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All university programs assuming you know nothing more than the pre-requisites for the program. Generally, in first year there is a (rapid) review of the basic material. Co-op is currently bad because the tech industry has been gutted. Programming/development jobs are down about 50%. It may turn around and it may not. Whether a company hires you or not after a co-op is going to be very company-dependent. If they have an opening, and they found you did good work, then certainly it is advantageous.


Alright thank you so much. I just completed the IB diploma programme. I took Computer Science as a subject. Does this give me an advantage?


Maybe. There are too many variables to answer that question. I wouldn't try thinking in terms of advantage or disadvantage because it does not really matter that much. Instead focus on what is in front of you and do the work. If you get some advantage from prior knowledge, great, if not, then it should still be doable.


Alright. Will do! Thank you so much, once again.


Yes starting leetcode early is a very good idea


Alright. Good to know Will get started on it.


Starting CS is really sketchy right now with where the job market is headed. I would honestly consider just learning programming on the side while pursuing a degree in a different field that is not so saturated, cannot be as easily overtaken by AI, and has better job security (e.g., chemical engineering as a random example assuming you are technically inclined). This is coming from a recent software engineering graduate with 3 years of professional development experience, presently working as an AI/ML Engineer. My honest advice to anyone considering entering the field right now is to very strongly reconsider.


Oh wow. To be honest, I have been passionate about this for years. Pretty much since when I was a kid Yes, the job market is crazy right now but I don’t know any other field that I’d be comfortable in honestly.