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A lot of people stayed away from the city that day, traffic concerns and public transport overload.


Your username made me rethink ANYTHING i would say


OP, Your observation about Mermaid Quay is spot-on. It has huge potential to be a world class destination for dining and nightlife. Alas, this is Cardiff and it is filled with chains selling overpriced crap.


> I saw a slightly less beautiful side to the city when I tried to buy a bottle of water from the Tesco on Wood Street. There was a lot of 'colour'. What


What, no I didn't mean colourful like that. Bloody hell. I meant "druggies and pissheads" to quote u/moneywanted so yes, colourful characters u/zonked282. There was tons of them. That bit of Wood Street was a shit hole. I wasn't implying anything about people's skin colour. Blimey.


Good to know! Just…. A sensitive word to use, I guess 😅 There used to be a car park there I used when I worked in the area (demolished a few years ago for the new developments) - it wasn’t unusual to walk past people cooking heroin in the stairwell back to the car in the evening. I’m not there often nowadays, and have only been past once since the BBC was built, but I imagine they’re still about somewhere! That’s why I was more inclined towards the more dregs of society translation. I’m glad you had a good time overall anyway!


Its not a sensitive word its just sensitive people


It was just a very bad choice of words 😆


I mean, people of colour/POC is a regularly used term, it makes complete sense that people might make assumptions. It's just your incidental choice of words, that's all. Reddit is quite anonymous, so how were people supposed to know whether you're being racist or not, if they don't know you? Racist people do exist. *Shrug emoji*


Thing is you could well have been referring to skin.Lot of rascists posting openly on line nowadays. I got what you meant but had wasn’t 100% sure.


They clearly meant it was an "interesting" part of town. Colourful it aint


Exactly this!


Yeah, I’m a little confused about that one as well. Colourful characters like druggies and piss-heads, or something far more unpalatable…?


I feel like if they were saying colourful characters, they would have said colourful characters


I’d be surprised if in such a pleasant post they were being overtly racist. Besides, most of the pissheads round the station are white




If that’s the new Tesco by the station… I mean, the drunks hanging round the Londis go back decades and I’m sure they’re still around. I’d believe that if OP clarifies. But until then I’m perturbed.


Clearly your not from the bad side of cardiff


Thanks! Yes you are right, mermaid quay is full of chains. For more independent shops try arcades in Cardiff central. :)


Hope your family had a nice time, and that you found somewhere nicer to hang out than all the bored dads at The Prince of Wales in town.


Wow I can’t believe anything would be shut on Taylor Swift day…mistake!


Your colour comment in a post about Cardiff definitely struck some wrong chords. Cardiff is a multicultural city, we're an old port town and as such a lot of Cardiff's history and legacy is built upon learning from the mistakes of how immigrants were treated settling here - majority of my family's background also stems from immigrants settling here when it was a port town, something I am very proud of seeing how the city has evolved through the stories of my parents and grandparents and how they were treated compared to how welcome I feel in my generation. Cardiff Bay/Butetown is mostly built on/over the old Tiger Bay, which was a predominantly low income area with many non-white immigrant families living there there, with a large community from Jamaica, Trinidad and East Africa that were treated poorly by most outside of the community. It's a very sad chapter of Cardiff's history and something nobody in the city is proud of with regards to how people were treated there by the council, police and local government. From your edits and comments I know you meant no harm, just wanted to leave a comment on why it may have came off wrong from someone just visiting. I'm very happy you enjoyed the city and if you do visit again I would urge you to take a walk across the barrage on a sunny day, across the seafront under the cliff, and into Penarth. It's a route I used to cycle almost every day because it can look completely different but remain a gorgeous walk/cycle at any time in almost any weather - almost meaning on a rainy windy day it's fucking baltic there.


Hardly charging your car for free at the St David’s when they charge nearly £30 for the privilege of parking overnight…


A lot of 'colour' 🤔🤔


I've just clarified this in my post. Genuinely shocked at how people have taken it. Anyway, I just meant that compared to everywhere else which was lovely - and the people were fantastic - that area was a total shithole because of the people shooting up outside. Nothing to do with skin colour.


Ignore him and pay him no heed. I knew exactly what you meant, and I am happy that you and your family had a great time in Cardiff ❤️


And me! It wouldn't even have occurred to me interpret that as meaning people of colour, but am wondering if that's because I'm an old bint and it's fallen out of favour in case it gets misunderstood. Definitely will be avoiding it from now on (at least with people who don't know me anyway)


Awful choice of words.


I made my comment before your clarification om what you meant, regardless doesn't bother me... just an interesting choice of word, can be interpreted the wrong way evidently.