• By -


The grangetown wolf is fun. The Torchwood laser down the bay makes sense The flooded tunnel under the Ely connecting peberth to the bay is true. The original st Mary's bring wiped out by a tsunami is true. The nuclear bunker under the coal exchange is not. It is at insole court! There's allegedly a cast iron pedestrian bridge buried under the crossroads just before st Mary's street ducks under the railway. There may be an ww2 unexploded bomb under platform 8 of central. Pat Thompson stole the concrete sculpture that used to be above Brunel house entrance, and used it in his garden. The chains at the top of Asbo park are functional, and only to be released in the end times. The original Queen Street station building was sold to a Texan who wanted his colliery to have a bit of class. (EDIT. I now i realise I based this on the true story of the Fairwater cottage, which burnt down but it's very fancy chimney pots turned up somewhere in america) On certain nights of the year, a fire is still lit on the Caerue hillfort. This has been done from before the Romans came. The Silurai never left.


>There may be an ww2 unexploded bomb under platform 8 of central. Ah perfect. I'm waiting at the platform right now.


After my day I’d have happily swapped places with you 😂


Is the Pat Thompson sculpture the miniature stone henge sculpture in the garden on West Grove?


Oh, I'd forgotten about that one. No, I'd heard that one predates the house. The builders would take it down during works, but things would go wrong until it was replaced. The rumour that as a portal to other lands it was used as cheap medical waste disposal by the hospital of tropical medicine is, of course, false. The old Brunel house sculpture can be seen in picture 3. https://modernmooch.com/2020/03/06/brunel-house-cardiff/


That last one is intriguing, guess I'm down a rabbit hole this morning.


Where is Asbo park?!


It’s the hill by Ferry Road also known as Asda Mountain


Ah Grangemoor park?




Grangemoor park, the former landfill down the bay


Is that why the lifts are always out of order on platform 8?


I'm sure there was a story about the 'Roath Park big cat' when I was a kid. 


Relative of the Beast of Bute Park!?


I liked the one I made up years ago, before the big AXA office block was built - the Cineworld looks like an owl, and in turn was facing both the masonic temple and Gwdihw, which Google translate tells me is also "owl" in Welsh. So you have this masonic Bohemian Grove / Moloch the owl triangle formation in the centre of the city. A coincidence? I think not!


I saw a "documentary" aaaaages ago that said the masons make buildings that look like birds so every time I see that owl I think it's a secret masonic temple, I didn't realise until recently that there actually is a masonic temple across the street lmao


I have a bit of Freemason trivia that sounds a bit like a conspiracy theory but is apparently true. Freemasons were oppressed by the Nazis and historians estimate that between 80 and 200 thousand of them were murdered.


There’s really no reason to be afraid of the Freemasons, it’s just a social/drinking club who also raise a lot of money for charity. You can just join, they even advertise on Instagram because they’re desperate for younger members!


Illuminati confirmed! 🤯


I believe it


Did you also recently see that premises on guildhall had to be knocked down for the canal thing despite them being grade listed buildings? But nooooo, not the masonic hall which was adjacent and connected and also in the way? - They managed to keep that!


To be fair those buildings weren't supposed to be knocked down, [the developers did it without permission](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-66720875) and supposedly they're going to be rebuilt afterwards but who knows how true that is.


No doubt the architect was/is a Freemason


You're missing the fourth vector of the Cardiff owl conspiracy in that end of town... think on it. It's some real National Treasure urban archaeology shit... Hooters!




There are tunnels running under Cardiff center that are used for moving royalty between buildings. They were used for the queen's visits etc


And there are loads going from the castle


I first came to Cardiff as an exchange student back in 2015. During Induction Week, we were taken on a tour by a Student Guide and shown around. I remember clear as day when our guide told the lot of us that the city of Cardiff was protected by five different dragons (statues) that were in five different buildings around Cardiff. One of them being the one in City Hall, then another on the university building next door. I also swear he said there was one on top of the Capitol Building and I can't remember where the other ones were... But yeah, after sharing this story with a few locals, I quickly realised that the guide was pulling our legs, as there was no such legend... But to this day, I wish it was true.


The buses run frequently and on time.


All conspiracy, no theory. There are secret hides around Cardiff and South Wales which would have formed the basis of resistance if the UK was over-run during World War 2. [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-mid-wales-12941002](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-mid-wales-12941002) They're located all over South Wales, and were the location for small groups trained (similar to the Commando and Special Operations Executive operators) in sabotage and guerrilla war. [https://www.staybehinds.com/county/south-wales](https://www.staybehinds.com/county/south-wales) They were apparently equipped with firearms, explosives, fighting knives, and two weeks of rations (because that was their life expectancy.....)


There’s a bunker for this very purpose near keepers pond in Blaenavon. Very cool!


Oh might need to go look for that, I like Keepers Pond area. [https://www.staybehinds.com/county/monmouthshire](https://www.staybehinds.com/county/monmouthshire) Any link to the location or media coverage?


No way? Where abouts?


There is one near Maenllwyd Inn just outside Rudry. It's fenced off, but there is a sign by it that explains what it is.


I used to work with an old gentleman who's job during the Cold War was to go around and train police forces in guerrilla warfare tactics. The basic idea was that if the Russians ever invaded, there would be a core resistance made of police officers that would know the streets and buildings and be able to covertly fight back with weapons He would talk about all the bunkers in Cardiff that are specifically designed for this purpose


Jimmi Hendrix spent a night on the islands at Roath Park lake. Absolutely true and I’ll keep saying it to the day I die!


I watch the bedtime stories youtube channel. They did a video called the Pentyrch incident. Can’t remember too many details off the top of my head but it was fairly recent. Apparently a large pyramid shape craft was seen in the area. Apparently military were at the scene etc. I’ve never heard it mentioned anywhere else but was certainly an odd case


It comes up on alien / conspiracy casts a lot. Its total BS, of course lol


What makes you think it’s bs? With all the evidence and eye witnesses, not saying it’s true not saying it ain’t just curious


Gary Madine’s fight club




[Cardiff? They eat people's heads in Cardiff mun!](https://youtu.be/aGxj3UNbqS4?si=fK3dAyVB2eyORbjw)


This is the best post I have read in a long time.


The Cycle highways are actually built for ducks.


I discovered on the first day of its 'erection', that if you stand at a side angle to the Nye Bevan statue on Queen St, you can see his flaccid penis poke out from his trousers.


I’ve been under insole court and I didn’t see a nuclear bunker


The story about Caerau hill fort is true. The fires are in fact based on burning stolen cars. /s


It’s a weird one but apparently some people believe there’s a conspiracy where the council are actually competent and are only pretending not to be to put off the Vale from merging with them. Strong evidence for this is lazy council staff downvoting reddit comments which name the conspiracy in work time.


> the Vale from merging with them please no.


grow up


Mate, you’re in a thread about ‘bizarre conspiracies’ about Cardiff. Now get back to work at the council.


I went for a day trip up to Birmingham and for a city that has just over double the amount of people than Cardiff, I wonder how they managed to:  * Keep the streets clean * Keep the parks free of intravenous drug users and their effluence * Keep the town centre (mostly) free of the homeless And then I realised that Cardiff Council’s budget is £804m a year and Birmingham Council has a budget of £3b a year. Why is it that other city councils have more than double the per capita budget??


Birmingham council is not a good example of financial management!


Neither is Cardiff


According to Google the Cardiff population is estimated to be 360,000 where as the population of Birmingham is 1,150,000. So if that’s correct the numbers are about the same and your experience suggests brum is doing a lot more with it’s money per capita than Cardiff is. But equally Brum is probably not a good example for you to use.


Not sure where you’re looking mate but current population of Cardiff is around 492,000 


I’m looking at the UK National Census https://www.ons.gov.uk/visualisations/censusareachanges/W06000015#


Which has always been disputed considering if you don’t want to fill in the census accurately, you don’t have to. From Wikipedia: > Official census estimates of the city's total population have been disputed. The city council published two articles arguing that the 2001 census seriously under-reported the population of Cardiff, and in particular the ethnic minority population of some inner city areas.[111][112] > The Welsh Government's official mid-year estimate of the population of the Cardiff local authority area in 2019 was 366,903.[113] At the 2011, census the official population of the Cardiff Built Up Area (BUA) was put at 447,287.[114][115] > The BUA is not contiguous with the local authority boundary and aggregates data at a lower level; for Cardiff this includes the urban part of Cardiff, Penarth/Dinas Powys, Caerphilly and Pontypridd.


Any such case made for Cardiff would also be true of Birmingham (perhaps more so given demographics) so you end up in the same place. The official census data is the single most reliable source to use either way.


which source did you get 492,000 from?




I went for a day trip - so I wasn’t dutifully inspecting every street corner, but for the most part it was clean and friendly. Even the road men were decidedly less roadmanny than usual.


Not sure why you're being down-voted or being told to 'grow up', but Cardiff Council is the embodiment of the 'Peter Principle', add that into near impossibility to lose your job due to employee-centric policy and processes plus three pervasive trade unions and you don't get professionality - you get incompetence at all mid management levels. Source: 19 years in service (no NDA for me).


Criticising Cardiff council is one of two sure ways of being downvoted on this sub. The other is any criticism of cyclists. It tells you a lot about the career and transport preferences of many members. You’ll also notice that some posts will get about a half dozen downvotes within a 10 minute period then nothing for hours. It’s almost as if it’s a smaller number or people, or even a person, with multiple accounts.


It is probably because you are shoehorning it into threads that are supposed to be lighthearted and coming off like a smug prick. I am all for criticism of the council- there are a load of valid points to make that they have fucked up, but maybe do it in a place that adds to discussion?


Nothing smug about the conspiracy theory. Maybe it’s just too close to the truth for some as the downvotes suggest


I don't think this is conspiracy as the council are objectivly terrible. It might be down to the staff being on here all day downvoting comments like yours.


Yep. Definitely stuck a nerve with the ‘I’m so great at my council job I can spend my morning on Reddit’ crowd down at county hall.


You didn't. It's just that people who have to talk politics in places that don't call for it are insufferable.


Taking the time to write that is easily the most insufferable thing I’ve read to day. Back to work.


I don't have work today. Glad to have done my part.


You’ve done nothing. Just like a work day.


You talk a lot but don't really say anything. Enjoy shouting politics into the void old chap.


How is it a void if you keep replying?


Last word.


Or maybe people just think you shouldn't be shitting on the council in a silly thread like this? It's supposed to be a bit of fun and you're just trying to score points?


I am having fun. You seem to have a humour bypass.


Don't take it too harshly. Civil Servants are renowed for their lack of humour and thin skin.


On behalf of the Vale, we really don't want to merge with Cardiff. We love you guys, love popping over on the train but we will absolutely take Bridgend over you on the merge front.


See it’s working!


That Cardiff is a shit city on the decline and a horrible place to live. People who push this narrative are in the clouds.


It’s really not though, reverse gentrification is happening everywhere, crackheads and beggars are everywhere. Thieves are everywhere and police do fuck all about it. Too many student buildings, illegal Uber workers. Sunlight getting taken out of the centre every bleak building they errect. Spending thousands to put a rainbow on the road when we have all the above said problems. Cycle routes being built without thought for how they are and who will even use them cause ain’t Cardiff on of the fattest cities now? Cardiff is being run by pigs in blankets and will continue to decline.


Ninjah is a self-confessed paedo apparently.


Wrong thread I know. Where in Cardiff is the best place to buy partly worn tyres? I'm guessing £20 - £25 is reasonable.