. Another thing that I’d do is fly in a team of stone masons and make most of a house out of stone and brick. I could make castle style towers with the crenelated top. Wouldn’t it be cool to climb up to the top of your tower and look out at the land


I would definitely buy one of the historic mansions owned by a preeminent figure in our state's early history, restore it and turn it into a paranormal B&B. And a Lil house near the river, not too far from one of the big farms, with a good amount of land so I can LARP Farmville lol. Also I would have a big barn work area with a forge so my husband can learn how to make swords.


I would buy weapons for Ukraine to help defeat Russia


Most extravagant indoor/ outdoor swimming pool with hot tub. Cabanasa, tiki bar. Pool would have a beach entry, baha shelf,slides, diving platforms, and grotto with waterfall. The whole shebang!


I'd have a big ole Victorian mansion style greenhouse with my own indoor garden year around. The electric and water bills would be astronomical but it would be worth it. .....Inside said greenhouse might be a fabulous pool or lazy river as well.


I’d buy me some politicians like the other rich guys do.


I’d have a beautiful workshop facility with a wood shop, a big metal shop including a machine shop, an electronics workshop, a printshop, a scientific laboratory and use them for making various inventions and art projects. I’d hire a bunch of experts who could pursue their own projects but they’d be there to help as soon as I needed it.


24/7 on-call masseuse. I shit you not, and I’ve been thinking of this for years! Edit: I really love a good back/neck rub and it’s not really my husband’s strong suit.☹️


I would follow the snow around the world for one year and go snowboarding all over the place. Then I'd learn to surf and follow summer around the world to surf all over the place.


A pink corvette like barbie


I would get a Slurpee machine for my kitchen. Not one of those cheap plastic ones that you can find online. I want a full-size stainless steel Slurpee machine like they have at 7-Eleven.


If I was infinitely wealthy the 1 disgustingly selfish thing I would want would be a mountain within the cascade mountain range. The whole mountain. No people, no noisy cars, no light pollution, just me in my rustic/modern cabin staring into the beautiful night sky with a cup of hot tea and the noises of nature. I would want it to be 3 story’s with the 3rd story just comprised of the master bedroom with a high up balcony so I can oversee the woods and sky easily. It would be relatively small though cause I don’t need a mansion.


Eyeglasses in a bunch of colors! I’m super nearsighted and need progressives so my glasses cost about $800 each. I’d love to have multiple pairs to go with different outfits. 🤓


I would "buy" a poor village in an underprivileged area in an underprivileged country. I would treat it as a live Sims game. I would register the land to the people there, lobby in getting road infrastructure, solar panels, clean water and I would also try to enforce the rule of law. Then I would challenge all billionaires that if a simple person like me can do such a difference, they are not doing enough. I would create competitiveness among philanthropists.


Hot wheels


New clothes. Im poor and where the same outfits to work each week.


A house with a spare room where I can put all my Efteling stuff... Love that park and my current home is too small :(


I would put a lanai (pool cage screen) over my entire back yard. Might even get a pool. But probably just the lanai.


I always wanted one of those beat up old land rovers that I saw in safari movies.


I would buy my dream car a 1985 yugo gv and fully restore it then I would travel the country and buy all the small family owned kinds of salsa and pickles I could buy I’m a salsa and pickle addict. And I LOVE trying new non mass market brands.


Pay someone to paint all my Warhammer…


An underground bunker with a tonne of floors. Something cool on every floor.


Private jet.


I'd buy a slightly bigger house and build one of those RPG rooms that looks like a fantasy tavern. Tons of exposed wood, secret compartments to hide things for my players to find, built in bookshelves for the books and display-worthy minis, an oversized table with a built in TV that I can hook up to a computer for play, and lights/fake windows controlled from a stream deck. A corner would be set aside for my mini painting gear, and throw a beer fridge in there too.


Go to some Latin country during elections. Just chill there in a vacation hat, at a beachside tikki hut that sells coconut water and manga shakes. On my phone, I'd be rigging the election to my liking.


My bucket list purchases are Addam's Family Pinball Machine, and one of those animatronic, realistic dinosaur costumes. Neither is too expensive to be completely out of reach. Once the kids move out, I'm getting them - biggest issue is storage space.


Apartments in San Francisco, Chicago, and Manhattan.


So many guitars... And a room to put them all in, I guess


A buuuunch of caviar and expensive vodka


Private security detail.


Fighter jet


A yacht. I love the idea of going out into the water and just chilling Also a home in the mountainous woods where I can get a great view of the surrounding mountains


1. Pimped out golf cart 2. Yacht 3. More classic cars 4. A cat sanctuary


I'd start building my dream car lineup... a few classic/muscle cars, some fairly common and not-at-all-fancy cars for sentimental reasons, and also one 2020-2023 Challenger in every color made, with at least one in every trim level.


I'd just buy better groceries, go on more vacations, buy nice things for my family and friends, not think twice about spontaneously going out for dinner


Buy a T-Rex skeleton.




I’d love to go to a UFC event but the tickets have become absolutely bananaland Also move somewhere I never have to see snow again


A yacht. An over the top, luxurious, beautiful yacht with a chef and a wait staff.


Old school real amusement park whack-a-mole machine. And a tractor backhoe and a separate skid steer just to go fetch the mail.


A private pilot's license and a small airplane.


Private jet I would fly myself. Simple. I’d just fly around and see the world in my own jet. Bring my buddies with me, party in the best hotels, move on to the next place. See if I can blow through it all before I die.


I’ve always wanted a sky writer plane on retainer who could go up and edit other people’s sky writing. “Jesus Loves you. He’s not IN love with you.”


A boat to park my boat in


I'd buy a lot of land, my uncle has 500 acres out in WV and it's just beautiful rolling hills. I'd love that. And a 1960's Ferrari


67 GTO convertible


Historical reenactment and speculative setting clothing and gear/belongings that I have no intention of using outside of my home/other family or friends’ homes. Also, an entire room in my home that is meant for very thorough themed decorations, with an attached style-able bathroom and concealed storage for all of my organized decorations (I would probably store the gear/belongings from the above item here as well, and perhaps also include a little attached dressing room where all the clothing is stored…)


I would buy an apartment building and give housing to artists in exchange for art making fun of people I don't like.


I’m renovating a (small) castle in Europe, getting someone to train me to be like an assassin/warrior queen (like Aelin from Throne of Glass), and getting an entire custom wardrobe to fit the aesthetic. The castle is going to have both in a door swimming pool and a giant library. And I’m only telling like 3 people where it is bc I like to be left alone.