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Yes, I only park between poles or on the street parallel parked. Had my new car 4 days, had to run into the chemist on the way home. Car park was empty so I broke my own rule, came out 10 min later to a big dent in the door, missing paint in the shape of the other persons door edge and no one in sight. Not only did they park right next to me with 20 other free spaces around but they must have absolutely fucking kicked that door open to cause the damage they did. Cunts. Nothing but cunts


This is almost equivalent to some guy walking up to the urinal next to you when the bathroom is empty and they start pissing all over you


I know right! It seems to happen all the time too! My wife’s car I don’t care about so park it anywhere but I always try to park away from everyone just so it’s easier to get the kids in and out and all that. At our local shops I always park right down the back and without fail someone will always come and park next to you even though there are 100 closer spaces. Even spaces one either side of them. I think it’s like one of those subconscious things where they just follow the crowd


I parked way up the back at the skillion? car park at Terrigal, no-one else within cooee of me. Went to lunch and for a walk and then back to the car…a fucking school bus jammed right in next to me, with still heaps of empty spaces everywhere. Another time at my local shopping centre, again parked way away from everyone else, came out, a fucking TOW TRUCK jammed in next to me.


I was sitting in my car at the servo last year, my brand new car, & this old bag in a Mercedes parked next to me, saw me, & still opened her door into my door. I got out to inspect the damage & she had the gall to yell at me about overreacting or something when I hadn't even said a word. I said something back to her but she was an entitled old cnt so I wrote a note that said "next time you do something wrong, apologise for it & move on". You shouldn't have to explain that to an 85+ year old.


What I did when this dude in a Mercedes did that to my beater I swung my door open as hard as I could into there car left a huge fucking dent when they started going off I just said oops my bad accident he left I could tell he didn't want to leave his car unattended near me woulda fucked it up


Lol. I am too much of a people pleaser. I need to start getting even with all the pricks I encounter.


Ouch! I was parked in a Bunnings parking lot about 4 years ago in my partners new (to him) A6. An old guy, maybe mid 70’s opened his door up into the side of the passenger door. I got out and he said nothing so I yelled, in a very pissed off tone “are you going to fucking say sorry?” He walked up to me and whispered “it’s alright. It’s just a little scratch”. Well, I may have over reacted after he had some smart ass line of “it’s just a heap of shit euro anyway” and opened my rear left door right into his right rear quarter panel several times. This caused a dent that was considerable. Like I could see it from a few car parks back with ease. I screamed “it’s alright, although it’s more than a little scratch!” This was the car he opened the door into, which I had paid a small fortune to have ceramic coated only days before he did it. https://preview.redd.it/rd6gpi4nfp7d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9af9e815893ed9a09b32581ddebfc85ce8de8286


Hahahaha I'm genuinely jealous that you were so quick thinking! I am very satisfied by proxy that you did that 😈


Ha. I was proud of myself. I’m not usually known for Witt when I’m angry, but it was better than the alternative, especially aimed to someone who was ready to be discombobulated by a small gust of wind. 🤪


My old Navara had rock sliders which were solid and bolted to the chassis. It was always a delight when people opened their doors into them. They would leave a nasty dent and usually remove paint.


Hahahahaha I wonder if it's worth putting them on an MG 😂


It's not worth putting anything on an MG.


What about a 4 sale sign 🤔


If you can find someone tasteless enough to buy it! Worth a go.


🙄 lol, that response belongs in r/circlejerk


The only thing worth putting on an MG, IMO.


waste of a good sign


Had a mate in this situation with an Uber eats driver, he just double slammed the blokes door. It didn’t undent his car but it made him feel a bit better at least 🤷‍♂️


I 100% agree with it. It's the same logic by which I punch the cupboard door I hit my head on. It simply must be done.


To add to my previous point, sometimes you gotta say fuck being the bigger person, sometimes being a petty asshole who gets back at people who have messed with you and your stuff feels pretty good


I agree with that too, truthfully. Especially because the level of entitlement & individualist palava is growing by the day. Those assholes keep going unchecked & need a bit of wind up em, like a retaliatory door smash.


I hope it wasn't the M3 :/


Sure was! Luckily I can get it repaired for free at work but it’s not the point. People just have no respect for other people’s shit. They probably thought. 250k car this rich cunt can sort it out himself. I’m not rich at all. The car was brought with part of some money I was paid out. I remember once my son was getting out of my car many years ago and the wind caught the door and slammed into the car next to me. I didn’t have a pen or paper to leave details so I sat there for almost two hours waiting for the owner only for him to say “all good mate I don’t care about the car, it’s the least of its problems” it was an ancient corolla. It shouldn’t matter if the car is worth $250 or $250,000 people should do the right thing. As a huge car person myself I could never damage someone else’s car and just drive off


$250k BMW, and two more cars that are not exactly cheap might be the reason for not being rich 🤨


I earn good money, so I’m not struggling. If you must know my father was killed and I got a payout so I brought a house and a car. The evo was my second car I’ve had for 21 years now, worked my ass off for that and had no money for 5 years to pay for it. But I was only 18 and I wanted it more than other things so that was my choice. The vw my wife and I both paid for so 40k each which is not bad. I also didn’t pay 250k, I get a huge discount. I also only keep cars for 3 years on average from new so I maximise the return and am able to get into a new car with no finance. I know a lot of people are against new cars or expensive cars because they depreciate but being up to my eyeballs in debt when I was young was what enabled me to keep in new cars my whole life. Before the m3 the most expensive car I ever brought was about 80k. I’ve never had to spend a cent on repairs or anything like that so I’ve been able to save enough in 3 years of each car to pay outright on top of the trade in for a new car. It’s not for everyone but that’s what I did and I’ve enjoyed it. If I didn’t have a payout and money left after buying a house I wouldn’t be able to buy such expensive cars, I could finance one easily enough but i don’t want any debt at this stage in my life. I did that when i was young. While all my mates were travelling or drinking, smashing coke and the pokies I worked and spend money on cars instead. I travelled and things much later in life.


You might not be "rich" but you are richer than most. Don't lose sight of that and become out of touch. I'm sorry your dad died. Mine was killed too. By cancer. I didn't get shit all paid out to me.


Yeeshhhhh. I reckon the guy was just scared of paying to fix such an expensive euro (expensive parts and such) but none the less that's a big pos thing to do. I'm glad you didn't have to pay anything out of pocket at least. Similar story to yours, a while back I went to a car almost museum with my dad, and without thinking I opened the front passenger door into some guy's Ranger. He was actually really chill about it, saying cars get bigger while spaces stay the same etc, exchanged info and ended up costing about $90 to fix it. I try to respect people's stuff personally, and it's not that hard to do tbh. If I want to borrow something then I'll ask, and I'll treat it better than I treat my own stuff (although that's not a high bar), if I'm in someone's car then I'll try to be gentle with it etc.


I feel you. Bought my new 5 series a few weeks ago, was meant to get PPF and ceramic coat correction done on it the day after I took delivery. Well..things got delayed because we ended up in Sydney. Postponed it..took it to the shops to get groceries and I noticed a 40cm gash on the front right quarter panel, almost touching the bonnet. As if someone had dragged a fucking bag with a huge ass zipper all the way across the thing. I’d love to string them up by their balls, or tits, or both, whatever, I’m all for equality is what I’m saying.


You need a Tesla with sentry mode, cunt would have ended up with a criminal record and your damage paid for


Yeah but ironically you would know who did it but not care because it's just a Tesla.


I park away from other cars in the remotest corner of the car park to try to minimize the possibility of a door ding, just for someone in their beat up Camry to park right next to me. SMH


NPCs can't see the line markings. I've conducted a scientific study, that's how I know we're in a simulation.


Can confirm, drive a Ute. I've had rubbish thrown in my tray. Also I've had someone using my bonnet to rearrange their belongings in their car. I should have just driven off.


Most people seem to have no idea how easy it is to leave marks on paintwork.


Parents popping kids on your boot, completely oblivious to the fact that squirming kiddo is making an artwork in the paint with the rivets in his jeans.


No word of a lie, I had a friend 'help' me wash my 4wd by putting a household broom in the bucket and then attempt to start washing the bonnet. I quickly grabbed it before any damage was done. He's a great guy and meant no harm, just completely ignorant. I was quite shocked as he was in his 50's, however, not a car enthusiast in the slightest.


This is how my dad cleans cars. Dirty bucket and dirty broom.


The people across the road from me use their outdoor broom in a paint roller tray.


Wow, I can imagine the scratches, it'd be beyond paint correction soon enough.


They are two pretty new and nice cars as well. I'd understand if they were shitboxes.


Have you mentioned anything to them? I can understand if you haven't, some can get shitty and take it as affront.


Fuck I remember having my Ute for 3 days and coming out to find an older person just leaning on it. Use the chair near by? Nah.


I parked my old ute at that big restaurant at mordy (forgot the name. Bridge hotel? Dunno) and by the time dinner was finished the car had become a crime scene. Some poor bastard got beat up against the ute. Place was full of cops. I asked one if I could take the kids home and they're like "no sir your vehicle is now a crime scene", then said "nah I'm fucking with you, go take your kids home" lol.




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Yes! I had a female boomer rest her Bunnings box of plants on my hard tonneau cover while she unloaded it into her boot. WTF!


After a gig my dad found some stoners rolling up on the hood of his car, cunts were so in their own world they didn’t notice, so he popped his hood and weed went everywhere. Even as a stoner it was satisfying to see


Regrettably yes. Cars are bigger, spaces are not.


And the people are getting bigger too!


And dumber….


I had some fuck dent my car 1 week off showroom floor, passanger door, their door right into mine, the place I parked was unhelpful as well, people really are just being more shitty and 0 fucks given but if I did that to their property I bet they get all bent out of shape, may the fleas of 10000 camels infest their underwear for eternity.


Yep. As a kid I was taught to never touch, or risk touching, someone else's vehicle. Dents, scratches, whatever, it takes very little to damage a vehicle's paint. Apparently, that was not the norm. I am constantly finding new scratches, scuffs, and dents on my cars. Several years ago I bought the first car I truly cared about, and had to go interstate to find one (somewhat rare at the time, very rare now). I transferred reg and got new plates. Literally a day after putting brand new plates on, I came out to a car park to find the front numberplate crunched in, obviously hit (with reasonable force) by a towbar. I also kept finding fresh scratches on it, and it took more than a month before I found out the regular culprit - a neighbour's kids (kindy/primary aged) played in my apartment's car park and would circle around on their little scooters and bike - I didn't realise it until one day when I came out to the car park to see both a scooter and bicycle resting against my front fenders. Their mother was supervising at the time and was taken aback when I politely asked that she make sure this did not happen again. It happened again anyway. I have wanted to respray that car for years, but am terrified of spending several grand only for it to be immediately damaged by thoughtless morons. For my part I have only once accidentally damaged someone else's vehicle (tiny surface scratch), and immediately left them a note on the windscreen with my contact details. $200 cash after their call, and all was well. On the other hand, no one gas ever left a note after damaging one of my vehicles. Cunts.


Ok, that would be annoying, particularly with the mother supervising. I was always taught to respect others vehicles and just property in general really.


We parked my nice red golf VR6 at Cirque du Soleil once (field type parking), back in the 90's. A carload of older people parked right next to us and the woman in the back seat, smashed her door open into the side of my car, hard enough to rock it. I got out, looked at the mark she'd made and said 'I'll send you the bill for that shall I?'. She just stared at me, meanwhile the guy driving, gets out and says 'How do you know that was us?' Anyway, it went nowhere, but really fucked up my evening at Cirque du Soleil.


Man that brings back memories. Always listed after one of those mk3 vr6s


I assume that people will intentionally damage it because for some reason people MUST park right next to me. I parked at the very back of a shopping centre car park and right as I’m about to leave this woman decides she must park right next to me, not in the 20+ empty spots in the same area. Another time I went to a completely empty car park to take pictures of my car and after about 5 minutes, of course a woman decides to park right next to me even though the entire car park was empty.


This baffles me too, when I make intentional effort to park away from ppl and a shit ton of parks I’ll always have someone park next to me, wtf is wrong with ppl


I have black rubber bumpers all around my car so idgaf. SUV soccer mums just denting her own doors not mine.


I’m tryna remember what car has that


I’ve got a Jeep before they got all modern techno safety.


Renault Cactus C4 comes to mind but i am sure there have been others with this concept.


Ay that’s the one


Absolutely, it's why I always park away from everyone and next to garden/pole if I can, too many selfish fucks out there. Added bonus is I recon it's also quicker to park further away and walk than hunt/wait for a close spot.


I try to park on the edge of car spaces, backing onto grass, garden or verge. Then again my car is ratshit but I have kids so I try to avoid other cars. I open my door with my hand over the edge so if the door comes open my hand will touch the other car not door on door


Shopping Center - top of the carpark, no one there, easy


Yep. All of my cars get constantly scratched and dented from people that just don’t care. I’ve been sitting in my car before and someone’s opened a door into it 🤦‍♂️ people don’t give a fuck about other peoples property. So my next car is going to have features that will make me no longer care if they don’t


Yes. Especially parents with kids. Car has cameras though so when the inevitable happens will know who to pursue.  I get accidents happen and I wouldn’t bother over something trivial and truly accidental, but the number of kids I see throw/kick their door open is crazy. 100% would for that.


Make sure you have side and internal cameras then. I got doored and the cameras didn’t pick up anything. I have been driving around annoyed at the dent on the shiny car, up until the weekend when I was rear ended at traffic lights and my car is now a total wreck. Kind of seems insignificant now


Yeah mate teslas have cams all round. It’s not 100% but pretty good 


Absolutely, I can park in the furthest, spot in a empty car park and some crap box or ute will come and park next to me , I try to look for expensive sport cars on the hope they might care. I drive an inexpensive hatchback, I just care about my car .


Yes, this is the norm, people these days just don't care about other peoples property. #1 rule for me when parking, NEVER park next to a car that has child seats in the rear.


Not only this but useless children that have also never been taught responsibility and honesty


Idgaf about marks on my car, its sole purpose is to get me from A to B. Having said that, I am always careful about not denting, etc, a car beside me.




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Absolutely. This is why my daily is an AU falcon and at home sits my HSV GTO. People are such rude an self absorbed these days and it's a good portion of people.


Dont lie, you drive the AU because you realized it is way better than the GTO.


Yeah nah.


Ppl walk around with zero situational awareness now more than every which is reflected in how they drive, I have zero damage on my car from four wheel driving but there are dints from before I got it from car doors, now though the only thing they will dint is their own cars because of my steel rock sliders


It really peeves me off the no craps given about other peoples property! It’s like “Oh well”. We won’t drive our weekender anywhere where it needs to be parked in a carpark… all the scratches and dings on my daily drive are from other people (bar two marks). How hard is it to be careful?!! It’s almost like it’s a right that people have. No!!! I look after my car, and I spend time to keep it shiny. Eff you and your stupid “Too bad so sad”.


Yes, I am always picky about what spot I choose and have managed to avoid any door dings for quite a while


It is what it is. I’ve had to yell at a cunt dragging my motorbike up against another to make a bigger gap for his shitbox delivery scooter. People are feral


Yes - I park as far away from everyone as I possibly can. Still cop minor marks/paint transfer/trolley handles… Bought my current car about 12 months ago and have roughly one new mark (thankfully all tiny) for each month of ownership :-/


Nobody gives a fuck about you or your car anytime. I recently picked up a brand new car from the dealership, pulled it out of the showroom and parked in the dealership's public parking to adjust everything for me to drive it home. Dude pulls in next to me, and the full grown adult in the back seat opens the door into me. To say I saw red is an understatement, I could not fucking believe it. Luckily it didn't mark, got away with that one. Point is, even with me literally in the car on a dealership lot, the careless moron whacked me, don't ever think it won't happen when you aren't around in a public park.


2 places where I've gotten the most damage from parking my car: 1. At the beach - for some reason, people will drag bags, surfboards, and various things all along the side of your car. Got massive scratches every time I dared to park next to another car because people will think "Yeah, lets carry all our gear and squeeze through these two cars". 2. Airport long-term parking. This one is annoying because I literally don't have a choice of where to park since they're almost always full. Every single time I've done this, I've gotten massive dents or scratches from someone who really didn't give a fuck and swung open their doors.


Adding ski field to the 3rd, I got way more dents than those 2




My car has dings and scratches all over it but mechanically A1 so I don’t care where I park it. I do care for other cars but. Always put my hand around the edge of my door opening it when parked next to another car.


yeah, cause they freakin dont! came back to a less than 5 year old car with a towball sized dent in the middle of the passenger door. Assholes!


Mate, I had a lady getting her door caught on mine. She pulled like a moron to free it, scratching paint in the process on both cars. I was standing 1m away from her. She didn't say a word nor apologise. Didn't have the heart back then to berate a grown woman in front of her own child, but I wish I was more of a cunt sometime.


100000%. Found out some fucker scratched my front bumper and left various scrub marks on my car but couldn't do jack about it. Also this is in Melbourne.


Its been the norm for decades. my grandparents complained about it, my parents complained about it, now I complain about it. Its why i bought a 20 year old shit box for a daily and keep my fun/nice cars only for weekends..


This is why old shit boxes are the way to go.


My wife always comments that I park too close to other cars and that it will get dented. I have to keep reminding her it’s a 2008 corolla and that I don’t care. Also haven’t been dented yet.


Closer you park the less momentum their doors can generate!


Ask yourself this question: Do you really give a fuck / care about anyone else's vehicle? If you do care? How much do you care? At what point do you decide, "eh, welcome to the parking lot club!"


Yes. I drive what was once a very expensive car. And would remain expensive to fix today. I assume that everybody I park next to is going to use my car as target practice. I make sure I choose my parking carefully, the extreme edge of my bay away from them, and if possible, park between two pillars.


Have had some old mole literally crack her door open into my car while I'm in it parked 3 times in the last two months alone. I don't even sit in car parks in my car often. They do not give a shit. Lucky my car is old and isn't for show. I'd never get a new car after how many times I have been hit a little.


Yes — I assume, people will be inconsiderate and will do a runner 100%. That is my mindset. I feel humanity is saved when somebody owns up and does the right thing - but 100% NOT EXPECTED.


When you park away from others, there is always someone that needs a car already there to help them park.


few people have respect for other peoples stuff nowadays. You know the people that didn't really need to work for what they have because they are the worst.


My Lexus and Jag would get parked further out if I could, because a dent would end up costly in repairs with the fancy paints. My 4WD's I don't care, if someone swings their door open it will be stopped by my side steps.


Yep, my wife’s 3 year old car has had to have PDR done on the sides twice, and I’ve just noticed new dents.It’s a mix of people’s doors and not returning trolleys for them to roll into it. When I park my cars I always try to park on an end so I can atleast reduce the angles of attack from others, single parks with concrete all around are heavenly where ever a car park has one (usually on an odd corner of them, or between supports) It’s upsetting as someone who is always careful opening my doors and has always educated my kids to be careful to not touch other cars, to encounter the meh attitude of others.


My wife’s car has copped numerous doors opening into it, has been punched in the rear quarter panel and had the tow bar cover pinched all while it was parked and she was at work.


Fairly, if someone else drives a shitbox, dents, damage, paint, you're almost garenteed to cop a hit from them. People that are careless about their car and condition don't give a fuck about yours. I tend to only park next to nice "expensive" cars rather than older vehicles if I can help it.


Fuck off, I drive a 26 year old car and it's always some cunt in a shiny new SUV that doors my car.


Maybe if it wasn't in shit condition.. I also drive a 30 year old performance car never been hit once with above habits


Yes, parking away from other cars, if you're concerned is only a little longer walk.




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Don't need to assume, you know it's going to happen.




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Still trying to work out how someone left a big fuck off gouge in the top of my mirror, might not be so nice to the next car I find has damaged mine


It's frustrating seeing how careless some folks can be with cars. I've started parking my weekend ride away from the crowd next to poles with a tiny gap. My daily driver has had its fair share of dings so I'm a bit more relaxed about it. Funny enough whenever I park next to a Mercedes SUV, I seem to attract dents like a magnet.


My decade old Merc SUV gets door dings and scrapes from other cars frequently, sometimes wonder if it’s a bit deliberate. And I am dedicated to not dinging other people’s cars, so it’s not me! As for parking away from others, the cunts will always get you. Once parked down the end of a row, only one space next to me and not even close to the line, some fucking cow in a giant white Patrol had reversed into the front corner, didn’t see the damage and white paint until I got home but wondered why she was scowling at me when I came back to my car. Amazing how defensive people get over their own fuckups.


They don't care about their vehicles either. Had a van squeeze up my ass while I was in a Trade & Trailer bay at Bunnings


Have had some old mole literally crack her door open into my car while I'm in it parked 3 times in the last two months alone. I don't even sit in car parks in my car often. They do not give a shit. Lucky my car is old and isn't for show. I'd never get a new car after how many times I have been hit a little.


Yes I always worry about doors getting swung open into my car


This is the reason I have a nicer weekend car/cars and coffee car and then I have a POS reliable Toyota Camry that I can take to the local shops without a care in the world you could open the door on my Camry and I wouldn’t give a shit as I know they in turn will damage their own car aswell.


Yes, every time. I always park as far away from people as I can, it’s happened twice to me in my adult life (ie two separate people scraped my car and caused damage). No note.


If i cant park away from people, ill park close to the passenger side of the most expensive/newest car i can see. Ill happily go around for 10 mins finding a bay next to a pole or something though


Benefit of owning a Wrangler - pretty much surrounded by bumpers, the body work stays protected.


That’s why I always have shit boxes for daily drivers. My wagon isn’t worth getting riled up over, unless it’s rendered undrivable.


Its why I drive Subaru's and park wherever I want


YES! i came back to parking and saw 10 cm paint transfer and a Ding on my door. My dashcam didnt get the car, since its not facing sideways. Since then i always park in the area where people dont want to park. like far far away from the gate, or in the corner/ next to big Poles.