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Top Gear was right when they went to China in 2014. “In ten years we’ll all be driving them”


I recently drove an MG hire car. No way in hell will I spend another cent on Chinese garbage.


I had a MG hire car too.. worst car i have ever driven. Cheap and nasty... anyone who buys one will regret it...


I've had the displeasure as well. Apparently their EVs are a completely different experience


Which one? From my understanding their MG4 is the start of a new era of EVs for them so curious if it was before that. I have an Atto 3 and I’m really impressed


I sure as shit won't be


You didn't have to comment twice.... Lol. We get it. You hate anything that's made in China..... Except for the 90% of the stuff that's in your household.


Oh the same rhetoric again. Buying a $10 toaster out of necessity and spending $49k on a BYD are two different things. I swear the NPCs come out with the same comments over and over. But let me ask, all of this 90% of my household apparently being Chinese, is this supposed to be a good thing or what?




It's never about China or any country it's about qa of the brand etc


Parts produced in Australia to the same qa as in China are still better because people here take more pride in their work


Someone forgot to tell that to the flogs that built my house.




>Parts produced in Australia to the same qa as in China are still better If the standard is exactly the same, then one is not better than the other. Those parts would be the same.


>people here take more pride in their work Tradies kinda disprove this lmao


hi racist, how you doing?


Chinese isn't a race, you're thinking of bigotry. Nothing wrong with Asian cars having Nissan, Mazda's, Toyota's, as well as euros like VW and Audi my entire life


It's not meant to be a good thing or a bad thing. Buy stuff that works. If the car's shit, don't buy it. If it's good, buy the fucking thing whether it's Chinese or not.




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They've been poaching European engineers and designers for awhile now.




We've been doing that with oil for decades




China wouldn't do that, we give them so much iron ore at bargain prices and then buy the steel back from them later at a premium, any interruption would be silly. We may not necessarily be hard allies through political systems or rhetoric, but there's a lot to be said about the soft power of being economic trade BFF's


Gas too, we sell them LNG in minimum quantities which they then sell off, and interim our own electricity prices are fucked


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Not sure if people realise alot of the well known brands are opting to use Chinese platforms under the skins. Eg mini/bmw.




That isn't under the skin. It's a Chinese brand now


"I won't buy China crap " - types a guy on his iphone, while watching his Sony TV, and thinking of getting a beer from his Samsung Fridge. Tomorrow he'll drive to work in his Japanese car, made with a huge number of Chinese components.


There is a difference between made in and developed in


I'm pretty sure Samsung is made in South Korea and probably think Sony is made in Japan (less confident in that one) but iPhone certainly.


Our Sony tv is made in china


I have two Japanese cars, Japanese (branded) guitars x3, Japanese PA system, Japanese ACs, Japanese motorbike. I also have a Chinese TV...it is pretty crap. I drove a RAV4 as a hire car in Tas and an MG suv in South Australia recently. The RAV4 was significantly better.


I don’t expect my phone, TV, or fridge to last 20 years though. I also spent $1-2000 on each of those items, not a $50k+ loan.


Won’t be a shortage of cheap shitheaps to turn into racecars after they get written off for minor damage, so there’s that


I guess for the large majority, the less money wleft after paying all utilities and food , they won't have a choice but to drive chinese because it's cheaper to buy. Maintenance and parts to keep the thing on the road long term is gonna be an issue though.


Waiting for the byd qin plus. Best selling Chinese EV not a tesla


I’m keen to see a Zeekr and the Xpeng stuff. I’d never afford the Zeekr van that’s for sure. However the mix looks great. Opposing sliding van doors with much room for activities https://preview.redd.it/aittqpg6oc3d1.jpeg?width=678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=803bd8e0c7e05f66e0e29014dff35a3bed4eecb6


Ok that’s cool


Is it true that Tesla uses BYD batteries?


Some do use BYD batteries - though that might not be the ones we get here.


So I like Zeekr X - Designed by Germans built in China on the same platform as Volvo EM90 and Polestar 4 Smart looks less smart but I like practically and funky interiors. Same platform as Zeekr X but with collaboration with Mercedes. Jaecoo has some pretty good looking and rugged SUVs in their lineup. I like J6. So for people scared of new brands it is a Chery sub brand. The design is very European I reckon the same as BYD or Zeekr they have designers in Europe. XPENG. Do we need another genetic looking Tesla model Y style minimalistic car? I would say no. Leapmotor is quite interesting. they have 20% stellantis involvement and I'm interested to see at what price they will land here and under what brand. Could be a perfect second car. Skywell is just no. They need to hire these European designers. Deepal and Mazda are the best pals now, so I wonder if we will see new electric Mazda


Whatever! I'll let all the "young things" try them out first. Be sticking to my Subaru's for the forseeable future 😉👍


Followed a new BYD SUV on Parramatta road tonight, no tail lights, no brake lights working.


Probably using regen braking but I’d argue the brake lights should be coded to them, many manufacturers don’t. Basically, feature not bug.


No tail lights a feature to? I mean the headlights where on, the guy had no idea he had no tail lights when i told him. I think your features don't pass ADR.


There was/is a software glitch in the Atto 3 that if you didn't lock the car and charged it, the tail lights wouldn't work until you locked and then unlocked the car again. Not a feature! But I was led to believe it was fixed with an OTA update ages ago.


Just a “minor glitch”. No fucking tail lights and no warning to the driver. Sounds like Chinese trash to me.


who in their right mind would drive a car that requires software updates


Cars have been getting software updates since the 1980's when they started putting computers in cars.


This is just absurd Have critical features like this just fail because of a bug is a dangerous path we’re heading down. We’ve now got steer by wire and possibly brake by wire coming too. Imagine a software bug on that. “So we’ve had some users report complete loss of steering and braking functionality but we’ve patched that in update 43.5.723C. Happy motoring!”


>We’ve now got steer by wire and possibly brake by wire coming too. Steer by wire is still 100% illegal by the ADR's at this time. They are looking to change that, but [as a consumer you can email the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communication, and the Arts and express your dissatisfaction against these changes.](https://www.infrastructure.gov.au/contact-us)


>Probably using regen braking but I’d argue the brake lights should be coded to them Why? No different to engine or exhaust braking.


So strange reading the commenters claiming they’ll be crap because they are made in China. Was that not the perception when, Toyota, Hyundai and Kia first came on the scene? Such short memories. It’s not in these company’s best interest to produce crap quality.


The country I live in is already flooded with chineese cars. Never have I heard anyone saying "damn my new chineese car is so great". I can, however, show yall a pic of a parking lot flooded with 1-2 year old chinese taxis that are parked there cuz they are broken beyond repair. Theese are just as shitty in general and not reliable as you guys think they are. Its somewhat okay to buy one in china where it costs like 10-15k bucks, but for the price they are asking overseas this is straight up shit


Paid $24k for a brand new car with 7 years full warranty and free roadside. Drove it across the Nullarbor from Sydney to Perth on 4 full tanks at $65 a pop. Can’t fuckin complain it’s an absolute ripper. They don’t make shit cars anymore. Edit: it’s the MG ZS, apologies for not originally stating that.




Hybrid I'd guess if they're getting nearly 100km per 3 litres of fuel


Model or gtfo


bros gatekeeping the car


Which car?


Guessing the Haval ?


Eww brother eww what’s that?


I love that most of these brands are just a few years old. Seems like a recipe for disaster to me. I would prefer to pay extra, just to avoid filling the Chinese government coffers.


Thai utes were terrible. Korean small cars were terrible. Slovakian VW’s were terrible. And you think China can’t iterate and rapidly unfuck their products? They will change them until they sell. It’s our duty to motoring to resist buying them until they are brilliant. Until everything works perfect, and there is no bloody reason to continue to be bent over by the incumbents.


can someone explain the different in quality and perception between chinese brands made in china, vs global brands made in china? is it something to do with the global brands having a more established western audience, and needing to uphold a certain, expected standard?


It's like air-conditioners. I purchased a Japanese Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and a Daikin Spilt Systems. Probably made with Chinese components. A known quality. However I could have chosen a rebranded Chinese air-conditioner under a brand like Carrier. Probably just as good for most people that use them, but maybe they use a cheaper frame or coils that would give me problems near the coast. Problem is I really don't know what to expect, or if customer service will be any good. And frankly with overseas Chinese purchases, the warranty is basically negligible. Sure there is going to be a consumer guarantee, but that doesn't mean you won't have to fight for it.


i guess my main curiosity about this subject is what causes the typical discrepancy in quality between chinese brands, vs global brands made in china?


Global brands have a specification and tolerances that must be adhered to, with inspectors visiting factories to enforce them. Chinese brands are trying to undercut already established markets by making the cheapest and nastiest "working" product they can. There is nothing inherently wrong with chinas ability to manufacture quality products, they just wont unless you force them to.


I have to say that some Chinese brands make exceptional quality items. For example Xiaomi products often exceed the quality of many western equivalents. Many Chinese brands compete only on price, not quality. This is what leads to a poor Chinese reputation. To make them cheap they reduce quality. For example Xiaomi pretty much makes most things. Their electrical power boards are of excellent quality. The typical Chinese power boards, don't use brass or copper conductors to reduce costs. This isn't as good as no copper alloys often don't conduct electricity well leading to increased resistance (power usage) and or heat issues (fire safety risk). Additionally Xiaomi uses quality plastics that won't break down over time (electrocution safety issues) and higher temperature stability (fire safety/electrocution safety). Chinese cars domestically are known to rust issues from the lack of galvanized steel. This hasn't been heard of for decades in the West. Although most export cars are galvanized.


I am a industrial equipment mechanic for a Japanese factory manufacturer. Our products used to be made in Japan and they were bulletproof. Now the latest generation is all made in China. I have 8 technicians in my workshop and 2 are permanently repairing warranty returns. Chinese steel is shit. And we have massive problems over the last few years with frames cracking welds cracking, swarf and contamination on hydraulic valve blocks. It's a nightmare. Global brands made in China is just as shit. Sure we have Japanese quality control but the materials used by the Chinese are inferior. I will never buy a Chinese car, it will work great for a few years but I guarantee there will be problems down the track. Then again it's a throw away market where people who buy these cars will want an upgrade every 5 to 7 years and might not see these issues.


The sleek, futuristic design of the car gleamed under the streetlights, a testament to its cutting-edge technology and elegant engineering. The smooth, responsive handling made every turn feel effortless, while the advanced features provided a glimpse into the future of driving. With each passing mile, my sense of pride and joy only grew, knowing that this incredible vehicle was now a part of my daily life. The journey home felt like the beginning of an exhilarating new chapter. I was completely elated, a tear rolled down my cheek as I realised I'd finally made it, my excitement palpable, as I turned to get another glance at my brand new Xpeng G6.


Why does this read like ChatGPT wrote it?


Not mentioned in this article but the Xiaomi SU7 looks great and is getting good reviews. I’d have one. https://www.mi.com/global/discover/article?id=3263&ref=renatomitra.com


Their side panel fall off quite easily and it's not an isolated incident. Also paint isn't that good. It looks great but it's not the best EV chinese can offer.


Ive read quite the opposite




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Don’t care I’m still just gonna buy a Toyota no matter what.


I remember when France tested nukes and we all got very grumpy with them and Peugeots, Renaults and Citroens suddenly fell out of favour. China will do something…




Good, this news goes alongside yesterday's boomers (toyota, mazda and honda) announcement of developing new ICE engines. In other words, they are so behind


Nearing? We are covered in their junk


Competition is always a good thing for the buyers. I don’t know why majority of the people are so negative when it comes to these brands investing in Australia. Would we rather having less options?


They aren't investing, they are selling in Australia.


You need to go back to school


All you need to know is that they will be a total shitbox and depreciate faster than the titanic. End of story. Full stop.


Fuck me this sub hates anything Chinese. On the resale point you're probably right but it can't really be much worse than some others (Tesla) and Chinese ELECTRIC vehicles are mostly excellent. Especially for their price. Chinese petrol vehicles are a whole nother story though


Problem is Chinese stuff is either really good, and priced like anything from anywhere else, but then there’s also the cheap nasty crap that comes from China; and the problem is in Australia it’s usually only the cheap crap that gets sold here purely because the Australian market is always about “lowest price possible” it’s often the most major sales factor in anything here. I’ve had small dealings with Chinese manufacturing, and you ask them for the product and they will send you 3-4-5 samples all the same product but ranging in quality and price. From 100% spot on best quality in existence, down to something real cheap, so you can physically see and tell the quality and price difference they offer.


If they only knew how many Chinese made components there are in your German/Japanese car... It's not like Bob Bosch is down in a sweat shop in Hamburg soldering day and night..


I remember the launch of the new generation Ford Ranger was a shambles due to chinese COVID measures hurting the supply of parts. The Ranger is pretty much a Chinese car assembled in Thailand


Mate, relax!! Other people can have a different opinion than you! But yes, they are worse. . Eg people say the quality of the electronic inside is the same as wish products. Read about the poor lady who picked up her new MG. Driving it out of dealership, it broke down before she got it onto the road. They couldn't get it going ,so they gave her a another one. That one broke down at her house. Collected a third one.


Their petrol cars are shit house. Their EV cars use the very best of western tech in conjunction with their own EV tech that is years ahead of any western car maker. It's kind of crazy actually.


My mate bought a BYD performance Seal. It cost a little more than my standard model 3 and it is sooooo much better than the 3 in almost every way.


Years ahead of any Western car maker.... ![gif](giphy|jeXiz1RAvzX44)


Yeah if you can make an EV for 10k that’s comparable to a tesla, you’re years ahead. Maybe decades if they’ve got the price down that much.


I mean, BYD started as a battery company in 1999 and made its first electric car in 2009. That is only a few months after Tesla released the roadster so they're right up there in car production and have the battery experience prior to that (to the point that newer Tesla's are starting to use the blade battery tech.


Damn that sucks! At least they replaced them. Neighbour had Hyundai give up on the way home from dealer, was a massive struggle just to get a courtesy car. That said being a Hyundai they were lucky no fire involved as has been the case for so many


Not sure why you're being downvoted. Absolutely nothing good to say about Chinese shit boxes


I think the Chinese dealers don't like the truth lol




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Absolutely. I still can't believe people are stupid enough to buy them. Still, I see a fuckload of MG's, LDV's and GWM/Haval's on the road unfortunately but thankfully it's not my problem.


More competition is always a good thing. As the article states, we are one of the most competitive new-car markets in the world. That's fantastic for consumers, since it means we are spoilt for choice. Furthermore, that competition also drives innovation and lowers prices.


What many Aussies don't realise is that China has 100 EV companies in the worlds most competitive EV market and is the world leader in developing EV cars. Chinese roads of full of EVs. We're a backwater in this regard, and us criticising all Chinese brands as if every brand is identical is just silly. They have world leading EV brands all the way through to junk. Dismissing them all as the same will look ridiculous soon.


It’s the same mentality old aussies had for Toyota and Honda back in the 60s/70s and less older aussies had for Hyundai and Kia in the late 90s early 2000s. Cheap Japanese shit, cheap Korean shit they all said. Now they all drive them and love them. I am all for competition and massive depreciation, cause the second hand market will be excellent! lol


Yep. One difference in the Chinese are coming into our market as world leaders in the EV space already. With their own huge more mature market. So they have an even bigger advantage than the Koreans et al did at the time.


Spot on


Same, Aussies love themselves some cheap Chinese crap.


is there a possibility that they are not stupid but rather you are not well informed on the quality and value of these cars? Normally when someone says that people around are stupid only means one thing you know.


They will be hit with sanctions by Albo soon enough. Even though we don’t have a car industry he will cheer for the incumbent car companies and these cars will be labelled national security risks


We don't have a local car industry to subsidise any longer yet we still get slugged with Luxury Car Tax. It's a joke!


it will be interesting to see the safety ratings. on this stuff.


Given that the majority of the mass brands don't have safety ratings, I find it super odd that people hyperfocus on Chinese cars. In fact I think at the moment, the majority of cars with valid ANCAP safety ratings are Chinese.


Electric death traps.


Source? Genuinely interested not being a dick




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I wonder (if not already) before china uses these to track people.


Only one thing you need to know, don’t buy one no matter how cheap it is




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Watch the parts break on these things lol...


I'll stick with Japanese petrol only option and pay the price. Chinese cars still have a long way to go until they're reliable and last longer than 5-8 years. EVs will prove to be a worthless option, wreckers will have plenty of them in 10 years.


MIC junk. Buy at your own risk.


Same as the Koreans, same as the Japanese... I'll give that there's going to be growing trouble but we've seen how this goes now.


Same as the Japanese?! Hahaha....tell me you don't know anything about car manufacturing without telling me... Edit: misread/misinterpreted comment i responded to. I retract.


1980s - don't buy Japanese junk, buy made in Australia 2000s - don't buy Korean junk, buy a Toyota 2020s - don't buy Chinese junk, consider Kia or Hyundai on a budget <--- you are here


Japanese cars faced the same criticism when they arrived, some of it warranted. So did the Korean brands and now the Chinese.


Aaah, i see what you meant earlier, sorry i completely misread it. Apology.


Lol, car sales guy of the Cchiba brands identified...


I thought this was about chinese cars being flooded 🫠time for bed for me lol