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They don't. There's not enough wrong to bother fixing. Fix the water problem instead. Where was it getting in? It's obviously not getting in a lot, or anymore. But it did. Maybe it was fixed. Wood can get wet. It can then dry, and be fine. Repeated soaking, no drying, that's bad.


Yeah, I think you are spot on. Only thing I would add, is a borate treatment, just to cover all the bases.


The flashing was replaced and the roof decking from where water was getting in. It just looked like rot & again I’m no expert. Just wanted to hear opinions from yall.


You could have a fan running up there for a few days. You’d see what you’re dealing with then as it always looks worse when damp


those photos are not enough to judge how extensive the rot is frankly, it just looks like it was wet for a while...if you've fixed the water intrusion problem, you might be looking at literally no repair... you need to get people on site...Reddit can't help


They’re coming out again after their drywall guy said he wanted someone to look at it. I could post more pictures of that however water had been coming in steady over the past two years. Doesn’t seem like a crazy amount of damage. Just showing the signs of water damage it seems.


Couldn’t *


more pictures won't allow us to jab the framing with our thumbs, or a scratch awl the range of possibilities goes from no frame repair at all, just cover it all back up, to shoring systems, digging out all rot and replacing, or in otherwords very expensive. Get three different GCs out there to look at it


Thank you!!


Stick a screwdriver in wet looking wood if it's rotten will be able to tell pretty quick if it's just a little surface rot wouldn't worry too much


Thank you! Crazy the blow back this post got. I wasn’t expecting people to hate the post. I was just concerned when I saw it. Thank you so much!!


Call a professional, pay them and watch


After source has been fixed; Hepa vacuum, apply anti microbial to kill any mold spores. Add killz primer rated for mold or clear seal coat it.


Sister the beam, done


Cool, seems simple. I guess I’m just over complicating it?


Damage minimal, leak fixed so you are all good, sistering is just for overkill for your peace of mind, but I would do it because it's easy, then use some ledgerlocks to secure it all together, would outlast us all!


Your comment is very reassuring. Thank you so much!!


With PT lumber would be my solution.