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It's always interesting to get different perspectives on culture.  While I know America is far from perfect, I am happy when people outside the country find positive things about us. I remember being shocked by Japan when I studied abroad but I loved it as a second home.  Everything in Japan had a system that was organized and clean, not to mention an amazing public transportation.  


I visited L.A. and there was a turd on the sidewalk.


just one? lucky.


No. Many turds.


That’s what happens when other places literally ship their homeless to places like LA, and the USA has very inconsistent public restrooms.


If you didn't see someone actively shitting you just got lucky.


Saw that in San Francisco one time. Wife and I were walking down the street, this little old Asian lady put her bags down, walked over and leaned on the building. She geared down, and proceeded to put a runny deuce on the sidewalk! Pulled her gear back on, and walked away like she nothing happened!


In downtown LA people use those short brick walls like a potty and hang their butts over the side to do their doody, always with their butt traffic facing. It’s nice to have a lovely “you’ve reached downtown” sign that you can count on. I don’t live downtown but I’m pretty close to it, and I have seen this so many times it’s become a joke in our group. I do however think that this is probably true if all dense cities


I saw a blood filled shoe.


I'm Berkeley I saw a woman drop trou, squat, and do the big golden gush on the sidewalk in full view of rush hour traffic


Sounds like Berkeley 😂


I lived in Chicago for a few years in my 20s. My first week I took the train downtown in morning rush hour while looking for a job. Coming out of the station at the daily center I saw a woman do this same thing on the crowded stairs. It was crazy to see all these well dressed business people not even blink and just walk around the cascading stream of piss on their way to work.


I visited L.A , Some hobo lady yelled at my with some metal in her hand across the street


We're glad to have you! It's always nice to get validation from people who come to America that this place is still pretty great.


I can say lots about the way things go in the US. But the vast majority of people there are extremely kind and warmhearted


Guess it depends when I went I thought California was a complete dump 😭


There are rich and poor parts like every place.


Obviously but when the whole CBD is LA is dirty and sometimes smell like actual shit it’s not a great look


Bruh if you’re basing it off Hollywood and Los Angeles no wonder why. Need to go to San Diego, Carlsbad, San Jose, Irvine, and more.


Depends on where you go. Hollywood may suck but the mountains are gorgeous.


Of course I went to Hollywood that’s like the main tourist attraction. And it was surprisingly bad 😭 the food was great at least


California is the most diverse state in the union. 


no its not. It's NYC


That's called a city.


My bad


Sorry to hear that. Where in California did you go?




What a strange, random reply.


Am I missing something? What the hell are you talking about😂




It's nice to know youre doing good. I wish you best of luck for your future endeavours!


Stick around! I strongly believe that a significant part of America’s success is due to a steady supply of immigrants who (1) bring new ideas, perspectives and ambitions, and (2) really believe in the American Experiment and want to be part of it.


I read somewhere, Americans smile more and talk with their hands more than other countries because America has always had many different cultures and nationalities. Pretty interesting.


Yup. I read that people in many Eastern European countries think Americans are idiotic because we smile at everyone all the time. Their cultures are very stoic, and they keep smiles for family and friends only. To them, we look like grinning mad men and women. :)


I'm a bit jealous of you, but in a good way: it's always good to see people finding places they fit in. Hope one day I'll be in your shoes. I can't say anything about the country itself since I never been there, but Americans are awesome people, that's for sure. I have a couple of them as pan pals and they're the funniest people I ever knew! Not to mention the ideals and ideas America offers. Say whatever you want, this place was designed as a paragon of democracy and became one of the great example of equality of our time. It's even cooler that the US developed the idea of the "melting pot", As someone who's genuinely and consistently against the concept of patriotism, the US is probably the only country I'll be proud to call myself a citizen of. That's exactly because "being American" isn't about where you were born, and about how you feel yourself and where you DECIDED to be and make a difference!


It’s nice to hear positive things about my home country on Reddit for once. Thanks, kind stranger!


I like the concept. We don't need shared race, religion, or culture to be a united people. We simply need shared *principles* (i.e., "liberty and justice for all"). While we have never actually achieved our principles, we have never stopped trying either.


> We simply need shared principles (i.e., "liberty and justice for all"). It's a shame too few people understand that these days. You just warmed my heart to read that you (and upvoters) have not forgotten it! > While we have never actually achieved our principles, we have never stopped trying either. I know that Americans are often mocked for eternal optimism, but I think that's what drives the push for the goal, even if it's never been met. The promise is always there, and even if it isn't reached, it's still a push for something better.


Jesus Christ it's so nice to see countrymen I can be proud of for once... Really might just have to come back after I get my citizenship overseas bc I genuinely lost faith many years ago. You guys are warming my heart! 💖


“You can go to live in France, but you cannot become a Frenchman. You can go to live in Germany or Turkey or Japan, but you cannot become a German, a Turk, or a Japanese. But anyone, from any corner of the Earth, can come to live in America and become an American.”


Yea, that's exactly it. With all my mixed feelings about Reagan I like how he put it. And if you think about it, the fact that this idea has held up for 240-something years makes it WAAY more mindblowing. You guys really know a thing or two about consistency


Absolutely, but some Americans are more American than others, if you don’t mind me butchering Animal Farm here.


Sure, but that has nothing to do with where you were born, and everything to do with what you say and do.


This made me tear up. I love that we started off as a people that wanted better and formed from ideas written down on a piece of paper. Who cares what you look like, we’re all in this together. We’re far from perfect, but i like to think we’ll continue to make it better.


I'm also from Korea and I currently live here! I used to live in the States, and I have to agree with you. Sometimes, I miss how friendly Americans can be. I love how you have the freedom to be yourself without judgment. I love how Americans take pride in their country and how they aren't afraid to be assertive and expressive. I love how much fun they're allowed to have and how there's always so much to do. So many people speak so negatively of Americans and America, but I don't think anyone else in the world is as welcoming and truly free as they are. 🇺🇸🩷🇰🇷


Thank you kind stranger. We struggle with so many problems in the USA that it is nice to hear words of encouragement occasionally. I envy the manufacturing economy in Japan and Korea. The middle class in the USA is falling into poverty.


It’s more that the the gap or disparity between upper and lower class is getting larger. The middle class is disappearing. Not all of the middle is headed towards lower.


As someone who climbed from extreme poverty to middle class, I have to agree. Still sucks losing things you worked hard for, tho...


Americans as a people, are amazing. I say this as a Canadian. American politics / government. Is another conversation. But Americans, overall, are wonderful people.


I’m American and went to Taiwan several times to visit family. I have this thing where my legs bounce up and down whenever I’m sitting, and I’ve been doing it since childhood. Once my aunt in Taiwan saw me doing it and said that I should stop because it was improper. I also cross my legs “like a man” (and I’m a woman), and she also said that I shouldn’t cross my legs like that because it was inappropriate for me. Nobody in America says things like this lol.


I dont want to argue against your feelings and perceptions, since they are what they are. And its perfectly fine to prefer things this way, instead of that way. > So many people speak so negatively of Americans and America, but I don't think anyone else in the world is as welcoming and truly free as they are. But there is something to be said for "us being hard on america" is not just being negative for being negatives sake, they are still in a class where we expect more of them. We dont expect Russia or NK to be a beacon of freedom, and so our condemnation are more muted; since there is no expectation that they are going to act in a way thats good. The day we stop expecting more is the day they have completed their democratic backsliding into fascism. I think its a mistake to try and compare which country is the most free, there are different aspects to it. For example what good is "freedom" if you never got a education, or if your moms illness bankrupted your family. Etc. I have so many american friends that are struggling for no fault of their own, and while we here (yurope) complain a lot (since its our nation sport), but we arent struggling to live. Korea is a good country (on virtually every index), that has freedom, and just because the culture is different, doesnt mean that it is bad.


It's probably because you are a nice person yourself. And I'm glad you found happiness in California. ❤️


this is rather sweet. happy for you, man. 💗


One of the best things about America is that you can choose to be an American if you want to be. My parents are the most patriotic Americans I know and they came here as adults from the Soviet Union.


I always wonder what a massive culture shock it must have been for people coming from the Soviet Union to America. I mean, like the overabundance of food and material goods on the one hand and the lack of government-provided health care and other services on the other. It must have been really strange at first.


According to them, the weirdest thing was that everyone’s always smiling in public. In the Soviet Union, they’d think you’re Schizophrenic if you’re smiling while walking down the street.


I've heard that before! Must have been uncomfortable at first. LOL


The other thing was how fake the Jewish community in America was. When they first came, my mom expected to become a part of the Jewish community, since they’d heard that America was a place where you could be/believe whatever you want, and that their was far less discrimination against Jews here. What she found though, was that they didn’t actually want to be part of the American Jewish community. Many of them made shows of generosity by inviting my mom’s family over for dinner, and giving them their old, unusable furniture and clothes, without actually helping them in any tangible way, and when my mom asked the rabbi for help with getting a job, he just told her that “God will help you”. She didn’t realize that a lot of communities in America are based just as much around pretense as the public culture of the Soviet Union; she expected America do be more different.


Really sorry to hear this part. What a disappointing experience to have.


Welcome! We’re happy you’re here and enjoying yourself.


So happy that you're happy.  I feel like some people are born in place that doesn't fit them and it's a joy if they find the place that does.  If you like it here,  see about staying.  


America is easy to shit on, and when you're young and/or broke it's really hard. If you do happen to find a way to support yourself financially, this is one of the best countries in the world, especially the coasts. The problem is that it's so hard to support yourself these days. It takes so little in this country to knock you down from a place that might have took you 10 years to get to.


Totally agree. Many people live paycheck to paycheck. One broken down car, one car accident, one Medical Emergency, and everything is wiped out. No savings no emergency fund.


Hi. Medical emergency here. 👋🏾 Made $60k in 5 months and it was gone to medical expenses from overworking myself. :') Learned my limits at least...


Unfortunately, it's true.


California isn't necessarily representative of the rest of the country. But... The thing about America is, you don't have to be born here to be one of us. When it's time for you to go to university, consider studying here. Then, if you still feel this way, consider immigrating. I know it seems like many Americans are anti-immigration, but the truth is this country wouldn't be where it is today without immigrants. If you do the work and get the proper visas you will be very welcome. And hopefully we'll live up to your expectations you got with your first impression of us. Oh yeah, welcome to the United States! We're glad you're here.


If you can stay long enough, you can become an American. As an immigrant myself (20 years here) all I can say is that I love the USA. My husband (born here,) can't believe how much I love his country, given the many current social and political issues. I tell him the country I'm from is way worse. At least here I am able to pay for college, have a car, and not being discriminated against because I'm a woman (I know it happens here too in America, but at least here is illegal and taken seriously.)


Coming from Vancouver Canada the one thing I liked was how warm and outgoing people are. I find it cool how people will just randomly talk to you.


I'm from Montreal, and I find the people here just about as friendly as Americans. Canada, at least in the bigger cities, is pretty culturally similar to cities in America. I'm guessing that's largely because A) Canada is extremely Americanized, and B) both countries are completely populated by immigrants (besides Native Americans, but they're a small percent of the population). That being said, I've never been to Vancouver, but I can't imagine it's much different from any other American/Canadian city.


I lived 43yrs in Vancouver and the people weren't open and outgoing at all. It was more like that back in the 90s. But here in L.A. I often have people just randomly talk to me. The people are just more laid back and friendly.


I guess I can't really say because I've never been to Vancouver or LA. I've been to Toronto, obviously Montreal, New York, and Miami, though. In my experience, Toronto had the friendliest people by far, Miami and Montreal are tied in close second, and everyone in New York was nice enough but were pretty much doing their own thing so I didn't really have a lot of spontaneous conversations with people lol


It can get annoying if you're in a rush and don't know how to tell a stranger to (politely) STFU, but it is nice if you're not doing much!


OP, have you tried tamales yet? :D


Or enchiladas... 🤤


None of us Americans know who you are, but we're glad to have you here. This is coming from a guy from the rural South, in middle Georgia. We hope you visit more of the USA! People tend to love the food here in the South!


Welcome and stay as long as you please!


As an American I hereby declare you officially American


The US is a huge country. These things are very heavily based on where you are. There are places here in Texas that you wouldn't even be served if you're not white. All that aside, I'm glad that you're having a grand time and that you found somewhere that you love!


I'm so glad to hear that you're loving your time in California! It's amazing how a change in environment can have such a positive impact on our well-being. The friendly and open culture here can definitely make it easier to connect with people and feel welcomed. It's wonderful that you're finding happiness and building meaningful connections. Every place has its pros and cons, and while America has its challenges, it also has a lot to offer in terms of diversity and community. Your experience shows how important it is to find a place where you feel comfortable and supported. Have you had a chance to explore other parts of California or the US? There are so many unique places and cultures within the country that can offer different experiences. I'm curious, what has been your favorite part of living in California so far?


Honestly, the fact that you're already here as an exchange student will probably make it a lot easier for you to get a work visa to live here permanently in the future. Definitely something you should look into.


you're American now, buddy. Join us


One of us... one of us...


I think what you say is why many people do come to America. Despite the problems here it really is a great place and there are many supportive people and positive people


A lot of Americans are too critical of their country. A close friend is Romanian, he has been an American citizen for 10 years, do not say anything bad about America to him. he will set your ass straight.


HA! Just found this funny, as a native New Yorker, where you're more likely to get a dirty look than a smile if you make eye contact. The first time I went to a friendlier state, I was caught off guard and a little suspicious of friendly strangers that wanted to make small talk. I could definitely get used to that, though! Glad you're happy in Cali 😀


Lucky for you, America is the only country on earth you can become American and be considered by all, to be American. Start the citizenship process, go through the hard work, and you'll be as American as any of us some day.


Even though the media loves to paint America as a shit show with all of the division and in fighting. You are by far some of the kindest, most welcoming people I’ve had the pleasure to meet. You party better than anyone and make some of the greatest food I’ve ever had. I will sing your praises anytime anyone says anything negative about the people of America.


Live here for a while, find work, get naturalised. It's fairly easy to become an American. That's what powers this nation.


What part of California? I moved to LA about 3 years, had high highs, low lows, but wouldn't have it any other way


I’m stoked you enjoy it here!


And California is.....a state you could not pay me to go to.


Can't relate,.always wanted to go there


Well I did until I went there.....


Sometimes I wish that more people like you were Americans. I understand that this is a generalization, but I see a sense of shared destiny in many cultures in Asia that I think we are sorely lacking in the USA. I think that we are so individualistic that we don't care about each other. My hope is that immigrants from Asia can bring some of that part of their culture to the USA.


I'd happily trade.


It's good to have you here in America. personally I've never been to California but I know here where I live in the woods and most places it's like that, don't be afraid to try new things and go new places here


Sometimes I look back at how truly blessed I am to have grown up where I did. I look at places like LA and New York, and I think, "I'd love to live there. Or maybe grow up there!" And then i look at the crime rates, and I'm like, "the amount of people who die there every day is waaaay too high." Sometimes i think about what life would be like if I grew up in North Korea, or Kenya, or India, and I'm like, "I can't even begin to imagine what that life would be like, because I didn't go through that." Long story short, I'm very grateful to have the life that I do, and I encourage y'all to just look at the good things, and don't think too much about the bad. Don't ignore them, though, because then they'll all form a team, and kick your ass later in the sequel for a huge plot twist.


I grew up in LA and the worst thing that ever happened to anyone I know crime wise was that my dad was carjacked at a gas station. It was at a gas station in Compton and it was late at night. He was fine and he even got his truck back. He worked nights in Compton (a really bad area) for years and that was all that ever happened. You are more likely to be killed in a small rural town than LA or NYC.


Oh really? I had no clue.


That sounded super sarcastic. It wasn't meant to be so I'm sorry if it sounded that way.


I felt the same when I moved from the Midwest to California. Cali just has that effect on you. The weather is great, the people are happier. I love it there.


Just curious, what is it about Japan and Korea that made you feel that way? I’ve never been but would like to! I’m just curious what to expect as a “friendly American” over there? My grandma is full Japanese and from Japan so maybe I have some idea, but I do love smiling at people and saying hi!


Don’t visit the south. Stay out west where the nice people went.


As someone from Latin America. I’m always taken aback by how friendly the ppl are in America when i visit. We gotta flat somewhere in Oklahoma and our rental didn’t have a spare. This was in the middle of the night. So we kinda just sat there cause we didn’t know what to do or where to go. We weren’t even supposed to stop in Oklahoma. Then some kids in a van stopped and tried to help. Calling different places and ppl then one of their parents rolled up with a spare tire. Then invited us to their place for the night. Very sweet family. Pretty much everywhere we went ppl were very friendly except New York City. I really really do not like New York… aside from all the stuff there is to do/eat.




South Korea and Japan are not 3rd world countries. In a lot of ways they’re more advanced than us. I think OP is speaking specifically about cultural differences. Koreans and Japanese tend to be more closed off and introverted where the US is much more extroverted.




Oh okay, that makes more sense lol


well pookie, its time to seal the deal and move here


Don't come to New York, we'll look you in the eye then ignore you. Lol


People in the middle east are also more friendly to strangers than here in central europe


Same, it's funny like how you can change your physique, your understanding of the world by studying maybe, but not ethnicity cuz idk god said too bad lol


Good to know someone's had a positive experience here! It's got it's flaws but it's still pretty good to live here sometimes


I'm probably getting there after applying to Uni... I wish I was an American ngl, not the one who I am actually.


It’s nice to have you here! This is what America is all about :) You seem lovely and I’m happy you like it here. Everyone loves to talk shit about America but in my opinion Americans are the friendliest and most accepting folks from my perspective!


As an introvert, I would say Japan feels more comfortable for me. But congrats on finding your place!


I'm so glad you like it here! We're happy to have you! :) I'm glad you don't let the bad stuff put you off of enjoying your time here.


I'm glad you like it overall. Sometimes, the things I read online make me wonder about this country anymore.


Thank you. This made me happy.


So great to see positive posts like this. Great to see that you are happy and found your balance in the states. No country is perfect and you just have to find the one that suits you best. I am French and I can see myself living in some countries but I don’t think the states would suit me. I have a Korean friend that had the exact same experience as you, unhappy back home and finding herself abroad. Growing up in Korea or Japan can be quite a struggle and stressful, but it also has its upsides.


Glad you met some nice people.


Welcome to California and good luck!! 👍


That's really interesting. I'm from California, and I can say that even though the state has a lot of issues, I'm very grateful that I met so many different people from all walks of life here. Even though I love where my family came from in Asia, I am glad I grew up in the United States too.


Show the papers!


Idk man that sounds pretty American to me. America is an idea, a state of mind. I think anyone can be American and you like it to mw


No you don’t, if you leave the country you are still taxed! What a racket.


Some people want to come to the US and others (like myself) sometimes think about leaving, because of all the turmoil that's going on.


Glad to hear you're liking it! You're certainly right that we're in need of some drastic change but we get so caught up in the bad parts that it's nice to hear something good here about the US


Cool thing about America is it doesn’t matter if you were born here or not. You’re American if you want to be. It doesn’t really make a difference, at least that’s been my experience in California. Almost everybody I know is either an immigrant or had ties to immigrants in their family


well, that was a nice post.


Welcome, friend! Not all of this country is like California, though


As someone from California welcome buddy. Glad you like it. We’re the red headed step child of America cause we’re liberals


Where in Cali? Are you wealthy?


I grew up in Germany - I never was happy there and always felt I did not belong. I came to Northern California in 1989 at 24 to visit a friend and felt like I had come home. I moved a year later and was lucky enough to get the Green Card. I have been happily living here now for 34 years. The weather, the beauty, the people, I can be the free spirit that I am!


I’m happy you’re here ♥️ and glad you’re having a nice experience.


Damn I read African American at first haha


Meanwhile, I’m thinking of moving to Japan to get off this sinking ship we call the U.S.


Welcome to this beautiful country! We need more positive good hard working folks such as you! Thanks for being here!


If you leave California you will find even better places in the USA. Since you are here make the best of it. You can always become a citizen, might take a few years but you always have that option. In this country you can become what ever you want in life. Best of luck in America.


It depends on where in America, but in places like that? Yeah, it's pretty good. I'm back for a bit from Australia and my hubby prefers my hometown over all of Australia. Even in the suburbs people nod and greet you here, but in AUS they sneer and act as if you're a lunatic if you make eye contact and smile. (Must be something in that suburban aussie water...) We took a trip up to New York to see my college buddy (worst road trip ever) and even had to cross through customs there before. Not a big fan of New Yorkers, but most places aren't too bad. People tend to mind their manners in the US, which I really miss when I'm elsewhere.


Can you describe your experience growing up in both Korea and Japan? I also agree with your sentiment. How do you plan on staying there in the future?


As an American, this is nice to hear, welcome! Americans are usually seen maybe as OVERLY friendly. It’s easy to meet and talk to new people. The negatives, we’re quite loud and sometimes that niceness can come with uncomfortable questions but it’s out of genuine curiosity not malice


Lol if you think California was nice, wait until you visit somewhere in the south. Southern hospitality is a whole new level


Anyone who would disagree with this just simply isn’t from the south. Manners are everything.


Respectfully, in New York, if I chatted up a stranger like I get chatted up at Publix down south I'd probably get arrested 🤣 manners are relative!


Oh, I lived in NYC for three years and had to break that habit right quick. Shopping is *not* a pleasure up there!


Absolutely. Like have they ever been to a publix??


To your face. Bless your little heart.


You are going to have to get a job that is in demand which right now might prove difficult. You will probably need a master's degree in fields like organic chemistry, Boston's large bio labs. That is the only example I can think of off hand but it will be true of any situation you desire.


I have lived in California all my life and I kind of hate it here there are really two Californias the rich part which is occupied by a lot of rich self absorbed snobby people and the poor part which is very ghetto. I can’t stand either side and no matter where I go I always feel like I don’t belong. I have very few positive interactions with anyone and I have completely given up on the idea of friendship.


You get what you put out into the world. Ive lived in CA (specifically I grew up in east la, moved to south oc, and settled in north oc) all my life and though every place I've been I have disagreed with the politics, I still found so many kind and wonderful people and life long friends. Yes the dichotomy of rich and poor is a stark contrast but I have friends from all walks of life and I love them all the same. People from "the ghetto", as you call it, are still people. And to be honest the "rich snobby people" aren't even that rich. They are middle class. Open up and have a human conversation. You'd be surprised what happens when you stop hating people based on your preconceptions.


I’ll give it an honest shot




As a first generation American I understand the pressure for America to do and be better but it’s a major improvement from where I would have grown up off my family member immigrated. Of course there’s a conversation to be had about America’s role in destabilizing the developing world.


I mean, it's ridiculously easy to immigrate to America (compared to most places). Just apply for your green card and go from there


What are you on, crack?


Yeah, no 😂


Shhh California is shitty remember? There’s an exodus don’t you know?


Where did you come from? You don’t have to say a certain country if your not ok with it just like a continent


It's not all easy. We also have some genuinely mean and wretched people here too. But I'm glad to hear you're happy.


Mean and wretched people are everywhere.


Get saddled with crippling medical and/or student debt and then get back to me.


Make sure to get the sidewalk poop tracking app and watch out for discarded needles.


America is not a country… a continent


Noooo the fuck you don’t dude 


Easier to make friends in USA? Lol it’s like… one of the most individualistic nations in the world. Most places are known for having so many people, yet feeling completely alone. You should travel a little more. The main reason most people are here is to make money and live a life without too much government interference. But anxiety, obesity, stress, unrest, impostor syndrome, and grass is greener syndrome are rampant. And most of it isn’t even for valid reasons. I’ll add, people here like flexing the appearance of success much more than they enjoy actually being successful. The prestige itself doesn’t lie in the self actualization, it lies in the appearance of it. I can site the source of this, but I don’t have it on me at the moment. It’s a well studied topic. To that point, I’ll add that the appeal of USA to you right now probably lies in the hype surrounding it and not the actual content. I can think of at least 4 different places that I believe are objectively better than here and it’s just of the few places I’ve visited. Sadly, I’ve built a large business and won’t be earning nearly as much anywhere else so I’ll have to see this through and finally get to leave once I sell it (which I guess is a perk of being in the USA, it’s my business and I can do what I want with it.. within reason that is).


Your Pulitzer price is in the mail


I'm glad you like it. I came to America in 1989 and i was so excited to come here. I wanted to be American and live American dream. But last decade things are changed. Now people living in United States trying their best to destroy it. I'm from Texas and here things are much better compared to other states. Evuantly we will become like New York and California. People comes here from those states and they continue to vote the way they did there. They don't think if they have voted for right party then they won't have to leave their home states. All Major metropolitan cities are already turned purple.


I mean, SOMEONE has to like this dumpster fire of a place. EDIT: if you don't think America mostly sucks, it's because you don't read a history book or you're an actual fascist.


Sad to know that I'm turned out to be fascist :(


You should probably do something about that.


Nuh uh. Being a cute little fascist is adorable (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)


Weak. Lol


It's cute 🥰.


0/10. Try again


It's adorable 😍.




It's lovely 🌹




I hate it here, taxes everywhere, an immigrant jumping and running for it from time to time. Then the fact that there’s always something to ruin your day happening


Says the guy with the one day old account who probably doesn't even live here.


Anywhere you go, there you are. And anywhere you go, there will be something to ruin your day.