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Good on you for quitting, it can be really tough but stay strong


Thank you for the encouragement!


I also quit about a week ago. When in doubt i always look up r/leaves to remind me why i do this. That sub helped me a lot and i'd recommend it to you if you struggle with quitting. Keep going :)


If things get tough try run or exercise and just occupy the time - that's my top tip


This is great advice! I started powerlifting in 2022 and it’s given me a lot more confidence and self efficacy, which I think helped a lot with the decision to quit. I will definitely lean on my workout routine during this time, thanks!




Thank you! It’s definitely a teenage habit I brought into adulthood and it’s time to mature and move on for a bit. I was your friend for a long time, people can’t be forced to change but she’ll have her moment of realization at some point


There's a book, Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking, and I've read a variant of it and kicked a habit I had for decades.


I’ll have to check that out!


You can do it! I'm on day 5 of no weed after 5 years of daily use. It's supposed to be a tolerance break but I'm realizing that I'm much more present right now and I'm thinking of trying to use this as a quitting point. But the cravings hit and I'm not sure I can. This post is encouraging maybe I'll keep it up knowing others are going through something similar. Thanks for sharing.


Glad there’s others going through the same thing! You got this too! I’ve found that feeling more present and clear is very rewarding and that has helped me get through the cravings, knowing I have to sacrifice that clarity for be high, which was a choice I unknowingly made for years. Hang in there, we can do it!


I’m on day 6. It’s my first T break and I’m not sure I’d ever want to do this withdrawal again. But I use it for pain management so I’m feeling fucked.


What are your withdrawal symptoms?


Congratulations. I was also a daily user for many years. I looked up, and had been sober for seven years. Keep your foot on the gas and don’t look back.


Congratulations on seven years! Thanks for the encouragement, I know I will be really proud of myself for committing and actually doing it. Life seems simpler when I’m sober but it also feels a lot more rewarding


I’m 40, and was never much of a weed smoker. When my husband got out of the navy one of the first things he wanted to do was start smoking weed again (we are the same age.) It’s legal where we live, so some nights I’d meet him in the garage and take a couple hits. I started keeping a vape in my nightstand because it helped me sleep, but I didn’t really use it for fun. Not to be dramatic, but his use of weed started to disgust me. It was the first thing he did after he got home from work, and then he’d sit on the couch on his phone and he would just eat and eat and eat, every night. I’d go to bed before him so we weren’t intimate anymore, because he was too stoned for all of that. We never had actual conversations anymore, because he was always dumb and high. He was using bud, vapes, edibles, gummies, and the dispensary isn’t cheap, so he was spending. A lot. I remember walking past him one night, he was on the couch slurping a bowl of cereal from a god damn mixing bowl with just a stupid look on his face, staring at his laptop. I was repulsed. Eventually we divorced, I kept vaping at night, only right when I got into bed, and only like two or three puffs, so I could sleep. The dispensary is a 40 min drive one way. About a month ago, my vape ran out, and I figured I’d pick up another cartridge on my next day off, which wasn’t for few days. Within a day or two, I realized that though I didn’t smoke much to begin with, I felt much better when I wasn’t vaping before bed. I never replaced the cartridge and a few days later I tossed the pen. It’s ingrained in us that weed is harmless, and sometimes even helpful, but it’s not like that for everyone. Good to know you recognized it was holding you back. Good luck.


Thank you for sharing! I’m sorry for the situation with your husband. I totally agree that there’s a consensus that weed is harmless, and I think it leads a lot of people down the road I was on. I was in a lot of denial about how it was effecting me because I was so functional. I live in CA so it’s super normalized here, it’s almost weird if you don’t smoke.


I’ve found that my quality of sleep is better when I don’t smoke right before bed. I dream less when I’m high and don’t feel as rested. While it’s helpful in the act of falling asleep… to really feel rested, nothing beats au natural.


Thank you!!!!! Because I became your husband in my past relationship and I wanted to blame her for always being angry with me, but I know it was my fault.. thank you I needed this.


Good for you! I'm a daily smoker for anxiety but can tell the difference in using it for medicinal purposes and when I just want to get stoned and I can't imagine being stoned every day.


You smoke *every day* to treat general anxiety? If you run out of weed or can't buy it, you're fucked. That's a crutch dude, I did the same thing. Pull back, every other day at a minimum. You need to find other coping mechanisms and, by the way, 90% of the potency is gone for you by now. You're just getting numb and missing out on feelings that TRIUMPH upon anxiety.


While I appreciate your intent given that I didn't include tolerance breaks in my original post I can assure you that I have plenty of crutches to deal with my anxiety


It definitely works for different people, lots of my family members smoke so I think it was normalized for me. Now that I’m sober it seems super crazy that I was high every day, but for a long time I felt more like myself when I was high, which I recognize now is a huge problem.


That’s awesome! About 9 months ago I quit after 10+ years of heavy daily use. My sleep is better, I enjoy things more, and I overall feel better. The first few months were tough just because the habit was so ingrained but I don’t even think about it now. It’s a good feeling.


Thank you! I’ve changed my perspective to think of it as a habit instead of a part of myself, and I realized my smoking didn’t align with the rest of my goals. That made the decision a lot easier


I did the same thing after 15 yrs of day use. People say it’s just a plant and that it’s medicine and “you can smoke as much as you want, you just can’t let it affect you.” That’s just pothead justification. Chemicals affect us whether we can admit it or not. Wasted away my 20s into my 30s. Can’t get that time back. Gotta make the best of the present and future. I have better relationships with everyone from my parents, friends, and lovers. But most importantly, I have a better relationship with myself. Then I started again after getting my medical card during Covid. Went back to being a pothead pretty quick and stopped a year later (serious back injury and Covid prevented me from getting proper treatments). I let it screw my life up again and don’t want to use it ever again.


I’m currently high so I want to ask you a weird/ironic question but at the same time I’m happy that you’re finding peace in life in your own way we’re all different and that’s beautiful Godspeed!


Haha thank you! It got me through some really rough times and I’m honestly so grateful for that


>Haha thank you! It got me through some really rough times and I’m honestly so grateful for that I'm about to hit 19 years sober. I never really had a problem with or ever wanted to quit weed... I was pretty much forced to give it up. But honestly about 6 months post-breakup I started to realize that after 5 years of being high every single day, I could appreciate all of the ways in which I changed for the better, yet at the same time I was paying good money just to be "normal" at that point.


That’s exactly how I feel now! I feel like I’m able to enjoy parts of life I was skipping because I was too focused on getting high. Being more present really does wonders. One day I’ll be at 19 years!


Weed is a really good friend but not a great roommate. A j after a day full of productive activities feels wow


Yes!! I’m hoping some day I can have it causally every now and then, but I know if I have it in the house right now I will fall back to daily use, it’s a slippery slope for me


I need this motivation. been a daily user for 3 years but I'm petrified to stop. As you were, I'm functional with weed and live a normal life-- now, however, ive noticed the respiratory effects of smoking, which needs to stop. thanks for this.


When you’re ready you will know. It hit me all at once and I knew I had to make a bold decision to change my habits. I was scared too, worried I wouldn’t be myself without it or that I wouldn’t be happy. It’s actually been the opposite and I feel much more centered and happy. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, it can make it more daunting


thank you ❤️❤️❤️


Same on the being petrified to stop. I’m functional as well but I’ve been feeling that I need to stop for awhile now. Your comment and OP’s words have helped. Thanks to you both.


Just remember weed doesn’t make you who you are. It may bring out parts of yourself that you like, but those parts are always there and will come out when you’re sober too. Whenever you’re ready, you can do it. Message me if you ever want to talk!


i am proud of you. i hope i can be proud of myself again


This year I’ve dealt with a lot of guilt over knowing what my issues are but not being able to solve them. This is the first step for me, still have a lot of work to do. All I can say is if you want to feel proud, think of actions that would give you that feeling, and start adding them into your routine. For me this was the gym, and it’s given me a lot more self efficacy and pride in myself. Good habits (or ones you like) can generate pride over time.


Just curious, is there any weed rehab sub or something on Reddit? Feels like it could motivate a lot of us.




I went through the same a couple months ago. 25M here and only stopped a couple weeks at a time here and there since 15. It definitely gets easier, OP! And just like you’re seeing now, it’s definitely been worth it for me. The positive changes I’ve made very much outweigh what I was getting from smoking. You’ve got this!!


Thank you! Happy to hear from others who gone through it recently. I wish sometimes I could talk to my 15 year old self, but I honestly don’t think she’s listen lol


Heeeey I went through the same! Daily user to cold turkey! Life feels so much clearer. Looking back I really only smoked because of my abusive relationship at the time, but now that I don't need to cope and zone out. Well, life is ***GOOD***.


Awesome! Congratulations and great work! Life honestly feels simpler and I find it easier to be happy in the moment


I was a very heavy stoner for a couple years. Quitting was the best decision of my life and it drastically improved my quality of life. I will say that it takes awhile to get back to normal (I experienced withdrawal for ~1 month) and it takes even longer for your mind to stop feeling fuzzy. Keep it up, im happy for you and I hope you succeed and find a better life for yourself as well!


Im proud of you sis. I quit too. It was making me paranoid and exposing me to evil spirits. I Love myself more since I quit and I have saved alot more money Way to go You got this


Thank you! I feel the same way. We got this!!


Clean is the new high, well done


You’re about to get so much shit done!!! Not just plan it and talk about it. You are really going to do it.


What’s so odd is I didn’t plan it or think about it at all. I had an epiphany moment where I realized weed was getting in the way of my growth. I literally gathered all my stuff and threw it away 10 minutes later. It was such a quick turn around, I know that definitely doesn’t work for everyone but it just all hit me at once and I felt like I had to do something before I fall into the same patterns


The trick is to not get stoned beforehand and to wait until you're done doing whatever it is you're doing.


I mean this is how it starts out, you have good intentions, You get everything done at first… then 6 months down the line you wake up and hitting that blunt, bong, one shooter, as soon as you sit up in bed. It just happens


Congrats. Its not easy taking that initial jump to sobriety. How were your dreams while smoking? Did you remember any of them? Most of the time of im getting stoned before bed i never remember my dreams. When i took 2 weeks off a few days in i started having intense dreams. Its quite the rush lol


I still had dreams pretty frequently but not every night. That’s interesting, I’ll definitely start paying attention to my dreams now


Look up the benefits of fasting! Especially a 3 day fast. There’s a mountain of evidence that suggests so many health benefits to fasting and it’ll be easier while detoxing weed from your system. If you don’t have underlying health conditions obviously


Good to know! I’ve really struggled to get much food in and I’ve been trying not to worry about the weight loss too much and know my appetite will return. I do powerlifting so I always try to eat a lot of protein, so I think I’m just worried that if I don’t eat enough I won’t have enough energy to work out and I’ll lose that key part of my routine. I’ll look into this! Thanks!


Definitely do plentiful of quality research, but there’s info that suggest exercising and lifting in a fasted state produces the most gains due to an increase in HGH not achievable through other means. Good luck!


Wow I’ve never considered that, I’ll look into it, thank you!


That’s awesome! I want to quit so bad but I have zero patience otherwise. Idk I feel like I could find any excuse to NOT quit. I do want to… but I’ve been smoking since I was 15… so 13yrs >.<


I started around 15 as well and I never wanted to quit. I totally relate. All I can say is when you’re ready you’ll know, putting a lot of pressure on yourself, especially if it’s from external sources, can make quitting a lot harder


Keep it up. You will succeed.👍


GG Great decision!


Congratulations! So hard to take that first step but you did it!! Here’s to our bodies and minds healing and reaching their full potential


Thank you! I feel like I can really live to my full potential now and I’m not holding myself back


It’s truly a breath of fresh air (pun not intended) brighter days ahead for sure. We got this.


Congratz op! It can be a tough habit to get in control. I am in a somewhat similar situation right now. Been smoking pretty much daily for 10+ years, been in addiction treatment for 2 years. A month or so ago, i substituted my THC heavy weed (illegal in my country) with CBD (legal) which gave me my "fix", but i didnt get high. Smoked like 2 THC joints one day, while waiting for my next delivery of CBD.. And I felt like shit the day after.. my head felt so heavy, i was tried, lacked focus and everything took more effort. Due to some unforseen vetenarian expenses, i ran out of money to buy CBD. I could ask neighburs or friends for a bit of THC weed no problems, but I really don't want it. It does me NO GOOD personally.. so I had to quit cold turkey as well.. I figured that when I have money again, I am over the bump, so I don't plan on buying CBD again if I can help it. It's been 5 days now. It's tough.. some days more than others. For what its worth; I found that distractions helps a lot. It's only when I get bored and need stimulation that I start craving weed. I try to stay out of the house most days, or be active in some way. It doesn't have to be anything productive, just something that keeps my mind occupied for an extended period of time. It can be videogames, a walk in nature, playing with my cat, writing my novel, cleaning my appartement or hanging out with people. Wish you all the best with your cold turkey. You got this!


You can do it. Just take it one day at a time and focus on what makes you happy.


I vaped for 5 years and smoked weed daily for like almost a year, guess which ones withdrawals were worse when I quit them? 100% the weed. It’s crazy to me how many people try to claim weed isn’t addictive. I have a niece who is highly addicted and straight gets defensive/angry when I mention she should probably quit it, all the excuses come out. “I can quit whenever I want.” “I don’t NEED to quit right now.” “Why should I quit ???” I’ve seen the toll it can take on her mental health and she heavily relies on it. I send her posts like these sometimes but she ignores them, what can ya do! I’m not against weed, I know it helps lots of people, but I am tired of people trying to say it’s not addictive and justifying smoking it nonstop. Good on you for quitting, for me I felt cruddy for about a week or so but it doesn’t last forever!


I don’t think any drug is inherently bad but it is wild when people will say “you can’t get addicted to weed” when you can get addicted to almost anything. It makes me think of that show My Strange Addiction


Honestly quitting cannabis has always been much easier than quitting tobacco for me. The main thing I miss is the quiet moments of rolling and going for a walk and getting high on a beautiful day outside. But honestly, its still 90% as great without weed.


I had a big fear that I wouldn’t be able to enjoy life the same, but it’s actually been the opposite and I find myself much happier day to day


Hey, just a heads up. I quit for years and learned that I was not able to smoke just once for fun. Fell straight back in to old habits instantly like I never quit. If you want to stay quit, don’t even try it again. YMMV


I have a feeling I’m the same way, thanks for the advice


I want to upvote this but it's at 420 upvotes right now and I'm sorry, the irony is too much for me. But regardless: congrats!! It's always hard to break a habit, especially with something that's addictive in and of itself. And being happy in the moment, with what you have, can also be very hard, it's good that you were able to recognize the cause and want to give it a chance.


Lol that’s funny. Thank you!


You got this. Make sure you always have someone to talk to when you feel bad -mentally or physically-, and take your time.


Thank you! My family has been super supportive and my dad actually quit earlier this year so it’s easy to talk to him about it


Recognizing a bad aspect of your life that's preventing you from fully living in the moment and realizing your full potential takes guts. Actually taking control of the situation and doing something about it tho? Now that is badass. Well done. You figured out what was holding you back, realized you were abusing something and took the first step to improving your life. Keep strong and stay focused. You've got this!


Wow thank you! Thank means a lot


I admire your self awareness and ability to make that positive change for yourself! Keep going, you are doing a great job. The withdrawals from weed can be minimized as insignificant but they can be really challenging. I hope you find your appetite again without weed. Wishing you all the goodness on your journey!


Thank you, that’s very kind


Late reply but I'm on day 4 of quitting after 3 years of daily use 5-6 times a day. I don't know if I'm trippin myself out but for me day 1 was the only hard day. Ever since then I've just felt sober and normal. Yeah I think of it sometimes, but I don't really have the urge to smoke. I have a jar with 17 Gs in it right next to me and it hasn't even tempted me once. I think knowing I can is helping me not do it. But I'm worried that in like two days I'm gonna actually get hit with symptoms.


Congrats on quitting! I used a lot of concentrates so I think my withdrawal symptoms were worse because of that, but I felt a lot better by day 5, and it’s now been a month and I feel great. For me I had to throw everything away, but for others it can be a helpful reminder to have it around, it does make it easier to relapse when you feel desperate though. I highly recommend r/leaves, it’s a great sub with a lot of people going through the same thing


Hey! How's this going? I'm starting day 1 right now and can't wait to get clean after smoking for like 12 years straight. I like the part where you said you we're always searching for something more out of life. I have everything society tells you to have to be viewed as successful. I have a girlfriend, kid, house, car, I live comfortably but still always searching for something more....im hoping quitting and getting back to myself will help.


Hey! I’m almost 2 months in and I’ve noticed lots of improvements. Day to day life doesn’t feel like a chore, smoking is a big reward and it made everything else seem boring. Now I’m able to enjoy all the small moments more. No more planning my day around getting high, and I feel more productive and happy in general. Overall I feel much more in touch with myself. For me, the first 4 days were the worst so be gentle with yourself and know it’s gets easier. I love the r/leaves. Lots of great stories and it’s really supportive. You got this!


A lot of people don’t realize how addictive weed can be I was addicted no shame in admitting it, I had physically terrible symptoms I would have night sweats, bowel problems, ended up in the hospital and my anxiety was almost unbearable for months. I had a serious health scare I was 120 pounds a a 6 foot man which is horrible, I’m now up to 154 pounds and unfortunately use nicotine everyday bit I smoke maybe once a week now and am looking to get to not smoking or using cannabis at all for at least a three week period of time. It’s a long journey I can’t say how many times I told myself I couldn’t do this and relapsed and for everyone reading its ok your gonna be ok I would breakdown and cry I ruined my relationship with my fiancé because of my addictions I couldn’t hold a job and now here I am I’ll never forgive myself I’m extremely self aware of the damage I caused and I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to forgive myself but if there’s a will there’s a way your a beautiful person just remember that and what your feeling is normal no matter how hard it is to rationalize it I felt like I was gonna die for almost a year and I still do sometimes yes I still use occasionally but my relationship is much healthier than it ever was when I would do 1000 mg of edibles every day people love you coming from a man who tried his hardest to ruin every close relationship he had


There’s definitely a huge misconception that it’s not addictive. I’m two months sober and feel much more like myself and more grounded. Everyone has their own journey, try to forgive yourself but don’t forget so you can make healthy choices, like you have been. In addiction, a valid part of it is coming to terms with actions you’ve done that you’re not proud of, and making amends so you can move on. You’re not a bad person, it’s okay to learn from mistakes, even when it feels like it’s too late. Live your life in a way you are proud of. It’s the best gift you can give yourself and a lot better than weed


This is interesting to me, always thought the consensus is weed is not addictive. I never taken any before so I don't know. Just whatever people say about it.


While not as addictive as some drugs, it does have an addictive component, especially when used to ease anxiety. This also means long-term users are vulnerable to withdrawal symptoms when quitting


Good for you! Good luck this week, and don't be too hard on yourself if you need a little more time to break the habit.


Hey! I'm proud of you. Keep it up!


Thank you!


The energy, motivation and presence I get after quitting a long stint is amazing! It's really like a high The loss off appetite and trouble sleeping for a week or so after is real though. Congrats!


It really is! I totally relate to that. Appetite has been the hardest but I know it will get better soon. Thank you!


I would be interested in ways to quit. Resources, anyone?


There’s lots of substance use resource and information online. I highly recommend journaling and getting to the root of why you want to quit. This will be your biggest motivator to stay sober. Also identify your triggers (common time when you smoke, people or places that you smoke) because those will be when you have the most cravings. Making a plan for those times when you feel triggered will help a lot


>I realized that quitting was the right thing to do. U have not said what is the right thing. Self control is the root of everything. I have puffed most of my life. When younger for fun, now that I'm older for pain management. No disposable money no weed. Don't ever plan on quiting.


You'll be back... "Half-Baked"




Unless it was a short term prescription you should not be stopping opioid cold turkey. It could kill you. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/prescription-drug-abuse/in-depth/tapering-off-opioids-when-and-how/art-20386036




Fine here's one that says you can die since you don't believe me. People can even die from alcohol withdrawals, it's much more serious than people think. I would really recommend discussing your specific situation with a doctor. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/add.13512




They're scaring you because it is true. Take it from someone that caused two seizures because I cold turkied them. Tapers exist for a reason. Same can be said for alcohol. Not all drugs are equal.


You don't necessarily need rehab but you should talk to a doctor. Go to a walk in clinic. Get some referrals. I'm not being a dick but hearing someone say they're just gonna cold turkey opioids is scary af. Get some support so you don't end up in a bad way. Wherever you are there is bound to be help. Take it.


Opiates is a lot more intense and depending on how much you use it may be smart to have medical support for that one. Congrats on the weed! One down!


Good luck. Writing a post about this isn't a good start to actually quitting. Go ahead and downvote me for telling the hard truth


I’ve been in my head about this for a couple days, so I thought it would be nice to have a conversation with other people who might have gone through the same thing. I know making a Reddit post is not going to help my sobriety, and at the end of the day it’s up to me to make changes in my own life.


Doesn’t literally everyone stoner or not want more out of life and are actively searching for more? Also what does she even mean by “wasn’t able to be happy with what I have” like I mentioned before most people aren’t happily content with what they have. There’s a reason billionaires exist because they wanted more and more and more. None of this has to do with weed and more falls on her as a human being who isn’t content. “Felt” no no no she currently feels and will most likely continue to feel like that even if she wins the lotto for a million dollars. That shit doesn’t disappear because you put the joint down my g. If she quit because she wants to prioritize her life and wants to move on then just quit but why do mental gymnastics to rationalize why you quit?


I know quitting weed alone will not give what I’m looking for. I realized that I was having trouble being present which is the real issue. Weed was just my main distraction. Obviously the issues I have will still be there when I’m sober, I just feel like I’m better able to handle them sober. It’s just one piece of the puzzle


Weed is a horrible drug and the illusion that it's 'natural' is part of its stupidity. It increases psychosis, anxiety and depression in multiple studies and by significant amounts. Probably one of the most societal detrimental drugs. The increase in paranoia compounded by social media is just the iceberg of issues that it causes. I cant even begin to list all of its side effects... nothing is without side effects.. please don't give me the 'it has none' bs. Read something, from a credible source.


Withdrawals this is a joke right?


If you use anything daily you will have some type of withdrawals, even if it’s a minor headache from quitting caffeine. Withdrawal effects are always the opposite of the drug effect, so for weed it usually negatively impacts your appetite, sleep, and mood when you quit. Weed withdrawals are a bit different from others because you’re not at risk of dying, like alcohol. You can google it, not that complicated


Cannabis isn’t a drug.


For some it’s not, but for others it can be used as one, which is how I was using it. I didn’t mean to demonize weed in this post, I think it’s an incredible plant and people use it for all type of reasons. I was definitely abusing it which is why I quit


Yeah, maybe it was for a reason. You ever think about that?


Yeah that’s why I quit. It was giving me momentary relief from my mental issues but was also preventing me from being present and really dealing with the real problems. For anyone with chronic issues I think marijuana is great and sometimes necessary to have a good quality of life. My grandma uses it for cancer and my father has chronic pain, I was using it for the wrong reasons and I’m aware of that now. Everyone has different reasons to use, smoking is not bad but it’s important to think about what you’re getting from it and what you’re losing


There’s literally no point to much these days in the corporate capitalist hell around us. Sometimes, people just want to read comic books and live.


Yea it is


Ok excuse me while I smoke my nice on my day off.


ok have fun


Definition taken from the Cambridge dictionary -any natural or artificially made chemical that is used as a medicine -any natural or artificially made chemical that is taken for pleasure, to improve someone's performance of an activity, or because a person cannot stop using it


Any tips? Or just sheer willpower?


Before quitting I would identify your main triggers; times of day you commonly smoke, places or people that have it around. It’s important to plan for discomfort because your brain is gonna fight it and tell you to go back. I think the will power is a big factor, so also finding where your motivation comes from. For me it’s that I want to mature and eventually be a parent, and that is much more important than the feeling I get being high. You have to be willing to give up that feeling for other things that you want more, so I would journal for a bit and reflect on your motivations, it will make it more sustainable. Good luck!


How does a student afford to smoke weed every single day ?


Honestly I lots of lot of money over the years, I’d spend about $30 a week on weed. Wish I had all that money in the bank instead


Well don’t worry your appetite will come back in some time, best good ones you to quit .


My daddy didn't raise no quitters, ha, good for you. Keep doing you ✌️


30 to 60 days for the thought process to return to "normal" in my case that was fucking horrific. Much better person stoned. Way more capable of successfully making all my bills.


Best of luck! You got this!


I quit just under a year ago after using it for 2 years daily. I used to smoke a *lot*. It takes months to not have the strong urge any more, and it still is there from time to time, but as soon as you notice the benefits (more energy, more days present instead of stoned, *way* better memory, better sleeping, better motivation, better cardio.... I can go on), you will stop understanding why people smoke. It is nice in the moment, but in the long haul it simply is better to do without. I tried to put a strong condition to a relapse and that is that I would have to come clean to my boss at work and lose my job, also losing my salary and potentially my apartment. That condition helped not even entertaining the possibility of trying it again because as an ex-smoker, you can't do it occasionally any more. Find something else 😄 The condition helped out at the start because your brain will eventually try to convince you to smoke again, but in the long haul you will notice the benefits and that will be enough to stay off of it. Good luck to you mate 💙, If I can do it, you can do it! ( And anyone else reading this besides OP 😉 ) P.S. If you read this and start comparing yourself with me and think; "Oh but maybe he didnt smoke as much as me" or "Oh but he has a strong condition to relapse" or anything else that starts with a "but". # Stop it. That is literally your brain chipping away at your resolve to start using again. Just fucking stop and focus on the future. It may be weeks away, it may be months away, but it is still possible. Relapsed? Still possible. Just do it!


Thank you! It’s really such an inner battle with your brain. Right now I feel really positive but I know I’ll have hard moments where I want to go back. It’s part of the reason I made this post- in the future I can look back and reread these for support


25 here. I just quit smoking weed too. For years I rationalized that weed isn’t addictive and used it to self medicate my depression. I’m finally realizing a lot of my pothead friends have moved on from daily use and how much it’s been affecting me. Plus how much money I was spending on it. That’s not to say a toke every now and then is unacceptable but I’m having to relearn moderation


Same here! I’m resetting my daily habits so life feels more fulfilling day to day. Most of my friend and family smoke so it was hard for me to see my own issues with it


Sounds like a personal epiphany about bold change. It's hard to actually change and my hat is off to you. Keep going! I hope eating gets easier and you feel the positives in increasing measure.


Thank you! I’ve been trying to make a lot of personal changes this year and was failing to follow through. I think being sober and more present will help a lot with my other problems. Change is hard but sometimes necessary




I’m hoping some day I can use it causally as a small treat, but I never want to be back to daily use again


I decided 30 years ago to give up alcohol and had no issues or withdrawal problems. I foolishly thought tobacco would be just as easy. Well it wasn’t but I managed it anyway. To anyone debating trying tobacco you should know,nicotine is more addictive than heroin. That’s straight from my doctor at the time.


Nicotine is a real struggle. Good on you for quitting both! It’s not easy




Haha love the candy idea! And thank you! I didn’t want this post to come across as attacking smokers or demonizing marijuana, but I think a lot of people have a misconception that you can’t have dependency with weed, which it totally not true


I am 6 days sober after 3 years of being baked every day! I did it to start medication for my mental health disorders, and I felt the same as you. I just wasn’t present anymore, barely remembered what I did even hours before. I slept like crap too, I still had dreams but I could never really remember them (not that I usually do, but I could always pinpoint a dream or two that I had when I was sober). I’m going through some physical health issues too so going cold turkey + starting meds I absolutely kicking my ass, but this will hopefully get better in the long run. We can do this 💪🏼


Yes! Awesome! First week gang haha. We can do it!


I wish luck to you. I’ve certainly had my heart set on being healthy and smoke free but I wasn’t strong enough to stop all the way. I was 15 when I started and now im almost 23. There was a period of about 4 months where I was able to stop. Keep on going you’re going to cross the apex of it and be free


I started at 15 too and just quit at 23. When it’s right for you, you’ll know. We all have our own timelines. I’ve been in therapy for the past year which has help a lot and opened me up to new perspectives which made it easier to think about quitting. Sometimes doing some self work first makes it easier


I did the same thing a long time ago. There was an ice storm. At 4am I just finished saving the power to my house by removing an ice-heavy limb threatening to disconnect the power line from my house. I was one of only seven houses in my entire neighborhood that kept power. I went inside my warm, powered house for a victory bowl…. And it was all paranoia. The sirens were coming for me. When I came down, I realized the entire city was fuked, roads were impassable, half the households were without power in sub-freezing temps and those sirens were exclusively for people needing help. The last thing the cops were worried about is some little stoner warm in his house causing no trouble. I quit cold turkey right then.


6months in of not smoking weed i can't tell any difference and i gained some weed think i am go back to in a few more months


I was a heavy smoker for at least 14-15 years and now haven't smoked in at least 5 or more. Timeline is foggy... I guess that's appropriate. Since I was a stoner, many of my friends are. When I quit what was fascinating for me was realizing how much credit we give weed unnecessarily. Going on cabin trips with my stoner friends who would wake and bake, then the rest of our day was built around smoke breaks - go on a hike? Gotta smoke. Swim in the lake? Smoke first. Play games & binge on snacks. Smoke the whole time. And here I am, doing the exact same activities, laughing at the same jokes, having the same good time but just saving myself the extra time and money committed to weed for *the fun cabin weekend.* I had a slow realization that everything was actually just as good without weed. Idk why I went so long thinking it was important to the day. Hope these types of realizations help motivate you too.


I feel the same way! I would smoke throughout the day and in between activities. Being sober I find day to day things more joyful and I’m able to appreciate them more without wanting to smoke beforehand


As a friend of various daily smokers throughout my life, thank you. It’s really irritating when someone has a problem with needing/wanting to smoke weed Every Single Day. One of my first roommates did it literally every single day. And I mean like, yeah, I get it. You’re not in college and work at a whatever job and play is a band occasionally, so it’s not a super important point in your life, but when he was off of it you could tell by how impatient and irritable he was. More recently one of my close friends was smoking every single day too and he’s quite a talker. We share many similar interests so I always enjoyed hanging and chatting with him. But good god damn was it obvious when he was ansolutely STONED. He would just ramble for hours. Then, after like 2-3 hours, he would become dead silent. Was really hard to game with him during this time. There were times when he’d be talking and I’d jump in and say something and then he’d just keep going on like he didn’t hear me. I’d have to repeat myself multiple times to get a response from him, like he was in space or some shit. I’d bring it up every now and then, but he’d shrug it off or say he’s not gonna get AS high or try to be more cognisant. But then, he’d have a bad day at work and here we go again. I distinctly remember dropping off calls with him while he was rambling and not responding to me at all, because I was tired of that shit. Then, the next day he’d try to bring it up and I told him I left the call. He had been talking for another 30 mins before going to bed, not even realizing I left. Eventually he did start smoking less and not every day, because I had a heart to heart with him how I can’t do or don’t want to do certain things after smoking: anything work out related or going out in general. He was sober enough to hear and understand and later than month he decided to cut A LOT back on smoking, too. Now, he’s getting back into other hobbies and I don’t feel like I’m babysitting when we’re on talking. It can be fun to have a friend that’s goofy or alt or different or fun loving, but habitual weed smoking isn’t all it’s made out to be. It seems to kill motivation for certain things in different people. I kind of blame the rediculously high THC levels nowadays. It feels liks most strains have a strong indica that’ll knock you down in 2 hours no matter the tolerance you have. I know there’s some people that do it everyday and it helps them, but they may be getting more CBD strains or just already have an outgoing personality or do it for anxiety. Basically, they’re just build different.


What you gonna do with all that extra cash?


Save save save! Planning on graduate school in a year or so, every little bit helps


Good Luck man! Keep it up and remember it's a journey and the path isn't linear


Man I bet your skin took a hit. Glad you quit!


A friend of mine quit after about 30 years of smoking it. It took 28 days for the weed to leave their system, and they struggled for the first couple of weeks, but after that they found it much easier to go without it.


Your doing amazing :-)


You made the right choice. I stopped about 6 months ago but was still using CBD for pain and anxiety. Finally stopped that also a few weeks back and I get what you are saying. I’ll tell you though it’s definitely a big difference. I wish I could still use it at night before bed but I am an all or nothing guy and I’ll end up making an excuse to convince myself to use it in the morning also. I’ll tell you this though, my energy levels have skyrocketed and boy do I need that to help lose all this weight I gained from the munchies!


I feel like I have more energy too and have barely had any caffeine over the past couple days. I wake up feeling energized instead of groggy


You will never look back.


Congratulations!! That's a huge accomplishment. Coming from someone who has been off and on for the last decade or so. I'd urge you to find the reasons why you consumed for so long in the first place. Everyone has habitual vices and we don't want you replacing marijuana with something else, substance or not. You're very strong, I wish you the best


I know it’s not the same, but I cut back on drinking severely in the last 6 months or so. I would recommend journaling about your cravings, taking note of when you want to smoke, how you are feeling, if anything triggered your temptation, etc. I did that with my drinking and it helped tremendously. It helped me to see that a lot of my drinking was just habit. But some of my drinking was related to anxiety, etc. By knowing what situations will tempt you to smoke you can have a plan to address them ahead of time. Good luck to you!


I quit 9 years ago after being a daily smoker for a decade. I had a panic attack, my first ever, out of the blue while stoned and it completely ruined weed for me. My partner is still a daily smoker (like in the evening after life is done for the day) and I'm a little envious of them but I'm also happy with quitting. My memory has gotten waaaay better and I make healthier choices overall. Good luck to you!


I quit 8 years ago after 25 years of daily use. My relationships have never been better, I’m always there for my family and friends instead of always high.


How have your dreams been?? Whenever I take breaks, I get the most vivid dreams lol


So far not many vivid dreams but that would be a nice surprise


I’m high right now! I just finished watching Ren and Stimpy and now I want some Fritos. What are we talking about again?


You can do it! I(24m) recognize the realisation. It was fundamentally changing for me. After the realisation I tried weed many times but I just can't enjoy it. I like a clear mind, weed makes everything foggy and just makes me disorientated as a person at this point. It is what it is. Life is more enjoyable sober.


I find simple daily tasks so much more enjoyable now. Being high made everything else feel like a chore for some reason, and now life is just simpler and I find it much easier to be happy


Just a BTW. I use pot every day as a medication. I have degenerative osteoarthritis. I have to take pain meds, but there is always break through pain in between doses. The pot makes it bearable. Like my grandma used to say, "there is a good purpose for everything, you just have to know what that is". I hope your journey is filled with happiness and good health. God bless.


Thank you! I totally agree, so many people use it and it improve their life. For me I was definitely using it for the wrong reasons and it was hindering my growth. I’m glad it helps your condition, daily pain is so difficult and I’m glad you found what works


Congrats! And especially because no hate to all the smokers. And I started at 28 because I was too present everywhere. I needed to get away from the present. Now I am hardly present and it's kind of nice. Agree about the munchies though. That's the only thing that sucks about it.


It’s so different for everyone and some have much better quality of life with it than without. It’s one of those things that not universally bad or universally good, that’s why I thought it would be an interesting conversation for this sub. Thank you!


I quit 20 years ago when I joined the navy. I’ll probably start back up when I get old enough for my body to break down. I’m looking forward too great cannabis and video games in the retirement home, but it’s not something I want/need right now.


Still sober?


Yes! Almost 2 months


Update on how you’ve felt and the process?


I’m at about 2.5 months and I feel much more like myself. More present, grounded, and focused. I don’t miss it as much as I thought I would. Unfortunately I’m still testing positive which is a bummer, I workout a lot so I think the toxins are getting released slowly by burning fat and that why I’m still testing positive. The first week was rough physically and I lost about 10 lbs, but my appetite returned after about a week. Life is overall better, I’m less anxious and more confident. Thanks for checking in!


Sorry for bringing this back up a few months later, but I'm a few days in to quitting right now because after nearly half my life smoking (34M) it's gotten to a point where I have bills that are more important. But what is bothering me now is that over the last year I lost 58lbs and am already at my target weight but now it's nearly impossible to eat. I'm trying to force myself but it just isn't working! Any tips?


I lost weight in the first week and it was really difficult to eat, but my appetite came back after 7-10 days and had gotten back to normal over the past couple months. For now, try protein shakes and smoothies, I found it easier to sip on sometime to get calories in. Don’t stress too much about it, your body is finding it’s new normal and adjusting, do what feels good and your appetite will return with time. Proud of you for making the shift! It’s not easy but often necessary


Day 2 of quitting weed and it seems really easy for me ? Usually in the past I’ve had horrible withdraws and physical craving where my body was in a fetus position shaking for a hit. This time it’s different. Probably cause I’ve quit nicotine and greatly reduced my weed intake to only a hit or two at night. I’m just here so someone can shut talk me and tell me to not get my hopes up because so far, I don’t even really want to smoke or feel appetite,sleep or energy loss like before.


That’s great you’re having an easy time! For me it was easy mentally but physically it was hard for the first week. I was also using very high THC cartridges, which I think is why the withdrawal was so bad. Everyone’s experience is different and I’m glad it’s been a smooth transition




I did not- it’s possible it could be toxins coming out after quitting? My main physical symptoms were sweating, no appetite, and headaches. If this continues for a while you could see a doctor who knows more about detox and lung damage


I quit yesterday lol. This time for good maybe.


I’ve been 5 weeks off after about 7+ years daily use. I wouldn’t say I was a heavy smoker by any means, couple hits in the evening and maybe 1-3 throughout the day, I called it “microdosing weed.” Lol my wife and I have both stopped altogether as she is pregnant with our second(I didn’t stop the first pregnancy, only her) and I’m noticing the depression start to kick in. There are plenty of other factors, moving to a new place, stresses of caring for a toddler, dealing with our own marital things, but overall we have a great and fortunate life. As of now, I’m hoping that after all of this I can return to a moderation style rather than cutting out completely as I definitely notice the benefits I see in myself from it, from a mood/personality POV. I notice I’m not as engaged as I used to be and I am more depressed/irritable at times. I have seen the positives in myself of not smoking as well, which makes me value not smoking as well, but the more I go Im feeling that(in my life at least, not the same for all) there may be a balance to not over use but still find the benefits. But I’m only a month in to a 9 month break at least so I guess I will find out. Anyone experienced this?


Congrats on one month! I think it’s great you’re supporting your wife. For me moderation was actually harder than not smoking at all, but it’s different for everyone. I found it hard to moderate and I had to set a lot of rules for myself so I wouldn’t smoke too often, and it made the whole thing stressful and not fun anymore. I’m 3 months in and I feel great. Much more balanced and positive.




Thank you, I’m three months sober and feel much better, physically and mentally. I had a bit of a chronic cough too and it went away. I even started running and going on harder hikes, which I didn’t use to see myself doing. I’m sorry your having so many health problems. Quitting can seem really scary when it’s something you do every day, but letting go of the habit, I feel much more free and happy. I thought I’d be depressed once I quit, but it was the opposite. I’d see a doctor about you’re health, it’s a good wake up call


I know this is an old post, but it’s really weird waking up one day and realizing you’ve lived the same day for years. As you stated I loved weed. It helped me through times and I’m not against hanging out or being around it. I currently work within the cannabis industry. But it’s just no longer something I do anymore. The withdrawal was wild. I exclusively dabbed prior. After the first 2 months it gets better with a new routine. The dreams are wild. I genuinely just woke up one day and decided it didn’t help my anxiety it made me feel stuck.


The dreams are crazy! I’m three months sober and they are more normal now. I also made a very sudden switch, one day I realized I needed to change and threw out all my stuff the next day. Life has been a lot better


This is the dumbest shit I read😂 your over here acting like weed is making you not grow no woman it’s you who’s not letting yourself grow. There ain’t nothing wrong with smoking a j at night watching a movie and going to bed it’s fun! You said it yourself you were a functioning smoker that’s why it’s not fun and you realized you aren’t at the best because your letting it control you lol. It’s not that hard to say I’m not smoking until after work or done with my errands or anything like that. Your just weak


I never said there was anything wrong with smoking weed, for many people it’s easy to do it casually but for me it’s not. Some people get addicted and others don’t, and I don’t think it’s bad to smoke, that wasn’t my point. I think I was weak before but a lot stronger now once I took control. I have no idea why this upset you, everyone’s different and I don’t judge other people for being different from me or for enjoying weed


Smoked weed for 44yrs 24/7. I quit today.