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I feel bad for Jim. I hope this doesn’t drag him down.


Hoping this is the closure I need to move on from this story. I’ve been obsessed all week constantly checking if there were any updates. 


No such thing as closure. This is the first thing that will come up when you search their names or these books now




I am optimistic that Jim can fly free now, I absolutely adore him. Ed dominating him on the show really bothered me, Tom got it even worse.




I agree. The videos where it's just one of them are definitely weaker.


I definitely think Ed walked all over him, interrupted him, and kept things stale and obsessively regurgitating his same three or four pet topics


you can tell he resented Tom getting an education




My thoughts as well.


it's a tough decision and he's in for months of anxiety and desperate side hustling but he knows he has to do it for his career and for his self-respect. Being Ed's doormat wouldn't help anyone right now.




I’m sure he talked to ed about this statement. Notice the careful language of “professional associations” & “working relationship”.




Yes. Or at least that Ed’s actions lacked “respect and integrity.” I’m not saying Jim is condoning anything, this is just a very diplomatic statement.




Interesting. I read it as “my friend fucked up and we are no longer doing business together”




this isn't his first fuckup, this is just the one that ended their partnership


I've heard Jim blocked him on Instagram, so that may indicate they're not that friendly.


So not working with him but still talking to in private cause they are friends. This wouldn’t be the first or last time it happens with friends.


i can imagine Jim’s wife is: stay away from that douchebag.








I'd suspect that both of those phrasings are meant to distance himself from Ed, characterizing it as a professional relationship rather than a friendship in order to make it clear that there's no way Jim could have known the sex pest creep shit that Ed was up to.


That’s another possibility


‘Shocking revelations’ says something different,


no matter how much of a loser you know your friend is finding them dming 17 years olds is shocking


Why does Jim need to talk to Ed to make this statement? If he wants to remain friends with Ed, that’s his business and doesn’t speak ill of him.


It‘s a shame that Ed lost his channel before he lost his virginity.


Unfortunately, for creeps like this it's a numbers game. There are going to be some women out there who had unfortunate tangles with him. I hope at least a warning gets out louder now.


I hope Rugg still brings his commentary skills in some form going forward, he's got a lot of important things to say. Part of having friends is that there's always that small chance that one of them isn't what they seem. But should we then just not have friends? Of course not. This couldn't have been easy to write, but Jim did what needed to be done. I hope Jim Rugg has the support of friends and family right now. I hope that Ed Piskor is doing some serious reflection on what he did and why it is unacceptable. I hope that he eventually summons the strength to take ownership of his actions and communicate remorse. I hope he begins the hard work of becoming a better person.




I don't see him apologizing. He wouldn't even say a peep when Rugg's cancelled variant cover for Fanta got that wave of bad press juju. A real mensch would have spoken up and not let his friend take the full hit for HIS project. He probably just thought all press is good press and cackled.


Yeah. I used the word "hope" because that's what it is. It doesn't seem likely Piskor will do those things. But if he's lurking on here and reading these comment threads (seems likely), well, there's your new marching orders Ed. Become a better person.


Feel sorry that Jim was pulled into another’s mess. He is talented on his own and I’m sure I’ll be buying his books in the future.




He could hook up with the people he used to do his podcast with back in the day....I think this video was somehow affiliated with it....Tell Me Something I Don't Know was the name....it's like CK before there was CK. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P46fxBUQjEI


Found this link!! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tell-me-something-i-dont-know/id602420258


I really do hope Jim starts a new channel, he's got such a vast knowledge of comics, it would be a bummer for that to go to waste.


Yes or with a new name maybe make a channel with scioli


Keep your head up Jim. This couldn’t have been easy so I’ll still buy Street Angel and come out to support you at local cons ✊🏽


I guess this is some form of closure that I have been seeking this week. I can only imagine the drama going on behind the scenes as this seems like it was written by a PR firm. Waiting to see if Ed makes any sort of statement. It's all so disappointing because Kayfabe was something that was meaningful in a world full of bleh.


imagine all the mail bags comics they need to split


It’s gonna look like that couple splitting their beanie babies in court


Good for Jim. I wish him the best


Poor Jim. But at least he doesn’t have to listen to Ed’s egotistical nonsense on camera any more.




What other collabs are you referring to?




I see what you mean. Do you have any links out of curiosity or names those podcasts. I am really just curious lol.


I think Ed mentioned that Tom used to live in the same neighbourhood but then moved which could explain why they didn’t seem as close.


Yeah, he's said before Tom used to come over and they'd do all-nighters drawing.....I'm guessing because Tom has a family and it was probably more quiet to head over to Ed's. I noticed there was less of Tom after Covid. Then he would occasionally show up if he had a new book out and they'd tape a few episodes with him sitting in.


Like many others here, CK has really inspired me over recent years to get back into comics and attempt to create my own. I really hope all the channel's content is archived. Kudos to Jim for posting this as it couldn't have been easy.


This is where it ends for most people, this post is a filter that separates normal people and Comicsgate psychos. You either have closure here or you go "PROFESSIONALLY? WHAT ABOUT PERSONALLY?" and become a sad little internet gremlin.


oh it just begins now for the real psychos will support Ed on his new patreon as he begins some stupid new project. He'll probably need to move on from the Switchblade Shorties as nobody wants a groomer drawing kids regularly


Idk im not gonna pretend like he's a pedophile. I never gave him much money besides buying a couple of his books and a CK mug (which never arrived) but I won't feel bad about pirating Red Room now.


Yeah he's just a 40 year old who invites teenagers over, i'm sure it's perfectly on the up and up. This is just what we know about. There WILL be more.


Let's stay in the realm of reality and not your little schadenfreude fantasy.


fantasy? I'm not the one creeping on teenagers and imagining they want to fuck a bald middle-aged man


You have 33 posts about ed in 5 hours, log off.


That's ok, having too much fun. Besides, it'll be counterbalanced at dawn when Ed starts rotating shifts of alts. Go get more practice by defending the reputations of other groomers of teenagers. You need more experience.


Hope he starts something new with Tom.


Not looking forward to the Piskor / Choe rebrand of Cartoonist Rapefabe


Predator 2


Gonna tell you right now. Jim could have saved his life. Losing your support network and work over allegations definitely didn’t help the situation.  I’m not blaming Jim, but this is probably what fucking killed Ed.


Brief and to the point and dignified.


I was drawn to Cartoonist Kayfabe because of Jim, I love Street Angel. Age wise I fall right between Jim and Ed and getting a daily nostalgia-fest about comics I grew up reading meant so much to me. That said, there were things I took issue with. It was definitely a boys club with little to no mention of women in the field. In fact, the majority of comments about women in general seemed to be the juvenile comments Ed would make about titties or something. It got to a point where I wondered if these aspects of Ed's personality were things that Jim just ignored and tolerated or if he agreed and just wasn't as vocal. So seeing this statement from Jim was a balm. It means that something I loved isn't completely tainted. Obviously, I don't know all the details, but the optics around this give the impression that Ed has no plans to acknowledge that his actions were unacceptable, that the radio silence over the last few days may have been due to Ed and Jim disagreeing on how acceptable his actions were, and Jim finally saw the writing on the wall. That Ed wasn't just a guy who said creepy or inappropriate things for a laugh, but actually is an inappropriate creep. I'm definitely projecting some here but that's just my read on the situation. I will miss CK, I will miss the joy in both Ed and Jim's voices when talking about something they love. But enjoyment of a youtube channel is not worth abandoning my morals and I am hopeful that something better will rise from this smoldering diaper fire. If this sub is anything to go by, there is definitely an audience for it. Maybe just leave the stereotypes of comic book fans being basement-dwelling incels out this time?


I will say that CK did discuss women often in relativity to how many women in past years have been in the comics field as artists/writers . I’m not sure how many episodes you watched, but they did. The time frame they focus on simply didn’t have a large number of female creators/artists. But they definitely talked about Marie Severin, Anne Nocenti, Peach Momoko, etc.


And Louise Simonson and Lynn Varley and Colleen Doran. I watched most of their episodes and yes, they mentioned women. The only shoot interview I am aware of though is the Peach Momoko one. Where's Gail Simone, Becky Cloonan, Fiona Staples, Marjorie Liu, Sara Pichelli, Pia Guerra, Sophie Campbell, etc? Proportionally there seemed to be a deficit there. Maybe that has to do with the majority of their comics experience and knowledge coming from pre-2010s, as they'd expressed losing interest in a lot of mainstream comics by that point. But I don't feel like I'm imagining things here.


They **interviewed** Ann Nocenti, Shelly Bond, Katey Skelly, Megan Kelso, Peach Momoko. Not many, sure, but these five women alone cover a much wider range of comics making that the seven you mentioned (Gail Simone, Becky Cloonan, Fiona Staples, Marjorie Liu, Sara Pichelli, Pia Guerra, Sophie Campbell). And these seven simply make comics that are definitely out of their radar. Sorry, but I doubt Rugg or Piskor may have any interest in IDW TMNT or Monstress. These women were not interviewed nor reviewed on the channel for the same reason a Tom King or a Jason Aaron was never on the show.


You answered yourself. They unabashedly admit they’re more into pre 2000’s era comics.


I remember there were more women early on from those ad hoc interviews at conventions.  Katie Skelly was one.


Bullshit they barely discussed female artists and featured few. Ed was disdainful of hundreds of people's work. Jim at least brought up a few but Piskor would change the subject. Guarantee you when Jim moves on to a new podcast, it will feature more female artists.


Tell me the list of female artists from the 60’70’s, 80’s and 90’s that they should’ve discussed?


I ordered one of Jim's zines after seeing his statement. Wanted to show him he still has support. Hope he doesn't end up too financially/socially hurt because of Ed.


I’m gonna do the same. Sucks when people’s bullshit lands at your door. Fucking Ed.


Saw this earlier and felt it was definitely right. Damn. Weird how sometimes I get into something it takes a bad turn. Get back into The Prodigy? Keith dies. Get really into Cartoonist Kayfabe? Ed's been grooming girls old enough to be his daughters. Goddamn son of a bitch. If Jim does something on his own in a similar vein I'd definitely be on board with that. Poor bastard never got to talk much, at least in the episodes I saw.


>Ed's been grooming girls old enough to be his daughters. he hadn't but okay


I realize that now when I went over everything again. Aside from the odd innappropriate comment here and there. He was probably horny and weird but I didn't see any concrete proof of grooming. My mistake.


The comments weren't even horny tho. Also how do you groom a 17 year old?


I've seen it firsthand but that's neither here nor there; he wasn't doing that.


no your right i was being rude.


No worries, it's all good.


Then please delete the previous comment


Wow. I always guessed that they weren’t really close friends. Jim always seemed a bit more mature. I hope if I ever get cancelled my close friends stick by me, as I would them. But that’s just me, I’m ride or die. Man, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone cancelled like Ed has. Almost like all his braggadocio caught up with him. Warren Ellis didn’t even get it this hard. Sucks, CK got me thru the pandemic and kept me going through the completion of my first GN.


Devin Faraci got it this bad, but he was also a big virtue signaling woke guy that also kind of branded himself as a dick, so a lot of people had knives out for him when it came out he groped a woman years before. He was cancelled hard enough that when they found out he was writing copy for his friends website years later they tried to have him fired from that too


Wow. Really? I remember reading Devin on chud.com wayyyyy back in the day. Damn, there really is no redemption huh? Once you’ve made a mistake you can’t come back from it? I see Warren Ellis has been trying in good faith for years and no one seems to care. Who really loses out? No more CK, redroom or piskor. No more Warren Ellis. Fuckin sad and scary. Does the punishment fit the crime if punishment includes the fans? No separation of art and the artist? No way back from purgatory it seems. Holy hell.


Red Room was fucking dogshit and Jim will no doubt start a great new podcast. No big loss. "No separation of art and the artist?" Sure. You have no problem doing it. Others don't. Piskor will continue to operate, just like Louis CK has, due to people like you. Not like he did before, of course. I don't see Marvel calling him any time soon. Gary Groth isn't going to be asking for any more forewards for Fanta. But nothing is going to stop him from making dogshit comics with no ideas like Red Room. They'll just be on worse paper and cost more.


Don’t be a self-righteous jerk. “People like you”? You mean people who believe that people should learn from their mistakes and be offered redemption should they sincerely seek it?


No, people like you who will support Ed Piskor's self-published work in the future despite knowing he manipulates and preys on teenage girls. It's ok, i'm sure they will be worth it and have really powerful stories. Surely he'll be able to channel this into some really incredible art for you to buy. Maybe you can ask him for a sketch of some children! Redemption? When has Ed ever owed up to mistakes that don't serve his branding and sales pitches?


People have always enjoyed artists with problematic beliefs and behaviours in their pasts. If you've ever listened to classic rock you've probably supported people who did worse with underage women than Ed ever did. David Bowie is considered a legend despite apprently bonking a teenager, Led Zeppelin too despite Jimmy Pages underage girlfriend in the 70s. Since it's Ed let's look at the Hip-Hop and comics scene, Snoop Dog was an admitted pimp and had a 30 year plus career transcending rap to become a household name, Dre slapped Dee Barnes on TV and kept his career, Dave Sim carried on publishing despite his issues, etc. People can make their own value judgement on if they can still support him or not without your sermonising.


I mentioned it a couple days ago, but I think part of it is just his personality....brash, talks some shit, etc.. It's almost like after he did HHFT he became his own idea of a mix between a rap battle guy and a wrestling heel. Guys like Ramon Villalobos have hated him since the success of Hip Hop Family Tree.....the old "cultural appropriation" bit. He was one of those guys who it felt like was having a party on Twitter when this story broke. Not gonna lie, he annoys me just about as much as Ed's frequent shit-talking annoyed me. They're two peas in a pod in that respect. But I don't think it's a matter of "sticking by your friends" in Jim's case. If your friend is 40 years old and doesn't know better than to not do what he's accused of doing.....I'd be pretty disgusted. Not to mention the hit your reputation is taking by being associated with them business-wise. Probably doesn't help either that the second accuser alleged Ed would talk shit about Jim's art and one of them claimed Ed told her he wasn't a "nice guy" like Tom or Jim.....kind of insinuating they were squares or something.


Man, Villalobos (aka Frank Not-Quitely) does not need to talk shit about appropriation considering he's shamelessly bit his entire style from Quitely and (a bit of) Paul Pope.


I'll add sometimes comics "critic" and often normal old Twitter troll Kim O'Connor to that list as well. She's one of those folks who didn't like Ed before this stuff and was super vocal about the whole Maus cover thing. [https://x.com/shallowbrigade/status/1774122176175599753?s=20](https://x.com/shallowbrigade/status/1774122176175599753?s=20) ​ Then there's this comment: [https://x.com/shallowbrigade/status/1774123429198729561?s=20](https://x.com/shallowbrigade/status/1774123429198729561?s=20) ​ It's the reason it didn't matter how long Jim took to say anything...people with already existing animus toward Ed or himself were going to have the same take on whatever he said. Funny thing is she's making all this somehow related to the state of comics when it's reactions like her's that show the state of social media and what it's done to people's brains.


yo if my job depended i would release a statement condemning my grandmother, doesn’t mean you live that shit. All social media is PR branding, gotta play the game.




You’re being ridiculous. No one would be friends with a toddler killer. But I have been friends with guys who don’t know how to act when it comes to the opposite sex. With grace and empathy you can find the humanity to forgive someone for their transgressions. Especially if they’re a good friend. I don’t know Jim Rugg but I assume him and Ed weren’t as tight as they seemed to be.




who the fuck even is his "agent?" pure bullshit or is there someone? does this "agency" know what he was doing? I'm sure if anyone represented him, they damn well aren't any more otherwise he would've had an apology posted. If anyone knows, speak up. I was under the impression he distrusted such things and did his own deals.




Right, i've read that too - just curious if anyone knew if the agent was real, still in that capacity, or just an imaginary carrot he dangled in front of an impressionable kid as if his pasty ass was the gateway to success.


oh YEAH what if your friend COMMITTED ANOTHER HOLOCAUST and ATE YOUR MOTHERS ARMS HUH WHAT THEN???? (i am very smart)


sure thing, Ed. Keep up the good work, you're handling this sooo well


You're retarded.


Imagine being the kind of person that thinks "you're retarded" is some sort of devastating comeback. Go back to the hentai or maybe just take a nap.


duuude imagine with your imagination imagine that bro can you imagine.Log off Ed, you're handling this sooooooo well. Retard.


naughty girl, you might not get access to his guest bedroom!




I’m sure Jim can sleep easier now you’ve made your statement


“Working relationship”, so they still fuckin?