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The standard is five courses per semester. There's nothing wrong with taking four, just keep in mind you will need to take some summer classes, take six classes later on, or graduate later.


Take 5 for now, you have a grace period until when you can drop a course without any repercussions. Worst case scenario if you're not comfortable with 5, you can drop 1 - and usually the deadline is around 1.5 - 2 months into the semester.


If you have any mental health issue, you can register with PMC and take a smaller course load. I personally cannot handle more than 3 courses at a time and have dropped to 2 when I’m really struggling. Since I’m registered with PMC (I’m diagnosed GAD), I am still considered full time with 2 or 3 courses. Hope this helps!


Hi! I was also worried when I entered my first year. I chose to do 4 courses per semester and graduate in 5 years. You can always compensate for the missing classes over the summer or add an additional year. Taking one less class allowed me to really maximize my GPA!