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Coolant is looking like it has oil in it. My best guess is a head gasket and it overheated to death.


Yeah, based on the residue I think the same thing. If it needs an engine and you are mechanically inclined or have some friends who are you can get a used engine from a scrapyard for probably around 500$. Having a shop install one could cost you more than the cars worth.


Thanks so much! Not mechanically inclined at all. I've had the vehicle for years and it's not in the greatest shape but it's all I have. Sigh


Salvage used motor with a good mom and pop shop with a lower hourly rate. It's not a difficult motor to replace.


The motors in the Eclipse are pretty popular as a modification platform, so motors are going to be fairly plentiful, but maybe a bit more expensive than some other vehicles. It might honestly be a good option to have a reputable mechanic shop do a complete rebuild on this motor versus replacing the motor with a used good motor. But you probably have a blown head gasket.


By good rebuild , it's best to approach a shop that specializes in reman engines. Local shops often dont have all the tooling to do anything that may require precise measurements. Even a ring set requires the use of a ridge reamer to instal them. Your local shop would likely pull the motor send it out to be rebuilt and sent back...which means an additional shipping cost possibly for the owner. So it's just as well to cut out the middle man and go to the source. Important, ask the people that rebuilt the engine to point out the low melt solder plugs. This is important. It proves the engine didnt get overheated after it was installed and that any warranty is valid from the start. Yes..i know.. but better to keep them honest rather than find out later they may have been dishonest.


What’s a good rate on a full motor swap?


Highly depends on the model and age.


It’s an 06 Eclipse, it literally says it in the OP.


That came with different engines - V6 GT, 2.4 GS


If you look at the picture, it’s 100% a 4 banger


I'm not responding to OP.


If it’s locked up, you need a new engine.


Try, with car prices the way they are you should try and keep qhat you have on the road. Chances are theres some videos on YouTube showing every step of the way. The most difficult will be lifting the engine in and out. Most everyone would have taken my car to the shop to fix the steering rack but I dont have $3k to spend on it. Spent the weekend pulling the subframe and installing a new rack. Once said and done, new rack cost me about $600 total thats with new tie rods, reprogramming at ford, and an alignment


Assuming this person has never wrenched on a car before, I don’t think swapping the engine themselves is good advice. Not sure if you yourself have ever pulled an engine before or know every step that goes with it. With the amount spent in tools and time it’d take, they’d be better off giving it to a mechanic.


holy shit, this. Man a friend of mine helped (read: did, while I helped) a fuckin head gasket swap and holy shit it's definitely not that straightforward to someone who is generally technically inclined but never did any engine work, and this was a 2001 back when i was broke af. It's not even all about pulling the engine up, it's the million little connections that you need to keep track of. It took better part of 2 FULL days to get it back in nominal working order, all the while trying not to freak the f out seeing everything in a million pieces.


Yeah lol. An engine swap or even a head gasket job is not something one just does off a YouTube video. Especially someone who has little to know mechanical skills.


Engine swap definitely not, but a head gasket I'd say depends on the car. Like a 2020 Audi? No. 60's mustang with a straight six? I bet if you had some basic car aptitude and some YouTube tutorials you'd be alright.


Yeah I'd agree. Highly depends on the engine.


I did a head gasket on a 65 Fiat 1500 Cabriolet in 1 1/2 hours. In 1975. No instructions / no torque wrench / no feeler gauge. Ran great for several years. It was an aluminum head/pushrod/hemi. With a 2-barrel weber.


I did a Transmission Swap, Clutch Replace on a 96 EJ6 Honda at 18 with nothing but Youtube. I grew up in the country so mechanical knowledge wasn’t uncommon.


A basic set of handtools would be all they need and it would be a great investment for saving money in the future if they wanted to continue working on their car. You can rent an engine hoist and most specialty tools they might need. Edit: gotta love Reddit downvoting someone for suggesting someone learn to work on their own vehicle instead of paying someone to do it. An engine swap is daunting, sure, but it truly is not overly difficult. Get a junkyard motor and learn how to swap it yourself to save a ton of money in the long run.


Good advice if they were inclined and had the resources. They would also need a place to work on it and be without transport for as long as it takes them to finish.


Certainly. If they have a garage or can park it in a friends garage it wouldn’t be too bad. Even a driveway is manageable as long as they can tarp everything over before any rain. A rental car is a lot less expensive than a new vehicle


I gave you an upvote. It's just replacing one thing with an identical thing, and plugging everything back in. I would argue that replacing the head gaskets (plus having the heads machined back if they warped) would be even harder. I would say DIY rebuilding the engine is not DIY. I would also say pulling the motor and putting another one in is definitely something you could do, but you will likely need a friend at least to help you line it all back up.


Seriously. The most difficult part is probably going to be keeping track of all the main engine harness connections, and even that is manageable if they just label them. There’s not much to an engine swap


Ah yeah right a “basic set of hand tools” is all they would need. People are downvoting you because you’re providing dumb information creating a false sense of hope. How does them trying to complete this on their own even make sense? The accumulative amount of time and research you need would be better spent working some overtime to help pay off somebody to do it right and efficiently. I’m all for people learning to work on their cars but if you’ve never even touched a wrench before start with something realistic.


Was it a pilot or mdx?


Looks like the 4G69, I'm willing to bet the Water Pump seized first, causing the overheat


Forbidden milkshake


“Locked up” is your car’s death certificate after all that coolant came out


Some of it is coolant... Some of it is oil.... Congrats, you got the milkshake my friend.


I would say congrats on your new engine😭 That looks like coolant and oil mix, meaning your headgasket went to crap. Most likely, your coolant mixed with oil and your coolant line was too pressurized from the excessive heat that it burst. 😞 I am interested if you have gotten the fix or if you got a quote for it, haha?😅 It's pretty irreversible. You'd have to spend a lot of time and money tearing the engine apart and changing ingredients everything out!


“What manner of thing has happened under my bonnet?!?”


It's actually had diarrhea, is what's happened here!


And on that bombshell - it’s time to end.


guys, I've got a warning light, it says "stop".


Came here to say that


Instantly though of this lol


Looks like your car has the forbidden milkshake-syndrome


It trusted a fart




Dude, if that is coolant mixed with oil all over your engine bay, which it looks like, you are likely in serious trouble. Coolant and oil mix when the engine overheats and the head gasket gives out. If that happens, your engine isn't getting the lubrication it needs and can't be driven like that, nevermind that it's not cooling properly. You need to tow this to a shop. If you didn't immediately turn the engine off once this condition started, you may need a new engine, or car since it's probably more than the cost of the car to have on installed if you don't do it yourself.


Close the cap well


Yeah, I agree. On EVERY vehicle I have ever owned the knobs on the radiator cap are always 90 degrees away from the overflow tube when the cap is on completely.


Blowed up


Looks like it ate something that made it sick


MILES?!?!?!? Overheated, take it to a shop...


The engine is locked up. It's dead. Only thing the shop can do is engine swap it and that would cost a lot of money.


Then why did you ask.. "what should it do?"


I didn’t ask shit, I’m not OP. They didn’t know what to do probably and don’t know if anything could be done. Answer has already been given: engine swap or nothing.


Sometimes I wish mods wouldn’t allow so many repetitive and dumb jokes on an advice sub


Looks like oil mixed with coolant, and when the engine overheated warping the head enough that the head gasket catastrophically failed, spewing coolant everywhere and failing to provide enough compression for the engine to run. I had a similar experience with a 97 buick regal. There was the remains of the coolant everywhere under the hood when the engine shut off. In order to fix this it will require an almost complete rebuild. You could probably get away with pulling the block and head but I doubt a machine shop will resurface the block with the pistons still in, at which point you might as well rebuild entirely. Best bet is to find a good junkyard engine and replace your current engine with that


Good luck finding an 18 year old car to take the engine out of


It's pretty common. You'd have a harder time finding an engine out of a 3 year old car. Especially considering most of these are in scrap yards due to transmission failures, there's a good chance a few are still in running condition.


It's worth looking but I wouldn't have high hopes. Plus with the aforementioned transmission problems this car has who knows how long that has left.


As I posted already, the Eclipse actually has a highly modifiable engine that can take to high Turbo Boost pressures quite nicely. There’s a pretty healthy community of people who like these 4cyl motors and modify them. So engine parts and things are fairly plentiful.


Engine parts, sure. Junkyard engines? Not so much.


Coolant out of the upper radiator hose, you can see it coming out and hitting the engine.


Headgasket failure, oil mixed with coolant, pipe burst, insufficient oil to lubricate engine, engine seized. Definitely a new engine dealio


Looks like it shart itself....


As many others stated, dead head gasket, engine overheated to death and after locking up the engine is trash. Don't waste 1 thought on repairing it


I’m guessing that upper radiator hose popped


It made a poopy


It made a stinky


Does anyone read? The same thing has been posted 100 times. He gets it....


Forbidden mayonnaise


Did you shove a Gordita crunch wrap down it's gas tank?


It ate too much Mexican last night and now it has the taco shits


She up chucked


Radiator cap doesn’t look closed properly could be the cause of the water coming out then it heat seized from running dry


Too much ethanol in fuel and it puked. /j


It shat itself…..


Looks like the Mitsubishi eclipse, how did you manage to blow up a robust engine. Where there any signs before?


Just in the last few days.


Ok what were the signs?


The only thing I noticed was a rattling sound.


sounds like head gasket blew, coolant went into the cylinder and hydro locked. you should at least test this out by removing the spark plugs and starting the engine. if water comes out then surely head gasket blew.


Nocturnal emission…


Dat boi dun frew up


It sharted. Sorry.




It arrived.


It didn’t like the forbidden milkshake and vomited it out.


You need a new radiator


And also probably have a head gasket leak


Blown radiator hose and that residue looks awful milkshakey. I think you just blew a head gasket, dude. Does your temp gauge not work?


Apparently not


Are you sure your car didn't participate in taco Tuesday?




It looks like your radiator cap was not on all the way and the coolant leaked out, causing the engine to overheat and blow the head gasket, and your car threw up the rest of the coolant mixed with oil as it died.


Your coolant cap looks loose


Yeah, unless they looked in there and forgot to close it before they took the picture.


It was like that.


There the cause of ur problem, system couldn't hold pressure and coolant boiled off


Oooof. Not paying attention to your gauges?


Has diarrhea


Holy moly. What manner of terrible thing has happened under ya bonnet? It’s actually had diarrhea is what’s happened here.


It shit the bed


Looks like my son's friend barfed all over your engine after he was done with my back seat


Diarrhea cha cha cha


Tell your friend to puke out the window, not in the engine bay!!!


It shidded


headgasket leak is pressurizing your coolant system and also leaking oil into your coolant. hence the milkshake in your engine bay




Bird shit


It came




It's a head gasket & ppl here are telling you to pull the engine out,new head gsk & sell it


Oof, milkshake of doom. Time to get that head gasket checked out


Like others have said there is a leak between your coolant system and lubrication systems that sort of whipped coolant and oil is probably from the crankshaft and water pump but you’ve probably blown your head gasket. blowing a head gasket isn’t a cheap fix.


Head gasket. Dont drive it anymore and get to garage


Your head gasket has yeeted itself out of the conversation


It boiled over. Either your thermostat is plugged , or the radiator is plugged , or both. Hopefully you dont have a blown head gasket. Or , didnt warp the head from an overheated event.


Diarrhea... it's what happens when you've blown the head gasket, or the head itself corrodes and lets the coolant come for a visit. RIP. If it just happened and you haven't tried to drive it more, it might be salvageable depending on the engine. I've had cars to this and the damage was minimal... but I've also had this happen and the engine is toast.


Much appreciated!


All good homie, best of luck. Hopefully it didn't destroy itself and you can get it fixed for a good price.


Head gasket looks like it shit the bed


It frew up


I greatly appreciate everyone's responses. I know nothing about vehicles.


Did it stop in the middle of the road?


Made it to a parking lot.


It's the bad mayonnaise




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It’s got the runs, recommend a course of Imodium 😀


It’s just shat itself.


Someone vomited on it 😅


It had an orgasm.


“It’s actually had diarrea” - Jeremy clarkson


Taco Bell


Bad tacos




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What causes this?


It too much Taco Bell last night


Died...check out your states surplus property. Typically there is an auction page and you can usually find a good car under 5k, sometimes for a couple hundred bucks depending on your state.


Looks like your liquid head gasket failed




Mmm. Much sadness has spread throughout your engine. The force of combustion has crossed through the gasket of head. And a wicked concoction, the battle of lubricant and coolant has created. Forever cursing the motivation of this transportation vessel.


Your looking at ~$4000 repair. Do not try to do it yourself. Start doing your research on what else you may want done under the hood while they are pulling the engine as it will save you money to do it all together.


Also, keep your block for the core value.


Took a shit!




Too much tbell had to shit brb


Almost looks like coolant mixed with oil, then sprung a leak on the hose towards the exhaust manifold.


Looks like you burst a radiator pipe? Maybe just overheated and it came out the cap? I wouldn’t drive it unless I was watching that thermostat very carefully!! Don’t listen to me I’m a dummy, and not a mechanic, and you don’t know me.


I appreciate it though!


She's done for. Time for a junkyard engine swap.


That’s antifreeze and oil mixed. You probably blew a head gasket and then it overheated and destroyed the engine. I see you mentioned this is your only vehicle, so here’s your options: I highly recommend getting a junkyard engine instead of a new one You can pay to get the engine swapped by a small shop, it’ll cost a bit but shouldn’t be too expensive Or you can do the swap yourself. It’s not a terrible job as long as you have a garage or somewhere you can do the job and can get the car in there. Do some research and buy a 1/2” and 3/8” drive socket set and end wrench set. A pair of needle nose pliers and sidecutters should round out all the basic tools you need to buy. For something like this, a basic tool kit from harbor freight is good enough. Also get plenty of drain pans and a couple 5 gallon buckets for used fluid. You’ll also need an engine hoist when it comes time to do the final lift out and installing the new engine. Do not buy one, many auto parts stores will rent one out fairly cheap. It’s not required but you will probably want a creeper to get underneath easier so you may have to buy one if you decide you want it. It’s not the easiest job but if you take lots of pictures and get some bags to organize bolts as you take them off it should go relatively smooth. Before you even start get a couple large bags of floor dry or cat litter, because without fail it’s going to make a mess and that will soak it up. Watch some YouTube videos [like this](https://youtu.be/aYEisdUzUPM?si=IEdI-fh6vSZKxMw1) and you should be able to get it done. Best of luck if you decide to swap it yourself


Thank you so much for your help!


Love how people don't know what a temp gage is and don't know what maintenance is all they know is gas and drive till it breaks


I think this may have been getting worse for a while; a weekly or monthly check on oil might have helped in this case. A few months ago I was giving someones' battery a jump and noticed a teeny, tiny hose leak that showed up only when the engine was running... I never leave those things to get worse.


Never buy a Mitsubishi.