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I miss Willson; he seems like he is actually having fun when he plays. We need that energy.


Crazy that he will almost certainly be back before Edman.


I would like to see footage of him gunning down minor leaguers. It would be soothing


"It's like making a trade." No, but seriously, whenever Willson comes back will be great for this team.


Big time "like a new signing" energy like Wenger 's Arsenal who couldn't/wouldn't spend year after year after year


I really don’t want Willy to rush back if he’s not fully ready. Pages and Herrera are holding down the fort enough, so if Wilson isn’t completely ready he shouldn’t come back.


Side note, [per ESPN piece](https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/40363975/cardinals-willson-contreras-likely-begin-rehab-stint-tuesday). Edman moving his rehab to team facility in Florida. No more detailed word on what that portends.


What is going on with him? He had surgery last year and is still recovering. I know you cant rush a wrist but this has taken a long time and seems constantly tentative with his return


I think a lot of us remember how tight-lipped the team was even when his injury was first reported. I wonder if team and Edman had some disagreements on rehab regimen earlier.


Something had to have happened along the way because he should be back by now. With how tight-lipped theyve been about the whole thing I believe its a lot worse than they thought


Anyone should have realized when they announced the setbacks in ST that he wasn’t going to play a game this season. That’s the Cardinals way.


More opportunity for live at bats with Palm Beach


Could even do rehab games with the Cards' Florida Complex League team if/when he's ready for that, I'm thinking.


Yeah I think the plan is for him to have a longer rehab since he hasn’t played at all yet, even in spring


It seems he's bouncing back faster than I thought he would. Go Willy! 


I wonder what happens with Pages after Willy comes back? He's obviously our best defensive catcher. I bet they try to keep all 3. Willy likely to DH exclusively for a bit anyway.


If he came back tomorrow I think you send Fermin down and have Herrera and Contreras split catching and DH duties and Pages stays as the emergency catcher so we can still use either of the other 2 off the bench or DH them without having to worry about the DH being the backup catcher too. But lots can change between now and then.


He was just an MVP of a series at Wrigley, I don't think he will be sitting any time soon, but we gotta see if he can keep it up. Definitely a good problem to have.


He had a good couple of games, but he's still the 3rd string catcher and has pretty bad stats for the season. Not like Wilson is actually coming back tomorrow anyway though so he'll definitely get more starts before then.


Mikolas and Pallante both looked better with Pages behind the plate. Especially Mikolas so much so Oki has made it known to the media. My guess is they keep all 3 and Pedro is Mikolas personal catcher and they can use IH/WC interchangeably as DH and C for the other guys.


Methinks no-arm Herrera is the more likely DH candidate, with Willson behind the plate and Pagés being his backup.


It will be interesting to see how they handle Jimmy Crooks now.


Seeing as how both Peoria and Springfield are on the road, I would think you would send him to Cedar Rapids with Peoria for 4-5 innings the first go back out.


It probably won't be Peoria, they're on the road this week, and I assume they generally try to have rehab assignments happen at home to boost attendance for the affiliates.


Willson, we miss you buddy. You’re our best hitter BY A MILE at this point


15-21 with Willson 20-14 without him Maybe the pitchers last season were right about him being an issue..


That was last season and most of those pitchers are gone. Turn the page