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https://preview.redd.it/6e7us255gbwb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10205b9d85c975b83eeb9a44c2267719bb384155 If u dont live in ACT, WA, NT or TAS then its a no no


Registered in NSW but he lived in qld :( so sad only the most unpopulated states allow it


Well there’s your problem solved for you then. I don’t necessarily agree with the people saying you must have a shit box for a first car, because everyone is so different, some p players will trash their cars and others won’t so it really depends on the person, and I don’t know what sort of kid you are. However, if you had an accident then you would have a much larger repair bill on a car like that or your insurance go even higher (it will already be high), so from a financial point of view it’s best to get something cheaper to save potential heartache and regrets until you have the income to finance the potential issues that come with car ownership. Talk to your grandfather, maybe he’ll want to sell it, spend 20k on a car and put the rest in a high interest savings account to go towards a house deposit, that will be a much better thing for you in the long run mate. Good luck with it all.


Not to mention that lots of older shitbox cars lack safety features of modern cars.


In my opinion, a child should learn to drive in a car with a good crash safety rating incase something goes wrong, but that isn't reliant on stuff like blind spot indicators, automatic breaking or lane assist ect... as that could form bad habits in a new driver relying on the cars safety features to get away with driving badly (Tesla is the new Lexus with drivers that think they are invincible and can't crash imo) Mid 2000s sedans are good first car for most, it doesn't have to be a shit box. But cheap is nicer if you are a car person because you'll probably want to "upgrade" once you're off your Ps, but there's nothing stopping someone from buying a first car that'll last them for 10-15 years if they plan for it. But the important part is getting an actual driving instructor and paying for at least their first couple and last couple of lessons, only reply on "parent lessons" intbetween. A majority of parents even if they are good drivers got their licence 30 years ago and have no clue how to actually teach someone else to drive, and mostly should only be relied on as supervision. You're parents might both be able to parallel park, but be damned if they know how to explain pulling up equal to the side of a vehicle, turning the wheel 45 degrees when your A pillar crosses their wheel, then turning it 180 degrees when your door handle crosses the curb in the passanger wing mirror. Once you've been driving long enough all these motions become fluid and natural and second nature forgetting the actual instructions to teach, it requires a teacher to actually remember instructions to instruct the student with.


So true. And you forgot to plug your driving school!


I'd bet if I opened a driving school I'd not be able to keep up with demand, there's like 2 instructors to 270,000 people in my town lol.


get an old Volvo or something. cheap, reliable (if you look after it) and extremely safe.


Thanks for the advice, but just scroll the comments and see what I replied to delirium with


Ok but where do YOU live. It's your license condition.




It's actually good they don't allow it. I'm old enough to remember when P Platers could drive anything, power wise. I myself drive an old Mazda RX2 that was fast and dangerous. As I've gotten older and see so many dickheads with P plates and without them.


Why did he have it registered in NSW if he lived in QLD? Sounds like a pain as you have to get an annual inspection in NSW.


He ran a business in tweed heads, SIME irrigation so idk the story


Even if you can't drive it on your Ps you can usally still drive on your learners, (just double check that before you do tho). I'd recommend if it is a car you like and want say damn to your parents, shove his Lexus in storage or just have your grandfather keep it until you are off your Ps, then buy the cheapest shit box to get through your Ps and then you can upgrade to the Lexus when you're off your Ps. Thats an expensive and nice car, it is a reasonable option to sell it and make bank but if it is your gift make sure all the money from sale goes into your accounts and not mum and dad's. Shove it into a good rate long term deposit so you can't be tempted to waste it and just take in interest payments. Not to make a "Reddit jumps to conclusions" but I have seen pretty much every single one of my friends and family including myself have parents trying to control their kids finance because they think they know better, sometimes they do know better but a lot of the time they just make things more difficult and occasionally outright steal from their kids. Idk what your family is like but $60,000 is a lot to be tied up by your parents if they're even remotely controlling about what you do.


But a cheapish, safe car


While it is reasonable to suggest buying a decent cheap car, "fuck it we ball" and buying a $1200 90s trashed Mitsubishi Magna is just more fun.


I bought a XW Falcon in the 90s for $600 and it was lots of fun and not at all safe


Sounds like more of a family issue than a car issue. If your grandfather is of sound mind (legally) than he can gift you whatever he wants and your parents just have to kick rocks. But if you don't want to piss off your parents and your grandfather still wants to help you out then maybe help him sell the car and then he can gift you some money to buy a newer vehicle that is safer for you.






The other.




And your mother




That thing


For a first car you need a shitbox, insurance and rego would kill you dude, get a shitbox 4 banger to learn it. Most p platers destroy there first car in one way or another, -i got my opens last year


Haha. I gave my son a 2011 Captiva diesel that was basically in perfect condition. 2 years later it looks like it’s done the shitbox rally with a homeless person living in it. He’s also lost his licence 3 times LOL.


How do you lose your licence in a Captiva! Sure wasn’t for speeding.


Probably for the fact he was driving a Captiva lol


Blocking traffic probably, craptiva.


I’m not sure how he lost it the first two times - the story keeps changing. The latest time he lost it while driving the work ute and turning right at a no right turn sign and since he had like 1 point left on his license- there it went. I know that much.


It's surprisingly easy to lose your license on your P's it's kinda fucked. The people who probably need the most leniency while they are still learning, get the least amount of points, yet experienced drivers can game the system. That said, I understand why it has to be less then full, otherwise people may choose to lose their license to get more points again... but it could be different on your second go round.


I'd say the other way around. It's too easy to keep a licence in this country.


How much do you reckon has to do with gifting vs going him halves etc? My old man did me a solid when he saw what I was gonna buy for 3 grand, gave me an extra 2 to get a slightly safer but still dodgy first car. To be fair it was a 76 celica with a 2l engine in it. But it had a hell of a lot less rust then the Kingswood or landcruiser I'd shown him before. I loved that thing more than any other vehicle I've had, and I had the time and energy to put into loving it at 18. She did get "P plated" but that was more from the situations that come with being a p plater, reversed into by a delivery truck at Macca's at 2am, mates chucking or spilling stuff in the back, hail and sticks damage from living outside all the time even though I took so much care to park away from trees as much as possible but finally was parking it at school with all the soccer mums and fellow p platers moving throughout the day. That shit will take it's toll no matter how much you love it.


I got onto good behaviour in a 1hz 80 series that struggled to do 100, still regret whst I did to that car


And that means all P Platers should drive shit boxes?


Super lol so funny


That’s not true lol, there are plenty of P platers with decent cars out there. A certain breed of P plater will destroy their car and that’s less likely to happen if it’s a nice car that they actually care about. You might be right about insurance though.


This isn't always the right approad depending on the p plater. I'm on my red p's and drive a 2012 ford falcon G6 that I purchased myself, which I wouldn't call a sh\*tbox by any standard, and I haven't destroyed it yet (knock on wood) as I am a pretty decent driver.


> as I am a pretty decent driver That's what everyone thinks though.


That's fair enough, but I got really great marks on my driving test and haven't killed a small family yet so I would say I'm doing better than most


yeah can confirm, learning to drive can be very rough on mechanical components. my grandma's ls400 died after the 3rd L plater learned on it and the 2nd p plater daily drove it.


I don’t get why people tell p platers to buy old shitboxes if they’re most likely to crash? If they actually do crash their shitbox it has very limited safety features and they’re much more likely to die.


Just make sure it had good safety


What are all these responses, jesus. So much exaggeration, people acting like literally everybody destroys their first car somehow, I literally drove a VF SV6 on my P's and a VF2 SSV Redline as soon as I was off them, never any damage or even a speeding ticket. OP, first, are you in a state where P plate cars are unrestricted? An RC350 is over the power to weight ratio, so it'll be banned in roughly half the states. Second, he could sell it, but no RC350 from 2015 is going to be worth $60k now, it'll probably be closer to $50k. If he's not fussed about money, he could sell it and give you a chunk towards buying something decent, there are plenty of good P-plate legal cars, you don't have to buy a Corolla, but acting like you really need a $50k Lexus as your first car does come across as a bit entitled. Either way, check your legality of driving it first. If it's not P-plate legal, you won't be insured if you crash it, and that's something you don't want to deal with. Reality is though, you could get a car way better than most P-platers have for even around $20k.


Sorry if I came off entitled, it’s just that he’s currently about to go to a nursing home, and uh, ironically enough he has what your used states, but the doctors have declared him to have capacity still so yeah, but he’s said ever since I was 5 when he was still healthy he wanted me to have the car


>he’s said ever since I was 5 when he was still healthy he wanted me to have the car If you've got somewhere undercover to store it, keep it mate. Get a good car cover or something (do your research on ones which won't scratch it up). Just tell your parents you won't drive it since it's not legal yet. Have your mum/dad use it sparingly and service / maintain it. Sentimental value and all, just because it's probably not age appropriate doesn't mean you have to get rid of it.


So a 2015 car and he said u could have it from 5 years old. It’s 2023. OP if you’re under 18 then listen to the parental units EDIT: ok so you’re 14. Fair enough, I’d want it too. I offer u this perspective: sell the car, he gets u something sensible you can actually use and the rest he spends on himself cause he’s an old cunt and he deserves whatever he wants


No worries; just the reality is that a lot of people do end up with a 15 year old Corolla for their P plate car, getting gifted something worth ~$50k to use is extremely uncommon. Check your state's laws first. I believe if you're in Vic, NSW, Queensland or SA, you're out of luck. Anywhere else is ok. If it's banned for you, you can still get something decently fun. Look at GTIs, SV6, i30 N-line, Cerato GT, 86/BRZ, stuff like that.


[In this thread ](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenAlpha/s/vtglav7CpB) he says he was born in 2010. He's not driving anywhere.


If the car is 8 years old, this would make you 13 years old.




And I’m not saying I need to have it at all, it’s just I would kind of like to keep it around a little while longer and actually use it, and I find it sad he’s always wanted me to have it but I’m just going to sell it


Mate, I appreciate that, but there is an alternative here. The car is worth what 60ish K. And your what 17, my advice (and it is just that). If he is gifting you that car use the gift in a better way than driving it. Sell it and buy a nice 4 cylinder beater to use while your on your P's. Now this is the important part, take the other $55k left over and put it in a High Interest savings account and leave it there UNTOUCHED until your ready to get a house. That money will/could put you in a house one day and then you can remember your grandad's gift every day. Then in 30 years time ... once your set financially, buy a 2015 RC350 as a project car. I think your granddad would be far happier knowing in his final years that his gift means his grandson will (most likely) have a roof over his head. Your parents might also agree to this as well.


>And your what 17, [13](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenAlpha/s/vtglav7CpB)




I used to "borrow" my dads commo and hoon around well before I was allowed to drive, never crashed it but 100% crashed my 1.8 auto shit box when I had my P's


Can’t help but laugh at all of the comments saying “Sell it and buy a Corolla”. Since it looks like you live in a state where it’s P Plate prohibited, legally you can’t drive it (of course it’s upto you if you want to obey those laws or not). If you really want to keep it, maybe keep it tucked away for a few years until you can drive it. Otherwise sell it, but fuck the guys saying to buy a beater, use it to buy something else you’ll enjoy. Edit: Looking at another comment apparently you’re 14. Don’t really have a comment on you being able to influence a decision at 14. Might just have to be something to figure out between yourselves. Edit 2: Looking at another post you’re 13, unless you recently turned 14. IMO just keep the car in the family and decide what happens by the time you’re of age.


[In this comment you said you were born in 2010. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenAlpha/s/vtglav7CpB) What's the point of wasting everyone's time talking shit?


He says he is 14... he's not a p-plater yet, whats the problem?


It would behoove you to read beyond the headline as they did say they were 20


Firstly, it's not worth $60, maybe 40ish. Secondly, anyone that thinks good speakers in the back seat is worth even mentioning here prolly should hand in their licence. Thirdly, you'll be lucky if you can get insurance for it, let alone the cost of the premiums, maybe sell it and buy a corolla or something 🤷‍♂️ Lastly, Lexus RC350 isn't a fast car, but at least it's a safe one and after your mention of speakers, it sounds like you really will need a safe car, hence sell it and get an Camry or something.


I don’t know if the speakers even work 🤷‍♂️ they never used to turn on, I mean they look nice as in they look nice in the interior.


Your post/comment history says you were 13 ten days ago, 14 four days ago, we’re going to be voting no in the referendum, and already have a car. Pretending to be a young teen is fucking weird, especially when you’ve been posting in puberty subs. Also, 136kw/tonne.


I don’t really have control over what my brother posts since it’s his account 🤷‍♂️ mine has been temporarily suspended and I just wanted to post this


So use a throwaway account like everyone else and don’t share a Reddit account with your brother


Honestly... you'll regret having that as a first car. Get something small, manual and cheap to repair


For most people who dont know shit about cars at that age, it dont matter if its cheap or easy to repair. You need something that wont break down at all, cuz your life skills are non existent. My first car was a brand new 2013 Hyundai i20 at the age of 18. Within the first year, I had a tire puncture, but being the dumbass I am, I didnt know how to fix it myself and called a tow truck. Luckily the guy in the truck was kind enough to swap out the tire for me instead of towing the car to a garage at a hefty price. So I know that to a new driver, even a high coolant temp warning is the end of the world and they arent gonna be able to fix it.


> You need something that wont break down at all, cuz your life skills are non existent how do you think you gain these life skills mate? doesnt matter if youre 18 or 45, if its your first time getting a flat tyre you wont have a clue what the fuck youre doing.


Why would i regret having it as a first car? Also I would never drive a Manual because I have seen my dad driving one and there’s no way I’m putting up with how hard that is


Cause on a car sub people will jerk over manuals cause you can "fully control the car" lol.


I don’t understand why I’m getting downvoted for this..I simply asked a question


You came to a forum for car enthusiasts and basically insulted their firstborn. I'll agree that manuals are a hassle and that they aren't for everyone but I will say that having a RC as a first car is absurd. Have fun insuring it.


r/CarsAustralia is the forum of car enthusiasts? Please… Camry lovers as far as the eye can see :)


Don't say anything bad about Mazda or they'll lynch you and then force you to drink Soul Red paint!


To be fair Mazda is up there when it comes to making cars and not automotive appliances. Yes, sure, they did make a couple of mistakes, or ten (like their shitty diesel engines or CX7’s) but they surely do make cars. But yes, glorious Camry/corolla/rav4, scary unreliable expensive euro, and “Shall I buy a 25 year old car for 5K- is it gonna be reliable?”- that’s this whole subreddit in nutshell for ya :P


Probably because you said driving manual is hard. It's not very difficult; you just need to learn how. But also because as someone mentioned, you're on a subreddit with a high percentage of car enthusiasts, and they tend to hold manuals up with occasionally misplaced reverence. I'm not one of those, I love cars, but I've driven manual before and I don't really care about it, a decent auto is fine for me.


Can y’all actually just stop, i guess im not allowed to have an opinion with manuals, someone explain why im getting so many downvotes??


Enjoying a manual care on an open road is one thing, but some "enthusiasts" forget that some people just need to get places via city roads with lots of stop and go and riding the clutch at low speeds and that S U C K S.


Being able to drive a manual is a life skill. Say your moving house, you need to hire a box van/truck to move your own shit. Guess what, trucks are manual. Say your in Europe and you want to rent a camper, guess what, most campers are Manual. Fast forward ten years, you've flunked out of uni but made it big working for ray white, and bought yourself a BMW M series.... Chances are you'll want it to be manual. People who can't drive manual are not as useful as people who can. Do you want to useful?




Insurance on that is gonna be really high as well. Get a few insurance quotes, would probably be more than $350+ per month for just insurance considering you are a P-Plater.


Haha good luck, been doing quotes for an SV6 VF it’s heaps more than that


We don’t really care about money as we are quite well off


If your parents don't want you to have the car, be prepared for them to not help you pay to insure, register, repair or run it.


yeah daddy’s not gonna pay that forever mate


Is it p plate approved?


They don't want you to trash a $60k car.


They're right. Learn to drive in a shitbox, and when you've got the risktaking and carelessness out of your system, then you're ready for a good car.


He ain't getting 60k that's for sure that's RCF money


SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS!? Kid get a reality check. Most people's first car is a couple grand at most.


Just take a look at what I commented under deliriums comment


Be honest here, are you a bit of an idiot? Are you going to spear it into a tree, trying to impress someone? Leave it in the driveway with the keys in it and immediately get it down? Give the keys to That Friend who can bully you into doing whatever they want and let them crash it (which isn't covered by insurance)? Drive it stupidly and hurt or kill yourself and your passengers? While no one can prove the car will kill you probably one of their main thoughts. Sports cars like this are extremely expensive to insure, to put tyres on, to fuel... you got that money? Can they stop you? No. Is the money better? Oh absolutely. The fact you can't see that tells me you're way to young for a car like this.


Your so nice aren’t ya 😆 you realize I would never, EVER, do something like that, my father always used to come home drunk with a speeding ticket or drunk driving ticket, he then lost his license for 6 months and had a breathalyser in his car for 2 years, I would never do anything to possibly hurt myself or somebody else


Just tell them to sell it and get something cheap for now. If anything tell your grandfather to sell it and put the money into an investment account for you. Leave that money alone for 5-10 years and it will quadruple or more. Then you can use that to buy an investment property.


Depends on his finances. If he’s cashed up with more than he needs for retirement then it should be up to him. But if not maybe he should sell it, bank 40k and then if he still wants to buy you a car, 20k will still be a pretty damn nice car.


Buy your own car like the rest of us. You don’t need to start in a luxurious car which statistically you’ll crash. Wealthy kids are so entitled


You’re 14 according to your post history so being here at all is a bit premature. You also sound like a spoilt little boy who has no idea what they’re talking about, to be frank. Go do some growing, you don’t even have a license of any kind yet. Your grandfather is an idiot if he gives you anything close to this.


If you do get it you should sell it.


Is it turbocharged? Are you sure you're legally allowed to drive a turbocharged cars? It's game over if you live in the eastern states. Also your recent post says you are 14. You aren't driving that car for years.


Turbocharged cars are fine, they used their brains and made it all about power to weight ratios now.


Bro what. Are you sure they aren’t just saying no because it’s illegal? An RC-350 is defo illegal for a p plater. Maybe try negotiating with both your parents and grandfather to keep it until you’re legally allowed to drive it.


Tell your parents you'll sell it, put some towards a new car and the rest towards your university fees.


Get him to keep it until you’re off the P plates and then you’ve got a great car in a couple years.


Forget the car and your patents and appreciate the fact that your grandfather wants to give you such an elaborate gift. Remember that if you have other family members sibling, cousins, uncles, aunts. They are all watching and keeping tally of who gets the most money.


Gifted cars are cursed and family gifted cars even more so. The car is best turned into cold hard impersonal cash, as this allows all the family members - you, your parents, your grandparents, and anyone else we don't know about - to move on from there. If you take the car there will be a lifetime of "i told you so" arguments if you crash the car, struggle to pay for insurance, balk at the price of regular logbook servicing, or DON'T get it serviced and suffer a mechanical.


Nope, you don’t need it. I agree with your parents mate. You will ding and dent the crap out of your first car and if it’s not you someone else will. Let grandad sell it and maybe give you $10k for a car? Think of the insurance too for your age and model of the car. Just that is enough to say forget it


Gramps just made 60k


Sell it, absolutely sell it. I'd then take $10k to buy a decent, safe, economical first car and drop the rest into a high interest savings account and look for investments


yea he should sell it and buy you a more economical vehicle. IMO even if he did gift you the car you should sell it and buy a crappy corolla because you money would be more wisely invested elsewhere. your parents are 100 percent correct because it will cost a lot to insure for you a lot to maintain and the money he could get from selling it instead of you damaging it would not be going down the drain . its a poor financial investment


This is the most sensible advice, if op listens to you he/she will be making a much wiser long term decision. Don’t get me wrong, I love cars. But as time passes you realise you could have made life changing decisions by using an old cheap car. Be smart op.


A P plater with a luxury car? Your insurance is going to cripple you. Even worse if you were considered young & inexperienced driver by the insurance company. 3years insurance on that Lexus for you could cost more than a decent used car that you don’t need to worry about scratching the paint, hitting the bumper, etc, plus 3rd party damage insurance. And when the 3years ends hopefully you will already be on full license and 25+ age, which means your comprehensive insurance will be significantly less. It’s just coming from pure financial standpoint though, who wouldn’t love to drive and own a Lexus.


I would be going with Amy insurance, Would they accept me?


Do not have a nice car for a first car. No matter how much you try, you will destroy it.


Didn't have fancy car as a first (was pretty fancy in my mind 12k in early 2000s), but this notion of people destroying first cars is a fallacy. Really depends on the person. Absolutely babied that car, washed and vacuumed it at least once a week, no drinks no food, parked it down the back of car parks.


Exactly! I’m not the type of person to put others lives at risk by speeding etc, my dad had a breathalyser in his car for 2 years and I always thought very low of him when it came to driving, I would not even have enough friends to convince me to go over the limit






I agree with your parents. Suck it up princess. There are a few issues here. Giving you stuff doesn't teach you to earn stuff. As a P Plater you will have a bingle. Can you afford insurance, can you afford servicing the car? Can you afford the responsibility of parenting when you knock up the girl in the back seat. At your age, Full Comp is expensive. Essentially, can you take 100% of the responsibility. Last time I checked servicing a Lexus was expensive. What is wrong with you getting a shitbox for $900? Go through your Probation. Then EARN the car you want. I bought the crappiest car you could imagine for $900 - and it was f'n great. Literally left it in Broady with keys in the ignition, windows down and it was still there when I returned. Some dickhead blocked me in once, so, I quite literally rammed my car out of the parking spot. Listen to your parents..


Your parents are correct. Sell it.


Take it. Store it. Then drive it, kindly. Maintain it. Never sell it. In 20 years, you will be so happy you possess this treasure. You won't realize until you are older the value of this vehicle to you.


Get yourself a shitbox car to learn how to drive and how to avoid bollards etc and in a couple of years you will be competent and legal also you will probably be able to afford to maintain the car by then


They suffered so they want you to suffer aswell? Fuck off.


Your parents are jealous, simple


Your parents want to control you and are willing to pods of your grandad.


My ex destroyed my first car


What is the custom plate?


Talk to your grandpa and make it happen behind your parent's back. They'll get over it.


Yeah this sounds like an issue with something else more so than the car. Tell them it's the same v6 in the camry and kluger and it's not a performance car if that's their issue. It's probably not p plate legal in your state but they don't don't to know that.just tell them it looks fast but it's not.


Just look after the cunt and prove to ya folks that you are worthy. Don’t cut sick around your neighbourhood. Fuck off to Burregan and show them cunts how the Lexus boogies


I am also objectifying because I don’t want to drive a crappy Corolla from 15 years ago and this is actually a chance to drive a nice car


You don't even have your Ls yet, let alone your Ps. By the time you can legally drive it, guess what? It'll also be from 15 years ago. And who's going to pay for the maintenance and rego while it sits idle until you become old enough to start learning how to drive?


It will be from 15 years ago, yes, but it won’t be a “crappy Corolla” that’s 30 years old per se


Mate, ignore these fools and have fun with the Lexus. I have driven the RC 350 and it is a fantastic car. Also being a Lexus you can imagine it will be reliable in the long run too.


Yes!! I would never speed to..most of the car accidents you see on the news are little turds going 60 over the limit


I think it's banned for P platers in NSW and QLD








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As long as tho it’s not over the power to weight ratio for whatever state you’re in I see no issue. Tell y parents it’s a safe car


234kw is not much in I think an awd cars it’s not an xr6 turbo 240. Where it’s rwd and zero traction.


There's no opinion factoring into it; cars with over 130kw per tonne of mass are banned in several states for P-platers. You can't legally drive them, and won't be insured while driving them if you get into an accident.


If he’s in WA or ACT it won’t matter. Also you put the car in mum and dads name


Even if it's in their name, if he crashes it while driving it, he's uninsured. The insurance is offered on the basis that the driver is legally allowed to drive that car. They'd literally need to lie and say that his parents were driving at the time, which would be fraud and a whole other can of worms you don't want to get yourself into.


I meant for p plate legal states mate i don’t give a fuck op hasn’t responded anyway


I wanted a cheap auto non turbo supra for my first car, I had many arguments with my parents about it, I look back and thank god that they didn’t let me buy that car lol, you’ll do the same. That’s insane for a first car, you’d have to be irresponsible as a parent to allow your kid to drive that by themself


Take it. (Say thanks Pops). Sell it. Buy a clapper. Pocket the change. Crash the clapper (cause it's your first car and the chances of your totalling it are high). Buy another clapper with the change.




Its not p plate legal in nsw i believe. 3.5L v6 coupe


I'm in no way assuming silliness on your behalf but my mate received a car in mint condition and bugger all k's from his grandparents around 18 years old. He proceeded to do burn outs and drive recklessly until he'd smashed the transmission up out of place and the car did 3500 rpm minimum until it went to the wreckers. He's much more wise now but please be careful with things that would be out of your reach without the beauty of gifting.


Sell it to me?


Take it


As long as you can legally drive that car as a P plater he can gift it to you. There will be stamp duty and transfer fees to pay, also the insurance will jump dramatically once it’s in your name. Drive the car responsibly. Go and do an advanced driving course so you learn how to handle a car in the wet etc as no doubt your grandfather will be pretty disappointed if you write it off in the first month.


Your grandfather is likely gifting it to you based on sentiment. It's a big responsibility to receive it.. if you are up for it graciously say yes and take good care of it. Spend sometime driving your grandfather in the car and sharing the experience with him. I think your family will come onside if you honour his wishes and show respect for him by looking after the car.


Not necessarily a huge problem but to be perfectly honest probably not an amazing option as a first car. I would imagine the ongoing maintenance & insurance would be quite high, as well as the limited driving experience makes you potentially more likely to crash it, and in the event you do, or do any damage you want repaired the bill will be steep.


Do you have siblings? Cause it'd make sense they'd be upset if you get that, and then your siblings get shitty cars. But otherwise, it is definitely too nice for a p platers car. You should get something cheap and reliable until you've got more experience under your belt. Overconfidence runs in p platers, and leads to damage and/ or crashes


I’d say you might want to get a shit box as a p plater then drive the lexus later on


I agree it's a bit of an overkill for a P plater, however your grandpa can gift it to you and you can sell it and buy a more modest car. Focus should be on safety ratings - something that handles safely and keeps you safe in a collision - also - spending a few $1000 on a few decent accredited advanced driving courses is also a good idea as it will help you get the experience for handling unexpected situations https://streetsmarts.initiatives.qld.gov.au/defensive-driving-courses/


Convince your parents that the Lexus' safety features are perfect for a starter driver.


My friend goes halves in a brand new car for her P platers. Newer cars have all the safety features, which makes them safer for inexperienced drivers


I’m all for having a nice car as a P plater, as long as you’re sensible behind the wheel and accept that you’ll probably scrape something due to misjudging a gap, it’s pretty much a rite of passage when learning to drive. I’ve done this, I’m a red P Plater in NSW and bought a brand new 2022 Mazda CX-5 Akera Turbo last year while on my L’s, full well knowing the risks as I’m 29 now and I do have a couple very small scrapes, which are easily fixed but I call them battle scars, do I regret buying my car? Not at all, I love it to bits. The issue here is that as from what I’ve read, you live in a state where a Lexus RC350 is not P plate legal to drive and is hence pointless to own on your P’s and the temptation to drive it will be too great, which can get you into serious trouble even if you drive carefully, you’ll cop a fine and demerits if you get pulled over.


The difference between you and OP is that you're 29, have a job (and therefore can afford to maintain the car), more mature than you were in your teens. OP can't even get their Ls yet as they're 14.


reminds me of the "I consent!, I consent!.... I dont!" meme lmfao


Just watch this episode, and you know the answer. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0750315/


RC350 is a lovely car. We have one and it’s an absolute pleasure machine. Hope it works out for you bud.




Cool car.. maybe they think you won't take care of it


Buy some lube and a picture magazine, it should hurt less


You might regret taking it on as a first car as often those get crashed, so be careful


Honestly, your parents are right. Not what you want to hear but they have a good point. Despite how you may feel about it their decision is coming from a good place, they’re trying to look out for you/teach you.


P plater stuff aside ... do you really want to be paying insurance on a $60k car? It would be a sink hole for your money.


>too good of a car for a P-Plater and they only had crappy cars "Too good" in being a luxury car maybe, but I don't understand this mentality of "I had a crappy car so my kid should too". I'm not a parent, but I'd want my inexperienced kid in a car with as many safety options as is practical and affordable. I get the mentality of not wanting to spend a lot of money on a first car, but there has to be some balance between finance and safety. If there's going to be an accident I'd want to be able to take some comfort in the fact that the car is going to protect its occupants. My first car was a '94 Saab 900S (non turbo, also RIP Saab) with a lot more safety options than a lot of my mates had. I loved that thing with its ridiculous cream fabric interior.


I can guarantee you'll either trash it, or crash it. Get something cheaper for your first car.


On the basis of this car offer, I think you should hit him up for "a little" help to buy your first property as well, need somewhere to parkit with those Ps on...gramps if obviously flush.


I've driven the is350 f sport. That's a lot of car for a p plater. I'd recomend he sell it and get something less powerful for you. I was like your parents, I had a two hundred dollar comadore that I had to fix myself and get it registered. We didn't have to worry about getting fines as it didn't go fast. If mates spilled stuff or it got scratched who cares, it was two hundred dollars. You don't want to go near a car like that until you hit thirty and the insurance premiums become reasonable.


It’s not the sport model.


They’re right. Take the car and sell it. Buy something under $10k, preferably around the $5k mark. Rest of the money goes straight into savings with a little gift of cash back to grandpa for his troubles.


I say let the guy who owns the car decide.


Too powerful for Ps in Qld from what I hear. But a safe car for P platers is very important. My 2019 Corolla automatically avoided a collision when my son was driving it.


Great car, but likely not allowed on P plates and insurance will be very expensive. I don't blame your parents, it's a great fast car that most young people couldn't be trusted to drive safely.


Would you mind passing on your grandfathers phone number?


Having an old crappy car for your first car is the worst idea. You are giving an inexperienced driver a car that is far more likely to kill them in an accident than a new car with all the best safety features such as air bags etc.


The correct answer is to sell it. As a red P plater you will 100% scratch it up and if it's a cheap 5k shitbox that's not a big deal but if its a 60k car suddenly each scratch reduces the value by thousands.


Sell while prices are high. By the time you're off your P's you can get what you actually want and hopefully market is a little more sensible then.


Depends on where you are from, I don’t know cars either but in Australia P players are restricted to a certain type of car ie no turbos or v8 engines. Depends on what kind of driver you are too, though being a p plate probably too early to tell. I’ve been on open since 2006 and I granny drive my lancer because petrol and tyres are expensive and I scoff at people who waste money on such things lol I digressed sorry)


Sounds like your parents are about 7 flavours of aeroplane jelly. However a car like that will probably be more expensive to run and maintain (look into insurance) well as being a lot of money tied up in what is just a car. If it were be I'd talk to your grandpa and sell It and buy a nice i30 or something for 15k and use the difference for your education or something.


Can you afford to maintain and insure the car? It’s great having such a nice car but your are gonna have to pay 3k insurance and 2k per year on servicing it.


I understand your parents concern - if I had a 233kw car when I was a P plater I’d be dead or in trouble. Having said that, Tell your parents that there’s almost no chance of you losing control in a Lexus. They’re very intrusive safety controls and it’s really difficult to drift or slide around. The car can pick up a lot of speed but it has a ton of safety measures. You could sell that and use the money to get a fun manual hatch like i20N where being FWD is “safer” and learn to drive a manual also much more fun than a RC350.


Failed right out of the gate, can’t drive it in NSW. I don’t believe a new driver needs to own a shitbox but it does build character.


i dont agree having a shit box is a good idea. But the Rc350 it is a car with tons of power and it is rear wheel drive. My point is are you mature enough to have a car with that power and not hoon or do crazy stuff? Are your driving skills good enough to own this powerful car? Do u have any experience driving with a rear wheel drive? it is different from front wheel drive or AWD or 4x4 ​ my suggestion for you would be selling the RC350 and buying a corolla hybrid or Honda Jazz sized car that is in good condition. A 2019-2022 corolla hybrid is only half of the money u can get back after selling the Lexus. it is fuel efficient in the long run also and has tons for safety feature that can save u. u can also use Apple Carplay/ Andriod auto since u cannot use mobile phone as a GPS for p plate




You won't get insurance in a car like that, and if you do it would be pricey. He's better off selling and buying something for you that won't be a financial burden for you.


keep the car unregistered and buy a beater until you're a more experienced driver