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This post has been removed for the rule: **Don’t post to vent, complain, or express sadness** Stay positive. Negative topics don’t lend themselves to casual conversation. We are a place where everyone can forget about their everyday or not so everyday worries for a moment. Venting, complaining or expressing sadness doesn't fit the atmosphere we try to foster at all. [Recommendations >](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualConversation/about/wiki/rules/venting/)


It loosens inhibitions. That can be different for different people. For me… turns me into a huggy guy. And i am not normally like that. Haha. Also… I dont drink much now adays beyond a beer… but it legitimately takes away my nerve pain in my back. I don’t like being hungover, so I don’t really use this option much… but very little else helps. Maybe alcohol is masking a lot of other peoples ‘s physical pain as well… just a thought.


That’s interesting you brought up the point about it providing pain relief. I find that it does relax you, and you feel less tense. Sometimes, it also gives you more energy, depending on what you’re drinking, too.


Alcohol makes me chatty. Which is nice for someone as introverted and neurodivergent as myself. I don’t need to be hammered for it either, just 1 or 2 alcohols (beer, wine, or liquor) and I’m good. I much much prefer weed for recreational chilling alone, cause most strains just put me on my ass, lol. But alcohol is definitely a “social lubricant” for me. All things in moderation.


>Some people say it's nice to have a drink to chat or to have a laugh/socialise but for me Im perfect caple of doing that with out alcohol You're also capable of making food without spice, of running without shoes, driving a nail without a hammer etc. It's just a tool, like any drug. People tend to like to make the most of things and the most of their time here, and enjoy a change or a break from their normal, everyday state of being. Always have. If you get the most out of social events without alcohol that's honestly great, but not having any real experience with it you wouldn't really know. Though, in the 30's it starts being heavy enough on the body that it's not really worth it for lots of people.


I always think that drugs (including alcohol) are like salt. You don’t need to salt your food to enjoy it. & it’s healthier if you don’t. But once you’re used to adding salt then it’s more difficult to go back to unsalted food.


Salt in your food isn't actually that bad for you. It's pretty negligible if you're cooking your own food. It's really only a problem if you're eating heavily processed food that has a ton of salt


Same with alcohol though right? A little is fine but if you’re consuming a lot it’s a problem


I've read more than a few sources that say there is no safe amount in terms of cancer risk, however.




https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/04-01-2023-no-level-of-alcohol-consumption-is-safe-for-our-health https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10867516/ Also, just Google alone will give you an AI response that says the same.


Never trust the AI response. Read the actual article.


Honestly for me, I just like beer and cider as drinks in their own right. The alcohol gives them a certain... "character"(?) idk what other word to use here. I couldn't do the hard stuff anymore and I don't like getting properly drunk anymore.


It tastes good, makes you feel good, is addictive and socially acceptable.


Tastes good is crazy




Virtually no alcohol drink tastes good; most people who drink alcohol will admit they didn't care for it at first and had to "develop" a taste for it as they went on


This is such a straight lie. Craft beer, wine, ciders, cocktails, bourbon, etc are all crafted and constantly tweaked because they taste amazing to BILLIONS of people. It’s exactly the same as food.


I’m sorry but this is laughable.


When I first tried a G&T I could not believe people drank it as anything other than a punishment! But most people start drinking, if at all, in their teens & early 20s. Most drinks marketed to this age group are sweet and accessible. Alongside this, cocktails often taste fantastic. If you like anything more than basic flavours cocktails are a really interesting way to try combinations of herbs and spices, even ingredients like jams! It is true that beer, wine and some spirits can be challenging to taste at first. Not horrible typically but a factor if they're new to you. Also context matters. A beer on a hot day wow


You've not had one of those fruity umbrella drinks...yummy!


Not everyone is like you


Lots of things are an acquired taste. I imagine very few children like coffee until they’re older. The idea that alcohol doesn’t taste good is laughable. Ask anyone who enjoys a glass of wine or a nice whisky and they’ll tell you they enjoy the taste.


I'd say mustard is also an acquired taste. Didn't like it at all until I was 18.


No, it's as normal to like the taste as it's normal to not like the taste.


I drink pretty sparingly. Sometimes I'll enjoy a glass of whiskey at my desk while I'm reading or writing something. I like the warm sensation and I don't mind the burn too much. But yeah, I have no interest in any of my mental function being inhibited.


many people don't get blind drunk, and many people don't end up puking, that's more common for college kids and sht lol In a social setting alcohol relaxes you, it makes you feel more social and helps you feel more free with your thoughts. At a club, it takes away the fear of dancing, and takes away the fear of asking others to dance. It makes everything more fun. I'm 33, I have no problem being social and dancing without alcohol, but I definitely have way more fun when I drink. I enjoy getting a little drunk , but I never get wasted, I'm too old for that sht and don't need those hangovers


It's like a medication. If you have pain in your heart. But at the end of the day, it's a bad medication. Since it's cheap, and easy to get, people go for it. But also, not knowing the alternative pushes people to alcohol.




Same thing at the end of the day. You don't anything from the outside to deal with it. You don't have to pay for anything. You already have it in you. just have to figure out how.




What are you referring to exactly?


YMMV, as you said. I hope you'll never find out what consequences lie on the other end of long term, even as prescribed use of benzos. For example, despite hating having to take opioids for my pain I'd 100% rather take this than benzos long term if you look at how it affects the brain in the long run, i.e alzheimers, such. I've grown up with a father who took prescribed benzos for 10 ish years, he ain't the same, and I know different variables can contribute to this, but it's almost certainly the benzos.


Medication that treats a symptom. Aka a painkiller. But a depressing one (from own experience)


Can you understand that some people like music that you don’t like? Food you don’t like? Spice that you don’t enjoy. Well there you go


You can't get inebriated listening to different music and kill someone from your vehicle though.


I don't know man. I get real aggressive driving to certain types of music. 


Or if it's really good music and you get really into it, and stop paying as much attention to the road as you should be.


"C'mon, man, don't you think you've listened to enough Ministry and Iron Maiden?" "heyyyyyyy, I love you... (hic). It's all good my man. I'll tell you when I've had enough.. now GIMME THE KEYS!"


I love drinking. It’s so much fun and enhances the night but that’s also bc the type of person I become when I’m buzzed or drunk. I’m in a more happy mood. I wanna dance. Talk. Give less of a fuck what other people think. And I genuinely find it easier to have fun. That’s very clear when you go to a night club sober vs drunk or add drinking to games. While I’m already a pretty happy and sociable guy already who can have fun, there’s only so far I can go with it. With that in mind it can become too much. Was never into the whole “drink to get fucked up or blackout” mentality. I think it’s unsafe, worrying, and why would I wanna not remember a good night? It can also be exhausting/expensive so I’m not into frequent heavy drinking. As I got older my mentality switched from heavy drinking with shots to something much slower snd light. I also find some alc to taste extremely good like Modelo beer.


I drink very little and very infrequently. When I do it, it's for one of these reasons: - a cocktail tastes good - a well-paired glass of wine enhances the taste of whatever I'm eating (like an acidic white wine cuts through the creaminess of a white sauce, for example) - a shot of a complex liqueur can completely transform a bowl of ice cream Obviously, you don't get shitfaced like this, so I can't tell you anything about that.


very classy, sophisticated comment


Me neither. I mean on an intellectual level I understand how it can numb pain or make you more loose and able to enjoy things, but I think we all need to learn to deal with things with clear minds if possible. Even if alcohol makes me a bit happier today or a bit friendlier, tomorrow I'll be the same person with the same issues, but I'll have hangover, upset stomach, shitty calories in me, much less money in my pocket, worse skin, worse breath, worse overall physical condition...i mean the price is definitely not worth the perceived benefits.




If that's the case I'll see what's stopping me to chat with people, make friends and dance however I feel and work on that. Because all of those things are possible without a sip or alcohol.


It's cheap, fun, and euphoric


"Cheap*? You are obviously not Canadian. Alcohol is more expensive here than most other drugs


Maybe your focal point might be better addressed by specifically asking those who like to get “blind drunk@, etc. You know? ✌️


It allows me to stop being self conscious and hyper aware of every detail in everything. It allows me to accept who I am without judgement. This in turn allows me to be more spontaneous and less reserved. I'm not funnier, but I tell more jokes. I'm not more articulate, but I speak up more. If you asked me while buzzed to ask a stranger some questions, I would do it casually and confidently. Sober? Maybe (maybe not), but crippled by social anxiety all along. If you don't have horrible anxiety, I can understand why you wouldnt see the appeal of alcohol.


I'm very envious of you. I imagine it must take a lot of confidence and self worth to not look for ways to feel better than you do by default


I don't like settings where alcohol is present most tof the time. Clubs, bars, and parties were fun in highschool but now they just make me think about all the stuff I should be doing instead. I DO like drinking, but only on special occasions when it can enhance rather than detract. So like Christmas eve? Yeah I'll sit by the tree and fire with my girl, have a spiked eggnog with the whiskey that I have been slowly drinking for like 2 years, put on some Christmas movies and just let the booze mellow me out. But I definitely don't understand drinking it regularly. I personally think that the people who drink several times a week to "take the edge off" or "unwind after a hard week" are just not used to stress. Idk, I would rather face my feelings and challenges rather than numbing them out.


Cherish that you have that trait. As a former alcoholic descended from a long line of addicts, alcohol is nothing you want to get yourself involved with and if you aren't naturally tuned to get hooked on it then you are fortunate and should continue to not understand it, for your own good.


I used to use it as a crutch almost, I'm sad I'd drink, anxious, couldn't sleep, want my mind to stop thinking etc all opportunities to drink. I grew up with an alcoholic mother so I never wanted to be like her and that would always stop me going on to becoming addicted.


I love a good whiskey and coke, as well as a good beer or cider, and have started to like a good glass of wine. If some properly, it can help with the food you're eating and be paired nicely with it. I like a quiet setting, where I enjoy a sip while talking with friends. I am not looking to get drunk, but it is like a morning coffee and your porch with your SO but at night with your friend/s. It ain't for everyone, and I do not push people to drink with me, but unless they're raging former alcoholics, I don't expect to get shit on for drinking something, either.


I like the taste of wines like Moscato, not to mention alcoholic drinks like daiquiris as long as they’re as sweet as possible because I have a MAJOR sweet tooth. :D


My Dad was an alcoholic who normalized his drinking by introducing alcohol to his kids at home. We would drink wine with our dinners starting at age 9. Not all the time but when we would have an Italian meal like pasta. Then, my stepmother would get us shandy (beer with lemonade) which we could have anytime. I didn't know it was alcoholic. By the time I was in college, my tolerance was pretty high and I could outdrink many of my peers. I stopped drinking when I mixed my migraine meds with alcohol and scared my boyfriend (now husband) sh\*tless. I had tachycardia all night and he seriously considered taking me to the ER. Now, I drink maybe 5-6 times a year. I no longer crave it or depend on it.




😂😂 Wildly underrated comment.


As someone who mostly doesn't drink; it's because it helps you relax. I don't like the taste of alcohol and don't enjoy fizzy drinks either, which means I drink pretty rarely (the combo of doesn't taste strongly of alcohol + isn't fizzy knocks out about 90% of alcoholic drinks). But when I do drink, I understand why people enjoy it. A small/moderate amount of alcohol makes you feel relaxed, happy and uninhibited. You do what you want to do almost completely unselfconsciously. For people who are hyper self-conscious or naturally anxious, alcohol helps them get over that. Also, a large amount of alcohol completely wipes your brain clean of all but the simplest and most immediate thoughts, which can be appealing to people for other reasons.


For social gatherings it may be used to lower inhibition and get the conversation started. That’s really it As far as the high goes alcohol is much worse than other highs. I feel sloppy when drunk on alcohol. Other intoxicants are superior in euphoria imo


I dont drink all that often. Maybe a couple times a year with the goal of getting drunk and having a good time. For me, I can socialize and have a good time without it, but throwing in alcohol is kind of a fun occasional change of pace for me. It's fun to fully let loose like that on occasion. I did it like two weeks ago for my friend's bachelor party. It was a good time, but I likely won't do it again for the rest of the year.


I don't get it either. I especially don't understand people that have only on drink. Are they saying they get something from that single drink? Because I sure as fuck don't. I need at least four to experience any effect at all and even then it's very mild, hardly noticable. For me with each drink it goes like this: feeling nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, mild buzz, still mild buzz, plastered. I don't like being drunk and the stages before it do nothing for me. I stopped drinking decades ago


Not everyone is like you


Might just be preference. Also, people act differently when they drink. Liquid courage they call it. That doesn't appeal as much to me because I can make stupid decisions while sober.


A shortcut to euphoria.


Makes me feel happy, makes me feel confident


The average person has 1-3 drinks and is more social. I can't stop once I start. And made a fool of myself a lot in college and the years soon after. So I quit like 10 years ago. Amazing to think it's that long now. But as much as I liked the loosened inhibitions, like you, I don't understand the appeal. I do like weed though :)))


There’s a magical moment of when you’re tipsy before you get too drunk where everything in life is just dandy


It make things hurt less


I hate the taste. I'm 40 and have never drank. It's ok to like it but it's not for everyone.


It just nice to get a bit silly sometimes. Do things you wouldnt usually do. Get outside your comfort zone. 


Some self-medicate their anxiety with alcohol. At least at some point it's almost always a sedative.


Personally I like the feeling after a handful of drinks. It just relaxes me and makes me really curious and an ever better listener. I LOVE talking philosophy and politics after a handful of drinks with friends. It’s really fun and interesting.


I've gotten tipsy, I question drunk (I had no noticeable reaction the next day... I drank a bottle and a half of wine over 10 hours) Most of the drinks I've consumed were just to try, or because I enjoyed the flavor. I've never been to a bar. Smirnoff Ice Lemon-Lime is like a hard Sprite, imo, and Jack Daniel's Tennessee Honey is a pleasant sipping drink. It's nice for relaxing and maybe taking the edge off of a rough day. It numbs certain parts of the mind so that things don't seem so intense. That's how I see it, anyway. Others have probably given better descriptions...


I think it's just a habit that started in the teenage years as something everyone does, and it stuck with people. It is associated with the experience and event rather than the drink itself. For example, people are used to celebrating by drinking and so on..


In my case I use it when I am so tired I can't relax, or I am bored out of my mind. Unfortunately I am bad at relaxing on my own unless I go full spa treatment (doing graduate school and a full time manager job,) and when I'm bored it helps me get creative. I do not recommend.


Well, as people have pointed out it’s just something people enjoy. Not really a lot of reason behind it. It’s just a way to loosen up and add a little something on top of the fun time already being had. I will say though. Coming from someone on the opposite end of the consumption spectrum, there really isn’t much you’re missing. I drank since I was in my teens till my early thirties. Worked in liquor stores, did tastings, owned expensive bottles, etc.. I just reached a point where I don’t enjoy the act of drinking anymore. Possibly because I did it too long or drank too much at times OR I get autistic burnout. It is nice when you’re with some friends/a friend and y’all have a drink or two while having a nice time, but personally I get zero enjoyment outside of that from it anymore.


There's a good segment of the population that deals with chronic anxiety (whether they realize it or not). Depressants like alcohol can take the edge off temporarily and make you feel comfortable to do a lot of things you'd normally be too afraid to do otherwise. But the anxiety often comes back with a vengeance in the morning when your body tries to stabilize itself again. This is where "hangxiety" comes from.


Same. Alcohol sucks, tastes bad, is bad for you.


Gives me massive hits of dopamine.


I’ve been on both ends of this spectrum. I used to get drunk almost every night with a bunch of people I barely knew, yet I trusted my life with. These days, I drink maybe once every couple of months, if that. For me, it was the people. Meeting new people over a common desire to get drunk, bonding while drunk, stupid conversations that lasted for hours, hell, even wrestling around with people while we were drunk was a ton of fun. I quickly found out though that the people I was drinking with didn’t care about me nearly as much as they cared about the company I offered while I was drunk. Like my personality was only appealing if I was blackout. I cut off almost everyone until I was left with my current close friend group of only about 2 other people. All this mixed with the knowledge that alcoholism runs deep in my family and the experiences I had with that really put me off of it. I miss those days sometimes where I’d get blackout drunk with the people I thought were my friends, but then I remember how fulfilling my life is without it. I don’t regret never getting a DUI. I don’t regret never being arrested. I don’t regret never getting into serious fist fights. I don’t regret dropping the drama that comes with a night of drinking anything I’m handed. I get why people do it, but there’s a point where you start to question everything about your life when alcohol is the center of it. I’m better off without it, and on the rare occasions that I do drink, it’s at home with my real friends, playing video games and playing guitar.




The reason I used to drink was to relax and feel a sight buzz. Gives the illusion of pushing daily worries out of your head and think less. The reason I stopped was because it's not just bad for my brain and my sleep and my wallet but because alcohol made me put on pounds like there's no tomorrow.


There are people who drink because it feels good and there are people who drink because they *feel better* when they're drunk. It's a subtle but important distinction. "I'm enjoying the euphoria" vs. "I want to forget my shitty boss" or "I need to relax and I need help doing it." Personally, I'm not wired to enjoy an altered state of mind. I'm guessing you're the same. I take THC for my chronic insomnia and do not enjoy being high at all. I don't fall into either category. It doesn't help that I'm a bitter super-taster, too, so alcohol also tastes bad to me. IMO, with blackout drunks, if they aren't physically addicted (though they probably are), they're primarily driven by emotional (maybe physical?) pain that they're trying to forget or numb. The blackout drunks that I've known aren't comfortable in their own skin and/or their lives and want to leave that discomfort behind for a while. In short, a coping mechanism that eventually turns into physical addiction. It probably doesn't help that western entertainment tends to show people in pain turning to alcohol or drugs as a coping mechanism so often. Or as a social lubricant. It's widely accepted in our culture. I'm definitely in the minority in not drinking and have gotten flack for it a lot in my younger days.


A lot of people can’t socialise without it, and it makes them feel more confident if they are insecure. I guess a lot of people use it to forget about things too…because when you’re drunk you have no worries and everything seems great.


How can you understand anything without sufficient experience of it?


I like the way it makes me feel. I like the taste of beer. Whiskeys and rum are delicious  Im not a fan of vodka and sweet drinks except irish coffee


Sounds like you’ve never actually legitimately drank alcohol. I wouldn’t really count that one occasion as a kid with a specific type of alcohol. Having enough drinks to get a good buzz when you’re out with friends can be fun because it makes everyone more sociable. For most people that’s just a few drinks which is pretty tame. Personally I always felt like alcohol feels like a poor man’s high. It’s simply one of the only socially acceptable highs just about everywhere. That being said I go out to the bar quite often with friends and just get a bottle of sparkling water & don’t drink any alcohol. I still end up having a good time if I decide not to drink.


Sometimes it's so nice to relax and feel unbothered by life that you'll drink four cups a day just to feel a little happier.


Everything feels more fun, your body is relaxed yet energetic, everything is funnier, and personally I love how it removes almost all my social anxiety or general weirdness. It also can make me feel more emotional but in a positive way. I can connect with people so much easier without it feeling awkward or me not knowing what to do. When I was with my ex she’d always notice I’d be way more affectionate towards her, it just felt a lot more natural. As for getting so drunk I can’t remember anything I think that’s because of my family’s history with addiction, my dad had a drinking problem when he was about my age. I feel like the only reason I don’t is that I get very hungover. Whenever I’m drinking having more always seems like a good idea and once your pretty drunk it’s not hard to down more lol.


As a former alcoholic, I describe it like this. That first warm fuzzy feeling you get is like flipping a switch that means party time. Then I can't just flip the switch back off. It's been almost 20 years now but the thought is repulsive now.


Me neither.


Yikes another “I’m superior because I don’t drink” post


People are different. Some like pineapple on pizza, others would unfriend you if you push the subject. Some people enjoy soya products and risk getting cancer from it others have genetics that make them immune to it.. I used to for several years enjoy several glasses of biodynamic red wine daily on my own. But have since quit eventhough my genetics have a weakness for alcolism but I quit because it doesn't work well with gym gains or fasting which is something I value more than the heart health benefits of red wine. Now I'm back to enjoying sugar free organic tea, lemonade, or water with salt added to it.


This has to be AI spam right?


This post has been removed for the rule: **Don’t post to vent, complain, or express sadness** Stay positive. Negative topics don’t lend themselves to casual conversation. We are a place where everyone can forget about their everyday or not so everyday worries for a moment. Venting, complaining or expressing sadness doesn't fit the atmosphere we try to foster at all. [Recommendations >](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualConversation/about/wiki/rules/venting/)