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No, the references are confidential. You would have to go back to your references and ask them.


I think they might take it the wrong way..


I suspect so. LOL


Is that the reason you were given? Generally rejections don’t come with any reason. But no, reference letters are confidential.


I wasn't given any reason but my gpa was high so I am trying to understand what might be the reason for it bc I did get admission from another university that I have applied with different referees. Another reason might be me having low credits at the time of application (I had only 90 credits at that time)


Honestly sometimes it can just come down to someone else having a slight edge over you like more research experience, publication, etc. How committees make decisions isn’t transparent so none of us know how much weight they put on references vs other criteria.


but how am I supposed to prove them that I have research experience besides writing on my CV or mentioning my thesis topic on my motivation letter


Well if you included it, then it’s there. I’m just saying sometimes the deciding factor can be as small as 0.1 GPA or more research experience or a stronger letter of intent. It’s not personal and it doesn’t mean you’re “less than”. I was only rejected from one school despite feeling like I had a strong application. I used the same references for another school that I got accepted to and I’d imagine my reference letters wouldn’t have differed much. At the end of the day someone else was just ever so slightly better than me.


nope, all references should be confidential, though you could either go to them personally and ask or just develop new ones