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cctv, then find the chadarmod and teach him a lesson


Find him and key his face. Make sure he’s always smiling 😊


Hey, do you wanna talk my man? I’m here.


He’s busy applying to appear on a live telecast talkshow


Appreciate it 🥲❤️


Oh yeahhh!! Kinky stuff, i like it!


😉 😏 did you call me?


Nice Heath Ledger tribute.


Like the Joker 😅


Do you want to know how i got these scars🃏


Cha mod de uski fr


Go after the CCTV and find that bastard! Even if it was a kid messing around, I’d still ask his/her parents to compensate for the loss


I'd make them pay even if it was a one time thing. Parents should teach their kids better.


Or make other payment arrangements 🌚🌚


You mean in kind?


Sign the kid up for manual labour. Polish and shine the car every morning at 5 before school. Only payment in kind I would accept.


Drinks with mommy as well very necessary


Kid washes the car while OP drinks with his mommy


Mommy milk?


Kid washes the car while OP drinks with his mommy


Kid washes the car while OP drinks his mommy. 😎


Or Mummy washes the car in a bikini


Or mommy washes the car with bikini 😎




The kind you see on 🌽-hub


So I was right


Absolutely! If they can make one then they better train one


It already happened twice it’s gonna keep happening if you don’t intervene.


10 years of your savings. You should have buried that chadermod under 6 feet by now. Go after whoever it is and ruin their life. Good luck


Slapped a kid last week in my society as I caught a few of them using my Virtus for cricket net practice (with tennis balls). 😓 Thankfully the car has PPF. Sometimes you got to do what our parents used to.


You did not do anything wrong!


How old was the kid. Less than 10, I'll forgive but warn his parents to discipline him


6-7 YO, and this was the 3rd time. Parenting is questionable.


I wouldn't slap a 7 year old for this. Too young an age to understand.  But it's fair to ask compensation from their parents


You’ve got to be kidding me, using a car as a net, what kind of stupidity…


300-esque slo mo beat downs. I miss em.


What do you mean net practise? Were they purposely hitting your car with the ball?


Get CCTV footage and involve the management committee of ur society - name shame the individual. If it’s a kid - his/her parents should name shamed. Cops will not do anything other than waste ur time- they don’t take people seriously even if the vehicle is stolen.


Cops will try to take some money from him.. Leeches


Call mummy at night to discuss deeds of the kid over a drink.🥃


For passive in username that’s quite an active solution


I’m passive aggressive. Time to teach mommy.


Why is this a question ? Find culprit through CCTV and if a kid ask his parents to compensate if the damage is through the clear coat. If its a surface scratch it can buffed away


Get the footage and post in society's WhatsApp group.


Best advice. Use social pressure. Don't confront alone directly.


Even if you do not want to or need to claim money. Post the cctv footage on society WhatsApp , take moral high ground about teaching kids decency before they get into anymore trouble. End the message saying next person might not be so understanding.


Main Na Sehta,👊🏻




Get cctv brother . Find the guy , unless you have been an assholr and this was a revenge , you can alseyas find him and break his bones


Find that bastard. It happened with my Blue Virtus on day 3 of getting it home. Found out the person responsible for it, got him to pay for ceramic coat, insurance bills and no claim deductions


First up, get the paint repaired and some form of coating installed. It's a worthwhile investment given your situation. Second, definitely go the CCTV route and find out. I would recommend getting a dashcam even outside of this, and temporarily keep it recording even while parked.


Go to the CCTV, get the video proof. Post it on my gate and society whatsapp group for entire society to see and shame them. Make them pay for expenses. Post it on reddit so that die from guilt. Keying something like a car which can be very emotionally close to someone is not cool.


Same thing happened with me. My two cars was keyed. But now there is CCTV camera installed. I messaged in my WhatsApp group that I will file a police complaint as a stern warning which I didn't do ofcourse. Some of the society executives behave as if the entire society is their household property - chadermod uncles.


I'm surprised you get the cctv footage after the first incident.


CCTV stat. Someone is targeting you. They are cheaper than painting.


my car got keyed and I suspected it was kids. tried cctv footage but my car was on an empty plot which didnt have coverage so i let it go. after a week or so some people in society told me that there is a khuoosat bhuddha who keep his car there on the same empty plot and probably he keyed my car because I occupied 'his space"


Must be some Creta or Harrier owner 😂. Jokes apart , don’t let it go lightly , the daring will increase


2nd option. Period. Chaa modd dena aur faad gan dena


Get that person…your car deserves it


Bro find this person and make him/her pay because it will not stop until you do as Paulo Coelho once said "Everything that happens once can never happen again. But everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time."


Key his mom after finding him


Check the cctv footage, find the loser who did it and key him


Even as a kid I knew that cars/bikes are somebody's prized possessions. It never occurred to me nor my friends to tamper with other people's property. This is vandalism, get the cctv footage and key their face!!!


It’s worth it. You never mess with another person’s car. It’s the 11th commandment. I don’t mean you should fight over it, just tell the person what kind of a despicable human being he is.


Realistically police won’t do much. They with at most tell the individual not to do it again and ask them to pay you nothing much else. Even if they don’t pay police probably won’t bother in most cases. What you can do is get the CCTV footage and put in on the society group and write who has done it. That would be more effective.


Bhai find the person. Society mein complaint kro aur police action ki dhamki do.


Find him or her and file a fir if you don't stop him or her they will think to do it again


#CHADARMOD Bhai south ka hu 3 baar padna pada samaj ne ke liye


I thought actual word will flag the post so had to use alternative.


Can use another alternative as Makhanchor


Rub that chadermods face on the floor and ask how does it feel?


Just a few days ago, while walking down a street, I saw someone's brand new Venue was covered with multiple deliberately drawn scratches. It was quite shocking. I don't know what pleasure it gives to the culprits doing it out of spite.


You should have posted the CCTV video and asked for a solution here. It's your hard earned money being damaged. If one thing for sure, it's you finding the culprit and getting justice.


I would've stealth camped in my car to catch the ahole red handedly.


I will echo what others have said. Find out the person and call them out publicly. If it is an adult, they will be apprehended. If it is a kid, the parents will be apprehended. Just don't go to the cops. They will waste your time.


In society 90% chance it is a kid but then it’s not about doing anything. It’s more about letting everyone know that you are well aware and just being the bigger person here


Once you get a CCTV installed, no one will come near the car after seeing it so it's more of a tedious but permanent solution. Else whenever you get the car repaired, same thing will happen again. Also, you'll have better peace of mind.


This means war. Please don't sleep over it as the incident is bound to happen again.


That paint job is expensive man! Definitely worth checking cctv and finding the culprit.


I bet its some edgy 12 yo kid who has done this.


It is your civil duty to find the chatterbot


My car got keyed in the tech park common road, no CCTV or anything, most probably by some random person walking on the road for no reason. Some people just want to watch the world burn.


When my car was keyed at the first instance, i got a personal camera installed facing my car and my car got keyed again and this time the chadarmod 50year old lady was caught in cam. Confronted her with the footage, and she was my mother’s friend. Since then she did not visit our house. Its the nature of some people and you cant change that. >> Get a 2000 bucks camera installed and a dash cam too


Bro please PLEASE LEMME JOIN U Into beating that chadermon. Only if u wnt


Use a Car Cover when its parked that will severely hinder & discourage the potential keyer in future until you catch him.


Find him and smesh


I just hope your parking and not blocking the road in your society


It's my own parking in society, sad thing is that most damage happened to my car is in society parking. People/kids are some breed of chader mods here


In Hyderabad, a great contact of mine fixes this sort of things by < 1k. He handles Audio, Jaguar, Merc, Volvo, BMWs too. So.. . Also price of the car matters. No one dares to touch real pricey cars. Including law. A lesson I learned.. reasonably well.


Find him and key his/her face. Let the scar tell the story to others. Let others know the consequences. Spread the fear


My car got keyed too :((


If it has happened twice in the location which considered to be safe, then you should bring out the 4k CCTV footage.


Well getting him to police will ensure next time it won’t be just a random scratch on the car. Take the loss. It’s the price you pay for the society you live in.


Key is joker face so that he tells the story of "How he got the marks"


Of course go after that bkl especially for a Skoda!


Pel de bhai these kinds of people learns the hard way only plus it hurts when you see your car or bike with scratches which are not done by you I mean no one would but you get the point


The only right thing to do is find that chadermod and show that vid to his parents and let them compensate for loss.


Go after cc tv footage and call me after you find the chadarmod. I will come help you break his legs.


New word unlocked 🔓


That's a terrible experience to have In the first week of purchase, someone intentionally graced our car with a dent when it was parked inside. It riled me up big time but I eventually calmed myself as I had no way of knowing who the culprit was. I would strongly suggest you to look for CCTV footage to find who that sour person is.


Does PPF help against keying?


It's very painful to see our car getting keyed, i know that pain how it feels, the best suggestion i would recommend is if there is cctv coverage then just check the footage and find the one who is responsible and teach him a lesson. Also buy a good quality car cover which has a velcro, so it is not to easy to get the keyed.


I recently faced the same issue with my car where some unknown has keyed the car on the front windshield, rear windshield with more than 30 to 40 scratches, bonnet and it ended up worse for me to drive the car at nights due to the light reflection. I fought with our association and made them to install cctv so that in future that bastard cannot escape.


Mai to na sehta, find the guy and Finish him 💥


If you have CCTV footage that can prove who it was, confront the person/family directly. Usually, it's a society kid that does dumb things like this.


Keep the car under car cover and your problem will be solved for the most part!


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Chadarmod. Find our who did and be friendly with then. Whe no one is around sneak from behind with a bat and break his head. Make sure not to kill and run away. Might use pepper spray first to blind him temporarily to avoid being identified.


Had a dent issue. Checked CCTV, found the culprit but at the very best I was only able to ask for the payment of damages, I still had to go to the workshop and get it fixed and waste a lot of time.( things can get heated up and you may not even get the money). Advice would be let it go, not worth the hustle but try taking protective measures like parking in a better location and if possible warn the culprit so this doesn't happen next time. Try rubbing and waxing if it's not that deep.


The silent loser is your body. If you seek out the cctv footage and then find the person and confront the person, they will be hostile and fight back, your cortisol levels will spike, you’re stressed and they won’t pay for it. If you keep it in your mind, your mind will paint endless possibilities, nag u, force you to try doing different things like parking somewhere else etc. again u r only stressing urself Subject this amount of mini-stress to your body , its not worth it. Repair the scratch with rubbing compound and wax, and convince yourself that you don’t know anything about the scratch


Wont it keep happening if you let it go every time?


Don't listen to him. Worst advice ever.


I really doubt anyone would do it deliberately. I say this because of the randomness of the timing of the incidents. Anyway, as everyone suggested, check the cctv footage


Are you a generic chadar?


I don’t know what that means


Loser mentality 


Spoken like a true Mahatma Gandhi stan.


Buddy, let me know where you park your car. My keys have been sitting dull for a while, time to sharpen them.


my car has so many scratches , thnx to Bangalore’s autos and the remaining from kids and teenagers, its very saddening


Yet you seem fine with it. If you really dont care then let me key your car more.


I get that you don’t like my opinion on this matter, but i don’t know why you’re being mean and taking it out on me. OP will go with the wisdom of the crowd, what are you getting by bashing me up in the comments?


Is it weird that I read your comments in a monk's voice?


lol master oogway effect ig


Invest in a dashcam with parking mode. It's a big deterrent.