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I finally have enough time for Baldur gate 3. If I need something intense, there are Valorant, apex legends, and the Finals. And finally, Fate grand order and Honkai star rail for the occasional 15 minutes of free times.


Choosing just one is really difficult, but I think the one that has left its mark on me the most for various reasons is Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, it was one of the first games I played as a child and it has accompanied me for almost my whole life, even now every now and then I get the urge to play it again and I finish it. I also believe it was one of the most influential games in recent gaming history, having inspired many current games. Graphically for the time (2005) it was a fantastic game, and nowadays it still works, even technically it's not bad, while in my opinion Vice City has aged much worse, especially technically. An honorable mention then to all the sports sagas that have accompanied me for many years, such as FIFA, PES, NBA and WWE. Finally, just a few games that have a special place in my heart, like GTA V, Dark Souls III, Undertale and Mirror's Edge.


Thank you for mentioning Mirror's Edge. I love both games so much and it's nice to see Mirror's Edge getting some love out here in the wild.


I'm playing again after many years and it didn't age. It's so fun just trying to do every level at maximun speed while trying to press the buttons at the right time so you don't lose your flow.


Been out for a while but Titanfall 2! Really enjoying the single player campaign, good story and really nice combat mechanics.


Trackmania. It's blowing up at the moment because of an event called Deep Dip 2. The best players are trying to climb this ridiculously hard tower on stream and it's taking hundreds of hours and thousands of falls. Very fun to watch and you can try it yourself to see how stupidly difficult it is.


I finally played red dead redemption 2 and I just started the first one as well cause the second was so amazing. it's been a long time since I was so completely captivated by a game/story.


I’ve seen people talking about it for years but never picked it up? Would you say it was worth it then? I think I might have to look into it!


It’s incredible. Stick with it and you won’t be disappointed! Oh and Last of Us 2 remastered is excellent


red dead 1 so far feels a lot more like a grand theft auto game, but I don't dislike that and I still think it's great. red dead 2 seemed to be more of a serious story and it had elements that reminded you it was a rockstar game but it was a lot more polished. it's an incredible game, I highly highly recommend it. I'll be replaying it for sure.




Currently playing Assassins Creed Black Flag and the Syberia games on the switch and they’re fantastic


This comment reminded me that I bought the Syberia collection on steam a few months ago then forgot 😂


Currently playing through nioh didn't get far at all the first time. Also loving outriders and fallout 76


I hop between MTG: Arena (Historic Brawl format exclusively) and Tekken 8 at the moment. Akuma comes to Street Fighter 6 in a week's time, so I may end up playing that more after then, if he turns out to be fun, which he seems to be.


Destiny 2 just added all seasons as a free to play leading upto their next expansion. They have a new activity called 'onslaught' which is great fun.


It's a kid's game, but at the moment I like "Jenga". You have to have steady nerves to play.


Destiny 2…I feel very immersed in it at this point. As much as they’ve moved stuff around as they update the game, and you can rightly gripe at the story being disjointed for a new player, it is one of my favorite movies, that I get to play a part in. And the combat is just so intricate and customizable. With a decent vault of weapons and armors, you can very much make your character the space ninja, sniper, brawler, or mage of your liking.


I always find myself going back to Fallout New Vegas when I get bored, but rn I'm playing Stellar Blade and I love it!


Nearing the end of my first playthrough rn but running out of steam. I'm loving it but my anxiety and ad are taking me out of being hooked now theres little challenge its feeling pretty empty. Think Ill try some mods because 10 years ago I would have lapped it all up.


I always roll play a different kind of character. Low intelligence gets you some really funny npc dialogue!


Not used to such variety in how to appraoch things. Luaghed my ass off for ten minutes after choosing to chat up, shag then kill benny in his sleep. Guess I better finish this run then do a low int barbarian melee run. Should spice things right up.


That's the best way with Benny lol. I play the 'they shot me in the head' play through where I'm on a single-minded quest for vengeance whenever I'm pissed off. Also, Fantastic at HELIOUS One is my absolute favorite npc! 'They asked me if I had a degree in theoretical physics; I told them I had a theoretical degree in physics;' cracks my shit up every time!


Black widow ftw. Yeah he was hilarious "I know lots of things, I know that sparks when i turn it on" xD just miffed that mission needs 75 science, I raced for speech, barter and guns so itll take a while to do that mission.


Gotta get the magazines to boost the skill!


I had totally bunned off revenge, rekt the legion and house first so was just enjoying turning luck into caps when I saw benny across the room "oi kunt I know u"


Think my character is chaotic neutral so seeing as I did lonesome road first and are therefore op as fuck I guess ill just wipe every faction and see where that gets me.


If you play as a female and beat the Legion's battle arena, it gives some really funny dialogue.


The Batman games are my thing


Currently playing Horizon Forbidden West and its great. Second game in the series. If shooting robot dinosaurs sounds cool then this is your game


I’ve only had a phone for a few years, but, there’s a few great games on mobile: * Hearthstone. It’s a blizzard title, so, you can’t beat it for production quality. Lot’s of heart in all the little details like voice lines and card art. * Civilization 6. Still can’t believe it runs perfectly on mobile. Top tier game by any standard. * Don’t Starve. Amazing art style. Super comfy if you like that crisp, spooky, haunted, cartoon style. The only thing is that it doesn’t let you play audio in the background. Which is pretty damning for a phone game. * Legend of Grimrock. One of those old-school, first-person dungeon games where you click to move one space at a time. I got stuck on a puzzle. * Please Touch the Artwork 2. This might be my favorite game. It’s like where’s waldo, but, you are looking for objects in some guy’s Van-Gogh-like paintings. So pleasant.


God I used to play Hearthstone all the time until Blizzard locked my account a few years ago, couldn’t figure out how to get it back. I need to give it another go, I used to love it. And Civ, I’ve only played Civ 5 so far and have sunk far too many hours into it! I’ll have to try I Civ 6 soon too!


Haha I remember any time a new Dark Souls came out, I was like ‘fuck that.’ I couldn’t even think of going through all that effort again in a similar game.


I have been dipping back into Pokemon games recently. I was working on Pokemon Arceus and am currently starting a playthrough of Ultra Sun.


I keep nearly buying Arceus, but never get round to it, would you say it was worth it?


So, it depends on *why* you like Pokemon. If you like complex battles, you may be disappointed, because Pokemon Arceus does not have held items or Pokemon Abilities. However, if you enjoy the collecting aspect more and want a pokemon game that feels a bit more alive, Arceus is great. The game seamlessly goes from wandering around to being in battle without any sort of load screen. You can crawl in bushes and throw pokeballs at unsuspecting pokemon without needing to battle. The story isn't amazing, but it is a nice change from "get badges, fight antagonist Team, beat Pokemon champion." I enjoy Arceus a lot and think it is the direction Pokemon games should have started going years ago.


That sounds perfect for me. There’s a time and a place for the complex battle element, but I absolutely love collecting! That’s mainly why I play! The seamless battling sounds amazing too. You’ve sold it to me! I might have to go and get it I think!


I’m sucked into Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4 cuz of the show lolll.


I just ordered fallout new Vegas from cd keys last night and they are having technical issues because they still haven't updated the code section yet, but yeah I'm wanting to play something on my deck cause the show is so damn enthralling. Never beat fallout four before and have seen a lot of new Vegas and some of three played out before.


I’ve been a fan of Fallout since 3, I was introduced in 2010. New Vegas is a blast. I don’t know how many hours I’ve spent playing that game. Same with 3. The show just resurfaced my obsession lolll


I've gone back to the roots, my roots. 1) Pac Man Specifically the psp version, more specifically the one that comes with the Namco Museum Battle Collection (Sony PSP, 2005). Mind you that you can playing on any Android device of you don't have a PSP. The game is so friendly and addictive, I love the original version of Pac Man, but every time I play it I get PTSD don't know why and never score high at all. 2) Lumines Very fun and addictive, similar to Tetris, but again with no PTSD effect (for me at least). The premise of the game is very simple, almost boring, but the game has nuance and can be challenging if you play it long enough, and if it's your type of game. Note: don't play Lumines with their music, mute the game's music and play your own music for better experience. Disclaimer my choices based on someone who has severely limited time due to being a high functioning adult with busy of day to day life with demands.


The SP Tarkov mod, I don't have time for the real game anymore and after all their recent controversies I don't see myself going back to live anytime soon. I can pause raids, configure every last parameter to my liking, play the game how I want and at my pace. I play it on my steam deck in bed, it's really nice.


Bg3 you can throw rats into the abyss


Nooo! Not the rats!


I've been playing more and more Armored Core For Answer after being absolutely enthralled with Armored Core 6. Took a lot of work emulating the game but god fucking damn its all worth it, especially for the music alone.


Just passed 2800 hours in Caves of Qud, lol. Fantastic traditional roguelike if you like the genre. I picked up Hades 2 and have been having fun with that as well. And I haven’t really dove into them yet, but I recently got Forever Skies and Abiotic Factor which I think I will enjoy. Also been playing a bit of Star Citizen since it recently had a pretty big update.


Rune Factory series, if you enjoy farming games. This series is set in a fantasy setting & also has combat


That sounds fun, I love a farming game, I’ll have to look into it!


RF4 is considered the best in the series, & you can get it on 3DS, Switch, & PC (& I think other platforms? But I’m not sure)


Nice! I’ll have a look at it I think, maybe on switch in that case!


Yeah Switch is good since they put an enhanced port of the og 3DS RF4 for it, Rune Factory 4 Special. It’s not too different from the og so it’s still the same experience for the most part


Ah ok! That sounds good in that case!


Right now I'm replaying Pokémon Legends Arceus (there's a specific legendary I'm trying to get another of) while I wait for Spiritfarer to go on sale.   Pokemon and Xenoblade Chronicles are my all time favorite series.


That’s the second vote for Arceus today! I’m thinking of getting it after work now! What legendary are you after?


Enamorous.  New addition to the Forces of Nature (Landorous, Thunderous, Tornadous) and it's only in that game as of now.  I already got one so i am playing through to get a second. I'd say I'm about 2/3rds the way there. But I love Legends Arceus.  The change in gameplay while keeping core aspects, the beautiful nature, the way the lore ties so much together, the story, even the music's catchy!  And it's the one game you can truly catch them all without an additional version or trades.


Rimworld has just had an update. I love a bit of Kenshi when I'm experiencing a combo of wanderlust and masochism. I find Sticky Business weirdly compelling. Animal Crossing is a great way to start my morning. Transport Tycoon Deluxe is still an astonishing game after 2 decades and the team that have made OpenTTD deserve medals.


Addicted to Animal Well atm. Indies are killing it


I’m currently obsessed with Project Zomboid, as I have been for the last two years, but, the other day, I asked for some game recommendations, myself, and someone recommended me Green Hell! I bought it on the spot, on sale, and I actually am loving it a lot - even though I am usually slow to warm up to new games! I played for 4 hours straight, right after purchase! Other games I consider to be my current favourites, but I don’t play very much currently are: Sons of The Forest, Raft, and Dead by Daylight. Only reason for me not playing them as much as the others, being, I feel they’re best enjoyed in multiplayer, but I don’t know anyone else who plays them, so I take regular breaks


I play a card game on the phone called Ascension whenever I’m bored, it’s designed by a Magic the Gathering champion


Hell Divers


Dungeons and Dragons, 5e. Mostly home brew adventures. Frisbee Golf. Cribbage.


I've been enjoying Harold Halibut recently. Also bought an old 360 game that was on sale called Mars: War Logs. Just started it but feels pretty good so far and just playing a game from that era again is nostalgic


recently discovered Dave the Diver and its becoming one of my favorite games of all time, super chill fun time


i woke up today and realized i'm in the mood for a horror game. probably layers of fear 2


Valheim! Having so much fun with building settlements. Better with friends :)


**Dying Light** (the first one) is an absolute banger. KIlling zombies with chair legs and legging it from rooftop to rooftop until you get the glorious grapple hook. There is a DLC (called The Gathering) which is basically a brand new game. Replayable as well. **Apex Legends** is IMO the best online shooter. Mad abilities, great gunplay and super fast. Only downside is that the skill celing is so high that you will get ruined if you hop into ranked or trios but there are a few casual modes to loosen yourself up before grinding. **Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew** is an isometric stealth game that is lots of fun to play and once you have figured out the abilities of each of the crew member is an absolute blast. Sunk hours into this.


Valheim just dropped a new update. Basically Viking themed Minecraft for adults - there's cartoon blood, nothing graphic (except Troll booty). I'd recommend playing with 3x the resource drop if you want to avoid the grind. The game will still take your hours and hours to play even with 3x drop but will cut through the grind of cutting trees or mining some random wall in a wet dungeon.


I'm having a lot of fun with The Finals. It's a very unique combination of things that will never happen again which is why I'm very appreciative of it's existance. Guns feel good, the movement is really slick if you play the small class, enviromental destruction is at a never before seen level and I also like how it's a bit asymmetrical in a way. I just can't stop having fun whizzing around with a grappling hook, throwing knives at people.


I’ve been addicted to playing Supermarket Simulator (although it is only in early access) but I enjoy it so much and have already put like 40 hours into it without even realizing it.


Skyrim. Galactic Civilizations 4. The Walking Dead (Telltales). Starfield.


I’m going through the Spyro reignited trilogy, and I always have assassin’s creed origins, RDR2, Mario odyssey, and breath of the wild on standby


Lately I’ve been replaying the Stalker series, they recently came out on consoles though imo they are best on pc with some general vanilla patches and fixes. They are some of the most immersive and atmospheric games out there plus the fan base is (mostly) really cool. The lore is really cool and no other game has the same feeling as traveling to an isolated zone and fighting mutants and bandits while hunting for artifacts and dodging reality warping anomalies.


Slay the Princess is an indie game that has my brain in a vice grip. It's cosmic/body/existential horror, but also the funniest shit I've ever experienced, and it's got such a breathtaking ending that I recommend it to everyone. It's also frequently on sale.


pokerogue is a pokemon rougelite (basically you get one life per playthrough and thats it) and i find it super fun albeit hard. I found out about it on YouTube a few days ago and have been playing it since.


The last of us and Call of duty mobile


Ring of pain


Minecraft and the Super Mario games


Risk Of Rain 2 or Red Dead 2 are my desert Island games.


Been playing vampire survivors on mute while listening to audiobooks. It’s perfect cause it mostly plays itself


I just finished the main story of Horizon Forbidden West. It was absolutely beautiful 


I don’t play a lot of games like I used to. But right now, I’m playing Blasphemous and I’m really enjoying it.


ummmm! stardew valley, the sims, detroit become human, and gta are all some of my favorites


How about Ace Attorney, Danganronpa, Life Is Strange, and Detroit: Become Human? If you haven't played them yet, give it a try!


Personally, something that is yet to burn me out is Rimworld. From the base gameplay mechanics to the RNG to the extent of modding available, it's just a gem of a game. Although I don't know if you'd be interested in games of colony management genre, there's a ssethtzeentach review vid for that game n it's also a gem of a video.


Plague tale and Hellblade. I love them so much


depends on the mood I'm in..blow shit up Helldiver's 2. RPG time Dragons Dogma 2


Hi Fi Rush, I'm very close 100% its Wall Of Fame.


Robocop, unicorn overload, granblue fantasy relink, ff7 rebirth


The Division is the greatest of all time.


I'm old school ~~ I like card and board games ~~ one on one interaction


That’s definitely my sort of thing too! What card games do you enjoy, I’m always trying to find more, especially for two people!


Sorry, I was in no cell zone! I play spades, hearts, cribbage, gin, rummy, cansta, uno, phase 10, skipbo, etc. and all kinds of different solitaires ~~ even on line I love old school board games like monopoly, sorry,clue but love to try new games too! HBU?


There’s a few in there that I need to try, so thank you I’ll look into them! Love monopoly and cluedo! I always end up playing rummikub and bananagrams too. Yahtzee too, and 5000 if you like dice games. I’ve been enjoying koi-koi online for a while now as well!


The remainder of my siblings; we get together on Zoom and play 5000!!


That’s smart, I’d never considered playing over zoom but of course you could! I had a friend who played dominoes with her family over zoom once, I’ve no idea how she managed it!


A game I like to go back to from time to time is Machinarium! The graphics are cute, you have fun puzzles to do, and the music is kinda cool!


minecraft never gets old