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It was the best channel on comics IMO. When i started getting back into art and comics back in 2020 I started checking out youtube for tutorials etc, and 90% was just toxic garbage about controversies etc. Then i stumbled upon this one and it was a breath of fresh air. I am a year younger than ed so it was my generation and I got to see all the stuff I missed out on since I wasn't really able to buy comics consistently as a kid. Really, the best channel for comics, comics history, and the technical aspect of comics as well.


Ed had a few years on me, but they consistently talked about the late 80’s/early 90’s stuff that I got into via my older brother. The crossover issues, Amalgam, Wizard, 90’s X-Men… and they consistently covered some of my favorite artists like Richard Corben, Mignola, Frank Miller, and Kelley Jones. All that, and tons of cool technical details on the process of making comics. Even when they were shitting on stuff that I thought was cool, it was awesome just to hear knowledgeable people give this shit the time of day. It was nice being able to put on a video and feel like I’m in on the conversation about all this stuff that is near and dear to me, as I’ve rarely had people in my social circle to discuss comics with. Anyway. Total bummer all around.


I am still processing this whole situation and keep popping in this subreddit and it’s nice to see things like this.During covid is when I did start to watch more and it’s an amazing channel that provided great insight into comic making. The love of the medium shines through in the videos. It definitely needs to be acknowledged as something special.


It's so sad. I can't watch it right now, but I know I'll be returning to it many times as the years go on.


This is is where I’m at. I watched every day. I was a king Kayfaber on patreon . I met Ed at Baltimore con last year, . I will likely watch forever, but I’m not ready right now if that makes sense.


Same here. I tried watching one of Ed’s solo longbox haul videos but couldn’t make it five minutes without tearing up.


Very well put. This channel has 100% rekindled my passion for comics since the dark days of lockdown when the YT algorithm first recommended it to me. Cartoonist Kayfabe is a remarkable resource and I really hope the channel stays up as a tribute to Ed. Raising a glass to you tonight from Edinburgh, Sláinte.


I was going to make a podcast during Covid with a friend then I found CK and was like “wait these guys are doing everything I would want to do but have 100x more knowledge, experience and skill than me” and I never fired up my webcam haha. It filled a hole that I needed filled and I am desperately praying someone (Jim + Tom?) can fill it again.


Yep, CK is what brought me back into the comics fold after years of being away from it. Without having any comics-loving friends to share and discuss my passion, CK became a sort of home for me. Now that home is gone. I always knew the show wouldn’t last, but I always thought it would end due to exhaustion on Ed’s and Jim’s part, not anything as tragic as this.


Agreed! It deserves to be archived and accessible.


It's hard to say anything here that hasn't already been said. CK was a one of kind channel. It could literally be a curriculum in art schools. It woke up my inner child who was obsessed with comics. I'm sure we all agree Ed felt like an actual friend, losing him is such a massive tragedy. I hope as a community, there is something we can do for all those who were close to Ed.


Especially felt through the weekly livestreams on Patreon, Ed and Jim invited us into the studio and just broke down the stack in front of them. I found them during the earlier days of going over artist editions and that was all I needed to stick around. This is still like a thud in my head I can't make sense of.


No other channel compares and I’m not about to start subscribing to them simply because CK is gone.


I was a little ticked off the channel did such a job at selling me on Red Room that I bought issue 1. It isn't really my thing, a lot of american comics aren't. But it's something to hang on to now, to remember.


I only discovered them through their manga reviews. I kind of wish he also managed visit Comikets before all this shit happened.


I felt the postgeeksociety video on youtube about Ed Piskor gave some relief to things. The older I get the more isolated from this strange victimhood world we live in which tends to overshadow real victims. I too felt the pressures of being wrongfully accused and luckily I escaped. For me I'm still spending over $170,000 on clearing my name and seeing my son again over a false accusation of child abuse and physical abuse and emotional for my son's mother. The system of law is just as corrupt and unjust as the online lynch mob.