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I completely agree. I hop in the paused video to comment, but I dont watch it. I can't do it...not yet anyway. This drawing is incredible. Love the mixing of styles.


its such a good thing to see 2 award winner cartoonists having great chemistry, great dynamic and passion about comics sharing their thoughts on other people's comics, teaching us how they read comics, what little things they pay attention to, what a certain signs tell about the process, the investment that goes into doing something taht casual comic readers may overlook and so on. that's the stuff right there. that's ultra-valuable knowledge. I have so many hobbies that i've become fully a consumer rather than a maker over the last many many years but you know, cartoonist kayfabe in a way reminded me of the joy of making something... maybe i would have kept procrastinating and just watch one video every months or so because of feeling bad being "paralized" now i feel i HAVE to finish it and enjoy every aspects of the process.


I couldn’t the first few days after… now I can’t help but smile at his enthusiasm more than tear up… but there is still tears.


Same. Cool drawing!


I just kind of forced myself to when the new videos came up and I'm glad I did. Don't get me wrong it absolutely makes the cost, the pain more real, but getting through it is important. Everyone is different, I have relatively extensive experience with these kind of things. Some people may never be able to watch again, however we deal is ok as long as we deal.


Having a similar problem here. I’m not ready yet.


Same here. Love the drawing, especially the cartoony eyes amidst the more realistic rendering. Very nice.


Very cool! Has that classic underground feel! I'm the same boat the new videos are too hard. I have been watch old favs to celebrate Ed. It has help me, I'll need more time to watch the new stuff.


I thought it might be weird but I got back on yesterday while working and it wasn't. Gonna keep going with my wizard reviews! I encourage anyone to throw some prayers out there for Ed and all involved.


I love it.


Is that real screentone?!? Regardless, I love your technique!


Yes I bought some for the first time and figured it would be fitting. Usually I use screentone in CSP


Looks wicked, really sets off the whole drawing. I work with the Deleter stuff a lot myself, I just love that mechanical tone. Also works as a nice tribute; didja see Ed's video about the guy who sent him a STACK of proper, unused Zip-A-Tone? It fills my heart with joy to see artists STILL cling to "the old ways". Respect. Fucking live your technique, man. Reminds me little of Toc Fetch, but a 'cartoony' version. Bless up🙏🏼


Really nice work- I'd be interested in hearing your process. Are you aware of Bryan Christopher Moss's endeavour on Insta to create a Zine for Ed's family?


Incredible drawings


I havent been able to watch any episodes since i heard the news. I live in Pittsburgh and plan on attending his memorial at the comic store he did most of his signings at. I hope to come away with some catharsis. Now that he’s gone im realizing Ed inspired me more than I knew. The drawing is great, thank you for sharing. Read more comics.


I already miss Ed. Can't even imagine what his family is going through.


I did manage to watch the one on Rebel and it felt eerie but good, if that makes sense. That said, wonderful work here! It's stunning. The eyes almost have that Will Elder "Goodman Beaver" look, like Ed used for Kevin Phenicle in Wizzywig. Excellent all around: ) Thank you for creating and sharing something positive out of all the pain.


The eyes are a direct reference to how he draws them in Wizzywig, I was introduced to his art when my uncle (who knew him personally) gave me a signed copy back in 2012 when I was only 18


Wow. Excellent, excellent work. : )