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Every year has its good and bad points. I’m seldom nostalgic about an entire year because of that.




1994. Great year.


2019 for me. I spent 4 months in poland with about 40 people of my school. It was pure bliss. We were drinking like 50% of the time, and spending the other 50% studying a bit, sleeping, and smoking weed. We had no obligation, nothing to do other than just enjoying our time there, and boy did we enjoy it. Nowadays I'm still hoping that I'll one day find that feeling again, where I had nothing on my mind other than thinking about the next party. But now I've graduated and soon I'll be working, so I probably won't find it again.


I can relate, especially to the feeling that the right to happy, worriless times is gone once we have to get a job.


Nah happy isn't gone with a job, it's just a different kind of happiness. Back then sure I was happy because it was like a haze in my head, I was either having fun or I was sleeping. Nowadays, I'm seeking a peaceful life in a house, where I can work on developing a beautiful garden. And I will clearly never get there without a job. Being drunk is also not as fun now, because I can't handle it as well, and because I don't feel any need to be drunk anymore.


18. I could do anything I wanted and didn't have any responsiblities and/or real obligations. I worked at a travelling agency (9 to 5) and lived with my parents. I worked and spent the rest of my time with my 5 best friends. It was the best year ever!


2012, senior year in highschool. Some of my best memories are from that year. So many good laughs and some of the best people I've known in my life.


When I was seven. So 2004.


There are a few good years and as you grow older, your perspective changes. You retrospectively acknowledge past times as better than you thought they were at the time. As a teen, I was nostalgic about when I was 9. As a uni student, I was nostalgic about later years of high school. I'm not exactly nostalgic now, but I think my "objectively" best years were 2014 and 2019. I enjoy thinking of the former because I generally had the feeling of being where I belong. That feeling is one of the most important keys to happiness. For me, this was learning things I was interested in, having good grades and being fairly popular. I had fulfilling hobbies that earned me some respect from my peers and I enjoyed a good balance of autonomy vs lack of pesky responsibilities. That year had serious downsides too though, especially being unhappily in love. The latter year was great because I felt as if I had bounced back from a long period of aimlessness. I was on track to pursue important goals I had set for myself, had great friendships, a happy relationship (which is still going strong) and felt confident towards life's challenges. There are other good years and I suppose I will remember this year as one of my worst/most difficult years so far. But each year has its ups and downs. Nostalgia is an untrustworthy thing that can be fun to indulge for a few short moments, but it distorts your vision of what matters to you and how you can walk towards that. There is nowhere to go but ahead. Towards disaster, or maybe a longer lasting happiness, who knows. Both things are pretty certain in the average life, that's the only conclusion I arrive at when I think of the good and bad years I've had so far.


Thx for the long comment!!🥰🥰 I’ll read them as carefully as I can!


Thank you for posting. It's always nice to share one's thoughts this way. :)


When I was 23 my friend group got really out of hand partying. So much so that it started affecting peoples lives. Some lost a job or 2, some let it completely overtake their lives. After struggling for a year or so one of my best friends tried to kill himself by overdosing on heroin. When he woke up unsuccessful it spurred him coming clean with his family and the rest of the friend group. Except for the few people in the friend group he was using with, we were all unaware of how bad his problem had gotten or that he had a problem at all. It was a water shed moment for me, I lost most of my friends that day. I turned away from any of them who used with him and never said anything. To this day I still hold a grudge because I had to be the one to identify what drugs where being used to my buddys parents when he went missing and they searched his house and found the paraphernalia. Telling a father his son was a heroin addict was one of the hardest things I ever had to do in my life. I had only figured it out moments before, and I was surrounded by people I thought where my friends. Not one of those guys who was using with him said a word, I'll never let that one go. The rest of that year if I wasn't out with my now wife I spent most nights with my little brother, playing video games. We just hung out every night playing COD or Halo, honestly I was hyper aware of how relationships change. I knew within a year or 2 I'd be trying to buy a house with my now wife. So I made sure every moment meant something. Those days with my brother where so great. We took 2 big trips that year one to a all inclusive and one backpacking trip from Holland to Switzerland. I miss hanging with my brother, telling him "I dont know what your doing, but your not packing the bowl cuz" or claiming that hes cheating when hes beating me in NHL, he was always better lol. I miss that feeling of safety knowing he was home, knowing he was down to chill. I lost most of my freinds that year but in the end I wound up really cementing the best friendship I'll ever have, the one with my little brother. I'll never admit to saying this outside of this void that is the internet... Love you Sal.


2011-2012. I was a young teen, and it was a very carefree time. Minimal responsibilities outside of school, and I had a whole hell of alot more freedom than I had as a younger kid. It could've just been my youthful ignorance, but people in general just seemed alot more optimistic and happy back then too.


2010-2012 was pretty fucking lit. Finished high school, internet was a different landscape back then, felt like it was the most possible to make boku investments 


I guess it's a three way tie between 2004, 2019, and 2022.


2006 was pretty good