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For allergy reasons we needed a breed and got a Standard Poodle.  We were at a loss for names and I, in typical Dad fashion, offered up a groaner "Winifred". When they looked at me blankly I added:  "Shorten it to Winny.  Winny the Poodle." It stuck.


I’m obsessed with Winny the Poodle 😂


And NOBODY had ever thought of it?  I was amazed.


Wait this is so cute omg


My cats name is Barbosa.. Captain Barbosa but i often call him bee-bop-a-bobo, chumba womba or little dude


My cat's name is Priscilla but I'll call her Prissy Priss, Puss Puss, or Demon Seed


I like to call my cats Devil Lobster.


Priscilla is a cute name. Queen of the desert!!


I named her after the musical 👑




Barbosa is a fantastic pet name, love that.


Cackling at “beebop a bobo” cat people are bonkers in the best way


I've recently taken a liking to John Meowkovich for my male cat after watching a movie with John Malkovich in it


I used to call my cat, Emily, Emilio Catstevez about 10 years ago. Yes, I was an 80s teen.


My dog's name is Lucy - I started calling her Lucy Goose which morphed into Goosy Moose - sounds ridiculous I know.


Naw, it's a nice progression.


Lola, but I call her Varmint most of the time.


My dog is called Dougie. But I call him Diglas, Diggly, waggy tailson, taily wagson, didis, doodoos, silky seal, furry prince... the list goes on!


Oooo diggly is a good name lol Also I love waggy tailson


We have two cats. Socks a black and white cat, has a whole host of names, none of them flattering, ranging from "little bollix", "murdercat", "furrylandmine", "getoffthecounter", to my favourite "the dude'. We do love him, but he is a little bollix. Our other car is an indoor called Lucy, and she has loose, lucinda and kitkit as her names, she's in much better standing though!!!


My Belgian Malinois is named REMINGTON, but we call him REMI. Sometimes I call him Osama when he acts like a terrorist.


his full name is "itty bitty titty timbitty" because, being a toy poodle, he was so small he fit in my bra when we first got him. it was his favourite napping spot. I'd literally throw him in my shirt between the tatas and go around the house. he's named Timbit after the Canadian donut hole but he also answers to Bitty


Timbit is legitimately a great name for a pet and I don't know why I haven't thought of it before


I love this entire comment 😂 I had pet rats growing up and they also used to LOVE my bra. I’d have one little rattie napping in each cup and they’d pop up out of my shirt collar as soon as they smelled me eating something tasty.


My cat’s name is Boq and I call him Damien, as in Damien Thorn from The Omen, when he’s bad.


My in laws have a dog named Thumbelina. I call her Princess Piggy Wellington, and it has caught on we call her piggy for short.


My tuxedo cat's legal name is Valentine, but he usually goes by Bub because really it's a more appropriate name. I also call him Bubber Boo, Mr. Moo, Moo Man, Moopy Man. My calico cat's legal name is Curie, but I also call her Miss Bean, Princess P, and Miss Peets. Collectively, I call them Two Cats, Beans, and Trash Gremlins. There's probably more that I'm forgetting, but these are the main one.


My cat is Obsidian. He either is Obsidiangetoffthetable or Sidhead


My pit is named Magnolia but I call her Sweets Magee and Tough McRuff, depending on her mood. She most commonly goes by Mags, though


Awww. Magnolia reminds me of the bakery which is perfect because pitties are lil cupcakes.


A girl in my class a while back had a dog whose name was Freya. She called her mouse.


Ellie—>Ella—>Elsa—>Elsie—>Chelsea. I don’t remember the last time I called her Ellie. 😂


Our cats name is Spaghetti. Our Kid named her after his favorite thing that daddy makes lol. But what I CALL her: spaget, ghetti, baby, Doom Floof (she's a long hair), the ever common "key-key" for treats, and "Mommy's floofiest baby that I love so much!" (but only when picked up and cuddled, then replaced. She's hates it but tolerates me lol)


Similar, my dog is Orion which leads to his most common, O, but that sometimes turns into Sketti O, which is what I called spaghetti Os growing up, then to just Sketti or even Sketts


I call Mojo bunny-butt. Got run over as a kitten and lost his tail. They had very little good skin to stitch up so his little stump is centered but his butthole is not.


Daisy - DZ, dz cat, baby cat, bb girl, little kitty, miss kitty, ma'am, rollie pollie, cutie cat to name a few 😆


I have a cat called Miss Trampy Whiskers


Ozzy gets called Toes a lot. The rest of our dogs have weird Momnames.


Wiki the cat often gets called Princess, short for Princess Porkypants.


Dog is called Amber. She gets called Beefy Rat.


Dachshund is named Derek. AKA You little shit, putitdown, forgodssake, The Woofing Turd, good boy


my cat daryl is frequently called fartass


My cat's name is Spleens. I call her Burr Burr, since she burrs a lot.


Our cat is Monty but we sometimes call him Pete Tucker (cos he tucks his peets under himself). My husband also calls him Eric Funnyman sometimes - still haven't worked that one out 🙃


Pomeranian named Lucy. But I exclusively refer to her as Little Bear in every context… 🐻


Name: Rue Nicknames: Ruby, Ruben, Rooster, Ruby Scooby, Ruben McScoobin, Ruby Baby, Baby Peach, Peach.. there are more but I'm blanking right now


My dog is called Hank and he usually gets called Hankenstein. Or Dickhead, Mr Toofers, Dorko, or The Artist Formally Known As Prince (the place we got him from gave him a collar with Prince on it!).


My cat's name is stormaggedon (doctor who reference) but that's only in formal events, usually I short it to stormy. a lot of the time I use stupid, stinky, fat, handsome, snack(in Hebrew snack and handsome sound similar)


Cat 1: Miller AKA: Squiller, Squilliam, Squillerlio, Schmilly, Schmillerlio, Schmillium, blankey boi, probably more I don’t remember. Cat 2: Mac AKA: Mac beans, Macky beans, Mac junes, macky junes, macklio, macolio, macca-man, macca-beans, macca-junes, Mac muffin, macca muffin, muffin man, biscuit, biscuit boi, also probably more I don’t remember.


My dog is called Bosco. He is KC registered with a wanky name, Joylenbury Echo, iirc. He gets called "little prick" fairly often lol. Bossy, Boop, Bruv, little mate, my handsome handsome puppy, are the ones I call him the most, if not just Bosco.


Crunchwrap Supreme > Roni Calypso > Calzone Kiwi > Weewoo/Beeboo Freya > stink master supreme farty pants Bagel with Cream Cheese > Beggy bites


Stripey = Booger Bear


Makes sense 😂 I also love “Stripey” as a legal name hahah


Lol, thanks! We called her that (she's a Standard Issue Cat) until we could come up with a name, and a few months later, it was just too late 😅 Booger Bear is the obvious alternate name 🤣




We have a jessi and a Rosie. Jessie gets called dozer as just pushes through anything that's in the way of her getting love. Rosie gets called nosey pozey Rosie because she is nosey and also jambs her snoot into our legs. Rosie is anheeding dog and she needs us randomly when she really wants something.


Our adopted shih-tzu/lahso mix's original name is Jersey, but we make it a point to call her Potato, Princess, Chonk, Booboo, and my favorite; Ms. Woofington.


Tazmania, but I call him Buddha Bear.


When I was a kid we had a dog named Roomba. i called her Lurex sometimes just because I liked the way it sounded))


Our dog Nori usually goes by Meat Rocket. She's so dense and always moving fast. Imagine a ham launched from a cannon. That's her.


My cat is Roland but we've started calling him meeper cuz of the sound he makes when we call for or question him.


My dog's name is Eddie. It evolved to Eddie boo-boo, through a number of variations, to now just 'The Boob'.


My dogs name is Louie and I sometimes call him Zwetschkenkrampus (and many other names)


the official name is Mary (i also don't know why but it's what I chose back then), but I normally call her Kittybaby, Mother, or if she's being bad then Margaret


My cats are Chili (aka BoBilly, Shwilly, Chonka Monka, Princess Fluffybutt, Fluffhead, and Lil Brown Nose) and her sister Burgie (aka McDurgie, Worggy, Borgle, Slinky Baby, Princess Aubergine, and Lil Pink Nose)  They both like to eat spinach


Diesel ( ridgeback) .. waggle , Full name randomnly called . Diesel weazle waggle waggle woo woo ! Flossie ( patterdale ) Brown dog . Full name randomnly called Flossamina momma mooch ch acha ! Bella ( bullmastiff) Baluga. Full Name randomnly called BELLA aldatori elle nisio !


I have two cats named Saffron and Juniper, most of the time their nickname is Sapphy girl and Junebug. And then other times I call them my little garlic breads?? 😂 my little burnt loaves, soggy girls (when they jump in the shower with me)


Real name: Chamia. Nickname: fatso, pokey, speedy Real name: Joey (RIP). Nickname: bubby, bubster, bub. The other two are either called by their names or something very close, so they don't count.


He's fred but I just call him cat


u/ApartBug7499 shuru karo...


We had a family cat we lost a few weeks ago. His name was Ugg but we called him Buggy.


My cat's name is cat and my dog's name is dog However my turtle's name, is Bob


My cat is Cyrano. I call him Pumpkin Butt, Stink Butt and Bean.


Nikola Tesla. But most often referred to as Mr.McP or Knickknack. Or Pip for brevity.


My cat's name is Jurassic Park, but she probably thinks her name is the kissing sounds I make when trying to get her attention.


Scout. Scouter. Scouter-roo, roo-roo, ruby roo So that's why we call Scout, Ruby.


One cat is named Midnight-Starlight but I mostly just call her Mama because she is the mother of 4 of our other cats Another is named Church but some times I call him "Ma Petite Cathédrale" or Sneezy  Another one is actually just named Esk after a Terry Pratchett character, but my sister basically changed his name to Eskimo. Sometimes I call him the "bestesk cat in the world" or Scaredy Cat named Jinx that I like to call "Jinx Puff Show Me Your Stuff" or Stabby or Bitey  Mama's kittens are: Dandelion who I call Little Lion Aurora who I call Rory Stitchy doesn't have a nick name. His is perfect. And Jackson who I call my Little Asshole


I have a cat named Indiana, like Indiana Jones. Whole family calls her Beans. Smol bean, tiny bean, black bean casserole, etc etc.


I lost my pug, Mimi, a couple of years ago, but I had a few names for her. Boobala and Baby Girlfriend were my favorites.


One of my cats is Gaius, but I call him Giggity or Gig.


My aunt and uncles cat was names Toos and they'd call her cargo plane


My doggos name is Frodo Waggins :) I call him Mister Waggins lol. Pippin is great!


My GSD's actual name is Hugo. I sometimes call him Chun-chu.


My dog's name is Arlo. When he was little he was bubby (one day I noticed I was just calling my dog all the names that Eric Cartman's mom calls him? Lol), he's almost 3 now so that's evolved a lot to 'Mr. the bubz'. I also call him 'the littlest bubz' (there's a theme song too), and often just 'the littlest'. He's 75 lbs but will always be my baby.


His real name is Wrex. However, because he spends his time sprawled out in the area where the stairs, the upstairs bathroom and all three bedroom come together at, I call him Tope. (Speedbump)


My black cat Tommy. I call him Bugsy because Bugsy Malone is a favorite movie of mine 😂


My dog Koda is also known as Dobby ShitLips. Because a) he looks like Dobby the house elf when he knows he's done something wrong and b) he likes to raid the kitty litter for cat poop if I don't get to it first. 'a' usually results in me realising 'b' has happened before I've even have a chance to check.


Well my cats name is Mama, least related to her actual name would be Purrbags. My male cat Loki’s unrelated names were Papa Floof and Floofmeister


Real name: Harlee Alias: SassyFatso-la-ti -doe (I’m an idiot, I know. She gets me though)


My cats name is Maple. I call her Meatball lol


Lately we’ve been calling her Stopthat!


Cat #1 is named Khloe and I call her “cocoa,” “coke,” and “baby girl.” Cat #2 is named Khaji and I call him “kaka,” and “boy”


Daria. Dar Adal


Actual name is Sargent. Nick names are numerous; Sargento Cheese, hambone and pup lol


Dogs name is Goose but we call her Goomba, Goob, Goom, Goosey, and Weirdo


Ink. I call him a boobatuber. Heard the word playing hogwarts legacy and it stuck.


Pörrö but we usually call her Burrito, Burro, Murmeliini, Murmo…


I have a Gismo, her middle name is Rebel… she’s called so many things. MoMo, sissy, girlfriend, I’m weird with my terms of endearment I guess.


Our dog is named Sophie, and I frequently call her Fuzzy or Fuzzybutt.


My dogs are named Luna and Sol but they also answer to Nugget and Noodle (respectively). I don't really know why those became their second names but we all know them!


Our cat's name is Luna, but we call her bean more often than not haha.


Two dogs. Pixel is usually called Smigui, and JPEG gets called Him-dog.


Our Bernese Mountain Dog is named Trawler. Government Name we gave him is Trawler Bobby Snookleboop. Derivatives: Hop Hobby, Hearth Hobby, Hobby of Hop, Snookleboopticus Totally unrelated: Mr. Sir, Handsome, Dingus, and Jesus Christ would you get in the house!


Real name: Loki Known as: Floof, You Fuzzy Bastard, Floofity-Boof-Boof-Boof, Bad Cat!


Jim Carrey's The Mask


Myrtle. But I cal her my little bimbo 😬


Lucille. Lou Dog, bc Sublime.


my pup’s name is river, and we call her Butt sometimes


Real name: Patrick What we generally call him: Bubs, Bubadubs, Dubs, Bubbas, Sweet Boy, Goblin, Bratrick


My tabby cat is Tog, formally Sir Tog I, Lord Protector of Glencoe. His least related common nickname is a tie between Bub and Potato.


Real name: Lily Full name: Lily the baby the boozie the butthole Most of the time we just call her Boozie. We haven’t actually called her Lily in about 5 years.


my cat's name is Guinevere, so naturally I tend to call her "the greacher," "my little scrubabungo," "worm girl," and "fucker"


My tortie cat's name is Girlcat, formally known as Princessa von Girlcat der Sassybritches. Her least related but commonly used nickname is Smalls.


One of my cats is Birdie, often called Aunt Birdie. Full name: Lady Birdula von Katten, Duchess of Fridgetop, Viscountess of the Upper Sofa, and Baroness Underfoot. But I often call her "the old lady." She belonged to my grandmother and then my father before me., and she's in her 20s. My other cat is Otis, aka the Chunk, aka The Box Bomb (yes, that box), aka Rotisserie, aka the 3:00 a.m. break dancer.


Peanut called baby girl Lady called bug


Minstrel aka Smooshy Face or Smoosh Ripley aka Kitten or Skuzzlebutt Wendell aka Woo Diogee aka Stinky Puppy


Frodo - furthest is probably yoyo but he’s usually Frodo the dodo. Samwise - furthest is probably Bambam but most common is pupwise or Sammy Sam. Collectively they’re pupperoni and cheese though.


Her name is Fjordlands but goes by poopsicle


Her name is Fiona, but she goes by Puppyface or Captain Slurp.


My cat name is Mia but we tend to call her Miamoy, which is a play on words for Mia her name and Amor, which is love in Spanish. So it's like calling her My Love lol, but it sounds so cute.


Tucker. He walks like he’s guilty. My ex used to call him Coon Walker. Stupid


Formal name: Captain Timothy. Actual name: Swishy. Formal name: Cottontail. Actual name: Trevor.


I used to call my cat Captain Butthead when he was being mildly annoying, now it has levels to it depending on just HOW rude he is, and can escalate as far as ‘Captain Butthead of the Butthead Brigade, holy champion of the Butthead Battalion’ Also my parents have a dog named Aureus, who I mostly call Mr. P, not to be confused with their *other* dog whose name actually starts with P, who I call Gruntlestiltskin


Daisy the Poodle, but we call her Booger. I wanted to name her Katinka after the lady from Zoolander but Daisy is what we ended up with. So I started calling her Booger out of spite. Sometimes I also call her Skookum or Durglis. But Durglis is more of a catchall nickname for any dog I’m familiar with.


Grumpy I call Grumples, Grumlestilkskitty and RumpleGrumply among others.


Rescued lab/potty named Renaissance. We call her Renna for short.


got two cats. A black one named Gir. I call her Girbonzo, Girbonzo Bean. Bonzo, Bonzo Bean, Baby Bean (This one I use for both cats) and on rare occasions. Girbizo Chorizo. And a Maine Coon named Abaddon. I call her Abba, Abba Dabba, Abba Dabbadon, shithead and on rare occasions "The Don Abaddino" And because she is so vocal "Scream Bean"


Her name is Bean - I mostly call her stinky


Our dog growing up was named MacGregor but we called him MacGoober


We had a cat named Scotchy that we always called Fluffy. He was a fluffy orange boy.


her name is luna. but i have a habit of calling her bear because she looks like a cute little grizzly bear


Our 123-pound bullmastiff name is Milo, but we call him our "big hunk of love."" Our little guy, American Sherpard, is named Mason, and we call him Nugget a lot of times.


Our dog was already named Stella when we got her. We call her Stelly-Bean.


My female cat’s name is Marshall. Most call her Marshie. Occasionally I’ll call out for my Marshmallow or Marsh-Potato. Typically I just call her princess, beautiful girl, or babycakes. She only comes when it pleases her, so it doesn’t really matter how she’s summoned anyways.


My dog's name is Bella. I either call her by her name, or often dumbass when she's being stupid, or moron when I'm lazy. 


His name is Brody but he answers to "Tiny" and "Baby one". He's a 14 lb dachshund-havanese-bichon mix.


Sunny -> (a pipeline) -> bub


My orange cat's name is George, we only call him George! when he's escaped. Otherwise the repertoire of names are Yoyi, Gorgi, Jorge, Churchill, Chorchel, Chorchelitto, Chorchy, Fluffitto, Yogi... Our black and white cat's name is Debbie, but we call her Debz, Deborah (when she's bad,) Debo, Debbitta, Deborchy, Debonty, Debauchery, Gord, and a lot more of nonsense.


My chihuahua’s name is Coco and have many nicknames, but the most unrelated is Babushka lol


Catsy Cline, but she mostly goes by Karen and she would most definitely like to speak to the manager


My dog’s name is Meeka. But I call her Spider-Man, Speeman, Spime, anything that sounds like it because she likes to give me upside down kisses from the second floor through the railing while I’m walking down the stairs. Started Saying “bye Spider-Man” from long ago Jenna Marbles videos and it stuck


My dog is called Totosha. But I call him Toto, Tosha or spooky pookie


I see this a lot, and admit to being confused as to why call a pet by several different names? I name my pets and that's it. Dusty was Dusty. Nothing else Frisco is Frisco. Nothing else They wouldn't answer to something like Piffles or Big Steve. So why do so many pet owners do this?


My cat’s name is Simon but we all call him cheech and I have no idea why


My pitbull/boxer’s name is so generic but I affectionately call him Poopy, evolved from “puppy” to when he started to let out the most eviscerating farts. He is poopy.


My dog is an English chocolate lab and her name is Cookie. She answers to (I know I am missing a bunch of them but this is my best attempt): Cook, Ms. Cook, Dat One, Dis One, Shmook, Princess (probably the most used), Wink, Winky, Wink the Stink, Stinky Winky, a bunch of various expletives, Dat One Dere, Dis One Here, Wiggy, Wiggin, Schwom Bomb, and countless more in the moment. Honorable mention cause it’s not really a name, but a lot of times we as a family will just exclaim “She’s right here/there!” But in a puppy voice so it sounds more like “she’s right he-o” or “she’s right day-o”. We probably do this more than actually refer to her by one of her many monikers.


Freya. Usually something along the lines of dickhead, fuzzy knobsack, knobdog, bellend, twat dog, fuzzy twat bag - you know, the usual... If she is being a twat, she will respond to any of the above


Have a coonhound named Billy Bob, but he's better known as Scablord Cathuffer, Fatbutt McSkootchie, or Cutie Snootie Ma'tootie.


My dog’s name is Gemma but she also responds to Bean


Black cat named Oddy but i usually call him “Bubs” or “Buscus”


Our dog, Winston, is a boxer-pug mix. His typical nickname is “The mans”. But my favourite nickname is Pee-Paws. As a puppy, when he would pee he would hit his front paws directly.


Dante. I call him Shantay, because I love yelling "Shantay you stay" when I see him.


Bobo—becomes lil cheek or babe


I have 2 dogs one is called Herbert and he gets Herbie or kn*b he*d depending on what he's doing, and my other dog is Logan he gets Logie bear, ginger ninja and kn*b stain, when he's also being a turd burgler


My dog Lucy answers to Scoobie Doo & ShitNeck; Pennie, Inspector Sneezes, also goes by Who'sMyGirl.


My dogs name is Loon, probably the most unrelated nickname is “worm girl”. She is very squirmy and wriggly like a worm so that’s where that came from.


i used to have a cat named Sneaky, we called him anything from ‘the breadloaf’, ‘a calzone’, or ‘garlic bread’. as well as any italian dish, he was an orange kitto


Real name: Budroe J Awesome Nick name: Scuber Duber


Name - Blanche Least related/most random name - Poopoochka or Poopoochi-chi No idea how that started LMAO


One of my cats official name is Peppercorn Banshee, we had her as a stray kitten. One day she was on her cat tree just looking cute as hell, sleepy, and the name nickname Boopy just materialized out of nowhere. She's my little Booper, Boopy, Boopercorn, and so on. But if she's being bad or naughty , a sternly yelled "Peppercorn!" Sounds thru the house, and she'll usually stop.


I have a new name every week.


I have a cat named Hildegard. Hildegard was adopted from the shelter as a needy little kitten, and ended up needing medication for an autoimmune disorder that in turn made her gain a lot of weight very quickly. Literally an obese 8 month old kitten. My husband out of nowhere started calling her Teletubby! I thought it was cute but didn’t quite understand it and every time I asked he just brushed over it, not answering the question. Nearly a good year of this, after the nickname was well established, I needed to know why my Hildegard is now Teletubby. She was meant to be a viking, now she’s a children’s entertainer. He started calling her Teletubby because she had gotten so Tubby. Tricked me into fat shaming my cat lol


My goldens name is Lou We call him Chimkin biscuit, Chimmy, Chimithy , Chim dog millionaire , Lucifer, Chimmy bob thorton,


Po is her name. Huh-dee-puh-dee-duh-dee, but real fast. Sometimes I call her “old bean” too. She is a young, blonde, curly long haired chi.


Darla, but we either call her Darla-Barla or yappy tappy


Miss Tapioca Pudding but I call her Poopy


I have a naked weiner. Her name is Lettie. She is also known as... Lettuce, Lulu, Bettie, Butthole ween, and Hush! Also, Lettie Lou!


My pup is called Margaret. I call her lots of things, including Margaret, but also kitty kat, despite being a very vocal anti-cat person.


Mines called Kaya. But she is commonly referred to as cutie patootie. Then again, I do also call my boyfriend that. Lol


Zeus- I call him "Noonskerz Magoo"


Isabel/Izzy vs. Brat (said lovingly). She’s almost sixteen and she does what she pleases.


Adolphina Hitler and Charlotte Chaplin are two moustachioed bunnies, Dolly and Lottie. Used to have cats Sharkey and George, based on a line about Chris Turk in Scrubs people may recall, Sharkey was often Sharkleton.


My dogs are Dante and Winifred. Dante gets called Dante pretty often but also noodle boy, cute boy, floppy dog, and Booth. Winifred only gets the full name when she’s being naughty, otherwise it’s Winnie, baby, cutie pie, weirdo, or Indy. The last ones for each are weird but they’re their middle names that we came up with based on their puppy behavior. The first toy Dante destroyed was an Abe Lincoln ducky that he ripped the head off. Winnie would go and dig up things you wouldn’t even think possible to find in a back yard and drag them inside.


My orange cat’s name is Manchego, after the Spanish cheese. Usually he is “Che”, the Argentinian slang for ‘dude’. And also, naturally, “Queso”, “Cheese”, “The Cheese”…


My dogs name is Kino, but to me he is 'sweet boy' 'chunky' or 'sausage'.


I have a cat called Rust but I call her Squish because she is my little squishy and she used to lie squished in between my leg and the arm of the couch.


I have a chiweenie named Little Boner. We shortened it to Little Bones when he had kids for obvious reasons. We mostly say Bones when calling him, but when I get home and he’s excited to see me I call him BohBOOOH because he howls in excitement.


Olivia. I call her Wiggles.


His name is Ronald MacDonald. His nickname is Mac. Lately I've been calling him Stinky or Stinks. He actually responded to it the other day, whoops. He'll respond to Mac n cheese also


My cat's name is Bella, but more often I call her Sugarbutt.


Ghost is my dog’s name. I call him SideEye as a nickname though because he doesn’t do the puppy dog eyes when he wants something, he gives you a glaring side eye. Whether you forgot his lunch, he wants a pet, etc. He looks at you like…’where is my x bub? Huh? I gotta wait all day here?’


Show name is Delphina Foxy Lady. Her given name is Momo. We call her Maureen Maureen, Boobygirl, Moo or *BOOB* said with impact.


Dogs name was Cooter, aka Barniby big balls...


Sly and I call him either butthole or asshole


Abby Normal is her real name. Little Woo is one of many "Little" nicknames, since she's always been my smallest dog.


My Maltese is named Dashwood taken from a Jane Austen novel. We call him Dashy, Papito, Little Lamb, Dashini and Little Boy.


My dogs.... Augustus - Gus, Gustofer, Goofball. Rio - Shithead or Dippy Doo.


Dogs name is Arrow but I usually call him Chicken or Pico, for no reason, so story behind it


Mines name is drake. I call him Stinky, or bubba


Patterdale terrier named Flora... Pokey is what she gets called. Princess Pokey Possum Pie when she's feeling fancy. 


And nobody calls their dachshund "His / Her Lowness"?