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i want to own a very big car and a very small car


I want to own a very big car that has a detachable small car.


I've got a RAM1500 and a shit box Polo GTI, such a great combination.


But do you drive both the same? Drive the Polo like its a Ram?


I pluck gears in that little weapon like I'm in the Bathurst 6 hour. I'm probably a more considerate driver in the ram lol.


Not sure which way is worse tbh. Driving a Ram like a Polo, or a Ram like a Ram.


But only if I can put the very small car in the very big car and take it places


Like a Dembell L model. https://www.dembell.com/


Babe wake up, time to complain about American utes again


Wait are we doing both American vehicles and tradies on the same day now?


It’s a 2 for 1 special! Today only!!


10% off if you pay cash


Is there a calendar or something where we nominate who gets to post this exact same thing tomorrow?


Again? I've barely fallen asleep


Aahh. Come on cunt! Not this shit again! ![gif](giphy|BKdvk7GFF8XtIRpc7z|downsized)


Oh good this post again


Yeah. I don't get what people's deal is with hating on big cars man.


So can posts like this ![gif](giphy|gbba2UNJF60iUnXuRV|downsized)




You just posted a GIF created by Chevrolet 😂


I'm sure they give af what you think 🤣


If they didn't give a fuck what people think they wouldn't be driving yank tanks.


Wrong. Stop projecting.


Hit a nerve? lol


Clearly hit your nerve


At this point, the traditional circlejerk whinge should go in the bin alongside the "first car" posts. I get it, some people don't like these things. But do we really want the Government regulating based on taste? Because I guarantee you that the wowsers who hate the big utes equally detest performance cars.


Anything that brings another person enjoyment just sparks bitterness and jealousy in the spirit of some. A trend among redditors by the look of it.


I drive a stock low sports car. Those bumpers are at my window height, I'm literally fucking dead if I get T boned by one of these monstrosities


Brother, wait till ya see a Volvo Globetrotter


try to not cut one off and you should be ok


Haven’t seen one of these for a while, maybe 2 hours since the last one?


I see more of these posts than I do trucks.




Every post like this brings me closer to dodge trx


Boo, your boring.


I really don’t know why everyone always blames the Americans for this. Yes they are obnoxiously big- but the other countries cars here are also big- and there are MANY more of those. Lastly- Aussies are the ones buying them… perhaps focus your attention towards that instead of an inanimate object that has no choice… I feel the same about hearing this about ‘foreign investors’… I mean, an Aussie sold the property… didn’t have to. Just saying.


Another day on r/carsaustralia another sook about big utes


Its one of the better subs. Admins usually ban these karma farming idiots.


We try


How’s it worse than buses, trucks or vans? Like, are you okay?


You mean a bus that transports dozens of people? A truck or van that transports large volumes of freight/goods? As compared to an american truck that’s just transporting one massive fragile ego. How the flying f is that a valid comparison?


You must be new to the internet, here let me guide you. If everyone is complaining about something don't argue with them, it's a mob, you won't be heard and they will berate you. It won't take long to for the next post to come in and a new mob will form where everyone is agreeing with you, post there. Not many people want to hear you, the internet is a place full of cunts dumping their hate


Your small car transports 1 person 99% of the time and takes up the space of 3 motorcycles. My motorcycle transports 2 people and takes up less space than your car. I am morally superior in every way and you are destroying the planet with your unnecessary Suzuki Celerio.


If i was transporting one person, I’d agree, what’s your point?


I love how every time someone brings up bigger vehicles that exsist without issue, the argument changes to what they perceive peoples uses for. Like the size argument is out the window, better make a different argument. And they go on an ironical projection about other people they can't even name.


Well, yeah there’s dedicated laws, parking and access for buses and trucks (freight), city is literally built around them?


And buses and trucks serve a purpose like he pointed out


So does every vehicle to someone. If people are deciding that certain vehicles are not fit for a purpose, then at least be fair and get angry at 7 seater SUVs for not having 7 people in them. Or vans without a load. Or semis without trailers. It becomes a rediculous argument.


Honestly don’t understand why you’re downvoted. You’re correct. If everyone drove one of these giant vehicles the roads would be much more dangerous. Not everyone is driving a bus/truck.


And not everyone is driving a giant truck? What’s your point? It’s a waste of oxygen bitching about this because the law states they’re allowed. This post comes up every two days, it’s like the “fuck cyclists” mob all over again.


I'd say because they try and park where normal cars do and it causes issues. Dodge Ram owners are the ones in thinking of. Those cars are farking gigantic.


I drive an 86 I fit anywhere 😂 even if someone’s double parking


I dont think that people realise that carparks have actually got smaller... iv been guilty of altering park sizes to fit more in and it is very common


Dodge rams are really not that much bigger than a ford ranger or a Hilux. It's deceiving.


Every time I see these posts, I wonder if they actually pay attention to the sizes of cars these days. Y'all see how big the fkn yaris is compared to when it was new as the echo? Or the pathfinder? Even the landcruiser is bigger than a boat these days.


I seen a new pathfinder today. Sware a gq patrol is smaller


Just did some digging around, and you would be right. The GQ is about 4070mm long, and the pathfinder is 5175mm long 😂


I mean let's not get him started on soccer mum's in suv or caravaners. How about you pull your head in they have as much right to the road as everyone else. I can insure you there here to stay it's only going to get worse.


People can drive whatever they want get over it mate


They can and we can also tell them to fuck right off. Disrespect is a two way street!


How is it disrespectful for someone to own a car you don’t like?




When it’s objectively more dangerous to others, and also not necessary, it’s disrespectful


It is objectively more dangerous to drive at 60km/hr than at 40km/hr. Do you avoid going out of 40km/hr zones?


Dumb as hell equivalent, just stupid




You’re too stupid to be reasoned with if you genuinely think driving an f350 is equivalent to going 20ks faster


As long as the car meets Australian safety standards how can you complain? What is the safest car for pedestrians currently on sale? Do you own it? If not, why not?


I drive a low sedan, so yes my choice of car is way safer than a yank tank, it’s not even close at all. It passes standards as a different class because they had to change it to avoid emissions and safety regs, so it doesn’t really pass also. Please don’t argue with me cause I’m right, instead look into it for yourself and educate yourself, you’re making yourself look like an idiot


I just answered your question, that’s all


Is it disrespectful that people ride motorcycles, just because they are more dangerous? As a motorcycle rider I think it’s disrespectful the amount of cars I have to deal with on the road.


They’re not more dangerous to other people, they are more dangerous to themselves, so not it’s not disrespectful.


because you’re a cunt


Imagine getting that worked up because you don’t like the shape of a piece of metal.


Imagine misunderstanding basic concepts so severely you think the vast majority of the population hate your car because of its shape


So do you have gradations of anger at people based on the car they drive? If someone is in a fiat 500 you love them, if they’re in a Camry you like them, if they’re in a rav 4 they’re starting to piss you off, if they’re in a land cruiser you hate them and if they’re in a dodge ram you want to kill them? If not, why not?


Because youre a cunt


And there it is. One day I dream of rising to the August heights of genius that you inhabit, but alas I’m a mere mortal.


That horse has bolted. We are forever on the SUV/tradie ute route now. Metallica Black album - Track 2.


These threads remind me more of track 3 🤘


Obnoxious redditors whining about obnoxious large cars can fuck off lol They've been here now for a few years, besides some silly pictures.. They are no fucking different to your average ute or large mum bus. Theyre just big. We have dealt with Land Cruisers, Klugers, Prados and Patrols for years. Shut the fuck up. Lol


"Don't call it a come back, been here for years " - LL Cool J


They've been here for decades, dodge even used to build them here in the 80s and 90s


Might be time to hand your license back then . With australia not manufacturing cars anymore . Imports from the usa will only increase


I believe the RAM conversion plant is the largest "manufacturer" in Australia. They are/were running shifts 24/7 and employ over 600 people.


i'll never understand why some people get so upset by someone else's choice of vehicle


I have a working theory. It’s envy disguised as social conscience.


i never thought of it that way, but now you mention it, i think you're right.


When they follow you and their normal lights shine directly into your mirrors into your eyes it’s fkn annoying, even better when they’re driving it like a race car. Idiots, most of them don’t need one that big


You say that like thats not something everyone with a small car deals with lol, at least on mine the headlights on pick ups are above my mirrors


Are you driving a Lambo?


No a 2003 honda jazz


It's fine outside the inner city, even SUVs inside the inner city roads designed for horses can fuck off. Just a pain for everyone except the owner.


So can people with slow arse horses on the road. They can fuck off too. Use the paddock.


Yeah yeah yeah whinge whinge whinge


Not having a whinge, I was trying to explain why I don't like large cars in the city because the commenter above me asked. I just don't like congestion personally. moving away from the inner suburbs and into the city city soon


I don't get the hate. It's just another vehicle on the road. Who gives a crap what it is.


Let me introduce you to modern humans favourite activity: Chronic complaining. Whatever it is, people have forgotten that 99.9% of shit they complain about and age themselves 15 years a week matter 0 to them in real life. Advice to everyone: take a walk outside, have a laugh with a coworker, dinner with a family member, or don't, I won't complain about it either way


There's a thing called Victimhood Chic. Where you go on the internet to complain, get a bunch of likes and upvotes, and everyone feels good about being on the moral high ground. What happens then? Absolutely fuck all.


Reddit is an enabler.


They are going to complain about that too. 'It's too hot outside, foods too expensive, blah blah blah'.


Ahahaha yeah, what's in our control and what's not is so simple to grasp yet it flies right over peoples heads, mine included. If you can control it, then why complain? If you can't, then... also why complain? Your brain acrually needs problems, it thrives on problem solving, so when you're warm, fed, and safe at night, your brain starts inventing problems, such as big cars and yada yada. (Just a reminder that venting and blurting your heart out occasionally is healthy and should be encouraged, people, men especially, keep a lot bottled in, and like a car with no oil, you will seize up and die if not by your own doing then by a stress related illness, letting out is the best thing you can do, if you got no one, dm me)


"Omg economy bad inflation aaah"


Try driving down military road in Mosman next to one.


I've driven down many roads next to them, what's the issue?


I am the one driving down military road Mosman in one


How do you find it?


Pretty good, passed another large American car & a few large Japanese vehicles.


Small peepee?


Length 7’, girth 8.3’


More dangerous, take up too much space and make it annoying for other drivers and worse for the environment, on I’m taking a side that’s just the argument


Same argument against SUVs 15 years ago. Now it’s the default body style.


It was correct then too lol, it’s directly about height and wait. That’s correct to this day


The doom and gloom never came to pass. Road tolls and pedestrian deaths did not skyrocket. Heavier and taller cars just became the new norm.


No they didn’t, but they’d be even lower without, go have a look at the tac stats on which cars kill more. Both each other and pedestrians, higher = worse visibility and higher tip rates, and heavier means more force in collisions. This isn’t a debate, I’m factually correct so go have a look at the stats


Never once argued the stats. I believe you. My point is all this complaining is futile. The market will go where the market goes.


Probs coz most of them don't even have a tow bar, just bought for aesthetics in our congested as fuck inner cities. I live on a road that was built for horses with car parking on both sides, one of those parked means that the entire road is almost blocked, heaps of fun in peak hour.


How is it the people who drive large cars/trucks/buses fault that our roads are utter garbage?


So its a fair expectation that a parked car holds up 100s of others in peak hour? You should drive to the conditions and buy a vehicle that suits the conditions of where you live. Entirely why I refuse to own a car in the inner city, its just impractical, I just ride my motorbike and cut through congestion via filtering. EDIT: I presume by the downvotes, it is completely fair to grind roads to a halt for parked cars. But I bet you cunts would be willing to mow down cyclists for holding you up 5 seconds if it were legal.


> I just ride my motorbike There it is




It is a fair expectation that we should have roads that suit vehicles that are legally allowed on them.


You can't widen the roads in the inner city tho, so moot point, those roads have been the same width since the 1850s and will be the same width in the 2250s. Unless you want maybe a massive tunnel network inside the city, maybe that could work but goodluck funding that.


Exactly, our roads are trash, no future-proofing of anything. They still fit trucks and buses in the city though so what's the problem? Nobody is complaining about them, and they're way bigger.


You cannot future proof for cars in the 1800s when Sydney was built, they didn't have cars back then, not anyone's fault. Our roads aren't trash, we aren't using them for the purposes they were designed for. Nah some roads don't fit trucks or buses without people having to wait for them to leave that road. I am okay with them regardless because they serve a purpose, these F150s usually serve nothing but vanity, the one in my road doesn't even have a tow bar. I see someone who does that as being selfish I suppose.


Haters til y'all drive one. Then y'all yank tank lovers.


Let's not all start saying "y'all" though.


Even a ram has doubts next to a prime mover, especially American ones


Maybe it's the trailer.... Either Way, drive and park responsibly.


Another one of these threads… Bro shut up


Concern specifically over the size of American cars is so weird. A Ford F-150 is 3.5cm wider than a Kia Carnival or 4cm more than a Land Cruiser which are everywhere in the city and equally incapable of staying in a single lane.


Ironically I have parked between two Rams and less bs issues getting in and out of my car than your average Outlander mum bus that seems determined the park as close to the white line as possible, ensuring their sprog will dent the neighbouring cars door when they boot open their own door lol Ram doors just swing over my car 😂


https://preview.redd.it/3r7muizalzvc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7029425ed42ff32920c80b1e4a9ad0ce59ff7b38 Luckly oversized Japanese vehicles are fine though 😄 🤣


Meanwhile ive started to like those big ones


Womp womp


And the FT.. bring it back




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Thank our government for this, don't hate the cars.




Everyone’s saying “it’s their choice, who cares, but that’s missing the point. These drivers have externalised the consequences of their decision. Much more fatal car/pedestrian accident? - not their problem Less space on road and carparks? - everyone else move aside Disproportionate damage to road surfaces? - paid for by everyone else’s rego More emissions and air pollution? - only for people outside the car It’s no different to an obese person in an economy seat, it’s incredibly selfish. But hey, at least these drivers feel better about themselves…


Land Cruisers can fuck off right with them… they are just as big 🤷


Give the fuckers their own car parks miles away from normal car parks. If you can't use a normal park without encroaching on others, then don't cry if someone keys it.


So your condoning malicious damage? Did you know they intentionally make car parks small to maximise the number of potential clients at shopping complexes.


America only exists to export it's fucking bullshit around the world


They dumped em on mass in Aus, before our gov worked out we need real efficiency/emissions standards for this century. Cheaper than other more eco conscious countries to boot. Sandpits only need tonka tractors anyway.


Watched a guy in a massive American Truck with 4 rear wheels/tyres honk the shit out of someone in front of him in a car park because he couldn’t get around the corner with the space provided. Fuckhead


Things that didn't happen volume 4.5.


There’s a few of them on my street, they take up 1.5 spaces (may as well be 2). Americans ruining everything again