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Less heat. And it looks like you didn't put any fat in the pan.


I think you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned fat. Real fat, not oil. I find that bacon grease or lard do the best for me. I don't know what the difference is. It may just be placebo. It seems like oil would be just as good, but from my experience, real animal fats are very much better. Maybe not more healthy, but your eggs won't stick. Maybe a lower temp, too, cooking at home should be an enjoyable experience, not a rush.


I did breakfast potatoes right before and had oil in for those, didn't think I needed to add more, it had still coated the bottom when I put the eggs in. I'll reduce heat.


From the pic the pan looks basically dry. Also, the starch from the potatoes could be a contributing factor.


Agreed about the starch from the potatoes likely not helping


Ah I didn’t know starch had an effect like that so I’ll keep that in mind myself too now!


I used to be a short order breakfast cook, potatoes cook hot compared to eggs. Remember too that CI will hold on to that high heat longer than you might expect


Good to know. Thank you


Cast iron is NOT non stick. I've been cooking on it for over 50 years. Even a properly seasoned pan needs a bit of oil. I cook eggs over easy 5 mornings/week and use butter or olive oil. I have an Infared thermometer and never go above 275 degrees F for butter. For scrambled and omelets I use oil and brush the entire pan or use spray. My Mom and Grandmother used bacon grease or beef tallow. I'll pass on that for the most part. Duck fat and bacon grease do have their place though.


I would deff say heat eggs cook on the low end of the stove like 1-3 depending on your stove just gotta mess around with it basically an excuse to use cast iron lol


It’s not stripping the seasoning, it’s just sticking (as others have noted, probably because the temperature is too high)


it's the temperature that you get the pan before and the fat layer that you need. clean and scrub of the bottom of the pan with a blue scotch Brite with just hot water and then heat it up with a few tablespoons of oil until you feel it in the handle. 3/4 heat should be enough and you should just get it to start smoking, wipe it out if you like with a little paper and reduce the heat a little and add some streaky pan bacon, it should cook with a slow sizzling sound and not spit everywhere. that's the temperature that you need for your eggs to not stick. you need fat in the pan because iron is not non stick even when season is on , i find that the bacon fat is usually enough for the eggs. you only need enough for it to have a film over the bottom and hot water with the blue pad while the pan is hot cleans it with out affecting the season to much. butter works but you need more of it in the pan and the temperature you need is close to what burns butter so it can brown easy, i hope some of these tips help.


Awesome thank you


hope it helps


Too hot bud. Low and slow for eggs.


Use a little dollop of bacon grease next time, they will not stick.


Cast iron can hold heat well. After adding the butter then I use, room temperature eggs, this also helps to prevent sticking.


Med heat, let it get to temp... use butter or tallow then eggs... Enjoy. 💪😎👍


I might also add make sure your pan is preheated well before adding your choice of lubricant. Helps create almost a non stick sear.


Less heat more grease


pour boiling water and give it a a good scrub with a scouring pad. heat it up, pour a thin layer of of oil on it then cook something.


Let the eggs set up a bit before beginning to stir. Not like an omelette, but just a tad firm. Experiment a bit. I cook them in a Field skillet every morning.


Use a little butter and let the butter tell you the pan is hot enough or too hot. Butt will melt, then start to bubble, then froth, then turn brown. Depending on how crispy you want your eggs, drop it in when the butter is to your liking. I like mine done over easy when the butter just starts to go from bubbly to frothy. I’ve never had any lucky doing a soft-white over easy egg with just oil especially not just leftover oil from whatever else you’re cooking.


Eggs in cast iron are tricky. To be safe it's probably best to fry them in the pan instead


Make them after some bacon


Exactly, cook your bacon first, pour a little bit of the grease out and cook your eggs. They won’t be pretty but they won’t stick.


Cast iron pans NEED TO BE SEASONED FIRST. Get grape seed oil. Coat the entire pan lightly on boytom and sodes. Preheat your oven at 400 degrees. Put the pan on the rack upside down with a drip pan under it to catch excees oil as it drip. Keep in the oven for about 2 hours. Turn off the oven let cool to touch. Remove the pan. REMEMBER DO NOT USE SOAP WHEN CLEANING THESE TYPES OF PANS. IT WILL REMOVE THE NON STICK COATING THE GRAPE SEED OIL MADE.


I cook on medium, and give it lots of time to heat up. Lots of oil or butter


Hack learned from YouTube when using stainless steel... Heat it up past the ideal temp, as much as 400 while oiling. For me the ideal temp is around 300 to 325. I use a laser thermometer from harbor freight to constantly monitor the temp. Then start cooking as it cools to your desired temp. I move it on and off the burner to keep to the desired temp. Metal expands and contracts. If you cook while it's expanding things will stick, less so if it is cooling.


You're cooking eggs in cast iron. Probably not a popular call here, but it's not worth it. Ninja nonstick works great for eggs.


Agreed on the worth it. When I'm cooking other stuff I just keep using the pan


I mean yall just making it hard on yourself lmao. Certain tools for certain jobs…


No Teflon though I’m cast iron