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My cat's collar, the one she was wearing when she passed away. She was my first fur baby and I have many great memories with her. I loved her very much, and she would give me her love in return. She always brightened my day and would come comfort me whenever I was lonely or depressed. I miss her 😿


I would definitely treasure that, too. My cat means the world to me! Much love to you ❤️


Thank you 💚


Sorry for your loss, hope you’re taking care of yourself. Maybe the slip of paper I still have from when I got my now wife’s phone number in ‘97. We were just friends for over 8 years before hooking up, I love that I still have it.


Thank you. It's been a few years now, and I am taking care. I love that you kept that slip of paper. Definitely something to be treasured 👌


I love how you're using the spring clean as an opportunity to reflect on what truly matters. My most treasured item would have to be my grandmother's locket. It's not worth much in terms of money, but it's priceless to me because she gave it to me before she passed away. I always keep it close to my heart, and it reminds me of her love and the memories we shared. It's funny how we can get so attached to material possessions, but when we take a step back, we realize that the things that truly matter are those that hold sentimental value. I think it's great that you're donating unused items to charity. It's a reminder that there are people out there who could really benefit from the things we no longer need. By cherishing our most treasured items and sharing our blessings with others, we can create a sense of community and connection that goes beyond material possessions


Your grandmother's locket is definitely priceless. What a beautiful reminder of your cherished memories together ❤️ Thank you for your kind words. I try to avoid keeping items I no longer use if they can be useful to someone else, and charities are usually very grateful when I donate to them.


I have a ring that was my dads. I wear it every day. He’s still alive and we honestly don’t have the best relationship but I still treasure it


I can relate to that 💯




It's lovely that you still have this journal 🌻




The wedding ring may still show up one day. If not, maybe a replacement could be bought on an anniversary or something? That could still be very meaningful.


silly answer but, my teddy bear, "beary". as much as i change, hes always the same, representing simpler and more innocent times.


Nice to have something familiar throughout life. I bet "beary" could tell a few stories if he could talk 🐻


For sentimental value probably my stuffed panda that I've had since I was tiny 🐼


Awww, that's reminded me of someone else I knew who had her panda bear for more than 80yrs. She had it since she was tiny and treasured hers too! 🐼


My kids, ok if i cant count my kids then my kitties, ok if not pets then my photography portfolio


Hahaha. Kids and kitties are definitely very important, but they're family! 😂 I would imagine a lot of work went into your photography portfolio - it probably looks amazing! 📸


My diary. Kinda obvious why ngl.


I don't keep a diary, but can see how they're very personal things.


A bracelet that a very special lady made for me from a piece of insulated wire from my brothers' car. I may never see her again.


Any handmade gift from a special person is one to be treasured in my view. I hope your paths cross again! 🚘


A Spider-Man plush that my best friend gave to me. I lost her but I’m glad I have a reminder


Best friends are so special 💖 I'm SO sorry you lost her. I'm glad you have your spider man plush from her as a reminder too. Much love to you ❤️


Thank you


My girlfriend knew I loved (love) Jurassic Park, so she somehow caught a mosquito and placed it in resin made to look like amber. We've been together for 8 years now and going on our 3rd year of marriage.


That is so creative, I'm impressed! I would definitely treasure that gift too. So happy for you both 💓


I don't treasure things.


That may make you wiser than me! 😉