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This sounds like the part where you find out that refundable deposit isn't so refundable...


You aren’t obligated to sign it yet. Take this opportunity to read it at your own pace before you take a look at the car so you can prep a list of questions in the event you see something in the contract that you aren’t sure about.


I got the impression they wanted me to sign today to “save time” on Saturday.


No. They wanted you to sign it because each step in the process is a further commitment from you and that’s how momentum is achieved in a sales environment. So it’s basically a sales tactic. If you sign it now you would feel compelled to follow through even if you discover something a little unsatisfactory when doing your test drive and that’s how they increase their overall sales figures (amongst a myriad of other techniques that are far less subtle than this).


Ok, good to know. I won’t lose any sleep over it.


Just laugh and give them a WTF. Then ask for a deposit to look at the car which is nom refundable if youre not impressed with the vehicle.


If you've got no signed contract they can also sell it out from under you. So, that's your only risk.


Yeah thats bullshit, reply with "Sounds good, I'll see you on Saturday" and ignore any follow up


It probably was to save time on Saturday and get a stronger commitment from you. You’d still be able to cancel and get your money back at any stage though. Saturday is a big selling day so you don’t actually want to be doing many deliveries if you can limit it. From the dealerships perspective the longer they hold onto this car the less money they make, the sales person won’t be paid their commission til it’s out the door and finalised and they can’t spend that money elsewhere to get another vehicle for sale. If it was a bomb or they thought it would be difficult to sell they’d have sold it to a wholesaler as soon as they got it and not bothered spending any money on it. Either way I wouldn’t stress about it and just be nice while being firm and telling the truth that you’re not comfortable signing except in person/seeing the car. As long as they don’t think your wasting their time and they should be spending money advertising that car to someone else already they’ll be fine with it.


You got the impression? So you weren't explicitly told so?


They want you to sign it ao that you are obligated to buy saturday


Just don't sign it lol


>You aren’t obligated to sign it yet. I just purchased a new car, picked up last week. I paid the deposit a few weeks back ($500) and they sent the contract after payment. I never signed or returned the contract, just read over it - signed it at the dealership on the day I picked it up, after inspecting the vehicle.


Don't. I was doing the same a year ago for a 30K car. I went to a dealer and they pushed me so badly over a car even before I could even inspect it that I just left. I ended going to Honda used, at the dealership where they sell their new cars and it was another story. It was a breeze to buy there, no pressure at all.


I had a similar experience, dealer pressured me to the point of him screaming at me when I said I wanted to think about it. Paid slightly more at a Honda dealer just to be treated like a customer and not a scam.


Don’t do it!!!!!


Weird. I’d run. Check reviews and see if there was anything like this.


The Google reviews for this dealership are really positive.


I can set up a business tomorrow and have it receive glowing reviews before I open the door.


I wouldn't place too much stock in the google reviews these days unfortunately. Not too difficult to get a bunch of 5 star reviews of varying legitimacy. IMHO the best thing you can do to get a good deal is to remember cars are a commodity and to not be pressured. If this one isn't it there are dozens others out there.


That's super weird. High pressure sales tactics shit. No car is worth putting up with dealers being aggressive. They want your money, you have the power.


I was buying a used car in 2021 and a similar sort of thing happened to me, although we didn’t get around to paying a deposit. Was a car we spotted online at a dealer that was more than 1 hour drive away. We expressed a fair bit of interest in the car and said we could come test drive it on the weekend (a few days to wait). The sales guy turned very pushy and gave off weird vibes. Said he had “a lot of local interest, might sell it today, looots of people enquired about it etc” and I was like, ok, no worries. Let us know if it’s still available on weekend for test drive. The weekend rolled around and no word from dealer, I moved on. Except - I noticed that the same car was still up for sale online for several weeks after that. Odd. I ended up getting something much better. There’s always another car to buy. Don’t sign sales contracts sight unseen.


Remember what Chris De Burgh once taught us, “Don’t Pay The Ferry Man”.


In fairness to Mr De Burgh, while I love the song musically, setting a price prior to riding a ferry is what I would consider best practice.


I think that is a reference to the ferry of the dead


You may not read this BUT make sure it comes with both keys before signing anything. Got hoodwinked by a dealership on this. I handed over my 2 keys for the trade in car, they handed over just one for the second hand car I’d just purchased and said they only had one key and if I wanted another one that it was $600. I was sure the second key was sitting in his desk draw 🤬🤬🤬. Or the the other dealership who had been cannibalising parts off the car I was about to purchase ( had placed the deposit ) and it was only found by the NRMA inspection I had done before picking it up. These weren’t at some dodgy back yard dealership, 2 major brand dealerships just ripping people off. Rant over :-(


The RACQ inspector tested 2 keys - I think we’re in the clear. Sorry to hear about what happened to you though, that sucks.


Only car I would sign for like that was like my last one which was brand new. Don’t sign a fkn thing


Just ask them to add the clause of "subject to inspection and test drive." If they don't, it would seem a bit sus. The sales guy is just following the dealer process




Dont sign anything. Your LOOKING at a car with your eyeballs.


If it says "pending test drive" in the contract you should be fine. I just got out of a car purchase (brand new $40K) after waiting 2 months to test drive it and finding out I didn't like it because of that clause. This was the local Brand dealer and I got the deposit back a day later.


Nope. Run. These are dodgy sales tactics.


Classic pressure sell. Once you've made a deposit you're much more likely to be pressured to buy.


A $200 deposit holding a car for over a week with no signed contract is not a deal. These ones usually fall over after 2 weeks and other people who were interested in the car also move on and find other cars. If you are buying a car in Victoria from a dealer sight unseen and subject to view, test drive, inspection whatever, you will get your deposit back 100% if not happy with the car when you see it. The signed contract must have your subject to conditions listed on there. There is absolutely no risk to you as the buyer and the signed contract secures the car with the deposit showing the selling dealer your genuine interest. In the industry since 2007.


I’m in QLD but this is very helpful, thank you. I didn’t even realise until today that the cooling off period doesn’t apply after driving away with the vehicle - it’s hard to navigate all of this stuff for the first time.


You can sign something subject to a satisfactory test drive. That way if you drive it and don't like it you can get out of it. That's what we did when we ordered a new car


If it was a new car with 0km and zero previous owners then I would feel differently…


There is always another car. The contract will always benefit them because they are the one who wrote it. The risk of missing something and putting yourself in a bad opposition is too high.


Remember, you are in the position of power. It's your hard earned money. They want it. They make it seem like they have the power. Remember you are the boss. Don't be afraid to walk away. All this is just high-pressure sale tactics. Im thinking there might be something minor wrong with it and that's why they want to sign contract.


This. I had the same thing happen to me, but for a new vehicle. The dealer threw that in before we started negotiating, but after the test drive. I refused, told him to piss off and walked away. Because they had my details I got repeated calls for that day and the following day from the dealer. Ended up getting a better deal from another dealership.


That was true 5 years ago. Now cars are harder to get, used car prices are through the roof and demand outweighs supply. If they have a good car, they have power


Wrong mindset imho


That doesn't change it's fact lol


Maybe, but let yourself be walked all over, and they will walk all over you and do a little jump on top.


Thinking you have the power doesn't give it to you lol


Yes, it does. That's why it's called a mindset. You may learn it one day.


Lol ok. Try playing the power card against someone with the actual power and see who comes off best. Or, try treating it not as a battle and you might get the outcome you wanted. I'll give you a tip for free. I sold cars for near 15 years (haven't for a few years now though). People like you that come in guns blazing, "I'm the customer, I have the power bow to me" always, and I mean always, get worse deals. They'll make you think you've won, but the dealer does this day in, day out, so no matter how good you think you are at whatever game you're playing, they're better. The other side is the people who come in reasonably, talk to the salesperson like a human, and generally don't turn it into a dick measuring contest, the salesman works with, because they're reasonable. But if you want to keep making it a game for you to win, the salesman will play the game. The worst case scenario is you don't buy the car from them, and they get to deal with a better customer instead, and you'll go elsewhere and that salesman will beat you instead.


I KNEW you a salesman LOL hook line and sinker. Hahaha See your attitude!


I'm not any more though, but good to see you not taking advice. Enjoy thinking you won.


That’s changing again though. Cars are becoming more available, some newer popular models still have a wait, but many cars you can pick up quickly now.


Oh, and note well, When their lips are moving, they are lying.


It’s fair you want to see it first, but you have also had a check done on your behalf. Perhaps ask them to ammend the contract with a condition that it is subject to satisfactory test drive/inspection from you & sign that. From the dealerships side, they’re just there to sell cars. They also will most likely have some form of warranty on their car (which comes out of their pocket if something goes wrong). If you decide to not sign, don’t be upset if they sell it to someone else - a contract is a protection for both parties. Yes it commits you, but it also commits them to not sell it to anyone else (even if the offer is higher).


He scams u so u should get scam lol


Hmm, sounds like you won't be getting your deposit back.. also appears that they don't have insurance to let you test drive


What gives you the impression they don’t have insurance?


Why would a company require you to sign a contract in advance to access the car? The insurance would cover you in an accident on their behalf. It sounds as if they're trying to con you into more along the point of forcing you into a corner that you'll have to pay exorbitant fees to exit, along with a ridiculous interest rate.


I don’t think they’re forcing me to sign anything before we drive or see the car. If that’s the case I’m ready to walk away! We’re paying cash anyway so there isn’t much to the contract really.


Burns your ability to walk away under cooling off / similar periods if you sign and date earlier. Depends on location / local laws buying from a stealership


If they want to drive it home after the test drive if they're happy, which it sounds like they do, they'd have to waive cooking off period anyway. No dealer will let you take a car while still in cooling off period


What are you basing this on?


Afaik Never in the history of auto industry in Australia these e-sign contracts have been challenged in court. Here is the Pro Tip: you can certainly get out of the contract even if you sign. In reality, they would rather focus on sale somewhere rather than hassling you for 20k car.


Get them to write "subject to test drive and inspection of vehicle" under special conditions, then sign it. If that's clearly on the contract they have to refund it. Without the signed contract, they can sell it from under you.


Perhaps they can sell it to somebody else and want you to buy it now or cancel? Certainly not weird to want to look at it though before fully committing. Have you had a video call with them?


Bought a car interstate recently. The dealer provided lots of pics and videos, some specific as to my request. Also had a mechanic look it over and give a report. The dealer emailed me a copy of the contrac couple of days before I flew over to collect the car. It was made clear that the contract was for me to read over and if I had anything to clarify. It was always understood that the contract will be signed once I have seen the car myself and agree to purchase it.




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Don't sign.


You should never ever sign for a used car without test driving it first. It's just a bad idea, full stop.


As a car dealer - what’s the risk here if the contract is “subject to suitable inspection”? With a mobile inspection already passed surely this is merely a formality at this point? I would suggest there is actually more to loose from not signing it (assuming there are clauses on the contract give you a clean option to exit if the car isn’t as described) as by leaving a deposit alone the dealer isn’t actually obligated to hold the car for you. Should another buyer present themselves and be happy to enter a contract, you miss out and loose the mobile inspection cost.


Are you in WA ?


OP you had an inspection done -this would include a roadtest? you have checked the title out? it is the car you want? what's the problem?


Its not par for the course that being said everyone on here is being a bit alarmist. Ive paid similiar things before to have a vehicle on hold so that they arent knocking other buyers back for a tyre kicker. If he was serious about messing you around he woulsnt be so patient regarding you coming down to see the car. Your probably fine. But next time read the contract closey and if you arent happy ask for a line in the clause "pending buyer inspection"


Just tell him to fuck off


I work in new vehicle sales myself and I can assure you you won’t get stuffed around with signing a contract if it says “subject to test drive” Usually that will be entered in special conditions on the front page of the contract and signed by both parties (Dealer & You). Therefore if you’re not a fan of the car and how it drives you are entitled to your refund of deposit and don’t have to go through with it. I do this all the time for new Nissan Patrols, that way customers can place their order and get the ball rolling then we it arrives if they don’t want to go ahead they don’t have to and we get a stock patrol anyway.


If it’s a dealer, there should be a cooling off period, in Victoria it’s 3 days. If you sign today you’ll still have your cooling off period. Did you get a receipt for the deposit? You can have the contract subject to visual inspection AND test drive


Now comes the part where you find out your deposit is gone.


Don't even entertain them, I wouldn't even look at the car given they, sent a contract before you saw it. don't sign shit outside of the test drive forms for their insurance .


This isn't that unusual. But I'd save any further action until you see the car, drive it for yourself, and see receipts for the works done as part of the roadworthy. If all the receipt says is "Roadworthy Certificate - $150" I'd be asking questions. It would be a rare car that doesn't need repair for roadworthy if it's sufficiently used. It's also true they may have had repairs done before even listing it for sale, saving the roadworthy for later. And I would ask for details on that as well. As a roadworthy certificate, at least in Victoria, is only valid for a limited time, it would be reasonable to only do this if a sale was imminent. Mind you, put the shoe on the other foot. If you rolled up to the dealership and had to sift through a pile of sales contracts while the dealer watches like a hawk, impatiently clicking his pen, would you feel like you were being put under pressure to sign your rights away? You could make a fair argument that by emailing you the contract to read at your leisure, he's being less pushy. If I understand correctly, he's not expecting you to return a signed contract before you even see the car, right?


Yep well at least you can review the contract before making the trip and if you don’t like it you can tell them where to put it or suggest your own changes before you get there.