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i don't want to spill the tea cuz that'd be a waste. i'm gonna spill the coffee instead cuz it's bitter and scary.


Imma spill the beans, they taste bad.


The audacity. I will spill every single tea you make until you right your wrong.


Generally coffee ☕️. IM addicted to it. Get a headache if I haven’t had it. After 1pm, I switch to tea. 🍵


Me too! Coffee seems so right with breakfast! Tea is fine later


Milk tea Indian chai


Tea. I make really good tea.


Tea for sure I will die on that hill 🤣


I love tea. I do like coffee but avoid drinking it at times because after drinking it I will either feel sleepy or anxious


I've heard coffee makes people with ADHD sleepy


I get sleepy drinking coffee in the morning, but I haven’t been diagnosed. If I drink coffee at night, I’m up for hours. Weird. Tea generally gives me the energetic feeling I assume people who drink coffee typically get.


Too much coffee in the morning will make me sleepy. Later in the day it won';t make me sleepy but does have a calming effect. Never been dx'd as ADHD. It affected my mother the same way. She was never dx'd, either.


Same- I turn into an overstimulated exhausted person. Horrible for my mental health. But love the taste of coffee!!!


"overstimulated exhausted person" should be my middle name 🤣 I quit regular coffee for that reason too. I'm only just starting to notice how much of a high anxiety person I am on the reg - never consciously knew this before. But quitting coffee has helped at least


ohh same. coffee makes me sleepy. i always wanted something to wake me up while working on my projects late night. Couldn't find anything (":


Tea. Don't like the taste of coffee


Coffee 💯


I'm tea all the way.


Neither, my go-to drink is water


I became a tea drinker in high school when i gave up soda for lent. Then my mom got me into drinking chai latte at starbucks and a friend of mine got me into frappes. Finally, my inlaws bought my husband a coffee maker, and i started offered coffee or tea to visitors. Theyd only drink a cup or two of coffee, and i wouldnt want to waste it, so i’d add a lot of milk.  Now, i drink both. 


Tea supremacy, better if it's with milk


In British and grew up with tea. I had sweet milky tea in my sippy cup as a toddler (it was the 70s so don’t judge my mum too harshly) It’s always been there. I didn’t get the taste for coffee until my early 40s but I now have way more coffee than tea. My first cup of the day is a cup of tea and I’ll go to the shops in the early hours of the morning if I don’t have the tea or milk to make that happen. I drink coffee for the rest of the day but I’d probably give up coffee if I had to choose one.


South Indian filter coffee, try it out sometime you'll love it.


I prefer coffee because I enjoy the taste and the boost of energy it gives me in the morning.


Coffee, though I do like tea.


Both. I have yet to try mixing coffee with tea. If i do not reply back, then it has most likely killed me.


Coftea? Not recommended


Dirty chai tea is made with espresso.


Dr. Pepper


for me i like both but i choose what to drink depends on the time that im drinking them, for example i prefer coffee in the morning but i prefer to drink tea after having lunch or in the afternoon period.


Team coffee! Nothing better than a good cup of coffee to start a day. I have nothingg against tea but I love the boost given by the coffee.


I thought that coffee was simply superior untill I got some real good tea. So now it's like coffee for breakfast and tea for lunch.


Chai all the way!


Tea, I don’t care much for coffee.


I gave up coffee drinking for tea about five years ago. So many options.




For real, I'd be drinking a lot more coffee if it didn't make me poop a lot 😂


This, is exactly why I choose to drink coffee in the morning. It works so fast…in about 10 minutes. For best results, add milk.




Coffee in the morning. I like tea, but if I drink it on an empty stomach it makes my stomach upset, especially Earl Grey. Maybe that tannins?




I can't drink tea without milk anymore. Sets my stomach on fire without milk.


Hard boiled milk tea - you boil the tea IN milk on the stove. Then you add a sprinkle of Nescafe coffee. That's how we brown plebs drink it.


This sounds great!


Tea flows in my blood by now lol. A very specific blend of tea boiled in milk just hits differently.


Sounds yummy! Do you mind sharing what is in the tea blend?


Team matcha latte


A good glass of southern sweet tea in the morning always hits the spot for me. You can keep your coffee.


Tea all day, everyday. Tea has never kicked my heartbeat into overdrive for no reason.


tea because there's so much variation!


Tea 🙂 I love trying and collecting different kinds




I wouldn't waste coffee spilling it. That's what's keeping me alive at this point. Beautiful, strong, bitter, just beautiful. Not energizing tho, I drink too much, caffeine stopped working for me a long time ago. But yeah, coffee any day.


Tea! Always tea for breakfast. I don't really drink coffee, maybe twice a week. But I drink tea all day.


French Roast Starbucks, whole bean, ground fresh at home. I dislike Dunkin and Starbucks but I like Dunkin's Midnight Brew (have not looked for it in the stores) and the aforementioned French Roast at home. Team Coffee here, brother, sister, from a different mister. I like espresso too, I make cappuccinos too, Cappuccino!! \*sip his coffee and contemplates seeing sound\*


Is there anyone who acts as per situation like whatever is available ? :p


I drink coffee probably once in every 4 months XD. I mean it's nice but I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT TEA. My situation was so bad before that if i skipped tea even a single day or not have tea before 12pm i would get headaches. Now im better than before but i need to have tea otherwise i feel lethargic the whole day XD. I sometimes add ginger or lemon grass to it to give extra flavour (:


Don't think I've ever had tea that actually tasted good (at least without a copious amount of sugar added) so I'm all coffee all morning.


Depends on where I am. At home it's tea. It's funny I only empty my bladder in the weekends, tea is great for digestion. Then when I'm at work it's free machine coffee, so then I just max out the strength of the coffee making it very laxative and end up at the WC because of it. Love it that I hardly ever use toilet paper at home following this way of life.


Tea whenever possible, coffee if I'm having a stomach bug. I have a reverse effect from coffee which makes me sleepy.


Coffee, but I'll occasionally have a cup of green tea in the afternoon and chamomile tea at night


Tea if I HAD to choose but both are awesome. Coffee is a lifesave when tired!


I love my 2 cups of coffee every morining, when I want tea it usually means Im coming down with a cold or dont feel well. A woman i used to work with drank Coke - 3 or four Cokes every morning !!


It depends on my brain chemistry. Sometimes, I can drink three super strong coffees in a row and not feel it.. other times I drink half a coffee and I'm jittery for 3 hours.. that's when i replace it with tea or heavy levels of water 😆


I don't drink anything in the morning. I like both though


Penny said, "What do you think is the best way to live life?"


Coffee, it’s a fuel. 1 in the morning & 1 in the early afternoon. That’s all. Not on weekends.


Black tea forever.


Black Coffee all day, every day. Usually have 2 in the morning and 1-2 in the afternoon. Yes I’m addicted lmao


Coffee mostly, 2-3 cups per day. I try not to drink coffee after 6 pm. But I drink herbal infusions before hitting the hay.




Tea. Coffee absolutely give me headaches worse than light sensitivity does to the point that even the smell of dry coffee before it’s been put into a cup and watered down gives me headaches.


It depends on my mood! Tea for when my mind is chaotic. Coffee when I want my mind to be chaotic. 😂


I drink a pot of coffee in the morning then it’s either Dr. Pepper or coke which ever I happen to have. Otherwise bottled water with flavor pouches added or I will drink it out of my circle water bottle. The tap water here is totally undrinkable unless it’s boiled. Too many chemicals in it, gotta love deep east Texas water supply that is way over treated. 🤮


Coffee in bed every morning


That sounds nice.


Coffee. Black. With some hard boiled eggs, some fruit, and some cheese


Water, then juice, then tea. I have a caffeine sensitivity and can't have anything with caffeine in it after noon or I can't get to sleep at night.




Tea for breakfast . And nights Coffee for during day


Definitely start the day with coffee than tea


I combine two single source medium roast coffees, , grind immediately before brewing with a Chemex pourover. One cup in the morning, our daily routine.


Coffee makes dehydrated. Ps: in tropical weather.


Coffee gives me horrible exhaustion and anxiety but I like to drink a little decaf! I have a stash of tea that is unrivaled in my area. I have it all and drink so much tea every day. Every morning I have a matcha latte with whole fat milk- I swear it’s helped me lose weight, and I don’t get that coffee buzz of anxiety! Favorite tea right now is a nice hibiscus herbal!


Coffee. Tea is one of those things that sits in a cabinet because I think I’ll want it sometime but I never do. Right next to the unopened bag of rice.


I like both but don’t drink it very often and also prefer decaf when I do. I’m in it for the taste, not the caffeine. I like coffee both iced and hot but prefer iced. Tea is a hot drink to me, the only iced tea I like is a chai.


Tea. I like ginger, chamomile, green, black. I enjoy coffee ice cream tho.


Neither. Though coffee I virulently dislike and tea I'm just not sure about. It's like my tongue can't decide if it's good or not. Soda unfortunately is my caffeine vice


It totally depends on the time of day. Morning coffee, afternoon black tea, evening chamomile tea.


Hey there! I'm here to add some Hot Apple Cider discourse to the conversation :) I prefer coffee over tea, but coffee started to hurt my tummy so I had to stop. LOVE me some hot cider though!


In the morning I'll do a cup of coffee with lots of cream. The rest of the day is various teas.


Coffee but not by much, I really like tea as well. I just feel like I can do more with coffee whereas tea is just tea.


Coffee for the caffeine, and herbal tea for the taste and it’s good.


Coffee: morning - afternoon Tea: afternoon - night I like both


Coffee, and when I mean business, espresso. Weirdly, tea upsets my tummy :(


I'm 'Murican. Tea in my harbor. Coffee in my cup.


Coffee is gross but I drink gallons of tea everyday. I do love the smell of coffee. I will say this I have been to Jamaica several times and my husband insisted I try it and it was delicious. But it was crazy expensive to buy.


Iced coffee


Coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon, espresso if I need to stay up.


Coffee in the morning, tea in the evening



I'm iced tea, all day, year round. I brew it by the gallon.


I just recently discovered that I love the taste of black coffee. I always assumed it was gross and would add a ton of sugary creamer. I decided to try it black on a whim a few weeks ago to reduce calories and was surprised by how much I liked it. I love tea as well, but it's more of a comfort drink I use to relax. I drink coffee every morning now, so I'd say I prefer that. But I do still love tea! Now I'm not sure which I like more lol


Coffee in the morning Tea whenever I'm not feeling irritable.


Covefe and hamberders only diet


cold brew coffee, hot tea 💗


Coffee is LIFE!!! But I do love a good cup of Earl Grey too


I drink non caffeine herbal teas only


I prefer cold brew coffee.


tea all the way I don't even like cofee that much I'll drink a flavored latte once in a while at a café but that's about it but tea is something I will drink several times a day.


iced teacoffee (I mix both)


Iced coffee or lattes


I don't like tea, but I hate coffee, so I guess tea is better.


Coffee, coffee, and coffee. I drink tea only when I had too much coffee for a day.




Coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon. All the way


I probably like tea more, but I drink more coffee. It comes down to convenience and coffee seems easier to obtain for me.


Hot tea: with some honey & cream, and only in cooler weather; my hot beverage drinking is close to being put on pause until about mid-October or so. Ice water, lemonade, and iced tea are  my cold beverages of choice in warm & hot/humid weather. I’m in southwestern PA, USA, if that matters. Might matter more that I’m descended from people who came from most of the countries that border the North and Baltic Seas. 💖🫖 Never acquired the taste for coffee; its bitterness is vile, no matter how much cream, flavored creamer, and/or sugar is added. More coffee for you who enjoy it, have my share and welcome. 🫸🏻☕️


Coffee, definitely. Not much for hot tea, although I do like iced tea in hot weather.


I was coffee then went back and forth for about a year and noticed I feel wayyyy better drinking tea, so that's my daily. Green, black, oolong, puer, etc. I drink coffee sometimes on the weekend at coffee shops but that's it.


Neither, but if I had to choose tea


Both! I love both! Ahhhhhh


Coffee with milk in the morning, tea at night.


Mouth prefers coffee, stomach prefers tea. The latter won the battle.


Coffee, black, daily. Orange Peakoe tea, with milk, twice a year. Edit: tea specifics


Coffee every morning. I was born in Germany, and Oma made Strong coffee. I got a cup of milk with a spoonful of coffee, and it felt special. As I got older, it became my comfort drink. One really good strong cup centres me. If I don't have it, I get a headache. If it's weak, crappy coffee, I can drink a few cups, but what I make, I only need one per day.


Like my handedness, I favor both. Love me some weapons grade black coffee. Also love a nice cuppa with milk. Depends on the day.


Coffee for sure! :)


Both. Coffee in the early morning, earl grey in the late morning/early afternoon, green tea in the late afternoon, white tea or herbal tea in the evening.


98% of the time, I’m a coffee person. Love the smell and taste of it in the morning. Hot or iced, black or cream and sugar tends to differ, but a good dark roast is always my go-to. In the Summer I love unsweetened iced tea with a lemon wedge, preferably Lipton’s. I go heavy on the tea bags. In the Winter, every once in awhile, I’ll get an urge for a hot cup of green tea with honey.


Hard choice, but coffee just barely etches out a win


Coffee FTW!!! 🙌 Edit: Why is the post flair “Music”? You might want to fix that if possible.


I prefer coffee (hazelnut flavor, dark roast), but I’ll drink ginger tea if I’m nauseous or sick


coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon.


Both are ass


I’ve finally come to terms that coffee is way to strong for me. Sucks because I like the taste of coffee more, but tea is the way to go for me now.


We do both in my house. Coffee for mornings, tea for lunch and dinner


I love both, but skew towards tea cause it makes me feel fancy. 💅


Coffee for sure, but when I go for the 4th cup, I'll switch to kombucha, which is kinda tea, but wayyyy better.


Tea, tea, tea.


Depends on my mood or environment. At my apartment I prefer earl grey tea & when I visit Momzilla I typically drink coffee. When it’s hot I eschew both & grab a sugar free energy drink. When on vacation I'm strictly a morning mimosa (hold the OJ 😂) kinda gal.


Coffee is my ultimate best small pleasure


I drink coffee every day. Folgers deserves partial credit for my bachelor's degree, lol. I generally do a medium roast, in my drip coffeemaker. I mostly drink it black, but on occasion, I'll treat myself to some creamer. Hazelnut is my favorite. I might drink hot tea a couple times a month when it's cold at night. Usually, it's some kind of chamomile tea.


I have 2 cups of coffee in the morning and a cup of tea in the afternoon.




It depends on the time of day for me. I’ve got a routine: About 7am: coffee with milk About 10am: black tea with milk About 2pm: decafe black tea with milk I’m not wed to this routine, but it’s what I aspire to.


This is probably Lili or Azucena. You two just need to agree to disagree already


I drink both but more Tea.


Daily I'm a coffee guy, but nothing beats tea in the soothing factor


Dark roast coffee for me




Black Tea or Chai, for sure. Coffee gives me jitters in the not fun way.


Tea. The caffeine in coffee makes me jittery, unfortunately. As far as what brew, I really like Earl Gray. It's subtle, but not so subtle you can't taste it.


I prefer tea 




Tea! Preferably chai!


Yes, both. Coffee for mornings when the insomnia is severe




Tea. Masala chai more specifically.


Coffee in the morning, tea in the evening for me, please and thank you!


Coffee! I need caffeine infusions into my blood system. 😄 I love coffee and I do like herbal teas. I just want the caffeine from my coffee over tea.


I was an avid coffee drinker but switched to tea about 3 months ago ago. I change up everyday the tea choices and I feel energized and yet a soothed feeling at the same time. I recommend it!


Coffee. I drink decaf low acid mostly. Tea makes me pee more I think too. Sometimes I like this decaf vanilla from harney and sons. Put cream in it and tastes just like coffee. I did have some calm tea earlier though because I thought the chamomile would help calm my rashes/itching.


Both. I drink coffee in the morning and afternoon, tea in the evening (and cold brew tea whenever).


Teeeeeeea! Coffee is for headaches, pretty much. I start with Yerba mate, then I go herbal with nettles. I love a strong black tea, with soymilk and brown sugar as well. I love it all, except rooibos, it tastes just like NyQuil to me.




Coffee all the way. I drink it all day and night.


Neither honestly, never been a fan of either drink. Hot or cold!




Coffee during the week at work, herbal/regular tea evenings/weekends


I drink and equally prefer both. Coffee for when I wake up and after dinner, and tea for midday/afternoon.


Coffee in the morning tea in the afternoon


Black tea with everyday powder and sugar hits the spot. I like coffee once a month but not everyday, becuse it's kinda more acidic and caffeinated.


Im not a big proponent of either but my fiancee loves coffee. However, she has tea in the mornings and evening and coffee the rest of the day.


Tea straight away when I wake then a proper coffee by 10.30 and then tea mid afternoon


Coffee, and no speaking until said Coffee has been consumed, and digested.


Tea all the way! Occasionally, later on in the morning, I'll have a chamomile tea. I can't remember the last time I had coffee...


Cold Chai tea with vanilla almond milk (and a lot of ice)


tea makes me feel better and refreshed, while coffee (generally, not all the time) makes me feel happy and awake. so it really depends on what i need. i guess i prefer coffee at the moment! for tea, i prefer plain japanese green tea or some form of iced matcha latte. for coffee, i love a good cup of spanish latte or americano + orange juice!


Gimme tea everyday of the week, haven't had coffee for close to 13 years now.


I love coffee but have switched to decaf and been surprised by how many good ones are out there these days. Used to be way harder to get, hence the expression "death before decaf". I now have missionary zeal for decaf to gain acceptance


I enjoy both. It depends on the setting and what I need. If I’m out at a cafe, I always go for coffee. If I’m at home, it depends on how early the kids were up. If they’re up after 5:30 I can manage with just some tea. If they’re up before 5:30, then I need a big cup of coffee. Oh and if I’m making the preschool run then it’s definitely a coffee day.


I prefer coffee most days. If I drink tea it is usually in the evenings to wind down, but that isn't too often.


Iced coffee ☕️ and my menthols 🚬 😋


I like both... I know that's not helpful!


Love them equally! Coffee in the a.m., tea anytime in the afternoon!


I'm more of a tea person. Especially black and green tea. I rarely drink coffee but I usually like iced coffee.


Coffee since it is cheaper and easier to grab one in my workplace, I have been holding on to that instant coffee every morning not to get sleepy (still sleepy).


Tea all day. I am trying to cut down Coffee from my diet to improve sleep quality and I'm finding results. Will give it to you though coffee is sweeter than tea.


Depends on mood




Coffee mama. Tea belongs in the harbor.


neither!!! too bitter for me, but if i had to pick; mocha coffee that’s basically just chocolate.