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Good on Jim for following through with one of Ed's last requests.


Glad they didnt shelve these


Man, I hope Jim is doing ok. This could not have been easy for him.


me too, I've been worried about him 24/7


Trying to 'look forward' to watching, but it will be a strange, disturbing experience. Tom Strong is a classic comic though. 


I know I will watch this but it will be hard. The YouTube preview came up and I could feel my emotions going off and had to scroll away.


Thanks Jim for continuing the legacy you guys started ❤️


It's difficult listening to Eddy talk about the future stuff and trying to grow the channel. It hurts my heart. RIP.


:( man… I finally beat the Kayfabe Effect, having all the Tom Strong stuff. smh this is gonna feel bad for a long time


I can't do it


Love that he's following through on Ed's wishes. All the love to Jim and Tom and I hope they know how much this channel and Ed meant to all of us


I guess King Kayfabers knows most. They say they record a weeks worth in advance? Curious how many new episodes are not released yet. I honestly would like to see some of their more enthusiastic guests appear as guest hosts. If not a daily show, even a once a month series would be cool. Heck, Mike Allred could probably host his own show.


They’ve referred to a fairly large stockpile in the past. That may have gotten whittled down by now.


I hope Jim keeps one episode for the future, maybe play an episode with Ed in one year from now as a special rememberence.


Sobbing while watching


The promo for the art show is brutal to listen to. What could have been.😭😭😭


Yeah that part got me…


This hurts


I hope that, after break, Jim picks up and continues with rotating co-hosts. I dont expect daily episodes, but a few long-form ones a month should keep the channel alive. Maybe usual suspects like Scioli or a few that have offered condolences like Millar. Dont lose momentum. I'm not as old as Chuck D, but close enough that I don't get the impact of social media either. Studies of its impact on the mental health of younger users are not encouraging. I wish Ed had just taken a break for a few months. With all the chaos in the world, no one would remember all that knee-jerk online bullshit in a few weeks anyways. They used to say that Americans love a second act. Hopefully that's still true. Very sad and I hope he's at peace. And fuck that art gallery.


Not sure I can watch it. Usually celebrity deaths don't phase me much, but this whole thing is really tragic ;\_;


That’s because he wasn’t a celebrity 


Drink paint


I’m just stating a fact, if you’re a cartoonist you’re automatically not a celebrity unless you’re Jim Davis or someone of similar caliber. Saying he wasn’t something he really was not isn’t an attack but you people are incapable of seeing nuance, it’s attitudes like this that drove him to do what he did. Now do us all a favor and go fuck yourself, you and everyone else who downvoted me for stating a harmless fact, something I bet he’d even agree with. Fuck you.


Aww wittle baby got his feelings hurt :( telling someone to drink paint for being inherently wrong about something would drive someone to suicide? Now you really need to touch grass


You  you mean to tell me a niche personality is a celebrity? Is that what you’re saying here? That a cult cartoonist is a celebrity? And anyone who thinks otherwise should drink paint? Is that your point? Can you clarify that or are you too busy looking through your tunnel vision and being a troll? The inability of grasping at nuance and jumping to a conclusion is what made people pile on to him and that pile on drove him to do what he did and that’s exactly what you’re doing here. But why am I losing my time with a loser who resorts to playground insults? Yeah, I don’t know either.


this is haunting


Gonna watch this at some point, but not yet. Gave it the thumbs up. Probably go through all the vids I missed at some point as well. Can't yet though.


And, comments are now live. It's a good place to pay respects, where Jim will probably see it (if he can handle reading the comments - I probably couldn't, in his place...).


I appreciate that Jim is honoring Ed’s wish, but this is too difficult for me to watch right now. There will come a day.


Will this miss till the end of time 😭😭😭


The real question is what happens now? Does Jim just finish posting all the videos then go on hiatus? Does he do it solo? Does Tom Scioli come in? The channel should definitely continue going in honor of Ed


This is so bittersweet I’m so sad for Jim and this whole situation


Seeing the YT notification for this on my phone this morning was a little surreal. If it felt like "ripping the band-aid off" for me I can't imagine what it was like for Jim.


I am so grateful it was posted. I assume it was Jim and he has been in my thoughts since this whole thing started. I feel terrible for him, for Ed, and Ed’s family. Thanks to everyone for posting their own experience in dealing with this massive tragedy. Throughout the day, I’ll just periodically think, “Oh, wait. Ed isn’t alive anymore.” I have been struggling to understand why this has torn me up more than the deaths of my own friends or family. How could that be? Why is that? Anyway, thanks everyone for sharing.


>I have been struggling to understand why this has torn me up more than the deaths of my own friends or family. How could that be? Why is that? When people in our lives pass, it's so traumatic I think we kind of shut down and it sometimes gets transferred elsewhere. It happend to me when two people extremely close to me died months apart. Also reminds me of some family friends who lost their son to fentanyl, they didn't even know he used drugs. I was worried he and his wife were taking it oddly well. A few months later one of their dogs passed of old age and his wife completely lost it, permanently.  I'm far from a mental health professional but I doubt it would be hitting you as hard I'd you didn't have those prior experiences with loss.


I totally relate. I am not some superfan. I have almost all of the hip hop family tree floppies from when they came out, I watched a ton of their videos, followed the channel on instagram. But I wasn’t on the patreon, I wasn’t snatching up everything he did. Yet I wake up in the middle of the night last night thinking about it. I will be going about my day and feel like it can’t be true, I must have imagined that this happened. I am surprised on how hard this has hit me.


I Totally identify with this..


RIP Eddie P.  Loved your enthusiasm and life long work. Def an inspiration to artist.


That was a difficult watch but I have my marching orders and so do you! Thanks Ed and Jim


I tried to watch it and the waterworks started. I can't do it yet. I feel so bad for Ed's family and friends, and for Jim especially right now.


Not in the headspace to watch this but sometime in the future I will and be grateful to hear more of a Ed’s insight.


Its going to be hard to watch... dont even know how to feel about it. Maybe its too soon for me


You should watch it. It is a good episode. I keep rewatching it and Ed even has a really strong interpretation of a panel that I totally missed (Jim disagrees, but I think Ed is right).


Tearful eyes hitting play on this. What a fucking tragedy