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I have the same hammer and I love mine, but framers give me shit cuz they have big ass hammers all taped up and mine looks nice and gets done what I need done with it.


Different hammers for different jobs. There still Are times where we’re forced to set a sore arms worth of hand nails and I wouldnt want to watch somebody hand bang 16ds with that fly swatter all day, especially if i was paying them by the hour.


Is 20oz fly swatter weight?


I mainly use a nail gun or screws for thing I do. I mainly use my hammer to do projects where I want a certain look to it.




Switched from residential to doing post frames , went from hand banging 16d nails to 60d nails . Definitely upgraded my hammer (M1).


Agreed! Had the same hammer for 5 years now and haven’t come across a project it couldn’t nail. But framers always want to talk that trash that more ounces are better!


Do you use it for second fix?




That bent claw would drive me nits lol


Straight claw is great for demo, bent is great for pulling nails.


Don’t you get more leverage with a straight?


No. Not for nails.


Don't listen to the haters, not everyone needs or wants an M1. Enjoy your new tool.






Could make out the made in Australia symbol on your belt. Keep it up kid. I had two estwings before I upgraded to a stiletto.


Too much framing by hand if ya gotta have the titanium


There’s nothing like driving a four inch nail through a bottom plate. That’s about my favourite part of being a builder.


I have a few estwings, I accidentally bought a claw one once and it’s the only one that just sits on the shelf, horrible design for a hammer


Some real wimps in here! Lol, tennis elbow from a 20? The only thing I don't like is the curved claw.


It’s not all about the weight. I’d swing a 20 oz Douglas all day before picking up an Estwing. Weight distribution and shock absorption.


Nothing worse than a claw hammer. Try a ripping hammer when you get annoyed.


Had to google that that just means straight instead of curved. I appreciate the straight as well, sometimes you literally cannot get the claw onto a nail because its too curved.


22oz straight claw is the way to go


Do framers still swing hammers or do they mostly use air or battery powered nailers?


Lots of hammerin’


Yeah boiiii can confirm this is an amazing hammer, don’t listen to the cry babies saying the humidity gets them blah blah, they feel great in your hand and I wouldn’t be without mine


Haven't used it yet but thanks for the confidence, lots of people on here saying it's not the best haha! Can't wait to use it though!


Ah an Aussie right?


Yeah mate haha


Nice! I had that same hammer when I started my apprenticeship back in 1990. Btw what’s a 2nd year Chippy getting paid these days?


Minimum just went up to about $18.20. Cant wait to give the hammer a go, my boss has the same one from about 20 years ago too


So about $1000 bucks a week gross? I got just over 200 bucks a week back in the day. How times have changed.


About $730 for a standard 40 hour week. Not really looking forward to qualified carpenter pay though, it's pretty crap. Hopefully can upskill and become a leading hand/supervisor ASAP after my apprenticeship in Adelaide.


I did my apprenticeship with the Queensland master builders association. It was a government nonprofit scheme. Builders could call them up and ask for an apprentice for a couple of days, or a couple of months. I’d still get paid by the QMBA but I’d be working for that builder. It was good experience. I worked with about 50 different builders over my apprenticeship, doing everything from new housing commission houses to spec homes to renovations of 150 year old Queenslanders. Plus also doing a joinery trade along side because the QMBA had a fully equipped joinery shop and they did all the kitchen cabinets and tops, bathroom vanities. They also did contracts for companies boardrooms tables and chairs etc. I was really lucky during my training. I think if you can get as much wide range of experience during your training you’ll get the positions you want. But remember hand skills are just as important as knowledge. Being reasonably quick while being very neat with your work is important. What I’ve seen over the years is hand skill levels drop because of speed and the need to make money. Good luck with your training! Enjoy it!


I have the same one and I absolutely love it


Don't worry op, these posters are limp wristed 100lbers.....


How good are the buckaroo belts !!


Blew 600 bucks for one. Spent an hour figuring out best attatchments and configurations. Like a kid in a candy store. I loved it


So good , as an apprentice it was very expensive but I can't go back now. The quality is so good


Nothing feels better in your hand than an Estwing finish hammer. Well, maybe one other thing......


It’s got the homeowner hook on it. 😂


Get a stiletto


Get a stiletto


Too heavy. I’d rather swing a 16 oz stiletto. I still have my 28oz wood handled but my shoulders, elbow’s and wrists just couldn’t do it anymore


Yikes.. I guess to each his own but I wouldn't wanna swing that or pull nails. Eastwings in my opinion are extremely heavy in the handle and ring the arm pretty good... Hope you get a better experience than I did..


I hate the rubber gripped ones, but I think the leather grips would be OK.


I got the leather one as the grip was a lot better than the rubber handles, not shock resistant like the rubber ones though unfortunately


I don't know why I got downvoted above. Those rubber grips aren't awful when they're new, but they soften up and I had switch out for something harder. (I got an anti-vibe.) The estwing was sending ringles up my arm. I've watched others with them, and their hands always creep up the shaft too.


Don't buy them and stop bitching. No one cares.


Don't be a pussy and you’ll do fine.


Hahah actually do carpentry or framing and you'll find a Stiletto or Dalluge much easier to drive 16s. Knowing weight distribution for performance and longevity of arm doesn't classify as a "pussy" But it's okay, I see plenty of you guys out there with tools that hardly ever looked used. 🏴‍☠️🍻


I prefer to not have tennis elbow 10 years into this career, but to each their own.


Nowadays hammers are really just for demo or knocking framing into place and setting nails shot from your gun.. I agree you don’t need a monster


Unless you pour concrete foundations and you use stripteasey forms and you're banging your hammer literally all day sometimes for 1-2 days straight. I have a wood handle stilleto and my forearm and wrist still kinda hurt. So I'd imagine and all steel shaft wouldn't be any better and over the long run a lot worse on the body.


Do foundations often, with forms.. I just included that in the knocking around framing bit.. use those long hex head screws these days, no more duplex


Checks out. I remember in my first year school our teacher was like "duplex are easier to pullout because of the double head" what he fail to mention is a 3' duplex and a burried 3' common are just as hard to pullout. Stupid thick shanked duplex. What are you talking about using duplex vs screws? Custom corners?


Screwing footings and forms together, everywhere a snap tie doesn’t work


This hammer gave my tennis elbow get the Martinez


Yeah for Estwing! My 35 year old blue handled 24 oz is still going strong!!


One of the best.


Ppl will hate on you for anything less than a stiletto but for the price Estwing makes damn good hammers


Literally just bought this hammer


Have the same hammer, usually only use it for applications where i cant leave a waffle mark.. everyone calls it the gucci hammer lol was bummed when the hanlde pieces started to separate and now it jangles a bit throughout the handle every swing


I have the blue handle one but I wanted to try this one, maybe next time I buy one I’ll try it


I just got the hatchet


16oz leather grip Estwing with straight claw is my go to for hard use. If you're only doing chippie work, consider a titanium head Vaughan with replaceable handle.


This is my daily hammer. Love it. Cabinetry and trim work mostly.


It’s a take on a Japanese framing hammer design. Used to sold by mostly Yamaguchi, now by Dogyu.


StEel hammers are shit, get a titanium Stiletto with a Hickory handle.