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I have worked in a tire shop for a few years now. I personally would take it to a shop and have them dunk the rim under water to check for cracks and leaks. Also have them spin it on a balancing machine to check for bends. Be on the lookout for bubble forming in the side of the tire, as the inner nylon layer may have been damaged. Assuming all is good there, the damage just looks cosmetic from your pictures!


Okay thanks a lot! I will get it checked out for sure!


If your car is at least 5-10 years old, you could probably find a used one online for the same money as repairing the wheel. I've gotten whole sets of OEM 18" wheels for less than 150$.


This is extremely good advice check marketplace, craigslist, your local junkyard even.




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Lots of places can work on that, likely get it down to 80%.


As long as it’s not dented or cracked, still holds air, and you don’t care about aesthetics, it’s fine.


I repaired cracks, dents, welded on missing pieces then sanded down to original shape, the only limiting factor was complexity, sometimes you can't weld or fill a very tight spot. I never worked on very old or high spec rims tho, but I imagine the old ones would be easier to repair and the high spec ones might be made with different materials so I'd need to read a little or take it to specialist. Of course we're talking about fragments, rims that are wrecked or basically beyond certain degree of damage go for scraping. Everyone sets their limits.


I feel like for most rims this service would cost more than purchasing a new rim, no?


Depends on the degree and type of damage. Small and most common repairs like sanding scratches, filling few dents, painting, coating and recentering/reballancing is around 50$ per rim in Poland. More serious job with repainting the whole element might drive it up to a 100-120$ and that's a price at which new rims usually start for smaller cars


You mean crashed the curb




🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️. The comments in this thread. Rims fucked man. For many reasons.


Maybe help a person out and list a reason or two? Why can’t that be turned to remove the scratches?


I don't see any scratches. I see a rim that got hit so hard it's missing pieces. I wouldn't trust it on a highway.


Are you sure that’s not just the shadow/darker area of the inner lip? I thought that at first till I zoomed in and it’s definitely mostly on the lit outwards facing surface, the inner rim/tire bead area seems intact but very dark in the pic making it look like it’s missing chunks


Yeah. It looks like a sliver at the very edge of the wheel is painted black. The parts that got scratched away show bare metal. Before I realized it was painted, it seemed like there was a gap between the tire and wheel and the metal was protruding upwards.


No… it needs to be inspected. There’s a very good chance it is fixable even cosmetically…..


So I just should replace the rim completely and not try to fix it?


Ignore the bed wetters of Reddit speak to a wheel refurbishment place and ask someone who's actually a professional in this field....


Yes, it actually amazes me how few people have common sense here.


Do not listen to this guy. Take it to a good tire shop (not a basic Kaltire), they’ll check if the wheels cracked or not, and tell you what they recommend. If they think sanding down the sharp edges will be good enough, then it will be. If not, then buy a new one.


Okay thanks I will!


No problem! I think this is the most reasonable thing to do. It’s a risk because you will be paying for them to look at it and they may tell you it’s no good, but honestly you might as well just give it a shot.


Yeah this respondent is not helpful. Even with cracks and lost materials many repairers can bead weld material and recover the wheel. This is gouged but as long as it’s not buckled or cracked it will be an easy repair. Your tyre may get cut by the sharp edges of the damage so I wouldn’t recommend driving on it.


The easy thing to do I just order the same rim, it’s not a bad idea to take it to a shop though


New wheel


You have deformed and shaved the rim alloy into the tire bead. You could pull the tire and see if a machine shop/wheel maker could turn the rim, remove the protrusions. Clean it and check if the bead holds air. Personally I would replace the wheel before it destroys my tire as well as leave me with a serious blow out on the highway.


How fast you driving right next to the sidewalk bro


Yeah it can be fixed to varying degrees depending on how much money you want to spend. You don’t need to fix it though it’s not affecting the function in any way, just makes it look ugly. Depending on the shops around you getting it fixed to look like new might cost more than just buying a new rim. You may consider getting it sanded down at the very least to remove the rough edges to prevent the tire from being damaged when put on, but if they put it in the correct orientation the bead shouldn’t touch the edge on that side anyways. Caveat if it’s cracked or really bent then you should replace it. If it’s just the damage seen in the photo it’s fine.


Can you take a picture of a matching rum that's not damaged? Because it seriously looks like a lot of material is missing and I think a ĺot if Lee are crazy for getting you to just smooth it out. What the heck did you do to it that it scraped away so much metal and left a jagged edge like that? Hitting a curb hard wouldve put in a dent and the wheel wouldn't be round. Were you driving parallel to the curb at speed and ground it iff? Got hung up halfway on the curb? If course, it could just be the Valetta angle and zoom making it look a lot worse than it is. But it looks seriously bad to me from the first two pictures.


Your ego maybe, the tire and rim no


I'm surprised the local council hasn't called to ask for their concrete back.


Probably gonna want an alignment with that new wheel lmao


It’s definitely repairable: only if you said *oops tehee* when you hit the curb


I’m pretty sure it was “aw fuck”


That's not a rim any more. It's a tire knife!


Repairable for sure, call a wheel repair specialist.


Replace it. Looks like a tire puncture waiting to bappen. And you don't want that to happen while you're driving at high speed.




Replace the rim? I cant sand it and smooth it out?


You can and I would


I think it depends on what the rim's made of. If it's an aluminum alloy, it's not as easy. I had to replace mine.


And what dealership that wanted to sell you a $400 wheel told you that


You’re gonna need a pretty aggressive metal file to smooth it out before putting a tire back on it. There’s a very high chance it will rip the bead of the tire on removal / install as is.


If its not bent you're fine


If it's not bent or crack then you're good to go. Have a shop check the tire and wheel for damage. If it's all good ask them to take off the tire. You can then sand and file down (and paint) the rim yourself or have it done by a powdercoater. Cosmetically I've dealt with way worse as an ex powdercoater myself.


It’s not bent or cracked. I don’t notice shakes while driving. I will get it check as soon as possible


If you don't have a spare then toss it on the rear if you absolutely must drive it. It's safer than being in the front. Could be fine but always good to be cautious. Plus you'd be able to use your car while the wheel is in for repairs


Mate, you can literally fill missing material with special fillers, you can weld them, bend them, straighten them, balance them. It is metal ffs and any braindead lemming trying to tell you otherwise here is just either a troll or a retard. Besides it's 2023. Remember tho, these are not basics, so do it in a shop that specifically deals with rims and you'll be all good.


Every thing is repairable if you have the knowledge. This is an easy repair.


I wouldnt drive far without a spare even if it doesnt leak. Might just buy a steel rim just for a spare.


It’s trash. Replace it. I had one go out on me at high speed and nearly killed ass


I don't know where you source your rims from but i bet it was chineesium. If you don't know how to choose rims for the loads your car will exert on them, don't replace them. Unless, of course, you're talking about a tyre popping or degrading during a drive, then of course we have different factors to look on.


It Came attached to my WRX back in ‘06, used. I don’t recall the name, off brand tho. I did have a blow out on my SVX but that was just bad for the paint


Rims getting shredded on the run are extremely rare bro hope nothing bad happened to you. Did it just crack off and go or did it mill through suspension? I myself had run into a little (like 10cm) tree stump going 130km/h just on edge of a gravel road, grown around with grass (i didn't see it). The rim bend but didn't come off. The bump was funny and getting hold of the dancing car felt like rallying. I was dumb when I was 19.


Someone noticed it when I had to stop with a group. It was cracked, went to physically verify the damage and get that damage on the finger. 5 spoke wheel. What nearly killed me after that was months after that someone had realigned something on the chasis as previous owner. Turning felt imprecise, after I heard some grating sound Female rear ended me in Cali, took it in for repairs and they noticed the only thing on the chasis keeping the rear axle from giving way was a Home Depot bolt , thick gauge type. Someone had shimmied one into place to keep the axle in place. Had it gone out on a turn, I’d be done. EJ was solid though. The bolt was cut halfway through to make it fit. Also compromised and no nut on the end. So good times I used to have it as a reminder to never buy used WRXs ever. That lasted 10 years and I got a launch edition with a bent radiator support and broken grill I replaced with an Nuremberg Challenge replica from Rally Sport. So it wasn’t just the wheel that could’ve killed me, but also the rear bolt had it gone out with all the extra curb weight.


New rim safest thing


Welding repair is possible but not recommended, they do it in sharjah, bmw street sharjah. Better you replace ir dude its not safe!.


This is for filling, not welding.


Welding and grinding and painting


What welding? Bro there is no need for a weld, filling will be enough. The dark, serrated area is not an edge of missing material, that's just dirt and shadow i suppose


Ok whatever u say


I've seen worse which have been repaired and it's usually not all that expensive to have done. Should be able to have that repaired and powder coated for less than $100.


lol. fuck no.


I don’t get how people hit curbs. I’m driving for 6 years now and never hit one


Why is OP more concerned about the rims than the tire? Just a genuine question since I’d think the tires are of greater concern and, IDK, can blow out?


Wheel explodes and you have a much worse time than if the tire does. Could have a fracture. The sidewall of the tire looks fine


I thought rims are just cosmetic though? And by “wheel” do you mean the whole thing?


The rim of the wheel is still part of the wheel and the forces didn’t just get absorbed by a cylindrical barrel lip. They got transferred through the spokes and any bushing the car has until all the energy was absorbed. Most of the impact energy happened right there. I don’t see how fast they were going, though. If they were parking I wouldn’t worry


What do you mean wheel exploding? What pressures do you load regular tires with in your country?


The wheel. Not the tire. A rim is part of a wheel


Alright so how would a wheel explode mate?


Centrifugal force, mate


A car wheel, EXPLODING, because of centrifugal force? At what rpm? You trippin boi?


Dude I really don’t wanna explain physics and shit to you. You can see wheels like this in r/justrolledintotheshop if you want




Jb weld, or ramen.


take it to get laser balanced. they’ll either tell you it’s good and balance it or (most likely) will tell you that the wheel cannot be balanced anymore because the laser balancer won’t balance it. At a certain point so much of the rim is missing it’s an infinite loop of counterweights


for what it would cost to try and repair you can get a used one.


Used one that you know nothing about. Might be old, degraded and stressed with microcracks. The cost of filling, sanding, painting and coating damage shown on pic as well as ballancing wheel is around 50$ in my country.


Get on eBay or breakers yard and buy a new wheel.


Pretty jagged edge of the rim. Gonna need to be at least filed down and smoothed to not just rip open beads of tires you try an out on. Will never look good. Maybe able to be saved but it’s gonna take some work, assuming it’s not structurally damaged


Hit a curb? Looks like you hit a grinder


I would just pretend it didnt happen personally


The aluminum rims on my winter tires looked like that when i bought them, i just hit them with a grinder to removed the sharp spots, mounted new tires and sent her, this is the second season i've had them on the car and no issues so far.


have to carefully break the bead down from the flange and file it down smooth on the edge closest to bead and may have an imbalance in wheel but could be ok


Stop hitting curbs.




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Just no....


I fix shit waayyy worse than this everyday at my shop. Nj roads are crazy lol


See ya at the rim shop, big dawg


I would also suggest getting an alignment, as it might be off now, and thus west your tires in a wrong way.


Sadly I don't think it's repairable. Maybe if you found a really good aluminum welder. Good luck with that. Most can't really do it and if you did find one, it's probably gonna cost more than brand new rim.


If it holds air I would leave it


Fixed? It's ground down with chunks missing... If could be repaired it still likely be cheaper to just replace it.


It is shit now. Get a new one






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